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《庄子·逍遥游》篇义 被引量:2
作者 曹慕樊 《乐山师专学报》 1993年第4期32-37,共6页
理解《庄子》,“乾嘉之学”用处少,西方哲学用处似更少。所以难。 《逍遥游》是《庄子》的首篇,也包含《庄子》的根本精神。训诂学家说,逍(遥),古声通(淡)泊。淡泊就是“无为”。无为,就是无所为(古去声)而为。游,就是无心而任化,不必... 理解《庄子》,“乾嘉之学”用处少,西方哲学用处似更少。所以难。 《逍遥游》是《庄子》的首篇,也包含《庄子》的根本精神。训诂学家说,逍(遥),古声通(淡)泊。淡泊就是“无为”。无为,就是无所为(古去声)而为。游,就是无心而任化,不必定是远游或“旅游”。行不出乡里,在斗室之内,能安静宽松,就是能游。其次,游,就是游戏。游戏一词,是庄子说的。《史记》卷六十三,《庄子列传》记楚威王使人聘庄子。庄子曰:“我宁游戏污渎之中自快,无为有国者所羁。终身不仕,以快吾志焉。”这是游戏一词的初次出现。正统词典如《经籍纂诂》游字下不收此词。汉代人实多说游戏。《广雅·释诂》三:“ 展开更多
关键词 庄子哲学 《逍遥游》 西方哲学 训诂学家 篇义 经籍纂诂 《人间世》 藐姑射 无待 犹有所待
《医醇剩义·劳伤篇》发微札记 被引量:4
作者 朱晓骏 王媛媛 《实用中医内科杂志》 2003年第6期445-445,共1页
关键词 《医醇剩·劳伤 费伯雄 中正平和 脾胃
《慧琳音义》校勘十则——兼论《慧琳音义》引书与《玉篇》的关系 被引量:1
作者 郑妞 《励耘语言学刊》 2020年第1期152-165,共14页
《慧琳音义》一书广征博引,保留了大量的典籍资料,但用传世本对照却发现,其引文存在一些误引书名、作者名和构成异文的现象。文章引入《玉篇》残卷作为参照,重点对《慧琳音义》中的十例进行了校勘,并补充了十五组异文,认为这些现象的产... 《慧琳音义》一书广征博引,保留了大量的典籍资料,但用传世本对照却发现,其引文存在一些误引书名、作者名和构成异文的现象。文章引入《玉篇》残卷作为参照,重点对《慧琳音义》中的十例进行了校勘,并补充了十五组异文,认为这些现象的产生与《玉篇》关系密切,而《慧琳音义》中的引文内容也很可能是转引自《玉篇》系字书。 展开更多
关键词 《慧琳音 《玉 校勘
纲纪天人 贯通古今——柳诒徵对中国传统史义的现代阐释 被引量:1
作者 王振红 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期151-157,共7页
柳诒徵立足时代全面考察中国传统史义,指出中国传统史学以道德仁义为原则褒善贬恶,这既是建立人间基本秩序、维护人道的必然要求,又是受命于天的善善恶恶之人性的自然生成,故传统史义上承天命、下涵人道,既获得了超越的天道支撑又具有... 柳诒徵立足时代全面考察中国传统史义,指出中国传统史学以道德仁义为原则褒善贬恶,这既是建立人间基本秩序、维护人道的必然要求,又是受命于天的善善恶恶之人性的自然生成,故传统史义上承天命、下涵人道,既获得了超越的天道支撑又具有现实的人道依据;其次,中国传统史学在褒贬具体人事的过程中强调正义与不义相反相成、常义与变义相辅而行,呈现出灵活通变的辩证思维,故柳氏以与时俱变、与事俱变的"中庸之道"作为中国传统史义的实现模式;最后,柳诒徵又引入权利与义务等现代观念分析君臣伦理,揭示出中国传统史义的普适意蕴,奠定了中国传统史义的现代发展路向。柳诒徵对中国传统史学大义的阐释既饱含浓烈的家国情怀又富有冷静的理性思考,既坚持传统的治学方法又采取现代的学术研究路径,其新旧夹杂的治学风格与著作方式虽有助于传统史学的现代化但也存在一些局限。 展开更多
关键词 柳诒徵 《国史要·史 中国传统史 现代阐释
《玉篇》与其他字书对比研究综述 被引量:2
作者 李超 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第2期70-74,共5页
字书间的对比研究,历代学者都较为重视,它不仅有利于我们在了解各种字书的收字、释义、体例等问题的基础上揭示各种字书的特点,也有利于中国字典辞书的梳理和完善。本文主要对《玉篇》与《说文》《名义》《四声篇海》《类篇》的收字、... 字书间的对比研究,历代学者都较为重视,它不仅有利于我们在了解各种字书的收字、释义、体例等问题的基础上揭示各种字书的特点,也有利于中国字典辞书的梳理和完善。本文主要对《玉篇》与《说文》《名义》《四声篇海》《类篇》的收字、释义、体例等方面对比研究的情况进行了综述。 展开更多
关键词 《玉 《说文》 《名 《类 《四声海》 文献综述
作者 任绍曾 《当代外语研究》 2023年第1期41-59,152,共20页
本文拟在系统功能语法的理论框架内研究双重谓语句的语篇功能,特别着重于语篇生成和实例系统。要了解语篇功能,首先要了解语篇,了解语篇与系统的关系,了解语篇如何生成。这就要求我们理解在语篇展开中始终起作用的语篇造义和实例系统。... 本文拟在系统功能语法的理论框架内研究双重谓语句的语篇功能,特别着重于语篇生成和实例系统。要了解语篇功能,首先要了解语篇,了解语篇与系统的关系,了解语篇如何生成。这就要求我们理解在语篇展开中始终起作用的语篇造义和实例系统。我们分析并对比了语篇1和语篇2,借以说明语篇造义是如何经过语境确认,语义生成和词汇语法生成而创造语篇的,并指出了两则语篇在型式呼应之间的差异。我们还分析和对比了语篇3a和语篇3b,借以说明实例系统在创造语篇和修改语篇中如何起作用,并指出语篇3b如何在实例系统中作恰当的选择以弥补语篇3a的不足。语篇1和语篇3b的实例说明双重谓语句的语篇功能在于表示非意愿性结果。双重谓语的复合语义共同为语篇作出贡献,因而可以表示诸如临时性的偶发结果或临时性的异常结果。 展开更多
关键词 英语 双重谓语 小句 功能 实例系统
为《离骚》“乱曰”进一解 被引量:3
作者 路百占 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 1990年第1期63-65,共3页
关键词 《国语》 礼记集说 彭咸 申之 韦昭 美政 幽通赋 篇义 九叹 反离骚
《文化研究》 CSSCI 2012年第1期331-331,共1页
关键词 粉丝文化 娱乐工业 价值观研究 制流 文体研究 人物传记 篇义
Analysis of multimodality in PPT teaching discourse
作者 李冬艳 胥国红 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期21-25,共5页
Computer technology-based PPT is usually conceived as a tool for information transmission and presentation rather than as a type of discourse. Much focus of the previous study on PPT is concerned with its development,... Computer technology-based PPT is usually conceived as a tool for information transmission and presentation rather than as a type of discourse. Much focus of the previous study on PPT is concerned with its development, design and application. However, PPT itself may actually be regarded as a multimodal discourse comprising multisemiotics, such as linguistic signs, image, graph, sound, color and their interrelated layouts, etc.. So the article attempts to make a multimodal analysis of College English PPT discourse via the principle of reading images by Kress and van Leeuwen in 1996, aiming to present a different angle of interpreting the meaning of composition anchored in PPT. 展开更多
关键词 MULTIMODALITY PPT discourse the meaning of composition
作者 马红召 《新闻爱好者》 1994年第9期24-24,共1页
“来信”最能反映基层群众的呼声和要求,可是不少通讯员朋友却看不起这种文体,觉得没分量.我可不是这样认为.我常碰到这种情况:某地发生了一件有意义的事情,这事情新闻性很强.如果深入采访需要时间长,写出来就失去时效性,引不起听众或... “来信”最能反映基层群众的呼声和要求,可是不少通讯员朋友却看不起这种文体,觉得没分量.我可不是这样认为.我常碰到这种情况:某地发生了一件有意义的事情,这事情新闻性很强.如果深入采访需要时间长,写出来就失去时效性,引不起听众或读者的注意;这时,你不如写封“来信”让此事早日见诸报端.\ 展开更多
关键词 治安联防 小店乡 小店村 汝阳县 篇义
作者 高子阳 曹元奎 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1998年第4期17-17,共1页
关键词 作文训练 小学语文教材 命题作文 课堂教学 训练过程 儿童读物 篇义 兼美 家庭教育
《数字世界》 2008年第6期175-175,共1页
那天的太阳很好,和同事吃完午饭回到办公室,有点困意袭来。突然,坐在椅子上的我感觉有些晃动,12楼本不应该有这种反应,难道是哪里放炮开山?我抬起头看着同事,发现同事也抬头看着我。我们心里都有同样的疑问,而大楼的晃动并没有停。我们... 那天的太阳很好,和同事吃完午饭回到办公室,有点困意袭来。突然,坐在椅子上的我感觉有些晃动,12楼本不应该有这种反应,难道是哪里放炮开山?我抬起头看着同事,发现同事也抬头看着我。我们心里都有同样的疑问,而大楼的晃动并没有停。我们从窗口向外看,世界似乎没有什么改变,但晃动依旧。"地震了",一位同事大喊起来,所有的人瞬间不知道要做什么,对了一会大家才从办公室里冲出去,这时楼道里已经挤满了狂奔的人们。后来,从互联网上才知道,这一天发生了什么,2008年5月12日下午2点28分,中国四川省汶川县(北纬31°,东经103.4°)发生里氏8级地震,震源距地表10km,震中距成都市159km。一时之间,整个中华大地的人们都哭泣了。于是开始捐款、捐物、献血……曾经,那肆虐的洪水没有击垮我们,那连天的风雪没有打败我们。今天,面对这场大地震,我们共济患难,手牵手抗震救灾! 展开更多
关键词 时楼 震源距 这一天 CHAT 不知道 汶川 震中距 超快感 卡西欧 篇义
On The Ironies In What Is To Be Done
作者 WANG Jinbo 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期99-103,共5页
What is to be done, as Mavis Gallant's only literary work for the stage, has received little critical attention since publication, compared to the increasingly voluminous interest in her 119 short stories that have f... What is to be done, as Mavis Gallant's only literary work for the stage, has received little critical attention since publication, compared to the increasingly voluminous interest in her 119 short stories that have firmly established her literary reputation. This article focuses on how the Canadian writer masterfully manipulates the literary techniques of light humorous but thought-provoking ironies and satires in her play to expose the fallacies and absurdities of the incongruous Marxist ideologies in real life and practice, and to reveal the political and personal conflicts and dilemmas of Canadians towards the end of the war. It concludes that Gallant is perhaps suggesting that only by eradicating communism, the root of all personal dilemmas for the characters in the play, can they eliminate all the absurdidities and incongruencies from their real lives. 展开更多
关键词 Marxist communism preposterous inapplicability DILEMMA
A Feminist Analysis of Mr. and Mrs. Dove by Katherine Mansfield
作者 LIU Xi, HUANG Xin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期842-846,共5页
Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), a New Zealand's celebrated short story writer, was famous for her exquisite portrayals of women and she made great contribution to the British short story as well. Greatly influence... Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), a New Zealand's celebrated short story writer, was famous for her exquisite portrayals of women and she made great contribution to the British short story as well. Greatly influenced by Anton Chekhov, her writing fmnly fixed on the small details of human behavior. She created her best works in the early 1920s, and her book, The Garden Party, arrived at the peak of great achievement. Set in England, her short story, Mr. and Mrs. Dove, described a story about the man's last day in England and a series of things that happened to his visit to his beloved woman's home which presented the relationships between his mom and him, and his beloved woman and him. This paper mainly explores the feminist thoughts of the female characters. The paper concludes that the awakening awareness of women in this story was obviously from the perspectives of striking against the patriarchal system and Mansfield was actually a feminist pioneer who promoted the development of feminism in the whole world. 展开更多
Same Plight, Different Struggle: A Comparison of Female Protagonists in Hamlet and "The Yellow Wallpaper"
作者 HE Jing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第5期468-472,共5页
Approaching from the perspective of feminist criticism, this paper compares the female protagonists in Shakespeare's well-known tragedy Hamlet and Gilman's short story "The Yellow Wallpaper". While the first perso... Approaching from the perspective of feminist criticism, this paper compares the female protagonists in Shakespeare's well-known tragedy Hamlet and Gilman's short story "The Yellow Wallpaper". While the first person narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a modem signifier of the archetypal Ophelia as the sacrificial lamb of the patriarchal oppression, the two differ in their manifestations of madness, which could be accounted for by their respective historical and social environment with women's awakening consciousness of self-identity 展开更多
关键词 feminist criticism HAMLET "The Yellow Wallpaper"
Religion and Feminism in the Short Story of Alifa Rifaat-- The Voice of the "Voiceless"
作者 Nayera El Miniawi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第7期402-414,共13页
This paper is an attempt to bring to the foreground a better understanding and appreciation of the work and impact of an Arab Muslim woman writer whose work, characters, thoughts, settings, and words sink very sensiti... This paper is an attempt to bring to the foreground a better understanding and appreciation of the work and impact of an Arab Muslim woman writer whose work, characters, thoughts, settings, and words sink very sensitively into the depth of being of her oriental women characters. They are very local and they reflect a typical oriental and distinct religious sentiment, along with an underlying predicament or suffering because of some lack in their love life, both emotional and sexual. This paper will attempt to analyze how the short story written by Alifa Rifaat (1987) deal with the thorny issues Of religiosity and sexuality that might appear as two opposing poles, yet they mix and blend within same characters exposing different aspects of the human being living within dilemmas of personal needs and social dictates of tradition, taboo, and culture. For a non Arab reader, this should be an interesting and informative cross-cultural issue. 展开更多
关键词 Islamic feminism voiceless women OPPRESSION body and soul RELIGION
Inarticulateness, Power and Ethnic identity On Jorge Luis Borges' The Gospel According to Mark
作者 Du Bingyue 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期10-11,共2页
This paper attempts to focus on Jorge Luis Borges’ short story The Gospel according To Mark. Borges, an Argentina short storywriter and translator, whose motherland is under long-term western colonization, identifi e... This paper attempts to focus on Jorge Luis Borges’ short story The Gospel according To Mark. Borges, an Argentina short storywriter and translator, whose motherland is under long-term western colonization, identifi es himself unconsciously with the western culture. Hisworks mostly touch upon the themes of religion and philosophy. Along with post-colonialism theory’s springing up, critics began to analyze hisworks from the post-colonial perspective. The author thinks that this short story with religious implication parallels to the cultural invasion in theperiod of colonization, from powerful culture to weaker one. The author, thus, aims to use Michael Foucault’s viewpoints concerning power andknowledge to probe into the western cultural hegemony and ideological invasion refl ected in this story. Besides, the loss and construction of theethnic identity of the colonized will be discussed in details. 展开更多
关键词 Jorge Luis Borges power and knowledge inarticulateness Ethnic identity cultural hegemony.
What Makes a Mother a Monster? Mrs. Gant's Grotesque Masculinity and the Cult of Womanhood
作者 Naoko Ohri 《Sociology Study》 2014年第6期554-562,共9页
This paper1 reevaluates the portrayal of Mrs. Gant in William Faulkner's short story "Miss Zilphia Gant" (1932). It argues that Faulkner represents her as "the mother as a monster" and looks at the features of ... This paper1 reevaluates the portrayal of Mrs. Gant in William Faulkner's short story "Miss Zilphia Gant" (1932). It argues that Faulkner represents her as "the mother as a monster" and looks at the features of that representation. More specifically, the paper devotes attention to this abusive mother's curious masculinity, employing feminist readings from two angles. That is, on the one hand, the paper reexamines the nature of Mrs. Gant's unfemininity by considering the immense responsibility of child-rearing that mothers bear in modern societies. On the other hand, it attempts to locate the origin of her bodily manliness by considering the prism of images of women as evil and destabilizing that pervaded Western culture early in the twentieth century. Such approaches have revealed that making a monster of a mother requires a conspiracy taking advantage of both the inconsistencies inherent in the ideals of motherhood and the bizarre processes through which femininity itself is masculinized. In conclusion, this paper argues that Mrs. Gant's monstrosity is a reflection of a predicament which many women in modern times whether Faulkner's or our own share, that is, being expected to be a perfect mother while still being viciously castigated as sexually threatening. 展开更多
关键词 William Faulkner "Miss Zilphia Gant" MOTHERHOOD female sexuality mother-daughter relationship
作者 赵嘉 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期117-118,共2页
O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that chan... O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that changed from the rapid development ofcapitalism to the era of imperialism. During this period, the rotten social system, ruthless competition and insatiable exploitation jugulatcd and contorted human's emotions. In such a society, O. Henry, on the one hand, advocated and paid a tribute to beautiful love. on the other hand, he felt helpless and hateful to the cruel social and hard living conditions. Love itself is holy and sweet, but due to the decay of the social system, love was full of bitterness. This paper focuses on analyzing O. Henry's views of love, the reasons of formation and the expression skills. The subject of the Sacrifice of Love is: love itselfis sweet and holy, but in the capitalist society, it is destined to be a tragedy. 展开更多
关键词 sacrifice of love SWEET bitter love corrupt social system
Fullness out of Minimalism Interpretation on the Narrative Style of Raymond Carver' s“Cathedral”
作者 YAN Ning 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第10期795-801,共7页
Raymond Carver, American short story writer and poet is a major force in the revitalization of the short story in the ! 980s. Carver's writing permeates idiographic techniques and evocative insights into reality. "C... Raymond Carver, American short story writer and poet is a major force in the revitalization of the short story in the ! 980s. Carver's writing permeates idiographic techniques and evocative insights into reality. "Cathedral" is the title story of Carver's outstanding collection Cathedral. The story relates that the narrator through the visit of his wife's blind friend eliminates the prejudice and goes out of shell of closed-off ignorance. Carver employs precise and concise language to develop plot and reveal characters' mind and sets tensions leading to character's epiphany. Through the setting of tensions, the achievement of epiphany, and the precise and concise narrative language, Carver makes fullness out of a minimalist style of writing. 展开更多
关键词 Raymond Carver “Cathedral” MINIMALISM EPIPHANY ELLIPSIS
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