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作者 覃凤余 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第1期79-100,共22页
Aikhenvald区分名-分类词和数-分类词有10条特征。对照这10条来核实壮侗语,发现壮侗语名-分类词和数-分类词共存,且总体上名-分类词的表现较强;壮侗语内部名-分类词特征从强到弱顺序为:台语北支、中支>台语西南支>侗水语支>仡... Aikhenvald区分名-分类词和数-分类词有10条特征。对照这10条来核实壮侗语,发现壮侗语名-分类词和数-分类词共存,且总体上名-分类词的表现较强;壮侗语内部名-分类词特征从强到弱顺序为:台语北支、中支>台语西南支>侗水语支>仡央语支>黎语支,而数-分类词特征从强到弱顺序为:西部壮侗语>东部壮侗语,前者是语支发展不平衡造成的,后者是语言的外部接触导致的。 展开更多
关键词 壮侗语 分类词 类型性质
作者 关建江 栗红芳 《中学化学》 2003年第12期13-14,共2页
1.根据氢键的成因可知,H—F…H中的氢键的键能大于H—O…H中氢键的键能,但为什么H2O的沸点为100℃,而HF的沸点却为20℃呢? 解答依据实验数据,H—F…H中氢键的键能为28kJ/mol,H—O…H氢键的键能为18kJ/mol。
关键词 《晶体的类型性质 晶体 类型 性质 阳离子 阴离子 晶胞 石墨 中学 化学教学
作者 袁晓月 黎爽 《江西科学》 2015年第2期248-253,共6页
通过类型理论使得程序语言在静态可以检查是否出错,这给程序语言带来许多优势。类型理论中的重要性质包括:弱化规则、删除规则、强化规则等。首先给出了结构归纳法、良基归纳法、规则归纳法和余归纳法的形式化定义。在给出PA4WS进程代... 通过类型理论使得程序语言在静态可以检查是否出错,这给程序语言带来许多优势。类型理论中的重要性质包括:弱化规则、删除规则、强化规则等。首先给出了结构归纳法、良基归纳法、规则归纳法和余归纳法的形式化定义。在给出PA4WS进程代数的语法、语义的基础上给出了其类型定义。在此基础上给出了归纳法在PA4WS类型理论性质证明的应用。 展开更多
关键词 归纳法 类型理论 类型性质证明
语义类型相配论与多种语言形名结构之研究 被引量:18
作者 黄师哲 《汉语学报》 2008年第2期53-61,共9页
朱德熙先生对汉语形容词做了十分深入细致的研究,提出了极为精辟的见解和一套理论。在朱先生研究的基础上,沈家煊(1997)和Huang,Shi-Zhe(1997)分别指出汉语形容词的简单形式和复杂形式的分布具有一个特点:它们在修饰语和谓语位置上互为... 朱德熙先生对汉语形容词做了十分深入细致的研究,提出了极为精辟的见解和一套理论。在朱先生研究的基础上,沈家煊(1997)和Huang,Shi-Zhe(1997)分别指出汉语形容词的简单形式和复杂形式的分布具有一个特点:它们在修饰语和谓语位置上互为对立同时又互为补充。Huang,Shi-Zhe(1997、2001、2006)通过形式语义学中的类型论分析了这种分布的内在规律,其结论是:形容词的简单形式和复杂形式属于不同的语义类型。这种语义类型的不同导致了它们分布的不同。对于修饰语与被修饰语之间的语义关系,我们的观点是它们形成一种合取式的或者说是交叉式的关系,这个关系决定了两者必须具有相同的语义类型。我们可以把这个观点定为语义类型相配论。通过语义类型相配论,我们不仅解释了汉语修饰语的位置具有名词性这一现象,同时也可以解释中文、英文和俄文形容词分布的不同与相似之处。 展开更多
关键词 形容词 名词 形名结构 “的”字的研究 “很”字的研究 类型性质
后蒙塔古语义学的理论发展——兼评福克斯和拉平的内涵语义学 被引量:1
作者 朱建平 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第6期34-38,共5页
在简述后蒙塔古内涵语义学基本特征的基础上,通过概述福克斯和拉平的内涵语义学思想,尤其是通过强调他们对蒙塔古内涵语义学主要局限性的一种根本性修正和整体的重新设计,从而描述了当代内涵语义学理论发展的最新趋势以及语义学理论发... 在简述后蒙塔古内涵语义学基本特征的基础上,通过概述福克斯和拉平的内涵语义学思想,尤其是通过强调他们对蒙塔古内涵语义学主要局限性的一种根本性修正和整体的重新设计,从而描述了当代内涵语义学理论发展的最新趋势以及语义学理论发展的内在关联。 展开更多
关键词 蒙塔古内涵语义学 精细内涵逻辑 性质理论 柯里类型性质理论
我国第三人撤销之诉若干问题的新思考 被引量:5
作者 胡军辉 张瑞鑫 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第3期86-92,共7页
第三人撤销之诉程序有四种不同的类型,我国立法规定的是独立型第三人撤销之诉程序。在性质上,第三人撤销之诉既属于事前救济程序又属于事后救济程序。在审级利益的保护上,当事人之间存在不可避免的不对等,需要对相关救济程序进行特殊的... 第三人撤销之诉程序有四种不同的类型,我国立法规定的是独立型第三人撤销之诉程序。在性质上,第三人撤销之诉既属于事前救济程序又属于事后救济程序。在审级利益的保护上,当事人之间存在不可避免的不对等,需要对相关救济程序进行特殊的设置以达到适度平衡的目的。第三人撤销之诉的制度目的和功能定位具有复合性,但应当突出其纠错功能、事后救济功能和实体救济功能。我国现行法对第三人撤销之诉的程序设置并不够完善,仍需要对其进行进一步的修改。 展开更多
关键词 第三人撤销之诉 程序类型性质 审级利益 功能定位 程序完善
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Coral Sand in the Nansha Islands 被引量:16
作者 于红兵 孙宗勋 唐诚 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第2期31-39,共9页
Coral sand is a unique material developed in the tropical ocean environment, which is mainly composed of coral and other marine organism debris, with the CaCO3 content up to 96 %. It has special physical and mechanica... Coral sand is a unique material developed in the tropical ocean environment, which is mainly composed of coral and other marine organism debris, with the CaCO3 content up to 96 %. It has special physical and mechanical properties due to its composition, structure and sedimentary environment. In this contribution, we discuss its specific gravity, porosity ratio compressibility, crushing, shearing and intensity for coral sand samples from the Nansha islands based on laboratory mechanical tests. Our results show distinct high porosity ratio, high friction angle and low intensity as compared with the quartz sand. We believe that grain crushing is the main factor that influences the deformation and strength of coral sand. Comprehensive study on the physical and mechanical properties of coral sands is significant in providing reliable scientific parameters to construction on coral islet, and thus avoids accidents in construction. 展开更多
关键词 Nansha Islands coral sand physical and mechanical properties
Properties of Basic Soils in Different Types and Improvements and Uses in Burundi
作者 石达金 陈桂芬 +5 位作者 熊柳梅 黄雁飞 刘开强 邢颖 刘忠 黄玉溢 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期733-736,共4页
SoiI in Africa is one of the most infertiIe soiIs on the earth. With soiIs in Burundi as study objects, the soiI-forming conditions, the properties of basic soiI types, and soiI improvement were discussed, which provi... SoiI in Africa is one of the most infertiIe soiIs on the earth. With soiIs in Burundi as study objects, the soiI-forming conditions, the properties of basic soiI types, and soiI improvement were discussed, which provides a reference for the decision maker and the rational deveIopment and utiIization of soiI in Burundi. 展开更多
关键词 Soli type PROPERTY Improvement BURUNDI
醋酸联合NBI-ME模式在结直肠腺管开口形态检测中的应用价值 被引量:1
作者 麦文杰 吉凯 +2 位作者 苏林杰 李赛英 陈元 《现代消化及介入诊疗》 2019年第8期828-831,共4页
目的研究醋酸联合窄带成像放大内镜技术(NBI-ME)对结直肠腺管开口形态的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析在我院接受结直肠放大内镜(ME)、NBI-ME及醋酸联合NBI-ME检查的120例研究对象的临床资料,记录ME、NBI-ME及醋酸联合NBI-ME三种检查方法判... 目的研究醋酸联合窄带成像放大内镜技术(NBI-ME)对结直肠腺管开口形态的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析在我院接受结直肠放大内镜(ME)、NBI-ME及醋酸联合NBI-ME检查的120例研究对象的临床资料,记录ME、NBI-ME及醋酸联合NBI-ME三种检查方法判断结直肠黏膜腺管开口类型性质的结果,并与病理结果进行比较。对比ME、NBI-ME及醋酸NBI-ME判断结直肠腺管开口类型性质的价值。结果病理检测证实肿瘤性病变59例,非肿瘤性病变61例。ME检查与病理结果一致性一般(kappa=0.499,P=0.000);NBI-ME检查与病理结果一致性较好(kappa=0.758,P=0.000);醋酸联合NBI-ME与病理结果一致性满意(kappa=0.880,P=0.000)。醋酸联合NBI-ME诊断结直肠腺肿瘤性病变的特异度、准确度及阴性预测值分别为97.10%、94.17%、93.06%,均优于ME和NBI-ME检查。结论醋酸联合NBI-ME用于结直肠腺管开口类型性质检测,有助于提高诊断准确性,指导临床。 展开更多
关键词 醋酸 NBI-ME 结直肠 腺管开口类型性质
《园林文学欣赏》课程建设探索 被引量:1
作者 李明霞 《辽宁农业职业技术学院学报》 2012年第4期45-46,共2页
关键词 《园林文学欣赏》课程 目标和原则 课程性质类型 教学方法
Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Five Subtropical Forests in Lingao of Hainan
作者 薛杨 宿少锋 +1 位作者 王小燕 林之盼 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1459-1464,共6页
With 5 types of typical forests as research object, the physical and chemical properties of different types of forests were analyzed by sample plot investigation method. The results showed that: the soil total porosi... With 5 types of typical forests as research object, the physical and chemical properties of different types of forests were analyzed by sample plot investigation method. The results showed that: the soil total porosity was the highest in the Casuarina equisetifolia forest (46.168%), but the lowest in the Encalyptus robusta forest (39.46%). The soil capillary porosity was the highest in the Acacia mangium forest (22.57%), but the lowest in the secondary forest (18.95%). The soil water content was the highest in the C. equisetifolia forest, with a mean value of 27.85%, but the lowest in the secondary forest, with a mean value of 4.34%. The soil pH values were in the range of 4.81-6.59, the soils in the A. mangium forest, C. equisetifolia forest and E. robusta forest were strongly acidic (pH 4.5-5.5), and the soils in the secondary forest and C. nucifera forest were weakly acidic. The soils had organic matter contents in the range of 0.34-28.68 g/kg, and showed an order of A. mangium forest〉C. equisetifolia forest〉E. robusta forest〉secondary forest〉C. nucifera forest, with a decreasing trend with the soil depth increasing. The soil total N contents were in the range of 0.10-1.63 g/kg, the A. mangium forest showed the highest soil total N contents, while the C. nucifera forest exhibited the lowest soil total N contents; the soil total P contents were in the range of 0.21-1.74 g/kg, and the E. robusta forest had the highest soil total P contents; and the soil total K contents were in the range of 0.16-2.15 g/kg, and the A. mangium forest exhibited the highest soil total K contents. The soil available P contents were in the range of 0.98-132.46 mg/kg; and the secondary forests had the highest soil available P contents; and the soil rapidly available K contents were in the range of 3.03-27.35 mg/kg, and the C. nucifera forest exhibited the highest soil rapidly available K contents. The soil ammonium N contents were in the range of 1.38-5.15 mg/kg, and the nitrate N contents were in the range were in the range of 0.56 -3.51 mg/kg. The A. mangium forest showed the highest soil nitrate N contents (with a mean value of 2.29 mg/kg) and ammonium N contents (with a mean value of 3.93 mg/kg). For the same forest type, with the increase of soil depth, the nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen content also showed a decreasing trend. 展开更多
关键词 Lingao County Coastal platform Different forest types Soil physical and chemical properties COMPARISON
简析回族地区乡规民约的几个问题 被引量:2
作者 刘淑媛 《宁夏社会科学》 CSSCI 1997年第1期66-69,共4页
关键词 回族地区 民族团结 贯彻执行 计划生育政策 操作性 村民自治 社会治安 实行计划生育 义务教育 性质类型
Effect of Reclamation Time and Land Use on Soil Properties in Changjiang River Estuary,China 被引量:18
作者 SUN Yongguang LI Xiuzhen +5 位作者 ülo MANDER HE Yanlong JIA Yue MA Zhigang GUO Wenyong XIN Zaijun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期403-416,共14页
The objective of this study is to analyze soil physical and chemical properties,soil comprehensive functions and impact factors after different years of reclamation.Based on the survey data taken from 216 soil samplin... The objective of this study is to analyze soil physical and chemical properties,soil comprehensive functions and impact factors after different years of reclamation.Based on the survey data taken from 216 soil sampling points in the Fengxian Reclamation Area of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary,China in April 2009 and remotely sensed TM data in 2006,while by virtue of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA),geo-statistical analysis (GA),prin-cipal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA),it was concluded that:1) With the in-crease in reclamation time,soil moisture,soil salinity,soil electric conductivity and soil particle size tended to decline,yet soil organic matter tended to increase.Soil available phosphorous tended to increase in the early reclamation period,yet it tended to decline after about 49 years of reclamation.Soil nitrate nitrogen,soil ammonia nitrogen and pH changed slightly in different reclamation years.Soil physical and chemical properties reached a steady state after about 30 years of reclamation.2) According to the results of PCA analysis,the weighted value (0.97 in total) that represents soil nutrient factors (soil nitrate nitrogen,soil organic matter,soil available phosphorous,soil ammonia nitrogen,pH and soil particle size) were higher than the weighted value (0.48 in total) of soil limiting factors (soil salinity,soil elec-tric conductivity and soil moisture).The higher the F value is,the better the soil quality is.3) Different land use types play different roles in the soil function maturity process,with farmlands providing the best contribution.4) Soil physi-cal and chemical properties in the reclamation area were mainly influenced by reclamation time,and then by land use types.The correlation (0.1905) of the composite index of soil function (F) with reclamation time was greater than that with land use types (-0.1161). 展开更多
关键词 soil properties land use types reclamation time soil function Changjiang River Estuary
现代汉语动补结构研究概述 被引量:1
作者 田永焕 《文教资料》 2013年第29期134-135,共2页
动补结构一直是现代汉语语法学和语义学的重点研究对象,本文试图在前人研究的基础上条分缕析.对长期以来争论比较大的几个问题摆明自己的观点和立场。文章认为动补结构的产生是汉语词汇化的结果。介绍了目前比较流行的动补结构的分类... 动补结构一直是现代汉语语法学和语义学的重点研究对象,本文试图在前人研究的基础上条分缕析.对长期以来争论比较大的几个问题摆明自己的观点和立场。文章认为动补结构的产生是汉语词汇化的结果。介绍了目前比较流行的动补结构的分类体系,同时文章着重指出句法核心与语义核心是不平衡的,就动补结构而言,它的句法核心是动词,语义核心是补语。 展开更多
关键词 动补结构 性质类型 句法核心与语义核心 不平衡性
Available Selenium in Main Soil Types of China and ItsRelation to Some Soil Properties 被引量:1
作者 WUSHAOXING GONGZITIONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第1期85-92,共8页
Forty-eight soil profiles were sampled from different ecological and pedogeochemical areas of China and their available selenium (Av-Se) contents were determined. Results showed that the content of Av-Se in the profil... Forty-eight soil profiles were sampled from different ecological and pedogeochemical areas of China and their available selenium (Av-Se) contents were determined. Results showed that the content of Av-Se in the profiles of soils in China ranged within 2.49-18.10 μg kg--1 ) with a mean value of 10.01 μg kg--1,and was in the sequence of Ferralisols > Luvisols > Isohumisols > Aridisols. The correlation analysis between Av-Se and the soil physical-chemical properties revealed that the correlations between Av-Se and O.M., CEC, Fe2O3,Al2O3, ignition loss, Co and Zn were positive at a highly significant level, but those between Av-Se and pH,base saturation, CaO, Ba and Sr were all negative at a highly significant level. The reason of some diseases related to the Se deficiency might be the leaching loss of selenium in some soils. 展开更多
关键词 available selenium soil properties soil types
Responses of Dodonaea viscosa growth and soil biological properties to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in Yuanmou dry-hot valley 被引量:4
作者 WANG Xue-mei YAN Bang-guo +3 位作者 ZHAO Guang ZHAO Ji-xia SHI Liang-tao LIU Gang-cai 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1283-1298,共16页
Nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) are limited nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems, and their limitation patterns are being changed by the increase in N deposition. However, little information concerns the plant growth and... Nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) are limited nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems, and their limitation patterns are being changed by the increase in N deposition. However, little information concerns the plant growth and the soil biological responses to N and P additions among different soils simultaneously, and these responses may contribute to understand plant-soil interaction and predict plant performance under global change. Thus, this study aimed to explore how N and P limitation changes in different soil types, and reveal the relationship between plant and soil biological responses to nutrient additions. We planted Dodonaea viscosa, a globally distributed species in three soil types(Lixisols, Regosols and Luvisols) in Yuanmou dry-hot valley in Southwest China and fertilized them factorially with N and P. The growth and biomass characters of D. viscosa, soil organic matter, available N, P contents and soil carbon(C), N, P-related enzyme activities were quantified. N addition promoted the growth and leaf N concentration of D. viscosa in Lixisols; N limitation in Lixisols was demonstrated by lower soil available N with higher urease activity. P addition promoted the growth and leaf P concentration of D. viscosa in Luvisols; severe P limitation in Luvisols was demonstrated by a higher soil available N: P ratio with higher phosphatase activity. Urease activity was negatively correlated with soil available N in Nlimited Lixisols, and phosphatase activity was negatively correlated with soil available P in P-limited Luvisols. Besides, the aboveground biomass and leaf N concentration of D. viscosa were positively correlated with soil available N in Lixisols, but the aboveground biomass was negatively correlated with soil available P. Our results show similar nutrient limitation patterns between plant and soil microorganism in the condition of enough C, and the nutrient limitations differ across soil types. With the continued N deposition, N limitation of the Lixisols in dry hot valleys is expected to be alleviated, while P limitation of the Luvisols in the mountaintop may be worse in the future, which should be considered when restoring vegetation. 展开更多
关键词 Nutrient limitation Nitrogen-phosphorus Nitrogen deposition Soil enzyme Dry-hot valley Dodonaea viscosa
学习新课标 践行新理念 赋能新课堂 适应新变化——充分发挥生物学实验教学的多重教育功能 被引量:1
作者 胡兴昌 《教育与装备研究》 2023年第12期11-15,共5页
自新课标提出核心素养以来,课堂教学中加强对学生核心素养的培养已成为常态,而实验教学由于其生动、直观、形象等特点,不仅可以弥补课堂教学的局限性,还能激发学生学习兴趣,提升其探究能力和创新思维,促进对知识的深度理解。文章从实验... 自新课标提出核心素养以来,课堂教学中加强对学生核心素养的培养已成为常态,而实验教学由于其生动、直观、形象等特点,不仅可以弥补课堂教学的局限性,还能激发学生学习兴趣,提升其探究能力和创新思维,促进对知识的深度理解。文章从实验教学的角度,探析了如何理解新课标、贯彻新课标,为教师提高生物学实验教学质量提出的具体要求。 展开更多
关键词 生物学实验教学 实验教学目录 实验类型性质 实验教学要求
Spatio-temporal Pattern and Spatial Heterogeneity of Ecotones Based on Land Use Types of Southeastern Da Hinggan Mountains in China 被引量:4
作者 YU Lingxue ZHANG Shuwen +3 位作者 LIU Tingxiang TANG Junmei BU Kun YANG Jiuchun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期184-197,共14页
Ecotones have received great attention due to its critical function in energy flux, species harbor, global carbon sequestration, and land-atmosphere interaction. This study investigated land use pattern and spatial he... Ecotones have received great attention due to its critical function in energy flux, species harbor, global carbon sequestration, and land-atmosphere interaction. This study investigated land use pattern and spatial heterogeneity of the ecotones among agricultural land, forest land, and grassland of the southeastern Da Hinggan Mountains in the northeastern China. The change of these delineated ecotones under different slopes and aridity conditions was analyzed by two landscape indices, edge density(ED) and core area percentage of landscape(CPL), to explore the inter-linkage between spatial structure of ecotones and socioeconomic development and land management. Specifically, the ecotones such as agriculture-forest(AF) ecotone, forest-grassland(FG) ecotone, and agriculture-forestgrassland(AFG) ecotone moved from the arid southeast to the humid northwest. The flat area with small slope is more edge-fragmented than the steep area since the ED decreases as the slope increases. The AF ecotone mostly found in the humid region is moving to more humid areas while the agriculture-grassland(AG) ecotone mostly found in the dry region is moving towards the drier region. 展开更多
关键词 ecotones core area percentage of landscape(CPL) edge density(ED) modified moving split window land use pattern spatial heterogeneity
Monitoring and Evaluation of Soil Changes Under Landuse of Different Patterns at a Small Regional Level in South China 被引量:11
作者 WANGXIAOJU GONGZITONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第4期373-378,共6页
MonitoringandEvaluationofSoilChangesUnderLanduseofDifferentPatternsataSmallRegionalLevelinSouthChinaWANGXIAO... MonitoringandEvaluationofSoilChangesUnderLanduseofDifferentPatternsataSmallRegionalLevelinSouthChinaWANGXIAOJUandGONGZITONG(I... 展开更多
关键词 EVALUATION geographical information system LANDUSE soil changes soil quality
Topological Properties of Complex Networks with Different Types of Nodes
作者 张娟 吴文丰 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期384-386,共3页
Nodes play different roles or have different functions in many natural and social networks.In this paper,a simple model with different types of nodes and deterministic selective linking rule is proposed.The structural... Nodes play different roles or have different functions in many natural and social networks.In this paper,a simple model with different types of nodes and deterministic selective linking rule is proposed.The structural properties by theoretical predictions are investigated that the given model exhibits a power-law distribution. 展开更多
关键词 power-law distribution degree distribution clustering coefficient mean-field method
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