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南召县粗骨土土类的分类及改良措施 被引量:1
作者 董县中 《安徽农学通报》 2021年第2期122-123,共2页
粗骨土土类在南召县分布最广,占该县耕地面积的40%左右,因土层浅薄,水热性状差,水土流失严重,漏水易旱,保肥力弱,多为中低产田,严重制约着农业生产的可持续发展。通过调查摸清粗骨土土类在南召县的分类及特征,并对此土类中低产田的合理... 粗骨土土类在南召县分布最广,占该县耕地面积的40%左右,因土层浅薄,水热性状差,水土流失严重,漏水易旱,保肥力弱,多为中低产田,严重制约着农业生产的可持续发展。通过调查摸清粗骨土土类在南召县的分类及特征,并对此土类中低产田的合理利用与改良提出了对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 粗骨土 土类 分类 改良措施 南召县
作者 王彦芳 《河南农业》 2024年第19期37-37,62,共2页
一、驻马店市的自然条件和土壤概况驻马店市耕地面积92.97万hm^(2),10个县(区)总人口965万。全市东低西高,东部为平原区,西部为浅山丘陵区,最高点白云山海拔983 m。全市平均年降水量900 mm左右,无霜期220天左右。全市六大土壤分别为黄... 一、驻马店市的自然条件和土壤概况驻马店市耕地面积92.97万hm^(2),10个县(区)总人口965万。全市东低西高,东部为平原区,西部为浅山丘陵区,最高点白云山海拔983 m。全市平均年降水量900 mm左右,无霜期220天左右。全市六大土壤分别为黄褐土、砂姜黑土、潮土、黄棕壤、水稻土和粗骨土。 展开更多
关键词 浅山丘陵区 砂姜黑土 耕地地力 粗骨土 黄棕壤 黄褐土 平均年降水量 潮土
作者 李有太 温玉转 董县中 《河北农业》 2023年第9期58-60,共3页
河南省南召县花生种植面积28万亩,其中60%以上种植于丘陵旱坡地,土壤多为粗骨土、黄棕壤和黄褐土,耕层养分薄弱,保肥保水性差,灌溉措施不完善,干旱明显,花生单产偏低。因此,发挥水肥增产潜力、提高水肥利用率意义重大。土壤保水剂是人... 河南省南召县花生种植面积28万亩,其中60%以上种植于丘陵旱坡地,土壤多为粗骨土、黄棕壤和黄褐土,耕层养分薄弱,保肥保水性差,灌溉措施不完善,干旱明显,花生单产偏低。因此,发挥水肥增产潜力、提高水肥利用率意义重大。土壤保水剂是人工合成的高分子吸水性树脂,能够保墒省水、改善土壤团粒结构、促进水肥利用率等。土壤保水剂施入土壤后,能够在外界水量充足时,将多余的水分吸收储存起来,可在土壤干旱水分不足时释放水分以供作物吸收利用,保水剂的应用为解决土壤干旱提供了一种新办法。 展开更多
关键词 土壤保水剂 作物吸收利用 土壤团粒结构 花生种植面积 保肥保水性 增产潜力 粗骨土 旱坡地
作者 李有太 《河南农业》 2023年第28期37-38,共2页
南召县位于南阳盆地北缘,属北亚热带向暖温带过渡地带,为北亚热带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温15℃,年均降雨量868.8 mm,年均日照时数1850.5 h。全县地形地貌复杂,以山区、丘陵为主,主要有粗骨土、黄棕壤等土壤类型,土壤质地较粗、耕层较... 南召县位于南阳盆地北缘,属北亚热带向暖温带过渡地带,为北亚热带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温15℃,年均降雨量868.8 mm,年均日照时数1850.5 h。全县地形地貌复杂,以山区、丘陵为主,主要有粗骨土、黄棕壤等土壤类型,土壤质地较粗、耕层较浅、肥力一般。近年,随着农作物种植业产业结构调整,南召县花生栽培面积不断扩大,生产水平有了较大的提高,花生生产已成为南召县主产区农户经济收入的一项主要来源。 展开更多
关键词 产业结构调整 大陆性季风气候 花生生产 北亚热带 南阳盆地 花生栽培 年平均气温 粗骨土
北温带干旱地区土壤剖面CO2通量的变化特征 被引量:6
作者 高程达 孙向阳 +2 位作者 张林 李志刚 阿拉塔 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期6-13,共8页
采用开放式样杆方法,对干旱土纲的4种土壤类型(栗钙土、灰钙土、粗骨土、山地灰褐土)进行土壤剖面CO2通量的观测研究,结果表明:1)在0~60cm深度范围内土壤剖面CO2通量随土壤深度的增加而增加,60cm为转折点,之后,随土壤深度的增加而减小... 采用开放式样杆方法,对干旱土纲的4种土壤类型(栗钙土、灰钙土、粗骨土、山地灰褐土)进行土壤剖面CO2通量的观测研究,结果表明:1)在0~60cm深度范围内土壤剖面CO2通量随土壤深度的增加而增加,60cm为转折点,之后,随土壤深度的增加而减小。2)土壤剖面CO2通量平均值为660μmol/(m2·h),在-9076~16988μmol/(m2·h)范围内变化,如果土地利用/土地覆盖发生改变(0~70cm深度),将可能有254.6t/(km2·a)CO2从土壤向大气释放。3)土壤种类不同,CO2通量明显不同,森林土壤释放量大于草原土壤。4)在通量-深度曲线中,各土壤类型均出现1~2个拐点,变化原因与土壤剖面结构和根系分布有关,钙积层的有无、厚度起决定作用。5)存在季节变化,植物生长季节的CO2通量远大于其他季节,其他季节可能存在土壤吸收CO2现象。因此,应避免在植物生长季节施工动土,以减少土壤CO2向大气中释放。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用/土地覆盖变化 CO2气体释放和吸收 气候变暖 栗钙土 灰钙土 山地灰褐土 粗骨土
鄂尔多斯东南部硬梁地文冠果造林试验研究 被引量:5
作者 刘科 胡春元 《内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第3期77-83,共7页
以大田试验为手段,以鄂尔多斯高原东南部典型土壤粗骨土为试验样地,按正交试验方案安排了6个因子2-4个水平共16组的文冠果造林试验,力图找出适合粗骨土的造林技术措施组合。以成活率为依据,采用方差分析、单因素分析、极差分析等方法分... 以大田试验为手段,以鄂尔多斯高原东南部典型土壤粗骨土为试验样地,按正交试验方案安排了6个因子2-4个水平共16组的文冠果造林试验,力图找出适合粗骨土的造林技术措施组合。以成活率为依据,采用方差分析、单因素分析、极差分析等方法分析各因子对成活率的影响,结果表明:在粗骨土上,采用当地大田苗-使用生根粉-20d灌水1次-造林时掺入牛粪-使用大柳塔井水灌溉为最佳造林技术措施组合,该技术也可以作为当地营造其他经济树种的技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 造林 粗骨土 正交试验 成活率 鄂尔多斯高原
不同土类坡耕地水土流失及其治理对策 被引量:2
作者 吕惠明 王恒俊 谢水生 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第4期61-63,共3页
关键词 粗骨土 坡耕地 土壤侵蚀
作者 丁宝堂 《河北果树》 1991年第1期11-13,共3页
唐山市的石灰岩山地西起玉田县的团城东至滦县北部,东西长100公里,南北宽20公里,包括玉田、遵化、迁西、迁安、滦县和丰润6个县和唐山市的开平、东矿、新区等3个区,共68个乡镇,面积327.3万亩,占全市山区总面积的36.2%。地势低缓,海拔50... 唐山市的石灰岩山地西起玉田县的团城东至滦县北部,东西长100公里,南北宽20公里,包括玉田、遵化、迁西、迁安、滦县和丰润6个县和唐山市的开平、东矿、新区等3个区,共68个乡镇,面积327.3万亩,占全市山区总面积的36.2%。地势低缓,海拔50~100米,基岩多为石灰岩、砂岩,土壤以褐土性粗骨土为主,土层厚度约20厘米,水土流失严重,水货源条件差。年平均气温11.2~11.4℃,无霜期193~197天,年降水量700~820毫米。有林地面积为78.6万亩,荒山荒地42.6万亩,果树35.6万亩,是苹果、红果、核桃等生产区。自然条件优越,光、热、水、气。 展开更多
关键词 石灰岩山地 粗骨土 年平均气温 东至 团城 山区建设 林地面积 荒山荒地 遵化县 倭锦
安阳市小麦测土配方施肥分区及施肥建议 被引量:1
作者 吴斌 《河南农业》 2015年第9期14-15,共2页
一、耕地资源和土壤养分状况 (一)耕地资源特征 安阳市地处太行山东麓向华北平原过渡地带,地形比较复杂,地貌类型多样。总的地势,西高东低,西北高东南低,呈梯状降低,东南部则又西南向东北倾斜。自西向东分布着山地、丘陵、盆地、垄... 一、耕地资源和土壤养分状况 (一)耕地资源特征 安阳市地处太行山东麓向华北平原过渡地带,地形比较复杂,地貌类型多样。总的地势,西高东低,西北高东南低,呈梯状降低,东南部则又西南向东北倾斜。自西向东分布着山地、丘陵、盆地、垄岗、洪积平原、冲积平原等地貌。土壤类型以褐土和潮土为主,还有山地草甸土、棕壤、石质土、粗骨土等,土壤类型多样,宜农、宜林、宜牧,其中褐土、潮土占安阳市的耕地面积约94%,是安阳市的主要土壤类型,适宜小麦的生长。 展开更多
关键词 施肥分区 施肥建议 耕地资源 土壤养分状况 土壤类型 粗骨土 地貌类型 资源特征 配方施肥 山地草甸土
浅谈邢台市的土壤类型与利用 被引量:1
作者 李玉平 《邢台师范高专学报》 1999年第2期22-26,共5页
关键词 土壤资源 土壤利用 棕壤 褐土 风沙土 粗骨土 潮土 邢台市 土壤类型
驻马店市耕地质量现状与保护研究 被引量:1
作者 高建伟 《河南农业》 2022年第22期59-59,共1页
耕地是农业生产中最宝贵的资源要素,驻马店市作为农业大市,耕地面积达到944653.33 hm2,是国家重要的粮食和油料生产基地。因此,根据耕地质量现状,采取有效措施,进一步提高耕地的内在质量,切实做到“藏粮于地”,是确保国家粮食安全的现... 耕地是农业生产中最宝贵的资源要素,驻马店市作为农业大市,耕地面积达到944653.33 hm2,是国家重要的粮食和油料生产基地。因此,根据耕地质量现状,采取有效措施,进一步提高耕地的内在质量,切实做到“藏粮于地”,是确保国家粮食安全的现实需要。一、耕地质量现状(一)耕地土壤类型驻马店市耕地土壤包括黄褐土、砂姜黑土、潮土、水稻土、黄棕壤、粗骨土6个土类,分别占全市耕地面积的45.70%、39.29%、12.08%、1.21%、0.24%、1.48%。其中:黄褐土、砂姜黑土、潮土主要分布在中、东、北部平原,是主要的农作物种植区;水稻土面积较小,主要分布在南部地区;黄棕壤、粗骨土集中分布在西部低山丘陵地区,土层浅薄。 展开更多
关键词 农作物种植 砂姜黑土 油料生产 粗骨土 耕地土壤 国家粮食安全 低山丘陵地区 黄棕壤
作者 谢承桂 梁德印 黄鸿翔 《世界农业》 1985年第6期15-17,共3页
意大利地形复杂,土壤也多种多样,主要有地中海红色土、地中海棕色土、棕色钙质土、棕色森林土、棕色灰化土、变性土、冲积土、粗骨土等。意大利工业发达,也是化肥主要生产国。早在三十年代即为当时世界第三大磷肥生产国,二次大战后,西... 意大利地形复杂,土壤也多种多样,主要有地中海红色土、地中海棕色土、棕色钙质土、棕色森林土、棕色灰化土、变性土、冲积土、粗骨土等。意大利工业发达,也是化肥主要生产国。早在三十年代即为当时世界第三大磷肥生产国,二次大战后,西西里岛发现了钾盐矿,促进了意大利钾肥生产。 展开更多
关键词 土壤肥料 意大利 变性土 灰化土 冲积土 粗骨土 研究动向 地中海 棕色森林土 主要生产国
作者 雷细生 赵嗣胜 《湖南林业科技》 北大核心 1989年第3期27-28,共2页
湖南一带,钙质页岩主要分布在人口稠密的地方,人为破坏严重,植被所剩无几;加上雨季集中,降水多,使得土壤中的碳酸钙遭受淋溶,岩层屡受侵蚀,成土母质不断更新或堆积,而淋溶持续进行,土壤继续流失;在植被少的地方,常发育成粗骨土,土层极薄... 湖南一带,钙质页岩主要分布在人口稠密的地方,人为破坏严重,植被所剩无几;加上雨季集中,降水多,使得土壤中的碳酸钙遭受淋溶,岩层屡受侵蚀,成土母质不断更新或堆积,而淋溶持续进行,土壤继续流失;在植被少的地方,常发育成粗骨土,土层极薄,石砾含量多,并夹有大量半风化的岩片,土壤呈酸性或微碱性反应,有机质含量低,钾钙较丰富。由于冲刷严重,植被复盖率低,多为不毛之地,生态环境十分恶劣,水旱灾害频仍,严重影响了当地人民的生产和生活; 展开更多
关键词 钙质页岩 粗骨土 岩片 水旱灾害 微碱性 被复 成土母质 有机质含量 石砾 生态环境
作者 尹艳莉 《农业技术与装备》 2014年第17期35-37,共3页
一、概述 太原市杏花岭、万柏林、尖草坪三区位于太原市区北部,现有耕地面积为1.12万hm^2,而中低产田就有8 241 hm^2,而且大部分为旱地。三区为城郊农业,土地资源不足,农业生产条件一般。三区现有耕地中一、二、三级地2948 hm^2,其单... 一、概述 太原市杏花岭、万柏林、尖草坪三区位于太原市区北部,现有耕地面积为1.12万hm^2,而中低产田就有8 241 hm^2,而且大部分为旱地。三区为城郊农业,土地资源不足,农业生产条件一般。三区现有耕地中一、二、三级地2948 hm^2,其单产大于600 kg/0.067 hm^2;四级以上地8 215.78 hm^2,其单产小于300 kg/0.067 hm^2,现实生产能力偏低。加之农民盲目施用化肥,忽视有机肥的施肥习惯,以及耕作管理措施的粗放,都造成了耕地的现实生产能力不高。 展开更多
关键词 中低产田 太原市区 城郊农业 施肥习惯 分布现状 土地资源 褐土性土 耕层土壤养分 钙质粗骨土 中性石质土
Effect of Recycled Coarse Aggregate on Concrete Compressive Strength 被引量:7
作者 汪振双 王立久 +1 位作者 崔正龙 周梅 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第3期229-234,共6页
The effect of recycled coarse aggregate on concrete compressive strength was investigated based on the concrete skeleton theory. For this purpose, 30 mix proportions of concrete with target cube compressive strength r... The effect of recycled coarse aggregate on concrete compressive strength was investigated based on the concrete skeleton theory. For this purpose, 30 mix proportions of concrete with target cube compressive strength ranging from 20 to 60 MPa were cast with normal coarse aggregate and recycled coarse aggregate from different strength parent concretes. Results of 28-d test show that the strength of different types of recycled aggregate affects the concrete strength obviously. The coarse aggregate added to mortar matrix plays a skeleton role and improves its compressive strength. The skeleton effect of coarse aggregate increases with the increasing strength of coarse aggregate, and normal coarse aggregate plays the highest, whereas the lowest concrete strength occurs when using the weak recycled coarse aggregate. There is a linear relationship between the concrete strength and the corresponding mortar matrix strength. Coarse aggregate skeleton formula is established, and values from experimental tests match the derived expressions. 展开更多
关键词 recycled coarse aggregate compressive strength concrete skeleton model skeleton formula crushing index
A New 3D Meso-mechanical Modeling Method of Coral Aggregate Concrete Considering Interface Characteristics 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Boyu YU Hongfa ZHANG Jinhua 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第S01期98-105,共8页
On the basis of the three-dimensional(3D)random aggregate&mortar two-phase mesoscale finite element model,C++programming was used to identify the node position information of the interface between the aggregate an... On the basis of the three-dimensional(3D)random aggregate&mortar two-phase mesoscale finite element model,C++programming was used to identify the node position information of the interface between the aggregate and mortar elements.The nodes were discretized at this position and the zero-thickness cohesive elements were inserted.After that,the crack energy release rate fracture criterion based on the fracture mechanics theory was assigned to the failure criterion of the interface transition zone(ITZ)elements.Finally,the three-phase mesomechanical model based on the combined finite discrete element method(FDEM)was constructed.Based on this model,the meso-crack extension and macro-mechanical behaviour of coral aggregate concrete(CAC)under uniaxial compression were successfully simulated.The results demonstrated that the meso-mechanical model based on FDEM has excellent applicability to simulate the compressive properties of CAC. 展开更多
关键词 coral aggregate concrete(CAC) finite discrete element method 3D meso-mechanical model fracture cracks C++
Utilization of Concrete Waste Aggregates Using Geopolymer Cement 被引量:1
作者 Sotya Astutiningsih Henki Wibowo Ashadi +2 位作者 Hendra Widhatra Kresnadya Desha Rousstia Maria Elizabeth Suryatriyastuti 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第6期11-15,共5页
Reuse of concrete waste, especially in large quantity, can save not only material but also cost for its disposal. This paper presents experiment results on the use of fine and coarse aggregates from concrete waste in ... Reuse of concrete waste, especially in large quantity, can save not only material but also cost for its disposal. This paper presents experiment results on the use of fine and coarse aggregates from concrete waste in geopolymer mortars and concretes. Geopolymeric cement is an inorganic compounds of aluminosilicates synthesized from precursors with high content of silica and alumina activated by alkali silicate solutions. Geopolymer in this experiment was synthesized from fly ash as the precursor and sodium silicate solution as the activator. Hardening of geopolymers was performed by heating the casted paste in an oven at -60~Cfor 3 to 36 hours. Compressive strength of geopolymer pastes and mortars using either fresh or waste fine aggregates were in the range of 19-26 MPa. Hardening time of 3 hours at 60~C followed by leaving the test pieces at room temperature for 7 day before testing results in similar strength to that of mortars cured for 36 hours at 60~C followed by leaving the samples at room temperature for 3 days. It suggests that optimum strength can be achieved by combination of heating time and rest period before testing, i.e the specimens age. Applying mix design with a target strength of 40 MPa, conventional Portland cement concretes using fresh aggregates reached 70% of its target strength at day-7. Compressive strength of geopolymer concretes with waste aggregates was -25 MPa at day-3 while geopolymer concretes with fresh aggregates achieved -39 MPa at day-3. It can be concluded that geopolymer concretes can achieve the target strength in only 3 days. However, the expected reinforcing effect of coarse aggregates in concrete was ineffective if waste coarse aggregates were used as the strength of the concretes did not increase significantly from that of the mortars. On the other hand, waste fine aggregates can be reused for making geopolymer mortars having the same strength as the geopolymer mortars using fresh aggregates. 展开更多
关键词 GEOPOLYMER concrete waste aggregates MORTAR CONCRETE compressive strength.
Utilization of Recycled Coarse Aggregate in Concrete Mixes
作者 Akmal Abdelfatah Sami Tabsh Sherif Yehia 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第6期562-566,共5页
In this paper, the effect of the source of recycled coarse aggregate on the properties of concrete is investigated. The tests were conducted on concrete made from three sources of recycled aggregates: (1) old concr... In this paper, the effect of the source of recycled coarse aggregate on the properties of concrete is investigated. The tests were conducted on concrete made from three sources of recycled aggregates: (1) old concrete with unknown strength, (2) old concrete with a known compressive strength of 21 MPa, and (3) old concrete with a known strength of 42 MPa. The three sources of recycled aggregates were used to produce new concrete with a target compressive strength of 21 MPa. The first and third sources of recycled aggregates were used in producing concrete with target strength of 42 MPa. A control mix was designed with aggregates from natural sources. The research included two methods of making recycled concrete. One concrete mix was produced using the recycled aggregate and adding more water than the control mix, to reach the target slump, while the second concrete mix was produced using the same amount of water as the control mix but with additional superplasticizer to maintain the target slump. The results obtained in this research showed that the concrete compressive strength depends on the source of recycled aggregates; the stronger the source of recycled aggregate, the higher the compressive strength of the produced concrete. Furthermore, the compressive strength of the first concrete mix was about 10%-20% lower than the compressive strength of the control mix. However, when superplasticizers were used, the compressive strength was around the same value as the control mix. 展开更多
关键词 Compressive strength CONCRETE ENVIRONMENT recycled concrete.
Damaging Formula of the Frost Resistant Concrete with Poor Quality of Coarse Limestone Aggregate
作者 Eneli Liisma Lembi-Merike Raado 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第5期598-603,共6页
In this paper, concrete with limestone coarse aggregate was studied due to frost action in saline and nonsaline environments. The main focus is to explain the damaging formula of concrete with poor quality of limeston... In this paper, concrete with limestone coarse aggregate was studied due to frost action in saline and nonsaline environments. The main focus is to explain the damaging formula of concrete with poor quality of limestone aggregate in frost actions. All investigated concretes fulfill the recommendations of the European standard EN 206, Concrete--Specification, Performance, Production and Conformity limiting values for composition and properties of concrete (maximum W/C (water/cement) ratio, minimal class of compressive strength, minimal mass of cement and minimal percentage of entrained air). The damaging formula of the frost resistant concrete is studied through scaling test of concrete during freeze/thaw process, frost resistant test of coarse limestone aggregate and chemical analysis of limestone. Experiments results showed that there is a correlation between CaO/MgO ratio and Al2O3 of limestone and frost resistance of concrete, using chemical composition for determining potential ACR (alkali-carbonate reactivity) will indicate higher risk of damaging effect of concrete. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE LIMESTONE freeze/thaw CaO/MgO ratio Al2O3 ACR.
Recycling of Crushed Demolished Concrete in Structures
作者 A. E. Sayed Rabiee All Sadeek Mohamed 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第11期65-69,共5页
Most important problems arising from industrial and technological developments are abundance and harmful effects of post-productive wastes. In most of the developed countries, these effects are avoided by orderly stor... Most important problems arising from industrial and technological developments are abundance and harmful effects of post-productive wastes. In most of the developed countries, these effects are avoided by orderly storing methods. Storing the wastes in random stacks in the site, and their effect on wide areas gives a rise to the risk of ground, air and under water pollution e.g., pollution of the surrounding environments. Therefore, in most engineering branches, effects and nature of harmful wastes are investigated and solution methods are developed. When structures made of concrete are to be demolished. Concrete recycling is an increasingly common method of disposing of the rubble. Concrete debris was once routinely shipped to landfills for disposal, but recycling has a number of benefits that have been made it a more attractive option in this age of greater environmental awareness, more environmental lows, and the desire to keep constant costs down. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of using demolished concrete as a reproducible coarse aggregate in fabricating normal and high strength concrete mixes. The effect of constituent materials in general and the recycled coarse aggregate in particular on the mechanical performance of the produced concrete mixes is investigated. The characteristics of using the by-pass product of cement industry as cementitious material in recycled concrete mixes with a percentage of 50% as a replacement of cement content is investigated too. Test results presented in this research leads to the promising use of crushed demolished concrete along with the by-pass product of cement as waste materials in producing concrete mixes as well as the optimistic results in enhancing the strength properties of plain concrete beside their benefits of the cost savings and reducing environmental impact. 展开更多
关键词 RECYCLE WASTE demolished crushed concrete.
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