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单一粒径组碎石道砟颗粒破碎规律试验研究 被引量:2
作者 刘洋 李旭 +1 位作者 吴琼 郑双飞 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期100-107,共8页
道砟颗粒破碎会影响路基的力学行为和服役性能。为定量分析颗粒形状、粒径、冲击荷载三者对碎石颗粒破碎的影响,选用单一粒径组安山岩碎石道砟颗粒,进行颗粒破碎试验研究。研究结果表明:颗粒破碎比B g可用于定量分析道砟的颗粒破碎规律... 道砟颗粒破碎会影响路基的力学行为和服役性能。为定量分析颗粒形状、粒径、冲击荷载三者对碎石颗粒破碎的影响,选用单一粒径组安山岩碎石道砟颗粒,进行颗粒破碎试验研究。研究结果表明:颗粒破碎比B g可用于定量分析道砟的颗粒破碎规律;道砟形状是控制其破碎的主要因素,片状颗粒和针状颗粒在试验中的平均质量损失率高达40%;而块状颗粒的破碎主要以磨损为主,质量损失率低于4%;颗粒破碎指标B g和冲击荷载能量存在良好的线性关系;颗粒破碎过程可以划分为空间调整、接触破碎及平衡稳定三个阶段。 展开更多
关键词 单一粒径组 颗粒破碎 破碎指标 颗粒形状 颗粒粒径
单一粒径组颗粒材料破碎规律及破碎极限研究 被引量:5
作者 童晨曦 张升 +1 位作者 李希 盛岱超 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第S1期260-264,共5页
岩土材料颗粒破碎演化规律是颗粒破碎过程复杂性的集中体现,对单一粒径组颗粒材料破碎规律的研究是进行多粒径组颗粒材料破碎规律的基础。从概率统计角度入手,先对前期研究中所提出的描述单一粒径组颗粒材料破碎规律的3个参数-破碎概率... 岩土材料颗粒破碎演化规律是颗粒破碎过程复杂性的集中体现,对单一粒径组颗粒材料破碎规律的研究是进行多粒径组颗粒材料破碎规律的基础。从概率统计角度入手,先对前期研究中所提出的描述单一粒径组颗粒材料破碎规律的3个参数-破碎概率p、破碎状态参数a、b的演化规律进行了研究。通过对3组不同类型(不同试验材料、试验类型)的试验数据的研究,发现随着破碎的发展3个参数趋于定值,表明破碎极限的存在。基于上述研究,最后提出了计算单一粒径组颗粒材料破碎极限的方法,分别得到了3组试样的最终分形维数分别为2.3、2.34、2.28。 展开更多
关键词 单一粒径组 破碎概率 破碎状态 破碎极限 分形维数
作者 陈杨 《中小企业管理与科技》 2011年第19期75-76,共2页
关键词 不同粒径组 泥沙沉积 辽河中下游
基于Markov链的岩土材料颗粒破碎演化规律研究 被引量:15
作者 童晨曦 张升 +1 位作者 李希 盛岱超 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期870-877,共8页
从单一粒径组颗粒破碎演化规律角度入手,研究了多粒径组颗粒破碎演化规律。首先,提出了能够描述单一粒径组颗粒破碎状态的两参数Weibull分布函数;此外,提出了多粒径组颗粒有效破碎概率概念;在上述基础上建立了一个能够较好的描述多粒径... 从单一粒径组颗粒破碎演化规律角度入手,研究了多粒径组颗粒破碎演化规律。首先,提出了能够描述单一粒径组颗粒破碎状态的两参数Weibull分布函数;此外,提出了多粒径组颗粒有效破碎概率概念;在上述基础上建立了一个能够较好的描述多粒径组颗粒破碎演化规律的Markov链模型,选取了不同岩土材料、试验条件和颗粒大小下的试验数据对该模型进行了验证,表明提出的模型能够描述各种试验条件下多粒径组颗粒破碎的演化规律。 展开更多
关键词 单一粒径组 粒径组 WEIBULL分布 MARKOV链模型 演化规律
策勒绿洲—沙漠过渡带风沙流挟沙粒度的垂直分异 被引量:29
作者 王翠 雷加强 +3 位作者 李生宇 毛东雷 周杰 再努拉.热合木吐拉 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期230-238,共9页
在策勒绿洲一沙漠过渡带选取流动沙地、半流动沙地两个典型下垫面,采集下垫面地表0~1 cm沙样,利用梯度集沙仪收集风风沙流中垂直高度层中1~20 cm的沙通量,利用mastersizer2000分析所收集沙样的粒度。结果表明研究区风沙流挟沙粒度的垂... 在策勒绿洲一沙漠过渡带选取流动沙地、半流动沙地两个典型下垫面,采集下垫面地表0~1 cm沙样,利用梯度集沙仪收集风风沙流中垂直高度层中1~20 cm的沙通量,利用mastersizer2000分析所收集沙样的粒度。结果表明研究区风沙流挟沙粒度的垂直分布特征为:沙粒平均粒径随高度增加而减小,风沙流中沙粒的平均粒径小于床面沙粒平均粒径。其中粉沙含量随着高度的增加,其相对含量呈现幂函数增加,极细沙和细沙含量随高度的增加呈幂函数规律递减。风沙流中平均粒径(φ)值在3.58~3.81;分选系数集中在0.46~0.55,分选性较好;偏度值变化范围为-0.006~0.1,峰度变化值在0.94~0.96。半流动沙地风沙流中平均粒径小于流动沙地,分选性较好。平均粒径(φ)与分选系数、峰度和偏度均呈正相关,分选系数与偏度、峰态间呈现正相关,峰态与偏态之间呈现正相关。研究区沙粒主要以细沙、极细沙和粉沙为主,分选性较好,沙粒粒径分布符合正态。流动沙地较半流动沙地风蚀程度大,地表沙粒粒径粗。策勒地区地表风沙来源主要为风成沙,沙粒运动方式以跃移质为主,悬移质次之。 展开更多
关键词 粒度垂直分异 不同粒径组 风沙环境 策勒绿洲一沙漠过渡带
三峡工程蓄水运用对长江口径流来沙的影响 被引量:35
作者 陈立 吴门伍 张俊勇 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期50-54,共5页
三峡工程蓄水运用后,下游来沙量大大减少,直接影响长江口的径流来沙量。依据实测资料,统计计算了宜昌、大通及中间水文站各粒径组泥沙多年平均输沙量。考虑到沿程冲淤变化及区间支流来沙,建立了上下游水文站各粒径组泥沙输沙量之间的对... 三峡工程蓄水运用后,下游来沙量大大减少,直接影响长江口的径流来沙量。依据实测资料,统计计算了宜昌、大通及中间水文站各粒径组泥沙多年平均输沙量。考虑到沿程冲淤变化及区间支流来沙,建立了上下游水文站各粒径组泥沙输沙量之间的对应关系,初步探讨了宜昌和大通两站不同粒径组泥沙输沙量之间的关系。在此基础上,根据一维数学模型的计算结果,分析了三峡工程蓄水后宜昌站各粒径组泥沙的来沙量的减少及大通站各粒径组泥沙输沙量相应的变化。结果表明:在输沙总量上,大通站输沙量中的70%来自宜昌上游河道,其余的则来自区间的补充;如果考虑不同粒径组,则细颗粒对上游来沙的依赖程度高于中等粒径泥沙,三峡建库后,在不考虑沿程冲刷恢复的条件下,宜昌上游来沙量减少了71.7%,通过大通站的输沙量较建库前减少了40%;其中细颗粒减少的程度低于中等粒径颗粒。 展开更多
关键词 蓄水运用 径流来沙 三峡工程 输沙量 粒径组 长江口 河口泥沙
三峡工程运用后坝下游河道泥沙输移变化规律 被引量:19
作者 郭小虎 渠庚 +1 位作者 刘亚 刘心愿 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期564-572,共9页
三峡工程蓄水后“清水”下泄,坝下游河段将会长期处于严重不饱和状态,水流含沙量沿程恢复将会引起坝下游长距离冲刷,本文根据三峡工程蓄水前、后的实测资料分析了坝下游河道泥沙输移变化规律,探索不同粒径组沙量沿程恢复对河床冲刷的影... 三峡工程蓄水后“清水”下泄,坝下游河段将会长期处于严重不饱和状态,水流含沙量沿程恢复将会引起坝下游长距离冲刷,本文根据三峡工程蓄水前、后的实测资料分析了坝下游河道泥沙输移变化规律,探索不同粒径组沙量沿程恢复对河床冲刷的影响,得到以下结论:在蓄水初期d≤0.031 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给与江湖入汇共同的影响,随着水库下泄该粒径组沙量递减,使得各站该粒径组年均输沙量均远小于蓄水前的水平,沙量恢复仍主要受河床补给与江湖入汇的影响,这是造成坝下游河道发生长距离冲刷的主要原因之一;在蓄水初期0.031 mm<d≤0.125 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给的影响,但江湖入汇的影响较大,随着河床补给量逐渐减少,各站该粒径组年均输沙量均小于蓄水前的水平,沙量恢复仍主要受河床补给的影响,江湖入汇的影响逐渐减小,这也是坝下游河道发生长距离冲刷的主要原因之一;d>0.125 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给的影响,蓄水初期该粒径组沙量在宜昌监利河段沿程恢复速率较快,且在监利站达到蓄水前的水平,随着时间推移,在宜昌监利河段沿程恢复且速率仍较快,在监利站达到最大值,其数值逐渐小于蓄水前的水平,这是造成坝下游河道冲刷重点集中在宜昌监利河段的主要原因. 展开更多
关键词 三峡工程 水库下游 不同粒径组 泥沙输移
洞庭湖的演变与治理(上)——Ⅰ洞庭湖的沉积 被引量:16
作者 林承坤 《地理与地理信息科学》 1985年第4期28-35,22-36,共10页
1、湖泊与入湖河流概况 洞庭湖是长江流域三大淡水湖之一,据1977年量测,湖泊水域面积2740平方公里,容积178亿立米,在我国淡水湖中居第二位。今日洞庭湖及其入湖河流情况由图1所示。赤山以西称西洞庭湖,因受泥沙淤积,目前已分裂成许多小... 1、湖泊与入湖河流概况 洞庭湖是长江流域三大淡水湖之一,据1977年量测,湖泊水域面积2740平方公里,容积178亿立米,在我国淡水湖中居第二位。今日洞庭湖及其入湖河流情况由图1所示。赤山以西称西洞庭湖,因受泥沙淤积,目前已分裂成许多小湖,有目草湖、大连湖与七里湖等。水面积共345平方公里,占洞庭湖面积的12.6%。赤山以东至湘江口称南洞庭湖,水面积917平方公里,占全湖面积33.5%。湘江口至城陵矶七里山称东洞庭湖,水面积为1476.9平方公里,占全湖面积的53.9%。 展开更多
关键词 沉积量 南洞庭湖 入湖河 洪道 泥沙 来沙量 输沙量 粒径组 湖泊沉积 河床
Effects of particle size and particle interactions on scheelite flotation 被引量:16
作者 印万忠 王纪镇 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3682-3687,共6页
Effects of size distribution (particle size and content of fine fraction (<10μm)) on scheelite flotation were studied using flotation tests and theoretical calculations. The results show that particle size influen... Effects of size distribution (particle size and content of fine fraction (<10μm)) on scheelite flotation were studied using flotation tests and theoretical calculations. The results show that particle size influences the scheelite recovery and the performance of combined reagents. The scheelite recovery is lowered by adding fine particles (<10μm) into the pulp containing coarse particles. Extended DLVO (EDLVO) theory confirms that the fine fractions (<10μm) could interface with the coarse fractions. The interaction energy and fluid forces are relative to the particle size, which might explain why the fine fractions influence the scheelite flotation. The highest recovery of scheelite using combined reagents as collector and optimum ratio of combined reagents were determined by scheelite particle size and reagent performance. However, the optimum adding order was only determined by reagent performance, which has nothing to do with particle size. 展开更多
关键词 SCHEELITE FLOTATION sodium oleate benzohydroxamic acid particle size combined reagents
Effect and mechanism of dolomite with different size fractions on hematite flotation using sodium oleate as collector 被引量:7
作者 罗溪梅 印万忠 +3 位作者 王云帆 孙传尧 马英强 刘建 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期529-534,共6页
The effect of dolomite with different particle size fractions on hematite flotation was studied using sodium oleate as collector at p H of about 9. The effect mechanism of dolomite on hematite flotation was investigat... The effect of dolomite with different particle size fractions on hematite flotation was studied using sodium oleate as collector at p H of about 9. The effect mechanism of dolomite on hematite flotation was investigated by means of solution chemistry, ultraviolet spectrophotometry(UV), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). It is observed that dolomite with different size fractions has depressing effect on hematite flotation using sodium oleate as collector, and dolomite could be the "mineral depressant" of hematite using sodium oleate as collector. The reasons for that are concerned with sodium oleate consumption and the adsorption onto hematite of dissolved species of dolomite. 展开更多
关键词 DOLOMITE HEMATITE sodium oleate mineral dissolution depressing effect
Soil Organic Carbon Pools in Particle-Size Fractions as Affected by Slope Gradient and Land Use Change in Hilly Regions,Western Iran 被引量:12
作者 Parisa Mokhtari KARCHEGANI Shamsollah AYOUBI +1 位作者 Mohammad Reza MOSADDEGHI Naser HONARJOO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期87-95,共9页
This study was conducted to explore the effects of topography and land use changes on particulate organic carbon(POC),particulate total nitrogen(PTN),organic carbon(OC) and total nitrogen(TN) associated with different... This study was conducted to explore the effects of topography and land use changes on particulate organic carbon(POC),particulate total nitrogen(PTN),organic carbon(OC) and total nitrogen(TN) associated with different size primary particle fractions in hilly regions of western Iran.Three popular land uses in the selected site including natural forest(NF),disturbed forest(DF) and cultivated land(CL) and three slope gradients(0-10 %,S1,10-30 %,S2,and 30-50%,S3) were employed as the basis of soil sampling.A total of 99 soil samples were taken from the 0-10 cm surface layer in the whole studied hilly region studied.The results showed that the POC in the forest land use in all slope gradients was considerably more than the deforested and cultivated lands and the highest value was observed at NF-S1 treatment with 9.13%.The values of PTN were significantly higher in the forest land use and in the down slopes(0.5%) than in the deforested and cultivated counterparts and steep slopes(0.09%) except for the CL land use.The C:N ratios in POC fraction were around 17-18 in the forest land and around 23 in the cultivated land.In forest land,the silt-associated OC was highest among the primary particles.The enrichment factor of SOC,EC,was the highest for POC.For the primary particles,EC of both primary fractions of silt and clay showed following trend for selected land uses and slope gradients:CL> DF> NF and S3 > S2> S1.Slope gradient of landscape significantly affected the OC and TN contents associated with the silt and clay particles,whereas higher OC and TN contents were observed in lower positions and the lowest value was measured in the steep slopes.Overall,the results showed that native forest land improves soil organic carbon storage and can reduce the carbon emission and soil erosion especially in the mountainous regions with high rainfall in west of Iran. 展开更多
关键词 Land use change Soil organic carbon Slope gradient Physical fractionation Particulate organic carbon
Effect of second-phase particle size and presence of vibration on AZ91/SiC surface composite layer produced by FSP 被引量:6
作者 Behrouz BAGHERI Mahmoud ABBASI +1 位作者 Amin ABDOLLAHZADEH Seyyed Ehsan MIRSALEHI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第4期905-916,共12页
An improved method of friction stir processing(FSP)was introduced for the processing of AZ91 magnesium alloy specimens.This novel process was called“friction stir vibration processing(FSVP)”.FSP and FSVP were utiliz... An improved method of friction stir processing(FSP)was introduced for the processing of AZ91 magnesium alloy specimens.This novel process was called“friction stir vibration processing(FSVP)”.FSP and FSVP were utilized to develop surface composites on the studied alloy while SiC nanoparticles were applied as second-phase particles.The effect of reinforcing SiC particles with different sizes(30 and 300 nm)on different characteristics of the composite surface was studied.The results indicated that the microstructure was refined and mechanical properties such as hardness,ductility,and strength were enhanced as FSVP was applied.Furthermore,it was concluded that the effect of reinforcing particles with a size of 30 nm on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the surface composite was more obvious than that of particles with a size of 300 nm.It was also found that mechanical properties and microstructure of FSV-processed specimens were improved as vibration frequency increased.The hardness value in the stir zone was about 157 MPa for the FSV-processed specimen at a vibration frequency of 50 Hz,while this value was around 116 MPa for the FSV-processed specimen at a vibration frequency of 25 Hz. 展开更多
关键词 friction stir processing VIBRATION SiC nano-particles particle size mechanical properties microstructure residual stress
Effect of sintering atmosphere on composition and properties of NiFe_2O_4 ceramic 被引量:1
作者 田忠良 张腾 +2 位作者 刘恺 赖延清 李劼 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期450-454,共5页
Ni Fe2O4 ceramics were prepared in different sintering atmospheres. The phase compositions, microstructures and mechanical properties were studied. The results show that the stoichiometric compound Ni Fe2O4 cannot be ... Ni Fe2O4 ceramics were prepared in different sintering atmospheres. The phase compositions, microstructures and mechanical properties were studied. The results show that the stoichiometric compound Ni Fe2O4 cannot be obtained in vacuum or atmospheres with oxygen contents of 2×10-5, 2×10-4 and 2×10-3, respectively. All the samples sintered in above-mentioned atmospheres contain phases of Ni Fe2O4 and Ni O. With increasing oxygen content, Ni Fe2O4 content in the ceramic increases, while Ni O content appears a contrary trend. In vacuum, Ni Fe2O4 ceramic has average grain size of 3.94 μm, and bending strength of85.12 MPa. The changes of the phase composition and mechanical properties of Ni Fe2O4 based cermets are mainly caused by the alteration of their properties of Ni Fe2O4 ceramic. 展开更多
关键词 NiFe2O4 ceramic MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical property sintering atmosphere
考虑粗糙度和粒径影响的钢-砂界面剪切特性试验研究 被引量:6
作者 郭聚坤 雷胜友 +2 位作者 寇海磊 王瑞 王晓伟 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期100-106,共7页
结构表面粗糙度和土颗粒组成大小对界面的摩擦特性有重要影响,揭示不同介质间界面的力学特性对工程建设具有重要意义。利用改进的直剪仪,对钢板与四组不同粒径组砂粒进行界面剪切试验,研究不同砂粒组、粗糙度和法向应力下的钢-砂界面剪... 结构表面粗糙度和土颗粒组成大小对界面的摩擦特性有重要影响,揭示不同介质间界面的力学特性对工程建设具有重要意义。利用改进的直剪仪,对钢板与四组不同粒径组砂粒进行界面剪切试验,研究不同砂粒组、粗糙度和法向应力下的钢-砂界面剪切应力-位移关系、粗糙界面剪切面性状、粗糙界面抗剪强度构成。结果表明:界面峰值剪切应力随法向应力、砂粒组和粗糙度的增大而增加;光面钢板与砂粒在接触表面形成光滑的剪切面,刻纹路部位钢板与砂粒间的剪切面随纹路宽度与粒径的大小而有所不同;粒组粒径不大于刻纹宽度时,在砂-砂间形成剪切面;粒组粒径介于刻纹宽度1~2倍时,可能在砂-砂间形成曲形剪切面,也可能在钢-砂接触部分形成剪切面,粒径远大于刻纹宽度的,形成水平间断剪切面;刻有纹路的抗剪强度由未刻纹路区域与纹路区域提供;界面摩擦角随粒径和粗糙度增大而增加,大致在22°~30°。 展开更多
关键词 粒径组 粗糙度 抗剪强度 剪切面 剪切强度指标
Optical trapping of metallic Rayleigh particle by combined beam
作者 程科 钟先琼 向安平 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2012年第1期76-80,共5页
Radiation forces and trapping stability of metallic (i.e. gold) Rayleigh particle by combined beam are analyzed, and the combined beam is formed by superimposing two partially coherent off-axis fiat-topped beams. Th... Radiation forces and trapping stability of metallic (i.e. gold) Rayleigh particle by combined beam are analyzed, and the combined beam is formed by superimposing two partially coherent off-axis fiat-topped beams. The dependences of radiation forces on off-axis distance parameter, correlation length and particle radius are illustrated by numerical examples. The results show that there exist critical values d0,c and or σ0,c for the combined beam. For 0〈d ≤ d0,c or 0〈σ0 ≤ σ0,c the Gaussianlike intensity profile takes place at the geometrical focal plane, so that the transverse gradient force can act as restoring force. As the off-axis distance parameter increases or the correlation length decreases, the maximal intensity, the radiation force and trapping stiffness become smaller, while the transverse and longitudinal trapping ranges become larger. In comparison with a single beam, the combined beam is more favourable for trapping metallic Rayleigh particle owing to the stronger trapping stiffness and the larger trapping range. 展开更多
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