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战后日本开放性教员养成制度探究 被引量:1
作者 吴江 张秀阁 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2002年第3期86-88,共3页
第二次世界大战后 ,日本政府为了使经济能够得到迅速恢复和发展 ,对教育实施了一系列重大的改革措施。开放性教员养成制度即师资培养制度便是其中之一。开放性教员养成制度的提出、实施。
关键词 第二次大战 日本 开放性教员养成制度 师资培养制度 教师录用制度 教师教育
美国教育史显示的教育发展客观规律 被引量:7
作者 滕大春 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1995年第4期3-7,共5页
美国教育史显示的教育发展客观规律滕大春美国是教育大国,在教育民主化和教育科学化的道路上,都是快步向前的。其各级各类学校多属先进,社会教育和成人教育各有待色,普通文化科学基础教育与日俱新,学术教育和专业教育造诣颇深,教... 美国教育史显示的教育发展客观规律滕大春美国是教育大国,在教育民主化和教育科学化的道路上,都是快步向前的。其各级各类学校多属先进,社会教育和成人教育各有待色,普通文化科学基础教育与日俱新,学术教育和专业教育造诣颇深,教育管理领导不断改进、教育科学研究硕... 展开更多
关键词 教育发展 美国教育史 教育事业 客观规律 教育基金会 大学校长 第二次大战 英国移民 等教育 教育思想
英国怎样办好大学本科教育 被引量:6
作者 滕大春 《比较教育研究》 1982年第3期1-6,55,共7页
第二次大战后,一般国家都注意高等教育的发展,努力开发人力资源。不过,采取的政策各有不同。最明显的是:美国以民主原则为号召,尽量扩大高等院校的学生人数,争取大学群众化;英国则侧重保持质量,而不追求数量。有的统计说,1953年出生的... 第二次大战后,一般国家都注意高等教育的发展,努力开发人力资源。不过,采取的政策各有不同。最明显的是:美国以民主原则为号召,尽量扩大高等院校的学生人数,争取大学群众化;英国则侧重保持质量,而不追求数量。有的统计说,1953年出生的婴孩到1974年在全日制大学肄业者,美国为三分之一,加拿大为六分之一,澳大利亚为九分之一,英国和苏联为十二分之一。就欧洲国家相比,英国的比率居比利时、法国、希腊、瑞典诸国之下,在进行比较的欧洲十二个国家中,英国为第八位。而英国入大学而志在取得学位者为85%,加拿大则为66%,美国为50—60%,澳大利亚尚不足60%。因此,就大学生取得学士学位者的比率而言,英国则为世界第四位。很清楚,英国大学的本科教育具有“少而精”的特点。 英国大学本科教育为什么会取得良好成绩,它的发展趋势又将怎样,本文将从三个方面作一些初步分析和论证。 展开更多
关键词 大学本科教育 英国大学 内在逻辑 英国教育 大学教育 德国大学 学习自由 导师制 阿什比 第二次大战
《外国教育通史》结语 被引量:1
作者 滕大春 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1994年第3期1-10,共10页
《外国教育通史》结语滕大春《外国教育通史》共六卷,兹已完成。我们从古至今把人类教育的起源和演进。作了一番回顾、反思和探究。感觉这数千年以来,的确是步步向上,层层提高。在教育实践方面和教育认识方面。无不如此。人类在这悠... 《外国教育通史》结语滕大春《外国教育通史》共六卷,兹已完成。我们从古至今把人类教育的起源和演进。作了一番回顾、反思和探究。感觉这数千年以来,的确是步步向上,层层提高。在教育实践方面和教育认识方面。无不如此。人类在这悠久的岁月中,进行了为数无尽的教育创... 展开更多
关键词 外国教育 教育大众化 初等学校 教育科学 教育史 教育发展 教育民主化 十九世纪 教育方法 第二次大战
作者 杨存堂 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第1期172-173,共2页
评《美苏冷战史》杨存堂由我校历史系年轻教授白建才主编并合同系内6位青年教师集体撰写的《美苏冷战史》一书的出版,是我校学术研究的又一成果。我仔细阅读了这本书,以为是一本值得向读者评介的著作。即将过去的20世纪是人类历史... 评《美苏冷战史》杨存堂由我校历史系年轻教授白建才主编并合同系内6位青年教师集体撰写的《美苏冷战史》一书的出版,是我校学术研究的又一成果。我仔细阅读了这本书,以为是一本值得向读者评介的著作。即将过去的20世纪是人类历史上最值得研究和大书特书的世纪,极大... 展开更多
关键词 “冷战” 冷战史 美苏 国际关系 历史进程 陕西师范大学 资本主义与社会主义 两次世界大战 和平与发展 第二次大战
日本无条件投降秘闻 被引量:1
作者 卜息 《档案时空》 北大核心 2006年第3期10-12,1,共3页
德国法西斯灭亡后,盟军对日展开强大攻势,迫使日本天皇颁发《终战诏书》,但死硬的军国主义分子仍然用各种手段进行顽抗。读一读《日本无条件投降秘闻》,参阅本期写东条英机、冈村宁次等战犯的有关文章,你会知道,日本军国主义当时未及彻... 德国法西斯灭亡后,盟军对日展开强大攻势,迫使日本天皇颁发《终战诏书》,但死硬的军国主义分子仍然用各种手段进行顽抗。读一读《日本无条件投降秘闻》,参阅本期写东条英机、冈村宁次等战犯的有关文章,你会知道,日本军国主义当时未及彻底清除,我们要时刻警惕,防止它死灰复燃。 展开更多
关键词 无条件投降 靖国神社 甲级战犯 第二次大战 政治障碍 日本 《波次坦公告》
作者 祁忠武 《日本问题研究》 1992年第2期23-26,共4页
一、世界经济格局的变化与美国的地位下降 从资本主义的近代史看,由于世界经济发展不平衡规律的作用,世界经济格局从来都不是固定不变的。1860年英国在世界工业生产中占据第一位。因此英国被称为世界工业大国,取得了当时世界霸主的... 一、世界经济格局的变化与美国的地位下降 从资本主义的近代史看,由于世界经济发展不平衡规律的作用,世界经济格局从来都不是固定不变的。1860年英国在世界工业生产中占据第一位。因此英国被称为世界工业大国,取得了当时世界霸主的地位。从十九世纪美国代替了英国成为世界的霸主,成为了不可一世的金元帝国。这时,英国和法国经济实力虽然也在增长,但和美国相比是落后了,地位也下降了。第二次大战后,美国在一个相当长的历史时期,在世界经济中一直占据绝对优势地位。 展开更多
关键词 世界经济格局 日本 世界经济发展 第二次大战 不平衡规律 资本主义 工业生产 世界工业
作者 魏婷婷 《人力资源管理》 2017年第11期106-107,共2页
荷兰是于1938年在陪都重庆与中华民国政府建立外交关系,并1943年互设大使馆,1945年签署《中荷新约》。该条约结束了自1901年《辛丑条约》签订后数十年以来荷兰在华享受的治外法权及其他相关特权。这是中荷双边关系史上的重要转折点,开... 荷兰是于1938年在陪都重庆与中华民国政府建立外交关系,并1943年互设大使馆,1945年签署《中荷新约》。该条约结束了自1901年《辛丑条约》签订后数十年以来荷兰在华享受的治外法权及其他相关特权。这是中荷双边关系史上的重要转折点,开创了以平等互利为基础的现代中荷外交关系。 展开更多
关键词 荷兰 中荷关系 第二次大战 陪都
作者 梁伟丽 《教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期110-111,共2页
关键词 日本 第二次大战 道奇路线 经济发展 美国 财政经济
作者 吕欣良 《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 1991年第4期119-120,共2页
香港从第二次世界大战胜利至今有了举世瞩目的飞跃发展,成为亚洲“四小龙”之一.那么,它有着怎样的腾飞过程?又有着哪些内部因素和外部条件?它现在在亚洲以至世界经济活动中处于怎样的地位?它同祖国内地经济的发展又有着什么样的关系?... 香港从第二次世界大战胜利至今有了举世瞩目的飞跃发展,成为亚洲“四小龙”之一.那么,它有着怎样的腾飞过程?又有着哪些内部因素和外部条件?它现在在亚洲以至世界经济活动中处于怎样的地位?它同祖国内地经济的发展又有着什么样的关系?最近由三联书店(香港)有限公司出版的《香港概论》(杨奇主编),就对上述的有关问题作出了比较周详的介绍和论述.该书共40万字,内容丰富,脉络清晰,行文流畅,是近年有关香港研究中一部有份量的好书.本书令人瞩目地提出了“香港现象”的概念.“香港现象”是本书研究论述的核心,其内涵是“香港的经济成就和它所引起的巨大反响”.本书作者指出,香港是第二次大战后经济发展最快的地区之一.1947年以后四十年间。 展开更多
关键词 香港经济 入胜 自由港 飞跃发展 外贸 中国大陆 世界经济活动 生产总值 第二次大战 祖国大陆
作者 陈欣兰 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2011年第9期49-52,共4页
关键词 终身学习 20世纪60年代中期 联合国教科文组织 院校 视阈 台湾地区 第二次大战 终身教育
作者 哲兵 《科学社会主义》 1987年第1期51-53,共3页
关键词 社会主义建设 多样性 统一性 科学社会主义理论 社会主义国家 苏联共产党 第二次大战 马克思
作者 方耀申 《航空史研究》 1995年第2期34-37,共4页
关键词 博物馆 喷气式战斗机 活塞发动机 第二次大战 特技飞机 飞机公司 雪撬起落架 夜航战斗机 上海飞机制造厂 旅行者
作者 Denise Lash 王洋 《现代物业(新业主)》 2010年第10期90-91,共2页
关键词 第二次大战 生育高峰期 北美地区 持续增长
Transnational Mathematics and Movements: Shiingshen Chern, Hua Luogeng, and the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study from World War II to the Cold War 被引量:2
作者 Zuoyue Wang Guo Jinhai 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2019年第2期118-165,共48页
This paper reconstructs,based on American and Chinese primary sources,the visits of Chinese mathematicians Shiing-shen Chern陈省身(Chen Xingshen)and Hua Luogeng华罗庚(Loo-Keng Hua)4 to the Institute for Advanced Study... This paper reconstructs,based on American and Chinese primary sources,the visits of Chinese mathematicians Shiing-shen Chern陈省身(Chen Xingshen)and Hua Luogeng华罗庚(Loo-Keng Hua)4 to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in the United States in the 1940s,especially their interactions with Oswald Veblen and Hermann Weyl,two leading mathematicians at the IAS.It argues that Chern’s and Hua’s motivations and choices in regard to their transnational movements between China and the US were more nuanced and multifaceted than what is presented in existing accounts,and that socio-political factors combined with professional-personal ones to shape their decisions.The paper further uses their experiences to demonstrate the importance of transnational scientific interactions for the development of science in China,the US,and elsewhere in the twentieth century. 展开更多
关键词 Shiing-shen Chern Chen Xingshen Hua Luogeng Loo-Keng Hua Institute for Advanced Study Princeton Oswald Veblen Hermann Weyl J.Robert Oppenheimer mathematics transnational science China United States World War II Cold War
In the Labyrinth of Memory Cultural Representations About the Warsaw Rising of 1945 in Polish Film and Media Narration
作者 Elzbieta Wiacek 《History Research》 2012年第6期398-414,共17页
The Warsaw Uprising is one of the events key to understanding not only the history of Poland but also Central Europe and World War II. The Uprising shows that the war was not a simple fight of good against evil (as i... The Warsaw Uprising is one of the events key to understanding not only the history of Poland but also Central Europe and World War II. The Uprising shows that the war was not a simple fight of good against evil (as it often perceived in Western Europe) but that in fact three sides, each with different goals, were involved--two totalitarian systems and the world of Western democracies. Memory is a phenomenon that is directly related to the present; our perception of the past is always influenced by the present. The aim of the author's presentation is to examine how the collective memory of Polish people about the Warsaw Rising was changing. The author would argue that the remembrance of this event is situated between the communicative memory and cultural memory. To prove it, the author will examine two movies: Sewer (1956) by Andrzej Wajda, Eroica (1956) by Andrzej Munk, and the narrative exhibition of the Warsaw Rising Museum. 展开更多
关键词 the Warsaw Uprising communicative memory cultural memory museum NARRATION
The Palmanova Cantonments: Conservation, Value-Enhancement and Transformation for an Integrated and Overall Regeneration
作者 Maria Paola Gatti Giovanni Russo Luca Zecchin 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第6期559-570,共12页
Italian military real-estate is highly varied as regards its location, intended uses, its typological, stylistic, and constructive features and its state of conservation. What historical and documental value can we at... Italian military real-estate is highly varied as regards its location, intended uses, its typological, stylistic, and constructive features and its state of conservation. What historical and documental value can we attribute to the typological and technical aspects of military buildings? What problems and strategies have to be studied before such buildings can be repurposed for inclusion into a circuit of social and civil uses? Some attempts were made to answer these questions by analysing the military real estate of Palmanova, the fortress city founded by the Serenissima Republic of Venice in 1593, a city designed by engineers, military analysts, and expert military architects all answerable to the Fortifications Office of Venice. There are a number of barracks situated inside the city's fortified walls, within a somewhat confined area: Montezemolo, Isonzo, Ederle, Filzi, Montesanto and others in outlying villages. Barracks built in different periods (some during the Renaissance, others in the eighteenth century and some even after the Second World War) have been gradually phased out of service. Their restoration and functional leverage, in the early years of this century, were discussed in terms of an economic and cultural strategy that would not upset the city. New regeneration strategies are called for if these abandoned military structures are not to undergo further deterioration. These strategies should be based upon a knowledge of these structures' features--their layout, architecture, technologies--and should also embrace local policies, but first and foremost they require real, contextualized and economically sustainable projects. 展开更多
关键词 FORTRESS decommissioning SECURITIZATION value-enhancement CONSERVATION regeneration.
Capitalism, Internationalism, and Socialism in Times of Globalization
作者 Pedro Pinchas Geiger 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第4期286-300,共15页
This paper will mention Marxist propositions, presented since the mid-19th century, about capitalism, socialism, and internationalism. According to Marx, socialism would replace capitalism and internationalism would o... This paper will mention Marxist propositions, presented since the mid-19th century, about capitalism, socialism, and internationalism. According to Marx, socialism would replace capitalism and internationalism would occur through the dissolution of nation states. Later, Marxist circles presented a historical arrow in the form of 〉 capitalism 〉 socialism 〉 internationalism. Taking into account recent steps of globalization and measures imposed by national governments in the face of the deep financial crisis of 2008, it is interesting to compare the above theory with some historical events that have happened since the 19th century. Much has happened that Marx did not predict. Considering the world trajectory since the Second World War, it seems that the historical arrow has the form of 〉 capitalism 〉 internationalism 〉 hybridism of capitalism and socialism 〉? 展开更多
关键词 States Nations of a continental scale American hegemony GLOBALIZATION BRICS (Brazil Russia India China and South Korea) international institutions new classes new labor segments the arrow of history
Prospects of Deliberative Global Governance
作者 Mikko Rask Richard K. Worthington 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第4期556-565,共10页
Global governance is often equated with international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank that were established after World War II to address problems transcending national borders. While these ... Global governance is often equated with international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank that were established after World War II to address problems transcending national borders. While these institutions incorporate norms of representative democracy that evolved in national societies, their legitimacy is often questioned on grounds of limited effectiveness and remoteness from the citizens they purportedly serve. The arguments of many democratic theorists that deliberation among ordinary citizens can legitimize policies that heed these views thus bear important implications for global governance. In this paper, the possibility and different ways that civil society enhancing public participation, transparency and accountability in global governance are addressed. The empirical focus will be on the world's first global deliberation--WWViews (world wide views on global warming) that was held in 38 countries with all inhabited continents in 2009. The social drivers that encourage innovation in global democratic governance are analysed, as the main successes and challenges of WWViews and sketch three scenarios of the future of deliberative global governance are based on the experiences and plans around global citizen participation. The authors argue that despite some challenges, such as ensuring high quality of deliberation in highly variant policy cultural contexts and building policy pathways conducive to political impact, the prospects of deliberation in helping solve global environmental and policy problems are high, and likely to see cumulative progress in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 DELIBERATION global governance participatory technology assessment social movements future.
Transatlantic Cooperation During the Second World War: The First Stages of Economic Cooperation During the "Phoney War"
作者 Elisabeth du Reau 《History Research》 2016年第1期55-58,共4页
During the Second world war, the Franco-British cooperation included the organization of purchasing missions for airnautical material in the States. On 25 november 1939, a Franco-British agreement was set up to organi... During the Second world war, the Franco-British cooperation included the organization of purchasing missions for airnautical material in the States. On 25 november 1939, a Franco-British agreement was set up to organize two purchasing missions in the United States under the control of a "Liaison Committee" supervised by the Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau. Edouard Daladier, French Chief of Government, sent Ren6 Pleven to establish contacts with General Arnold (AirCorps). The Franco-British financial contribution facilitated a main spurt in investments which help modernize the American products apparatus. First contacts were established on April 1940, to be delivered in September. While France had not be able to benefit from significant part of these orders, Great Britain would take over some units that were originally allocated to France. These contracts would later facilitate the development of transatlantic cooperation. 展开更多
关键词 purchasing mission aeronautical material planes: bombers and fighters Liaison Committee solidarity economy tripartite negotiation actors (France United Kingdom United States)
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