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作者 许珍华 《中共福建省委党校学报》 北大核心 2002年第9期52-55,共4页
关键词 企业进化 管理进化 中国 企业管理 改革
管理工具的演化进程——一种基于进化论的解释 被引量:7
作者 王迎军 邹旸 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期10-15,共6页
关键词 管理工具 管理协同进化 多样性
浅谈冰雪体育赛事品牌管理与品牌进化绩效 被引量:4
作者 石宇 秦春甲 杜雷 《体育风尚》 2021年第9期142-143,共2页
随着我国社会经济的不断发展,我国的体育产业得到了快速的发展。在我国体育产业发展过程中,加强规划布局,有效提升体育产业在我国的战略地位。基于此,在本次研究中着重探究我国冰雪体育赛事品牌管理与品牌进化绩效之间的关系,有效应对... 随着我国社会经济的不断发展,我国的体育产业得到了快速的发展。在我国体育产业发展过程中,加强规划布局,有效提升体育产业在我国的战略地位。基于此,在本次研究中着重探究我国冰雪体育赛事品牌管理与品牌进化绩效之间的关系,有效应对大环境对我国冰雪体育赛事带来的影响,加强我国体育赛事品牌内在精神力量和价值的传播。 展开更多
关键词 冰雪体育赛事 赛事品牌 管理进化 意义 困境 策略
企业标准体系在企业进化管理中的作用研究 被引量:7
作者 高蕊 《中国标准化》 2018年第22期224-225,共2页
现如今,时代在不断地变化,对企业的要求越来越高,因此,企业管理也要随着时代的变化而变化,于是出现了企业进化管理,企业进化管理就是根据市场、经济、社会的变化,就企业的管理做出相应的调整,以此来紧追时代的脚步,再加上在企业中企业... 现如今,时代在不断地变化,对企业的要求越来越高,因此,企业管理也要随着时代的变化而变化,于是出现了企业进化管理,企业进化管理就是根据市场、经济、社会的变化,就企业的管理做出相应的调整,以此来紧追时代的脚步,再加上在企业中企业标准体系逐渐被运用,将企业进化管理与企业标准体系相结合,可以有效地提高企业的管理,使企业增强竞争力和凝聚力,同时,大大地提高了企业的经济效益,促进企业长远的发展。 展开更多
关键词 企业标准体系 企业进化管理 构成 作用 完善途径
“互联网+”时代互联网企业管理进化历程的分析 被引量:2
作者 肖娜 《商场现代化》 2017年第18期95-96,共2页
进入"互联网+"的新时期,"互联网+"更多运用于新形势下的服务营销以及商品营销。作为现阶段的互联网企业来讲,本身应当具备互通能力、传递信息能力以及其他相关能力,在此前提下致力于构建虚拟式的销售平台。因此可见... 进入"互联网+"的新时期,"互联网+"更多运用于新形势下的服务营销以及商品营销。作为现阶段的互联网企业来讲,本身应当具备互通能力、传递信息能力以及其他相关能力,在此前提下致力于构建虚拟式的销售平台。因此可见,互联网企业应当把优化管理看做提升竞争实力的关键所在,不断探求适合自身的新型管理思路以及管理模式,以此来适应各个行业的激烈竞争。互联网企业在探究与摸索的过程中,逐渐实现了全方位的管理进化,调整并且重构了自身的管理组织。因此可见,互联网企业整体上经历了特定的管理进化历程,优化管理的目的在于配置资源并且拓展自身的业务领域。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+”时代 互联网企业 管理进化历程
善本管理——教育管理学的新视野 被引量:1
作者 胡海建 《肇庆学院学报》 2014年第6期68-72,共5页
通过对人性假设理论和神本、物本、人本管理理论及其模式进行深刻批判与反思,并融合中西方管理思想的智慧,当代教育管理应确立一种以至善为本的新教育理念——善本教育管理。善本教育管理以至善为教育的根本宗旨,核心内涵是透过教育组... 通过对人性假设理论和神本、物本、人本管理理论及其模式进行深刻批判与反思,并融合中西方管理思想的智慧,当代教育管理应确立一种以至善为本的新教育理念——善本教育管理。善本教育管理以至善为教育的根本宗旨,核心内涵是透过教育组织充分体现人类内心深处的至善本性,实质是使人类获得享受道德与幸福的至善生存方式、生存环境,是人类管理方式的一场伟大的"心灵革命"。善本教育管理将为我国的教育管理学提供一种新的理论体系,为我国的教育管理学研究者提供一种新的研究范式,为我国的教育管理者提供一种可行的思考与实践方式。 展开更多
关键词 善本管理 人性假设理论 教育管理的发展和进化 教育管理新视野
作者 周虎良 周焕文 《商业研究》 CSSCI 1995年第6期12-13,35,共3页
对书店进货管理体制改革的思考周虎良,周焕文书是精神食粮,知识的源泉,当然,也是商品,但这种商品在现阶段还属专营,在计划经济体制下,出版和销售是有计划进行的,特别是销售,是有计划分配、调拨的。其进货管理体制具有统一性、... 对书店进货管理体制改革的思考周虎良,周焕文书是精神食粮,知识的源泉,当然,也是商品,但这种商品在现阶段还属专营,在计划经济体制下,出版和销售是有计划进行的,特别是销售,是有计划分配、调拨的。其进货管理体制具有统一性、调拨性、组织性,三者并分层次地溶为... 展开更多
关键词 书店 进化管理 体制改革
作者 纪光欣 赵霞 《系统科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期17-23,共7页
欧文·拉兹洛在系统科学、复杂性科学基础上构建出系统进化哲学,并据此阐释企业组织及其与外部环境之间的系统进化,提出了他称之为“第三代管理思想”的进化管理理论,阐述了进化管理的组织、战略与经营原则,倡导以组织重构为主的进... 欧文·拉兹洛在系统科学、复杂性科学基础上构建出系统进化哲学,并据此阐释企业组织及其与外部环境之间的系统进化,提出了他称之为“第三代管理思想”的进化管理理论,阐述了进化管理的组织、战略与经营原则,倡导以组织重构为主的进化管理实践应用,呼唤建立“进化理性”的管理新思维。这既表征着系统科学对现代管理学的深刻影响,也反映着当代组织及其管理变革的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 系统进化 管理 进化管理 商务知识 组织重构
作者 马静 方志耕 袁玲 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第4期304-310,共7页
Characteristics of knowledge exchanging behavior among individual agents in a knowledge dynamic interaction system are studied by using the game theory. An analytic model of evolutionary game of continuous dynamic kno... Characteristics of knowledge exchanging behavior among individual agents in a knowledge dynamic interaction system are studied by using the game theory. An analytic model of evolutionary game of continuous dynamic knowledge interaction behavior is founded based on the structure of the evolutionary game chain. Possible evolution trends of the model are discussed. Finally, evolutionary stable strategies (ESSs) of knowledge transactions among individual agents in the knowledge network are identified by simulation data. Stable charicteristics of ESS in a continuous knowledge exchanging team help employee to communicate and grasp the dynamic regulation of shared knowledge. 展开更多
关键词 knowledge management knowledge interaction evolutionary game evolutionary stable strategy
柔性ERP的完整概念与理论基础研究 被引量:2
作者 李从东 李晓宇 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第S1期33-36,共4页
本文通过分析现有ERP系统在柔性方面的缺陷,和目前有关柔性ERP研究和实践的局限性,提出了较为完整的柔性ERP概念,指出应该将ERP软件产品的市场柔性、生产柔性、应用柔性和技术柔性都加以考虑和实现,使之成为一个柔性技术有机体。提出和... 本文通过分析现有ERP系统在柔性方面的缺陷,和目前有关柔性ERP研究和实践的局限性,提出了较为完整的柔性ERP概念,指出应该将ERP软件产品的市场柔性、生产柔性、应用柔性和技术柔性都加以考虑和实现,使之成为一个柔性技术有机体。提出和重点论述了支撑这种较为完整的柔性ERP系统的管理理论基础和制造理论基础--多维管理进化思想和ERP大规模定制思想。 展开更多
关键词 ERP(Enterprise RESOURCES Planning) 柔性 多维进化管理理论 大规模定制
基于核心能力的战略进化与管理评估的物元模型 被引量:6
作者 高宏 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期55-61,共7页
分析概括基于企业核心能力的战略进化与管理的内涵及其特征,应用系统工程理论方法,设计了基于企业核心能力的战略进化与管理评估指标体系。在此基础上,运用物元理论建立了基于企业核心能力的战略进化与管理评估物元模型,进而将模型应用... 分析概括基于企业核心能力的战略进化与管理的内涵及其特征,应用系统工程理论方法,设计了基于企业核心能力的战略进化与管理评估指标体系。在此基础上,运用物元理论建立了基于企业核心能力的战略进化与管理评估物元模型,进而将模型应用于实际问题,以M公司年度战略管理水平为物元,对该企业连续3年度基于企业核心能力的战略管理进行了综合评估与分析,得到了该企业基于企业核心能力的战略管理能力由弱变强,且符合企业实际发展的初步结论及改进的建议。为基于企业核心能力的战略进化与管理的评估与改进提供了一种科学有效的新方法。 展开更多
关键词 物元分析 企业核心能力 战略进化管理 评估
作者 唐丽敏 《黑龙江金融》 2013年第4期35-36,共2页
正内部审计在受托责任理论、价值链理论、管理进化论等理论支持下,在内部控制中发挥着监督、保障、咨询作用。有效推动内部审计工作在基层央行履职中的作用,进而充分发挥内部审计在内部控制中的监督、保障、咨询作用,对促进央行内部控... 正内部审计在受托责任理论、价值链理论、管理进化论等理论支持下,在内部控制中发挥着监督、保障、咨询作用。有效推动内部审计工作在基层央行履职中的作用,进而充分发挥内部审计在内部控制中的监督、保障、咨询作用,对促进央行内部控制水平进一步提升具有十分重要的意义。内部审计与内部控制的关系(一) 展开更多
关键词 内部控制 内部审计人员 基层央行 内部审计部门 内部审计工作 管理进化 价值链理论 责任理论 监督 省会中心支行
On Scientific-Technological Ethics 被引量:1
作者 Li-Lin Peng 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期538-543,共6页
Ethics and morality are old and constantly updated topic. In the modern science and technology rapid development situation, study of ethics of science and technology is relatively backward. The times call for advanced... Ethics and morality are old and constantly updated topic. In the modern science and technology rapid development situation, study of ethics of science and technology is relatively backward. The times call for advanced and reasonable ethics of science-technology. Basic concepts and characteristics of ethics and morals are distinguished and defined in this paper. Three ethic essences of science-technology are abstracted from scientific-technological generation, application, and development. The three-dimension system of basic principles for scientific-technologic ethics is created, as illustrated by the portions given in this paper. The evolution formula of value system is derived, and used for appraising whether the science-technology activity is in all reason. Furthermore, it provides the theory base for quantified management. Finally, it is pointed out that morality and law should be supplemented each other in the science-technology management. 展开更多
关键词 Science-technology ETHICS MORALITY three-dimension system value system quantified management
Participatory Action Research for Catalyzing Adaptive Management: Analysis of a "Fits and Starts" Process
作者 C.J.P. Colfer E. Andriamampandry +4 位作者 S. Asaha E. Lyimo E. Martini J.L. Pfund J. Watts 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第1期28-43,共16页
This paper argues that contextual constraints can significantly interfere with the conduct of research and development, and accordingly should be analyzed more honestly. It describes a five country research project, L... This paper argues that contextual constraints can significantly interfere with the conduct of research and development, and accordingly should be analyzed more honestly. It describes a five country research project, Landscape Mosaics, in which participatory action research (PAR) was intended as one of two central approaches in the original research design (the other approach being more conventional research). The five sites, in Cameroon, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar, and Tanzania, are described, with an emphasis on their implementation of PAR. The fact that personnel and partners on three of the five sites failed to implement PAR is analyzed, to determine the constraints to such action. These findings are then compared with our experience with two other similar projects in which PAR was more widely implemented. We conclude by identifying the most important constraints to be overcome in implementing a PAR process, something we consider important in efforts to deal with change processes in developing countries. 展开更多
关键词 Participatory action research research approach LANDSCAPE BIODIVERSITY community
作者 Chu K F Department of Manufacturing Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第1期136-140,共5页
Total quality management (TQM) is of strategic significance in winning the required edge for manufacturers in Hong Kong to survive in the ever increasingly competitive market. Mere capitalization on the cheap availa... Total quality management (TQM) is of strategic significance in winning the required edge for manufacturers in Hong Kong to survive in the ever increasingly competitive market. Mere capitalization on the cheap availability of labour and land in the China's Mainland for competitiveness is no longer viable because of the emergence of new competitors in particular those in Asia countries. TQM aiming for continuous improvements is the key for profitability growth and long run competitiveness. Over emphasis in the “hardware” for quality improvement without the complementation of it with the cultivation of the “software” for its implementation will not only delay the real implementation of real TQM but may also result in catastrophic failure of the organization in the face of rapid changes in demand and expectations of customers. An organizational culture for quality improvement through management empowerment is believed to be fruitful in helping the Hong Kong manufacturers to win the uphill battle for their well being and even survival in the world competition. 展开更多
关键词 total quality management management empowerment organizational culture quality improvement
Tunnel Engineering Construction Schedule Analysis and Management Based on Visual Simulation
作者 宋洋 钟炜 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第2期131-136,共6页
The methodology of visual simulation for a tunnel engineering construction schedule is presented. Visualization of simulation model, calculation and result of construction schedule simulation is realized, and the cons... The methodology of visual simulation for a tunnel engineering construction schedule is presented. Visualization of simulation model, calculation and result of construction schedule simulation is realized, and the construction simulation and the resource optimization of tunnel engineering are made. A risk analysis and a decision-making method of tunnel engineering construction schedule based on visual simulation are presented. Furthermore, using S curve theory and schedule management method, the real-time management and control method of tunnel engineering construction based on visual simulation is presented. The application to the tunnel engineering construction schedule analysis and management shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the method presented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 visual simulation resource optimization risk analysis real time management S curve
"Rule and Subdue" in the Context of Gen 1:26-28
作者 Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第5期644-648,共5页
The society has become aware of the rate at which our environment is being destroyed. Different schools thought to aim at savaging the environmental problems which have emerged. While some blame this environmental mes... The society has become aware of the rate at which our environment is being destroyed. Different schools thought to aim at savaging the environmental problems which have emerged. While some blame this environmental mess on Social Darwinism, others blame it on Biblical Creationists. On the other side of the ecological debate is the New Age Movement (pantheism), which to some extent are evolutionist and opposed to the Creator God, though they worship and serve nature (Rom 1:25). The New-Agers believe that it was as a result of the "dominion mandate" God gave to humanity that has led to human destruction of the ecology. Some Christians have been indifferent towards nature; because they oppose the New-Agers, they do not want to have anything to do with their views about controlling the environmental problem. Christians are being called upon either to compromise with Darwinian evolution or pantheism (New-Age). The main concern of this study is to find the meanings of kabash and radah as used in Gen 1:26-28. It also aims at ascertaining the kind of dominion God gave to humanity. Did God grant to man a totalitarian despotic dominion over nature? Or was the dominion given to man in the form of stewardship? These are the concerns of this paper. 展开更多
关键词 DOMINION ENVIRONMENT biblical creationist RULE subdue.
International Supply Chain Management (ISCM): An Emergent Perspective on Internationalization Driven by Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
作者 Thomas Borghoff 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第1期116-124,共9页
The focus of the article is on the contribution of the perspective of supply chain management (SCM) to the explanation of internationalization processes. The empirical study is based on case studies of 20 small- and... The focus of the article is on the contribution of the perspective of supply chain management (SCM) to the explanation of internationalization processes. The empirical study is based on case studies of 20 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international activities from China, India, New Zealand, and Singapore. All chosen firms were founded after 1980 in order to capture retrospectively the whole globalization process of each firm. All sample firms operate their supply chains (SCs) on the basis of information and communications technology (ICT). Depending on size, strategy, business model, industry, and mindset of the managers, firms use ICT on a range from integrating individual functional areas to integrating the whole SC through enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. 展开更多
关键词 international supply chain management (ISCM) GLOBALIZATION Asia/Pacific information andcommunications technology (ICT)
Policy Optimization Study Based on Evolutionary Learning
作者 刘素平 丁永生 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期621-624,共4页
In order to achieve an intelligent and automated self-management network,dynamic policy configuration and selection are needed.A certain policy only suits to a certain network environment.If the network environment ch... In order to achieve an intelligent and automated self-management network,dynamic policy configuration and selection are needed.A certain policy only suits to a certain network environment.If the network environment changes,the certain policy does not suit any more.Thereby,the policy-based management should also have similar "natural selection" process.Useful policy will be retained,and policies which have lost their effectiveness are eliminated.A policy optimization method based on evolutionary learning was proposed.For different shooting times,the priority of policy with high shooting times is improved,while policy with a low rate has lower priority,and long-term no shooting policy will be dormant.Thus the strategy for the survival of the fittest is realized,and the degree of self-learning in policy management is improved. 展开更多
关键词 policy-based management evolution learning policy optimization
Cowbirds, conservation, and coevolution: potential misconceptions and directions for future research
作者 Brian D.PEER James W.RIVERS Stephen I.ROTHSTEIN 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第1期15-30,共16页
Avian brood parasitism is a model system for studies of coevolution and ecological interactions between parasites and their hosts. However, recent work may have led to misconceptions concerning the Brown-headed Cowbir... Avian brood parasitism is a model system for studies of coevolution and ecological interactions between parasites and their hosts. However, recent work may have led to misconceptions concerning the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater), the most widely studied brood parasitic bird in the world, and its effects on host species. Potential misconceptions about this species that could affect management issues are as follows: cowbird populations are increasing; cowbirds are relatively new to North America; recently exposed hosts are defenseless against parasitism; cowbirds have caused widespread declines of songbirds; and cowbird control is always effective in increasing the size of endangered host populations. Potential coevolutionary misconceptions are that cowbirds are typically 'host tolerant'; cowbirds evict host nestmates; and the mafia effect is widespread. It is important to clarify these issues because such misconceptions could hinder our understanding of parasite-host interactions, and thus obscure the direction of basic research and of management efforts taken to limit cowbird impacts on endangered species. We discuss these issues and suggest future research directions to enhance our understanding of this fascinating species. 展开更多
关键词 Brown-headed Cowbird coevolution cowbird control endangered species host tolerant MAFIA Molothrus ater nestling eviction
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