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简型层次分析法在眼科病床合理安排评价中的应用 被引量:4
作者 言方荣 《中国医院管理》 2010年第1期28-29,共2页
关键词 简型层次分析 比较矩阵 一致性指标
节简型包装设计初探 被引量:3
作者 周卉 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2009年第10期141-142,共2页
节简型包装设计,是节约材料、空间、结合简洁的现代设计出的可持续的包装设计。"节简"中的"节",指的是节材、节能;"节简"中的"简"指的是理念上的简洁主义;本文将从包装设计为线,讨论节简型包... 节简型包装设计,是节约材料、空间、结合简洁的现代设计出的可持续的包装设计。"节简"中的"节",指的是节材、节能;"节简"中的"简"指的是理念上的简洁主义;本文将从包装设计为线,讨论节简型包装设计的设计特点。 展开更多
关键词 节约 简约主义 简型包装设计
作者 林小棠 张延亮 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2019年第9期25-27,共3页
行最简形矩阵在线性代数课程中进行矩阵初等变换的重要形式,是求解矩阵或向量组的秩、逆矩阵、向量组的线性相关性和线性方程组的求解等方面的重要工具。结合线性代数求解行最简形矩阵的相关知识和结构化程序设计的编程思维,利用C语言... 行最简形矩阵在线性代数课程中进行矩阵初等变换的重要形式,是求解矩阵或向量组的秩、逆矩阵、向量组的线性相关性和线性方程组的求解等方面的重要工具。结合线性代数求解行最简形矩阵的相关知识和结构化程序设计的编程思维,利用C语言进行编程,提出了求解一个任意行和任意列的矩阵的行最简形的通用算法,通过算法的设计与实现有助于提高学生对行最简形矩阵概念的理解与运用。 展开更多
关键词 C语言 矩阵最简型 线性代数
筒型基础防波堤稳定性有限元数值分析 被引量:34
作者 肖忠 王元战 +2 位作者 及春宁 李元音 谢善文 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期119-125,共7页
筒型基础防波堤是一种新型港口与海岸工程结构,依靠下部筒型基础沉入土中维持结构稳定。结合实际工程,建立筒型基础防波堤稳定性分析的三维弹塑性有限元模型。根据筒型基础防波堤的结构特性,建议此种结构稳定性分析的4种判别标准,分别... 筒型基础防波堤是一种新型港口与海岸工程结构,依靠下部筒型基础沉入土中维持结构稳定。结合实际工程,建立筒型基础防波堤稳定性分析的三维弹塑性有限元模型。根据筒型基础防波堤的结构特性,建议此种结构稳定性分析的4种判别标准,分别为极限承载力判别标准、基于P-S曲线出现较明显拐点的判别标准、基于允许变位的判别标准和基于筒底脱离的临界点的判别标准。通过有限元分析结果得出各种判别标准下结构的安全系数。结果表明在设计波浪力以内,结构的位移很小,P-S曲线为线性,说明这种新型结构具有很好的稳定性。并且通过分析极限状态下结构位移场的分布,得出这种新型防波堤的失稳模式为绕基础筒底以下某点发生转动失稳。研究成果可为这种新型结构的稳定性分析提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 简型基础 防波堤 稳定性 判别标准 有限元模型
筒型基础海洋平台拖航研究—波浪影响分析 被引量:7
作者 丁红岩 刘建辉 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2009年第1期19-26,共8页
文章以锦州9-3筒型基础系缆平台为对象,在拖航速度、筒位置以及平台吃水深度一定的条件下,通过模型试验测定了平台在不同规则波浪中拖航时的平台运动加速度、筒内气压力、筒底水压力以及拖缆力,并对试验数据进行比较分析,用于研究波浪... 文章以锦州9-3筒型基础系缆平台为对象,在拖航速度、筒位置以及平台吃水深度一定的条件下,通过模型试验测定了平台在不同规则波浪中拖航时的平台运动加速度、筒内气压力、筒底水压力以及拖缆力,并对试验数据进行比较分析,用于研究波浪对筒型基础平台随浪、顶浪拖航时的影响分析。试验结果表明:筒型基础平台可在渤海水域十年一遇有义波高4.5m的巨浪中拖航,在波高2m以下,航速2节以内,随浪拖航与顶浪拖航均有较高的稳性以及耐波性;顶浪拖航平台的垂荡运动要比随浪拖航时剧烈,随浪拖航平台的稳性以及耐波性要优于顶浪拖航;平台在大浪中拖航时,随浪拖航容许航速要高于顶浪拖航容许航速。 展开更多
关键词 简型基础 气垫 拖航 规则波浪 模型试验
Operation optimization of prefabricated light modular radiant heating system:Thermal resistance analysis and numerical study
作者 LI Yao HU Ru-kun +4 位作者 XIN Li XUE Jie HUANG Fei XIA Jian-wei YANG Xiao-hu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1983-1997,共15页
The utilization of prefabricated light modular radiant heating system has demonstrated significant increases in heat transfer efficiency and energy conservation capabilities.Within prefabricated building construction,... The utilization of prefabricated light modular radiant heating system has demonstrated significant increases in heat transfer efficiency and energy conservation capabilities.Within prefabricated building construction,this new heating method presents an opportunity for the development of comprehensive facilities.The parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of such a system are the upper surface layer’s heat flux and temperature.In this paper,thermal resistance analysis calculation based on a simplified model for this unique radiant heating system analysis is presented with the heat transfer mechanism’s evaluation.The results obtained from thermal resistance analysis calculation and numerical simulation indicate that the thermal resistance analysis method is highly accurate with temperature discrepancies ranging from 0.44℃ to−0.44℃ and a heat flux discrepancy of less than 7.54%,which can meet the requirements of practical engineering applications,suggesting a foundation for the prefabricated radiant heating system. 展开更多
关键词 radiant heating system thermal resistance analysis simplified model numerical simulation heat flux temperatur
筒基平台气浮拖航倾斜角模型试验 被引量:3
作者 丁红岩 刘建辉 《天津大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期1345-1350,共6页
以锦州9-3筒型基础系缆平台为对象,在拖航速度、筒位置以及平台吃水深度一定的条件下,通过模型试验测定了筒型基础平台以不同倾斜角度随浪与顶浪拖航时的平台运动加速度、筒内气压力、筒底水压力以及拖缆力,并对试验数据进行比较分析,... 以锦州9-3筒型基础系缆平台为对象,在拖航速度、筒位置以及平台吃水深度一定的条件下,通过模型试验测定了筒型基础平台以不同倾斜角度随浪与顶浪拖航时的平台运动加速度、筒内气压力、筒底水压力以及拖缆力,并对试验数据进行比较分析,用于研究倾斜角对筒型基础平台随浪与顶浪拖航时基本力学参数的影响分析.试验结果表明,设置一定的倾斜角度,可明显降低筒型基础平台拖航时的摇摆以及升沉运动的幅度,且随浪拖航效果要优于顶浪拖航效果;采用设置倾斜角度的方法来提高筒型基础平台的拖航稳性是以显著增大拖缆力为代价的. 展开更多
关键词 海洋平台 简型基础 拖航 倾斜角 模型试验
Innovative approaches in high-speed railway bridge model simplification for enhanced computational efficiency
作者 ZHOU Wang-bao XIONG Li-jun +1 位作者 JIANG Li-zhong ZHONG Bu-fan 《Journal of Central South University》 CSCD 2024年第11期4203-4217,共15页
In the realm of high-speed railway bridge engineering,managing the intricacies of the track-bridge system model(TBSM)during seismic events remains a formidable challenge.This study pioneers an innovative approach by p... In the realm of high-speed railway bridge engineering,managing the intricacies of the track-bridge system model(TBSM)during seismic events remains a formidable challenge.This study pioneers an innovative approach by presenting a simplified bridge model(SBM)optimized for both computational efficiency and precise representation,a seminal contribution to the engineering design landscape.Central to this innovation is a novel model-updating methodology that synergistically melds artificial neural networks with an augmented particle swarm optimization.The neural networks adeptly map update parameters to seismic responses,while enhancements to the particle swarm algorithm’s inertial and learning weights lead to superior SBM parameter updates.Verification via a 4-span high-speed railway bridge revealed that the optimized SBM and TBSM exhibit a highly consistent structural natural period and seismic response,with errors controlled within 7%.Additionally,the computational efficiency improved by over 100%.Leveraging the peak displacement and shear force residuals from the seismic TBSM and SBM as optimization objectives,SBM parameters are adeptly revised.Furthermore,the incorporation of elastoplastic springs at the beam ends of the simplified model effectively captures the additional mass,stiffness,and constraint effects exerted by the track system on the bridge structure. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed railway bridge engineering track-bridge system model simplified bridge model artificial neural networks particle swarm optimization seismic analysis
作者 杜杰 丁红岩 +1 位作者 张浦阳 张超 《海洋技术》 2006年第2期99-102,共4页
筒型基础负压沉贯就位后,筒内表面土的沉降会使土层上部产生一层水膜。严重的水膜现象会影响到筒基平台的正常使用,为此专门设计本项试验来模拟筒内水膜形成的机理,并且提出了向筒内灌浆的方法解决水膜问题的方案。该试验通过配土、设... 筒型基础负压沉贯就位后,筒内表面土的沉降会使土层上部产生一层水膜。严重的水膜现象会影响到筒基平台的正常使用,为此专门设计本项试验来模拟筒内水膜形成的机理,并且提出了向筒内灌浆的方法解决水膜问题的方案。该试验通过配土、设计模型筒基、负压沉贯和筒内灌浆等操作过程,设置土槽、安装孔压传感器等实验手段,从土体破坏的角度,寻求负压沉贯过程中沉贯负压、沉贯阻力及孔隙水压力等因素对水膜形成的影响,试图探询水膜形成的规律,并且通过不同泥浆的灌浆试验来寻找有效解决水膜现象的方法。 展开更多
关键词 简型基础 水膜现象 配土 灌浆 试验设计
Q((-43)^(1/2))上的正定厄米特型的分类(英文) 被引量:1
作者 韩士安 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期28-36,共9页
关键词 简型 类数 么模格 正定厄米特型 整数环
A Simplified Model with Soil Water Limitation on Spring Wheat Growth 被引量:2
作者 郑海雷 米谷俊颜 黄子琛 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第5期512-517,共6页
The authors constructed a simplified model of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) carbon assimilation and dry matter accumulation (DMA) process which consisted of two independent variables, day length (L) and total... The authors constructed a simplified model of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) carbon assimilation and dry matter accumulation (DMA) process which consisted of two independent variables, day length (L) and total daily radiation (TDR). Leaf water potential (Ψ) was incorporated into the simplified growth model based on the assumption that both light use efficiency (α) and CO 2 conductance of assimilation (g c) were depressed by water limitation. Finally,Ψ was estimated from a regression equation in which the independent variables were relative soil water content in the upper 80 cm (θ R,80 ), ambient temperature (T a), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), the cumulative leaf water potential below thresholds of -1.5 MPa (Ψ c,1.5 ). Some applications in research program of field experiment of atmosphere_land surface processes in Heihe River region were tested. The simulated data agreed well with the data observed at Linze oasis in 1989 for various levels of water supply and at Zhangye oasis in 1992 in the field. The analysis and simulation using the model demonstrated that the simplified growth model could describe very well the DMA process of spring wheat with and without water limitation in the region of HEIFE (Heihe field experiment). 展开更多
关键词 spring wheat GROWTH simplified model water limitation
New Color-Difference Formula Based on CIECAM97s 被引量:1
作者 宦晖 李为 赵达尊 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第2期149-152,共4页
To deduce a new color difference formula based on CIE 1997 Color Appearance Model(CIECAM97s), a color space J a 1 b 1 is first constructed with color appearance descriptors J,a,b in CIECAM97s. The new f... To deduce a new color difference formula based on CIE 1997 Color Appearance Model(CIECAM97s), a color space J a 1 b 1 is first constructed with color appearance descriptors J,a,b in CIECAM97s. The new formula is then deduced in the space and named CDF CIECAM97s. The factors for lightness, chroma and hue correction in the formula are derived by linear regression according to BFD? CP data sets. It is found by statistical analysis that CDF CIECAM97s is in closer accordance with the visual assessments when compared with CMC(1∶1), CIE94 and CIE L *a *b * color difference formulae. Based on color appearance model, the new color difference formula can be used to predict color difference perception in a varity of different viewing conditions. 展开更多
关键词 CIECAM97s color difference formulae color space
《电脑采购》 1997年第2期7-7,共1页
假如有人以为精简型电脑终端只是一阵“热浪”,会很快消失的话,那他现在应该反悔了。精简型电脑(可称“飞燕”型)已经开始成长,如果公司的首脑比较一下“肥胖”型(本文暂称“玉环”型)电脑终端与精简型电脑终端的价格的话,那他一定会中... 假如有人以为精简型电脑终端只是一阵“热浪”,会很快消失的话,那他现在应该反悔了。精简型电脑(可称“飞燕”型)已经开始成长,如果公司的首脑比较一下“肥胖”型(本文暂称“玉环”型)电脑终端与精简型电脑终端的价格的话,那他一定会中意“能为掌上舞”的“飞燕”了。对任何一个用户来说,“肥胖”型终端确已太过笨重了。微软的朋友也承认连他们自己也估计不到运行Office 97的终端会怎样。这对微软和它的客户都不是什么好事。如果说有谁对终端机的庞大身躯扰得彻夜难眠的话,那就是比尔·盖茨。 NT从不与苗条利落的“飞燕型”终端为伴。 展开更多
关键词 终端机 终端市场 比尔·盖茨 玉环 电脑 简型 内存 肥胖 价格 微软
Multiresolution analysis over triangle meshes: method and data structure
作者 唐杰 张福炎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期279-285,共7页
A robust and efficient algorithm is presented to build multiresolution models (MRMs) of arbitrary meshes without requirement of subdivision connectivity. To overcome the sampling difficulty of arbitrary meshes, edge c... A robust and efficient algorithm is presented to build multiresolution models (MRMs) of arbitrary meshes without requirement of subdivision connectivity. To overcome the sampling difficulty of arbitrary meshes, edge contraction and vertex expansion are used as downsampling and upsampling methods. Our MRMs of a mesh are composed of a base mesh and a series of edge split operations, which are organized as a directed graph. Each split operation encodes two parts of information. One is the modification to the mesh, and the other is the dependency relation among splits. Such organization ensures the efficiency and robustness of our MRM algorithm. Examples demonstrate the functionality of our method. 展开更多
关键词 ALGORITHMS Computer aided design Computer aided manufacturing Data structures GEOMETRY Mathematical models Robustness (control systems)
《个人电脑》 1995年第10期54-54,共1页
关键词 文件服务器 工作组 企业数据 驱动器 硬盘容量 可扩充 CHINESE CD-R 简型 内存
作者 李亮 曾晓芹 +3 位作者 李能斌 伍海蓉 田华勇 刘永刚 《水上安全》 2022年第2期49-54,共6页
水上作业安全是保证我国海上风电发展的基础。随着海上风电的快速发展,海上风电安装作业方案需要探询安全性与经济性相辅相成的道路。复合简型风机一步式安装作业方式,在海上作业效率和安全性方面独具优势。本文针对复合筒型海上风机一... 水上作业安全是保证我国海上风电发展的基础。随着海上风电的快速发展,海上风电安装作业方案需要探询安全性与经济性相辅相成的道路。复合简型风机一步式安装作业方式,在海上作业效率和安全性方面独具优势。本文针对复合筒型海上风机一步式运输安装平台的设计,从船型、风机固定方式、桁架抱紧等重点技术方面进行了说明,分析了一步式安装平台船型安全和作业流程安全的特点,为海上风电作业装备的安全安装提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 复合简型风机 一步式安装平台 作业安全性 风机固定
RAPD and ISSR Markers of Fertility Restoring Gene for Aegilops kotschyi Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Wheat 被引量:10
作者 刘保申 孙其信 +6 位作者 孙兰珍 高庆荣 解超杰 窦秉德 倪中福 魏艳玲 张延传 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期446-450,共5页
LK783 was found to be a good fertility restorer for K-type male sterility of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). RAPD and ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphism) markers were employed to map the major restoring gen... LK783 was found to be a good fertility restorer for K-type male sterility of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). RAPD and ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphism) markers were employed to map the major restoring gene in LK783. Maintainer and restorer DNA pools were established using the extreme sterile and fertile plants among KJ5418A//911289/LK783 F 1 population, respectively. Four hundred and eighteen RAPD primers and 33 ISSR primers were used for screening polymorphisms between the two pools, and amplification bands using a RAPD primer of OPK18 and an ISSR primer of UBC-845 were found polymorphic between the two pools. Linkage analysis showed that OPK18 450 and UBC-845 800 were linked to the restoring gene in LK783. The distance between the restoring gene and OPK18 450 was (15.07±6.28) cM (centiMorgan), with the distance between the restoring gene and UBC-845 800 being (8.20±4.85) cM. The marker of UBC-845 800 was located on chromosome 1BS by amplifying nulli-tetrasomics and 1B ditelosomics of Chinese Spring with the primer of UBC-845, indicating that the restoring gene in LK783 was located on 1BS. The breeding for new fertility restorer lines of K-type cytoplasmic male sterility of wheat would be facilitated by using the two markers. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT cytoplasmic male sterility restoring gene inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphism RAPD
A simplified simulation method of friction pendulum bearings 被引量:5
作者 Wang Yanhua Feng Yan Wu Jing 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第4期480-487,共8页
In order to improve the computation efficiency and simulation accuracy,a novel simplified simulation method for friction pendulum bearing( FPB) is proposed. The behavior of FPB was analyzed based on the stress charact... In order to improve the computation efficiency and simulation accuracy,a novel simplified simulation method for friction pendulum bearing( FPB) is proposed. The behavior of FPB was analyzed based on the stress characteristics of the slider of FPB. Then,a novel simplified FPB model with a single pendulum and a nonlinear spring was established. The mechanical behavior of the simplified model was analyzed and it conformed well to the basic requirements of FPB. Furthermore,shaking table tests of a concrete slab block structure isolated by four FPBs were carried out, followed by finite element simulations of the test using the proposed simplified model.Three waves and eleven loading scenarios were selected in the test. The results show that the overall trend of the relative displacement time-history curves,the horizontal acceleration time-history curves and the vertical acceleration time-history curves from the numerical simulation match in a good manner with those obtained from the tests. Specifically,it is found that the difference of the peak value within these curves between the simulation and test results is less than 15%,which means that the proposed simplified model can be used to simulate the FPB behaviors under dynamic loadings with acceptable accuracy for engineering purposes. 展开更多
关键词 friction pendulum bearing (FPB) simplified model finite element modelling shaking table test
Beam-track interaction of high-speed railway bridge with ballast track 被引量:18
作者 闫斌 戴公连 张华平 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期1447-1453,共7页
Based on the construction bridge of Xiamen-Shenzhen high-speed railway(9-32 m simply-supported beam + 6×32 m continuous beam),the pier-beam-track finite element model,where the continuous beam of the ballast trac... Based on the construction bridge of Xiamen-Shenzhen high-speed railway(9-32 m simply-supported beam + 6×32 m continuous beam),the pier-beam-track finite element model,where the continuous beam of the ballast track and simply-supported beam are combined with each other,was established.The laws of the track stress,the pier longitudinal stress and the beam-track relative displacement were analyzed.The results show that reducing the longitudinal resistance can effectively reduce the track stress and the pier stress of the continuous beam,and increase the beam-track relative displacement.Increasing the rigid pier stiffness of continuous beam can reduce the track braking stress,increase the pier longitudinal stress and reduce the beam-track relative displacement,Increasing the rigid pier stiffness of simply-supported beam can reduce the track braking stress,the rigid pier longitudinal stress and the beam-track relative displacement. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed railway beam-track interaction ballast track rail longitudinal force continuous beam
Simplification and Experimental Verification for Temperature and Humidity Field Coupling Model of Conservatory Soil 被引量:1
作者 曹滨斌 李惟毅 李兆力 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第1期33-38,共6页
Based on the surface energy balance model which is widely used abroad, a temperature and humidity field coupling model of conservatory soil without crop vegetation in full illumination was established. Considering the... Based on the surface energy balance model which is widely used abroad, a temperature and humidity field coupling model of conservatory soil without crop vegetation in full illumination was established. Considering the relatively closed environment in conservatory, weak solar radiation and little surface evaporation of soil, the daily variation of water content in different soil layers may be neglected, then the temperature and humidity field coupling model was simplified to a one-dimensional thermal diffusion model. The simplified model and the temperature and humidity field coupling model adopted the same computational method of soil physical parameters and discrete format of heat diffusion differential equations, and were applied to the continuous simulation of temperature field in conservatory soil without crop vegetation in full illumination. Through the comparison between simulation results and experimental data, the precision of the simplified model was verified. The typical rule of soil heat flux variation in a 24 h cycle was also obtained. 展开更多
关键词 conservatory SOIL TEMPERATURE humidity coupling model SIMPLIFICATION
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