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青海省水文站网规划现状评价与需求分析 被引量:1
作者 蔡宜晴 王淑芝 《陕西水利》 2014年第5期113-115,共3页
本文通过对青海水文站网密度及布局评价,分析站网规划建设中存在的问题,根据当前社会经济、水资源管理以及生态环境保护等对水文需求的新变化,表明优化完善水文站网是青海水文发展的当务之急,提出"稳大、优区、调小,结合水资源管... 本文通过对青海水文站网密度及布局评价,分析站网规划建设中存在的问题,根据当前社会经济、水资源管理以及生态环境保护等对水文需求的新变化,表明优化完善水文站网是青海水文发展的当务之急,提出"稳大、优区、调小,结合水资源管理、生态建设、民生水利等需求,适当增加布设水文站点"的站网规划调整新思路。 展开更多
关键词 站网评价 需求分析 水文站网规划
杭嘉湖平原水文站网合理布设及测验方法探讨 被引量:2
作者 程华华 孙志林 +1 位作者 孙淑萍 楼峰青 《人民长江》 北大核心 2010年第10期13-15,37,共4页
平原区河网组成复杂,科学合理地布设水文站网十分重要。通过对杭嘉湖平原区水文站网的评价和测验方法的分析,针对存在的问题,提出平原区水文站网的布设要综合考虑防洪排涝、流域治理、水资源管理、省界水量水质监控、水量平衡等因素的要... 平原区河网组成复杂,科学合理地布设水文站网十分重要。通过对杭嘉湖平原区水文站网的评价和测验方法的分析,针对存在的问题,提出平原区水文站网的布设要综合考虑防洪排涝、流域治理、水资源管理、省界水量水质监控、水量平衡等因素的要求;水量监测采用单一流量站、基点站流量与水文巡测相结合的方式。多普勒流速测流方法在多个受潮汐影响的河流得到成功应用,值得进一步推广。 展开更多
关键词 水文站网 测验方法 站网评价 多普勒测流 杭嘉湖平原
汉江流域水文站网优化调整与管理机制研究 被引量:4
作者 周文静 蒋四维 《水利水电快报》 2021年第8期12-15,共4页
为了全面提升汉江流域水资源管理水平,提高水文预警能力,以适应汉江流域最严格的水资源管理、防汛抗旱、水资源管理调度的需要,在分析汉江流域已有水文站网的基础上,统筹流域防汛、水资源开发利用和最严格的水资源管理及南水北调中线工... 为了全面提升汉江流域水资源管理水平,提高水文预警能力,以适应汉江流域最严格的水资源管理、防汛抗旱、水资源管理调度的需要,在分析汉江流域已有水文站网的基础上,统筹流域防汛、水资源开发利用和最严格的水资源管理及南水北调中线工程等需求,参照世界气象组织(WMO)有关“容许最稀站网”指标对现有水文站网进行了评价,并对当前流域水文管理机制开展了探讨研究。结果表明:汉江流域水文站网基本满足流域防汛抗旱、水资源管理的需要,但部分站点分布不合理,仍需优化调整。 展开更多
关键词 水文站网 站网评价 优化调整 管理机制 汉江流域
丽江市水文站网布设研究 被引量:3
作者 杨建东 《人民长江》 北大核心 2017年第B06期97-100,共4页
以丽江市水文水资源局管辖的流域为研究区域(不含长江干流各水文站),以丽江市现有的水文站、水位站、雨量站、蒸发站、泥沙站、水质监测站以及地下水观测井为研究对象,依据《水文站网规划技术导则》和世界气象组织推荐的容许最稀站网密... 以丽江市水文水资源局管辖的流域为研究区域(不含长江干流各水文站),以丽江市现有的水文站、水位站、雨量站、蒸发站、泥沙站、水质监测站以及地下水观测井为研究对象,依据《水文站网规划技术导则》和世界气象组织推荐的容许最稀站网密度指标,通过计算站网密度和水利工程影响程度2个指标,来分析站网的布设情况。分析结果表明:丽江市的水文站网密度低,受水利工程的影响大。根据分析结果,对丽江市的站网布设提出了建设性的意见;同时针对6个国家基本水文站受水利工程的影响程度,分别提出了相应的措施和调整方案。 展开更多
关键词 水文站网布设 站网布设评价 优化调整 丽江市
Ground Motion and Site Effects on Performance-Based Design
作者 Antonio Ferraro Salvatore Grasso Michele Maugeri 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第7期34-41,共8页
The objective of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) is the analysis of performance objectives with a specified annual probability of exceedance. Increasingly undesirable performance is caused by increas... The objective of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) is the analysis of performance objectives with a specified annual probability of exceedance. Increasingly undesirable performance is caused by increasing levels of strong ground motion having decreasing annual probabilities of exceedance. The development of this methodology includes three steps: (1) evaluation of the distribution of ground motion at a site; (2) evaluation of the distribution of system response; (3) evaluation of the probability of exceeding decision variables within a given time period, given appropriate damage measures. The work has taken a systematic approach to determine the impact of increasing levels of detail in site characterization on the accuracy of ground motion and site effects predictions. Complementary studies have investigated the use of the following models for evaluating site effects: (1) amplification factors defined on the basis of generalized site categories, (2) one-dimensional ground response analysis, and (3) two-dimensional ground response analysis for surface topography on ground motion. The paper provides a brief synthesis of ground motion and site effects analysis procedures within a Performance-Based Design framework. It focuses about the influence on the evaluation of site effects in some active regions by different shear waves velocity measurements Down Hole (D-H), Cross Hole (C-H), Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test (SDMT) and by different variation of shear modulus and damping ratio with strain level and depth from different laboratory dynamic tests for soil characterization: Resonant Column Test (RCT), Cyclic Loading Torsional Shear Test (CLTST). 展开更多
关键词 Site effects Performance Based Design (PBD) ground motion soil non-linearity seismic response analysis
Geometric precision evaluation methodology of multiple reference station network algorithms
作者 李显 吴美平 +1 位作者 张开东 黄杨明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期134-141,共8页
To evaluate the performance of real time kinematic (RTK) network algorithms without applying actual measurements, a new method called geometric precision evaluation methodology (GPEM) based on covariance analysis was ... To evaluate the performance of real time kinematic (RTK) network algorithms without applying actual measurements, a new method called geometric precision evaluation methodology (GPEM) based on covariance analysis was presented. Three types of multiple reference station interpolation algorithms, including partial derivation algorithm (PDA), linear interpolation algorithms (LIA) and least squares condition (LSC) were discussed and analyzed. The geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) was defined to describe the influence of the network geometry on the interpolation precision, and the different GDOP expressions of above-mentioned algorithms were deduced. In order to compare geometric precision characteristics among different multiple reference station network algorithms, a simulation was conducted, and the GDOP contours of these algorithms were enumerated. Finally, to confirm the validation of GPEM, an experiment was conducted using data from Unite State Continuously Operating Reference Stations (US-CORS), and the precision performances were calculated according to the real test data and GPEM, respectively. The results show that GPEM generates very accurate estimation of the performance compared to the real data test. 展开更多
关键词 network DGPS algorithms geometric precision evaluation covariance analysis partial derivation algorithm linearinterpolation algorithm least squares collocation
A Case Study on the Utilization of Wind Energy Potential on Remote and Isolated Small Wastewater Plants 被引量:1
作者 Joao Femando Pereira Gomes Pedro Manuel Saraiva Cardoso 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第4期554-560,共7页
Small WWTP (wastewater treatment plants) are frequently located, by necessity, in remote and isolated sites, which increases the difficulty of its energy supply. This paper describes a case study which is a step by ... Small WWTP (wastewater treatment plants) are frequently located, by necessity, in remote and isolated sites, which increases the difficulty of its energy supply. This paper describes a case study which is a step by step procedure concerning the evaluation of the wind potential of sites that are dependent of in-situ energy generation, as well as, on the utilization of the potential wind energy in Magoito WWTP. The adopted methodology comprised the collection of one year of in-situ wind data and its validation by comparison with historical data of more than 10 years of a nearby anemometric station. The data provided by the two anemometric stations was statistically treated and allowed the analysis of the results from the two stations. These results are promising in terms of wind availability and velocity. Finally, the study comprised the simulation of the local wind conditions for a considerable larger area in order to find the best site for locating a wind turbine. 展开更多
关键词 Wind energy waste water treatment plants wind potential.
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