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作者 赵楠 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第12期171-174,共4页
国庆长假刚过,诺伟司国际便瞬间进入紧张忙碌的状态。一年一度的“世界鸡蛋日”主题活动要开始了。他们在接下来的2个月内将在山东、四川、辽宁举行3场世界鸡蛋日活动,为孩子增添营养、送上温暖,并传播“小鸡蛋,大营养”的理念。“世界... 国庆长假刚过,诺伟司国际便瞬间进入紧张忙碌的状态。一年一度的“世界鸡蛋日”主题活动要开始了。他们在接下来的2个月内将在山东、四川、辽宁举行3场世界鸡蛋日活动,为孩子增添营养、送上温暖,并传播“小鸡蛋,大营养”的理念。“世界鸡蛋日”(国际上一般称为“世界蛋品日”)是由世界蛋品协会于1999年确定的行业节日,定于每年十月的第二个星期五,旨在促进世界蛋品业发展。 展开更多
关键词 蛋品 鸡蛋 童行
童行平安路 交通安全城漫游记 第四站:未来交通馆
《道路交通管理》 2019年第10期72-73,共2页
最后一站是未来交通馆,它是交通安全城里面积最大的场馆,在一幢三层楼高的建筑里。在这个漫天繁星的未来交通馆内,路路和小伙伴们感觉来到了一个梦幻世界。路路和小伙伴们穿戴上了工作人员配发的特殊装备,坐上了一艘特别的宇宙飞船。讲... 最后一站是未来交通馆,它是交通安全城里面积最大的场馆,在一幢三层楼高的建筑里。在这个漫天繁星的未来交通馆内,路路和小伙伴们感觉来到了一个梦幻世界。路路和小伙伴们穿戴上了工作人员配发的特殊装备,坐上了一艘特别的宇宙飞船。讲解员让大家系上安全带,抓好扶手。飞船准备启动.突然,一阵气雾从飞船船口喷射而出,各种场景在船两边的幕布上瞬间切换。飞船进入了一个科幻感十足的世界。 展开更多
关键词 童行 飞船
《道路交通管理》 2019年第8期70-71,共2页
关键词 童行
《道路交通管理》 2019年第9期72-73,共2页
关键词 童行
《道路交通管理》 2019年第6期59-60,共2页
关键词 童行
中国佛教童行制度的特色与异化反思——以唐宋时期为重点 被引量:1
作者 乔佳 《世界宗教文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期112-118,共7页
童行是中国佛教十分重要的伦理制度,在佛教选拔僧才、培养僧格层面具有不可忽视的作用,且在历史发展过程中形成了较为鲜明稳固的制度特色,即童行选拔的严格性、度僧考核的规范性及行事规矩的伦理性。宋代以降,童行制度出现严重的异化现... 童行是中国佛教十分重要的伦理制度,在佛教选拔僧才、培养僧格层面具有不可忽视的作用,且在历史发展过程中形成了较为鲜明稳固的制度特色,即童行选拔的严格性、度僧考核的规范性及行事规矩的伦理性。宋代以降,童行制度出现严重的异化现象,并导致僧团素质的下降,其原因在于童行出家年龄标准的差异化、童行出家功利化的价值取向、童行试经制度的内在影响,其中功利化的价值取向是根本因素。 展开更多
关键词 中国佛教 童行 伦理 制度
宋代试经剃度制度述略 被引量:1
作者 朱正胜 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第8期119-121,共3页
宋代世俗政权实现了对佛教的严密控制,并使之朝着有利于统治的方向发展,其中试经剃度制度最具代表性。通过试经剃度中的敬业测试和一整套复杂的手续,包括系帐、审查、考试、受戒等等,完全而且有效地控制了僧侣的数量、构成以及部分宗教... 宋代世俗政权实现了对佛教的严密控制,并使之朝着有利于统治的方向发展,其中试经剃度制度最具代表性。通过试经剃度中的敬业测试和一整套复杂的手续,包括系帐、审查、考试、受戒等等,完全而且有效地控制了僧侣的数量、构成以及部分宗教活动,从而实现了政权对教权的控制,也影响到了佛教在中国的发展。 展开更多
关键词 试经 剃度 僧尼 童行
唐代佛教度僧制度探讨 被引量:7
作者 明杰 《佛学研究》 2003年第0期179-192,共14页
在考察唐代佛教时,人们往往被其繁荣的景象所吸引,很少有人将视角触及唐代政权对佛教的态度,以及王权对佛教的管理与影响。实则唐王朝对佛教的态度是非常复杂的,这里有政治、经济、文化、外交的种种因素在内。由于佛教的发展,引起了统... 在考察唐代佛教时,人们往往被其繁荣的景象所吸引,很少有人将视角触及唐代政权对佛教的态度,以及王权对佛教的管理与影响。实则唐王朝对佛教的态度是非常复杂的,这里有政治、经济、文化、外交的种种因素在内。由于佛教的发展,引起了统治者对佛教的管理与限制。在统一的中央集权的国家之中,佛教的各方面事务都与政府相关联。其中,度僧事务中所体现的政府行为尤为突出。本文通过相关佛教文献和正史资料,对唐代佛教度僧制度略做梳理,希望为现代佛教僧团的建设提供借鉴和参考,并引起人们重新认识佛教度僧的重要性。全文从建立度僧制度的原因、度僧制度的形式、度僧制度的意义与特点等几个方面来论述。 展开更多
关键词 度僧 童行 试经 进纳 特恩
作者 朱正胜 吴广伟 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2010年第1期224-225,共2页
宋代世俗政权实现了对佛教的严密控制,并使之朝着有利于统治的方向发展,其中试经剃度制度最具代表性。通过试经剃度中的敬业测试和一整套复杂的手续,包括系帐、审查、考试、受戒等等,完全而且有效的控制了僧侣的数量和构成以及部分宗教... 宋代世俗政权实现了对佛教的严密控制,并使之朝着有利于统治的方向发展,其中试经剃度制度最具代表性。通过试经剃度中的敬业测试和一整套复杂的手续,包括系帐、审查、考试、受戒等等,完全而且有效的控制了僧侣的数量和构成以及部分宗教活动,实现了政权对教权的控制,也影响到了佛教在中国的发展。 展开更多
关键词 试经 剃度 僧尼 童行
读唐代家书札记二则 被引量:1
作者 朱海 《魏晋南北朝隋唐史资料》 2006年第1期133-145,共13页
唐代家书保留至今者约有书、序、启、帖、状等数种型制,具有较高的史料价值。这些篇目散存于各类典籍,今采撷点滴,草成札记二则,就事论事而已有关中国古代及唐代尺牍、书信文体演变等诸种情形可参邓绍基、李玫先生《尺牍文略论》;吴丽... 唐代家书保留至今者约有书、序、启、帖、状等数种型制,具有较高的史料价值。这些篇目散存于各类典籍,今采撷点滴,草成札记二则,就事论事而已有关中国古代及唐代尺牍、书信文体演变等诸种情形可参邓绍基、李玫先生《尺牍文略论》;吴丽娱先生《中古书仪的型制变迁与社会转型》;赵和平先生《中国家书的源流体例和格式》以及吴丽娱先生《唐礼摭遗——中古书仪研究》和周一良、赵和平先生《唐五代书仪研究》、赵和平先生《敦煌写本书仪研究》等相关内容,兹不多论。 展开更多
关键词 良价 赵义 阿郎 家书 童行 李贺 阿斯塔那 阿兄 阿嫂
作者 张一夫 《纺织报告》 2017年第2期46-51,共6页
孕婴童行业是一条庞大的产业链,中国每年的婴童消费至少在2万亿元,其实这个数据还在逐年增长,产业链条涉及的其它行业的关联市场价值无疑也是天文数字。目前中国0-12岁的婴童人数高达2亿人,市场前景不可限,尤其是二胎政策全面开放以后,... 孕婴童行业是一条庞大的产业链,中国每年的婴童消费至少在2万亿元,其实这个数据还在逐年增长,产业链条涉及的其它行业的关联市场价值无疑也是天文数字。目前中国0-12岁的婴童人数高达2亿人,市场前景不可限,尤其是二胎政策全面开放以后,中国未来几年预计平均每年将有2500万新生儿,这样给本来就处于增长期的中国婴童市场带来了更大动力。目前内地儿童消费平均超出家庭总支出的30%,那么目前发生的社会转型、产业转型、 展开更多
关键词 婴童产业 业态 婴童产品 购物中心 消费理念 销售渠道 分销渠道 儿童 童行 母婴 商业模式 品牌商 童装 服装
Parental perceptions of the effects of exercise on behavior in children and adolescents with ADHD 被引量:2
作者 Jennifer I.Gapin Jennifer L.Etnier 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第4期320-325,共6页
Background: Anecdotally, parents often report that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who engage in regular physical activity (PA) experience positive behavioral changes. The purpose of... Background: Anecdotally, parents often report that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who engage in regular physical activity (PA) experience positive behavioral changes. The purpose of this study was to examine this anecdotal relationship to provide preliminary evidence relevant to the potential benefits of PA on ADHD symptoms. Methods: Parents (n = 68) of children diagnosed with ADHD completed an lnternet survey assessing perceptions of how PA influences their child's symptoms. Results: A significantly greater percentage of parents reported that regular PA positively impacted symptoms. However, there were no uniform effects for all types of ADHD symptoms. The results indicate that there may be more positive benefits for symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity than for those of impulsivity. Conclusion: This is the first study to empirically document parents' perceptions of how PA influences ADHD and suggests that PA can be a viable strategy for reducing symptoms. PA may have greater benefits for specific symptoms of ADHD, providing critical information for developing PA interventions for children and adolescents. 展开更多
关键词 Attention deficit BEHAVIOR PEDIATRICS Physical activity
A pediatric non-protein losing Menetrier's disease successfully treated with octreotide long acting release 被引量:7
作者 Giovanni Di Nardo Salvatore Oliva +4 位作者 Marina Aloi Federica Ferrari Simone Frediani Adriana Marcheggiano Salvatore Cucchiara 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第21期2727-2729,共3页
Pediatric Menetrier's disease (MD) is an uncommon, acute, self-limited hypertrophic gastropathy characterized by enlarged gastric folds associated with epithelial hyperplasia and usually accompanied by protein los... Pediatric Menetrier's disease (MD) is an uncommon, acute, self-limited hypertrophic gastropathy characterized by enlarged gastric folds associated with epithelial hyperplasia and usually accompanied by protein losing gastropathy. Gastric cytomegalovirus infection is found in one third of MD children and its treatment is often associated with remission. Diagnosis often requires fullthickness biopsy due to inability to detect typical histological findings with conventional endoscopic biopsy. We report an uncommon case of non self-limited pediatric MD needing endoscopic mucosal resection for diagnosis which was then successfully treated with octreotide long-acting release (LAR). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first pediatric MD case successfully treated with octreotide LAR. Our experience suggests octreotide LAR as treatment for refractory MD before gastrectomy. 展开更多
关键词 Menetrier’s disease Octreotide Endoscopic mucosal resection Children
Correlation analyses of covering and righting behaviors to fitness related traits of the sea urchin Glyptocidaris crenularis in different environmental conditions
作者 魏静 张立胜 +3 位作者 赵冲 封文萍 孙平 常亚青 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1183-1190,共8页
Complex marine benthic environments shape a number of ecologically important behaviors in sea urchins, including covering and righting behaviors. The present study correlated covering and righting behaviors to a serie... Complex marine benthic environments shape a number of ecologically important behaviors in sea urchins, including covering and righting behaviors. The present study correlated covering and righting behaviors to a series of fi tness-related traits in sea urchins. Righting response time of Glyptocidaris crenularis was signifi cantly positively correlated with body size, but signifi cantly negatively correlated with food consumption. Covering behavior was not signifi cantly correlated with test diameter, test height or body weight, but covering response time was negatively correlated with body weight. A signifi cantly negative correlation was found between righting response time and covering response time. Glyptocidaris crenularis showed a signifi cantly positive correlation in covering response time with and without exposure to poured sand, but no signifi cance in covering ability(number of shells used to cover). The present study provides new insight into internal mechanisms and evolutionary drives of covering and righting behaviors of sea urchins. 展开更多
关键词 Glyptocidaris crenularis sea urchin covering behavior righting behavior fitness
Children's Problem Behaviors During Free Time as an Incentive for the Increase in Social Risks and Health Risks
作者 Justyna Modrzejewska Jolanta Walaszek-Latacz 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期553-561,共9页
Since children, as a rule, have more free time than adults, it is adults' responsibility to provide children with a chance to spend the time of relaxation, play, and fun in a beneficial way. Unfortunately, children'... Since children, as a rule, have more free time than adults, it is adults' responsibility to provide children with a chance to spend the time of relaxation, play, and fun in a beneficial way. Unfortunately, children's spare time is nowadays very frequently organized for the sake of brushing up children's knowledge, skills, and competences, which is accomplished by means of escalating extra-curriculum activities. When expressed by teacher and parents, these ambition-related attitudes pave the way for the disappearance of children's personal interests and motivations to perform complicated tasks which are perceived as unwanted or obscure by the affected children themselves. This form of adults' behavior may lead to the feelings of frustration, stress, demotivation, or rebellion on behalf of their children. The said emotional states, especially in relation to the lack of spontaneous play, give rise to serious psychic dysfunctions, and the instability of children's psychic balance. It may also pave the way for various forms of destructive behavior that mostly characterize children of younger school age who are about to start schooling. 展开更多
关键词 Problem behaviors stimulants of behavioral disorders destructive behaviors health risks and social risks free time
Chronic kidney disease in children and adolescents in Brunei Darussalam
作者 Shi Ying Tan Lin Naing +3 位作者 Aye Han Muhammad Abdul Mabood Khalil Vui Heng Chong Jackson Tan 《World Journal of Nephrology》 2016年第2期213-219,共7页
AIM: To determine epidemiology of Bruneian paediatric chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and factors that affect growth and progression of disease.METHODS: A cross-sectional study conducted on all children belo... AIM: To determine epidemiology of Bruneian paediatric chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and factors that affect growth and progression of disease.METHODS: A cross-sectional study conducted on all children below 18 years old who were diagnosed with CKD over a ten year period (2004 to 2013). The reference population was all children (〈 18 years old) suffering from CKD and attending the tertiary paediatric nephrology clinic in Brunei Darussalam. Demographic (current age, age of diagnosis, gender, ethnicity), anthropometric (weight and height), diagnosis, laboratory data (serum creatinine and haemoglobin, urinalysis) and blood pressure were extracted from the patients’ clinical case notes and recorded using a data collection form.RESULTS: The study revealed a high national prevalence [736 per million child population (pmcp)] and incidence (91 pcmp) of CKD. If CKD was defned at Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, the associated prevalence fgures were 736, 132, 83, 50 and 33 pmcp. Glomerulonephritis accounted for 69% of all prevalent cases, followed by congenital abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract (20%) and tubulointerstitial diseases (8%). Minimal change disease being the most common histological diagnosis. The median age of diagnosis was 4.5 years, with congenital disease patients experiencing an earlier onset of diagnosis. A large proportion of patients were below the 5% percentile for height and weight. Non-glomerular diseases, adolescent and female patients were significantly associated with poor growth, but not glomerular filtration rate, age of diagnosis or steroid usage. CONCLUSION: Brunei has a high prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the paediatric population with glome-rulonephritis being the most common disease. 展开更多
关键词 BRUNEI CHILDREN Adolsecent Chronic kidney disease EPIDEMIOLOGY
Child Upbringing and Delinquency: Implication for Societal Development in Nigeria
作者 Florence A. Undiyaundeye 《Sociology Study》 2013年第7期515-522,共8页
This paper investigated the influence of parental child upbringing styles and juvenile delinquency and the implication for societal development. A total number of 35 female and male delinquent inmates of Children Corr... This paper investigated the influence of parental child upbringing styles and juvenile delinquency and the implication for societal development. A total number of 35 female and male delinquent inmates of Children Correctional Centre in Cross River State and 35 female and male non-delinquents from a normal school aged from 12 years to 17 years took part in the study. The Child Rearing Questionnaire (CRQ) designed by the researcher was used for data collection. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Chi-square was used in testing the study hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The result of the data analysis showed that parental child-rearing style has a significant influence on the three aspects of dishonest behaviour, namely lying, stealing, and truancy, and parents' bonding with their children is also significant. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that parents should adopt more of authoritative child upbringing styles. Parents are expected to guide and modify the behaviour of their children to conform with the acceptable behaviours in society as well as participate in activities aimed at preventing crime or disorder being committed by their children. 展开更多
关键词 Parental child upbringing styles children delinquent behaviours parents
Preschool Child's Researching Interests and Role of Visual Art's Expressing Media
作者 Urgula Podobnik 《Sociology Study》 2014年第6期563-572,共10页
Genuine interest, research zeal, and visual art expressiveness which are typical of the pre-school period can pose a challenge to every teacher, at the same time, guide them when planning different contents for childr... Genuine interest, research zeal, and visual art expressiveness which are typical of the pre-school period can pose a challenge to every teacher, at the same time, guide them when planning different contents for children to explore and discover. As one of the primary expressing media and an important support when forming concepts, visual art plays an indispensable role in the pre-school period. The following thesis is based on an action research whose key tendencies were focused on establishing children's interests in different useful materials and tools while enabling them an autonomous visual art use of these tools and didactical possibilities of the teacher involved. The activities included in the research were fully in line with the Slovenian National Kindergarten Curriculum and the project was carried out in the form of several successive meetings intended for visual art creative activities. All activities in the research were photo-documented while the analysis of the research's data was performed based on observation and written notes referring to individual child's responses, his or her questions, ideas, and incentives, the course of cognitive and creative process, communication with the peers and teachers and other potential particularities. 展开更多
关键词 Preschool children researching interests visual art action research
Exploitation and Abuse of Children in "Entrepreneurial" Purposes
作者 Goran Kutnjak Matija Radovic Diana Blaskovic 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第10期891-899,共9页
The society of today often likes to brand itself as modem, advanced, civilized, or a society of positive changes. However, it is a fact that the world is confronted with huge contradictions that oppose such qualificat... The society of today often likes to brand itself as modem, advanced, civilized, or a society of positive changes. However, it is a fact that the world is confronted with huge contradictions that oppose such qualifications. Obviously, one of the most striking and almost unbelievable realities tells us about inhumane and uncivilized actions of child exploitation in "entrepreneurial" purposes in the widest range of exploitation and abuse. Current period of economic crisis tells us even more about the rising crisis of moral, which is, in statistical terms, confirmed by a rising number of exploited children in a global framework, and even in some national frameworks as well. With that, some positive results about the diminishing number of exploited children are devaluated. The question is what are the "limits" of such behavior of groups, organizations, and individuals whose behavior is, obviously, tolerated in the frameworks of certain national economies. Does this behavior have clarity as a part of modem society? Or, even more severe, for how long can we as a society close our eyes in front of such facts? Do we even have the right? In this paper, the authors strive towards focusing and objectifying the global problem of exploitation and abuse of children in "entrepreneurial" purposes, primarily with the purpose of updating all parts of the society of this paradox and the need of raising the awareness and teaching all relevant factors--from institutions to individuals, with the purpose of resolving and more neutralize the equivalents of this uncivilized and non-entrepreneurial "phenomenon", as well as approaching the same in the framework of different actions with broadest measures possible and with all disposable assets. 展开更多
作者 本刊编辑部 《齐鲁周刊》 2017年第47期6-10,共5页
11月22日晚,有十余名幼儿园家长反映北京市朝阳区管庄红黄蓝幼儿园新天地分园出现幼儿遭老师扎针、喂白色药片事件。此事迅速引起了诸多媒体的关注,携程亲子园虐童事件还历历在目,又一家上市公司级别的早教机构曝出了这样的丑闻。11月2... 11月22日晚,有十余名幼儿园家长反映北京市朝阳区管庄红黄蓝幼儿园新天地分园出现幼儿遭老师扎针、喂白色药片事件。此事迅速引起了诸多媒体的关注,携程亲子园虐童事件还历历在目,又一家上市公司级别的早教机构曝出了这样的丑闻。11月24日消息显示,北京警方正在根据家长反映情况进行调查取证。 展开更多
关键词 天地分 亲子园 管庄 携程 北京市朝阳区 药片 红黄 日晚 童行 老虎团
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