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粗精动超精密运动平台系统建模与分析研究 被引量:6
作者 杨一博 尹文生 +1 位作者 朱煜 王春洪 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第23期2773-2776,共4页
建立了气浮支撑粗精动超精密运动平台系统理论模型。在分析了系统中存在的位置耦合与力耦合的特性以及系统模型随平台质量比的变化产生的模型特性变化的基础上,用矩阵分式形式描述了系统的传递函数矩阵并分析了系统的能控性与能观性。... 建立了气浮支撑粗精动超精密运动平台系统理论模型。在分析了系统中存在的位置耦合与力耦合的特性以及系统模型随平台质量比的变化产生的模型特性变化的基础上,用矩阵分式形式描述了系统的传递函数矩阵并分析了系统的能控性与能观性。基于建立的模型设计了LQG多输入多输出运动控制器并进行了运动平台控制仿真,结果表明,通过抑制气浮粗精动平台中产生的耦合作用可提高系统动态性能。 展开更多
关键词 力耦合 建模 LQG控制器
粗精动运动平台的系统辨识激励信号优化设计 被引量:4
作者 杨一博 尹文生 +2 位作者 汪劲松 朱煜 蔡田 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期165-170,共6页
针对粗精动运动平台系统辨识中激励信号的生成进行了优化设计方法的研究。粗精动平台结构通常用于长行程、高精度的运动平台系统,如扫描光刻机运动平台、硬盘寻道平台等系统。获得粗精动系统的准确模型是改进粗精动运动系统控制的重要... 针对粗精动运动平台系统辨识中激励信号的生成进行了优化设计方法的研究。粗精动平台结构通常用于长行程、高精度的运动平台系统,如扫描光刻机运动平台、硬盘寻道平台等系统。获得粗精动系统的准确模型是改进粗精动运动系统控制的重要基础。而系统辨识是获得系统模型的一种有效方式。其中输入信号设计是系统辨识试验重要的一部分。将粗精动运动平台的系统模型简化为一类多变量有限阶次线性时不变模型;将多入多出(Multiple-input multiple-output,MIMO)辨识方法引入粗精动系统辨识,并提出一种多入多出模型系统辨识激励信号优化设计算法,算法通过将多正弦曲线时域信号与其功率谱密度参数化,利用参数化后的激励信号在有限功率输入下进行激励信号优化;理论分析与仿真结果表明此方法可以有效提高估计模型的渐进方差性能。 展开更多
关键词 系统辨识 激励信号 优化设计
基于滑动窗的GPS位置辅助动基座粗对准方法 被引量:1
作者 王晶 徐大诚 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1444-1449,共6页
针对传统的GPS位置信息辅助动基座粗对准方法,对准精度易受仪表累积误差和载体转向的影响,提出了一种基于滑动窗的GPS位置辅助动基座粗对准方法,削弱了仪表累积误差的影响,同时抑制了因载体转向引起的航向角对准误差的波动,提高了粗对... 针对传统的GPS位置信息辅助动基座粗对准方法,对准精度易受仪表累积误差和载体转向的影响,提出了一种基于滑动窗的GPS位置辅助动基座粗对准方法,削弱了仪表累积误差的影响,同时抑制了因载体转向引起的航向角对准误差的波动,提高了粗对准精度。仿真结果表明,该方法较传统方法在水平姿态角上精度相当,在航向角上对准精度有明显优势,性能更优。 展开更多
关键词 基座对准 GPS位置辅助 鲁棒对准方法
静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器在南京热电厂应用研究 被引量:1
作者 肖杰 董正岗 +4 位作者 石江陵 王国明 戴新宇 傅华明 凌建华 《电站系统工程》 北大核心 2002年第1期7-9,共3页
介绍了静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器在南京热电厂的应用情况,以及该分离器的技术特点、设计和运行情况,给出了煤粉细度与转子转速的关系曲线。试验结果表明:静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器煤粉细度调节特性良好,分离器出口煤粉均匀性很... 介绍了静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器在南京热电厂的应用情况,以及该分离器的技术特点、设计和运行情况,给出了煤粉细度与转子转速的关系曲线。试验结果表明:静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器煤粉细度调节特性良好,分离器出口煤粉均匀性很好,可以降低锅炉飞灰含碳量,提高制粉最大系统出力,降低制粉耗电率。 展开更多
关键词 热电厂 锅炉 制粉系统 叶结合型旋转式粉分离器
静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器的研制 被引量:1
作者 肖杰 董正岗 +2 位作者 石江陵 戴新宇 詹爱平 《江苏电力技术》 2001年第4期46-49,共4页
关键词 锅炉 制粉系统 变频器 叶结合型旋转式粉分离器 分离原理
作者 詹爱平 金文惇 《华北电力技术》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第6期29-31,共3页
结合南京热电厂 5号机组制粉系统的实际工程 ,利用PLC和变频调速技术 ,对制粉系统的关键设备———静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器的电气控制系统进行了研制。根据电厂对煤粉的具体要求 。
关键词 锅炉 制粉系统 叶结合型旋转式粉分离器 PLC 变频调速技术 热电厂
精密工作台的设计与实验研究 被引量:4
作者 巩娟 李庆祥 李玉和 《光学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期636-638,共3页
微器件装配技术是实现组合结构的微机械电子学系统(MEMS)的关键技术之一,精密工作台系统则是微装配系统的一个重要组成部分。精密工作台系统包括粗动工作台和微动工作台:粗动工作台包括精密机械及其传动系统、光栅定位系统、直流力矩电... 微器件装配技术是实现组合结构的微机械电子学系统(MEMS)的关键技术之一,精密工作台系统则是微装配系统的一个重要组成部分。精密工作台系统包括粗动工作台和微动工作台:粗动工作台包括精密机械及其传动系统、光栅定位系统、直流力矩电机驱动系统及计算机控制系统;微动工作台包括微动台、压电陶瓷驱动电源和电感测微移。实验结果表明,粗动台系统的最高速度为5mm/s,最低速度为3.4μm/s,系统的重复定位精度为±1μm;微动台系统的定位精度可达到±1μm。 展开更多
关键词 微装配 粗动工作台 工作台 光栅定位
某贫磁-赤混合铁矿石预选工艺研究 被引量:8
作者 刘军 王小玉 张永 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第12期70-74,共5页
某贫磁-赤混合铁矿石铁品位低,目前原矿破碎后直接入磨选,采用阶段磨矿-弱磁-强磁-阴离子反浮选工艺流程,生产成本居高不下。为降低磨矿能耗,在实验室进行了破碎产品(-12 mm)筒式中磁-辊式强磁干式预选试验、破碎产品(-12 mm)湿式外磁... 某贫磁-赤混合铁矿石铁品位低,目前原矿破碎后直接入磨选,采用阶段磨矿-弱磁-强磁-阴离子反浮选工艺流程,生产成本居高不下。为降低磨矿能耗,在实验室进行了破碎产品(-12 mm)筒式中磁-辊式强磁干式预选试验、破碎产品(-12 mm)湿式外磁内筒式磁选机预选试验、超细碎产品(-3 mm)-粗粒湿式中磁-脉动高梯度强磁预选工艺对比试验。结果表明:采用超细碎-粗粒湿式中磁-脉动高梯度强磁预选工艺选别指标最好,在超细碎产品粒度-3 mm、中磁选磁场强度318 kA/m、强磁选磁场强度955 kA/m的条件下,可抛除产率25.19%、铁品位6.46%、铁损失率仅5.42%的合格尾矿,预选精矿铁品位较原矿提高了7.93个百分点,为37.92%,预选抛尾效果十分显著,可为赤铁矿石或混合铁矿石的预选工艺提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 辊式强磁干选 外磁内筒式磁选 粒脉高梯度强磁选
光学仪器 光学仪器装调
《中国光学》 CAS 2005年第6期78-78,共1页
TH706 2005064487 精密工作台的设计与实验研究=Design and experimental study on the precision service platforms[刊,中]/巩娟(清 华大学精密仪器与机械学院.北京(100084)),李庆祥…∥ 光学技术.-2005,31(4).
关键词 工作台 工作台系统 装调 精密工作台 粗动 微机械电子学 精密仪器 关键技术 机械学 微装配
Fault Diagnosis of Vehicle Transmission System Based on Rough Set Theory
作者 李晓雷 张振华 +1 位作者 吴晓兵 田春姝 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第2期204-208,共5页
Rough set theory is used to treat the data of vehicle transmission system faults. The minimum fault feature vector can be obtained by calculating the importance and dependency of each attribute. Real time diagnosis, ... Rough set theory is used to treat the data of vehicle transmission system faults. The minimum fault feature vector can be obtained by calculating the importance and dependency of each attribute. Real time diagnosis, as a result, can be actualized. Ultimate decision making can be done by analyzing the consistency of decision information. The result shows that rough set theory is useful and possesses its unique merits in this field. 展开更多
关键词 rough set fault diagnosis VEHICLE transmission system
作者 曹卫东 陆昌根 胡庆喜 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第3期225-231,共7页
The numerical solution of the stable basic flow on a 3-D boundary layer is obtained by using local ejection, local suction, and combination of local ejection and suction to simulate the local rough wall. The evolution... The numerical solution of the stable basic flow on a 3-D boundary layer is obtained by using local ejection, local suction, and combination of local ejection and suction to simulate the local rough wall. The evolution of 3-D disturbance T-S wave is studied in the spatial processes, and the effects of form and distribution structure of local roughness on the growth rate of the 3-D disturbance wave and the flow stability are discussed. Numerical results show that the growth of the disturbance wave and the form of vortices are accelerated by the 3-D local roughness. The modification of basic flow owing to the evolvement of the finite amplitude disturbance wave and the existence of spanwise velocity induced by the 3-D local roughness affects the stability of boundary layer. Propagation direction and phase of the disturbance wave shift obviously for the 3-D local roughness of the wall. The flow stability characteristics change if the form of the 2-D local roughness varies. 展开更多
关键词 local roughness boundary layer 3-D disturbance T-S wave STABILITY
作者 张海军 左洪福 梁剑 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第4期281-284,共4页
An aero-engine is a typically repairable and complex system and its maintenance level has a close relationship with the maintenance cost. The inaccurate measurement for the maintenance level of an aero-engine can indu... An aero-engine is a typically repairable and complex system and its maintenance level has a close relationship with the maintenance cost. The inaccurate measurement for the maintenance level of an aero-engine can induce higher overhaul maintenance costs. Variable precision rough set (VPRS) theory is used to determine the maintenance level of an aero-engine. According to the relationship between condition information and performance parameters of aero-engine modules, decision rules are established for reflecting the real condition of an aeroengine when its maintenance level needs to be determined. Finally, the CF6 engine is used as an example to illustrate the method to be effective. 展开更多
关键词 repairable system AERO-ENGINE maintenance level variable precision rough set attribute reduction
Coarse-grained Simulations of Chemical Oscillation in Lattice Brusselator System
作者 饶汀 张珍 +1 位作者 侯中怀 辛厚文 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期425-433,I0003,I0004,共11页
The oscillation behavior of a two-dimension lattice-gas Brusselator model was investigated. We have adopted a coarse-grained kinetic Monte Carlo (CG-KMC) procedure, where m×m microscopic lattice sites are group... The oscillation behavior of a two-dimension lattice-gas Brusselator model was investigated. We have adopted a coarse-grained kinetic Monte Carlo (CG-KMC) procedure, where m×m microscopic lattice sites are grouped together to form a CG cell, upon which CG processes take place with well-defined CG rates. Such a CG approach almost fails if the CG rates are obtained by a simple local mean field (s-LMF) approximation, due to the ignorance of correlation among adjcent cells resulting fl'om the trimolecular reaction in this nonlinear system. By proper incorporating such boundary effects, thus introduce the so-cMled b-LMF CG approach. Extensive numerical simulations demonstrate that the b-LMF method can reproduce the oscillation behavior of the system quite well, given that the diffusion constant is not too small. In addition, the deviation from the KMC results reaches a nearly zero minimum level at an intermediate cell size, which lies in between the effective diffusion length and the minimal size required to sustain a well-defined temporal oscillation. 展开更多
关键词 Chemical oscillation COARSE-GRAINED Kinetic Monte Carlo
Static coarsening behavior of equiaxed α phase in Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V alloy 被引量:2
作者 Xiao-hui SHI Zu-han CAO +2 位作者 Zhi-yuan FAN Jürgen ECKERT Jun-wei QIAO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期1628-1640,共13页
To get a deep understanding of the evolution behavior of equiaxedαphase in Ti−8Al−1Mo−1V alloy during annealing,its static coarsening mechanism was studied based on the calculations of coarsening exponent n and the a... To get a deep understanding of the evolution behavior of equiaxedαphase in Ti−8Al−1Mo−1V alloy during annealing,its static coarsening mechanism was studied based on the calculations of coarsening exponent n and the activation energy forαboundary migration.The result of n=6 indicates a special coarsening mechanism of equiaxedαphase.The activation energy forαboundary migration is calculated to be 138 kJ/mol,which is close to the activation energy for grain growth of pureα-Ti.It is revealed that the coarsening of equiaxedαcan be mainly attributed to the self-diffusion of Ti atoms across theα/αboundaries.Based on the experimental findings,a static coarsening kinetics model of equiaxedαgrains in theα+βfield is established.At last,the effects of the coarsening behavior of equiaxedαon tensile properties were studied. 展开更多
关键词 static coarsening KINETICS MODEL tensile properties Ti−8Al−1Mo−1V
基于惯性系原理的动基座粗对准及其性能影响因素分析 被引量:2
作者 王慧 管守奎 程涵 《测绘地理信息》 CSCD 2021年第5期31-36,共6页
捷联惯导系统(strapdown inertial navigation system,SINS)在进行导航解算前需要粗对准提供初始姿态角,载体受多种因素影响和制约,在微幅晃动或运动状态下,需要进行动基座粗对准。从惯性系对准原理出发,讨论了基于比力和速度矢量的两... 捷联惯导系统(strapdown inertial navigation system,SINS)在进行导航解算前需要粗对准提供初始姿态角,载体受多种因素影响和制约,在微幅晃动或运动状态下,需要进行动基座粗对准。从惯性系对准原理出发,讨论了基于比力和速度矢量的两种动基座粗对准解算方案,分析了位置误差、速度误差、杆臂误差对动基座粗对准的影响。结果表明,惯性系对准方法能够满足SINS粗对准的要求,速度误差和杆臂误差是制约对准精度与速度的主要因素,机动性强的轨迹能够加快对准速度,基于速度矢量的解算方案能够有效减弱姿态角收敛过程中的抖动,以提高对准效率。 展开更多
关键词 捷联惯导系统 基座对准 惯性系对准原理 杆臂误差
Gas–liquid two-phase flow in serpentine microchannel with different wall wettability 被引量:9
作者 Yunlong Zhou He Chang Tianyu Qi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期874-881,共8页
Gas–liquid flow in serpentine microchannel with different surface properties exhibits drastically different flow behavior. With water and air as working fluids, the method of numerical simulation was adopted in this ... Gas–liquid flow in serpentine microchannel with different surface properties exhibits drastically different flow behavior. With water and air as working fluids, the method of numerical simulation was adopted in this paper based on CLSVOF(coupled level set and volume of fluid method) multiphase model. After verifying the reasonability of the model through experiment, by changing wall properties and Re number(Re<1500), the influences of contact angle and surface roughness on flow regime and Po number were discussed. Moreover, the difference of pressure drop between curve and straight microchannel was also calculated. Beyond that, the combined effect of curve channel and wall properties on flow resistance was analyzed. This paper finds that wall properties have great influence on gas–liquid flow in microchannels not only on flow regime but also flow characteristics. Meanwhile, the pressure drop in curve microchannels is larger than straight. It is more beneficial for fluid flowing when the straight part of microchannel is hydrophilic smooth wall and curve part is hydrophobic with large roughness. 展开更多
关键词 Serpentine microchannel Computational fluid dynamics Gas-liquid flow MICROFLUIDICS
Coarse-Grained Free-Energy Simulations of Conformational State Transitions in an Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate-binding Cassette Exporter 被引量:1
作者 Yun Huang Hao-chen Xu Jie-lou Liao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期712-716,I0002,共6页
ATP-binding cassette exporters transport many substrates out of cellular membranes via alternating between inward-facing and outward-facing conformations. Despite extensive research efforts over the past decades, unde... ATP-binding cassette exporters transport many substrates out of cellular membranes via alternating between inward-facing and outward-facing conformations. Despite extensive research efforts over the past decades, understanding of the molecular mechanism remains elusive. As these large-scale conformational movements are global and collective, we have previously performed extensive coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of the potential of mean force along the conformational transition pathway [J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 1295(2015)]. However, the occluded conformational state, in which both the internal and external gate are closed, was not determined in the calculated free energy profile. In this work, we extend the above methods to the calculation of the free energy profile along the reaction coordinate, d1-d2, which are the COM distances between the two sides of the internal(d1)and the external gate(d2). The potential of mean force is thus obtained to identify the transition pathway, along which several outward-facing, inward-facing, and occluded state structures are predicted in good agreement with structural experiments. Our coarse-grained molecular dynamics free-energy simulations demonstrate that the internal gate is closed before the external gate is open during the inward-facing to outward-facing transition and vice versa during the inward-facing to outward-facing transition. Our results capture the unidirectional feature of substrate translocation via the exporter, which is functionally important in biology. This finding is different from the previous result, in which both the internal and external gates are open reported in an X-ray experiment [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104,19005(2007)]. Our study sheds light on the molecular mechanism of the state transitions in an ATP-binding cassette exporter. 展开更多
关键词 ATP-binding cassette exporter Conformational state transition Coarse-grained molecular dynamics Potential of mean force
A Method for Surface Roughness Parameter Estimation in Passive Microwave Remote Sensing 被引量:4
作者 ZHENG Xingming ZHAO Kai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期345-352,共8页
Surface roughness parameter is an important factor and obstacle for retrieving soil moisture in passive microwave remote sensing.Two statistical parameters,root mean square (RMS) height (s) and correlation length (l),... Surface roughness parameter is an important factor and obstacle for retrieving soil moisture in passive microwave remote sensing.Two statistical parameters,root mean square (RMS) height (s) and correlation length (l),are designed for describing the roughness of a randomly rough surface.The roughness parameter measured by traditional way is independence of frequency,soil moisture and soil heterogeneity and just the ″geometric″ roughness of random surface.This ″geometric″ roughness can not fully explain the scattered thermal radiation by the earth's surface.The relationship between ″geometric″ roughness and integrated roughness (contain both ″geometric″ roughness and ″dielectric″ roughness) is linked by empirical coefficient.In view of this problem,this paper presents a method for estimating integrated surface roughness from radiometer sampling data at different frequencies,which mainly based on the flourier relationship between power spectral density distribution and spatial autocorrelation function.We can obtain integrated surface roughness at different frequencies by this method.Besides "geometric" roughness,this integrated surface roughness not only contains "dielectric" roughness but also includes frequency dependence.Combined with Q/H model the polarization coupling coefficient can also be obtained for both H and V polarization.Meanwhile,the simulated numerical results show that radiometer with a sensitivity of 0.1 K can distinguish the different surface roughness and the change of roughness with frequency for the same rough surface.This confirms the feasibility of radiometer sampling method for estimating the surface roughness theoretically.This method overcomes the problem of ″dielectric″ roughness measurement to some extent and can achieve the integrated surface roughness within a microwave pixel which can serve soil moisture inversion better than the ″geometric″ roughness. 展开更多
关键词 surface roughness passive microwave remote sensing statistical parameter estimation soil moisture RADIOMETER
PLC和变频调速控制的静动叶结合型旋转式粗粉分离器 被引量:2
作者 詹爱平 金文惇 《华东电力》 北大核心 2003年第9期80-81,共2页
关键词 锅炉 制粉系统 叶结合型旋转式粉分离器 PLC 变频调速控制
Damaging Formula of the Frost Resistant Concrete with Poor Quality of Coarse Limestone Aggregate
作者 Eneli Liisma Lembi-Merike Raado 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第5期598-603,共6页
In this paper, concrete with limestone coarse aggregate was studied due to frost action in saline and nonsaline environments. The main focus is to explain the damaging formula of concrete with poor quality of limeston... In this paper, concrete with limestone coarse aggregate was studied due to frost action in saline and nonsaline environments. The main focus is to explain the damaging formula of concrete with poor quality of limestone aggregate in frost actions. All investigated concretes fulfill the recommendations of the European standard EN 206, Concrete--Specification, Performance, Production and Conformity limiting values for composition and properties of concrete (maximum W/C (water/cement) ratio, minimal class of compressive strength, minimal mass of cement and minimal percentage of entrained air). The damaging formula of the frost resistant concrete is studied through scaling test of concrete during freeze/thaw process, frost resistant test of coarse limestone aggregate and chemical analysis of limestone. Experiments results showed that there is a correlation between CaO/MgO ratio and Al2O3 of limestone and frost resistance of concrete, using chemical composition for determining potential ACR (alkali-carbonate reactivity) will indicate higher risk of damaging effect of concrete. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE LIMESTONE freeze/thaw CaO/MgO ratio Al2O3 ACR.
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