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粒状体直剪试验的数值模拟与微观考察 被引量:22
作者 刘斯宏 徐永福 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期288-292,共5页
用离散单元法模拟了粒状体的直剪试验。基于数值模拟结果 ,提出了修正剪胀试样与剪切盒内壁间的摩擦对剪切强度影响的方法 ,估算了直剪试验试样的整体应变 ,并探讨了剪切面上宏观应力
关键词 粒状体 离散单元法 直剪试验 微观结构 粒值模拟
粒状体流动法则的微观机制 被引量:1
作者 张然 武建勋 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期247-250,共4页
粒状体力学方法为散粒体建立了一种理想化的数值计算模型,可以模拟粒状体的力学表现.本研究认为粒状体力学方法不是缩尺模型而是一种"几率场模拟",所依据的不是相似理论而是接触点附近的微观机制的一致性,所计算的每个结果只... 粒状体力学方法为散粒体建立了一种理想化的数值计算模型,可以模拟粒状体的力学表现.本研究认为粒状体力学方法不是缩尺模型而是一种"几率场模拟",所依据的不是相似理论而是接触点附近的微观机制的一致性,所计算的每个结果只是该机率场的一个"样本",其可靠性服从统计规律.因此本研究用粒状单元法对于一组平面的圆盘的集合作了单向的探针试验,发现粒状体的塑性应变在某些条件下几乎符合非关联流动法则,另一些条件下不符合.即使符合该法则的场合,也稍有偏差,使得理论上认为非关连流动法则应该导致的Hill失稳现象实际上不会发生.以此证明了该方法的价值和适用性. 展开更多
关键词 粒状体 粒状单元法 探针试验 弹塑性 流动法则
作者 陈越 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第5期54-64,共11页
本文以笔者提出的粒状材料强度异向性规律的理论表示式 ̄[1,2]为数学手段,推导了可适用于异向性粒状体的Kotter塑性应力场方程,阐明了这种塑性应力场的基本特征。这一结果,可以表示为不依赖于强度参数tgψ(ζ)具体假... 本文以笔者提出的粒状材料强度异向性规律的理论表示式 ̄[1,2]为数学手段,推导了可适用于异向性粒状体的Kotter塑性应力场方程,阐明了这种塑性应力场的基本特征。这一结果,可以表示为不依赖于强度参数tgψ(ζ)具体假定形式的一般形式,而且还已假定成在必要时可按拟静法考虑水平地震荷载效应的形式。 展开更多
关键词 粒状体 异向性 极限平衡理论 强度
用离散单元法分析单剪试验中粒状体的剪切机理(英文) 被引量:13
作者 刘斯宏 卢廷浩 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期608-611,共4页
用铝棒堆积体作为二维粒状体的模型材料进行单剪试验 ,然后对其用离散单元法进行数值模拟 ,对于宏观应力应变关系 ,两者结果基本吻合。基于数据模拟结果 ,对粒状体的剪切机理 ,例如滑动面上粒子接点角的分布及变化规律 ,进行了微观分析。
关键词 离散单元法 粒状体 微观 单剪试验
粒状增强体种类对沥青基炭复合材料性能的影响(英文) 被引量:5
作者 郭领军 李贺军 +1 位作者 李克智 王闯 《新型炭材料》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期51-57,共7页
采用普通液压机及新型的模压半炭化成型工艺,在大气环境下制备出了高密度、低成本、应用广的三种焦炭(冶金焦、沥青焦Ⅰ和沥青焦Ⅱ)颗粒增强的沥青基炭复合材料(简称PCCs)。通过对PCCs材料先后进行快速焙烧处理,沥青浸渍-炭化致密化处... 采用普通液压机及新型的模压半炭化成型工艺,在大气环境下制备出了高密度、低成本、应用广的三种焦炭(冶金焦、沥青焦Ⅰ和沥青焦Ⅱ)颗粒增强的沥青基炭复合材料(简称PCCs)。通过对PCCs材料先后进行快速焙烧处理,沥青浸渍-炭化致密化处理和高温石墨化(2 373K)处理,制得了PCC材料的焙烧样品、致密化样品和石墨化样品。通过力学性能试验,SEM和XRD等方法,研究了增强体焦炭颗粒的种类对沥青基炭复合材料的体积密度和抗压强度的影响。结果表明:PCCs材料抗压强度的高低,除了与其体积密度相关外,还与其所采用的增强体焦炭颗粒的耐压强度、微观结构和表面状态有密切的关系。焦炭颗粒的耐压强度愈高、表面越粗糙、开孔孔隙越多,其对沥青基炭复合材料的增强作用也就越显著。无论PCCs材料是焙烧样品、致密化样品、还是石墨化样品,用磨碎冶金焦制备的PCCs材料的三种样品的抗压强度最大,用沥青焦Ⅱ制备的PCCs材料的次之,用沥青焦Ⅰ制备的CRPCC材料的最小。粒状增强体的种类对CRPCC材料的力学性能不仅具有非常重要的影响,而且其强度也具有一定的遗传性。 展开更多
关键词 炭复合材料 煤焦油沥青 粒状增强 抗压性能 微观组织
环氧树脂/石英砂粒状包覆体的制备及结构形态 被引量:3
作者 邹志明 闻荻江 崔国星 《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第4期32-35,共4页
目的制备环氧树脂/石英砂粒状包覆体,研究环氧树脂在不同反应温度、不同固化剂和不同反应时间下的固化率。方法以三亚乙基四胺(TETA)和乙二胺(EDA)为固化剂,在明胶分散作用下制备环氧树脂/石英砂包覆体,并用摄影显微镜揭示不同尺寸石英... 目的制备环氧树脂/石英砂粒状包覆体,研究环氧树脂在不同反应温度、不同固化剂和不同反应时间下的固化率。方法以三亚乙基四胺(TETA)和乙二胺(EDA)为固化剂,在明胶分散作用下制备环氧树脂/石英砂包覆体,并用摄影显微镜揭示不同尺寸石英砂包覆体的物理结构。结果随着反应温度的升高和反应时间的延长,固化率不断提高,TETA固化剂体系的固化速度快于EDA固化剂体系。结论要得到均匀、稳定的粒状包覆体,必须有细小的、易在介质中分散的核,且初始固化速度快。TETA作为固化剂更为合适。 展开更多
关键词 环氧树脂 固化剂 石英砂 粒状包覆 固化率
不同形态第二组织低碳钢的铁素体动态再结晶 被引量:16
作者 杨王玥 王洪梅 +1 位作者 李龙飞 孙祖庆 《金属学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期691-698,共8页
借助热模拟压缩变形实验以及SEM,TEM,EBSD技术,研究了基体为铁素体、第二组织形态分别为片层状珠光体及颗粒状渗碳体的低碳钢在600—700℃,形变速率为10^(-3)—10s^(-1)范围内铁素体相区的热变形特征及铁素体动态再结晶组织演变规律,并... 借助热模拟压缩变形实验以及SEM,TEM,EBSD技术,研究了基体为铁素体、第二组织形态分别为片层状珠光体及颗粒状渗碳体的低碳钢在600—700℃,形变速率为10^(-3)—10s^(-1)范围内铁素体相区的热变形特征及铁素体动态再结晶组织演变规律,并对机理进行了初步探讨,结果表明:第二组织形态分别为片层状珠光体和弥散分布的颗粒状渗碳体的低碳钢均可发生铁素体动态再结晶;与颗粒状渗碳体相比,珠光体存在时动态再结晶开始发生和进入稳态所需的形变量都较高,再结晶进入稳态阶段后铁素体平均晶粒截径较大,说明微米级颗粒状渗碳体促使铁素体动态再结晶形核及发展的能力,其钉扎铁素体再结晶晶粒晶界,抑制长大作用明显。 展开更多
关键词 珠光 微米级颗粒状渗碳 低碳钢 铁索动态再结晶 第二组织
土钉角度对斜面加固效果影响的有限元分析 被引量:2
作者 王巍 黄昊 《人民珠江》 2014年第5期28-33,共6页
关键词 ADINA有限元 粒状体 数值模拟 土钉角度
作者 黄国超 《江苏丝绸》 2006年第5期53-53,共1页
271 低成本制取人造皮革特开平2002~54079272 使用高频照射的染色方法特开平15~13377273 使用高频照射的染色方法及其染色装置特开平14~275771274 聚乙烯醇系纤维的染色方法特开平14~242084275 洗涤用浆特开平15~13365276 纤维用... 271 低成本制取人造皮革特开平2002~54079272 使用高频照射的染色方法特开平15~13377273 使用高频照射的染色方法及其染色装置特开平14~275771274 聚乙烯醇系纤维的染色方法特开平14~242084275 洗涤用浆特开平15~13365276 纤维用精练剂特开平15~20559277 水解性干式无纺布特开平13~355170278 热塑性聚乙烯醇系超细纤维无纺布特开平13~355175279 展开更多
关键词 超细纤维 人造草坪 地毯 粒状体 远红外线
作者 Chen Ken Larry E. Banta Jiang Gangyi 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第6期877-881,共5页
In this paper, an approach to predicting randomly-shaped particle volume based on its two- Dimensional (2-D) digital image is explored. Conversion of gray-scale image of the particles to its binary counterpart is fi... In this paper, an approach to predicting randomly-shaped particle volume based on its two- Dimensional (2-D) digital image is explored. Conversion of gray-scale image of the particles to its binary counterpart is first performed using backlighting technique. The silhouette of particle is thus obtained, and consequently, informative features such as particle area, centroid and shape-related descriptors are collected. Several dimensionless parameters are defined, and used as regressor variables in a multiple linear regression model to predict particle volume. Regressor coefficients are found by fitting to a randomly selected sample of 501 panicles ranging in size from 4.75mm to 25ram. The model testing experiment is conducted against a different aggregate sample of the similar statistical properties, the errors of the model-predicted volume of the batch is within ±2%. 展开更多
关键词 Volume estimate Volume modeling Random shape PARTICLES
Short Review:Mitochondrion and its related disorders:Making a comeback 被引量:3
作者 Xian-ning ZHANG Ming QI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期90-92,共3页
The great majority of genetic disorders are caused by defects in the nuclear genome. However, some significant diseases are the result of mitochondrial mutations. Because of the unique features of the mitochondria, th... The great majority of genetic disorders are caused by defects in the nuclear genome. However, some significant diseases are the result of mitochondrial mutations. Because of the unique features of the mitochondria, these diseases display characteristic modes of inheritance and a large degree of phenotypic variability. Recent studies have suggested that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a central role in a wide range of age-related disorders and various forms of cancer. 展开更多
关键词 MITOCHONDRIA Mitochondrial disorder MUTATION
作者 周家钰 《四川冶金》 CAS 1999年第6期1-3,14,共4页
关键词 巷道支护 受力分析 圆形巷道 粒状
Probabilistic analysis of geomembrane puncture from granular material under liquid pressure 被引量:1
作者 姜晓桢 束一鸣 朱俊高 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期3256-3264,共9页
A simplified probabilistic analysis of geomembrane punctures from granular material was presented when subjected to liquid pressure.The probability distribution of contact force between geomembrane and granular materi... A simplified probabilistic analysis of geomembrane punctures from granular material was presented when subjected to liquid pressure.The probability distribution of contact force between geomembrane and granular material was obtained based on the principle of equal probability and assumptions that grains are spheres with constant size.A particle flow code PFC3Dwas employed to simulate the contact process which indicates a good agreement with the theoretical probabilistic analysis.The odds of geomembrane puncture from grains of constant size were obtained by evaluating the puncture force which should not exceed the puncture resistance of geomembrane.The effects of grain radius,grain rigidity and liquid pressure were studied in more detail and displayed in graphs.Both high-level of liquid pressure and large grain can result in high risk of geomembrane puncture.The influence of grain rigidity on the geomembrane puncture odds is significant.For granular material with a grain size distribution,the geomembrane puncture odds can be estimated by the grain size distribution,served as weight function and it is a cautious design if the largest grain is chosen as the design grain size. 展开更多
关键词 geomembrane puncture probability distribution contact force
Effects of the Blade Shape on the Trailing Vortices in Liquid Flow Generated by Disc Turbines 被引量:9
作者 赵静 高正明 包雨云 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期232-242,共11页
Particle image velocimetry technique was used to analyze the trailing vortices and elucidate their rela-tionship with turbulence properties in a stirred tank of 0.48 m diameter,agitated by four different disc turbines... Particle image velocimetry technique was used to analyze the trailing vortices and elucidate their rela-tionship with turbulence properties in a stirred tank of 0.48 m diameter,agitated by four different disc turbines,in-cluding Rushton turbine,concaved blade disk turbine,half elliptical blade disk turbine,and parabolic blade disk turbine.Phase-averaged and phase-resolved flow fields near the impeller blades were measured and the structure of trailing vortices was studied in detail.The location,size and strength of vortices were determined by the simplified λ2-criterion and the results showed that the blade shape had great effect on the trailing vortex characteristics.The larger curvature resulted in longer residence time of the vortex at the impeller tip,bigger distance between the upper and lower vortices and longer vortex life,also leads to smaller and stronger vortices.In addition,the turbulent ki-netic energy and turbulent energy dissipation in the discharge flow were determined and discussed.High turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent energy dissipation regions were located between the upper and lower vortices and moved along with them.Although restricted to single phase flow,the presented results are essential for reliable de-sign and scale-up of stirred tank with disc turbines. 展开更多
关键词 trailing vortices disc turbine particle image velocimetry blade shape
Influence of anti-keratin autoantibodies on telomerase activity of squa-mous cell carcinoma
作者 付萌 张衍国 +3 位作者 刘玉峰 陈妍 王秋枫 李巍 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2002年第1期5-9,共5页
Objective: To investigate the influence of anti-keratin autoantibodies (AK auto Abs) on telom-erase activity of squamous cell carcinoma cultured in vitro and the mechanisms of the inhibitory effects of AK auto Abs on ... Objective: To investigate the influence of anti-keratin autoantibodies (AK auto Abs) on telom-erase activity of squamous cell carcinoma cultured in vitro and the mechanisms of the inhibitory effects of AK auto Abs on squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: Influence of AK auto Abs on the proliferation of Tca cells was observed by MTT colorimetry. Telomerase activity of cultured Tca cells and human keratinocytes was determined by telomeric repeat amplication protocol-ELISA (TRAP-ELISA) and polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis (PAGE). After being treated with AK auto Abs for 36 h at a concentration of 4, 8, 16 mg/L respectively, the changes of telomerase activity of Tea cells were also detected by TRAP-ELISA and PAGE. Results: MTT colorimetric determination showed that the capacity of proliferation of Tca cells correlated negatively with the concentration of AK auto Abs (r= -0. 74, P<0. 01). TRAP-ELISA and PAGE showed that telomerase activity of Tca cells increased significantly compared to that of cultured human keratinocytes (t = 3. 5396, P<0. 01). AK auto Abs at a concentrations of 4, 8, 16 mg/L had significant dose-dependent inhibitory effects on telomerase activity of Tca cells (r= - 0. 8358, P<0. 01). Conclusion: AK auto Abs have a significant dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the proliferation of cultured Tea cells. AK auto Abs inhibit telomerase activity of cultured Tca cells with dose-dependent pattern. It suggests that decrease of telomerase activity may play an important role in the inhibitory effects of AK auto Abs on squamous cell carcinoma. 展开更多
Effect of Pulse Frequency on Microstructure of 21% Cr Ferritic Stainless Steel in Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 被引量:1
作者 胡绳荪 韩瑞峰 +2 位作者 申俊琦 韩俭 许海刚 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第2期127-129,共3页
Thin plates of 21% Cr ferritic stainless steel welded by pulsed gas tungsten arc welding at different pulse frequencies were investigated for the microstructure characteristics and hardness behavior.The welds containe... Thin plates of 21% Cr ferritic stainless steel welded by pulsed gas tungsten arc welding at different pulse frequencies were investigated for the microstructure characteristics and hardness behavior.The welds contained columnar grains in the outer part and fine equiaxed grains in the central region due to the pulsed process. 展开更多
关键词 ferritic stainless steel MICROSTRUCTURE pulse frequency
Change and Signif icance of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
作者 Zongwen Liu Zhihua Zhao Qiumin Zhao Shenglei Li Dongling Gao Xia Pang Kuisheng Chen Yunhan Zhang Department of Pathology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Oncopathology, Zhengzhou 450052, China. 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2007年第1期29-32,共4页
OBJECTIVE To compare the differences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copies among the tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), para-neoplastic tissue and normal mucous membrane of the esophagus, and to study... OBJECTIVE To compare the differences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copies among the tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), para-neoplastic tissue and normal mucous membrane of the esophagus, and to study the relationship between the mtDNA and the occurrence and devel- opment of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. METHODS The mtDNA copies of 42 specimens with the ESCC, paraneoplastic mucous tissue and normal mucous membrane of the esophagus were determined using real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. The mtDNA was analyzed using agarose gel electrophoresis. RESULTS The mtDNA from all of the tissues (42/42) from the ESCC, para-neoplastic tissue and normal esophageal mucous membranes was analyzed, showing that there were an average mtDNA copy number of 27.1894×106 μg DNA, 9.4102×106 μg DNA and 5.9347×106 μg DNA, from the respective tissues. There were signifi cant differences (F=27.83, P<0.05) in mtDNA copy number among the three. A positive band was shown at 403 bp after gel electrophoresis of the PCR products, and the lane where the ESCC mtDNA located was rather bright, which was in accordance with the result of the real-time PCR determination. CONCLUSION An increase in the mtDNA copy number is related to the occurrence and development of ESCC. 展开更多
关键词 esophageal tumors squamous cell carcinoma real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR mitochondrial DNA.
Design and fabrication of a large-scale oedometer 被引量:1
作者 Maryam Mokhtari Nader Shariatmadari +1 位作者 Ali Akbar Heshmati R Hossein Salehzadeh 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期931-936,共6页
The most common apparatus used to investigate the load-deformation parameters of homogeneous fine-grained soils is a Casagrande-type oedometer. A typical Casagrande oedometer cell has an internal diameter of 76 mm and... The most common apparatus used to investigate the load-deformation parameters of homogeneous fine-grained soils is a Casagrande-type oedometer. A typical Casagrande oedometer cell has an internal diameter of 76 mm and a height of 19 mm.However, the dimensions of this kind of apparatus do not meet the requirements of some civil engineering applications like studying load-deformation characteristics of specimens with large-diameter particles such as granular materials or municipal solid waste materials. Therefore, it is decided to design and develop a large-scale oedometer with an internal diameter of 490 mm. The new apparatus provides the possibility to evaluate the load-deformation characteristics of soil specimens with different diameter to height ratios. The designed apparatus is able to measure the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest. The details and capabilities of the developed oedometer are provided and discussed. To study the performance and efficiency, a number of consolidation tests were performed on Firoozkoh No. 161 sand using the newly developed large scale oedometer made and also the 50 mm diameter Casagrande oedometer. Benchmark test results show that measured consolidation parameters by large scale oedometer are comparable to values measured by Casagrande type oedometer. 展开更多
关键词 load-deformation parameters large-scale oedometer Casagrande-type oedometer coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest
作者 刘跃华 刘文军 +1 位作者 刘晓松 Ian H.Frazer 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期185-188,共4页
Objective.To test whether intramuscular,intranasal,intrarectal and intravagina l administration of HPV6b L 1 virus-like particlescould induce immune response in mice and to as sess whether intra-muscular and mucosal v... Objective.To test whether intramuscular,intranasal,intrarectal and intravagina l administration of HPV6b L 1 virus-like particlescould induce immune response in mice and to as sess whether intra-muscular and mucosal vaccination against HPV is feasible.Me thods.HPV6b L1proteins self-assembled into VLPs in Sf-9cell in vitro.Mic e were immunized on day0and21with50ìg HPV6b L1VLPs intramuscularly,int ranasally,intrarectally and intravagi-nally respectively.Sera were collected for testing IgG titer after a further7days and3months respec-tively.Results .After immunizations,all mice developed significant anti-HPV6b L1antibody titers in serum by7days after the second immunization.The titer of the serum I gG antibody against HPV6b L1VLPs in the intramuscularly immunized group was h igher than that in the intranasally,intrarectally and intravaginally immunized groups respectively,indicating that both muscular and mucosal administration of HPV6b L1VLPs can stimulate a systemic HPV-specific antibody response.Sera of the mice in the in-tramuscularly immunized group still maintained a high tit er of the serum IgG antibody against HPV6b L1VLPs 3months after the immunizat ion.Conclusion.The results demonstrated that the HPV6b L1VLPs maintain stro ng antigenicity.Immu-nization with HPV6b L1VLPs via intramuscular and mucos al routes,without adjuvant ,can elicit spe-cific antibody in sera.These fin dings suggest that the VLPs are able to induce protective antibodies. 展开更多
关键词 human papillomavirus virus-like particle VACCINE
Alternative Use of a Compressed Component of a Digestate from Agricultural BGSs (Biogas Stations)
作者 Josef Pecen Zdenek Piksa Petra Zabloudilova 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第4期646-655,共10页
The paper presents the results of a two-year research of properties and the way of use of briquettes and pellets made of separated and partially dehydrated digestate from agricultural BGSs (biogas stations). Digesta... The paper presents the results of a two-year research of properties and the way of use of briquettes and pellets made of separated and partially dehydrated digestate from agricultural BGSs (biogas stations). Digestate is a by-product of BGS. There are approximately 170 agricultural BGSs operating in the Czech Republic. Unprocessed digestate with the dry mass content around 6% is usually applied to soil as a lighter mineral fertilizer. If digestate is separated and the separated solid component of the digestate is further dehydrated to 14 % moisture, it can be processed by pressing to the form of very solid pellets and briquettes, also with various additives. It was also ascertained that mechanical strength and shape of briquettes does not change due to long-term storage. In this form, the compressed digestate can be used in various ways. One of the ways is its energetic use by direct burning. That is why we have observed its calorific value and combustion heat. Another alternative use of compressed digestate from BGS is its application in targeted treatment of in particular mechanical properties of soil and its water regime. The briquettes and pellets have great water sorption properties--the briquette retains water and as a consequence grows up to four times in size. This specific property was analysed and it was ascertained that the speed of water sorption depends on the composition of the compressed mixture (i.e., the type of material and the size of its particles), but also on the total weight of the produced briquettes (i.e., their size). Similar dependency was ascertained for other briquette materials that were analysed. 展开更多
关键词 DIGESTATE briquettes from compressed component of a digestate water sorption by briquettes speed of sorption.
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