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作者 孙萍 《辽宁师专学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第5期104-105,共2页
关键词 类义语 类义语教学 类义语使用
作者 林燕 《柳州职业技术学院学报》 2015年第3期71-76,共6页
日语类义语的区别使用一直是日语学习和教学中的难点之一。文章以日语中表示事态、状况发生的两个类义动词「起きる」和「起こる」为例,通过分析两者的语料库用例,从词汇搭配情况、语境含义分析、样态结构句型几个方面来分析论证两者在... 日语类义语的区别使用一直是日语学习和教学中的难点之一。文章以日语中表示事态、状况发生的两个类义动词「起きる」和「起こる」为例,通过分析两者的语料库用例,从词汇搭配情况、语境含义分析、样态结构句型几个方面来分析论证两者在实际使用中的异同,以期能对日语词汇教学提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 类义语 起きる 起こる 语料库
作者 毛莉 《宁夏师范学院学报》 2012年第5期123-124,共2页
对比语言学是语言学中的一个分支,其任务是对两种或两种以上的语言进行共时的对比研究,描述它们之间的异同,特别是其中的不同之处,并将这类研究应用于其他有关领域。本文以对比语言学理论为指导,从词汇语义学对比的角度对汉日"先生... 对比语言学是语言学中的一个分支,其任务是对两种或两种以上的语言进行共时的对比研究,描述它们之间的异同,特别是其中的不同之处,并将这类研究应用于其他有关领域。本文以对比语言学理论为指导,从词汇语义学对比的角度对汉日"先生"一词的词汇意义进行情感意义、比喻意义等方面的比较,以期能给日语学习者给予帮助。 展开更多
关键词 同形类义语 先生 文化特征
作者 苏莹 《科技视界》 2015年第32期202-202,共1页
同形類義語とは、中日両言語において語形が同じである上に双方の概念的意味もある程度、ある範囲で似ている語のことである。本文は日本語と中国語において同じ漢字によって表記される単語「活動」に対して、意味の異同、意味変化と発... 同形類義語とは、中日両言語において語形が同じである上に双方の概念的意味もある程度、ある範囲で似ている語のことである。本文は日本語と中国語において同じ漢字によって表記される単語「活動」に対して、意味の異同、意味変化と発展、という面から基本的な考察をしてみて、中日両国語「活動」はいくたの異同のあることが分かる。 展开更多
关键词 中日同形類義語 活動 意味対照
作者 东尚子 《日语教育与日本学》 2016年第2期24-45,176-177,共23页
本稿は、日中の類義語であり同形語でもある「普通」「一般」'普通''一般'を対象に、コーパスを利用して収集した用例分析に基づき、その異同及び使い分けについて記述する。日本語、中国語それぞれの異同を考察した上... 本稿は、日中の類義語であり同形語でもある「普通」「一般」'普通''一般'を対象に、コーパスを利用して収集した用例分析に基づき、その異同及び使い分けについて記述する。日本語、中国語それぞれの異同を考察した上で、対照言語学の立場から以下の点を明らかにした。「普通」は「標準的である」こと、「一般」は「特定を除く多数」を言い、語義や使用場面等による使い分けが必要な場合が多い。'普通''一般'は、質的評価と量的評価の違いがあるが、どちらも中レベルを表せる。'一般'は'普通'より語義範囲、文法機能が広く、使用頻度も高い。日中の語義には共通する部分もあるが、ズレがあったり対応関係がない語義や用法もある。日本語「一般」は限定表現である。「普通」及び'普通''一般'はレベル評価を含意するが、日中の文化的差異から生じる評価価値の違いがある。 展开更多
关键词 同形語 類義語 日中対照 コーパス 認知
日中同形語の誤用現象 被引量:1
作者 高岚 《科技信息》 2010年第10期I0005-I0006,共2页
「経済」、「法律」等、近代以降の翻訳語彙を日中両国間で大量に共有するようになっている点は、両国語の語彙の注目すべき現象であると言える。漢語は表意文字であるため、視覚に訴えて理解しうるという重要な特色を持っている。日本... 「経済」、「法律」等、近代以降の翻訳語彙を日中両国間で大量に共有するようになっている点は、両国語の語彙の注目すべき現象であると言える。漢語は表意文字であるため、視覚に訴えて理解しうるという重要な特色を持っている。日本で作られた翻訳漢語語彙は中国に入り、例えば「経済」はjingjiとして受容され、中国語の語彙体系に組み入れられた。漢字は時代と地域を越えて、視覚から容易にこれを共有され、ために、近代における日本での新造漢語も中国に理解され、、受容されたのである。 展开更多
关键词 同形同義語 同形異義語 同形類義語
Semantic overlay network for searching taxonomy-based data sources 被引量:1
作者 乔百友 王国仁 谢可心 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期322-326,共5页
Distributed data sources which employ taxonomy hierarchy to describe the contents of their objects are considered, and a super-peer-based semantic overlay network (SSON) is proposed for sharing and searching their d... Distributed data sources which employ taxonomy hierarchy to describe the contents of their objects are considered, and a super-peer-based semantic overlay network (SSON) is proposed for sharing and searching their data objects. In SSON, peers are dynamically clustered into many semantic clusters based on the semantics of their data objects and organized in the semantic clusters into a semantic overlay network. Each semantic cluster consists of a super-peer and more peers, and is only responsible for answering queries in its semantic subspace. A query is first routed to the appropriate semantic clusters by an efficient searching algorithm, and then it is forwarded to the specific peers that hold the relevant data objects. Experimental results indicate that SSON has good scalability and achieves a competitive trade-off between search efficiency and costs. 展开更多
关键词 peer to peer (P2P) taxonomy hierarchy semantic searching
Clustering analysis algorithm for security supervising data based on semantic description in coal mines 被引量:1
作者 孟凡荣 周勇 夏士雄 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期354-357,共4页
In order to mine production and security information from security supervising data and to ensure security and safety involved in production and decision-making,a clustering analysis algorithm for security supervising... In order to mine production and security information from security supervising data and to ensure security and safety involved in production and decision-making,a clustering analysis algorithm for security supervising data based on a semantic description in coal mines is studied.First,the semantic and numerical-based hybrid description method of security supervising data in coal mines is described.Secondly,the similarity measurement method of semantic and numerical data are separately given and a weight-based hybrid similarity measurement method for the security supervising data based on a semantic description in coal mines is presented.Thirdly,taking the hybrid similarity measurement method as the distance criteria and using a grid methodology for reference,an improved CURE clustering algorithm based on the grid is presented.Finally,the simulation results of a security supervising data set in coal mines validate the efficiency of the algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 semantic description clustering analysis algorithm similarity measurement
作者 张江花 赵宏 《科技视界》 2018年第25期67-68,27,共3页
在日语学习的过程过程中,表示高程度的意义相近的程度副词的习得是一大难点,例如"とても""すごく""ひどく""非常に""大変"这五个词都是表示高程度的程度副词,在汉语中都表示"很... 在日语学习的过程过程中,表示高程度的意义相近的程度副词的习得是一大难点,例如"とても""すごく""ひどく""非常に""大変"这五个词都是表示高程度的程度副词,在汉语中都表示"很,非常,特别"的语义,但是它们的用法也会有细微的区别。本文主要通过调查"現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス"(现代日语书面语均衡语料库)中的大量例文来分析这五个词在各种句式中的具体使用情况以及这几个词的文体差异。 展开更多
关键词 程度副词 类义语 句式 文体
作者 金玲 《南昌教育学院学报》 2011年第4期166-167,共2页
从日语的词汇来看,现代日语中仍然保留着许多汉字及汉语词汇,而且许多词汇除发音与现代汉语不同外,字形却相近或相同,我们就把汉日语言中这些词汇称为中日同形语。中日同形语是中日两国文化交流、互动的产物。汉语和日语中的汉字词汇,... 从日语的词汇来看,现代日语中仍然保留着许多汉字及汉语词汇,而且许多词汇除发音与现代汉语不同外,字形却相近或相同,我们就把汉日语言中这些词汇称为中日同形语。中日同形语是中日两国文化交流、互动的产物。汉语和日语中的汉字词汇,虽然都使用了汉字,但是这些汉字用在不同的语言体系中,必定也会产生一些不同的含义和用法。 展开更多
关键词 中日同形语 同形同义语 同形异义语 同形类义语
作者 谢联发 《日语知识》 2001年第12期28-29,共2页
关键词 日语 “跺脚” 词义 日本文化 类义语 逆向思维
SCMR:a semantic-based coherence micro-cluster recognition algorithm for hybrid web data stream 被引量:2
作者 王珉 Wang Yongbin Li Ying 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2016年第2期224-232,共9页
Data aggregation from various web sources is very significant for web data analysis domain. In ad- dition, the recognition of coherence micro cluster is one of the most interesting issues in the field of data aggregat... Data aggregation from various web sources is very significant for web data analysis domain. In ad- dition, the recognition of coherence micro cluster is one of the most interesting issues in the field of data aggregation. Until now, many algorithms have been proposed to work on this issue. However, the deficiency of these solutions is that they cannot recognize the micro-cluster data stream accurately. A semantic-based coherent micro-cluster recognition algorithm for hybrid web data stream is nronosed.Firstly, an objective function is proposed to recognize the coherence micro-cluster and then the coher- ence micro-cluster recognition algorithm for hybrid web data stream based on semantic is raised. Fi- 展开更多
关键词 hybrid web data stream coherence micro-clustering entity unified object coher-ence semantic computing
共词分析及网络分析法探测乳腺癌转移相关基因 被引量:2
作者 程晶晶 侯跃芳 《中华医学图书情报杂志》 CAS 2016年第3期35-39,共5页
目的:探测乳腺癌转移相关的基因,为乳腺癌转移的早期诊断和个性治疗提供参考。方法:检索Pub Med数据库获取文献,利用Meta Map进行概念匹配,下载匹配结果,并导入到数据分析软件,得到乳腺癌转移相关基因和基因-基因矩阵;使用Ucinet6建立... 目的:探测乳腺癌转移相关的基因,为乳腺癌转移的早期诊断和个性治疗提供参考。方法:检索Pub Med数据库获取文献,利用Meta Map进行概念匹配,下载匹配结果,并导入到数据分析软件,得到乳腺癌转移相关基因和基因-基因矩阵;使用Ucinet6建立乳腺癌转移相关基因的相互作用网络,分析网络的相关指标。结果:tp53、thra、erbb2、esr1、cdh1、egfr、nr4a1、cd69等是乳腺癌转移核心基因。结论:基于共词分析法能获得乳腺癌转移相关基因,但cd69对于乳腺癌转移的具体过程尚不明确,需要进一步验证。 展开更多
关键词 共词分析 网络分析 乳腺癌转移 基因 UCINET 可视化
Exploiting multi-context analysis in semantic image classification
作者 田永鸿 黄铁军 高文 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1268-1283,共16页
As the popularity of digital images is rapidly increasing on the Internet, research on technologies for semantic image classification has become an important research topic. However, the well-known content-based image... As the popularity of digital images is rapidly increasing on the Internet, research on technologies for semantic image classification has become an important research topic. However, the well-known content-based image classification methods do not overcome the so-called semantic gap problem in which low-level visual features cannot represent the high-level semantic content of images. Image classification using visual and textual information often performs poorly since the extracted textual features are often too limited to accurately represent the images. In this paper, we propose a semantic image classification ap- proach using multi-context analysis. For a given image, we model the relevant textual information as its multi-modal context, and regard the related images connected by hyperlinks as its link context. Two kinds of context analysis models, i.e., cross-modal correlation analysis and link-based correlation model, are used to capture the correlation among different modals of features and the topical dependency among images induced by the link structure. We propose a new collective classification model called relational support vector classifier (RSVC) based on the well-known Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and the link-based cor- relation model. Experiments showed that the proposed approach significantly improved classification accuracy over that of SVM classifiers using visual and/or textual features. 展开更多
关键词 Image classification Multi-context analysis Cross-modal correlation analysis Link-based correlation model Linkage semantic kernels Relational support vector classifier
Hierarchical Semantic-Category-Tree Model for Chinese-English Machine Translation 被引量:1
作者 Zhu Xiaojian Jin Yaohong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期80-92,共13页
We introduce a novel Sermntic-Category- Tree (SCT) model to present the sen-antic structure of a sentence for Chinese-English Machine Translation (MT). We use the SCT model to handle the reordering in a hierarchic... We introduce a novel Sermntic-Category- Tree (SCT) model to present the sen-antic structure of a sentence for Chinese-English Machine Translation (MT). We use the SCT model to handle the reordering in a hierarchical structure in which one reordering is dependent on the others. Different from other reordering approaches, we handle the reordering at three levels: sentence level, chunk level, and word level. The chunk-level reordering is dependent on the sentence-level reordering, and the word-level reordering is dependent on the chunk-level reordering. In this paper, we formally describe the SCT model and discuss the translation strategy based on the SCT model. Further, we present an algorithm for analyzing the source language in SCT and transforming the source SCT into the target SCT. We apply the SCT model to a role-based patent text MT to evaluate the ability of the SCT model. The experimental results show that SCT is efficient in handling the hierarehical reordering operation in MT. 展开更多
关键词 REORDERING SCT MT function word
On the Gender of English Nouns
作者 洪增长 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期43-47,共5页
This research paper mainly discusses gender of English nouns and its corresponding issues. Gender in other Indo-European languages is a grammatical abstract notion, but English gender is a semantic concrete conception... This research paper mainly discusses gender of English nouns and its corresponding issues. Gender in other Indo-European languages is a grammatical abstract notion, but English gender is a semantic concrete conception. English nouns can be divided into four categories: masculine, feminine, common and neuter. Gender genre of an English noun involves the choice of a pronoun that is employed to substitute it. Gender of the pronoun should be identical with its referent. However, the rule may be broken under special conditions. English has lost most word-ending inflectional changes, including grammatical gender of nouns. 展开更多
关键词 English nouns gender-marking grammatical gender semantic gender GENRE
Evaluation of Multistrategy Classifiers for Heterogeneous Ontology Matching On the Semantic Web
作者 潘乐云 刘晓强 马范援 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期55-61,共7页
On the semantic web, data interoperability and ontology heterogeneity are becoming ever more important issues. To resolve these problems, multiple classification methods can be used to learn the matching between ontol... On the semantic web, data interoperability and ontology heterogeneity are becoming ever more important issues. To resolve these problems, multiple classification methods can be used to learn the matching between ontologies. The paper uses the general statistic classification method to discover category features in data instances and use the first-order learning algorithm FOIL to exploit the semantic relations among data instances. When using multistrategy learning approach, a central problem is the evaluation of multistrategy classifiers. The goal and the conditions of using multistrategy classifiers within ontology matching are different from the ones for general text classification. This paper describes the combination rule of multiple classifiers called the Best Outstanding Champion, which is suitable for heterogeneous ontology mapping. On the prediction results of individual methods, the method can well accumulate the correct matching of alone classifier. The experiments show that the approach achieves high accuracy on real-world domain. 展开更多
关键词 Ontology Matching Multistrategy Classifiers Matching Committee Semantic Web
On Prototypes from the Perspective of Semantics and Categorization
作者 Yun Xu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期147-149,共3页
Cognitive linguistics is a new approach to language study, which can offer better explanation for language phenomena, and provide more theoretical instructions for English learning. In recent years, the prototype theo... Cognitive linguistics is a new approach to language study, which can offer better explanation for language phenomena, and provide more theoretical instructions for English learning. In recent years, the prototype theory, as the cornerstone of cognitive linguistics, has been employed in different research fields, such as phonology, syntax, semantics, English teaching, etc..This thesis attempts to review and discuss the researches done so far on semantics and categorization based on a cognitive theory -- the prototype theory. 展开更多
关键词 The Prototype Theory Cognitive Semantics CATEGORIZATION
Semantic categorization of indoor places using CNN for mobile robot exploration
作者 Li Guangsheng Chou Wusheng 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2018年第2期125-133,共9页
The ability of achieving a semantic understanding of workspaces is an important capability for mobile robot. A method is proposed to categorize different places in a typical indoor environment by using a Kinect sensor... The ability of achieving a semantic understanding of workspaces is an important capability for mobile robot. A method is proposed to categorize different places in a typical indoor environment by using a Kinect sensors for mobile robot exploration. At first, the invariant feature based images stitching approach is adopted to form a panoramic image according to Kinect visual information, and the translation between Kinect depth information and obstacle distance information is performed to obtain virtual LIDAR data. Then, the semantic classifier is designed by using convolutional neural networks (CNN) for indoor place eategorization based on Kinect visual observations with panoramic view. At last, a frontier-based exploration method is applied to carry out indoor autonomous exploration of mo- bile robots, which integrates the CNN-based categorization approach. The proposed method has been implemented and tested on a real robot, and experiment results demonstrate the approach effective- ness on solving the semantic categorization problem for mobile robot exploration. 展开更多
关键词 EXPLORATION mobile robot semantic categorization convolutional neural network(CNN) Kinect
Enhancing Domain Knowledge with Semantic Models of Web Documents
作者 Anna Rozeva 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第7期319-326,共8页
The paper considers the problem of semantic processing of web documents by designing an approach, which combines extracted semantic document model and domain- related knowledge base. The knowledge base is populated wi... The paper considers the problem of semantic processing of web documents by designing an approach, which combines extracted semantic document model and domain- related knowledge base. The knowledge base is populated with learnt classification rules categorizing documents into topics. Classification provides for the reduction of the dimensio0ality of the document feature space. The semantic model of retrieved web documents is semantically labeled by querying domain ontology and processed with content-based classification method. The model obtained is mapped to the existing knowledge base by implementing inference algorithm. It enables models of the same semantic type to be recognized and integrated into the knowledge base. The approach provides for the domain knowledge integration and assists the extraction and modeling web documents semantics. Implementation results of the proposed approach are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Semantic model knowledge base document classification domain ontology knowledge integration.
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