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作者 丁乔 杨广林 +1 位作者 郭立国 晚春海 《农机化研究》 北大核心 1999年第2期32-35,共4页
推广高垄平台耕法,必须有相配套的农业机械.作者首先依据轮作及田间生产工艺,指出研制具有独立筑台功能机械的必要性。在成台机理分析中,作者按开沟器的形式与配置进行了说明,并指出了各自的优缺点.文章最后以两种机理成台类型,... 推广高垄平台耕法,必须有相配套的农业机械.作者首先依据轮作及田间生产工艺,指出研制具有独立筑台功能机械的必要性。在成台机理分析中,作者按开沟器的形式与配置进行了说明,并指出了各自的优缺点.文章最后以两种机理成台类型,分别就开沟深度与筑台高度间函数关系进行了分析计算。这个结论不仅为总体配置提供重要依据,而且为分析成台机理提供证明. 展开更多
关键词 机械筑台 机理 函数关系 埂机 开沟深度
作者 赵世来 徐辉 刘桂珍 《水利建设与管理》 2001年第6期61-62,共2页
由于黄河河床逐年淤积抬高,致使黄河'96.8'洪水流量不大,但水位表现高、洪水推进慢,滩区淹没面积大且时间长,使滩区群众的生命财产安全受到严重威胁。实施滩区村庄搬迁移民和滩区内修筑材台安置是从根本上解决滩区群众问题的有... 由于黄河河床逐年淤积抬高,致使黄河'96.8'洪水流量不大,但水位表现高、洪水推进慢,滩区淹没面积大且时间长,使滩区群众的生命财产安全受到严重威胁。实施滩区村庄搬迁移民和滩区内修筑材台安置是从根本上解决滩区群众问题的有效办法。一、山东黄河滩区概况 1.概况黄河自东明县进入山东省境内,流经菏泽、济宁、泰安、聊城、德州、济南、滨州、淄博、东营9个地市25个县(市、区)。 展开更多
关键词 黄河滩区 移民搬迁 村庄筑台 移民安置 避洪工程 山东 洪水
居丘、起坟与筑台 被引量:2
作者 萧红颜 《建筑师》 2006年第4期65-69,共5页
关键词 居丘 起坟 筑台
高邮人的筑台与古今防汛 被引量:1
作者 廖高明 《防灾博览》 2006年第2期20-20,共1页
高邮人有筑台御水的传统。 据明隆庆《高邮州老·建置志》记载:“秦并楚、(高邮)又居秦,始建台,置邮亭,名秦邮。”说明秦朝在建高邮亭时曾先筑高台,又因邮亭是建在高高的土台上,便被形象地称为“高邮亭”,且邮亭系秦所建... 高邮人有筑台御水的传统。 据明隆庆《高邮州老·建置志》记载:“秦并楚、(高邮)又居秦,始建台,置邮亭,名秦邮。”说明秦朝在建高邮亭时曾先筑高台,又因邮亭是建在高高的土台上,便被形象地称为“高邮亭”,且邮亭系秦所建,故后人又称高邮为“秦邮”。 展开更多
关键词 高邮人 筑台 防汛 邮亭
作者 王玉梅 杜之玫 +1 位作者 张晓东 杨晓明 《农机使用与维修》 2003年第3期10-11,共2页
一、设计基本要求 1.深松筑台播种机的农艺要求为了治理低湿地,我们打破以往的垄作(垄距为70cm),而采用了台田耕作(即两垄一平台,台距为140cm).台面宽为110cm,台高26~30cm,台上可播两行大豆或玉米等作物,行距为50cm,各种作物均采用带... 一、设计基本要求 1.深松筑台播种机的农艺要求为了治理低湿地,我们打破以往的垄作(垄距为70cm),而采用了台田耕作(即两垄一平台,台距为140cm).台面宽为110cm,台高26~30cm,台上可播两行大豆或玉米等作物,行距为50cm,各种作物均采用带状播种法,如图1所示. 展开更多
关键词 深松筑台播种机 应用 设计 作业技术 作业部件
筑台考略 被引量:1
作者 萧红颜 《建筑史》 2009年第1期111-125,共15页
关键词 筑台 源流 关联
作者 孙佑芳 蔡剑文 《中南水力发电》 2002年第3期1-2,共2页
关键词 顺堤筑台 隐患 灾民安置 防洪 安全隐患
基于高效输沙实现技术的淤筑村台示范研究 被引量:2
作者 苏立志 龚西城 +2 位作者 鲁详磊 李琳琪 张昊 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期39-46,96,共9页
在黄河下游滩区村台建设过程中,利用黄河泥沙淤筑村台,不但能提升黄河河道的行洪能力,将黄河泥沙资源化利用,还能帮助滩区居民躲避洪灾,改善滩区居民生活条件。为利用高浓度长距离输沙通道淤筑村台,开展"黄河下游河道与滩区治理研... 在黄河下游滩区村台建设过程中,利用黄河泥沙淤筑村台,不但能提升黄河河道的行洪能力,将黄河泥沙资源化利用,还能帮助滩区居民躲避洪灾,改善滩区居民生活条件。为利用高浓度长距离输沙通道淤筑村台,开展"黄河下游河道与滩区治理研究"项目多技术高效泥沙处置示范工程建设,在前人研究的基础上,基于张红武水力学及河流动力学理论体系,运用水流挟沙力等公式计算临界流速、阻力系数等,确定淤筑村台工程中动力系统、造浆系统和管道系统的关键技术参数,构建黄河不同粒径泥沙的长距离管道高效输沙参数计算方法。结果表明:结合工程实际的计算结果为管道高效输沙淤筑村台工程的设备布设等重要环节设计提供了技术支撑,淤筑村台工程良好的运行情景说明所选择的管径和输沙浓度是合适的,明显提高了工作效率,降低了工程成本。示范工程中泥沙水力粗度、含沙量等大量实测数据,均与前期理论计算结果颇为接近,从而在理论和实践上都表明,对于黄河床沙中的粗沙,可以实现长距离精准高效的管道高浓度输沙淤滩目标。 展开更多
关键词 滩区治理 管道高浓度输沙 计算方法 黄河
作者 刘洋 《住宅产业》 2024年第9期78-80,共3页
本文以深圳市第二十九高级中学工程项目为例,分析了建筑空间构成元素在校园设计中的运用。通过实地考察、数据统计和满意度调查等方法,重点探讨了穿廊、筑台、造园三大构成元素的设计策略及其实际效果。结果表明,三大元素的综合运用创... 本文以深圳市第二十九高级中学工程项目为例,分析了建筑空间构成元素在校园设计中的运用。通过实地考察、数据统计和满意度调查等方法,重点探讨了穿廊、筑台、造园三大构成元素的设计策略及其实际效果。结果表明,三大元素的综合运用创造了功能完善、景观优美、富有教育内涵的校园环境,受到了师生的广泛好评。由此得出结论,建筑空间构成元素是提升校园环境品质、塑造美好育人空间的关键要素,以期为未来校园设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 空间 构成元素 穿廊 筑台 造园
作者 马景超 何文龙 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2022年第5期36-39,共4页
针对黄河滩区淤筑村台含水量高、承载力低、稳定性差等问题进行了分析,提出台体沉降固结处理的办法。实践表明“井点降水法”加“强夯法”加快了台体沉降固结速度,节省了工程时间和资金,保证了整个工程的按期完成。这一研究成果为黄河... 针对黄河滩区淤筑村台含水量高、承载力低、稳定性差等问题进行了分析,提出台体沉降固结处理的办法。实践表明“井点降水法”加“强夯法”加快了台体沉降固结速度,节省了工程时间和资金,保证了整个工程的按期完成。这一研究成果为黄河滩区淤筑村台沉降固结施工提供依据,对以后的淤筑村台沉降有示范作用,也为类似工程建设提供经验参考并具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 黄河 沉降固结 研究与应用
黑龙江省西部盐碱地适生树种选择及造林技术研究 被引量:2
作者 曹志伟 张玉柱 +4 位作者 许成启 毕广有 王春 闫敦梁 高野 《防护林科技》 2008年第5期19-22,共4页
探讨了全面整地、筑台造林对盐碱土理化性质的改善作用,评价了10个参试造林树种的耐盐碱能力,确定了樟子松容器苗在黑龙江省西部低湿盐碱地的适生、忍耐和致死pH值和含盐量阖值分别为〈8.675、8.679—8.775、〉8.807和〈0.1008%... 探讨了全面整地、筑台造林对盐碱土理化性质的改善作用,评价了10个参试造林树种的耐盐碱能力,确定了樟子松容器苗在黑龙江省西部低湿盐碱地的适生、忍耐和致死pH值和含盐量阖值分别为〈8.675、8.679—8.775、〉8.807和〈0.1008%、0.1051%-0.1292%、〉0.1309%。 展开更多
关键词 盐碱地 筑台造林 树种选择
The Idea of "Architecture Stage": A Non-material Architecture Theory
作者 Yuke Ardhiati 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第10期1323-1328,共6页
The purpose of this study is to find "the new theory" in the process of having quality "form" in architecture field which is usually visualized by the ruler through his ideology of his architectural work which is ... The purpose of this study is to find "the new theory" in the process of having quality "form" in architecture field which is usually visualized by the ruler through his ideology of his architectural work which is created by his architects. The study is about an urban design in architectural field related with space-power-knowledge. To reveal the meaning of the architecture objects is need to analyze the architectural object "form" as the culture-material, and to reveal the meaning of the objects through the hidden things related to the presence of the metaphysical data. To find "the new theory" used "grounded theory research", the method is part of qualitative research which refers to Glaser and Strauss. The achievement study is finding the idea of"architecture stage" of the ruler, represented by Soekamo as the first Indonesian President. Through visual observation and spatial experiences in his several architectural works concerning the "Project's Lighthouse" as his architectural work in Jakarta in the 1960s the idea of connectedness was found. He composes his architecture's work by inserted the "architecture drama analogy" as metaphor for representing himself and his ideologist by exploring the Javanese Ancient's as the basic design in the modem architecture at that time the east meet west. 展开更多
关键词 "Architecture stage" grounded theory khora the ruler.
Laboratory Test Rig of a LHTES (Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage): Construction and First Experimental Results 被引量:1
作者 Georg Urschitz Heimo Walter Michael Hameter 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第11期1838-1847,共10页
The present experimental investigation covers the construction of a LHTES (latent heat thermal energy storage system), which uses NaNO_3 (sodium nitrate) as PCM (phase change material). The storage unit is fille... The present experimental investigation covers the construction of a LHTES (latent heat thermal energy storage system), which uses NaNO_3 (sodium nitrate) as PCM (phase change material). The storage unit is filled with 300 kg of the PCM. For the heat transfer, a vertically arranged bimetallic mono tube with longitudinal fins is used. The fins increase the heat flux into/from the PCM. Thermal oil is used as a heat transfer medium, as it allows working temperature up to 400 ℃. This thermal energy storage is able to store 60 kWh of thermal energy and can be loaded with a power up to 200 kW. One part of the investigation results presented in this paper was the determination of the storable energy and the comparison with data from literature and calculations. Additionally, the melting behavior of the PCM was measured with temperature sensors located at different positions over the height of the storage unit. Finally, the entrance of the heat transfer medium was changed from the top to the bottom of the thermal energy storage unit and a different melting behavior could be detected. 展开更多
关键词 LHTES Phase change material bimetallic mono tube longitudinal fins.
Seismic Retrofit of Masonry Buildings with Polymer Grid
作者 Marco Mezzi Alberto Dusi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第5期531-540,共10页
The performance of masonry walls reinforced using innovative polymer grids embedded into thin plaster layers as a tool for the seismic enhancement of brick masonry buildings has been investigated by experimental tests... The performance of masonry walls reinforced using innovative polymer grids embedded into thin plaster layers as a tool for the seismic enhancement of brick masonry buildings has been investigated by experimental tests. A number of diagonal compression, shear compression and out-of-plane tests were executed on sample panels; experimental activities included pseudo-dynamic and shaking table tests on infills and reduced scaled building mock-ups, respectively. The results of the experimental activities are presented and discussed. Experimental campaigns have been supported by theoretical and numerical investigations; based on the experimental data and on the results of detailed numerical simulations, simplified models for the design of the retrofitting intervention are hereinafter proposed. The models:, calibrated on the experimental evidence, properly consider the collapse mechanisms as well as the grid effect in the evolution of the above mentioned mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 Masonry buildings seismic enhancement polymer grid COST-EFFECTIVE kinematic analysis.
Comparison of Design Response Spectrum for Long Period Structures Based on Scenario Earthquakes
作者 Xu Dandan Lv Yuejun +1 位作者 Chen Yang Pan Long 《Earthquake Research in China》 2014年第3期403-412,共10页
Two kinds of determining methods for scenario earthquakes are presented in this paper,namely the weighted average method and maximum probability method. This paper briefly introduces the two methods,then taking a high... Two kinds of determining methods for scenario earthquakes are presented in this paper,namely the weighted average method and maximum probability method. This paper briefly introduces the two methods,then taking a high-rise building in the Yantai area as a case study,we use the weighted average method and maximum probability method to realize seismic hazard analysis, determine earthquake magnitude, the epicenter and specific space position,and then give two response spectrums of the two methods. By comparing the differences of response spectrums between the two methods,we find that the weighted average method is more suitable for long period structures,while considering long period safety. The maximum probability method is more suitable for short period structures. It is reasonable to choose a corresponding different method when the structures have different natural vibration periods. 展开更多
关键词 Long period Scenario earthquake Weighted average method Maximumprobability method Response spectrum
作者 多萝西·格雷厄姆 孟祥春(译) 《中国翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期142-143,共2页
关键词 造园 灵岩山 方寸之间 私园 筑台 长江流域
《中国乡村发现》 2017年第2期2-2,共1页
芙蓉古村地处浙江省永嘉县岩头镇,始建于唐代末年,为陈姓聚居之地。村中本无芙蓉,因其西南山上有三崖,赤白相映,状如芙蓉,因而得名。现在的芙蓉村,仍然保存着多年前的聚落面貌。村内按照'七星八斗'的思想进行规划设计,在道路交... 芙蓉古村地处浙江省永嘉县岩头镇,始建于唐代末年,为陈姓聚居之地。村中本无芙蓉,因其西南山上有三崖,赤白相映,状如芙蓉,因而得名。现在的芙蓉村,仍然保存着多年前的聚落面貌。村内按照'七星八斗'的思想进行规划设计,在道路交会点上筑台以为星,可传递信息和指挥联络。凿池作为斗,斗有高、中、低之分,高出地面三尺,象征天时、 展开更多
关键词 中本 永嘉县 规划设计 道路 筑台 联络 交会点 芙蓉 凿池
《中国电梯》 2006年第6期58-59,共2页
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