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社会变迁与民俗传承——以民间艺术米塑为例 被引量:2
作者 邓苗 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2014年第3期130-136,共7页
当前,包括米塑在内的诸多传统民俗事象都面临着严重的生存危机,对这个问题的解答必须从三个层面入手,第一个层面,是从米塑自身出发,探讨这种民俗工艺及相关民俗事象在近现代社会变迁背后的深层机制。第二个层面,是从传统民俗事象与当代... 当前,包括米塑在内的诸多传统民俗事象都面临着严重的生存危机,对这个问题的解答必须从三个层面入手,第一个层面,是从米塑自身出发,探讨这种民俗工艺及相关民俗事象在近现代社会变迁背后的深层机制。第二个层面,是从传统民俗事象与当代社会两个方面入手,来理解我们所身处的社会,从而深刻地理解米塑所面临的社会变迁。第三个层面,是从传统社会与(现)当代社会之间,民众的日常生活与历史之间,文化与社会之间的关系入手,来理解近现代以来的社会变迁,从更加深广的层面理解民俗变迁背后的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 米塑 传统民俗事象 传统社会 当代社会
文化产业化背景下非物质文化遗产保护和传承的困惑与出路——以温州米塑为例 被引量:4
作者 鲍铭莹 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2012年第3期113-117,共5页
在文化产业化背景下,非物质文化遗产作为文化的历史形态与现实内容的重要组成部分,其保护与传承既面临挑战,也面临机遇,受到了世界各国的普遍重视。如何依承非物质文化遗产的"货",借助文化产业化的"船",使非物质文... 在文化产业化背景下,非物质文化遗产作为文化的历史形态与现实内容的重要组成部分,其保护与传承既面临挑战,也面临机遇,受到了世界各国的普遍重视。如何依承非物质文化遗产的"货",借助文化产业化的"船",使非物质文化遗产的保护与传承工作顺利而有效开展,这是学术界、各国政府及相关产业界共同面临的一个极其重要的课题。作为非物质文化遗产的温州米塑,就通过找寻其自身与创意文化产业发展之间的对接路径,及文化构成要素的沿袭、替代与创新等,使得自身在文化产业化进程中得以焕发出新的生机和活力,同时为非物质文化遗产的保护与传承提供了有益的借鉴与启示。 展开更多
关键词 文化产业化 非物质文化遗产 温州米塑 传承
湖南安仁民间米塑现状分析 被引量:2
作者 彭烈洪 《艺海》 2014年第4期175-176,共2页
安仁"米塑"是一种集美学价值、人文价值、社会价值于一体的民间工艺美术。安仁"米塑"艺术的传承基本上是靠代代相传,口传心授来维系,一直都没有什么具体的文献资料进行系统记录和研究。这样很有可能在未来某个时候... 安仁"米塑"是一种集美学价值、人文价值、社会价值于一体的民间工艺美术。安仁"米塑"艺术的传承基本上是靠代代相传,口传心授来维系,一直都没有什么具体的文献资料进行系统记录和研究。这样很有可能在未来某个时候安仁"米塑"将失传于民间。 展开更多
关键词 安仁 米塑 工艺美术
作者 陈艳秋 《泉州师范学院学报》 2022年第6期74-79,共6页
米塑艺术是社会民俗传统文化的产物。泉州、温州两地的米塑艺术人物造型风格虽说不同,但米塑材质都讲究柔黏性适中、色彩明丽,人物造型追求小而精、动作表情丰富,人物场景布局静中有动、凸显趣味性,可窥当代米塑艺术造型特点。随着社会... 米塑艺术是社会民俗传统文化的产物。泉州、温州两地的米塑艺术人物造型风格虽说不同,但米塑材质都讲究柔黏性适中、色彩明丽,人物造型追求小而精、动作表情丰富,人物场景布局静中有动、凸显趣味性,可窥当代米塑艺术造型特点。随着社会发展,各种经营模式与传承方式发生了巨变,米塑家族传承的方式逐渐被打破。就自身而言,米塑创作题材缺乏新意、作品文化内涵缺失,米塑人物造型流俗化、大众化,米塑艺术材料及用途的局限性,使得米塑艺术传承现状令人担忧,亟需创新发展的新路径。米塑艺术发展应顺应社会潮流,借鉴泥塑、陶塑的相关手法与市场运作模式,并把米塑的传统文化价值渗透到当前文化产业中去,结合当地文化生态实际,打造米塑文化产品,树立米塑文化品牌,把米塑教育推广到寻常百姓家。 展开更多
关键词 温州米塑 泉州米塑 人物造型 民俗文化
作者 郑小红 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2022年第10期34-35,共2页
米塑是用煮熟的米粉饼通过捏、刻和上色等多种手法制成鱼虫鸟兽等各种形象的民俗工艺,历史悠久,是浙江温州的一门独特的传统工艺。[1]本文首先对米塑工艺进行简单介绍,第一部分以老虎、凤、桃子等为例,论述了米塑色彩的调配与运用。第... 米塑是用煮熟的米粉饼通过捏、刻和上色等多种手法制成鱼虫鸟兽等各种形象的民俗工艺,历史悠久,是浙江温州的一门独特的传统工艺。[1]本文首先对米塑工艺进行简单介绍,第一部分以老虎、凤、桃子等为例,论述了米塑色彩的调配与运用。第二部分以寿桃、抛梁馒头、五兽花样等为例,论说了米塑题材的寓意和在民俗活动中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 米塑 色彩 题材 寓意
作者 张玉瑶 张长长 《神州》 2019年第24期18-19,共2页
丰富的非物质文化遗产的沉淀,是在社会发展和历史进程中不断体现,它们充分展现了创造力、想象力,是人类智慧和劳动的结晶。它们是人类文化多样性的最佳代表,不仅是一种生活现象,也是一种生活方式。文成米塑正是其中闪耀的一颗明星。米塑... 丰富的非物质文化遗产的沉淀,是在社会发展和历史进程中不断体现,它们充分展现了创造力、想象力,是人类智慧和劳动的结晶。它们是人类文化多样性的最佳代表,不仅是一种生活现象,也是一种生活方式。文成米塑正是其中闪耀的一颗明星。米塑,融合了美术设计的点线面元素、书法的疏密关系、雕塑的造型比例,是一门综合艺术。随着社会的发展和变迁,新工艺新事物不断出现,传统手工艺的地位愈发边缘化。例如塑料陶瓷制品的大量出现,取代了原本手工制作的竹椅、篮筐。纯手工的民间工艺品逐步退出历史舞台,传统的民间活动和民间工艺技术被人们淡忘。在没有需求、没有市场的现代氛围中,其保护与传承面临挑战。本文以文成米塑为例阐述了传统工艺的困境,并讨论如何破局,在这个新时代走出新的出路。 展开更多
关键词 米塑 非遗 市场化
作者 邵晓红 《新课程》 2019年第25期77-77,共1页
非物质文化遗产的保护研究是当今社会的一个热门话题,而如何保护和传承成为关注的焦点。《义务教育美术课程标准》鼓励教师积极开发并利用地方资源,创造性地开展各种美术教学活动。近年来,携手米塑非遗传人,编写了校本教材,拍摄、录制... 非物质文化遗产的保护研究是当今社会的一个热门话题,而如何保护和传承成为关注的焦点。《义务教育美术课程标准》鼓励教师积极开发并利用地方资源,创造性地开展各种美术教学活动。近年来,携手米塑非遗传人,编写了校本教材,拍摄、录制了辅助教学的音像教材。通过这几年的教学,较好地实现了自身的价值,努力形成了自己的教学特色。 展开更多
关键词 民间美术(米塑) 校本课程 实践
作者 蒋潇毅 刘琦琦 陈月风 《丝路视野》 2020年第1期32-32,共1页
随着社会经济的高速发展,温州非物质文化遗产之一——米塑究竟是以一种什么样的方式传承以及传播的,在民俗文化逐渐式微的当下,米塑的传承发展面临着一定的困境,当代人去学习、传承这个手艺的目的和意义究竟又在哪里,我们该如何更好地... 随着社会经济的高速发展,温州非物质文化遗产之一——米塑究竟是以一种什么样的方式传承以及传播的,在民俗文化逐渐式微的当下,米塑的传承发展面临着一定的困境,当代人去学习、传承这个手艺的目的和意义究竟又在哪里,我们该如何更好地传承并发展米塑这一宝贵的非物质文化遗产。 展开更多
关键词 温州米塑 非物质文化遗产 文化创意产业
安仁“米塑”艺术的文化提升 被引量:1
作者 葛慧 《艺术教育》 2013年第6期48-48,94,共2页
安仁"米塑"具有丰富的文化意蕴,是充满了人类智慧的积极创造性成果。安仁"米塑"艺术的再创造与发展对中国工艺美术事业将产生一定的影响,并在社会生活中发挥着独特的作用。文章从现代设计理念角度探讨了安仁米塑的... 安仁"米塑"具有丰富的文化意蕴,是充满了人类智慧的积极创造性成果。安仁"米塑"艺术的再创造与发展对中国工艺美术事业将产生一定的影响,并在社会生活中发挥着独特的作用。文章从现代设计理念角度探讨了安仁米塑的传承及实际商业化应用的道路。 展开更多
关键词 安仁“米塑 文化提升 现代设计
Microstructure refinement of a dual phase titanium alloy by severe room temperature compression 被引量:1
作者 张志强 董利民 +3 位作者 杨洋 关少轩 刘羽寅 杨锐 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2604-2608,共5页
Microstructure refinement of a dual phase titanium alloy, Ti-3AI-4.5V-5Mo, by severe room temperature compression was investigated. Nanocrystalline grains were observed in the sample with 75% reduction, in which the g... Microstructure refinement of a dual phase titanium alloy, Ti-3AI-4.5V-5Mo, by severe room temperature compression was investigated. Nanocrystalline grains were observed in the sample with 75% reduction, in which the grain sizes of a phase and β phase were approximately 50 and 100 nm. Conversely, the average thicknesses of a phase and β phase in as-received microstructure were measured to be 0.7 and 0.5 μm, respectively. TEM and XRD methods were used to analyze the microstructure and texture changes after severe deformation. Microstructure refinement was deduced to the complex interaction among slip dislocations in the a phase, the complex interaction among slip dislocations and martensites in the β phases. In addition, the interaction between the a phase and the β phase also contributed to the microstructure refinement. 展开更多
关键词 dual phase titamum alloy Ti-3AI-4.3V-3Mo alloy severe plastic detormatlon mlcrostructure retinement nanocrystalline grains TEXTURE
Transparent Electronic Skin Device Based on Microstructured Silver Nanowire Electrode 被引量:1
作者 吕汉白 平鑫宇 +2 位作者 高睿泉 许亮亮 潘力佳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期603-608,I0002,共7页
Transparent, flexible electronic skin holds a wide range of applications in robotics, humanmachine interfaces, artificial intelligence, prosthetics, and health monitoring. Silver nanowire are mechanically flexible and... Transparent, flexible electronic skin holds a wide range of applications in robotics, humanmachine interfaces, artificial intelligence, prosthetics, and health monitoring. Silver nanowire are mechanically flexible and robust, which exhibit great potential in transparent and electricconducting thin film. Herein, we report on a silver-nanowire spray-coating and electrodemicrostructure replicating strategy to construct a transparent, flexible, and sensitive electronic skin device. The electronic skin device shows highly sensitive piezo-capacitance response to pressure. It is found that micropatterning the surface of dielectric layer polyurethane elastomer by replicating from microstructures of natural-existing surfaces such as lotus leaf, silk, and frosted glass can greatly enhance the piezo-capacitance performance of the device. The microstructured pressure sensors based on silver nanowire exhibit good transparency, excellent flexibility, wide pressure detection range (0-150 kPa), and high sensitivity (1.28 kPa-1). 展开更多
关键词 Electronic skin Pressure sensor Transparent electrode AgNWs Microstructure replica Polyurethane
Effect of different mulch materials on winter wheat production in desalinized soil in Heilonggang region of North China 被引量:18
作者 YANG Yan-min LIU Xiao-jing +1 位作者 LI Wei-qiang LI Cun-zhen 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第11期858-867,共10页
Freshwater shortage is the main problem in Heilonggang lower-lying plain, while a considerable amount of underground saline water is available. We wanted to find an effective way to use the brackish water in winter wh... Freshwater shortage is the main problem in Heilonggang lower-lying plain, while a considerable amount of underground saline water is available. We wanted to find an effective way to use the brackish water in winter wheat production. Surface mulch has significant effect in reducing evaporation and decreasing soil salinity level. This research was aimed at comparing the effect of different mulch materials on winter wheat production. The experiment was conducted during 2002-2003 and 2003-2004. Four treatments were setup: (1) no mulch, (2) mulch with plastic film, (3) mulch with corn straw, (4) mulch with concrete slab between the rows. The result indicated that concrete mulch and straw mulch was effective in conserving soil water compared to plastic film mulch which increased soil temperature. Concrete mulch decreases surface soil salinity better in comparison to other mulches used. Straw mulch conserved more soil water but decreased wheat grain yield probably due to low temperature. Concrete mulch had similar effect with plastic film mulch on promoting winter wheat development and growth. 展开更多
关键词 MULCH Plastic film Corn straw CONCRETE Saline water Wheat growth
Research progress of micro(nano)plastics in marine survey in China
作者 GAO Yan DAI Yuanyuan +3 位作者 SUN Xueliang LI Wangcan HE Qing LIU Zeping 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2020年第1期90-96,共7页
The extensive existence of microplastics in the marine environment and the various definite and indefinite harm to the living creatures have been paid much attention.In this paper,the definition,source and pollution o... The extensive existence of microplastics in the marine environment and the various definite and indefinite harm to the living creatures have been paid much attention.In this paper,the definition,source and pollution of micro(Nano)plastics in marine environment are reviewed.The related literatures are retrieved by using big data platform,the distribution characteristics of micro(Nano)plastics in the marine environment,control measures and so on,and the characteristics of key words making,resource distribution and contribution rate of research institutions are comprehensively analyzed.It provides the technical support for the scientific management of micro(Nano)plastics in the future. 展开更多
关键词 micro-nano plastics oceanographic survey research progress
Failure Prediction Modeling of Lithium Ion Battery toward Distributed Parameter Estimation
作者 吕汉白 平鑫宇 +2 位作者 高睿泉 许亮亮 潘力佳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期547-552,I0001,I0002,共8页
Lithium ion battery has typical character of distributed parameter system, and can be described precisely by partial differential equations and multi-physics theory because lithium ion battery is a complicated electro... Lithium ion battery has typical character of distributed parameter system, and can be described precisely by partial differential equations and multi-physics theory because lithium ion battery is a complicated electrochemical energy storage system. A novel failure prediction modeling method of lithium ion battery based on distributed parameter estimation and single particle model is proposed in this work. Lithium ion concentration in the anode of lithium ion battery is an unmeasurable distributed variable. Failure prediction system can estimate lithium ion concentration online, track the failure residual which is the difference between the estimated value and the ideal value. The precaution signal will be triggered when the failure residual is beyond the predefined failure precaution threshold, and the failure countdown prediction module will be activated. The remaining time of the severe failure threshold can be estimated by the failure countdown prediction module according to the changing rate of the failure residual. A simulation example verifies that lithium ion concentration in the anode of lithium ion battery can be estimated exactly and effectively by the failure prediction model. The precaution signal can be triggered reliably, and the remaining time of the severe failure can be forecasted accurately by the failure countdown prediction module. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium ion battery Failure prediction Battery model Distributed parameter
Molecular dynamics simulation on mechanisms of plastic anisotropy in nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture during tensile deformation 被引量:5
作者 Yan-qiu ZHANG Shu-yong JIANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1381-1396,共16页
Based on molecular dynamics(MD)simulation,the mechanisms of plastic anisotropy in nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture during tensile deformation were systematically studied from the aspects of Schmid f... Based on molecular dynamics(MD)simulation,the mechanisms of plastic anisotropy in nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture during tensile deformation were systematically studied from the aspects of Schmid factor of the dominant slip system and the dislocation mechanism.The results show that the Schmid factor of dominated slip system is altered by changing the inclining angle of the twin boundaries(TBs),while the yield stress or flow stress does not strictly follow the Schmid law.There exist hard and soft orientations involving different dislocation mechanisms during the tensile deformation.The strengthening mechanism of hard orientation lies in the fact that there exist interactions between the dislocations and the TBs during plastic deformation,which leads to the dislocation blocking and reactions.The softening mechanism of soft orientation lies in the fact that there is no interaction between the dislocations and the TBs because only the slip systems parallel to the TBs are activated and the dislocations slip on the planes parallel to the TBs.It is concluded that the plastic anisotropy in the nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture is aroused by the combination effect of the Schmid factor of dominated slip system and the dislocation mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical property dislocations molecular dynamics plastic anisotropy NANOTWINS
Soil Air Regime of Corn Field Under Plastic Mnlching
作者 CHENYONG-XIANG LIUXIAO-YI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第3期245-250,共6页
The effects of plastic inulching on soil aeralion at the soil dcpth uf 0-100 cm were studied in a corn tield.The resnlts indicated that the CO_2 concentration of unmulched soil in the 0-100 cm layer layer ranged from ... The effects of plastic inulching on soil aeralion at the soil dcpth uf 0-100 cm were studied in a corn tield.The resnlts indicated that the CO_2 concentration of unmulched soil in the 0-100 cm layer layer ranged from 0.00 1to 0.016 m ̄3/m ̄3, and that of mulched soil 0.002 to 0.018m ̄3/m ̄3, about 32.39% higher than the forrner on theaverage. Such a CO_2 concentration in the soil air is still suitable for crop growth. The O_2 concentration wasinversely correlated with CO_2 concentrat ion in the soil air ( unmulching r=-0.92 ̄(**), mulching r=-0. 79 ̄*). O_2concentration ranged from 0. 1 1 to 0. 17 m ̄3/m ̄3 in the mulched soil and 0. 1 3 to 0. 18 m ̄3 /m ̄3 in the unmulchedsoil. By contrast, N_2 concentration in soil air remained relatively steady, with no difference between the twotreatments. The relationship between the soil respiratory intensity and the depth of a soil layer appeared tobe a power function. At the layer of 0-20 cm, the soil respiration intensity in the mulched soil was obviouslyhigher than that in the unmulched. Plastic mulching could also affect soil structure. In comparison withthe unmulched soil, the content of >0.25 mm aggregate and 0.05-0.001 mm microaggregate in the mulched soil was reduced by 82.1% and 35.8%, respectively; the soil total porosity, gaseous phase rate and aerationporosity in the depth of 10-20 cm were reduced by 2.85%, 19.89% and 26.54% respectively, but contrary at the depth of 0-10 cm. 展开更多
关键词 Aeration porosity plastic mulching respiratory intensity soil air
Experimental and finite element analysis for fracture of coating layer of galvannealed steel sheet 被引量:2
作者 S.I.KIM J.U.HER +1 位作者 Y.C.JANG Y.LEE 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第A01期111-116,共6页
Mechanical properties of galvannealed (GA) steel sheet used for automotive exposed panel and predicted failure phenomenon of its coating layer were evaluated using finite element method. V-bending test was performed t... Mechanical properties of galvannealed (GA) steel sheet used for automotive exposed panel and predicted failure phenomenon of its coating layer were evaluated using finite element method. V-bending test was performed to understand better the fracture of coating layer of GA steel sheet during plastic deformation. Yield strength of the coating layer was calculated by using a relative difference between hardness of coating layer measured from the nano-indentation test and that of substrate. To measure shearing strength at the interface between substrate and coating layer, shearing test with two specimens attached by an adhesive was carried out. Using the mechanical properties measured, a series of finite element analyses coupled with a failure model was performed. Results reveal that the fracture of coating layer occurs in an irregular manner at the region where compressive deformation is dominant. Meanwhile, a series of vertical cracks perpendicular to material surface are observed at the tensile stressed-region. It is found that 0.26-0.28 of local equivalent plastic strain exists at the coating and substrate at the beginning of failure. The fracture of coating layer depends on ductility of the coating layer considerably as well. 展开更多
关键词 galvannealed steel sheet fracture simulation coating layer finite element analysis failure model
Surface Dislocation Nucleation Mediated Deformation and Ultrahigh Strength in Sub-10-nm Gold Nanowires 被引量:4
作者 Yang Lu Jun Song +1 位作者 Jian Yu Huang Jun Lou 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1261-1267,共7页
The plastic deformation and the ultrahigh strength of metals at the nanoscale have been predicted to be controlled by surface dislocation nucleation. In situ quantitative tensile tests on individual 〈111〉 single cry... The plastic deformation and the ultrahigh strength of metals at the nanoscale have been predicted to be controlled by surface dislocation nucleation. In situ quantitative tensile tests on individual 〈111〉 single crystalline ultrathin gold nanowires have been performed and significant load drops observed in stress-strain curves suggest the occurrence of such dislocation nucleation. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) imaging and molecular dynamics simulations demonstrated that plastic deformation was indeed initiated and dominated by surface dislocation nucleation, mediating ultrahigh yield and fracture strength in sub-lO-nm gold nanowires. 展开更多
关键词 NANOWIRES in situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) mechanical characterization dislocation nucleation PLASTICITY
Role of plastic deformation in tailoring ultrafine microstructure in nanotwinned diamond for enhanced hardness 被引量:4
作者 胡文涛 温斌 +8 位作者 黄权 肖建伟 于栋利 王雁宾 赵智胜 何巨龙 柳忠元 徐波 田永君 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期178-185,共8页
Nanotwinned diamond(nt-diamond),which demonstrates unprecedented hardness and stability,is synthesized through the martensitic transformation of onion carbons at high pressure and high temperature(HPHT).Its hardne... Nanotwinned diamond(nt-diamond),which demonstrates unprecedented hardness and stability,is synthesized through the martensitic transformation of onion carbons at high pressure and high temperature(HPHT).Its hardness and stability increase with decreasing twin thickness at the nanoscale.However,the formation mechanism of nanotwinning substructures within diamond nanograins is not well established.Here,we characterize the nanotwins in nt-diamonds synthesized under different HPHT conditions.Our observation shows that the nanotwin thickness reaches a minimum at ~20 GPa,below which phase-transformation twins and deformation twins coexist.Then,we use the density-functional-based tight-binding method and kinetic dislocation theory to investigate the subsequent plastic deformation mechanism in these pre-existing phase-transformation diamond twins.Our results suggest that pressure-dependent conversion of the plastic deformation mechanism occurs at a critical synthetic pressure for nt-diamond,which explains the existence of the minimum twin thickness.Our findings provide guidance on optimizing the synthetic conditions for fabricating nt-diamond with higher hardness and stability. 展开更多
关键词 nanotwinned diamond high temperature and high pressure(HTHP) plastic deformation HARDNESS
Size-dependent transition of the deformation behavior of Au nanowires 被引量:1
作者 Na-Young Park Ho-Seok Nam +1 位作者 PiI-Ryung Cha Seung-Cheol Lee 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期941-947,共7页
Inspired by the controversy over tensile deformation modes of single-crystalline 〈110〉/{111} Au nanowires, we investigated the dependency of the deformation mode on diameters of nanowires using the molecular dynamic... Inspired by the controversy over tensile deformation modes of single-crystalline 〈110〉/{111} Au nanowires, we investigated the dependency of the deformation mode on diameters of nanowires using the molecular dynamics technique. A new criterion for assessing the preferred deformation mode-slip or twin propagation--of nanowires as a function of nanowire diameter is presented. The results demonstrate the size-dependent transition, from superplastic deformation mediated by twin propagation to the rupture by localized slips in deformed region as the nanowire diameter decreases. Moreover, the criterion was successfully applied to explain the superplastic deformation of Cu nanowires. 展开更多
关键词 Au nanowire molecular dynamics size-dependent transition tensile deformationmechanism
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