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作者 尉红琛 《今日中国》 2024年第5期42-43,共2页
中国的快速发展为众多德国企业打开了“机遇之门”,希望未来更多的德国企业加入到中国高质量发展中,共同分享中国发展红利。“2023年以来,中德关系在挑战中实现了新发展。当下,国际环境错综复杂,全球局势动荡不安,但只要把稳航向、乘风... 中国的快速发展为众多德国企业打开了“机遇之门”,希望未来更多的德国企业加入到中国高质量发展中,共同分享中国发展红利。“2023年以来,中德关系在挑战中实现了新发展。当下,国际环境错综复杂,全球局势动荡不安,但只要把稳航向、乘风破浪,中德关系之舟必将行稳致远。” 展开更多
关键词 中德关系 发展红利 中德合作 前景广阔 米夏埃尔 高质量发展 行稳致远 共同分享
作者 童煜昕 《文教资料》 2018年第10期11-12,共2页
《朗读者》是本哈德·施林克以一个反思德国人对罪责和罪行看法的作品。除了米夏自身的罪、身上赋予了历史遗留的罪责外,更有以米夏这一代人为代表的德国人在对历史的反思中犯下了麻木不仁的罪。作者就米夏的行为、思想分析其身上... 《朗读者》是本哈德·施林克以一个反思德国人对罪责和罪行看法的作品。除了米夏自身的罪、身上赋予了历史遗留的罪责外,更有以米夏这一代人为代表的德国人在对历史的反思中犯下了麻木不仁的罪。作者就米夏的行为、思想分析其身上的罪责。 展开更多
关键词 《朗读者》 米夏 反思
作者 刘莎 《语言与文化论坛》 2018年第4期76-81,共6页
以德国作家海因里希·冯·克莱斯特中篇小说《米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》(Michael Kphlhaas)中主人公科尔哈斯的妻子丽丝珀作为切入点,通过文本分析和文献研究法分析其女性形象在小说中显现的多重身份和性格特征,以及对小说情节... 以德国作家海因里希·冯·克莱斯特中篇小说《米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》(Michael Kphlhaas)中主人公科尔哈斯的妻子丽丝珀作为切入点,通过文本分析和文献研究法分析其女性形象在小说中显现的多重身份和性格特征,以及对小说情节发展所起到的作用,折射出16世纪中期君主制下德国的政治体制、社会阶级及其在此历史背景下,德国女性的社会地位和家庭地位。 展开更多
关键词 克莱斯特 米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯 丽丝珀 女性形象 身份特征
《米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》与十九世纪初普鲁士改革 被引量:4
作者 徐畅 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期5-31,共27页
本文将克莱斯特的小说《米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》放置在十九世纪初普鲁士改革的社会语境中进行解读,认为当时与改革相关的各种问题和思想理念都在这部小说中获得了形象性的汇聚和表达。小说中科尔哈斯的复仇行动看似是他的特殊性格和... 本文将克莱斯特的小说《米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》放置在十九世纪初普鲁士改革的社会语境中进行解读,认为当时与改革相关的各种问题和思想理念都在这部小说中获得了形象性的汇聚和表达。小说中科尔哈斯的复仇行动看似是他的特殊性格和命运偶然性共同作用所导致的悲剧,但在很大程度上却是作者虚拟的一场资产阶级革命,意图以此警示改革的必要性;小说后半部分则是在拿破仑入侵普鲁士之后的语境中对改革相关问题进行的进一步的理念探讨。 展开更多
关键词 米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》 拿破仑战争 普鲁士改革
儿童的复仇——《白丝带》导演米夏埃尔·哈内克采访录 被引量:1
作者 严敏 《电影新作》 北大核心 2010年第3期37-40,共4页
关键词 儿童演员 导演 影片 内克 奥斯卡奖 剧情 剧本 金球奖 观众 米夏埃尔
作者 邵欣欣 《艺术品鉴》 2021年第1期116-123,共8页
作为巴洛克艺术风格的代表,我们可以看出画家在创作这幅作品时谨慎而精致的艺术追求。比如,他将俄耳甫斯居于画面中心地位,目光看向观众,好似一边弹琴一边给观众吟唱。俄耳甫斯和其周围的动物施以高光,身后的风景起到了背景衬托的作用... 作为巴洛克艺术风格的代表,我们可以看出画家在创作这幅作品时谨慎而精致的艺术追求。比如,他将俄耳甫斯居于画面中心地位,目光看向观众,好似一边弹琴一边给观众吟唱。俄耳甫斯和其周围的动物施以高光,身后的风景起到了背景衬托的作用。而在动物绘制方面,米夏埃尔·威尔曼则继承了文艺复兴时期以来欧洲人新航路开辟之后的全球视野,在画面中出现了亚洲的孔雀、非洲的花豹和美洲的火鸡,表现了俄耳甫斯演奏音乐对世界各地动物的强大影响力。 展开更多
关键词 新航路开辟 绘画风格 俄耳甫斯 米夏埃尔 全球视野 艺术追求
作者 尼古拉·诺索夫 韦苇(译) 西西(图) 《儿童文学选刊》 2018年第11期17-21,共5页
关键词 妈妈 米夏 煮粥 夏季
作者 尼古拉·诺索夫 韦苇(译) 《花火(C版)》 2010年第10期44-50,共7页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 阅读材料 米夏煮粥》
作者 张树翔 《小小说月刊(上半月)》 2022年第17期13-15,共3页
取材于中世纪真实故事的《米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》是克莱斯特篇幅最长的中篇小说,其中由两匹黑马导致的一系列事故巧妙地引发了人们关于法律、正义以及暴力的思考。然而在涉及人物形象时,却鲜有对女性人物的明显刻画。小说中统计共出... 取材于中世纪真实故事的《米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》是克莱斯特篇幅最长的中篇小说,其中由两匹黑马导致的一系列事故巧妙地引发了人们关于法律、正义以及暴力的思考。然而在涉及人物形象时,却鲜有对女性人物的明显刻画。小说中统计共出现有姓名和剧情的女性仅四人:科尔哈斯的妻子丽斯贝特、修道院女主持安东尼娅·封·特隆卡,后来升任首相的昆茨的夫人赫洛丝、以及神秘的吉卜赛女人。因此本文将对这四位在文中笔墨较少的女性形象展开分析,尝试探究其在整个事件中发挥的作用,以及表达了作者怎样的用意。 展开更多
关键词 米夏埃尔·科尔哈斯》 克莱斯特 女性形象
《朗读者》的“成长”书写及其他 被引量:3
作者 张国龙 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2009年第3期113-117,共5页
《朗读者》叙说了15岁的德国少年米夏的成长史,是一部颇具代表性的成长小说文本。本文通过解读主人公米夏成长的失位和复位,进而探究隐匿于米夏成长事件之中的深刻的"历史寓言",并观照了作品对德国成长小说"宏大叙事&qu... 《朗读者》叙说了15岁的德国少年米夏的成长史,是一部颇具代表性的成长小说文本。本文通过解读主人公米夏成长的失位和复位,进而探究隐匿于米夏成长事件之中的深刻的"历史寓言",并观照了作品对德国成长小说"宏大叙事"传统的承接与超越,以及作品所具有的诗性的艺术品格。 展开更多
关键词 《朗读者》 成长小说 历史寓言 宏大叙事 米夏 汉娜
在善良与愚昧中挣扎的汉娜 被引量:1
作者 袁毅 《电影文学》 北大核心 2010年第3期93-94,共2页
影片《生死朗读》通过讲述15岁的米夏和36岁的汉娜的感情,艺术地再现了德国战后第二代人反思历史问题时徘徊于理智与情感之间的矛盾,展现了他们在成长过程中所背负的历史十字架,以及他们审视父辈罪恶的独特视角。本文从影片的人物刻画... 影片《生死朗读》通过讲述15岁的米夏和36岁的汉娜的感情,艺术地再现了德国战后第二代人反思历史问题时徘徊于理智与情感之间的矛盾,展现了他们在成长过程中所背负的历史十字架,以及他们审视父辈罪恶的独特视角。本文从影片的人物刻画角度入手,通过细读,主要分析女主角汉娜的性格,指出汉娜虽然本性善良,但由于愚昧无知,她的一生实质是在善良与愚昧中挣扎的一生,这样的一生对广大观众很有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 《生死朗读》 汉娜 米夏 善良 愚昧
作者 连丽丽 金晶 《电影评介》 北大核心 2015年第14期70-73,共4页
20世纪70年代,法国结构主义学者提出"叙事学"(Narratology)概念,标志着叙事学作为一门独立学科登上了历史舞台。尽管结构主义叙事学作为一门学术理论在学界争论不一,但是它对电影叙事学的影响是不容小觑的。电影叙事学方面的... 20世纪70年代,法国结构主义学者提出"叙事学"(Narratology)概念,标志着叙事学作为一门独立学科登上了历史舞台。尽管结构主义叙事学作为一门学术理论在学界争论不一,但是它对电影叙事学的影响是不容小觑的。电影叙事学方面的研究已成为现代电影理论研究的一个重要关注点。以电影《生死朗读》为例,电影的成功在于导演斯蒂芬·黛德利和演员们的不懈努力,更多的是电影叙事手法上对小说叙事策略的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 生死朗读 小说叙事 汉娜 结构主义叙事学 法国结构主义 米夏 叙事视角 叙事手法 斯蒂 朗读者
作者 袁毅 《电影文学》 北大核心 2011年第19期113-114,共2页
电影《朗读者》通过讲述15岁的米夏和36岁的汉娜的感情,艺术地再现了德国战后第二代人反思历史问题时徘徊于理智和情感之间的矛盾。该影片刻画的两个主要人物米夏和汉娜给观众留下了深刻的印象,同时也引发了众多的争议。本文尝试从人物... 电影《朗读者》通过讲述15岁的米夏和36岁的汉娜的感情,艺术地再现了德国战后第二代人反思历史问题时徘徊于理智和情感之间的矛盾。该影片刻画的两个主要人物米夏和汉娜给观众留下了深刻的印象,同时也引发了众多的争议。本文尝试从人物的情感角度入手,从弗洛伊德的精神分析法角度出发,深入剖析该影片隐含的恋母情结,分析其形成的原因,探讨其现实意义,希望对青少年的教育有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 《朗读者》 恋母情结 米夏 汉娜
Effects of Planting Density and Nitrogen Amount on Stalk Lodging-Resistance and Yield of Summer Maize in Sichuan Basin 被引量:6
作者 陈尚洪 陈红琳 +1 位作者 沈学善 刘定辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2147-2151,共5页
[Objective] The experiment was conducted to explore the suitable planting density and nitrogen amount for summer maize in Sichuan Basin with the objective to provide technical reservation and scientific basis for high... [Objective] The experiment was conducted to explore the suitable planting density and nitrogen amount for summer maize in Sichuan Basin with the objective to provide technical reservation and scientific basis for high-yielding cultivation technique.[Method] A widely planted maize cultivar 'Chengdan 30' was used as experimental material to study the effects of planting density and nitrogen amount on the stalk agronomic traits,stalk lodging-resistance mechanical characters,stalk breaking percentage and yield of maize.Experiment was arranged in a two-factor split plot design with three replicates.The planting density was the main factor with three density gradients(4.5×10^4,6.0×10^4 and 7.5×10^4 plants/hm^2) and the nitrogen amount was the second factor with two different levels of nitrogen content(300 and 375 kg/hm^2).[Result] The stalk lodging-resistance and yield were affected by planting density significantly.The increase of planting density would result in an increase of internode length and decrease of internode diameter,dry matter weight of per unit stalk length,rind penetration strength and breaking resistance of 3rd and 4th basal internodes.When planting density increased from 6.0×10^4 plants/hm2 to 7.5×10^4 plants/hm^2,the stalk breaking percentage in the whole growing season increased by 17.17%,and the yield reduced by 17.58%.The interaction between planting density and nitrogen amount affected the stalk breaking percentage in the whole growing season and yield significantly.The treatment with planting density of 6.0×104 plants/hm^2 and nitrogen amount of 375 kg/hm^2 of pure N was an optimal combination,which may not only control the stalk breaking percentage of whole growing stage effectively,but also could obtain an optimum grain yield.[Conclusion] In Sichuan Basin,the appropriate planting density and nitrogen amount for summer maize were 6.0×10^4 plants/hm^2 and 375 kg/hm^2. 展开更多
关键词 Summer maize Planting density Nitrogen amount Stalk lodging resistance YIELD
Effect of N Fertilization on Yield, N Absorption and Utilization of Two Species of Super High-Yielding Summer Maize 被引量:6
作者 王宜伦 刘天学 +2 位作者 谭金芳 张许 李潮海 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第2期339-342,374,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study on effects of N fertilizer on yield, N absorption and utilization of different cultivars of super high-yielding summer maize, in order to provide reference for reasonable N fertilizati... [Objective] The aim was to study on effects of N fertilizer on yield, N absorption and utilization of different cultivars of super high-yielding summer maize, in order to provide reference for reasonable N fertilization in accordance with different cultivars. [Method] Field experiment was conducted to study on effects of different N fertilizers on yield, N absorption and use efficiency of Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20, in order to learn the effect differences at different N fertilizer levels. [Result] After N was applied, yields of the two summer maize increased significantly. Zhengdan 958 achieved the highest in yield and proceeds at 12 051.18 kg/hm2 and 1 722.40 yuan/hm2, respectively in low N level. In contrast, Xundan 20 achieved the highest at 13 166.00 kg/hm2 and 1 343.92 yuan/hm2 in the above two aspects in high N level. Compared with Zhengdan 958, Xundan 20 increased by 9.90%, 5.20% and 12.00% in N levels of 0, 240, and 450 kg/hm2, respectively. When N fertilizers were applied, protein yield of Xundan 20 was significantly higher than that of Zhengdan 958, so that higher N fertilizers contributed higher protein yield for Xundan 20. In high N level, N efficiency, N-fertilizer utilization and partial productivity of Xundan 20 were significantly higher than that of Zhengdan 958. [Conclusion] Lower N-fertilizer was suitable for Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20 would get a good harvest if more N-fertilizers were applied. The results provided references for reasonable N fertilization. 展开更多
关键词 Super high-yielding Summer maize CULTIVAR N-FERTILIZER YIELD Accumulation of N N efficiency
Effects of a New Long-term Controlled-release Fertilizer on Growth and Development and Yield of Summer Maize 被引量:3
作者 史桂芳 董浩 +4 位作者 毕军 夏光利 朱国梁 牟小翎 孙国波 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第10期2300-2302,2307,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to select the optimal amount of controlled-release fertilizer and provide theoretical references for controlled-release fertilizers use in summer maize. [Method] Long-term controlled-release fe... [Objective] The aim was to select the optimal amount of controlled-release fertilizer and provide theoretical references for controlled-release fertilizers use in summer maize. [Method] Long-term controlled-release fertilizers were applied once at sowing summer maize to explore effects on maize growth, yield, economic profits and environment. [Result] Maize yield reduced a little in the treatment group with 60% CRF, and increased in varying degrees in the rest groups in the range of 1.1%-7.4%, and some showed significant differences. [Conclusion] Controlled-release fertilizers can be applied once at the amount of 80% common fertilizer's, with con- sideration of maize yield, nitrogen use rate and economic profits, which is beneficial for summer maize application and promotion in North China. 展开更多
关键词 Long-term controlled release fertilizer Summer maize YIELD Nitrogen fertilizer use rate
Effects of Postponing N Application on Metabolism,Absorption and Utilization of Nitrogen of Summer Maize in SuperHigh Yield Region 被引量:3
作者 王宜伦 王群 +3 位作者 韩丹 任丽 谭金芳 李潮海 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第1期131-134,185,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to explore effects of application postponing of N fertilizer and the mechanism of yield increase in order to provide references for N fertilizer application in a rational way. [Method] In a sup... [Objective] The aim was to explore effects of application postponing of N fertilizer and the mechanism of yield increase in order to provide references for N fertilizer application in a rational way. [Method] In a super-high yielded region of summer maize, field experiment was conducted to research effects of N fertilizer postponing on key enzymes of N metabolism, yield of maize and N fertilizer use. [Result] After application of N fertilizer was postponed, NR, SPS and GS activities of ear-leaf of summer maize increased by 11.99%-34.87%, 8.25%-10.64% and 10.00%- 16.81% on the 28^th d of silking; content of soluble sugar in leaves enhanced signifi- cantly and accumulated nitrogen increased by 5.00%-9.74% in mature stage. The postponing fertilization of "30% of fertilizer in seedling stage+30% of fertilizer in flare- opening stage+40% of fertilizer in silking stage meets N demands of summer maize in late growth period. Compared with conventional fertilization, the maize yield, agro- nomic efficiency and use of N fertilizer all improved by 5.05%, 1.75 kg/kg and 6.87%, respectively, after application postponed. [Conclusion] Application postponing of N fertilizer maintains activity of NR, GS and SPS higher and coordinates metabolism of C and N in late growth period, to further improve yield of maize. 展开更多
关键词 Summer maize Super high yield Application postponing of N fertilizer Nitrogen metabolism Use efficiency of N fertilizer
Effects of Different Nutrient Management Systems and Cultivation Methods on Crop Yield and Soil Fertility 被引量:6
作者 刘小玲 贾良良 +3 位作者 韩宝文 李春杰 刘文菊 刘孟朝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第11期1674-1679,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to provide scientific basis for improving the middle and low yielding fields fertility and farmland productivity. [Method] A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of different m... [Objective] The aim was to provide scientific basis for improving the middle and low yielding fields fertility and farmland productivity. [Method] A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of different management practices (including nutrient management systems and cultivation methods) on crop yield and soil fertility in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system. [Result] The crop yield in the treatment of the high yield and high efficiency system was remarkably higher than farmer conventional management practice. After five crop seasons experiment, the contents of soil organic matter for high yield and high efficiency system increased 2.72-3.01 g/kg, and that of soil total nitrogen increased 0.12-0.16 g/kg, the soil Olsen-P increased 5.2 mg/kg and the soil available K (NH4OAC-K) increased about 37.8 mg/kg. [Conclusion] Considering the yield and soil fertility comprehensively, the management system of high yield and high efficiency could effectively increase the crop yield and improve the soil fertility. 展开更多
关键词 Nutrient management Winter wheat-summer maize rotation Soil fertility Tillage and cultivation mode
Effects of Controlled-Release Nitrogen on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Summer Maize 被引量:1
作者 李敏 王道中 +4 位作者 郭熙盛 武际 叶寅 王静 韩上 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期607-610,共4页
The field experiments were conducted in Anhui during 2016 to investigate the effects of controlled-release nitrogen (CRN) rates and mixture of controlled-re- lease nitrogen and conventional nitrogen (CN) on the yi... The field experiments were conducted in Anhui during 2016 to investigate the effects of controlled-release nitrogen (CRN) rates and mixture of controlled-re- lease nitrogen and conventional nitrogen (CN) on the yield and nitrogen efficiency of summer maize. Six treatments included CK (with no application of N), CNIO0% splits (CN), CRFIO0% (CRN1), CRN60%+CN40% (CRN2), CRN85% (CRN3) and CRN70% (CRN4). The results showed proper CRN increased yields and output val- ue. Compared with CN, CRN2 significantly increased by 13.74%, CRN1 increased by 4.84%, and CRN3 was equal to CN. CRN increased yield by grain number per spike of yield components. CRN2 had the highest apparent nitrogen fertilizer recov- ery efficiency and CRN1 was the second, which were significantly higher than CN. Nitrogen agronomic efficiency of CRN2 was significantly higher than CN. Nitrogen physiological efficiency of CRN2 was higher than CN. The partial productivity of CRN1 was higher than that with CN. And the effect of nitrogen fertilizer of CRN2 was the highest, which was increased 758 yuan/hm2. Considering yield, nitrogen use efficiency and economic benefit, applying the mixture of CRN and CN was the most beneficial treatment. CRN1 was the second treatment, and CRN3 didn't reduce yield. 展开更多
关键词 Controlled-release nitrogen Summer maize YIELD Nitrogen use efficiency
Effects of Reduced Nitrogen Fertilization and Biochar Application on CO_2 and N_2O Emissions from a Summer Maize-Winter Wheat Rotation Field in North China 被引量:1
作者 韩雪 范靖尉 +4 位作者 白晋华 任寰宇 李迎春 刁田田 郭李萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2800-2808,共9页
This experiment was conducted in Xinxiang, Henan from June 2013 to June 2014. Total four treatments were designed including farmers ’ common practice (F, 250 kg/hm^2), 80% F (LF, 200 kg/hm^2), 80% F+biochar (LF... This experiment was conducted in Xinxiang, Henan from June 2013 to June 2014. Total four treatments were designed including farmers ’ common practice (F, 250 kg/hm^2), 80% F (LF, 200 kg/hm^2), 80% F+biochar (LFC) and no fertilizer (CK) to measure the dynamic emissions of CO2 and N2O from a summer maize-winter wheat field by static chamber-gas chromatography method. The results showed that the soil CO2 emission was 21.8-1 022.7 mg/(m^2·h), and was mainly influenced by soil temperature and moisture content. During the growth of summer maize, the soil CO2 emission was more significantly affected by soil moisture con-tent; and in winter wheat growing season, it was more significantly affected by soil temperature in the top 5 cm. The LF and LFC treatments significantly reduced the soil cumulative CO2 emission, especial y during the growth of winter wheat. Fertiliza-tion and irrigation were the main factors influencing the soil N2O emission. The soil N2O emission during the fertilization period accounted for 73.9%-74.5% and 40.5%-43.6% of the soil cumulative N2O emission during the summer maize-and winter wheat-growing season, respectively. The peak of emission fluxes was determined by fertilization amount, while the occurrence time of emission peak and emission re-duction effect were influenced by irrigation. The LF treatment reduced the soil cu-mulative N2O emission by 15.7%-16.8% and 18.1%-18.5% during the growth period of summer maize and winter wheat, respectively. Reduced nitrogen fertilization is an effective way for reducing N2O emission in intensive high-yielding farmland. Under a suitable nitrogen level (200 kg/hm^2), the application of biochar showed no significant effect on the soil N2O emission in a short term. The N2O emission factors of the L and LF treatments were 0.60% and 0.56%, respectively. ln the intensive high-yield-ing farmland of North China, reducing the nitrogen application amount is an appro-priate measure to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions without crop yield loss. 展开更多
关键词 Reduced nitrogen fertilization BIOCHAR Greenhouse gas emissions N2O emission Winter wheat-summer maize
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