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从放权强镇到市域整合:尺度重组视阈中的珠三角“市管镇”体制再造 被引量:7
作者 张紧跟 《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期191-200,256,共11页
20世纪80年代以来,珠三角持续的放权强镇改革在东莞与中山这样的地级市直管镇体制下型塑了独具特色的专业镇发展模式。但是,经济新常态使传统专业镇发展面临困境,碎片化镇域发展也制约了专业镇转型升级和新型城镇化。以尺度重组视阈来审... 20世纪80年代以来,珠三角持续的放权强镇改革在东莞与中山这样的地级市直管镇体制下型塑了独具特色的专业镇发展模式。但是,经济新常态使传统专业镇发展面临困境,碎片化镇域发展也制约了专业镇转型升级和新型城镇化。以尺度重组视阈来审视"市管镇"体制再造,从分散化镇街发展向联动发展的市域整合转型是一种可行的选择。为此,既要推进市域内空间结构重组,又要深化市域内治理机制重构。这不仅有利于实现珠三角"市管镇"体制再造,而且可以为组团化城镇区域的未来整合发展提供有益的参考。 展开更多
关键词 放权强镇 市域整合 “市管镇”体制 尺度重组
市镇职能分工:市管镇体制改革的新思路——以广东省东莞市为例 被引量:1
作者 张紧跟 《公共管理研究》 CSSCI 2010年第0期89-104,共16页
20世纪80年代以来,在珠江三角洲城镇密集区形成的一种独特的"地级市直管镇"体制,正面临着改革和发展的挑战。论文通过以广东省东莞市为个案的研究发现:在实现工业化与城市化的历史进程中,"地级市直管镇"体制曾经发... 20世纪80年代以来,在珠江三角洲城镇密集区形成的一种独特的"地级市直管镇"体制,正面临着改革和发展的挑战。论文通过以广东省东莞市为个案的研究发现:在实现工业化与城市化的历史进程中,"地级市直管镇"体制曾经发挥了非常积极的作用。但随着经济社会发展由"镇街分散发展模式"向"市域整合发展模式"的转型,诸多问题暴露无遗。因此,必须顺应经济社会发展的变化而逐步改革"地级市直管镇"体制。行政区划改革虽然解决了一时的问题,却未从根本上跳出区划调整——竞争膨胀——区划再调整的怪圈。发达市场经济国家城市治理改革的经验以及公共经济学的基本理论表明:在市与镇街区政府间进行职能分工,应该成为改革市直管镇体制的新思路。 展开更多
关键词 职能分工 管镇体制 东莞市
“市管镇”体制下的城镇规划管理问题及对策——以广东省中山市城镇规划管理为例 被引量:1
作者 何化忠 王萍 林琳 《建筑科学》 北大核心 2007年第1期94-97,102,共5页
“市管镇”体制是适应改革开放和经济发展需要出现的特殊行政体制,在全国的行政体制架构中占极少数,本文以中山市的规划管理实践为切入点,分析现行“市管镇”体制下城市规划管理存在的问题,结合中山市城市规划管理改革的经验,提出了“... “市管镇”体制是适应改革开放和经济发展需要出现的特殊行政体制,在全国的行政体制架构中占极少数,本文以中山市的规划管理实践为切入点,分析现行“市管镇”体制下城市规划管理存在的问题,结合中山市城市规划管理改革的经验,提出了“市管镇”体制下城市规划管理的对策和建议。 展开更多
关键词 中山市 管镇 规划管理
《浦东开发》 2015年第11期29-,共1页
一、基本情况和存在问题今年3月17日区委、区政府部署启动张江"管镇联动"改革试点以来,张江镇积极承接园区城市管理和社会治理职能,转移经济发展职能,全力创新和加强社会治理,探索建立了"管镇联动"十大创新平台,初... 一、基本情况和存在问题今年3月17日区委、区政府部署启动张江"管镇联动"改革试点以来,张江镇积极承接园区城市管理和社会治理职能,转移经济发展职能,全力创新和加强社会治理,探索建立了"管镇联动"十大创新平台,初步实现了工作重心从经济发展转向社会治理、城市管理从各自为战转向联勤联动、环境品质从点上整治转向面上提升、文化建设从单一维度转向区域融合的四个转变。目前的"管镇联动",相比原来模式有极大的优势,取得了阶段性进展和成效,也得到了市委市政府、社会各界、新闻媒体的高度关注和肯定。 展开更多
关键词 管镇 张江 联动 城市管理 联勤 经济发展 发展职能 环境品质 过渡阶段 优惠政策
试点卓有成效 改革蹄疾步稳——写在浦东张江“管镇联动”改革试点一周年之际
作者 任姝玮 《浦东开发》 2016年第4期47-49,共3页
一年来,张江人改革创新激发创造力、依法治理提升公信力、担当作为强化执行力,探索了可复制、可推广的实践经验,交出了一份让园区企业、社区居民满意的成绩单。2015年3月17日,上海浦东新区宣布,率先在张江启动"管镇联动"改革... 一年来,张江人改革创新激发创造力、依法治理提升公信力、担当作为强化执行力,探索了可复制、可推广的实践经验,交出了一份让园区企业、社区居民满意的成绩单。2015年3月17日,上海浦东新区宣布,率先在张江启动"管镇联动"改革试点:取消辖区内张江镇、村两级招商引资职能,划转给张江高科技园区管委会负责,而后者承担的社会管理职能原则上都由张江镇负责。 展开更多
关键词 张江 管镇 联动 社会管理职能 改革创新 国家卫生镇 专项救助 持续用力 区域环境 伙伴们
纺织档案工作研究会成立 纺织《档案分类大纲》初步审定
《纺织导报》 CAS 1990年第2期8-8,共1页
纺织工业部办公厅于1989年12月中旬在大连召开全国纺织工业系统档案工作会议。会上正式成立了“全国纺织档案工作研究会”。通过了章程,选举了理事会。理事会由38人组成,部办公厅付主任陶洪炳担任理事长,部档案处副处长万南生担任秘书... 纺织工业部办公厅于1989年12月中旬在大连召开全国纺织工业系统档案工作会议。会上正式成立了“全国纺织档案工作研究会”。通过了章程,选举了理事会。理事会由38人组成,部办公厅付主任陶洪炳担任理事长,部档案处副处长万南生担任秘书长。会上还宣读了学术论文32篇。评选出一等奖1篇,二等奖2篇,三等奖5篇。 会议还组织了有关专家,对《纺织工业系统分类大纲》进行了初步审定。 展开更多
关键词 档案分类大纲 档案工作会议 工作研究会 初步审定 学术论文 纺织工业部 陶洪 科技发展司 《大纲》 管镇
作者 殷世海 《学习月刊》 2000年第5期35-,共1页
最近,市委宣传部、讲师团联合召齐了2000年全市在职干部理论教育工作座谈会,参加此次座谈会的有市直各战线政工科长,各直管镇、街办宣传委员。与会者对在职干部理论教育工作展开了积极踊跃的讨论,并进一步研究了我市在职干部理论教育工... 最近,市委宣传部、讲师团联合召齐了2000年全市在职干部理论教育工作座谈会,参加此次座谈会的有市直各战线政工科长,各直管镇、街办宣传委员。与会者对在职干部理论教育工作展开了积极踊跃的讨论,并进一步研究了我市在职干部理论教育工作的新情况、新特点及有效途径和方法,提出了一些好经验和好建议。通过讨论,大家一致认为,在职干部理论教育、理论学习要引起大家的兴趣,就必须有强有力的激励、约束机制,要纳入目标责任考核。同时指出。 展开更多
关键词 干部理论教育 理论学习 管镇 宣传委员 目标责任 约束机制 向综 极部 鱼茶 分散型
作者 桂家友 《上海城市管理》 2016年第5期49-55,共7页
开发开放25年来,上海浦东新区一直将城乡一体化发展作为目标之一。对上海浦东的探索不仅承载着作为经济发达城市一个行政区域率先实现内部城郊一体化目标的使命,也承载着上海市城乡一体化发展和国家城乡一体化发展试验先锋的使命。"... 开发开放25年来,上海浦东新区一直将城乡一体化发展作为目标之一。对上海浦东的探索不仅承载着作为经济发达城市一个行政区域率先实现内部城郊一体化目标的使命,也承载着上海市城乡一体化发展和国家城乡一体化发展试验先锋的使命。"列车工程"、功能区域、"管镇联动"等较具特色的城乡一体化载体体制机制,形塑了浦东城乡一体化的特色模式。由于社会主义初级阶段的城乡一体化任务是异常艰巨的,并不能简单将浦东城乡一体化看作仅仅是浦东的事情,实际上其必然是在整个社会中推进的城乡一体化,其城乡一体化受整个社会经济发展的影响。特别是浦东作为综合配套改革实验重要支撑和着力的城乡一体化推进,取得的每一个成就也是经历千辛万苦和多方面的共同努力。 展开更多
关键词 城乡一体化 浦东新区 经济开发区 管镇联动
把握“四个全面”战略 再创东莞发展奇迹——东莞市委书记徐建华专访
作者 谭海清 《小康》 2015年第6X期34-41,共8页
经过三十多年的发展,东莞形成了比较成熟的市场经济制度、相对完善的产业配套体系和较强承载力的城市发展平台。目前东莞正主动适应经济发展新常态,深入推进结构调整、创新驱动,深入推进改革开放、激发动力,深入推进法治建设、夯实保障... 经过三十多年的发展,东莞形成了比较成熟的市场经济制度、相对完善的产业配套体系和较强承载力的城市发展平台。目前东莞正主动适应经济发展新常态,深入推进结构调整、创新驱动,深入推进改革开放、激发动力,深入推进法治建设、夯实保障,深入推进民生改善、社会治理,深入推进从严治党、改进作风,努力开创高水平崛起新局面。东莞是一座比较典型的城市:她位于广州、深圳和香港这几座"巨型"城市之间,她是我国少有的几座不设县(区)即市直管镇的地级市。 展开更多
关键词 东莞经济 徐建 东莞市委 改进作风 从严治党 管镇 城市发展 城市之间 经济发展 专业镇
《中小企业管理与科技》 1994年第11期1-2,共2页
搞企业与打仗一样,也讲天时、地利、人和,平山县啤酒厂正是依此策略一点点走出沼泽,一步步走向辉煌。首先,我们赶上了党的好政策。汹涌澎湃的经济大潮冲击着每一个角落,冲击着每个人的意识,企业必须在竞争中求生存、求发展。此乃情之所... 搞企业与打仗一样,也讲天时、地利、人和,平山县啤酒厂正是依此策略一点点走出沼泽,一步步走向辉煌。首先,我们赶上了党的好政策。汹涌澎湃的经济大潮冲击着每一个角落,冲击着每个人的意识,企业必须在竞争中求生存、求发展。此乃情之所廹,势之必然。加之平山县委、县政府对我厂的大力支持,使我们解除了后顾之忧,此乃天时。 展开更多
关键词 啤酒厂 天然矿泉水 山不在高 华兴 陈永祥 前沿阵地 石弓 相思树 三大法宝 管镇
A Survey of Drug Supply Organizations in Rural Areas in four Provinces of China
作者 胡明 曾渝 +1 位作者 杨俊斌 吴蓬 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第4期237-241,共5页
Aim To realize the present situation of drug purchase, supply, and use in the health service organizations and drug distributors in rural areas, and to put forward some suggestions. Methods An interview survey was con... Aim To realize the present situation of drug purchase, supply, and use in the health service organizations and drug distributors in rural areas, and to put forward some suggestions. Methods An interview survey was conducted in 20 township hospitals, 26 countryside drugstores, and 84 village dispensaries in Hainan, Anhui, Henan, and Sichuan Provinces. Results (1) The main drug supplying organizations in the countryside are township hospitals and village dispensaries. (2) The personnel in the drug supplying organizations are rather inadequately educated. (3) The drug resources in the grass-roots countryside are complex and disordered. (4) Most of the countryside retail drugstores are small, and the number of drugstores is small, but their development potential is great. Conclusion (1) A basic drug catalogue for rural areas should be made up. (2) Legitimate drug wholesale companies should be encouraged to supply drugs for vast countryside. (3) Development of drug distributionstations in townships should be promoted. (4) The administration of drugs in the countryside should be strengthened. 展开更多
关键词 drug supply township hospitals countryside drugstores village dispensaries drug administration
Bispectral index monitoring as an adjunct to nurse-administered combined sedation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 被引量:4
作者 Se Young Jang Hyun Gu Park +7 位作者 Min Kyu Jung Chang Min Cho Soo Young Park Seong Woo Jeon Won Young Tak Young Oh Kweon Sung Kook Kim Young Hoon Jeon 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第43期6284-6289,共6页
AIM:To determine whether bispectral index (BIS) monitoring is useful for propofol administration for deep sedation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). METHODS:Fifty-nine consecutive patients ... AIM:To determine whether bispectral index (BIS) monitoring is useful for propofol administration for deep sedation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). METHODS:Fifty-nine consecutive patients with a variety of reasons for ERCP who underwent the procedure at least twice between 1 July 2010 and 30 November 2010. This was a randomized cross-over study, in which each patient underwent ERCP twice, once with BIS monitoring and once with control monitoring. Whether BIS monitoring was done during the first or second ERCP procedure was random. Patients were intermittently administered a mixed regimen including midazolam, pethidine, and propofol by trained nurses. The nurse used a routine practice to monitor sedation using the Modified Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation (MOAA/S) scale or the BIS monitoring. The total amount of midazolam and propofol used and serious side effects were compared between the BIS and control groups. RESULTS:The mean total propofol dose administered was 53.1 ± 32.2 mg in the BIS group and 54.9 ± 30.8 mg in the control group (P = 0.673). The individual propofol dose received per minute during the ERCP procedure was 2.90 ± 1.83 mg/min in the BIS group and 3.44 ± 2.04 mg in the control group (P = 0.103). The median value of the MOAA/S score during the maintenance phase of sedation was comparable for the two groups. The mean BIS values throughout the procedure (from insertion to removal of the endoscope) were 76.5 ± 8.7 for all 59 patients in using the BIS monitor. No significant differences in the frequency of < 80% oxygen saturation, hypotension (< 80 mmHg), or bradycardia (< 50 beats/min) were observed between the two study groups. Four cases of poor cooperation occurred, in which the procedure should be stopped to add the propofol dose. After adding the propofol, the procedure could be conducted successfully (one case in the BIS group, three cases in the control group). The endoscopist rated patient sedation as excellent for all patients in both groups. All patients in both groups rated their level of satisfaction as high (no discomfort). During the post-procedural follow-up in the recovery area, no cases of clinically significant hypoxic episodes were recorded in either group. No other postoperative side effects related to sedation were observed in either group. CONCLUSION:BIS monitoring trend to slighlty reduce the mean propofol dose. Nurse-administered propofol sedation under the supervision of a gastroenterologist may be considered an alternative under anesthesiologist. 展开更多
关键词 Conscious sedation Bispectral index monitors Pancreatic neoplasm Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Effects of thalidomide on angiogenesis and tumor growth and metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice 被引量:21
作者 Zhong-LinZhang Zhi-SuLiu QuanSun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期216-220,共5页
AIM: To investigate the effects of thalidomide on angiogenesis, tumor growth and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice.METHODS: Twenty-four nude mice were randomly divided into therapy group and control ... AIM: To investigate the effects of thalidomide on angiogenesis, tumor growth and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice.METHODS: Twenty-four nude mice were randomly divided into therapy group and control group, 12 mice in each group. Thalidomide dissolved in 0.5% sodium carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) suspension was administered intraperitoneally once a day at the dose of 200 mg/kg in therapy group, and an equivalent volume of 0.5% CMC in control group. Mice were sacrificed on the 30th d, tumor size and weight and metastases in liver and lungs were measured. CD34 and VEGF mRNA in tumor tissue were detected by immunohistochemistry and semi-quantitative RT-PCR respectively and microvessel density (MVD) was counted. Serum concentrations of TNF-α and ALT and AFP were also tested.RESULTS: MVD and VEGF mRNA in therapy group were less than those in control group (31.08±16.23 vessels/HP vs 80.00±26.27 vessels/HP, 0.0538±0.0165 vs 0.7373±0.1297,respectively, P<0.05). No statistical difference was observed in tumor size and weight and metastases in liver and lungs.TNF-α was significantly lower in therapy group than in control group (28.64±4.64 ng/L vs42.69±6.99 ng/L, P<0.05). No statistical difference in ALT and AFP was observed between groups.CONCLUSION: Thalidomide can significantly inhibitangiogenesis and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma.Italso has inhibitory effects on circulating TNF-α. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma THALIDOMIDE ANGIOGENESIS Neoplasm metastasis
Performance and Effectiveness of UniFET^TM II MOSFET in HID Lamp Ballast
作者 Jae-Eul Yeon Won-Hwa Lee +1 位作者 Kyu-Min Cho Hee-Jun Kim 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第12期2001-2009,共9页
An advanced cell structure and lifetime control technology has enhanced on-resistance and reverse recovery performance of power MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) simultaneously. This paper i... An advanced cell structure and lifetime control technology has enhanced on-resistance and reverse recovery performance of power MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) simultaneously. This paper introduces a newly developed planar MOSFET--UniFETTM Ⅱ MOSFET--with highly improved body diode characteristics, and presents its performance and effectiveness. UniFET II MOSFET is divided into normal FET(field effect transistor), FRFET (fast recovery field effect transistor), and Ultra FRFET MOSFETs according to the concentration of lifetime control, and their reverse recovery times are about 70%, 25%, and 15% of that of a conventional MOSFET, respectively. To verify the performance and effectiveness of the new MOSFET, an experiment using a 150 W HID (high intensity discharge) lamp ballast that includes a mixed frequency inverter was implemented. As a result, it was verified that two UniFET Ⅱ MOSFETs can replace two conventional MOSFEs and four additional FRDs (fast recovery diodes) without MOSFET failure. 展开更多
关键词 UniFET FRFET Ultra FRFET MOSFET failure mixed frequency inverter HID ballast.
Unsedated ultrathin upper endoscopy is better than conventional endoscopy in routine outpatient gastroenterology practice:A randomized trial 被引量:25
作者 Lucio Trevisani Viviana Cifalà +3 位作者 Sergio Sartori Giuseppe Gilli Giancarlo Matarese Vincenzo Abbasciano 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期906-911,共6页
AIM: to compare the feasibility and patients' tolerance of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) using a thin endoscope with those of conventional oral EGD and to determine the optimal route of introduction of smallcal... AIM: to compare the feasibility and patients' tolerance of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) using a thin endoscope with those of conventional oral EGD and to determine the optimal route of introduction of smallcaliber endoscopes. METHODS: One hundred and sixty outpatients referred for diagnostic EGD were randomly allocated to 3 groups: conventional (C)-EGD (9.8 mm in diameter), transnasal (TN)-EGD and transoral (TO)-EGD (5.9 mm in diameter). Pre-EGD anxiety was measured using a 100-mm visual analogue scale (VAS). After EGD, patients and endoscopists completed a questionnaire on the pain, nausea, choking, overall discomfort, and quality of the examination either using VAS or answering some questions. The duration of EGD was timed. Blood oxygen saturation (SaO2) and heart rate (HR) were monitored during EGD. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients refused to participate in the study. The 3 groups were well-matched for age, gender, experience with EGD, and anxiety. EGD was completed in 91.1% (41/45), 97.5% (40/41), and 96.2% (51/53) of cases in TN-EGD, TO-EGD, and C-EGD groups, respectively. TN-EGD lasted longer (3.11 ± 1.60 min) than TO-EGD (2.25 ± 1.45 min) and C-EGD (2.49 ± 1.64 rain) (P 〈 0.05). The overall tolerance was higher (P 〈 0.05) and the overall discomfort was lower (P 〈 0.05) in TN-EGD group than in C-EGD group. EGD was tolerated "better than expected" in 73.2% of patients in TN-EGD group and 55% and 39.2% of patients in TO-EGD and C-EGD groups, respectively (P 〈 0.05). Endoscopy was tolerated "worst than expected" in 4.9% of patients in TN-EGD group and 17.5% and 23.5% of patients in TO- EGD and C-EGD groups, respectively (P 〈 0.05). TN-EGD caused mild epistaxis in one case, The ability to insuffiate air, wash the lens, and suction of the thin endoscope were lower than those of conventional instrument (P 〈 0,001), All biopsies performed were adequate for histological assessment. CONCLUSION: Diagnostic TN-EGD is better tolerated than C-EGD, Narrow-diameter endoscope has a level of diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of conventional gastroscope, even though some technical characteristics of these instruments should be improved, Transnasal EGD with narrow-diameter endoscope should be proposed to all patients undergoing diagnostic EGD. 展开更多
关键词 Diagnotic esophagogastroduodenoscopy ENDOSCOPY GASTROSCOPY
Investigation of China's Village Banks' Sustainable Development
作者 Qiu Hui Du Zhonglian 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第2期174-177,共4页
In order to address the plight of rural financing, the 2007 China Banking Regulatory Commission, China's State Council started rural banks in provinces, towns and villages. There are so many problems faced by rural b... In order to address the plight of rural financing, the 2007 China Banking Regulatory Commission, China's State Council started rural banks in provinces, towns and villages. There are so many problems faced by rural banks. The most pressing issue is the sustainability of targeting deviate due to restraints, shortage of funds, and loan risks. In order to effectively address these issues, this paper presents some solutions 展开更多
关键词 Village banks Financial reform Sustainable development
Balanced propofol sedation administered by nonanesthesiologists:The first Italian experience 被引量:2
作者 Alessandro Repici Nico Pagano +11 位作者 Cesare Hassan Alessandra Carlino Giacomo Rando Giuseppe Strangio Fabio Romeo Angelo Zullo Elisa Ferrara Eva Vitetta Daniel de Paula Pessoa Ferreira Silvio Danese Massimo Arosio Alberto Malesci 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第33期3818-3823,共6页
AIM:To assess the efficacy and safety of a balanced approach using midazolam in combination with propofol,administered by nonanesthesiologists,in a large series of diagnostic colonoscopies.METHODS:Consecutive patients... AIM:To assess the efficacy and safety of a balanced approach using midazolam in combination with propofol,administered by nonanesthesiologists,in a large series of diagnostic colonoscopies.METHODS:Consecutive patients undergoing diagnostic colonoscopy were sedated with a single dose of midazolam(0.05 mg/kg)and lowdose propofol(starter bolus of 0.5 mg/kg and repeated boluses of 10 to 20 mg).Induction time and deepest level of sedation,adverse and serious adverse events,as well as recovery times,were prospectively assessed.Cecal intubation and adenoma detection rates were also collected.RESULTS:Overall,1593 eligible patients were included.The median dose of propofol administered was 70 mg(range:40120 mg),and the median dose of midazolam was 2.3 mg(range:24 mg).Median induction time of sedation was 3 min(range:14 min),and median recovery time was 23 min(range:1040 min).A moderate level of sedation was achieved in 1561(98%) patients,whilst a deep sedation occurred in 32(2%) cases.Transient oxygen desaturation requiring further oxygen supplementation occurred in 8(0.46%;95% CI:0.2%0.8%)patients.No serious adverse event was observed.Cecal intubation and adenoma detection rates were 93.5%and 23.4%(27.8%for male and 18.5%for female,subjects),respectively.CONCLUSION:A balanced sedation protocol provided a minimalization of the dose of propofol needed to target a moderate sedation for colonoscopy,resulting in a high safety profile for nonanesthesiologist propofol sedation. 展开更多
Propofol vs traditional sedative agents for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:A meta-analysis 被引量:9
作者 Lu-Long Bo Yu Bai +3 位作者 Jin-Jun Bian Ping-Shan Wen Jin-Bao Li Xiao-Ming Deng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第30期3538-3543,共6页
AIM:To investigate the efficacy and safety of propofol sedation for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP).METHODS:Databases including PubMed,Embase,and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials... AIM:To investigate the efficacy and safety of propofol sedation for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP).METHODS:Databases including PubMed,Embase,and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials updated as of October 2010 were searched.Main outcome measures were ERCP procedure duration,recovery time,incidence of hypotension and hypoxia.RESULTS:Six trials with a total of 663 patients were included.The pooled mean difference in ERCP procedure duration between the propofol and traditional sedative agents was-8.05(95%CI:-16.74 to 0.63),with no significant difference between the groups.Thepooled mean difference in the recovery time was-18.69(95%CI:-25.44 to-11.93),which showed a significant reduction with use of propofol sedation.Compared with traditional sedative agents,the pooled OR with propofol sedation for ERCP causing hypotension or hypoxia was 1.69(95%CI:0.82-3.50)and 0.90(95%CI:0.55-1.49),respectively,which indicated no significant difference between the groups.CONCLUSION:Propofol sedation during ERCP leads to shorter recovery time without an increase of cardiopulmonary side effects.Propofol sedation can provide adequate sedation during ERCP. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancrea-tography PROPOFOL Sedative agents META-ANALYSIS Outcomes
The Mode of Resort Tourist Management Under the background of Smart Tourism --A Case Study of Lijiang Ancient Town
作者 Tian Li Liu Sha 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期25-27,共3页
Wisdom tourism is the inevitable frond of the development of tourism, Tourist attractions is the core of the tourism. The use of wisdom tourism in the tourism has become more and more important. How to help tourist at... Wisdom tourism is the inevitable frond of the development of tourism, Tourist attractions is the core of the tourism. The use of wisdom tourism in the tourism has become more and more important. How to help tourist attractions to enhance the core competitiveness becomes extremely important. Based on reading literatures and field research, We build CRM tourist management by taking the ancient city of Lijiang in Yunnan Province as an example, highlight the management of the tourist. This paper presents a framework for tourist management system and some advices to other resorts. 展开更多
关键词 Smart Tourism Tourist Management CRM.
Research on township enterprises' problems and countermeasures of human resource management in China
作者 ZHANG Libo SHI Minghong TIAN Shanshan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期55-56,共2页
After the reform and opening up in China, the development of township enterprises is growing very fast. Tt has made outstanding contributions to China's development, and has become an important part of China' s econ... After the reform and opening up in China, the development of township enterprises is growing very fast. Tt has made outstanding contributions to China's development, and has become an important part of China' s economy. However, with the new economy's coming, the exterior and interior environment of human resource managementhas been changed greatly and the old human resource management system of township enterprises has restrictedtheir development. Based on the analysis on the problems existing in the human resource management of townshipenterprises, the paper advances a series of countermeasuresto elevate the level of the human resource management of township enterprises, to enhance their competence. 展开更多
关键词 township enterprises human resource human resource management
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