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作者 孟欣 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2024年第6期0047-0050,共4页
时代在不断发展,社会在不断进步,我国整体市场经济也发生了翻天覆地的变化,竞争愈发激烈。那么对于国有企业而言,要想在这样的背景下实现自身地位的不断提升,而且可以获取持续性发展,就要做好经济成本管理工作,同时将最为先进的成本管... 时代在不断发展,社会在不断进步,我国整体市场经济也发生了翻天覆地的变化,竞争愈发激烈。那么对于国有企业而言,要想在这样的背景下实现自身地位的不断提升,而且可以获取持续性发展,就要做好经济成本管理工作,同时将最为先进的成本管理方法实施进来,才能提高管理效果,让企业拥有更多的备用资金,满足更高的发展要求。不论从任何角度来分析,现阶段市场经济具备不稳定特点,那么要想促进国有企业稳步协调发展,就要强化成本管理工作,展现成本管理工作的价值和效应,才能提升企业整体实力,获取更大发展。 展开更多
关键词 市场经济 国企经济 成本管理方法分析
信息化环境下的器材库房管理方法分析 被引量:3
作者 肖帅 《通讯世界》 2016年第8期217-217,共1页
库房的器材管理是单位在日常活动中联系最为紧密的一项工作,并且,对于单位的直接生产影响深远,对能否保证单位预期完成生产任务有这直接影响。所以要加强单位器材的信息化管理,本文以器材库房信息化管理的必要性入手,然后根据器材库房... 库房的器材管理是单位在日常活动中联系最为紧密的一项工作,并且,对于单位的直接生产影响深远,对能否保证单位预期完成生产任务有这直接影响。所以要加强单位器材的信息化管理,本文以器材库房信息化管理的必要性入手,然后根据器材库房管理的现状进行分析,从而提出一系列器材库管管理的措施,为相关管理人员提供一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 信息化环境 器材库存 管理方法分析
战略管理分析方法与林业经济发展模式案例分析 被引量:1
作者 朱永杰 《中国林业产业》 2005年第3期41-44,共4页
入世之后,我国林业企业在参与社会主义市场与国际市场竞争中,披波斩浪,勇于开拓,在我国经济建设进程中作出了杰出的贡献。但同时,我们的林业企业在企业管理中依然还存在着这样或那样的问题,为此,我们特邀请了有关林业院校,科研单位的专... 入世之后,我国林业企业在参与社会主义市场与国际市场竞争中,披波斩浪,勇于开拓,在我国经济建设进程中作出了杰出的贡献。但同时,我们的林业企业在企业管理中依然还存在着这样或那样的问题,为此,我们特邀请了有关林业院校,科研单位的专家、学者与参与市场竞争的大型企业 CEO 就企业管理问题撰文,发表企业管理的一己之见,期望对我国的林业企业管理者有所收益。若如此,我们则感欣慰。 展开更多
关键词 战略管理分析方法 林业经济 发展模式 案例分析 永青林业局 森林旅游业
作者 田雅志 《天津市政法管理干部学院学报》 2007年第1期60-62,共3页
自建立社会主义市场经济体制及依法治国的基本国策以来,我国经济法研究领域僵化的模式被打破,思想的解放,经济体制的转变,带来了经济法研究方法的大繁荣,各种研究方法不断出现,成果颇为丰硕。本文尝试总结目前国内的主要经济法理论研究... 自建立社会主义市场经济体制及依法治国的基本国策以来,我国经济法研究领域僵化的模式被打破,思想的解放,经济体制的转变,带来了经济法研究方法的大繁荣,各种研究方法不断出现,成果颇为丰硕。本文尝试总结目前国内的主要经济法理论研究方法,并尝试运用管理学研究方法构建经济法理论研究的管理学分析方法模型,试图从新的视角来分析经济法理论问题。 展开更多
关键词 研究方法 价值取向 管理分析方法 经济法
安全管理力学分析方法(SMMA)及其应用研究 被引量:6
作者 孟娜 吴超 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期55-61,共7页
把自然科学中力的概念引入安全管理中,对其中的各种有形和无形联系进行研究,建立了一种安全管理系统的力学分析方法和实施程序。基于该方法把力学与轨迹交叉理论进行映射关联,建立"球体碰撞"模型。通过对比找出模型中存在的... 把自然科学中力的概念引入安全管理中,对其中的各种有形和无形联系进行研究,建立了一种安全管理系统的力学分析方法和实施程序。基于该方法把力学与轨迹交叉理论进行映射关联,建立"球体碰撞"模型。通过对比找出模型中存在的各种力,对模型进行受力分析并建立函数方程式。再据方程式及其参数对模型的各种状态进行分析,把分析结果反馈到安全管理系统中用以指导安全管理工作。最后,把安全管理力学分析法概括为定量分析法和定性分析法,并为研究安全管理提供了理论基础。由于力学具有准确、严谨、逻辑性强的特点,因此,引入力学后可以发挥力学与数学的优势。建立的安全管理力学分析方法是一种新方法,该方法对安全管理系统的定量化研究和实施有一定的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 安全管理系统 力学 关联 方法学研究 安全管理力学分析方法(SMMA)
作者 邱林友 《昆明理工大学学报(理工版)》 1996年第4期128-130,共3页
关键词 高校 实验室 分析方法管理 化验 实验室管理
管理定量分析方法类课程的混合教学模式探讨 被引量:1
作者 王洁方 《文教资料》 2021年第4期172-173,124,共3页
新冠肺炎疫情防控期间的"停课不停学"政策推动了我国高等学校在线课程的发展和完善。借助钉钉、腾讯、超星等网络平台,广大师生已经逐渐认可、接受了在线授课和在线学习的教学形式。复学之后,混合式教学模式改革的推进面临大... 新冠肺炎疫情防控期间的"停课不停学"政策推动了我国高等学校在线课程的发展和完善。借助钉钉、腾讯、超星等网络平台,广大师生已经逐渐认可、接受了在线授课和在线学习的教学形式。复学之后,混合式教学模式改革的推进面临大好时机。管理定量分析方法类课程在管理类专业课程设置中占有重要地位,具有衔接性强、难度大、融合性强、要求高等特点。在有针对性地进行课程整体特征分析的基础上,对管理定量分析方法类课程混合教学模式改革的准备工作和教学设计进行了探讨,为高效、科学地开展混合教学实践提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 管理定量分析方法 高校课程改革 混合教学模式
管理定量方法在企业人力资源开发中的应用 被引量:1
作者 马晓宇 李莉 +1 位作者 董珍珍 张正文 《中国商贸》 2012年第10Z期112-114,共3页
情景模拟类体验式培训课程在我国企业的管理技能职业教育培训实践中已被广泛的应用,培训教师在教学内容的选择上多注重结合体验活动而概括提炼出的一些管理理论和定性方法,而对管理定量分析方法很少有涉及。文章以沙漠掘金情景模拟课程... 情景模拟类体验式培训课程在我国企业的管理技能职业教育培训实践中已被广泛的应用,培训教师在教学内容的选择上多注重结合体验活动而概括提炼出的一些管理理论和定性方法,而对管理定量分析方法很少有涉及。文章以沙漠掘金情景模拟课程为例,基于企业对人力资源开发的现实需求,针对受训学员的知识结构中管理定量分析方法普遍缺失、参训时间不足的实际特点,借助对沙漠掘金项目的风险分析引入了对层次分析法(AnalyticHierarchyProcess,AHP)的内容介绍。本研究提供了将管理定量分析方法的教育引入到情景模拟课程中教学改进设计实例,在管理技能职业教育领域做出了具有开创意义的实践探索。 展开更多
关键词 沙漠掘金 情景模拟课程 管理定量分析方法
作者 许国腾 《现代商贸工业》 2023年第15期210-213,共4页
在大数据背景下,现有管理定量分析课程教学体系已无法充分满足人才培育需要。该课程教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学团队等均面临新挑战。本文在分析大数据环境对管理定量分析课程教学带来的影响基础上,分析了当前管理定量分析课程... 在大数据背景下,现有管理定量分析课程教学体系已无法充分满足人才培育需要。该课程教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学团队等均面临新挑战。本文在分析大数据环境对管理定量分析课程教学带来的影响基础上,分析了当前管理定量分析课程教学面临的问题和挑战,探讨了管理定量分析课程教学改革创新总体框架,提出了管理定量分析课程教学改革创新重点方向,以期为提升课程教学质量、培养面向大数据时代的定量分析人才提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 大数据 定量管理分析方法 实践教学
加快改革步伐 适应新的形势——对当前出版管理现状的几点思考
作者 文连台 《出版与印刷》 2001年第1期2-6,共5页
当前,随着高新科技的迅猛发展,在出版领域里,数字化技术、网络出版、电子商务的发展对传统出版方式带来了严峻冲击与挑战,并对与此相关的出版管理工作提出了新的课题,它迫切要求我们必须对现有出版管理工作进行全面而深刻的分析和思考,... 当前,随着高新科技的迅猛发展,在出版领域里,数字化技术、网络出版、电子商务的发展对传统出版方式带来了严峻冲击与挑战,并对与此相关的出版管理工作提出了新的课题,它迫切要求我们必须对现有出版管理工作进行全面而深刻的分析和思考,加速改革步伐,以适应新的发展形势. 展开更多
关键词 出版管理、现状分析、改革方法
中小学生校内安全与校外安全工作的研究 被引量:1
作者 蓝廷微 《教育界》 2020年第22期28-29,共2页
随着我国教育事业的不断发展,中小学安全管理工作得到了更多人的重视。中小学生年龄较小,思维尚未成熟,仍然缺乏对事物的正确认识和正确理解。因此,中小学阶段也是极容易发生安全问题的阶段。学校、教师与相关部门要格外关注学生的成长... 随着我国教育事业的不断发展,中小学安全管理工作得到了更多人的重视。中小学生年龄较小,思维尚未成熟,仍然缺乏对事物的正确认识和正确理解。因此,中小学阶段也是极容易发生安全问题的阶段。学校、教师与相关部门要格外关注学生的成长安全,完善校内外安全管理工作,为学生的健康成长保驾护航。对此,本文从多个角度出发,针对当前中小学安全工作现状,找寻具体的可行性方法,不断提高安全管理工作的效率与质量。 展开更多
关键词 中小学教育 校内外安全 工作管理方法分析
作者 张少华 《市场周刊·理论版》 2019年第40期221-222,共2页
关键词 公路桥梁工程 工程施工管理 项目管理特点 管理方法分析
作者 杨晓林 徐跃东 +1 位作者 寇行顺 吴文兵 《科技尚品》 2016年第10期104-,共1页
国家电力行业的快速发展带动了电网改革的加剧,从安全生产的角度出发,必须加强对设备条件、专业人员的管理,提高整体检修组、变电站试点等环节的开发,从而更加合理的满足对应管理需求.本文对运维管理现状进行了分析,并加强精细化管理对... 国家电力行业的快速发展带动了电网改革的加剧,从安全生产的角度出发,必须加强对设备条件、专业人员的管理,提高整体检修组、变电站试点等环节的开发,从而更加合理的满足对应管理需求.本文对运维管理现状进行了分析,并加强精细化管理对运维管理水平的优化,旨在提高变电运行的科学性、稳定性. 展开更多
关键词 变电运维管理 精细化管理 管理方法分析
Application of a mixed DEA model to evaluate relative efficiency validity 被引量:2
作者 FU Yu-wei YIN Hang YANG Gui-bin 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2005年第3期64-70,共7页
Data envelopment analysis(DEA) model is widely used to evaluate the relative efficiency of producers. It is a kind of objective decision method with multiple indexes. However, the two basic models frequently used at p... Data envelopment analysis(DEA) model is widely used to evaluate the relative efficiency of producers. It is a kind of objective decision method with multiple indexes. However, the two basic models frequently used at present, the C2R model and the C2GS2 model have limitations when used alone,resulting in evaluations that are often unsatisfactory. In order to solve this problem, a mixed DEA model is built and is used to evaluate the validity of the business efficiency of listed companies. An explanation of how to use this mixed DEA model is offered and its feasibility is verified. 展开更多
关键词 decision making units (DMU) efficiency evaluating mixed data envelopment analysis (DEA) model relative efficiency
Type D personality negatively associated with self-care in Chinese heart failure patients 被引量:9
作者 Xi CAO Xiu-Hua WANG +2 位作者 Eliza ML Wong Choi Kai Chow Sek Ying Chair 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期401-407,共7页
Background Little is known about the association between type D personality and self-care behaviors in heart failure (HF) patients. We examined the effect of type D personality on self-care behaviors and self-effica... Background Little is known about the association between type D personality and self-care behaviors in heart failure (HF) patients. We examined the effect of type D personality on self-care behaviors and self-efficacy among Chinese HF patients. Methods A cross-sectional study with a convenience sample was conducted. All participants completed the questionnaires of the self-care of HF index (V6) and type D personality scale. Demographic and clinical variables were obtained from medical records and patient interviews. The me- thods used for data analysis included descriptive analysis, independent-sample t-test, Z2 test, and multiple linear regression. Results A total of 127 HF patients were included and 61.4% of them were male. The average age for this study sample was 64.9± 12.34 years. The majority of the participants were in a New York Heart Association class III or IV (87%), and the average length of living with HF was 38.24 ± 41.1 months. A total of 33.1% of the participants were identified as having type D personality. No significant differences were determined in the demographic and clinical variables between type D and non-type D patients, except for the mean age and the length of living with HF. Type D patients were younger and had a shorter time of living with HF than their non-type D counterparts. Multiple regression demonstrated significant associations between type D personality and self-care maintenance and self-efficacy after adjusting the demographic and clinical factors. However, type D personality was not significantly associated with self-care management behaviors. Conclusions Type D personality was negatively related to self-care maintenance and self-efficacy in Chinese HF patients. Future study is warranted to develop a tailored intervention to improve engagement in self-care behaviors in HF patients with type D personality. 展开更多
关键词 Heart failure Self care SELF-EFFICACY Type D personality
Exploring Enterprise Performance Indicators Network: A Case Study of China Telecommunication Industry 被引量:1
作者 Shi Wenhua Du Yu Zhang Xiaohang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期153-163,共11页
Perforrmnce indicators play some important roles in enterprise operation. Both researchers and managers have recently pointed out that the identification of correlation between different performmance indicators may le... Perforrmnce indicators play some important roles in enterprise operation. Both researchers and managers have recently pointed out that the identification of correlation between different performmance indicators may lead to a better understanding of business. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to measure and analyze these indicators since the fast growing number of performance indicators and the complex relationships between them The existing categories failed to reflect these changes in an adequate way, and the quantitative analysis methods for identifying the characters of those pefformance indicators are still worthy of investigation. The main objective of this paper is to propose a practical methodology for managing and analyzing performance indicators in enterprises, which focuses on building up a performance indicator system and discovering the characters of those performance indicators by applying complex network methods. The empirical results of a telecommunieation enterprise show that the proposed method can be effective in understanding the correlations between performance indicators. 展开更多
关键词 performance indicator complex networks telecommunication industry
Seventy Years’“Micropedology”1938-2008:The Past and Future 被引量:1
作者 G.Stoops 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期101-106,共6页
Although the first microscopic observations on soils date already from the beginning of the twentieth century, the publication of Kubiena's book "Micropedology" in 1937 is considered as the beginning of this new sc... Although the first microscopic observations on soils date already from the beginning of the twentieth century, the publication of Kubiena's book "Micropedology" in 1937 is considered as the beginning of this new scientific discipline. This first system for micromorphological descriptions of soils is considered as morphoanalytical, analysing the fabric according to pure morphological criteria. In a second period Kuniena used a morphogenetic approach, directly relating the global observed fabric to genetic soil horizons. This system, mainly limited to European soils, was in general use till the early nineteen-seventies. End of the nineteen-fifties non- genetic soil classification systems were developed (e.g. USDA). This trend prompted R. Brewer to publish in 1964 a new morphoanalytical system for fabric analysis, used till the end of last century. Because of some inconsistencies in this approach, a working group of the ISSS published in 1985 a new set of morphoanalytical concepts and associated terminology (Bullock et al.), in 2003 adapted and extended by Stoops. Several morphosynthetic systems, expressing a complete soil microfabric in a single (compound) term have been proposed, but none was really successful. In 1967 Kubiena introduced the term "micromorphometry" to name a new branch of micromorphology quantifying the soil fabric, mainly evaluating changes in porosity and structure resulting from soil management. The necessity of dearly defined concepts and terms for fabric analysis of soils and regoliths, even as a need for standardisation of quantitative methods, are discussed in the conclusions. 展开更多
关键词 micropedology MICROMORPHOLOGY fabric analysis Kubiena
The resettlement planning and practice of Three Gorges Project
作者 Shi Boxun Yin Zhongwu Wang Diyou 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期104-112,共9页
Migrant resettlement is essential to the success of the Three Gorges Project (TGP),and the smooth implementation of resettlement is ensured by the resettlement planning and effective organization management.In the pro... Migrant resettlement is essential to the success of the Three Gorges Project (TGP),and the smooth implementation of resettlement is ensured by the resettlement planning and effective organization management.In the process of resettlement planning and implementation,systematic legislation and document support system is established;environmental capacity analysis and assets appraisal methods are introduced;resettlement sites are selected through in-depth analysis and comparison;the relationship between resettlement compensation and local development is correctly understood and considered,and reasonable resettlement schedules are well prepared.Through the establishment of efficient management system and capital management mode of "static control and dynamic management",as well as the timely adjustment of plan according to actual situations,the resettlement is accomplished smoothly.Thus,the social stability of the reservoir area is ensured;the economic development of reservoir area is promoted,and it has promoted successfully the improvement of legislation,regulations and techniques for land requisition and resettlement.The paper also discusses the theory and prospective work of resettlement. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project reservoir resettlement planning and design RESETTLEMENT compensation and development effect of resettlement
An optimal incentive contract to venture capitalist
作者 LIANG Peng 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2008年第4期23-31,共9页
This paper aims to study the principal-agent relationship between investors and venture capitalists (VCs), makes research on the moral hazard issues under this relationship, and how to design an effective incentive ... This paper aims to study the principal-agent relationship between investors and venture capitalists (VCs), makes research on the moral hazard issues under this relationship, and how to design an effective incentive mechanism to avoid it. By constructing a new incentive model, this paper provides the reference for investors to establish a reasonable payment contract. The designed incentive contract is a kind of dominant consecutive payment mode, which plays a strong incentive role to the VCs, in addition, it also requires the VCs to invest certain capital to the project, which can effectively prevent the slapdash action of VCs, and reduce the agent cost of investors. 展开更多
关键词 INVESTOR venture capitalists principal-agent relationship
Data Mining in Financial Application
作者 G. Cenk Akkaya CerenUzar 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第12期1362-1367,共6页
Data mining enables us to form forecasts and models regarding future by making use of past data. Any method which helps to discover data can be used as a data mining method. Enterprises gain important competitive adva... Data mining enables us to form forecasts and models regarding future by making use of past data. Any method which helps to discover data can be used as a data mining method. Enterprises gain important competitive advantage by data mining methods. Data mining is used in different fields. In finance field, it is a specially used in portfolio management, fraud detection, payment prediction, loan risk analysis, mortgage scoring, determining transaction manipulation, determining financial risk management, determining customer profile and foreign exchange market. It can be costly, risky and time consuming for enterprises to gain knowledge. Thus today enterprises use data mining as an innovative competitive mean. The aim of the study is to determine the importance of data mining in financial applications. 展开更多
关键词 data mining data mining methods PREDICTION
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