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黑米稻三系配套选育初报 被引量:6
作者 张俊才 肖叶青 +2 位作者 陈大洲 肖宇龙 卢诚 《江西农业学报》 2000年第1期1-4,共4页
采用人工制保、制恢的方法 ,育成了黑米稻不育系 2个 (“大黑A”和“血黑A”)和恢复系 3个 (“黑恢 1号”、“黑恢 2号”和“黑恢 3号”) ,于 1 997年成功地实现了黑米稻三系配套[1] ,与此同时进行了黑米稻不育系、恢复系与白米稻不育... 采用人工制保、制恢的方法 ,育成了黑米稻不育系 2个 (“大黑A”和“血黑A”)和恢复系 3个 (“黑恢 1号”、“黑恢 2号”和“黑恢 3号”) ,于 1 997年成功地实现了黑米稻三系配套[1] ,与此同时进行了黑米稻不育系、恢复系与白米稻不育系、恢复系的配组试验。试验结果表明 :黑米杂交稻优势强、经济性状互补明显 ,较好地克服了传统黑米稻品种产量低、抗性和株叶形态差的缺点 ,而且黑米稻不育系、恢复系与相应的白米稻恢复系、不育系配组 。 展开更多
关键词 米稻不育系 米稻恢复系 三系配套 选育
黑米稻种皮色素含量的遗传效应分析 被引量:40
作者 张名位 彭仲明 徐运启 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期149-155,共7页
采用3个种皮颜色深浅不同的黑米稻品种与1个白米稻品种配制6个杂交组合,测定F2单株黑米种皮中的色素含量。所有组合F2群体的色素含量的平均值介于双亲之间,并呈现近似的正态分布,表现多基因控制的数量性状遗传。选用6个黑米... 采用3个种皮颜色深浅不同的黑米稻品种与1个白米稻品种配制6个杂交组合,测定F2单株黑米种皮中的色素含量。所有组合F2群体的色素含量的平均值介于双亲之间,并呈现近似的正态分布,表现多基因控制的数量性状遗传。选用6个黑米稻品种与1个白米稻品种作7×7完全双列杂交,按Hayman模型进行遗传分析,结果表明,黑米稻种皮色素含量的遗传符合加性-显性模型,高色素含量的等位基因对低含量的等位基因表现显性,种皮深黑色对浅黑色、黑色对白色为显性;显性等位基因对提高色素含量起增效作用,隐性等位基因起减效作用;且广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均较高。在黑米稻的杂交育种中,可以种皮颜色作为主要目标,连续多代定向选择深黑色种皮的个体,并结合高世代的营养品质分析结果进行最终抉择,以保证所选黑米稻新品种(系)既有深黑色的种皮外观,又有丰富的营养成分。 展开更多
关键词 米稻 双列杂交 种皮颜色 色素含量
黑米稻生育中、后期施氮磷钾肥与^(14)C-同化物运转分配和谷产量 被引量:2
作者 王永锐 郭子杰 余款经 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1994年第1期8-14,共7页
黑米稻“乌黑粘4号”和“全黑粘”经生育中、后期施氮、磷、钾肥提高生物生产量、叶面积、叶绿素含量及光合强度。灌浆期 ̄14C一同化物从剑叶输出(%)增加,灌浆期和黄熟初期 ̄14C积累在稻穗的比率以乌黑粘4号高于全黑粘。乌... 黑米稻“乌黑粘4号”和“全黑粘”经生育中、后期施氮、磷、钾肥提高生物生产量、叶面积、叶绿素含量及光合强度。灌浆期 ̄14C一同化物从剑叶输出(%)增加,灌浆期和黄熟初期 ̄14C积累在稻穗的比率以乌黑粘4号高于全黑粘。乌黑粘4号的谷产量与 ̄14C分配在灌浆期稻穗、剑叶鞘及其下位叶、茎节的相关性分别呈正相关和负相关。全黑粘的谷产量与 ̄14C分配在下叶和茎节的负相关系数比乌黑粘4号的大。乌黑粘4号的穗粒性状得到改善,谷产量比全黑粘高。不同黑米稻品种对中后期N,P,K肥反应不同。 展开更多
关键词 米稻 氮肥 磷肥 钾肥 产量
黑米稻育种及果皮色素遗传研究进展 被引量:4
作者 张家健 汪雨萍 +10 位作者 刘海平 蒋龙 欧阳真诚 何胜 刘杨 张璞 谢建萍 罗杰 章萍 李德悦 张红林 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2022年第5期13-17,共5页
关键词 米稻 果皮色素 育种
黑米稻三系配套选育初探 被引量:3
作者 刘建萍 欧阳颔 +1 位作者 李季能 孙秋萍 《江西农业科技》 1998年第2期7-9,共3页
有色稻米(主要是指黑米)由于其特有的营养价值及药用价值而被人们所喜爱。而常规有色稻由于产量低、抗性差等原因直接影响了生产及利用。叙述了通过回交、杂交等途径来实现黑米稻三系配套,从而改善黑米稻的有关不良性状,以满足市场... 有色稻米(主要是指黑米)由于其特有的营养价值及药用价值而被人们所喜爱。而常规有色稻由于产量低、抗性差等原因直接影响了生产及利用。叙述了通过回交、杂交等途径来实现黑米稻三系配套,从而改善黑米稻的有关不良性状,以满足市场及人民生活需要。初步研究表明,黑米三系杂交稻株型好,抗性好,产量高。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 米稻 回交 杂交 三系配套 选育
黑米稻的保优高产栽培 被引量:1
作者 闵军 《湖南农业》 2013年第5期17-17,共1页
晚籼黑米营养丰富,有滋阴补血、乌发防衰老功能,米质优良,口感好,目前市场零售价每公斤10~30元,种植效益高。晚籼黑米稻种子发芽率高、秧苗生命力强,抗寒性强,抗飞虱,但分蘖力不强,穗长粒稀,穗粒数少,特别是黑米颜色与其食... 晚籼黑米营养丰富,有滋阴补血、乌发防衰老功能,米质优良,口感好,目前市场零售价每公斤10~30元,种植效益高。晚籼黑米稻种子发芽率高、秧苗生命力强,抗寒性强,抗飞虱,但分蘖力不强,穗长粒稀,穗粒数少,特别是黑米颜色与其食味受栽培的影响极大。因此,在保优高产栽培技术上应抓住以下几个关键措施。 展开更多
关键词 保优高产栽培技术 米稻 市场零售价 种子发芽率 营养丰富 滋阴补血 种植效益 抗寒性强
作者 李可仁 李庆安 《河北农垦科技》 1996年第4期30-31,共2页
关键词 米稻 特征特性 栽培技术
作者 陈琼武 《中国农技推广》 2014年第3期16-17,共2页
关键词 示范推广 米稻 栽培技术
特种稻黑米遗传研究进展 被引量:9
作者 蒋家焕 王玲 +1 位作者 叶新福 陈金铨 《福建稻麦科技》 1999年第1期5-8,共4页
黑米稻品种属名贵珍奇的特种稻类型,古为皇家专用贡品。据古书《齐民要术》记载,我国北魏时期(公元286~534年)即有种植,至今已有1500年以上的栽培历史。黑米集天然的色、香、味和营养疗效于一身,在民间显有“神仙米”、“药米’... 黑米稻品种属名贵珍奇的特种稻类型,古为皇家专用贡品。据古书《齐民要术》记载,我国北魏时期(公元286~534年)即有种植,至今已有1500年以上的栽培历史。黑米集天然的色、香、味和营养疗效于一身,在民间显有“神仙米”、“药米’、“补血米”等美称,世人誉称“米中... 展开更多
关键词 水稻 米稻 品种 制种 遗传
作者 乔中英 黄萌 +3 位作者 陈培峰 谢裕林 王建平 朱勇良 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期93-94,共2页
关键词 米稻 回交 杂交 不育系 香血粳A 选育
作者 王永锐 吴家俊 《热带亚热带植物学报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第1期78-85,共8页
香稻(竹香粘)的分蘖数多,其分蘖期根系吸收^(32)P和^(32)P分布到分蘖,以高、中肥和高N,高K肥处理的为高;^(14)C-葡萄糖同化物分布在分蘖比黑米稻(黑优粘)和常规稻“双桂36”的高,但灌浆期和黄熟期^(14)C分布在稻穗较少.低肥处理的稻谷... 香稻(竹香粘)的分蘖数多,其分蘖期根系吸收^(32)P和^(32)P分布到分蘖,以高、中肥和高N,高K肥处理的为高;^(14)C-葡萄糖同化物分布在分蘖比黑米稻(黑优粘)和常规稻“双桂36”的高,但灌浆期和黄熟期^(14)C分布在稻穗较少.低肥处理的稻谷产量较高.而在高、中肥条件下结实率降低,实粒数减少,成穗率稍低,谷产量也比“黑优粘”和“双桂36”低. “黑优粘”在高肥、高N条件下的分蘖多,成穗率高、结实粒数也较多,稻谷产量比“竹香粘”高,在高、中肥、高 N高 P条件下,^(32)P分布于分蘖多,分蘖的^(14)C分布则以高 N,高 K肥条件下的多;开花和灌浆用稻穗的^(14)C分布皆以高 K肥水平的为高。“黑优粘”是耐肥和需钾肥品种,高肥、高K可提高其稻谷产量,但仍比“双桂36”低. 展开更多
关键词 香稻 米稻 营养 产量
扬稻4号多抗性的综合鉴定研究 被引量:3
作者 杨家珍 顾江涛 +4 位作者 余茂昌 许树勤 刘正东 赵恩松 朱昌明 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 1993年第4期299-303,共5页
通过三年来扬稻4号对白叶枯病、纹枯病、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟抗性的鉴定表明,该品种既抗多种病虫,抗性又较稳定,是一个广谱性抗性品种,在常规品种中较为突出。通过培育壮秧、不同氮量和密度对其抗性影响的试验表明,虽有影响,但不显著,说... 通过三年来扬稻4号对白叶枯病、纹枯病、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟抗性的鉴定表明,该品种既抗多种病虫,抗性又较稳定,是一个广谱性抗性品种,在常规品种中较为突出。通过培育壮秧、不同氮量和密度对其抗性影响的试验表明,虽有影响,但不显著,说明高肥栽培,能获得高产抗病虫的要求。1992年省中籼区试,扬稻4号亩产最高,达575.69公斤,比对照增产7.1%,达显著差异,且日产稻谷达4.14公斤,居第一位。1993年进入省中籼生产试验。 展开更多
关键词 米稻 品种 扬稻4号 多抗性 鉴定
Starch RVA Profile Properties for Cold Tolerant and Sensitive Cultivars of Japonica Rice at Different Altitudes 被引量:5
作者 朱振华 金基永 +6 位作者 袁平荣 赵国珍 苏振喜 世荣 邹茜 杨世准 戴陆园 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第12期1831-1836,共6页
[Objective] By investigating of change rule rice starch RVA profile properties and the influence of cold tolerance on rice quality,the aim was to provide scientific references to the breeding of new cold-tolerant japo... [Objective] By investigating of change rule rice starch RVA profile properties and the influence of cold tolerance on rice quality,the aim was to provide scientific references to the breeding of new cold-tolerant japonica rice varieties with high quality in the Yunnan plateau.[Method] Four cold-tolerant and five cold-sensitive japonica rice cultivars were grown at three locations with different altitudes in Yunnan plateau to investigate rice starch RVA profile characteristics.[Result] The results showed that with increasing altitude,the setback viscosity in cold-sensitive cultivars increased significantly,while the peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity decreased significantly.However,the peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity in cold-tolerant cultivars initially decreased and then gradually increased with rising altitude,whereas the setback viscosity initially increased and then decreased.[Conclusion] The starch RVA parameters of cold-tolerant cultivars were less sensitive to different environments than those of cold-sensitive cultivars.Cooking and eating quality of cold-tolerant cultivars had relatively stable trends with rising altitude,whereas cooking and eating quality of cold-sensitive cultivars had a trend toward inferior. 展开更多
关键词 Japonica rice Cold tolerance Rice quality Starch viscosity ALTITUDE
Effects of Different Sowing Dates and Sites on Starch RVA Profile Characteristics of Different Ecotypes of Rice (Oryza sativa, L. japonica) 被引量:3
作者 赵庆勇 张亚东 +5 位作者 朱镇 陈涛 周丽慧 姚姝 于新 王才林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第3期607-614,共8页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different sowing dates and sites on starch RVA profile characteristics of different ecotypes of japonica rice. [Method] Five different ecotypes of japonica ri... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different sowing dates and sites on starch RVA profile characteristics of different ecotypes of japonica rice. [Method] Five different ecotypes of japonica rice were sown at seven different dates in four rice planting regions in Jiangsu Province to analyze the differences in starch RVA profile parameters among different rice varieties. [Result] Among eight parameters of rice starch RVA profile, peak time exhibited no significant differences among different sites, while other seven parameters varied significantly or extremely significantly among different sites, sowing dates and varieties. Specifically, rice variety exerted the most significant effects on rice starch RVA profile parameters. Starch RVA profile characteristics varied significantly among different ecological conditions but exhibited no significant differences among different latitudes. To be specific, in different sites, peak viscosity (PKV), hot paste viscosity (HPV) and breakdown viscosity (BDV) demonstrated a descending order of Huai'an 〉 Suzhou 〉 Lianyungang 〉 Yangzhou. Cool paste viscosity (CPV) and consistence viscosity (CSV) were higher in the north than in the south; specifically, CPV and CSV were significantly higher in Lianyungang and Huai'an than in Yangzhou and Suzhou. Setback viscosity (SBV) showed an increasing trend with increasing latitude; specifically, SBV was significantly lower in Suzhou than in other three sites. Pasting temperature (PAT) and peak time (PET) changed slightly among different latitudes. With the postponing of sowing date, peak viscosity (PKV), hot paste viscosity (HPV), cool paste viscosity (CPV) and peak time (PET) showed a decreasing trend, setback viscosity (SBV) and consistence viscosity (CSV) increased, breakdown viscosity (BDV) increased first and then decreased, whereas pasting temperature (PAT) decreased first and then increased. Furthermore, rice starch RVA profile parameters showed the same variation trend with sowing date in different sites; early sowing within suitable sowing dates could effectively improve the parameters of rice starch RVA profile. However, different parameters exerted different variations among different sites and most parameters were higher in the north than in the south, which indicated that starch RVA profile parameters were significantly affected by sowing date in the north of Jiangsu Province. Among eight starch RVA profile parameters, setback viscosity exhibited the maximum variation coefficient, while peak time exhibited the minimum variation coefficient. Among five rice varieties, Nanjing 46 exhibited the highest peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity and the lowest setback viscosity and consistence viscosity, suggesting that Nanjing 46 had the most appropriate starch RVA profile characteristics and the best cooking and eating quality. Lianjing 4 exhibited relatively high peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity, and relatively low setback viscosity and consistence viscosity, suggesting that Lianjing 4 had good starch RVA profile characteristics. Different sowing dates and sites exerted significant effects on starch RVA profiles of different eco- types of japonica rice. Rice starch RVA profile characteristics varied significantly among different sites but exhibited no significant variations among different latitudes. In addition, starch RVA profile characteristics varied significantly among different sowing dates. Therefore, early sowing of the same variety was conducive to improving starch RVA profile characteristics in appropriate planting regions. [Conclusion] This study provided a theoretical basis for producing high-quality rice and improving the eating quality of rice in Jiangsu Province. 展开更多
关键词 Japonica rice ECOTYPE Site Sowing date Rice starch RVA profile
Effects of Transplanting Density on Yield Formation Characteristics of Purple Rice 被引量:1
作者 文浩 伍元军 +2 位作者 卢浩宇 周铁军 易镇邪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2078-2081,共4页
Liangtianzi 1 was used as a material to study the effects of transplanting density on the yield formation characteristics of purple rice. The results showed that the whole growth period of Liangtianzi 1 was 146 d. Its... Liangtianzi 1 was used as a material to study the effects of transplanting density on the yield formation characteristics of purple rice. The results showed that the whole growth period of Liangtianzi 1 was 146 d. Its biomass yield was above 10 t/hm^2, while its economic yield was only about 3 t/hm^2. Transplanting density had a large impact on the number of effective panicles, number of grains par panicle, seed setting rate and yield of purple rice variety. In this study, the planting spacing of 20.0 cm × 20.0 cm gained the highest yield, 3.63 t/hm^2. Key techniques for high-yielding cultivation of Liangtianzi 1 remain to further research. 展开更多
关键词 Purple rice CULTIVATION Transplanting density YIELD
Correlation of Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Variants in the Leader Sequence of the waxy Gene with Amylose Content of the Grain in Rice 被引量:27
作者 谈移芳 张启发 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第2期146-150,共5页
Variation of two simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in the leader region of the waxy gene was analyzed in a sample of 74 accessions, including Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica, japonica and wild rice (O.rufipogon) represen... Variation of two simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in the leader region of the waxy gene was analyzed in a sample of 74 accessions, including Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica, japonica and wild rice (O.rufipogon) representing a wide distribution range of amylose content (AC) in cultivated rice. Eight alleles were detected in the (CT) n motif and two alleles were resolved in the (AATT) n motif. The distribution of the alleles of the two SSRs was quite uneven as detected by the (CT) n motif. The repeat numbers of the two SSR motifs, (CT) n and (AATT) n, appeared to be inversely related such that the total length of this region was maintained. AC of the varieties was highly correlated with the length of SSRs. Differences in AC among the various SSR genotypes were statistically highly significant as analyzed using genotypes of both SSR motifs. Although the SSR variation did not seem to have obvious function in the synthesis of the starch synthase encoded by the waxy gene, the almost perfect correlation between the two SSRs and AC level could be used for quality improvement in rice breeding programs. 展开更多
关键词 microsatellite DNA rice quality amylose content
Exploration and Innovation of Distant Hybridization Germplasm of Oryza sativa and Spartina alterniflora 被引量:1
作者 陈启康 田曾元 +3 位作者 沙文锋 顾拥建 戴晖 朱娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期131-133,172,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore salt-resistant Spartina alterniflora and high-yield rice with germplasm resource in order to create new salt-resistant rice species with dual-purpose of food and forage. [Method] Fro... [Objective] The aim was to explore salt-resistant Spartina alterniflora and high-yield rice with germplasm resource in order to create new salt-resistant rice species with dual-purpose of food and forage. [Method] From 2009 to 2011, re- searches on distant hybridization of Spartina alterniflora and Oryza Sativa have been conducted with method of distant hybridization breeding. On the other hand, break- through and combination techniques (four selected one) were adopted to find the new rice species, including techniques of planting and selection in seashore, cyto- logical detection and selection, phenotype selection of backcross, and molecular marker assisted selection. [Result] Success rate of distant hybridization from 2009 to 2010 was 1.39%. RAPD molecular identification of 7C14 and rice female parent of Zhongxiang No.l, seed 2 was carried on with distant hybridization of male parent of Spartina altemiflora (H). The results showed that bands same with Spartina alterni- flora parents were found in RH-1-10K205-7C14xH, RH-2-8K157-7C14xH, and RH-13- 9H5-Zhongxaing No.1 xH. Considering absent situation in rice parents, distant hy- bridization strains above were found with same parental genetic element as Spartina alterniflora. Female parent of rice 7K339, however, was under RAPD molecular identification with male parent of Spartina alterniflora. The result showed that bands same with Spartina alterniflora parents were found in RH-5-10K215, RH-6-8K48, RH- 12-9H9, RH-14-9H8 and RH-16-9H28. Considering absent situation in rice parents, distant hybridization strains above were found with same parental genetic element as Spartina altemiflora. Rest hybrid strains were found variance with Spartina alterniflora parents and rice parents in varying degrees. [Conclusion] New and excellent rice species of dual-purpose solves problem not only about salt-resistant species badly needed in coastal development and treatment of saline and alkaline land, but about fine fodder and roughage for herbivore, as well. What's more, this is of scientific significance in recourse utilization, efficiency improvement in agriculture, food security, and cultivation strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Spartina alternifloralOryza sativa Distant hybridization Innovation of new species
Effects of Controlled Release Fertilizer on Loss of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Farmland 被引量:6
作者 李堃 司马小峰 +1 位作者 丁仕奇 陈卓 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1727-1732,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to study on effects of controlled release fertilizer on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland. [Method] Experiment was conducted in fields planted with rice and corn around Chao Lake an... [Objective] The aim was to study on effects of controlled release fertilizer on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland. [Method] Experiment was conducted in fields planted with rice and corn around Chao Lake and effects of compound fertilizer, controlled release fertilizer and controlled release fertilizer (reduced by 20%) on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus through runoff and leaching were analyzed. [Result] Loss of nitrogen and phosphorus mainly occurred in early stage of fertilizing; loss caused by runoff accounted for over 98% and caused by leaching was lower than 2%, indicating that nutrients of rice and corn mainly lost through runoff. As for controlled release fertilizers with 20% reduced, total loss of N and P decreased by 60% and 63% in rice field and reduced by 27.8% and 34% in corn field, respectively, indicating that controlled release fertilizer would maintain nutrients in soils high in later period of plant growth, improve use efficiency of N and P, reduce N and P loss in rice and corn fields in rainy season, and decrease non-point pollution. [Conclusion] The research suggested that controlled release fertilizer would slow down the loss of nutrients in farmlands, providing scientific references and technological support for extension of controlled release fertilizer and reduction of agricultural non-point pollution. 展开更多
关键词 Controlled release fertilizer RICE CORN Loss of nitrogen and phosphorus Chao Lake RUNOFF LEACHING
Effects of Different Sowing Dates and Sites on Grain Quality and RVA Profile of Nanjing 46,a Popular Cultivar of Japonica Rice(Oryza sativa L.) 被引量:1
作者 朱镇 赵庆勇 +5 位作者 张亚东 陈涛 姚姝 周丽慧 于新 王才林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期1946-1952,共7页
[Objective] This study was performed to determine the effects of sowing dates and sites on grain quality and Rapid Viscosity Analyzer (RVA) profile of Nan-jing 46. [Method] The field experiments were carried out at ... [Objective] This study was performed to determine the effects of sowing dates and sites on grain quality and Rapid Viscosity Analyzer (RVA) profile of Nan-jing 46. [Method] The field experiments were carried out at five sites in Jiangsu Province, and in every site, the seeds were sowing on seven different dates. RVA related indices were measured after harvest. [Result] Along with the delay of sowing date, the mil ing quality of Nanjing 46 increased at first and then reduced, while its appearance quality went up and the cooling and edible quality decreased. With the sowing sites moving southward, the rice mil ing quality, appearance quality, and cooling and edible quality of Nanjing 46 decreased at first and then increased. Grain traits responded variably to the sowing dates and sites. The brown rice rate, grain width, grain length, length/width, mil ed rice rate and head mil ed rice rate were less affected, while the chalky rice rate and chalkiness degree were more af-fected. The gelatinization temperature, protein content, amylose content, gel consis-tency and eating value were in-between. The RVA profile analysis revealed that the breakdown value, setback value and pasting temperature were affected by the sow-ing date and geographical environment. The peak viscosity, hot viscosity, cool vis-cosity and peak time were influenced more by geographical environment. With the delay of the sowing date, peak viscosity, hot viscosity, cool viscosity, setback value and pasting temperature decreased at first and then increased, while the breakdown value changed inversely, and the peak time did not exhibit a regular trend. With the decrease of latitude, the peak viscosity, hot viscosity, breakdown and cool viscosity declined at first and then increased, the setback value and peak time decreased, while the pasting temperature increased. [Conclusion] This study wil provide refer-ences for the effective production of Nanjing 46. 展开更多
关键词 Nanjing 46 Sowing date Site Rice quality Rapid viscosity analyzer profile
Comparative Physical Localization of Rice Pib Gene and Its Linked RFLP Markers in Oryza sativa, O. officinalis and Zea mays 被引量:3
作者 李霞 宁顺斌 +1 位作者 金危危 宋运淳 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期49-54,共6页
Comparative genetic studies have shown that there are widespread synteny and colinearity of the genes among different species within grass family. Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) is a model plant, and analysis of its genome a... Comparative genetic studies have shown that there are widespread synteny and colinearity of the genes among different species within grass family. Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) is a model plant, and analysis of its genome allows us to reveal the common features and the evolutionary rules of the gramineous genomes and accumulate the data for establishment of a common genetic system in the Poaceae. In this study, a rice gene Pib ( 10.3 kb), a map-based cloned gene, and RFLP markers linked with it are used as the tested probes to investigate their homology and physical location among the tested species. Southern blotting analysis showed that there were sequences homologous to Pib in maize genome. Further, Pib was localized onto the chromosomes of O. sativa ssp. indica cv. Guangluai 4, O. officinalis Wall ex Watt and the inbred line of Zea mays cv. Huangzao 4. The results of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and double-color FISH indicated that a synteny of Pib and RFLP markers linked with Pib existed among the genomes of the three tested species. 展开更多
关键词 RICE RFLP markers double-color FISH PIB comparative physical mapping
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