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作者 李洁 《中国集体经济》 2016年第33期152-153,共2页
随着国家的在当今消防部队发展的新形势下,如何做好消防部队的财务工作,增强依法管财的能力已经成为了消防部队管理工作的重要内容。同时,消防部队在管财工作上做得是否到位,直接影响到整个部队的建设和发展,也事关部队战斗能力、消防... 随着国家的在当今消防部队发展的新形势下,如何做好消防部队的财务工作,增强依法管财的能力已经成为了消防部队管理工作的重要内容。同时,消防部队在管财工作上做得是否到位,直接影响到整个部队的建设和发展,也事关部队战斗能力、消防能力的提高。笔者将在文章中就增强消防部队依法管财提出几点建议。 展开更多
关键词 消防部队 财务管理 依法管财
作者 吕迪 《经济与社会发展研究》 2020年第29期0171-0171,0202,共2页
近年来,军队各级积极适应新形势新任务,全面贯彻从严治党、从严治军要求,以加强作风建设为牵引,以财经管理专项整治为抓手,全面加强经费管控,在戒奢节支、堵塞漏洞、转变作风上取得了阶段性成果。但也应该清醒地认识到,当前,我国处在战... 近年来,军队各级积极适应新形势新任务,全面贯彻从严治党、从严治军要求,以加强作风建设为牵引,以财经管理专项整治为抓手,全面加强经费管控,在戒奢节支、堵塞漏洞、转变作风上取得了阶段性成果。但也应该清醒地认识到,当前,我国处在战略发展的机遇期、国防和军队深化改革的转型期,内外环境正发生巨大变化。新的形势和任务要求,必须加强党委依法管财理财能力建设,切实把军费管好用好,加快战斗力转化,为有效履行新时期军队历史使命提供强有力的财力保障。 展开更多
关键词 党委 管财理财 能力建设
作者 王英军 于观澜 孙辉 《数字通信世界》 2022年第5期161-163,共3页
近年来,随着财务共享服务模式的不断演进与发展,管财融合逐渐成为了集团企业管理会计体系建设的核心问题。云计算、大数据、人工智能等数字技术的兴起,让财务共享服务中心走上了数字化转型的发展道路,管财融合也迎来了重要的发展机遇。... 近年来,随着财务共享服务模式的不断演进与发展,管财融合逐渐成为了集团企业管理会计体系建设的核心问题。云计算、大数据、人工智能等数字技术的兴起,让财务共享服务中心走上了数字化转型的发展道路,管财融合也迎来了重要的发展机遇。文章通过分析和阐述传统财务共享服务模式下的局限,着力于探究在数字化转型背景下,由财务共享向管财融合发展的实现路径。希望为正在计划或者正在建设财务共享中心,谋求管财融合的集团企业提供一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 数字化转型 财务共享 管财融合
加大党委管财力度 发挥经费整体效益
作者 谭建安 肖家新 +1 位作者 袁胜达 李良剑 《军事经济研究》 1999年第2期67-69,共3页
文章从分析当前我军财务管理面临的问题及其原因入手,认为真正落实党委管财制度是强化财务管理的根本途径之一。军以下部队党委管财应着重抓好六项主要内容。落实党委管财制度要从全局的高度准确地把握党委管财的实质,着重在转变陈旧观... 文章从分析当前我军财务管理面临的问题及其原因入手,认为真正落实党委管财制度是强化财务管理的根本途径之一。军以下部队党委管财应着重抓好六项主要内容。落实党委管财制度要从全局的高度准确地把握党委管财的实质,着重在转变陈旧观念,纠正传统做法上下功夫;要在提高党委管财能力上下功夫,关键要解决好如何管财、如何用财、如何生财三个问题;要在发挥好财经工作委员会、预算管理、责任制三个作用上做文章。 展开更多
关键词 党委 管财力度 财务管理 党委管财制度
全面推进依法管财勤俭用财 着力提升军队财务保障效益
作者 方春祥 屠琳 +1 位作者 张昊 胡晓芳 《军事经济研究》 2015年第6期59-61,共3页
依法推进国防和军队改革落实到财经工作中,就是要全面推进依法管财勤俭用财,严格按规章制度花钱办事,全程跟踪问效。全面推进依法管财,应以统一思想为先导,切实端正理财绩效观;以预算为龙头,严格把住开支总阀门;以标准供应为基... 依法推进国防和军队改革落实到财经工作中,就是要全面推进依法管财勤俭用财,严格按规章制度花钱办事,全程跟踪问效。全面推进依法管财,应以统一思想为先导,切实端正理财绩效观;以预算为龙头,严格把住开支总阀门;以标准供应为基础,深入推进精确化保障;以财务改革为抓手,打造财务监管聚合器;以绩效评价为保证,念好用财追责紧箍咒,着力提高军费保障综合效益。 展开更多
关键词 军队财务 依法管财 保障效益 基本途径
作者 李海源 易娟 《军事经济研究》 2016年第5期56-58,共3页
目前,军队党委营财绩效考评体系存在考评主体选择单一、考评指标涵盖不全、考评过程流于形式、考评结果运用不当等问题。优化军队党委管财绩效考评体系,应确定多元化的考评主体,设计分类式的指标体系,制定规范化的方法程序,分析和... 目前,军队党委营财绩效考评体系存在考评主体选择单一、考评指标涵盖不全、考评过程流于形式、考评结果运用不当等问题。优化军队党委管财绩效考评体系,应确定多元化的考评主体,设计分类式的指标体系,制定规范化的方法程序,分析和运用考评结果。 展开更多
关键词 党委管财 绩效考评 指标体系
公立专科医院业财融合模式实践探索 被引量:1
作者 郝雪梅 《新会计》 2024年第3期54-56,共3页
本文介绍了公立医院通过开展专科运营,探索多科室联合的业管财融合新模式,深入科室调研,找准问题根源与解决问题的突破口,实施“目标设定-资源优化-过程反馈-绩效激励”PDCA闭环管理,促进科室提升精细化管理水平,高效提供医疗服务,降低... 本文介绍了公立医院通过开展专科运营,探索多科室联合的业管财融合新模式,深入科室调研,找准问题根源与解决问题的突破口,实施“目标设定-资源优化-过程反馈-绩效激励”PDCA闭环管理,促进科室提升精细化管理水平,高效提供医疗服务,降低公立医院医疗成本。业管财融合模式下的专科运营拓展了医院运营管理工作的广度和深度,为医院科学管理提供决策依据,促进医院经济管理整体效能不断提升。 展开更多
关键词 专科运营 管财融合 精细化管理 管理信息化 资源配置
作者 高双福 《现代商业》 2012年第35期89-89,共1页
关键词 财税 生财 聚财 管财 用财
作者 黄丽南 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2023年第6期173-176,共4页
大数据环境下,医院财务会计与管理会计的融合发展已成为一种趋势,对促进医院高质量发展具有重要的推动意义。医院应在大数据环境中借助科技力量,加快完善管财融合的路径措施,从组织体系、制度体系、人才体系等方面入手,对如何利用资源... 大数据环境下,医院财务会计与管理会计的融合发展已成为一种趋势,对促进医院高质量发展具有重要的推动意义。医院应在大数据环境中借助科技力量,加快完善管财融合的路径措施,从组织体系、制度体系、人才体系等方面入手,对如何利用资源优势进行深入探讨,优化业务流程,完善管理制度,为管财融合提供发展环境。大数据时代为推动医疗业务与管理运营的融合发展提供了技术优势,这将为医院事业的中国式发展作出积极助力。 展开更多
关键词 大数据环境 财务会计 管理会计 管财融合
The analysis of capital structure of Chinese real estate listed companies 被引量:1
作者 李鹏雁 罗庆生 敖丽峰 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第3期291-294,共4页
Capital structure is the basis for assessing the efficiency of enterprise financing activity. The rational capital structure could reduce the cost of capital and plays an important role in managing a company. Thus thi... Capital structure is the basis for assessing the efficiency of enterprise financing activity. The rational capital structure could reduce the cost of capital and plays an important role in managing a company. Thus this paper, based on the real estate listed companies on Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets, analyzes the factors which influence capital structure, such as profitability, size, collateral value of assets, growth, stockholder’s equity, concentration degree of control power, ownership attribute, and applied statistics tools used to help the real estate listed companies optimize the structure of capital. 展开更多
关键词 real estate listed company capital structure
Optimization Design for Fixed Table of Gantry Machining Center Based on Sensitivity and Topology Analyses 被引量:3
作者 郑彬 殷国富 +2 位作者 黄辉 陈强 方辉 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第4期263-268,共6页
In order to decrease the deformation and stress and increase the natural frequency of the fixed table,a method of optimization driven by the sensitivity and topology analyses is proposed.The finite element model of th... In order to decrease the deformation and stress and increase the natural frequency of the fixed table,a method of optimization driven by the sensitivity and topology analyses is proposed.The finite element model of the fixed table is constructed and analyzed by using ANSYS software.Based on the results of static analysis and modal analysis,the maximum deformation,the maximum stress,and natural frequencies are obtained.Then,the sensitivity analysis and topology optimization are carried out to find out the parameters to be optimized.The fixed table is reconstructed according to optimal design scheme.In the comparison of the results between original model and the optimized one,the maximum deformation and stress are decreased by 71.73%and 60.27%respectively.At the same time,the natural frequencies from the first mode to the sixth mode are increased by 30.28%,29.57%,29.51%,31.52%,22.19%,and 21.80%,respectively.The method can provide technology guide for the design and optimization of machining structure. 展开更多
关键词 gantry machining center sensitivity analysis topology optimization optimization design fixed tableCLC number:TG502Document code:AArticle ID:1672-5220(2013)04-0263-06
Problems and Countermeasures of the Application of Enterprise Management Accounting Informatization 被引量:10
作者 邢瑞琦 章洁倩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1555-1558,共4页
The development of the internet can have a huge impact on industries from the mode of operation and strategic direction. As the "core" of enterprises, the financial industry has undergone great changes also, and the... The development of the internet can have a huge impact on industries from the mode of operation and strategic direction. As the "core" of enterprises, the financial industry has undergone great changes also, and the mode of traditional accounting in manual has been replaced by a computerized accounting. A computer can do all the financial work from accounting to reporting. Efficient and convenient accounting work allows financial personnel have more energy and time in enterprise management and decision-making, and the core of financial work has shifted to management. Therefore, more and more enterprises realize management accounting's value and importance. Management accounting includes information collection, analysis, storage and transfer, as well as data processing and analysis, making information system essential. Thus, management accounting information system will be an indispensable tool for enterprise value management. In the study, based on management accounting information, application of management accounting information in mid and large-size enterprises in China was reviewed to analyze existing problems and propose countermeasures with consideration of financial cloud model and business intelligence. 展开更多
关键词 Management Accounting Accounting informatization Cloud model of fi-nancial Business Intelligence
Empirical research on the SMEs' credit-guarantee in China 被引量:1
作者 贾生华 陈宏辉 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2002年第3期305-310,共6页
After the authors' thorough study of the experiments of other countries and regions, it is posed that credit-guarantee is the key for solving the problem of the difficulties of SMEs' financing.Based on two sur... After the authors' thorough study of the experiments of other countries and regions, it is posed that credit-guarantee is the key for solving the problem of the difficulties of SMEs' financing.Based on two surveys and interviews with 57 SMEs and some commercial banks' staff, this study on the practice and implement action of SMEs' credit-guarantee revealed some problems existing in the practical process. A series of policy suggestions are given for improving the SMEs' credit-guarantee in China. 展开更多
关键词 SMES Credit guarantee Reform of financing system
Controversies over fair value accounting: The case of SMEs 被引量:1
作者 Deaconu Adela Nistor Cristina Silvia 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2009年第11期38-46,共9页
This study analyses IASB's stipulations on fair value usage in its standard designed for SMEs and the reactions of national standard setters, preparers and users of financial reporting in this respect. It tries to cl... This study analyses IASB's stipulations on fair value usage in its standard designed for SMEs and the reactions of national standard setters, preparers and users of financial reporting in this respect. It tries to clarify fair value applications such as market value and value in use and the appropriateness of their usage for the case on hand. This research determines the inconsistencies within IASB ED IFRSfor SMEs (2007) related to the usage of fair value, underlined by the respondents' comment letters. The content analysis of all the above, conducted according to the type of economy and nature of respondent, along with the statistical techniques applied, indicates a partial approval of fair value usage under the following conditions: clarification of the concept, details on its usage in relation to market liquidity and the nature of the asset, additional guidance regarding the measurement methods. We advocate for the value in use, an application of the fair value based on internal valuations, which offers an adequate cost-benefit rate. The final version ofIFRSfor SMEs highlights both the preference of market information over the internal valuations and the insufficient information regarding solutions suited for non-liquid markets. It may be appropriate for the IASB, maybe in collaboration with the IVSC, to provide guidance and details regarding the implementation and disclosure of the valuation techniques applicable to this type of entities. 展开更多
关键词 SMES fair value value in use IASB IFRSfor SMEs FASB IVSC
Financial reporting of cash flow: Arbitrary items and management preferences 被引量:1
作者 Lau Chee Kwong 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第4期1-14,25,共15页
The international financial reporting standard for cash flow statement (IAS 7) provides options for the classification of certain cash flow items (arbitrary items). Therefore, business firms may classify the arbit... The international financial reporting standard for cash flow statement (IAS 7) provides options for the classification of certain cash flow items (arbitrary items). Therefore, business firms may classify the arbitrary items using the option that would maximize their own interest. This reduces the comparability of financial statements amongst business firms. This study aims to investigate the factors explaining management preferences in the selection of financial reporting practices on the arbitrary cash flow items. It concludes that managers tend to magnify the CFO reported in order to maximize the shareholders' wealth, which in turn would maximize their compensation. Managers of business firms with a relatively smaller size of CFO tend to classify interest paid and dividends paid as non-CFO in order to magnify their CFO. They also tend to classify interest received as CFO in order to inflate their relatively smaller size of CFO up to expectation. Similarly, managers of business firms with a relative larger size of dividends paid would classify the dividends paid outside CFO. 展开更多
关键词 cash flow reporting arbitrary items management preference
How to Offset Interior Debts in Consolidated Financial Statement for Reformed Group Enterprises
作者 LI Xiang-zhe ZHANG Li 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第2期60-63,共4页
The content items to be offset of the reformed debt in consolidated financial statement of the operation occurred inside the group of enterprise is different from other general inner trades such as the sale of the sto... The content items to be offset of the reformed debt in consolidated financial statement of the operation occurred inside the group of enterprise is different from other general inner trades such as the sale of the stock or fixed asset, etc.. Through the reformed debt, the debtor and creditor have erased debt and credit on their bookkeeping. What to be offset are the capital reserve and the changed value of the asset. In this paper, the offsetting method of such items will be discussed. 展开更多
关键词 reformed debt consolidated financial statement asset value
A Possible Narrative Section Harmonisation? The Role of the Practice Statement Management Commentary 被引量:1
作者 C. Carini M. Veneziani G. Bendotti C. Teodori 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第1期1-19,共19页
The Practice Statement provides a flexible approach to preparation of the management commentary, generating more meaningful disclosure and discussing those matters that are more relevant to the company's individual c... The Practice Statement provides a flexible approach to preparation of the management commentary, generating more meaningful disclosure and discussing those matters that are more relevant to the company's individual circumstances. In this direction, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has highlighted some content elements recognised as being fundamental for guaranteeing the usefulness of the management commentary. With reference to these elements, it is interesting to analyse the level of disclosure of the financial reporting. These analyses aim to identify the themes dealt with most extensively by the companies and those that require greater attention so that the narrative section of the financial statement is, on the one hand, at least consistent with the suggestions of the guideline and, on the other hand, contains information that is useful for the users. Lastly, in the light of the relevant European Union (EU) directives, the results of the analysis will help to formulate considerations on the ability of the IASB guideline to improve the completeness of the narrative section. All this is examined in a cross-country dimension: Financial reports in Italy and the United Kingdom (UK) are examined. The content analysis methodology is applied. Within the financial reporting, the management discussion is examined in particular. The analysis is performed considering 2008. This qualitative paper will contribute to the studies on disclosure and usefulness of the information provided. 展开更多
关键词 management commentary content analysis DISCLOSURE
Empirical Analysis on Company's Competitiveness from Financial Index 被引量:1
作者 WANG Man LI Qian 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第2期54-59,共6页
Taking the enterprise survival ability and the development ability as a basis, this paper constructs the financial appraisal index system of enterprise competitiveness. Also, it draws the overall impression of the ent... Taking the enterprise survival ability and the development ability as a basis, this paper constructs the financial appraisal index system of enterprise competitiveness. Also, it draws the overall impression of the enterprise competitiveness through selecting listed f'u'ms' financial index of the equipment manufacturing industry, with the aid of factor analysis model, using the principal components analytic method, making rotation of varimax, and arranging the synthesizes enterprise competitiveness from the financial angle. After the empirical analysis, the paper completes appraisal and analysis which based on company's competitiveness from financial index. 展开更多
关键词 financial index enterprise competitiveness empirical analysis
Research of problems and solutions in financial management of administrative institutions
作者 Junji Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期85-87,共3页
In recent years, with the deepening of financial reform, administrative institutions continue to strengthen the reforms of financial management, and gradually established a relatively sound system of budge management,... In recent years, with the deepening of financial reform, administrative institutions continue to strengthen the reforms of financial management, and gradually established a relatively sound system of budge management, revenue and expenditure management. However, in the current system of financial management, there are still many problems that can not be ignored. 展开更多
关键词 financial management administrative institutions expenditure.
The Value of Saudi Arabia Industrial Firms Between the Modigliani-Miller's and Gordon's Models: An Empirical Study on Cement Companies in Saudi Arabia 被引量:1
作者 Abdullah Izzat Barakat Hussein Samhan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第1期87-98,共12页
The most important target of the financial management is to develop the values of the foundation and develop the wealth of shareholders (wealth of the owners), which is the primary target of the qualified and succes... The most important target of the financial management is to develop the values of the foundation and develop the wealth of shareholders (wealth of the owners), which is the primary target of the qualified and successful financial management. This target, developing the value of the foundation, depends on the total profit that could be achieved by the company and counting the profit per share, but undoubtedly, the financial management should consider the other targets such as social responsibility and exchange between risk and revenue and others. This research, with its both theoretical and practical aspects, aims at illuminating the value of some foundations in Saudi Arabia, which are already registered in the stock market, by comparing the value of each foundation using two models namely the model of Modigliani-Miller (M&M) and the model of Gordon. In spite of the difficulties found in the usage of both models, especially Gordon's model, we will use both of them to explain the aspects of imperfection in each model. This research will depend on a sample of Sandi industrial companies by getting financial data of these companies over a past decade and the usage of these data, in other words, to measure the value of Saudi companies against the market. 展开更多
关键词 VALUE Modigliani-Miller's GORDON cement companies Saudi Arabia
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