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作者 周敬利 徐雪飞 +1 位作者 王有银 余胜生 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期126-128,共3页
关键词 多媒体数据包调度算法试验系统 设计 服务质量 网络拥塞 多媒体网络 数据包调度算法 先到先服务算法 最早结束标志优先算法 赤字轮转算法 势轮转算法
作者 张旭东 尹德森 刘琳 《警察技术》 2015年第1期77-79,共3页
指纹识别是一种最为成熟的生物特征识别技术,已经广泛应用于刑侦、安防等领域的身份认证工作。针对指纹算法相关试验中样本数量对测试结果的影响问题,以等错误率及其对应相似度值作为衡量指标,基于较大规模指纹样本库生成的不同规模试... 指纹识别是一种最为成熟的生物特征识别技术,已经广泛应用于刑侦、安防等领域的身份认证工作。针对指纹算法相关试验中样本数量对测试结果的影响问题,以等错误率及其对应相似度值作为衡量指标,基于较大规模指纹样本库生成的不同规模试验样本库,进行试验分析,以期对后续相关试验选择样本数量这一基础情况提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 指纹识别技术 生物特征识别技术 指纹算法试验 样本数量
高阶单步拟动力试验算法 被引量:7
作者 王焕定 陈再现 +1 位作者 王凤来 陶少华 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期14-19,26,共7页
由于高阶单步法具有无条件稳定、优良的算法阻尼特性、无超越现象、截断误差为Δt5的特性,已成功地应用于结构地震非线性反应分析、主动半主动及智能振动控制、刚度解析表示的动力反应等分析。该文根据结构拟动力试验的特点,考虑到试验... 由于高阶单步法具有无条件稳定、优良的算法阻尼特性、无超越现象、截断误差为Δt5的特性,已成功地应用于结构地震非线性反应分析、主动半主动及智能振动控制、刚度解析表示的动力反应等分析。该文根据结构拟动力试验的特点,考虑到试验中系统所能达到的精度条件,引入等效剪切刚度的思想,提出了高阶单步拟动力试验算法。单自由度和两自由度数值模拟算例分析以及3层足尺拟动力试验结果,证实了算法的可行性和优越性。 展开更多
关键词 高阶单步法 拟动力试验算法 等效剪切 足尺模型 刚度修正
基于试验遗传算法的平原圩区除涝排水系统最优规划 被引量:6
作者 张礼兵 程吉林 金菊良 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期1259-1263,1269,共6页
平原圩区除涝排水系统最优规划是一个多维、非线性复杂系统优化问题。本文提出基于试验优化设计思想的试验遗传算法,即在标准遗传操作中增加了均匀设计、正态随机和摄动调优等试验操作技术。某圩区排水系统最优规划实例表明,与可分规划... 平原圩区除涝排水系统最优规划是一个多维、非线性复杂系统优化问题。本文提出基于试验优化设计思想的试验遗传算法,即在标准遗传操作中增加了均匀设计、正态随机和摄动调优等试验操作技术。某圩区排水系统最优规划实例表明,与可分规划法及简单遗传算法相比,试验遗传算法能严格满足系统约束条件,且操作简单,计算效率更高。由于该算法兼顾了整体空间的种群多样性和局部空间极小值的搜索效率,同时能根据需要自动调整计算精度,因此较易获得复杂问题的全局最优解。 展开更多
关键词 试验遗传算法 平原圩区 除涝排水 非线性优化
自适应试验遗传算法研究与应用 被引量:1
作者 张礼兵 金菊良 程吉林 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期659-663,共5页
均匀设计与遗传算法相结合已有许多成功例子,但在应用中均匀设计表一般囿以固定形式而使二者的结合缺乏灵活性和普适性.为此提出应用亚遗传算法获得若干个任意水平数的均匀设计,并将其以3种方式嵌入标准遗传算法中:1)初始种群的均匀性分... 均匀设计与遗传算法相结合已有许多成功例子,但在应用中均匀设计表一般囿以固定形式而使二者的结合缺乏灵活性和普适性.为此提出应用亚遗传算法获得若干个任意水平数的均匀设计,并将其以3种方式嵌入标准遗传算法中:1)初始种群的均匀性分布;2)进化过程中对变量空间均匀性投点搜索;3)应用均匀设计进行调优试验,同时还增加了正态随机和摄动调优等试验操作技术,以上形成了基于试验设计、具有自适应能力的试验遗传算法.算例表明,通过以上方法改进的遗传算法可较好地保持种群多样性,寻优效率有较大提高,并能自动适应算法对搜索精度的要求. 展开更多
关键词 系统工程 均匀设计 自适应 试验遗传算法
多维连续参数的随机试验蚁群算法优化反演分析 被引量:1
作者 吴祥松 朱合华 +2 位作者 李晓军 王士民 徐前卫 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期2589-2592,2597,共5页
针对一般蚁群算法难以求解优化反演中的多维连续参数优化问题,借鉴进化思想,提出随机试验蚁群算法求解多维连续参数全局优化问题的方法。该方法主要运用随机试验求出每个参数的任一水平对目标函数的影响度,以此影响度为蚂蚁选择下一个... 针对一般蚁群算法难以求解优化反演中的多维连续参数优化问题,借鉴进化思想,提出随机试验蚁群算法求解多维连续参数全局优化问题的方法。该方法主要运用随机试验求出每个参数的任一水平对目标函数的影响度,以此影响度为蚂蚁选择下一个参数水平的能见度,从而确定参数水平被选中的概率。同时考虑到当参数被划分的水平很多时目标函数收敛较慢的缺点,提出用方差分析法来确定参数的水平对目标函数的影响是否显著,将对目标函数影响不显著的参数水平其信息素设置为很小的值,从而加速目标函数的收敛。通过对一个岩土工程优化实例,表明了该算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 随机试验 随机试验蚁群算法 多维连续空间优化 方差分析法 概率搜索
作者 张礼兵 程吉林 +2 位作者 金菊良 王军 赵国峰 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期37-39,共3页
水电站地下埋管的结构最优化设计是一个多维混合变量的非线性优化问题,采用常规优化方法求解有较大困难,为此提出基于试验优化设计思想的改进遗传算法———试验遗传算法。实例表明,由于该算法能自动调整计算精度,更好地保持种群多样性... 水电站地下埋管的结构最优化设计是一个多维混合变量的非线性优化问题,采用常规优化方法求解有较大困难,为此提出基于试验优化设计思想的改进遗传算法———试验遗传算法。实例表明,由于该算法能自动调整计算精度,更好地保持种群多样性而易获得全局最优点,且计算简单、高效,对水利水电工程中常见的高维非线性优化问题适用性强,具有较高的推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 试验遗传算法 水电站 加劲压力埋管 非线性优化
作者 薛卫 高卫东 吴有炜 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期94-96,共3页
遗传算法是一种能够在较大的参数空间中搜索到问题最优解的方法,在解决非线性问题时具有全局收敛性,但收敛性能差。论文提出一种结合遗传与正交试验两种算法优点的新混合遗传算法,应用表明该算法收敛能力强、寻优能力强及能产生大量次优... 遗传算法是一种能够在较大的参数空间中搜索到问题最优解的方法,在解决非线性问题时具有全局收敛性,但收敛性能差。论文提出一种结合遗传与正交试验两种算法优点的新混合遗传算法,应用表明该算法收敛能力强、寻优能力强及能产生大量次优解,是一种值得信赖的算法。 展开更多
关键词 遗传正交试验算法 多目标优化 遗传模拟退火算法 遗传算法
一种基于人工蜂群的高维非线性优化算法 被引量:2
作者 拓守恒 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期42-46,共5页
针对传统优化算法在求解高维非线性优化问题时,存在收敛速率慢和求解精度不高等问题.提出一种改进的人工蜂群优化算法.正交试验设计算法被用于初始化蜂群和侦察蜂探索新蜜源.采蜜蜂利用高斯分布估计优化算法在蜜源附近搜索,跟随蜂采用... 针对传统优化算法在求解高维非线性优化问题时,存在收敛速率慢和求解精度不高等问题.提出一种改进的人工蜂群优化算法.正交试验设计算法被用于初始化蜂群和侦察蜂探索新蜜源.采蜜蜂利用高斯分布估计优化算法在蜜源附近搜索,跟随蜂采用自适应差分算法进行搜索.最后,通过4个标准的高维Benchmark函数测试表明,本文算法在收敛速度、求解精度和稳定性方面有一定优势. 展开更多
关键词 人工蜂群优化算法 高维非线性优化问题 高斯分布估计算法 正交试验设计算法
雷达信号处理中大数据量FFT实现分析 被引量:2
作者 沈佳琪 靳璐 《电子技术与软件工程》 2021年第1期66-68,共3页
本文将详细介绍大数据量FFT在雷达信号处理中的应用优势,通过专业的调查与研究,找出大数据量FFT的算法原理与实现过程,并对雷达信号的处理开展了大数据量FFT试验,借助该试验中的算法、仿真效果、计算量与试验结果等掌握其在雷达信号处... 本文将详细介绍大数据量FFT在雷达信号处理中的应用优势,通过专业的调查与研究,找出大数据量FFT的算法原理与实现过程,并对雷达信号的处理开展了大数据量FFT试验,借助该试验中的算法、仿真效果、计算量与试验结果等掌握其在雷达信号处理上的使用优势。 展开更多
关键词 雷达信号处理 大数据量 算法试验
灌溉排水工程优化设计新方法研究与应用 被引量:11
作者 张礼兵 程吉林 +1 位作者 金菊良 蒋晓红 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2005年第9期63-65,共3页
为替代传统低效的经验试算法,提出试验遗传算法(EGA)以解决灌溉排水工程设计中的非线性优化问题。算例表明,EGA能有效解决灌溉渠道断面和排水沟(管)道的优化设计问题,且具有计算效率高、解的精度好等优点,在农业灌排系统优化设计中具有... 为替代传统低效的经验试算法,提出试验遗传算法(EGA)以解决灌溉排水工程设计中的非线性优化问题。算例表明,EGA能有效解决灌溉渠道断面和排水沟(管)道的优化设计问题,且具有计算效率高、解的精度好等优点,在农业灌排系统优化设计中具有较高的实用性。 展开更多
关键词 灌溉渠道 排水沟道 非线性优化 试验遗传算法
海洋平台应急撤离风险评估体系构建与应用 被引量:4
作者 李晶晶 陈国明 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期92-97,共6页
为系统辨识海洋平台应急撤离风险,基于危险与可操作性分析(HAZOP)和决策试验与评价实验室算法(DEMATEL),构建海洋平台应急撤离风险评估体系。从前期准备、定性分析、定量分析3个阶段,阐述应急撤离风险评估的步骤;介绍面向应急撤离的HAZO... 为系统辨识海洋平台应急撤离风险,基于危险与可操作性分析(HAZOP)和决策试验与评价实验室算法(DEMATEL),构建海洋平台应急撤离风险评估体系。从前期准备、定性分析、定量分析3个阶段,阐述应急撤离风险评估的步骤;介绍面向应急撤离的HAZOP方法,从分析流程和术语2个方面将其与传统化工行业HAZOP方法进行对比。结合我国海洋油气开采特点,以救生艇疏散阶段为例进行应用研究。结果表明,应用该评估体系能系统辨识风险因素的类型、原因、后果及影响关联路径,筛选出关键因素,提出有针对性的事故风险防控措施。 展开更多
关键词 海洋平台 救生艇撤离 危险与可操作性分析(HAZOP) 风险因素 决策试验与评价实验室算法(DEMATEL)
复杂系统安全事故致因网络建模分析 被引量:26
作者 汪送 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期109-116,共8页
为构建复杂系统事故致因网络层次结构模型,提出将同类组元映射为事故致因因素。提取复杂系统一般性的安全事故致因因素,并采用改进的决策试验与评价实验室(DEMATEL)算法对这些因素进行结构化处理。在案例分析中,基于上述算法确定影响空... 为构建复杂系统事故致因网络层次结构模型,提出将同类组元映射为事故致因因素。提取复杂系统一般性的安全事故致因因素,并采用改进的决策试验与评价实验室(DEMATEL)算法对这些因素进行结构化处理。在案例分析中,基于上述算法确定影响空军某团飞行安全的关键致因因素,考虑不同阈值λ下可达矩阵中致因因素的度分布,基于驱动力方法构建该团事故致因因素递阶层次结构和致因网络模型,并提出事故预防建议。研究结果表明,事故致因因素间存在层次结构和复杂的关联关系,约束本质致因中的原因因素可获得更大的安全事故预防效益。 展开更多
关键词 复杂系统 安全事故 致因因素 复杂网络 决策试验与评价实验室(DEMATEL)算法
An NT-MT Combined Method for Gross Error Detection and Data Reconciliation 被引量:5
作者 梅从立 苏宏业 褚健 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第5期592-596,共5页
An NT-MT combined method based on nodal test (NT) and measurement test (MT) is developed for gross error detection and data reconciliation for industrial application. The NT-MT combined method makes use of both NT and... An NT-MT combined method based on nodal test (NT) and measurement test (MT) is developed for gross error detection and data reconciliation for industrial application. The NT-MT combined method makes use of both NT and MT tests and this combination helps to overcome the defects in the respective methods. It also avoids any artificial manipulation and eliminates the huge combinatorial problem that is created in the combined method based on the nodal test in the case of more than one gross error for a large process system. Serial compensation strategy is also used to avoid the decrease of the coefficient matrix rank during the computation of the proposed method. Simulation results show that the proposed method is very effective and possesses good performance. 展开更多
关键词 data reconciliation gross error detection measurement test nodal test
Individualization of Data-Segment-Related Parameters for Improvement of EEG Signal Classification in Brain-Computer Interface 被引量:1
作者 曹红宝 BESIO Walter G +1 位作者 JONES Steven 周鹏 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第3期235-238,共4页
In electroencephalogram (EEG) modeling techniques, data segment selection is the first and still an important step. The influence of a set of data-segment-related parameters on feature extraction and classification in... In electroencephalogram (EEG) modeling techniques, data segment selection is the first and still an important step. The influence of a set of data-segment-related parameters on feature extraction and classification in an EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI) was studied. An auto search algorithm was developed to study four datasegment-related parameters in each trial of 12 subjects’ EEG. The length of data segment (LDS), the start position of data (SPD) segment, AR order, and number of trials (NT) were used to build the model. The study showed that, compared with the classification ratio (CR) without parameter selection, the CR was increased by 20% to 30% with proper selection of these data-segment-related parameters, and the optimum parameter values were subject-dependent. This suggests that the data-segment-related parameters should be individualized when building models for BCI. 展开更多
关键词 data segment parameter selection EEG classification brain-computer interface (BCI)
Investigation on Optimization Design of an Equivalent Water Depth Truncated Mooring System Based on INSGA-Ⅱ 被引量:1
作者 Huoming Zhang Wenjun Gao Qiang Wang Juan Jiang Zhou Zhao 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第2期208-215,共8页
At present,equivalent water depth truncated mooring system optimization design is regarded as the priority of hybrid model testing for deep sea platforms,and will replace the full depth system test in the future.Compa... At present,equivalent water depth truncated mooring system optimization design is regarded as the priority of hybrid model testing for deep sea platforms,and will replace the full depth system test in the future.Compared with the full depth system,the working depth and span are smaller in the truncated one,and the other characteristics maintain more consistency as well.In this paper,an inner turret moored floating production storage & offloading system(FPSO) which works at a water depth of 320m,was selected to be a research example while the truncated water depth was 80m.Furthermore,an improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm(INSGA-II) was selected to optimally calculate the equivalent water depth truncated system,considering the stress condition of the total mooring system in both the horizontal and vertical directions,as well as the static characteristic similarity of the representative single mooring line.The results of numerical calculations indicate that the mathematical model is feasible,and the optimization method is fast and effective. 展开更多
关键词 deep sea platforms hybrid model test equivalent water depth truncated mooring system optimization design
Wind-induced internal pressure fluctuations of structure with single windward opening 被引量:2
作者 余世策 楼文娟 孙炳楠 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第3期415-423,共9页
A frequency domain method for estimating wind-induced fluctuating internal pressure of structure with single windward opening is presented in this paper and wind tunnel tests were carried out to verify the theory. The... A frequency domain method for estimating wind-induced fluctuating internal pressure of structure with single windward opening is presented in this paper and wind tunnel tests were carried out to verify the theory. The nonlinear differential equation of internal pressure dynamics and iteration algorithm were applied to calculate fluctuating internal pressure and time domain analysis was used to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. A simplified estimation method is also provided and its scope of application is clarified. The mechanism of internal pressure fluctuation is obtained by using the proposed method in the frequency domain and a new equivalent opening ratio is defined to evaluate internal pressure fluctuation. A series of low-rise building models with various openings and internal volumes were designed for wind tunnel tests with results agreeing well with analytical results. It is shown that the proposed frequency domain method based on Gaussian distribution of internal pressure fluctuations can be applied to predict the RMS internal pressure coefficient with adequate accuracy for any opening dimensions, while the simplified method can only be used for structure with single dominant opening. Helmholtz resonance is likely to occur when the equivalent opening ratio is adequately high, and controlling individual opening dimension is an effective strategy for avoiding Helmholtz resonance in engineering. 展开更多
关键词 Single windward opening Internal pressure Iteration algorithm Equivalent opening ratio Wind tunnel test
An Improved Method of Structure Damage Diagnosis for Jacket Platforms 被引量:1
作者 刘娟 黄维平 石湘 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第4期485-489,共5页
In the exploitation of ocean oil and gas, many offshore structures may be damaged due to the severe environment, so an effective method of diagnosing structural damage is urgently needed to locate the damage and evalu... In the exploitation of ocean oil and gas, many offshore structures may be damaged due to the severe environment, so an effective method of diagnosing structural damage is urgently needed to locate the damage and evaluate its severity. Genetic algorithms have become some of the most important global optimization tools and been widely used in many fields in recent years because of their simple operation and strong robustness. Based on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure, the damage diagnosis of a jacket offshore platform is attributed to an optimization problem and studied by using a genetic algorithm. According to the principle that the structural stiffness of a certain direction can be greatly affected only when the brace bar in the corresponding direction is damaged, an improved objective function was proposed in this paper targeting measurement noise and the characteristics of modal identification for offshore platforms. This function can be used as fitness function of a genetic algorithm, and both numerical simulation and physical model test results show that the improved method may locate the structural damage and evaluate the severity of a jacket offshore platform satisfactorily while improving the robustness of evolutionary searching and the reliability of damage diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 damage diagnosis genetic algorithm objective function mode shape error function
Underwater Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Forward-looking Sonar 被引量:1
作者 Tiedong Zhang Wenjing Zeng Lei Wan 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第3期371-376,共6页
A method of underwater simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) based on forward-looking sonar was proposed in this paper. Positions of objects were obtained by the forward-looking sonar, and an improved associa... A method of underwater simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) based on forward-looking sonar was proposed in this paper. Positions of objects were obtained by the forward-looking sonar, and an improved association method based on an ant colony algorithm was introduced to estimate the positions. In order to improve the precision of the positions, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) was adopted. The presented algorithm was tested in a tank, and the maximum estimation error of SLAM gained was 0.25 m. The tests verify that this method can maintain better association efficiency and reduce navigatioJ~ error. 展开更多
关键词 simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) looking forward sonar extended Kalman filter (EKF)
Speech Separation Based on Robust Independent Component Analysis 被引量:1
作者 YAO Wen-po WU Min +2 位作者 LIU Tie-bing WANG Jun SHEN Qian 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2013年第4期169-177,共9页
In this paper, we applied RobustICA to speech separation and made a comprehensive comparison to FastICA according to the separation results. Through a series of speech signal separation test, RobustICA reduced the sep... In this paper, we applied RobustICA to speech separation and made a comprehensive comparison to FastICA according to the separation results. Through a series of speech signal separation test, RobustICA reduced the separation time consumed by FastICA with higher stability, and speeches separated by RobustICA were proved to having lower separation errors. In the 14 groups of speech separation tests, separation time consumed by RobustICA was 3.185 s less than FastICA by nearly 68%. Separation errors of FastICA had a float between 0.004 and 0.02, while the errors of RobustlCA remained around 0.003. Furthermore, compared to FastICA, RobustlCA showed better separation robustness. Experimental results showed that RohustICA was successful to apply to the speech signal separation, and showed superiority to FastlCA in speech separation. 展开更多
关键词 RobustlCA speech separation FASTICA KURTOSIS optimal step size
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