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基于粘-滑摩擦力模型的微型压电驱动器动力学分析 被引量:3
作者 卢秋红 颜国正 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期1328-1330,共3页
提出了一种新型的靠摩擦力驱动的微型压电驱动器,采用粘-滑摩擦力模型对其进行了动力学分析.通过对比仿真结果和实验结果,得出了不同驱动信号下的驱动器动力学特性;改变驱动信号的频率和幅值,能够控制驱动器的运动方向和速度.仿真结果... 提出了一种新型的靠摩擦力驱动的微型压电驱动器,采用粘-滑摩擦力模型对其进行了动力学分析.通过对比仿真结果和实验结果,得出了不同驱动信号下的驱动器动力学特性;改变驱动信号的频率和幅值,能够控制驱动器的运动方向和速度.仿真结果与试验结果吻合较好,证明该摩擦力模型能够对驱动器进行较为精确的理论分析. 展开更多
关键词 压电 驱动器 摩擦 粘-滑模型 动力学分析
圆柱和平面之间粘-滑接触分析 被引量:4
作者 冯剑军 谭援强 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期48-53,共6页
当圆柱和平面产生粘-滑接触时,在Hertz理论和Mindlin理论基础上,推导了平面内应力分量的计算公式.分析了平面内应力的分布,描述了应力分布的特点.x轴向应力在接触表面的导向边均为压应力,而在拖动边存在拉应力;最大拉应力和最大... 当圆柱和平面产生粘-滑接触时,在Hertz理论和Mindlin理论基础上,推导了平面内应力分量的计算公式.分析了平面内应力的分布,描述了应力分布的特点.x轴向应力在接触表面的导向边均为压应力,而在拖动边存在拉应力;最大拉应力和最大压应力均出现在接触表面,其中,最大拉应力存在于拖动边的边缘。而最大压应力存在于导向边.z轴向应力均为压应力,最大压应力出现在接触表面的接触中心邻近区域.第一主应力的最大拉应力出现在接触表面的拖动边边缘,而在导向边均为压应力.第三主应力均为压腹力,最大压应力出现在接触表面的导向边.剪应力、主剪应力和VonMises等效应力(当摩擦系数较小时)的最大值均出现在平面内部.因此,第一型裂纹的产生和扩展首先会发生在拖动边的边缘;而塑性滑动开始首先会出现在接触体内,然后扩展到接触表面.这些将为研究接触变形和接触体的失效提供理论基础. 展开更多
关键词 粘-滑接触 等效应力 主应力 接触压力 剪切牵引力
作者 蔺彦虎 赵宁 +1 位作者 张西金 贺德春 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期356-360,共5页
用AFT(Alternated Frequency/Time)方法计算了受干摩擦约束系统稳态响应,进而计算了干摩擦能耗及干摩擦触点的粘滞-滑移状态。结果表明:干摩擦能耗最大值对应的结构稳态振幅没有达到最小。而应用干摩擦触点粘-滑比率来衡量干摩擦约束结... 用AFT(Alternated Frequency/Time)方法计算了受干摩擦约束系统稳态响应,进而计算了干摩擦能耗及干摩擦触点的粘滞-滑移状态。结果表明:干摩擦能耗最大值对应的结构稳态振幅没有达到最小。而应用干摩擦触点粘-滑比率来衡量干摩擦约束结构的减振性能是一种更有效的方法。最后,分析了结构内阻对选择粘-滑比率的影响。 展开更多
关键词 时频交互法 能耗 干摩擦 粘-滑比率
作者 吴闯 商德江 +2 位作者 肖妍 张超 刘永伟 《船舶力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期1873-1884,共12页
针对船舶艉部水润滑橡胶轴承-转轴系统的摩擦诱导粘-滑自激振动,考虑Stribeck效应摩擦模型和法向载荷,建立其简化的质量块-弹簧-皮带一自由度模型。采用KBM法理论推导粘滑自激振动幅值的近似解析表达式,该表达式可获得系统的稳定与不稳... 针对船舶艉部水润滑橡胶轴承-转轴系统的摩擦诱导粘-滑自激振动,考虑Stribeck效应摩擦模型和法向载荷,建立其简化的质量块-弹簧-皮带一自由度模型。采用KBM法理论推导粘滑自激振动幅值的近似解析表达式,该表达式可获得系统的稳定与不稳定的稳态解,而且与模型非线性微分方程的数值解吻合良好,然后分析动摩擦系数和法向载荷对自激振动幅值的影响。 展开更多
关键词 摩擦 自激振荡 近似解析解 Stribeck效应 粘-滑
低噪声舰船尾管水润滑橡胶轴承材料的研究 被引量:9
作者 周新聪 闫志敏 +3 位作者 唐育民 秦红玲 赵华松 田宇忠 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期77-84,共8页
水润滑尾管轴承材料的研制,具有重要的理论意义以及军事应用价值。为了研究新材料SPB-N的摩擦学性能,在尾管轴承试验台架SSB-100上进行了试块和轴承试验,利用扭矩转矩仪和BK加速度传感器测定了该材料在各工况条件下的摩擦系数和振动情... 水润滑尾管轴承材料的研制,具有重要的理论意义以及军事应用价值。为了研究新材料SPB-N的摩擦学性能,在尾管轴承试验台架SSB-100上进行了试块和轴承试验,利用扭矩转矩仪和BK加速度传感器测定了该材料在各工况条件下的摩擦系数和振动情况。结果表明:复合橡胶材料SPB-N的机械-物理性能达到了中国船标CB/T769-2008要求。该材料的摩擦学性能和低转速性能表现优异:在0.28Mpa比压下,转速为0.54m/s时其摩擦系数达到最小值;其产生粘-滑现象的临界转速为0.27m/s,且局部比压可达0.7MPa。这表明复合橡胶材料SPB-N是一种综合性能优异的水润滑轴承材料。 展开更多
关键词 复合橡胶 低噪声 临界转速 粘-滑现象
摩擦动力系统中两种非光滑现象及其算法研究 被引量:3
作者 张继锋 冯奇 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期38-41,共4页
摩擦引起的振动在很多工业应用中都是很严重的问题,因此是目前国内外普遍关注的问题之一。讨论摩擦动力系统中的两类非光滑现象:stick-slip运动和碰摩现象,并对其进行比较细致的描述。采用事件驱动方法对实例进行数值分析,并与其他通用... 摩擦引起的振动在很多工业应用中都是很严重的问题,因此是目前国内外普遍关注的问题之一。讨论摩擦动力系统中的两类非光滑现象:stick-slip运动和碰摩现象,并对其进行比较细致的描述。采用事件驱动方法对实例进行数值分析,并与其他通用数值方法进行比较。结果指出采用方法的优越性。 展开更多
关键词 振动与波 摩擦激振 粘-滑 摩擦碰撞振子 事件驱动
作者 张继锋 冯奇 《振动工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期480-483,共4页
Burridge-Knopoff模型是研究地震机理的一种摩擦动力系统模型。考察了具有两个自由度的Burridge-Knopoff模型的摩擦激振问题。系统带有两个摩擦接触面,摩擦采用带有负斜率的速度依赖型摩擦曲线。因为摩擦引入的非光滑性,给系统的直接求... Burridge-Knopoff模型是研究地震机理的一种摩擦动力系统模型。考察了具有两个自由度的Burridge-Knopoff模型的摩擦激振问题。系统带有两个摩擦接触面,摩擦采用带有负斜率的速度依赖型摩擦曲线。因为摩擦引入的非光滑性,给系统的直接求解带来了很大的困难;又因为具有两个摩擦接触面,运动情况会更加复杂:物体一的2种形式stick或slip,物体二具有同样的2种形式,从而可组合成4种运动形式的交替运动。首先找到各个运动形式的显式解,再根据各运动形式的跃迁点即可得系统总体的运动。在小的驱动速度下把速度依赖型的摩擦对速度取平均值,近似为动摩擦系数;把位移和速度表达为时间的显式函数。再按位移和速度处于不同运动形式进行迭代求解待定系数。最后由确定的待定系数判断系统运动的性质(周期运动或是混沌运动)。 展开更多
关键词 摩擦激振 粘-滑 非光 迭代序列
Dry sliding wear behavior of cast Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn magnesium alloy 被引量:2
作者 胡茂良 王渠东 +1 位作者 李程 丁文江 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期1918-1923,共6页
Dry sliding wear tests on as-cast and cast+T6 Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn magnesium alloys were performed using a ball-on-plate configuration. The wear rates were measured within a load range of 3-15 N, sliding speed range of 0.0... Dry sliding wear tests on as-cast and cast+T6 Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn magnesium alloys were performed using a ball-on-plate configuration. The wear rates were measured within a load range of 3-15 N, sliding speed range of 0.03-0.24 m/s, test temperature range of 25-200 °C and at a constant sliding distance of 400 m. The wear tracks, worn surfaces and wear debris of the alloys were analyzed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the wear rate of the alloys increases almost linearly with increasing applied load and decreases with increasing sliding speed. The wear rate of the as-cast alloy is higher than that of the cast+T6 alloy. The amount of Mg12Y1Zn1 phase, surface oxidation and retained wear debris affect the wear rate. The dominant wear mechanisms under the test condition are abrasion and plastic deformation. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-Y-Gd-Zn alloy wear behavior wear rate sliding wear abrasive wear
Rapidly determining kinematic viscosity of aviation lubricating oil 50-1-4Φ by mid-infrared spectrometry
作者 宗营 姜旭峰 +1 位作者 孙静 校云鹏 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2014年第3期79-82,共4页
This paper analyzed 11 lubricating oil 50-1-4Ф samples of different base oil content (standard oil) and 28 used oil samples by Fourier transform mid-infrared spectrometer (FTIR). First, the absorption peak of 1 4... This paper analyzed 11 lubricating oil 50-1-4Ф samples of different base oil content (standard oil) and 28 used oil samples by Fourier transform mid-infrared spectrometer (FTIR). First, the absorption peak of 1 465 cm 1 was selected as the characteristic peak for determining their kinematic viscosities. And then correlation of the kinematic viscosity and the absorbance at characteristic peaks of corresponding infrared spectrum of standard oil and used oil samples was analyzed, re- spectively, and two regression equations were proposed. Finally, the regression equation of standard oil was corrected through other 20 new oil samples. The results show that determining kinematic viscosity of new lubricating oil 50-1-4Ф and the used one by FTIR is feasible and reliable. 展开更多
关键词 mid-infrared spectrum aviation lubricating oil kinematic viscosity
Super-harmonic resonance of gear transmission system under stick-slip vibration in high-speed train 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Guan-hua XU Si-si +1 位作者 ZHANG Wei-hua YANG Cai-jin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期726-735,共10页
This work deals with super-harmonic responses and the stabilities of a gear transmission system of a high-speed train under the stick-slip oscillation of the wheel-set.The dynamic model of the system is developed with... This work deals with super-harmonic responses and the stabilities of a gear transmission system of a high-speed train under the stick-slip oscillation of the wheel-set.The dynamic model of the system is developed with consideration on the factors including the time-varying system stiffness,the transmission error,the tooth backlash and the self-excited excitation of the wheel-set.The frequency-response equation of the system at super-harmonic resonance is obtained by the multiple scales method,and the stabilities of the system are analyzed using the perturbation theory.Complex nonlinear behaviors of the system including multi-valued solutions,jump phenomenon,hardening stiffness are found.The effects of the equivalent damping and the loads of the system under the stick-slip oscillation are analyzed.It shows that the change of the load can obviously influence the resonance frequency of the system and have little effect on the steady-state response amplitude of the system.The damping of the system has a negative effect,opposite to the load.The synthetic damping of the system composed of meshing damping and equivalent damping may be less than zero when the wheel-set has a large slippage,and the system loses its stability owing to the Hopf bifurcation.Analytical results are validated by numerical simulations. 展开更多
关键词 stick-slip vibration super-harmonic resonance Hopf bifurcation gear transmission system high-speed train
Experimental study on bond behavior between BFRP bars and seawater sea-sand concrete 被引量:3
作者 SU Xun YIN Shi-ping +1 位作者 ZHAO Ying-de HUA Yun-tao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期2193-2205,共13页
Combining fiber reinforced polymer(FRP)with seawater sea-sand concrete(SSC)can solve the shortage of river sand that will be used for marine engineering construction.The bond performance of BFRP bars and SSC specimens... Combining fiber reinforced polymer(FRP)with seawater sea-sand concrete(SSC)can solve the shortage of river sand that will be used for marine engineering construction.The bond performance of BFRP bars and SSC specimens is researched by pull-out test in this paper.The effects of the parameters,such as bar type,bar diameter,concrete type and stirrup restraint,are considered.It is beneficial to the bonding performance by the reduction of bar diameter.The utilization of seawater sea-sand has a low influence on the bond properties of concrete.The bond strength of BFRP is slightly lower than the steel rebar,but the difference is relatively small.The failure mode of the specimen can be changed and the interfacial bond stress can be improved by stirrups restraint.The bond-slip curves of BFRP ribbed rebar include micro slip stage,slip stage,descent stage and residual stage.The bond stress shows the cycle attenuation pattern of sine in the residual stage.In addition,the bond-slip model of BFRP and SSC is obtained according to the experimental results and related literature,while the predicted curve is also consistent well with the measured curve. 展开更多
关键词 basalt fiber-reinforced polymer(BFRP) seawater sea-sand concrete(SSC) bond-slip curve constitutive model
Stresses induced by post-tensioned anchor in jointed rock mass 被引量:9
作者 Alan Showkati Parviz Maarefvand Hossein Hassani 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1463-1476,共14页
A new analytical study on stresses around a post-tensioned anchor in rocks with two perpendicular joint sets is presented. The assumptions of orthotropic elastic rock with plane strain conditions are made in derivatio... A new analytical study on stresses around a post-tensioned anchor in rocks with two perpendicular joint sets is presented. The assumptions of orthotropic elastic rock with plane strain conditions are made in derivation of the formulations. A tri-linear bond-slip constitutive law is used for modeling the tendon-grout interface behavior and debonding of this interface. The bearing plate width is also considered in the analysis. The obtained solutions are in the integral forms and numerical techniques that have been used for evaluation. In the illustrative example given, the major principal stress is compressive in the anchor free zone and compressive stress concentrations of 815 k Pa and 727 k Pa(for the anchor load of 300 k N) are observed under the bearing plate and the bond length proximal end, respectively. However, large values of tensile stresses with the maximum of-434 k Pa are formed at the bond length distal end. The results obtained using the proposed solution are compared very those of numerical method(FEM). 展开更多
关键词 post-tensioned anchor jointed rock stress distribution analytical solution tri-linear bond-slip model bond length bearing plate
Double pull specimen more suitable for measuring bond-slip relationship of FRP-to-concrete interface 被引量:1
作者 杨奇飞 陆小华 熊光晶 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第2期400-405,共6页
A new "conceptual" design named "double pull" specimen was proposed in order to measure the bond-slip(δ-τ) relationship of fiber reinforced polymer(FRP)-to-concrete interface more accurately.A fi... A new "conceptual" design named "double pull" specimen was proposed in order to measure the bond-slip(δ-τ) relationship of fiber reinforced polymer(FRP)-to-concrete interface more accurately.A finite element analysis(FEA) was performed for preliminarily evaluating the suitability of the proposed conceptual double pull specimen.Through the FEA,it was indicated that the FRP-to-concrete interface of the proposed conceptual specimen might subject to a much higher load level than that of the most commonly used simple shear specimen,showing a great potential for measuring δ-τ relationship more accurately.In the light of the conceptual specimen,a kind of "practical" double pull specimen was developed and proved to be more suitable for measuring δ-τ relationship through an exploratory experimental study with 20 specimens.Consequently,an experimental program with 10 double pull specimens was performed for measuring the ultimate slip δu which was difficult to capture by using the existing specimens.It is shown that the range of δu is 0.31-0.52 mm based on the test results.The suggestion for improving the measure method is also put forward. 展开更多
关键词 fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) concrete BOND-SLIP ultimate slip double pull specimen EXTENSOMETER
The Influence of Paraffinic Base Oil on Low-temperature Viscosity of Naphthenic Base Oil 被引量:2
作者 Liu Shuzhen Fu Hongrui 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2010年第1期34-37,共4页
Low-temperature viscosity of lube oils mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil at different mass ratios has been tested by experiments. The influence of paraffinic base oil on the performance of naphthe... Low-temperature viscosity of lube oils mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil at different mass ratios has been tested by experiments. The influence of paraffinic base oil on the performance of naphthenic base oil was investigated by studying the low-temperature viscosity of tested oils. The viscosity of lube oils increased with an increasing content of high-viscosity paraffinic base oil in the oil mixture. And the low-temperature viscosity was less influenced when the content of paraffinic base oil in the mixture was insignificant. In order to reduce the cost for formulating lubricating oil, a small fraction of paraffinic base oil can be added into naphthenic base oil as far as the property of lubricating oil can meet the specification. According to the study on low-temperature viscosity of the oil mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil, a basic rule was worked out for the preparation of qualified lubricating oils. 展开更多
关键词 paraffinic base oil naphthenic base oil low-temperature viscosity lubricating oil
A Generalized Correlation for Characterization of Lubricating Base-oils from Their Viscosities 被引量:3
作者 A.H.Mehrkesh S.Hajimirzaee M.S.Hatamipour 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期642-647,共6页
Lubricating mineral base oils are normally extracted from lube-oil cuts with furfural solvent.Aromatic content in the raffinate phase from extraction process is an essential parameter that affects the quality of the l... Lubricating mineral base oils are normally extracted from lube-oil cuts with furfural solvent.Aromatic content in the raffinate phase from extraction process is an essential parameter that affects the quality of the lubricating base-oils.For determination of aromatic content by the usual ASTM D3238 method,density,refractive index and molecular weight of the raffinate are required.In this work,a new generalized correlation is developed for de-termination the aromatic content by using only the measured viscosity of lubricating oil.With a mole fraction of aromatic compounds,the kinematic viscosity may be obtained at any temperature between 60-100°C along with their molecular weight and refractive index. 展开更多
关键词 lubricating oils aromatic content kinematic viscosity molecular weight refractive index
Creep and Shrinkage Effects on the Bond-Slip Characteristics and Ultimate Strength of Composite Slabs
作者 Alireza Gholamhoseini Ian Gilbert Mark Bradford 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第9期1085-1097,共13页
Composite one-way concrete slabs with profiled steel sheeting as permanent formwork are commonly used in the construction industry. The steel sheeting supports the wet concrete of a cast-in-situ reinforced or post-ten... Composite one-way concrete slabs with profiled steel sheeting as permanent formwork are commonly used in the construction industry. The steel sheeting supports the wet concrete of a cast-in-situ reinforced or post-tensioned concrete slab and, after the concrete sets, acts as external reinforcement. In this type of slab, longitudinal shear failure between the concrete and the steel sheeting is the most common type of failure at the ultimate load stage. Design codes require the experimental evaluation of the longitudinal shear capacity of each type of steel decking using full-scale tests. This paper presents the results of the short-term testing up to failure of two types of profiled steel decking that are commonly used in the construction industry in Australia. Fourteen full-scale, simply-supported slabs were tested in four-point bending with shear spans of either span/4 or span/6. Four slabs were tested at age of 28 days and the other 10 slabs were subjected to drying shrinkage and various levels of sustained loads for a period of at least 6 months prior to testing to failure. The effects of creep and drying shrinkage on the load carrying capacity and deformation of the slabs at ultimate loads are presented and discussed. The bond-slip relationship of each slab is determined from the test data and the values of maximum longitudinal shear stress calculated using different methods are described and compared. 展开更多
关键词 Composite slabs creep and shrinkage longitudinal shear stress partial interaction profiled steel sheeting.
Experimental investigation and development of new correlation for influences of temperature and concentration on dynamic viscosity of MWCNT-SiO2(20-80)/20W50 hybrid nano-lubricant 被引量:1
作者 Kazem Motahari Mohammad Abdollahi Moghaddam Mojtaba Moradian 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期152-158,共7页
In current research, MWCNT-SiO2/oil hybrid nano-lubricant viscosity is experimentally examined. By dispersing 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8% and 1% volume of MWCNTs and SiO2 nanopartide into the engine oil SAE 20W50, t... In current research, MWCNT-SiO2/oil hybrid nano-lubricant viscosity is experimentally examined. By dispersing 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8% and 1% volume of MWCNTs and SiO2 nanopartide into the engine oil SAE 20W50, the temperature and solid volume fraction consequences were studied. At 40 to 100 ℃ temperature, the viscosities were assessed. The results indicated Newtonian behavior for the hybrid nano-lubricant. Moreover, solid volume fraction augmentation and temperature enhanced the viscosity enhancement of hybrid nano-lubricant. At highest solid volume fraction and temperature, nano-lubricant viscosity was 171% greater compared to pure 20W50. Existed models lack the ability to predict the hybrid nano-lubricant viscosity. Thus, a new correlation regarding solid volume fraction and temperature was suggested with R-squared of 0.9943. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid nano-lubricant Dynamic viscosity Temperature Solid volume fraction New correlation
Anti-attachment Function and Biomimetic Application of Slippery Zone in Nepenthes Pitcher
作者 Lixin Wang Qiang Zhou 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第2期106-113,共8页
Carnivorous plants of Nepenthes species have evolved particular organs named pitchers at the tips of their conspicuous leaves, allowing slippery trapping and effective digesting prey to acquire sufficient growing nutr... Carnivorous plants of Nepenthes species have evolved particular organs named pitchers at the tips of their conspicuous leaves, allowing slippery trapping and effective digesting prey to acquire sufficient growing nutrients. Nepenthes pitchers are generally distinguished by several morphological regions exhibiting distinct functions in prey capturing, and combined effect of the several zones results in great trapping efficiency. Depending on specific micro-structures, slippery zone performs an important role in efficiently preying arthropods, and this prey ability inspires an idea for biomimetic development of slippery trapping plate used in controlling agricultural pests. In this paper, combined with our latest results, the authors introduced the recent studies of the slippery zone, including surface structures and anti-attachment functions. They also highlighted the biomimetic application of slippery zone in developing slippery trapping plate for controlling agricultural pest. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural bionic engineering agricultural pest slippery trapping plate Nepenthes pitchers slippery surface anti-attachment mechanism.
Anthropogenic Earth-Change: We Are on a Slippery Slope, Breaking New Ground and It's Our Fault---A Multi-disciplinary Review and New Unified Earth-System Hypothesis
作者 C. Allen 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第1期1-53,共53页
Human activity could be changing the Earth's foundations themselves, as we affect multiple systems interacting in feedback mechanisms changing the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and even the lithosph... Human activity could be changing the Earth's foundations themselves, as we affect multiple systems interacting in feedback mechanisms changing the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and even the lithosphere (solid surface) and asthenosphere (deformable semi-molten rock layer beneath). Anthropogenic movement of ice, water and sediment alters viscosity and movement of the asthenosphere; this induces earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism and rifting, and may induce plate-tectonic-change. These processes may account for the timing of unexplained contemporary Icelandic, New Zealand, Chilean, Japanese and Indonesian seismicity, volcanism and magma movement. Climate-change and sea-level rise are creating: slip-planes from differential water pore-pressures and/or weakening of previous fault-planes; sediment-change and altered hydrology and reservoir-mass, inducing isostasy and further change in pore-pressure. Loss of plant biomass and diversity alter hydrology, precipitation and transpiration, causing isostasy and further sediment- and climate-change. Increased ocean-mass, temperatures and acidity, reduced oceanic oxygenation, and increased transport of (organic) sediments elevate the production and destabilisation of gas-hydrates, causing slumps and tsunamis. Isostasy and altered viscosity of the asthenosphere increase seismicity, slope and faulting, which are the prime triggers for slumping and tsunamis. Altered asthenosphere flows hasten subduction and rifting landward of subduction, enhancing volcanism. All of these processes predominantly coincide, temporally and spatially, in the coasts and continental margins, and the Pacific ring-of-fire, although response times and extents may vary from immediate to multi-millennial scales and from negligible to catastrophic. Contemporary Icelandic seismic and volcanic activity is explained by depleted magma reserves on the north-western side of the mid-ocean ridge as asthenosphere moves from the constructive boundary under deglaciating and rising Greenland. 展开更多
关键词 Anthropogenic climate-change volcanism TECTONISM vegetation-change sedimentation isostasy.
干摩擦系统的自激振动数值研究 被引量:10
作者 黄毅 王太勇 +1 位作者 李强 张莹 《机械强度》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期539-543,共5页
针对一类具有代表性的双质体—传输带干摩擦系统,首先对系统平衡点进行稳定性分析,然后利用数值方法揭示系统在非内共振、1∶2和1∶3内共振三种情况下的非线性动力学现象。通过分析可知,在传输带速度减小的过程中,系统的静平衡状态失稳... 针对一类具有代表性的双质体—传输带干摩擦系统,首先对系统平衡点进行稳定性分析,然后利用数值方法揭示系统在非内共振、1∶2和1∶3内共振三种情况下的非线性动力学现象。通过分析可知,在传输带速度减小的过程中,系统的静平衡状态失稳,出现纯滑动和粘滞—滑动形式的干摩擦自激振动。另外,系统的内共振状态对干摩擦自激振动有重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 干摩擦 稳定性 自激振动 粘-滑振动 内共振
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