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苏州甪直古镇米文化产业升级研究 被引量:1
作者 郭贵祥 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第21期7087-7089,共3页
关键词 苏州古镇 甪直 米文化 战略 产业升级
作者 胡雁冰 段英 《武汉文史资料》 1997年第1期142-146,共5页
关键词 米文化 再创新 香港 武汉市民 公司董事 总经理 国际投资 金源 房地产
作者 张国江 《中国农垦》 2004年第9期26-28,共3页
上海农垦海丰米业是在海丰农场基础上发展起来的集稻米种植、精米加工与产品销售于一体的国家级农业产业化重点龙头企业,也是改制重组后的上海农垦"一业为主、多业支撑的"1+X"结构"中核心业务--都市型农业的重要组... 上海农垦海丰米业是在海丰农场基础上发展起来的集稻米种植、精米加工与产品销售于一体的国家级农业产业化重点龙头企业,也是改制重组后的上海农垦"一业为主、多业支撑的"1+X"结构"中核心业务--都市型农业的重要组成部分.海丰米业这几年在致力于米业龙头的发展进程中,同时十分注重米文化的培育,用企业发展的共同远景来积聚人才、培育新农垦人企业忠诚度;用创新的手段打造品牌,体现员工价值,发展壮大企业;在发展中培育,在培育中创新,把米业的发展与米文化培育高度融合. 展开更多
关键词 业发展 米文化培育 上海农垦海丰 海丰农场
努力建设米文化 推进米业产业化——上海农工商海丰总公司企业文化建设之实践
作者 陈斐然 《中国农垦》 2004年第4期24-25,共2页
上海农工商集团海丰总公司(上海市海丰农场)30年的创业为上海的改革、发展、稳定作出过历史性贡献。从当年的维护上海治安稳定到现在的上海米袋子、菜篮子的重要后方基地的功能变迁;从当年的老围垦、知识青年、支边青年到现在的五湖四... 上海农工商集团海丰总公司(上海市海丰农场)30年的创业为上海的改革、发展、稳定作出过历史性贡献。从当年的维护上海治安稳定到现在的上海米袋子、菜篮子的重要后方基地的功能变迁;从当年的老围垦、知识青年、支边青年到现在的五湖四海有志于农垦事业的新农垦人的人员变迁; 展开更多
关键词 上海农工商集团海丰总公司 米文化 产业化发展 价值观 企业形象 企业文化 群众性文化娱乐
作者 罗伟民 涂慷 《集美大学学报(哲社版)》 2024年第5期77-82,共6页
米食作为中国饮食文化的重要组成部分,也是端午习俗活动中人们不可或缺的一种传统食物。米食文化具有悠久的历史,表现出地域性、时节性、多样性等特点。端午节是中国重要的传统节日,从米食文化与民俗内涵关系、端午的习俗与活动、岁时... 米食作为中国饮食文化的重要组成部分,也是端午习俗活动中人们不可或缺的一种传统食物。米食文化具有悠久的历史,表现出地域性、时节性、多样性等特点。端午节是中国重要的传统节日,从米食文化与民俗内涵关系、端午的习俗与活动、岁时饮食的食粽养生习俗3个方面来考述端午的习俗活动,希望传承和发扬端午习俗活动,促进中国传统文化的社会进步。 展开更多
关键词 文化 端午习俗 习俗活动
文化与经济相融米食文化包装设计的研究 被引量:5
作者 李文婷 赵起 孙熠 《经济师》 2018年第5期73-74,共2页
从古至今,米食是人类重要的粮食作物之一。我国地域广阔,民俗众多,不同的地区不同的民族就有不一样的文化发展,米食虽然作为大家共同的食粮,但不同的地域文化将使米食的发展也表现出独特的地区文化性。在高速发展的现代社会,米食依然是... 从古至今,米食是人类重要的粮食作物之一。我国地域广阔,民俗众多,不同的地区不同的民族就有不一样的文化发展,米食虽然作为大家共同的食粮,但不同的地域文化将使米食的发展也表现出独特的地区文化性。在高速发展的现代社会,米食依然是重要的粮食作物,经过长久的发展,现在的稻米也有了区域性的差别,尤其是形成了"南籼北粳"的特点,即南方产出籼米与北方粳米。根据米的特点不同,又延伸出了很多米食产业,米食产业在我国经济中也占有很大的比重。在生活水平不断提高的过程中,很多东西都被赋予了文化的包装,米食作为一种重要的粮食作物,又有着很多的地域特色,为了更好地推广具有地区特色的米食,不同地区对米食产业也进行了不同的文化包装设计。 展开更多
关键词 文化 包装设计
地域背景下米食文化中的包装设计 被引量:2
作者 赵起 《艺术科技》 2019年第11期30-30,80,共2页
自古民以食为天,中国是名副其实的粮食大国,在中国米食文化有着悠久的历史,但是现阶段,米食包装设计的同质化现象越来越严重,品牌意识相对薄弱等。在地域背景下对米食包装进行创新设计,让大米的包装呈现出浓郁的地域文化气息,让消费者... 自古民以食为天,中国是名副其实的粮食大国,在中国米食文化有着悠久的历史,但是现阶段,米食包装设计的同质化现象越来越严重,品牌意识相对薄弱等。在地域背景下对米食包装进行创新设计,让大米的包装呈现出浓郁的地域文化气息,让消费者在购买商品的同时,被米食文化的包装所吸引、打动,从而引起购买欲望。米食文化随时通过日常生活用品得到传播,对地域文化的传承和发展有着重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 地域文化 文化 包装设计
作者 孙熠 《艺术科技》 2018年第11期19-19,21,共2页
稻米是人类重要的粮食作物和主食之一,米食文化起源追溯到人类开始栽培稻谷,随着水稻栽培加工技术的进步而发展,随生产力发展需求的变化由果腹到美味,再由美味到健康,各阶段形成了独特的米食文化,含有寓意丰富的"中国味道"。... 稻米是人类重要的粮食作物和主食之一,米食文化起源追溯到人类开始栽培稻谷,随着水稻栽培加工技术的进步而发展,随生产力发展需求的变化由果腹到美味,再由美味到健康,各阶段形成了独特的米食文化,含有寓意丰富的"中国味道"。我国是米食的消费大国,也是米食的生产大国,在"互联网+"的新形势下,给众多米农带来了新机遇。对此,米农要抓住新的销售模式,建立品牌意识,对形式单一的米食包装进行专业设计,探索文化与经济的融合,设计辨识度高、消费定位层次广泛的包装设计,以提高米农经济收益。 展开更多
关键词 文化 新形势 设计
话说米食文化 被引量:1
作者 东南香 《垦殖与稻作》 2004年第2期62-62,共1页
关键词 文化 中国 渊源 粮食文化
米食商品文化 米食营销文化
作者 东南香 《垦殖与稻作》 2004年第3期62-62,共1页
关键词 食商品文化 主体结构 改革创新 品种类型
曾钟音列结构与长江文化区 被引量:4
作者 杨匡民 《黄钟(武汉音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第3期44-47,共4页
长江区域文化,是曾侯乙编钟的背景。自古以来已分为巴蜀、荆楚、吴越三个文化区。其歌乐文化,史不中断、地不变迁沿袭至今。中南色彩区歌乐文化,承受其古区歌乐文化,形成了多元歌乐混融体歌乐文化。以婚丧礼乐,尚巫信“三教”;米文化之... 长江区域文化,是曾侯乙编钟的背景。自古以来已分为巴蜀、荆楚、吴越三个文化区。其歌乐文化,史不中断、地不变迁沿袭至今。中南色彩区歌乐文化,承受其古区歌乐文化,形成了多元歌乐混融体歌乐文化。以婚丧礼乐,尚巫信“三教”;米文化之歌,薅秧打锣鼓;楚歌多和声,传今二千年为证。随楚科技文化,一度光辉灿烂,居天下第一。 展开更多
关键词 曾侯乙编钟 文化 色彩区 多元 混融 同化 米文化 冲要
Optimization of cavitation venturi tube design for pico and nano bubbles generation 被引量:15
作者 Xiong Yu Peng Felicia 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期523-529,共7页
Hydrodynamic cavitaion venturi tube technique is used for pico and nano bubble generations in coal column flotation. In order to determine the optimal design of hydrodynamic cavitation venture tube for pico and nano b... Hydrodynamic cavitaion venturi tube technique is used for pico and nano bubble generations in coal column flotation. In order to determine the optimal design of hydrodynamic cavitation venture tube for pico and nano bubble generation, a four-factor three-level Central Composite Design of Experimental was conducted for investigating four important design parameters of cavitation venturi tube governing the median size and the volume of pico and nano bubbles. The test results showed that maximum volume of pico and nano bubbles, 65–75%, and minimum mean pico and nano bubble size,150–240 nm, were achieved at the medium ratio of the diameter of outlet of the venturi-tube and diameter of throat(3–4), medium outlet angle(11–13°), high inlet angle(26–27°) and high ratio of the length of the throat and the diameter of throat(2.3–3). Study the effects of the producing pico and nano bubbles on fine coal flotation was performed in a 5 cm diameter 260 cm height flotation column. The optimal percentage of pico and nano bubbles was about 70%, which produced maximum combustible material recovery of 86% with clean coal ash content of 11.7%. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrodynamic cavitation venture tub edesign Pico and nano bubbles Bubble volume and mean size distributions Coal Column Froth flotation
An Anthropology of Historic Foods in Japan, China and Korea
作者 Bok-rae Kim 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2018年第3期112-120,共9页
This paper is divided into three subjects: Japanese Genghis Khan, Chinese tofu and Korean bibimbap (mixed rice with vegetables). It will be a cross-cultural and comparative research on historic foods among three co... This paper is divided into three subjects: Japanese Genghis Khan, Chinese tofu and Korean bibimbap (mixed rice with vegetables). It will be a cross-cultural and comparative research on historic foods among three countries (Japan, China, and Korea), in relation to national culinary identity. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese Genghis Khan Chinese tofu Korean bibimbap anthropology of food historic food
Analysis of Winterbourne in Daisy Miller
作者 Linglin Chen 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期30-32,共3页
Henry James is one of the greatest novelists, who enjoys great reputation in the English literary world. He spent many years in Europe. Fie had deep and subtle insights into the life of the upper class in America and ... Henry James is one of the greatest novelists, who enjoys great reputation in the English literary world. He spent many years in Europe. Fie had deep and subtle insights into the life of the upper class in America and Europe. He experienced the cultural differences between America and Europe profoundly, which was demonstrated in his literary works. Daisy Miller is one of the representative works of Henry James, reveals his "international theme", the American innocence in face of European sophistication, In D^dsy Miller, Winterbourne is an undeniable protagonist, embodies both narrative and symbolic meaning. Through his narration and his representative features of the sophistication of European culture, we can gradually realize that it is the inevitable collision between new world and old world that leads to the pathetic ending of Daisy Miller. 展开更多
关键词 Henry James Daisy Miller Winterbourne
The "Pictorial Turn" as Crisis and the Necessity of a Critique of Visual Culture
作者 Michele Bertolini 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第3期121-130,共10页
The "Pictorial" or "Iconic Turn" is a central issue in the contemporary theory of images and visual cultural studies. Should the theories concerning the "Iconic Turn" and formulated in the last 20 years by schol... The "Pictorial" or "Iconic Turn" is a central issue in the contemporary theory of images and visual cultural studies. Should the theories concerning the "Iconic Turn" and formulated in the last 20 years by scholars such as Gottfried Boehm, William Mitchell, Hans Belting be taken as critical theories of crisis? Is the currently experienced "turn towards images" (and their progressive rehabilitation after a long standing philosophical and theological rejection) a sign and symptom of some crisis of people's relation with images, language and, generally speaking, with the representation forms of reality? The main hypothesis of this essay envisages two sets of problems: first, the analysis of the relation between the possible idea of turning point and the concept of crisis; secondly, the thorough investigation of the relation connecting the iconic turn to the project of "critical iconology" or "critique of visual culture," as outlined by Hans Belting and William Mitchell. From the interpretation of the "Iconic Turn" as situation of crisis and aesthetic, anthropological, and epistemological transformation follows the need for the sciences of image to provide a "critical iconology" in order to be able to theoretically reformulate the ideological and political presuppositions of some dominant contemporary forms of visual representation. 展开更多
关键词 visual cultural CRISIS critique pictorial/iconic turn iconophile/iconoclast doctrines visual and verbalmedia critical iconology.
The Developmental Stages of Rice (Bap) Culture in Korea: From Food Insufficiency towards Trade Dependency
作者 Kim Bok-rae 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2018年第1期20-34,共15页
The aim of this paper is to examine the developmental stages of rice culture in Korea. It is divided into five sections: (1) first stage (Japanese colonial period-1959): absolute food insufficiency, (2) second... The aim of this paper is to examine the developmental stages of rice culture in Korea. It is divided into five sections: (1) first stage (Japanese colonial period-1959): absolute food insufficiency, (2) second stage (1960s): encouraging the use of flour & rice with mixed grains for food, (3) third stage (1970s): rice self-sufficiency, (4) fourth stage (1980s): change of rice culture, (5) fitch stage (since1990s): stabilization/stagnation of rice culture in the era of globalization. 展开更多
关键词 Rice culture food insufficiency rice self-sufficiency industrialization of rice globalization.
Culture of Scenedesmus acuminatus in Corn Steep Liquor
作者 Cristiane Tomas Kubo] Rafael Luan Sehn Canevest +2 位作者 Edson Antonio da Silva , Nyamien Yahaut Sebastien Tatiana Rodrigues da Silva Baumgartner 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2017年第5期346-350,共5页
Microalgae have been evaluated as a source of lipids for biodiesel production. They can be grown on effluent and produce biomass while removing organic and mineral components from the medium. The use of agro-industria... Microalgae have been evaluated as a source of lipids for biodiesel production. They can be grown on effluent and produce biomass while removing organic and mineral components from the medium. The use of agro-industrial wastes for the production of microalgae is an alternative to reduce the costs related to the composition of the culture medium, thus reducing operational costs considerably. This work was conceived as a research about the cultivation of microalgae Scenedesmus acuminatus on the substrate composed by corn steep liquor. A central composite design (CCD) was carried to study the influence of the effluent and inoculum concentration on the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the culture. Statistical analysis indicated that the percentage of inoculum and effluent had an influence on the COD. The cultivation, together with the coagulation procedure, was efficient for the removal of organic matter, verified through the COD reduction and changing of pH value. These two parameters reached the appropriate level according to the standard required by current legislation. 展开更多
关键词 SCENEDESMUS com steep liquor chemical oxygen demand BIOMASS microalgae.
Influences of Agricultural Practices in the Canton Erde-Pala Chad Vegetation
作者 Daniel Tchobsala Vroumsia Toua +1 位作者 Fonone Nafou Kaira Denis 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第10期494-510,共17页
The study, conducted in the Canton Erd6-Pala Chad, aims to i) list the different cultural practices, ii) study their impact on the vegetation and iii) determine the methods of co-management of these cultural practi... The study, conducted in the Canton Erd6-Pala Chad, aims to i) list the different cultural practices, ii) study their impact on the vegetation and iii) determine the methods of co-management of these cultural practices. The surveys were realized on 50 households in the village and phytosociological plants in corn, millet, cotton and peanuts cultures. The data analysis by statgraphic and Excel and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that maize production (1,200 kg/ha) ranked first at the expense of cotton (640 kg/ha). They negatively affect climate change (temperature increase (26%), rain drop (20%), land reclamation (18%) and flooding (12%)). Surveys of vegetation on three acres cotton fields (76.17%), millet (81.06%), corn (80.32%) and groundnut (83.56%) showed that there is no significant difference (P = 0.05) on the specific contribution of wood of different types of farming practices. Adventists species herbacious like Thelepogon elegans (27.84%), Hyptis spicigera (19.31%), Teramnus labialis (15.86%) have most important contributions in specific cultures. Methods of crop treatments have a destructive impact on the environment and the loss of biodiversity and the invasion of crops by adventists. Co-management, crop rotation, association of cultures, community forest management, agroforestry and training farmers in the use of inputs will reduce the potential risks of farming practices. 展开更多
关键词 INFLUENCE cultural practices floristic composition soil restoration Chad.
作者 徐曼曼 《休闲》 2021年第8期0161-0161,共1页
关键词 十二章纹 米文化 文化 图案
《中国米食大会》:问稻山水 寻味中国
作者 唐琳 段庆红 吴健秋 《电视研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第12期47-49,共3页
大型米食文化探寻节目《中国米食大会》从“一粒米”窥见中国米食的诞生及发展,探讨稻作农业文明的历史,了解独特地域文化对米食的影响,全景展现中国稻米版图以及人与稻米的故事。本文从寻味中国,展现稻作文明的全景图像;问稻山水,探寻... 大型米食文化探寻节目《中国米食大会》从“一粒米”窥见中国米食的诞生及发展,探讨稻作农业文明的历史,了解独特地域文化对米食的影响,全景展现中国稻米版图以及人与稻米的故事。本文从寻味中国,展现稻作文明的全景图像;问稻山水,探寻米食背后的人文故事;“真人秀+纪录片+慢综艺”,探寻美食节目新形态;打造全媒体矩阵,拓展传播外延等方面,阐释了节目的创新表现。 展开更多
关键词 文化 美食节目 《中国食大会》 节目创新
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