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作者 戴伟伟 《宝钢技术》 CAS 2024年第5期52-57,共6页
研究了R_(a)值对粗石纹表面电镀锡产品主要性能的影响,通过测试同批次分别经连退平整、电镀锡碱洗、镀锡、钝化、涂油后取得的样板,分析了R_(a)值在镀锡前和镀锡后的变化趋势,以及R_(a)值大小对表面色泽、表面洁净度、涂漆附着力、抗硫... 研究了R_(a)值对粗石纹表面电镀锡产品主要性能的影响,通过测试同批次分别经连退平整、电镀锡碱洗、镀锡、钝化、涂油后取得的样板,分析了R_(a)值在镀锡前和镀锡后的变化趋势,以及R_(a)值大小对表面色泽、表面洁净度、涂漆附着力、抗硫性能、花架划伤的影响,找到了相关规律,为后续粗石纹表面产品R_(a)值控制策略的制定提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 粗石纹表面 R_(a)值 镀锡产品性能
作者 郭田 王耀伟 +1 位作者 赵德明 王珊珊 《化工技术与开发》 CAS 2019年第9期61-62,67,共3页
预加氢反应单元作为重要的重整原料预处理单元,粗石脑油中的二烯烃属于高度不饱和烃,易在预加氢系统结焦,导致系统压降上升,催化剂堵孔失活,制约装置长周期平稳运行。本文选用国外2种典型的二烯烃加氢催化剂,采用选择性加氢技术,实现了... 预加氢反应单元作为重要的重整原料预处理单元,粗石脑油中的二烯烃属于高度不饱和烃,易在预加氢系统结焦,导致系统压降上升,催化剂堵孔失活,制约装置长周期平稳运行。本文选用国外2种典型的二烯烃加氢催化剂,采用选择性加氢技术,实现了二烯烃的深度脱除,从而抑制结焦反应,延长装置的整体开工时间。 展开更多
关键词 粗石脑油 二烯烃 选择性加氢脱除 抑制结焦
强制换羽对小型绿壳蛋种鸡生产性能的影响研究 被引量:6
作者 黄炎坤 刘健 +5 位作者 杨朋坤 马山才 张猛 蔡殿明 李凯源 范佳英 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2017年第9期13-17,共5页
旨在评价饥饿法强制换羽技术在漯河麻鸡小型绿壳蛋种鸡上的应用效果,探讨停饲早期补饲粗石粉对强制换羽鸡群死淘率的影响。选取小型绿壳蛋种鸡12 299只,试验开始前1天标记100只鸡用于测定停饲期间的体重变化;试验第1~2天全群鸡停止饮水... 旨在评价饥饿法强制换羽技术在漯河麻鸡小型绿壳蛋种鸡上的应用效果,探讨停饲早期补饲粗石粉对强制换羽鸡群死淘率的影响。选取小型绿壳蛋种鸡12 299只,试验开始前1天标记100只鸡用于测定停饲期间的体重变化;试验第1~2天全群鸡停止饮水、停止喂料,试验第3~7天提供饮水但继续停止喂料,试验前4天对鸡群补饲粗石粉;从停料第8天开始对标记个体称重,当标记个体中有70%以上的个体体重下降幅度达到25%时即为开始恢复喂料的时间;测定并比较停饲期间和恢复喂料后15 d内不同阶段鸡群的死淘率以及粗石粉补饲鸡群和非补饲鸡群的死淘率,记录恢复喂料后鸡群第一次产蛋时间,计算停饲期间和恢复产蛋后6周内的产蛋率和破蛋率。结果表明,停饲20 d时鸡群的体重下降幅度为24.1%,接近符合恢复喂料的要求;在停饲末期,初始体重较小个体的失重率大于初始体重较大个体(P<0.05或P<0.01);停饲5~8 d鸡群的死淘率显著高于其他时段(P<0.05),恢复喂料后0~3 d鸡群的死淘率显著或极显著高于其他时段(P<0.05或P<0.01),停饲期间和恢复喂料后15 d内鸡群的死淘率均低于1.1%,且粗石粉补饲鸡群的死淘率极显著低于相应的非补饲鸡群(P<0.01);在停饲期间,粗石粉补饲鸡群的产蛋率下降幅度和破蛋率明显低于非补饲鸡群,恢复喂料后第10天鸡群内开始见蛋,第6周产蛋率超过50%,破蛋率随产蛋率的上升而下降。综上提示,饥饿法强制换羽技术在漯河麻鸡小型绿壳蛋种鸡上的应用效果良好,且停饲早期补饲粗石粉能够降低停饲期间和恢复喂料后15 d内鸡群的死淘率,提高停饲期间鸡群的产蛋率并降低破蛋率。 展开更多
关键词 漯河麻鸡 绿壳蛋种群 强制换羽 死淘率 粗石粉补饲
《国际贸易》 1983年第6期61-62,共2页
关键词 主要经济指标 资本主义国家 心门 峪口 伪口 脚口 自心 口甘 粗石 工价
石魂 雨花石
作者 董千 《金融管理与研究(杭州金融研修学院学报)》 2008年第7期78-79,共2页
关键词 雨花石 雨花台 扬州 南京 毗邻 石英 隶属 地区 粗石 属于
《股市动态分析》 2005年第4期70-70,共1页
关键词 行情表 B股 深圳 沙隆达 深基 东海 眼石 翻石 粗石 脚盆
春雨润芽早 科技助农勤 丰瑞达肥推广应用花絮
《湖南农业》 2008年第6期27-27,共1页
郴州桂阳2008年4月13日召开了由桂阳县及北湖区政府部门领导,郴州、永州及邵阳等地的农资经销商,郴州地区丰瑞达科技示范带头人参加的"丰瑞达"肥产品推介会。在会上,桂阳县商务局局长李玉良对"丰瑞达"肥这样一个高... 郴州桂阳2008年4月13日召开了由桂阳县及北湖区政府部门领导,郴州、永州及邵阳等地的农资经销商,郴州地区丰瑞达科技示范带头人参加的"丰瑞达"肥产品推介会。在会上,桂阳县商务局局长李玉良对"丰瑞达"肥这样一个高科技农产品进入桂阳市场表示欢迎,表示要将"丰瑞达"肥的推广与示范纳入商务部正在进行的"万村千乡"工程,我公司领导表示将积极参与。 展开更多
关键词 推广应用 产品推介会 粗石江镇 北湖区 农资经销商 商务部 桂阳县 郴州 柚子
作者 余永新 顾支琪 田如瑞 《湖南教育(中旬)(B)》 2019年第12期20-21,共2页
关键词 江永县 粗石江镇 岗位津贴 教育均衡发展
作者 邹林海 《公安月刊》 2003年第11期46-48,共3页
关键词 尸之谜 李美 江永县 侦破工作 卧铺客车 碎尸 沙子镇 便衣警察 粗石江镇 平乐县
作者 杨剑斌 《湖南农业》 2002年第24期28-28,共1页
江永县粗石江镇小石累村的退伍军人黄起发,退伍20年来,积极投身到经济建设大潮中,发扬敢想敢闯敢干的精神,大力发展香柚和开办木材加工厂,干出了令人羡慕的成绩。 黄起发1978年参军,1982年退伍。退伍后,黄起发种植香柚3335平方米。他积... 江永县粗石江镇小石累村的退伍军人黄起发,退伍20年来,积极投身到经济建设大潮中,发扬敢想敢闯敢干的精神,大力发展香柚和开办木材加工厂,干出了令人羡慕的成绩。 黄起发1978年参军,1982年退伍。退伍后,黄起发种植香柚3335平方米。他积极学习种植技术,使香柚面积逐年扩大,如今已发展到6670多平方米。并且全部采用了幼果套袋技术。 展开更多
关键词 木材加工厂 粗石江镇 退伍军人 起发
作者 伍兴甲 何青英 何源委 《中国果业信息》 2017年第5期20-23,共4页
为贯彻落实中央一号文件关于现代农业产业园建设的部署和要求,研究推动下一步产业园工作,农业部于2017年2月组织调研现代农业产业园建设有关情况。介绍湖南省江永县现代农业特色柑桔产业园的建设情况,对各地推进现代农业产业园建设有一... 为贯彻落实中央一号文件关于现代农业产业园建设的部署和要求,研究推动下一步产业园工作,农业部于2017年2月组织调研现代农业产业园建设有关情况。介绍湖南省江永县现代农业特色柑桔产业园的建设情况,对各地推进现代农业产业园建设有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 柑桔产业 江永县 中央一号文件 农业产业 特色水果 调研报告 农业特色 退耕还林政策 粗石江镇 农业企业
《湖南教育(综合版)》 2000年第9期-,共4页
关键词 现代教育技术 粗石江镇 农村中小学 中方县 职业中专 教研教改 教育部 桃花坪 集装箱 雅礼中学
A Diamond Electrochemical Cleaning Technique for Organic Contaminants on Silicon Wafer Surfaces 被引量:2
作者 张建新 刘玉岭 +4 位作者 檀柏梅 牛新环 边永超 高宝红 黄妍妍 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期473-477,共5页
Peroxodiphosphate anion (a powerful oxidant) can be formed in a special water-based cleaning agent through an electrochemical reaction on boron-doped diamond electrodes. This electrochemical reaction was applied dur... Peroxodiphosphate anion (a powerful oxidant) can be formed in a special water-based cleaning agent through an electrochemical reaction on boron-doped diamond electrodes. This electrochemical reaction was applied during the oxidation,decomposition, and removal of organic contaminations on a silicon wafer surface, and it was used as the first step in the diamond electrochemical cleaning technique (DECT). The cleaning effects of DECT were compared with the RCA cleaning technique, including the silicon surface chemical composition that was observed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the morphology observed with atomic force microscopy. The measurement results show that the silicon surface cleaned by DECT has slightly less organic residue and lower micro-roughness,so the new technique is more effective than the RCA cleaning technique. 展开更多
关键词 organic contaminations silicon wafer surface cleaning boron-doped diamond electrodes powerful oxidant micro-roughness electrochemical cleaning
Analysis of Environment for Development of Oil Refining Business in China 被引量:1
作者 Song Aiping Yang Weijun (CNPC Planning & Engineering Institute, Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2006年第1期23-29,共7页
This articles focuses on analysis of the changing trend relating to crude supply and petroleum products demand inside China, while introducing the preliminary progress resulted from restructuring of China’s refining ... This articles focuses on analysis of the changing trend relating to crude supply and petroleum products demand inside China, while introducing the preliminary progress resulted from restructuring of China’s refining industry and dynamics of competition among Chinese refining enterprises. This article has made a preliminary judgment and analysis on the situation facing China’s refining industry and may serve as a reference to refiners intending to develop refining business inside China. 展开更多
关键词 oil refining crude oil petroleum products COMPETITION
Study on Catalytic Cracking of VGO Derived from Kazakhstan-Russian Mixed Crude
作者 Duan Yongsheng Dong Yuancheng +1 位作者 Wei Gangling Wang Jian (Du Shanzi Petrochemical Company, Du Shanzi, 833600) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2006年第2期33-39,共7页
The study on options for catalytic cracking of VGO derived from the Kazakhstan-Russian mixed crude was carried out in a small-scale riser FCC unit. The influence of several catalysts and the LCC-A additive for increas... The study on options for catalytic cracking of VGO derived from the Kazakhstan-Russian mixed crude was carried out in a small-scale riser FCC unit. The influence of several catalysts and the LCC-A additive for increasing propylene yield on the distribution and quality of FCC products was analyzed. This article sets forth the possible issues arising from processing the Kazakhstan-Russian mixed crude in FCC unit and the response measures to be adopted. 展开更多
关键词 VGO derived from the Kazakhstan-Russian mixed crude catalytic cracking response measure
Problems Confronting China’s Petroleum Refining Industry During the High Oil Price Period and Suggestions
作者 Liu Lingli Lü Jiahuan (SINOPEC Research Institute of Economics and Technology, Beijing 100029) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2006年第1期13-21,共9页
This article has suggested that high oil price could loom many years in the future and has analyzed the impact of this trend on the oil product mix and petroleum refining industry in China. This article has also put f... This article has suggested that high oil price could loom many years in the future and has analyzed the impact of this trend on the oil product mix and petroleum refining industry in China. This article has also put forward measures for sharpening the international competitive edge of China’s petroleum refining indus- try to cope with the challenges of high oil price. 展开更多
关键词 crude oil PRICE petroleum refining SURVEY
A modified model of a single rock joint's shear behavior in limestone specimens 被引量:3
作者 Dindarloo Saeid R. Siami-Irdemoosa Elnaz 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期577-580,共4页
The shear behavior of a single rock joint in limestone specimens,under a constant normal load(CNL),was analyzed in this study.Test specimens with different asperity roughness were prepared and tested.Goodman's mod... The shear behavior of a single rock joint in limestone specimens,under a constant normal load(CNL),was analyzed in this study.Test specimens with different asperity roughness were prepared and tested.Goodman's model of a rock joint's shear behavior,under CNL,was modified to render a better representation of the data obtained.The model's applicability was validated.The proposed model showed better correlation with experimental data.It also,requires fewer variables.The steps to calculate all the necessary variables for the model are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Limestone rockjoints Constant normalload Direct shear test Shear behavior
New criterion for rock joints based on three-dimensional roughness parameters 被引量:8
作者 唐志成 刘泉声 黄继辉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4653-4659,共7页
The shear behavior of rock joints is important in solving practical problems of rock mechanics. Three group rock joints with different morphologies are made by cement mortar material and a series of CNL(constant norma... The shear behavior of rock joints is important in solving practical problems of rock mechanics. Three group rock joints with different morphologies are made by cement mortar material and a series of CNL(constant normal loading) shear tests are performed. The influences of the applied normal stress and joint morphology to its shear strength are analyzed. According to the experimental results, the peak dilatancy angle of rock joint decreases with increasing normal stress, but increases with increasing roughness. The shear strength increases with the increasing normal stress and the roughness of rock joint. It is observed that the modes of failure of asperities are tensile, pure shear, or a combination of both. It is suggested that the three-dimensional roughness parameters and the tensile strength are the appropriate parameter for describing the shear strength criterion. A new peak shear criterion is proposed which can be used to predict peak shear strength of rock joints. All the used parameters can be easily obtained by performing tests. 展开更多
关键词 rock joint shear behavior peak shear strength three-dimensional roughness parameter
Damaging Formula of the Frost Resistant Concrete with Poor Quality of Coarse Limestone Aggregate
作者 Eneli Liisma Lembi-Merike Raado 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第5期598-603,共6页
In this paper, concrete with limestone coarse aggregate was studied due to frost action in saline and nonsaline environments. The main focus is to explain the damaging formula of concrete with poor quality of limeston... In this paper, concrete with limestone coarse aggregate was studied due to frost action in saline and nonsaline environments. The main focus is to explain the damaging formula of concrete with poor quality of limestone aggregate in frost actions. All investigated concretes fulfill the recommendations of the European standard EN 206, Concrete--Specification, Performance, Production and Conformity limiting values for composition and properties of concrete (maximum W/C (water/cement) ratio, minimal class of compressive strength, minimal mass of cement and minimal percentage of entrained air). The damaging formula of the frost resistant concrete is studied through scaling test of concrete during freeze/thaw process, frost resistant test of coarse limestone aggregate and chemical analysis of limestone. Experiments results showed that there is a correlation between CaO/MgO ratio and Al2O3 of limestone and frost resistance of concrete, using chemical composition for determining potential ACR (alkali-carbonate reactivity) will indicate higher risk of damaging effect of concrete. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE LIMESTONE freeze/thaw CaO/MgO ratio Al2O3 ACR.
Recycling of Crushed Demolished Concrete in Structures
作者 A. E. Sayed Rabiee All Sadeek Mohamed 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第11期65-69,共5页
Most important problems arising from industrial and technological developments are abundance and harmful effects of post-productive wastes. In most of the developed countries, these effects are avoided by orderly stor... Most important problems arising from industrial and technological developments are abundance and harmful effects of post-productive wastes. In most of the developed countries, these effects are avoided by orderly storing methods. Storing the wastes in random stacks in the site, and their effect on wide areas gives a rise to the risk of ground, air and under water pollution e.g., pollution of the surrounding environments. Therefore, in most engineering branches, effects and nature of harmful wastes are investigated and solution methods are developed. When structures made of concrete are to be demolished. Concrete recycling is an increasingly common method of disposing of the rubble. Concrete debris was once routinely shipped to landfills for disposal, but recycling has a number of benefits that have been made it a more attractive option in this age of greater environmental awareness, more environmental lows, and the desire to keep constant costs down. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of using demolished concrete as a reproducible coarse aggregate in fabricating normal and high strength concrete mixes. The effect of constituent materials in general and the recycled coarse aggregate in particular on the mechanical performance of the produced concrete mixes is investigated. The characteristics of using the by-pass product of cement industry as cementitious material in recycled concrete mixes with a percentage of 50% as a replacement of cement content is investigated too. Test results presented in this research leads to the promising use of crushed demolished concrete along with the by-pass product of cement as waste materials in producing concrete mixes as well as the optimistic results in enhancing the strength properties of plain concrete beside their benefits of the cost savings and reducing environmental impact. 展开更多
关键词 RECYCLE WASTE demolished crushed concrete.
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