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作者 颜小钗 《融媒》 2024年第6期38-42,共5页
随着全媒体时代的到来,各类报媒充分利用新媒体实现融合创新。其中,短视频成为报媒拓宽发展空间的重要推力。传统纸媒的生存空间不断被挤压,行业类报媒应该如何借助短视频在政策、用户规模、平台技术等方面的优势,深入拓展纸媒的发展空... 随着全媒体时代的到来,各类报媒充分利用新媒体实现融合创新。其中,短视频成为报媒拓宽发展空间的重要推力。传统纸媒的生存空间不断被挤压,行业类报媒应该如何借助短视频在政策、用户规模、平台技术等方面的优势,深入拓展纸媒的发展空间,值得探究。 展开更多
关键词 全媒体时代 短视频 行业类报
报业类国企印刷物资采购研究 被引量:1
作者 唐艳萍 《中国招标》 2024年第1期166-169,共4页
2023年,中国物流与采购联合会发布了《国有企业采购操作规范(2023版)》(以下简称《规范》)。《规范》基于国企发展现状,将国企采购纳入供应链价值体系进行考虑,为国企采购提供创新思路。文章基于《规范》分析报业类国企印刷物资采购实... 2023年,中国物流与采购联合会发布了《国有企业采购操作规范(2023版)》(以下简称《规范》)。《规范》基于国企发展现状,将国企采购纳入供应链价值体系进行考虑,为国企采购提供创新思路。文章基于《规范》分析报业类国企印刷物资采购实务中存在的问题及原因,提出优化报业类国企印刷物资采购的对策,以期实现报业类国企供应链系统价值最大化。 展开更多
关键词 国企 印刷物资 采购
作者 杜洪宇 《记者摇篮》 2023年第12期120-122,共3页
传统法治类专业报如何在办好纸质报纸的同时,顺应新形势,推进媒体融合与传播创新?法治类专业报与政法新媒体,一方有“适格”人才,需找寻新的出路;一方在发展中遇到新问题,人才匮乏,服务意识和服务能力欠缺。《辽宁法治报》在融合创新发... 传统法治类专业报如何在办好纸质报纸的同时,顺应新形势,推进媒体融合与传播创新?法治类专业报与政法新媒体,一方有“适格”人才,需找寻新的出路;一方在发展中遇到新问题,人才匮乏,服务意识和服务能力欠缺。《辽宁法治报》在融合创新发展中,以深度参与政法新媒体运营服务为重要抓手。本文据此为个案,探讨传统媒体与政法新媒体在“互补性”和“耦合性”之间,如何从共营走向共赢。 展开更多
关键词 法治专业 政法新媒体
健康类纸质报刊如何应对新媒体冲击 被引量:2
作者 张天成 《健康教育与健康促进》 2012年第1期67-69,共3页
新兴的多媒体数字技术正日益影响人们的生活,传统报媒正面临由于新媒体的快速发展带来的巨大挑战。尤其是健康类专业报刊面临的挑战是最大的,既同其他纸质媒体一样面临新媒体的挑战,还要应对纸质综合性媒体的竞争。如何应对新媒体的冲击... 新兴的多媒体数字技术正日益影响人们的生活,传统报媒正面临由于新媒体的快速发展带来的巨大挑战。尤其是健康类专业报刊面临的挑战是最大的,既同其他纸质媒体一样面临新媒体的挑战,还要应对纸质综合性媒体的竞争。如何应对新媒体的冲击,是目前健康类专业报刊所面临的最大课题。本文认为,健康类报刊应突破现有的运作思维模式,把握新闻和信息传播的关键因素,扬长避短,在充分发挥自己的品牌、资源等优势基础上,努力构建不可替代的科学性和权威性兼具公信力的特质,才能立于不败之地。 展开更多
关键词 健康类报 新媒体 健康传播
作者 袁小玉 《新闻研究导刊》 2016年第24期298-298,共1页
近年来,全民兴起养生热潮,加速了市场上健康类自媒体的产生。在一些微信评估机构发布的健康类微信影响力排行榜上,一些名不见经传的自媒体以傲人的点击率名列前茅。面对自媒体公众号海量、抢眼的健康资讯的冲击,传统健康类报媒如何吸引... 近年来,全民兴起养生热潮,加速了市场上健康类自媒体的产生。在一些微信评估机构发布的健康类微信影响力排行榜上,一些名不见经传的自媒体以傲人的点击率名列前茅。面对自媒体公众号海量、抢眼的健康资讯的冲击,传统健康类报媒如何吸引受众,成功突围?本文立足健康类传统报媒经营微信公众号的现状,试为其提供可行的发展策略。 展开更多
关键词 健康自媒体 健康传统 公众号发展策略
作者 董甲辰 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期60-60,共1页
随着报刊业竞争的日趋激烈和多媒体、互联网的发展,政报类期刊同其他报刊一样,也面临着巨大的挑战,特别是目前政府上网工程正在紧锣密鼓地进行,内部网、公众网正在陆续建设或开通,有人认为这将对政报的发展带来巨大的挑战,将会逐步替代... 随着报刊业竞争的日趋激烈和多媒体、互联网的发展,政报类期刊同其他报刊一样,也面临着巨大的挑战,特别是目前政府上网工程正在紧锣密鼓地进行,内部网、公众网正在陆续建设或开通,有人认为这将对政报的发展带来巨大的挑战,将会逐步替代政报类期刊. 展开更多
关键词 期刊 发展方向 刊物质量 权威性 出版周期 办公自动化建设 期刊出版工作
作者 贾小漪 王爱军 《全媒体探索》 2022年第6期34-35,共2页
关键词 健康专业 全媒体 竞争力 主旋律
作者 张清 《传媒论坛》 2019年第23期3-3,5,共2页
关键词 法治专业 专业优势 媒体融合
作者 刘晓莲 《采写编》 2016年第3期49-50,共2页
人文关怀是媒体进步与成熟的重要标志。一家媒体如果没有人文栏目,就会显得肤浅,没有品位。目前媒体能体现人文关怀的报道对象大多数是乡村教师、农民工、环卫工、残障人群等弱势群体,这固然能体现一定的人文关怀。但是,真正的人文关怀... 人文关怀是媒体进步与成熟的重要标志。一家媒体如果没有人文栏目,就会显得肤浅,没有品位。目前媒体能体现人文关怀的报道对象大多数是乡村教师、农民工、环卫工、残障人群等弱势群体,这固然能体现一定的人文关怀。但是,真正的人文关怀的对象是普通大众,它体现在对每一个人的关怀和尊重,而不是关注某一特定群体或某一类人。况且,大多数媒体在报道弱势群体时,更多表现的是他们落后的生存状态,介绍他们生活的困苦和不幸,而对其人性中真、善、美的挖掘远远不够。因此,可以说,当代媒体对人文关怀的表达并不充分。作为健康类专业报,该如何体现人文关怀?《我的父亲母亲》专栏是一个很好的例子。用普通老百姓熟悉的语言,讲述老百姓自己的故事,这样的视角很好地体现了新闻的人文关怀精神。谁都有父母,每一位父母都有自己的故事,他们与子女的互动更能体现人性中真实、朴素的一面,更能展现人性中的闪光点。作为纸媒,编发稿件的过程,既是对单个的人的关怀过程,也是对以此为代表的这个阶层、这个群体的关怀过程。这种来自媒体的关怀,会让人感到社会的关心,能温暖人心,缓和矛盾,激人奋进。 展开更多
关键词 健康专业 人文关怀
作者 李慧萍 尹金娟 +2 位作者 王志华 孙阳阳 李秋援 《中国化工贸易》 2012年第1期29-29,69,共2页
通过焦作观测站为相临博爱站代发天气加密报过程,详细介绍了在相邻站网络故障,致使报文无法上传至省局时,如何利用现有的地面测报软件为相临站进行代发报,按着先发本站再代发的原则,依次对代发站报文输入、校对、传输的过程,如何... 通过焦作观测站为相临博爱站代发天气加密报过程,详细介绍了在相邻站网络故障,致使报文无法上传至省局时,如何利用现有的地面测报软件为相临站进行代发报,按着先发本站再代发的原则,依次对代发站报文输入、校对、传输的过程,如何快速、准确的为相临站传输报文的全过程,旨在为自动气象站运行过程中出现网络故障时报文的及时传输提供指导及参考。 展开更多
关键词 自动气象站 网络故障 代发 及时传输
《经济观察报》经营模式分析 被引量:1
作者 汤莉萍 周啸天 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期37-39,共3页
《经济观察报》是我国大陆地区最年轻和最有影响力的主流财经类报业媒体之一。分析该报的经营模式对于探索财经媒体的经营规律具有参考价值 。
关键词 《经济观察 主流媒体 经营模式 财经类报
作者 韩琇 李凯 +1 位作者 张玉洁 徐晓琳 《山东气象》 2004年第1期32-33,共2页
关键词 沙尘暴 文编发 模板 时钟切换
作者 张雷 《活力》 2018年第6期31-31,共1页
调查性报道作为深度报道的一种重要形式,以其独特的调查性、过程性、伴随性等特点吸引着人们的注意力,在新闻报道中广泛运用。电视媒体具有视听兼备的传播特性,是展现过程性、调查性的有力平台。本文针对调查性报道在不同体裁电视新闻... 调查性报道作为深度报道的一种重要形式,以其独特的调查性、过程性、伴随性等特点吸引着人们的注意力,在新闻报道中广泛运用。电视媒体具有视听兼备的传播特性,是展现过程性、调查性的有力平台。本文针对调查性报道在不同体裁电视新闻中的运用,具体探讨调查性报道在消息类电视新闻节目、专题类电视新闻节目、评论类电视新闻节目中运用的特点,总结归纳调查性报道在不同体裁电视新闻节目中的运用规律、特长、缺点和发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 调查性消息新闻节目 专题新闻节目 评论新闻节目
作者 陈磊 《中国航班》 2020年第10期68-68,70,共2页
空管自动化主备同步功能,就是在主系统和备用系统之间建立数据交换。在主用系统作为管制指挥时,接收转报系统发送的飞行数据报文并处理,同时向备份系统发送基础飞行数据(I类报)和自动化系统数据(B类报)。备份系统接收这两类数据报,处理... 空管自动化主备同步功能,就是在主系统和备用系统之间建立数据交换。在主用系统作为管制指挥时,接收转报系统发送的飞行数据报文并处理,同时向备份系统发送基础飞行数据(I类报)和自动化系统数据(B类报)。备份系统接收这两类数据报,处理报文后更新系统数据,实现与主用系统的同步。 展开更多
关键词 I类报B 类报 文解析 数据更新
Study of 160 breast cancer patients with distant metastasis after operation by way of TCM syndromes classification 被引量:1
作者 Wenping Lu Hongsheng Lin 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第1期59-61,共3页
Objective: To discuss the relationship between the postoperative breast cancer with distant metastasis and the TCM syndromes classification. Methods: 160 postoperative 5-year breast cancer patients from 1995 to 2000 w... Objective: To discuss the relationship between the postoperative breast cancer with distant metastasis and the TCM syndromes classification. Methods: 160 postoperative 5-year breast cancer patients from 1995 to 2000 were tracked, summed up and analysized TCM syndromes as stagnation of hepatic qi, deficiency of spleen and pathogenic phlegm reten- tion, blood stasis and toxin stagnation, deficiencies of both blood and qi. Results: (1) For blood stasis and toxin stagnation TCM syndrome, the metastatic rate raised to 45% during 5 years. However, the metastatic rates of other three TCM syn- dromes are 15%, 17.5% and 22.5% respectively. The general distant metastasis rate was 27.5% (P<0.01). (2) Lymph node metastasis, tumor size, Her-2 and its receptor have no obvious relation with TCM syndromes classification (P>0.05). Conclu- sion: (1) TCM syndrome classification has close relation with breast cancer distant metastasis. Distant metastasis have close relationship with blood stasis and toxin stagnation syndrome. (2) Lymph node metastasis, tumor size, Her-2 and its receptor have no obvious relation with TCM syndromes classification, which suggested that metastatic ability has been programmed in the early stage of carcinoma initiation. (3) Significantly enlightening for predict the prognosis under the guide of TCM syn- drome classification and take right therapeutic strategy: attack pathogen and activate blood circulation against cancer. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer distant metastasis TCM syndromes classification
A New Multi-Resource Allocation Mechanism: A Tradeoff between Fairness and Efficiency in Cloud Computing 被引量:2
作者 Lihua Zhao Minghui Du Lin Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期57-77,共21页
This paper addresses multi-resource fair allocation: a fundamental research topic in cloud computing. To improve resource utilization under well-studied fairness constraints, we propose a new allocation mechanism call... This paper addresses multi-resource fair allocation: a fundamental research topic in cloud computing. To improve resource utilization under well-studied fairness constraints, we propose a new allocation mechanism called Dominant Resource with Bottlenecked Fairness(DRBF), which generalizes Bottleneck-aware Allocation(BAA) to the settings of Dominant Resource Fairness(DRF). We classify users into different queues by their dominant resources. The goals are to ensure that users in the same queue receive allocations in proportion to their fair shares while users in different queues receive allocations that maximize resource utilization subject to well-studied fairness properties such as those in DRF. Under DRBF, no user 1) is worse off sharing resources than dividing resources equally among all users; 2) prefers the allocation of another user; 3) can improve their own allocation without reducing other users' allocations; and(4) can benefit by misreporting their resource demands. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed allocation policy performs better in terms of high resource utilization than does DRF. 展开更多
关键词 multi-resource fairness allocation cloud computing resource utilization
An algorithm for segmentation of lung ROI by mean-shift clustering combined with multi-scale HESSIAN matrix dot filtering 被引量:7
作者 魏颖 李锐 +1 位作者 杨金柱 赵大哲 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3500-3509,共10页
A new algorithm for segmentation of suspected lung ROI(regions of interest)by mean-shift clustering and multi-scale HESSIAN matrix dot filtering was proposed.Original image was firstly filtered by multi-scale HESSIAN ... A new algorithm for segmentation of suspected lung ROI(regions of interest)by mean-shift clustering and multi-scale HESSIAN matrix dot filtering was proposed.Original image was firstly filtered by multi-scale HESSIAN matrix dot filters,round suspected nodular lesions in the image were enhanced,and linear shape regions of the trachea and vascular were suppressed.Then,three types of information,such as,shape filtering value of HESSIAN matrix,gray value,and spatial location,were introduced to feature space.The kernel function of mean-shift clustering was divided into product form of three kinds of kernel functions corresponding to the three feature information.Finally,bandwidths were calculated adaptively to determine the bandwidth of each suspected area,and they were used in mean-shift clustering segmentation.Experimental results show that by the introduction of HESSIAN matrix of dot filtering information to mean-shift clustering,nodular regions can be segmented from blood vessels,trachea,or cross regions connected to the nodule,non-nodular areas can be removed from ROIs properly,and ground glass object(GGO)nodular areas can also be segmented.For the experimental data set of 127 different forms of nodules,the average accuracy of the proposed algorithm is more than 90%. 展开更多
关键词 HESSIAN matrix multi-scale dot filtering mean-shift clustering segmentation of suspected areas lung computer-aideddetection/diagnosis
Effect of dietary fiber on constipation:A meta analysis 被引量:30
作者 Jing Yang Hai-Peng Wang +1 位作者 Li Zhou Chun-Fang Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第48期7378-7383,共6页
AIM:To investigate the effect of dietary fiber intake on constipation by a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials(RCTs).METHODS:We searched Ovid MEDLINE(from 1946 to October 2011),Cochrane Library(2011),PubMed ... AIM:To investigate the effect of dietary fiber intake on constipation by a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials(RCTs).METHODS:We searched Ovid MEDLINE(from 1946 to October 2011),Cochrane Library(2011),PubMed for articles on dietary fiber intake and constipation using the terms:constipation,fiber,cellulose,plant extracts,cereals,bran,psyllium,or plantago.References of important articles were searched manually for relevant studies.Articles were eligible for the meta-analysis if they were high-quality RCTs and reported data on stool frequency,stool consistency,treatment success,laxative use and gastrointestinal symptoms.The data were extracted independently by two researchers(Yang J and Wang HP) according to the described selection criteria.Review manager version 5 software was used for analysis and test.Weighted mean difference with 95%CI was used for quantitative data,odds ratio(OR)with 95%CI was used for dichotomous data.Both I2 statistic with a cut-off of ≥ 50% and the χ2 test with a P value < 0.10 were used to define a significant degree of heterogeneity.RESULTS:We searched 1322 potential relevant articles,19 of which were retrieved for further assessment,14 studies were excluded for various reasons,five studies were included in the analysis.Dietary fiber showed significant advantage over placebo in stool frequency(OR = 1.19;95%CI:0.58-1.80,P < 0.05).There was no significant difference in stool consistency,treatment success,laxative use and painful defecation between the two groups.Stool frequency were reported by five RCTs,all results showed either a trend or a significant difference in favor of the treatment group,number of stools per week increased in treatment group than in placebo group(OR = 1.19;95%CI:0.58-1.80,P < 0.05),with no significant heterogeneity among studies(I2= 0,P = 0.77).Four studies evaluated stool consistency,one of them presented outcome in terms of percentage of hard stool,which was different from others,so we included the other three studies for analysis.Two studies reported treatment success.There was significant heterogeneity between the studies(P < 0.1,I2 > 50%).Three studies reported laxative use,quantitative data was shown in one study,and the pooled analysis of the other two studies showed no significant difference between treatment and placebo groups in laxative use(OR = 1.07;95%CI 0.51-2.25),and no heterogeneity was found(P = 0.84,I2= 0).Three studies evaluated painful defecation:one study presented both quantitative and dichotomous data,the other two studies reported quantitative and dichotomous data separately.We used dichotomous data for analysis.CONCLUSION:Dietary fiber intake can obviously increase stool frequency in patients with constipation.It does not obviously improve stool consistency,treatment success,laxative use and painful defecation. 展开更多
关键词 Dietary fiber Constipation Meta-analysis Stool frequency Stool consistency
Conservation Laws of a Class of Combined Equations
作者 ZHANG Zhi-Yong YONG Xue-Lin CHEN Yu-Fu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期35-38,共4页
In this paper, we investigate conservation laws of a class of partial differential equations, which combines the nonlinear telegraph equations and the nonlinear diffusion-convection equations. Moreover, some special c... In this paper, we investigate conservation laws of a class of partial differential equations, which combines the nonlinear telegraph equations and the nonlinear diffusion-convection equations. Moreover, some special conservation laws of the combined equations are obtained by means of symmetry classifications of wave equations uxx = H (x)utt. 展开更多
关键词 SYMMETRY conservation law MULTIPLIER differential characteristic set
Bloodstream Infection with Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii:a Case Report 被引量:2
作者 Hong-min Zhang Da-wei Liu +2 位作者 Xiao-ting Wang Yun Long Huan Chen 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2014年第1期51-54,共4页
IN the presence of septic shock, every hour in delaying the administration of effective antibiotics is associated with a measurable increase in mortality. This is especially true for neutropenic patients with septic s... IN the presence of septic shock, every hour in delaying the administration of effective antibiotics is associated with a measurable increase in mortality. This is especially true for neutropenic patients with septic shock. As there is a higher incidence of involving multi-drug resistant pathogens for neutropenic patients, the decision on antibiotics regime remains a challenge for physicians.2 Immunosuppression and previous antibacterial use are factors that promote the spread of multi-drug resistant pathogens, and the possibility of co-existing multi-drug resistant pathogens should be suspected when treating patients with these risk factors who developed refractory shock. Here we present a case with neutropenic fever and refractory shock whose blood culture yielded multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and carbapenem- resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. 展开更多
关键词 bloodstream infection neutropenic fever carbapenem-resistant Klebsiellapneumoniae Acinetobacter baumannii
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