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基于BIM技术的三维数字化桥梁设计与管理 被引量:11
作者 戴玮 郑岗 《工程与建设》 2014年第6期724-726,共3页
随着桥梁工程建设的发展,对设计技术水平提出了更高的要求,传统二维设计与管理技术已经难以满足日益复杂的工程设计要求。基于信息技术的桥梁设计与管理系统是行业发展的必然趋势与规律,文章介绍了在基础建设行业兴起的BIM概念,探讨如... 随着桥梁工程建设的发展,对设计技术水平提出了更高的要求,传统二维设计与管理技术已经难以满足日益复杂的工程设计要求。基于信息技术的桥梁设计与管理系统是行业发展的必然趋势与规律,文章介绍了在基础建设行业兴起的BIM概念,探讨如何基于BIM发展三维数字化桥梁设计与管理技术及其关键技术要点。 展开更多
关键词 建筑信息模型(BIM) 三维数字化 桥梁工程 设计管理技术
作者 王淼森 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S01期300-305,共6页
对煤制烯烃项目的工程范围与主项划分进行了说明。对项目可研、总体设计、基础工程设计及详细工程设计阶段设计与技术管理工作的重点和难点进行了分析和探讨,并对于项目设计和技术管理中出现的常见问题进行了分析,提出建设方应重视和加... 对煤制烯烃项目的工程范围与主项划分进行了说明。对项目可研、总体设计、基础工程设计及详细工程设计阶段设计与技术管理工作的重点和难点进行了分析和探讨,并对于项目设计和技术管理中出现的常见问题进行了分析,提出建设方应重视和加强项目设计和技术管理工作并与总体院和装置院密切合作是项目成功的关键。 展开更多
关键词 煤制烯烃项目 主项 设计技术管理
作者 徐明亮 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第7期12-12,14,共2页
随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,城市建设的规模和结构越来越大,同时也越来越复杂,高层和超高层建筑层出不穷,基坑的深度一般较大,一般为I级基坑支护。为了保证建筑施工的安全性和基坑和基础施工的质量,基坑支护设计和施工... 随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,城市建设的规模和结构越来越大,同时也越来越复杂,高层和超高层建筑层出不穷,基坑的深度一般较大,一般为I级基坑支护。为了保证建筑施工的安全性和基坑和基础施工的质量,基坑支护设计和施工应根据基坑施工前的埋深来完成。基坑支护、土层分布和水文条件是基于钢筋混凝土支护桩和深层搅拌水泥封桩的典型支护形式。 展开更多
关键词 深基坑 支护设计技术管理 支护施工技术管理
作者 郭彩琴 《林业勘察设计》 2000年第1期67-69,共3页
关键词 勘察设计技术管理 设计质量管理 全过程控制 贯标认证
作者 景慎鑫 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2022年第7期9-12,共4页
伴随着我国社会经济的快速发展,工程项目实施规模与种类连年增长,在此背景下,项目总承包模式对于工程项目的影响也在不断加深。EPC模式是工程项目总承包核心模式之一,其在我国项目工程实施环节的作用愈发明显,但受经济因素以及管理机制... 伴随着我国社会经济的快速发展,工程项目实施规模与种类连年增长,在此背景下,项目总承包模式对于工程项目的影响也在不断加深。EPC模式是工程项目总承包核心模式之一,其在我国项目工程实施环节的作用愈发明显,但受经济因素以及管理机制的影响,EPC模式在我国起步相对较晚,纵然国内已针对EPC项目总承包模式做出大量应用探讨与实践,但相关企业在管理体系建设以及管理认知方面存在很多不足,管理方法不够科学,最终导致EPC项目总承包模式未能发挥其工程效益。在本文中,笔者将会针对EPC项目总承包模式设计技术管理进行初步分析与探讨,希望借此可对相关从业人员起到一定借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 设计变更 项目总承包模式 设计技术管理 项目管理 EPC
从“设计导向”到“管控导向”——关于我国城市设计技术规范化的思考 被引量:61
作者 段进 兰文龙 邵润青 《城市规划》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期67-71,72,共6页
近年来,我国各地编制了大量的城市设计,但实效性却普遍较低。通过对具有典型性的常州案例进行十余年城市设计实践的评估,系统揭示了当下城市设计实施中因制度缺失而带来的困境。同时,部分省市也进行了地方性的城市设计制度构建,但由于存... 近年来,我国各地编制了大量的城市设计,但实效性却普遍较低。通过对具有典型性的常州案例进行十余年城市设计实践的评估,系统揭示了当下城市设计实施中因制度缺失而带来的困境。同时,部分省市也进行了地方性的城市设计制度构建,但由于存在"重设计、轻管控"的现象,并没有从根本上扭转当下城市设计实施困难的状况。作者认为,问题的根源来自于对城市设计认识的偏差,城市设计不是设计建筑,而是针对城市形塑过程进行的规划干预。因此,我国的城市设计技术规范化工作需要从"设计导向"转型到"管控导向",并通过与法定规划的多层次衔接、规范化的城市设计成果转译和城市设计实施管理程序等,提高城市设计在规划建设中的实效性。 展开更多
关键词 城市设计 城市设计技术管理 规划 实施 设计 管控
注重设计质量管理 提高工程设计水平 被引量:1
作者 沈荣鑫 《建筑设计管理》 2001年第4期18-20,共3页
关键词 建筑工程设计 设计质量 南京军区建筑设计 设计技术管理
两河口水电站BIM技术研究与应用 被引量:5
作者 敖翔 杨晨光 侯东奇 《水利规划与设计》 2018年第2期28-31,181,共5页
两河口水电站为藏区在建最大水电站,其中砾石土心墙堆石坝坝高295m,是世界第三高土石坝,国内第二高土石坝。该电站具有地质条件复杂、枢纽工程布置错综复杂,施工条件差,施工工期长的特点,对设计、施工和管理都有较高的挑战性。因此,在... 两河口水电站为藏区在建最大水电站,其中砾石土心墙堆石坝坝高295m,是世界第三高土石坝,国内第二高土石坝。该电站具有地质条件复杂、枢纽工程布置错综复杂,施工条件差,施工工期长的特点,对设计、施工和管理都有较高的挑战性。因此,在工程全生命周期的各个阶段采用BIM技术进行信息化管理,极大地提升了工程的设计、施工和管理水平和效率,逐步实现了设计、施工、管理一体化。 展开更多
关键词 两河口水电站 BIM技术设计施工管理一体化
山西职工医学院教学主楼设计体会 被引量:1
作者 李霰 《山西建筑》 2004年第24期5-5,136,共2页
介绍了山西职工医学院教学主楼的设计概况 ,从方案构思、技术设计和施工管理三方面 ,就其设计体会作了总结 ,指出该设计合理 ,得到了有关各方的一致好评 。
关键词 教学楼设计 方案构思 技术设计 施工管理
作者 张娜娜 《价值工程》 2024年第1期46-48,共3页
在当今快速变化的市场环境中,企业需要更加准确和及时的市场情报和数据分析以支持他们的决策过程。本文以一个具体的实践案例为基础,探讨了市场调查和数据分析在优化企业决策中的重要作用,以及如何通过这些工具来提高生产技术、改善营... 在当今快速变化的市场环境中,企业需要更加准确和及时的市场情报和数据分析以支持他们的决策过程。本文以一个具体的实践案例为基础,探讨了市场调查和数据分析在优化企业决策中的重要作用,以及如何通过这些工具来提高生产技术、改善营销策略和管理模式,最终提高企业的经营效益并降低成本。 展开更多
关键词 市场调查 数据分析 企业决策 管理技术设计
A version management model of PDM system and its realization 被引量:2
作者 钟诗胜 李涛 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期459-464,共6页
Based on the key function of version management in PDM system, this paper discusses the function and the realization of version management and the transitions of version states with a workflow. A directed aeyclic grap... Based on the key function of version management in PDM system, this paper discusses the function and the realization of version management and the transitions of version states with a workflow. A directed aeyclic graph is used to describe a version model. Three storage modes of the directed acyelic graph version model in the database, the bumping block and the PDM working memory are presented and the conversion principle of these three modes is given. The study indicates that building a dynamic product structure configuration model based on versions is the key to resolve the problem. Thus a version model of single product object is built. Then the version management model in product structure configuration is built and the application of version management of PDM syster is presented as a case. 展开更多
关键词 product data management (PDM) version management directed acyclic graph version model product structure configuration management
Dynamic Design and Construction of Highway Cut Slopes in Huangshan Area, China
作者 JU Nengpan ZHAO Jianjun +1 位作者 HUANG Runqiu DUAN Haipeng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期154-165,共12页
Deformation and failure of high slope impact the construction and operation safety of highway in the mountainous areas. The deformation and failure are mainly caused by poor design which normally has not well combined... Deformation and failure of high slope impact the construction and operation safety of highway in the mountainous areas. The deformation and failure are mainly caused by poor design which normally has not well combined with the geological conditions and unplanned construction. Therefore, effective design and construction management should be conducted for ensuring a successful construction without damage and risk. In light of the reality of high slope construction along highway in the Huangshan area, this paper proposes a technical procedure for dynamic design and construction management of high slopes along highway in the mountainous area. The proposed construction management scheme is divided into three phases, i.e., 1) design phase, 2) preparation phase of excavation, and 3) construction phase. During the design phase, experiences and lessons learnt from the design and construction of other high slopes along highway in the same region are summarized. The number of slopes and slope height should be optimized from the aspects of route selection and route form. During the preparation phase of excavation, "Excavation Permit Management System" should be adopted, and construction scheme should be made by the construction unit, then the scientific research and design unit determine whether it guarantees slope stability and makes optimization measures. During the construction phase, the scientific research unit would make proposal of optimization design, and apply the achievements of scientific research into practice through common efforts of various units based on the understanding of excavation and investigation. The management system mentioned above is adopted to conduct dynamic design and construction management for more than 90 slopes along the Huangshan - Taling - Taolin Expressway, and successful results of application have been achieved. 展开更多
关键词 Highway cut slopes Dynamic design and construction Excavation Permit Management System Slope stability
Design and implementation of the system of students information management based on WEB 被引量:1
作者 Xiang Xin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期1-3,共3页
This paper mainly design B/S system structure and small information management system that often appear some problems of college student information management, combines the actual situation of students and student in... This paper mainly design B/S system structure and small information management system that often appear some problems of college student information management, combines the actual situation of students and student instructor management work. In the process of the development of the whole system, the main use of Microsoft.NET technology as a whole system of compiler environment, SQL Server 2000 is used in the design of backstage supporter' s database, were developed and designed by Visual Studi02005 tool, in exchange for page dynamically selected by the ASP.NET database and system interface between Webpage generation. This system has high reliability, high security, low input, so that the efficiency of information management students to improve. 展开更多
关键词 student information management system Web database management system B/S multi-layer architecture
Research on enterprise value chain management model of competitive strategy
作者 Jinling Bao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期34-36,共3页
The value chain designs knowledge value chain consisting of the main activities managed by knowledge, including knowledge audits, knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, knowledge absorption, knowledge protection a... The value chain designs knowledge value chain consisting of the main activities managed by knowledge, including knowledge audits, knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, knowledge absorption, knowledge protection and application of knowledge, and support activities including knowledge leadership, coordination of knowledge, knowledge control and knowledge organization, knowledge evaluation, coordination mechanism, and makes comparison to the knowledge value chain management and value chain management activity from the standard value, the value of the type and scope of activities, sources of competitive advantage, core management approach, the degree of use of information technology and knowledge, value activities, value chain expansion and other aspects, and proposes business take strategies such as the implementation of a systematic knowledge of audit, establishing strategic alliances, carrying out the coordination of knowledge, the use of advanced information technology, enhancing organizational learning, establishing knowledge-based organization to implement knowledge value chain management. 展开更多
关键词 Value Chain Kalowledge Management Competitive Advantage
Research on Enterprise Logistics Management System based on Internet of Things
作者 Liqiang Tang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第8期76-78,共3页
Through the analysis of the feasibility of using network technology and network technology in supply chain management system, the paper puts forward the design framework of supply chain management system based on the ... Through the analysis of the feasibility of using network technology and network technology in supply chain management system, the paper puts forward the design framework of supply chain management system based on the lntemet of things, describes the key technology of the system. The application of Intemet of things in the supply chain management system, that will realize the effective management of the whole supply chain; enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and the whole supply chain. 展开更多
关键词 The lntemet of things enterprise logistics ERP OPTIMIZATION
The Design and Implementation of Enterprise ERP Management System Based on Platform of WEB Technology
作者 Yanling Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第8期70-72,共3页
The paper develop ERP system based on Web service technology, and put forward the integration model framework of ERP system based on Web services, mainly makes a research on the Web services engine. Take advantage of ... The paper develop ERP system based on Web service technology, and put forward the integration model framework of ERP system based on Web services, mainly makes a research on the Web services engine. Take advantage of Web services in integration, the article design integration model of ERP system based on Web service. 展开更多
关键词 The enterprise ERP Data integration XML Web service
Design and Implementation of Agricultural Products Logistics Management System based on WebGIS
作者 Qijin DONG Xianglong LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期15-18,共4页
The system will be to build a complete logistics monitoring system based on WebGIS, using the development technology of the third party map which is popular at present, the client technology Ajax is introduced into th... The system will be to build a complete logistics monitoring system based on WebGIS, using the development technology of the third party map which is popular at present, the client technology Ajax is introduced into the two map development platform based on WebGIS, draw lessons from the mature MapABC map service interface for API programming, establish the optimization model of distribution route with hard time windows, and studies the application of tabu search algorithm to solve the distribution path optimization model. At the same time, t;he system can realize vehicle abnormal alarm, shortest path planning and analysis of statistical query functions, can display the corresponding curves on the map that query be some statistical analysis results or a heat map by the user, get a more intuitive feel and better user experience. 展开更多
关键词 Agriculture Products DISTRIBUTION WEBGIS DECISION Information Platform AJAX
Design of PLC Centralized Meter Reading System
作者 Yu Tian 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期17-19,共3页
With the increasing development of urban housing construction and the rapid expansion of the number of inhabitants and independent electric energy meter, a variety of tariff systems are launched, meter reading meterin... With the increasing development of urban housing construction and the rapid expansion of the number of inhabitants and independent electric energy meter, a variety of tariff systems are launched, meter reading metering becomes increasingly complex, and the traditional manual meter reading is already hard to adapt to new changes. This thesis studies the design of a centralized meter reading system. This program applies PLC technology for information transfer, which guarantees the stability of system carrier communication. This system is composed of electric energy meter, collector, concentrator and other hardware, as well as communication and management software of collection copies system. It is characterized by functions of power data collection, centralization, remote transmission, distance control, electricity analysis, line loss calculation, integrated query, and time-sharing billing. Its promotion and application will necessarily provide important technical means for power supply, property and urban utilities to improve their modernized and automatic management level. 展开更多
关键词 PLC RS485 electric energy meter Centralized meter reading system.
作者 谭宇 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2023年第4期57-60,共4页
市政园林绿化作为城市建设的重要组成部分,直接关系到城市形象和市民生活环境的质量。城市绿化能够提升城市的形象和品质,为市民创造一个舒适、宜居的生活环境。如果市政园林绿化施工质量不合格,将对城市形象和市民生活环境产生极其不... 市政园林绿化作为城市建设的重要组成部分,直接关系到城市形象和市民生活环境的质量。城市绿化能够提升城市的形象和品质,为市民创造一个舒适、宜居的生活环境。如果市政园林绿化施工质量不合格,将对城市形象和市民生活环境产生极其不利的影响。例如,缺乏细节和人性化设计将使城市绿化失去吸引力,不利于旅游和文化产业的发展;施工工艺不合理、技术力量不足将导致植物死亡率高,绿化效果差,无法满足市民的生态需求;管理不当会导致绿化维护不及时,草坪不整洁、草木不茂盛,严重影响市民的生活体验。 展开更多
关键词 市政园林绿化 施工质量 设计技术管理问题 提升措施
The Design of Behavior Management Institution Based on Special Symbols and Measure Optimizing-Taking the Design of the Institution of Controlling the Pollution Behavior of Enterprises as an Example
作者 Shaorong Sun Xiaoli Cui 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 2008年第3期257-274,共18页
Taking the institution design of controlling the pollution behavior of enterprises as an example, the symbol system specialized for the design and analysis of behavior management institution is put forward, which pred... Taking the institution design of controlling the pollution behavior of enterprises as an example, the symbol system specialized for the design and analysis of behavior management institution is put forward, which predigests the institution design greatly and make the process of institution design much like the engineering design. The measure combination method for improving the parameters of the institution, the arithmetic for calculating the validity of the institution and the arithmetic for calculating the behavior probability of the irrational managed are also put forward, which make the design and analysis technology of behavior management institution more practical. 展开更多
关键词 behavior management institution design measure combination
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