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作者 廖颖 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2010年第5期105-106,共2页
《史记》的创作受到《左传》的影响,《史记》的很多材料来源于《左传》,这在学术界已成定论。笔者运用文献资料法和归纳法,将《史记》采用《左传》之材料分为以下几类:《史记》对《左传》的材料剪辑摘要;《史记》对《左传》的材料归纳综... 《史记》的创作受到《左传》的影响,《史记》的很多材料来源于《左传》,这在学术界已成定论。笔者运用文献资料法和归纳法,将《史记》采用《左传》之材料分为以下几类:《史记》对《左传》的材料剪辑摘要;《史记》对《左传》的材料归纳综合;基本引用《左传》原文或采用《左传》原意;《史记》在采用《左传》材料时,适当增加了文字以体现作者意图;《史记》与《左传》主要内容一致,但在细节上存在差异;《史记》中某些用词义项或某些说法可从《左传》中找到出处、原由。 展开更多
关键词 《史记》 《左传》 材料 类览
作者 吕维 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期35-43,共9页
《瀛奎律髓》"登览类"诗歌多以人文景观为登览地,内容丰富多样,景物描写多以俯视的视角作鸟瞰式的整体把握,诗歌风格以豪迈悲壮为主;"山岩类"诗歌多以自然景观为游览地,内容较为单一,多以平视和仰视的视角、移步换... 《瀛奎律髓》"登览类"诗歌多以人文景观为登览地,内容丰富多样,景物描写多以俯视的视角作鸟瞰式的整体把握,诗歌风格以豪迈悲壮为主;"山岩类"诗歌多以自然景观为游览地,内容较为单一,多以平视和仰视的视角、移步换景的方式进行景物描写,诗歌风格以清丽闲淡为主。二者有较为明显的区别,方回的分类有其合理性。将"登览"与"山岩"细致区分为两种不同类别,体现了《瀛奎律髓》的"诗格"性质。 展开更多
关键词 《瀛奎律髓》 “登 “山岩 区别 诗格
作者 任永刚 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》 2014年第1期5-6,共2页
方回《瀛奎律髓》"登览类"律诗有两种艺术特征非常明显,即叠字和对仗。理解了方回《瀛奎律髓》"登览类"律诗的叠字和对仗,将有助于我们对"登览类"律诗的鉴赏,也将有助于我们对《瀛奎律髓》这一著名唐宋... 方回《瀛奎律髓》"登览类"律诗有两种艺术特征非常明显,即叠字和对仗。理解了方回《瀛奎律髓》"登览类"律诗的叠字和对仗,将有助于我们对"登览类"律诗的鉴赏,也将有助于我们对《瀛奎律髓》这一著名唐宋律诗选本的理解。 展开更多
关键词 “登”律诗 叠字 对仗
An Overview of Literature on Primates in China 被引量:3
作者 李健立 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期332-336,共5页
This paper deals with an overview of primatological literature in China. The total number of publications was 2 052 from 1870-2001. Two peaks in the number of publications occurred during 1950-1965 and 1978-2001, resp... This paper deals with an overview of primatological literature in China. The total number of publications was 2 052 from 1870-2001. Two peaks in the number of publications occurred during 1950-1965 and 1978-2001, respectively. In 2 052 publications, most of them were published by the science-research sector, accounting for 54.2% of total publications. The percentage of publications from the science-research sector has been increasing over time, however, the contribution from the foreign sector has produced a contrary trend. Over 9% of total publications were indexed by SCI. The highest percentage of publications indexed by SCI took place during 1966-1977. In all publications indexed by SCI, those from the science-research sector dominated other sectors (59.1% of total publications). However, the foreign sector led with 30.1% of its own publications being in SCI. Studies of primatology were divided into nine areas. The percentage and change in percentage of publications in areas of primatology were counted. During 1978-2001 ecology and behaviour, neurobiology, reproduction and captive feeding were rapidly developing;fossil primates, morphology and anatomy decreasing;and taxonomy and distribution, cellular and molecular evolution became relatively poor. Increasing attention was paid to conservation biology. Prevention and control of diseases was fairly well studied in periods Ⅱ (1950-1965) and Ⅳ (1978-2001). The number of authors was highest during period Ⅳ, however, the mean number of publications per author in period Ⅳ was not as high as in period Ⅰ (1870-1949). Generally speaking, Chinese authors dominated the authors included in SCI. However in period Ⅰ, the sole author indexed by SCI was a foreign scholar, and foreign scholars comprised 60% of indexed authors in period Ⅲ (1966-1977). 展开更多
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