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作者 郑康彬 《电子商务世界》 2001年第2期79-81,共3页
关键词 粮食品市场 电子商务 B2B模式 因特网
作者 李灿 李政 +3 位作者 康绍英 钟菲菲 杨韵 陈同强 《食品安全导刊》 2024年第2期98-102,共5页
目的:采用气相色谱法测定粮食加工品中脱氢乙酸的含量。方法:对沉淀蛋白方法、油脂去除方法、提取方法和时间等前处理条件和色谱条件进行优化,同时考察方法的线性关系、精密度、加标回收率和检出限等指标。结果:该方法在1.0~100.0μg... 目的:采用气相色谱法测定粮食加工品中脱氢乙酸的含量。方法:对沉淀蛋白方法、油脂去除方法、提取方法和时间等前处理条件和色谱条件进行优化,同时考察方法的线性关系、精密度、加标回收率和检出限等指标。结果:该方法在1.0~100.0μg·mL-1时,线性关系良好,相关系数R2>0.999,方法检出限为0.0008 g·kg^(-1);该方法的样品加标回收率为85.9%~105.2%,相对标准偏差为3.55%~7.64%,满足《食品安全国家标准化学分析方法验证通则》(GB 5009.295—2023)中对方法技术参数的相关要求。结论:该方法灵敏、准确、重现性好,能满足粮食加工品中脱氢乙酸含量的测定。 展开更多
关键词 气相色谱法 粮食加工 脱氢乙酸 色谱条件优化
作者 禹长海 刘璐 +2 位作者 赵志超 唐翠翠 宋作会 《粮食加工》 2024年第2期114-116,共3页
为了解近3年山东省粮食加工品质量安全状况,通过对2020—2022年山东省抽检的11类17087批次粮食加工品进行分类统计分析,研究发现5类粮食加工品中存在质量安全问题,其中发酵面制品问题占82.50%,生湿面制品问题占比10.00%;存在超范围使用... 为了解近3年山东省粮食加工品质量安全状况,通过对2020—2022年山东省抽检的11类17087批次粮食加工品进行分类统计分析,研究发现5类粮食加工品中存在质量安全问题,其中发酵面制品问题占82.50%,生湿面制品问题占比10.00%;存在超范围使用食品添加剂和真菌毒素超标的问题,其中脱氢乙酸等超范围使用食品添加剂问题占比95.35%;质量问题分布在山东11个城市,其中青岛市和潍坊市问题占比为55.00%;总体而言,山东省粮食加工品质量安全稳中向好,但发现的一些质量安全问题仍值得广泛关注。 展开更多
关键词 粮食加工 发酵面制 添加剂 脱氢乙酸
作者 尹红 《粮食经济研究》 2007年第4期53-55,共3页
关键词 粮食品 多功能食 饮食 新时尚
2016~2019年国家粮食加工品监督抽检结果分析 被引量:8
作者 张秀宇 王超 +4 位作者 何涛 王菲 姚杰 左敏 蔡军 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2020年第4期1315-1322,共8页
目的分析2016~2019年我国国家粮食加工品的食品安全形势。方法汇总全国2016~2019年粮食加工品国家食品安全监督抽检结果,对不合格项目信息进行分类统计分析。结果在汇总分析2016~2019年粮食加工品监督抽检的15.7万批次中,检出不合格样品... 目的分析2016~2019年我国国家粮食加工品的食品安全形势。方法汇总全国2016~2019年粮食加工品国家食品安全监督抽检结果,对不合格项目信息进行分类统计分析。结果在汇总分析2016~2019年粮食加工品监督抽检的15.7万批次中,检出不合格样品862批次,总体合格率为99.45%,抽检的粮食加工品品类中,大米、小麦粉、挂面、其他粮食加工品等亚类的合格率分别为99.89%、99.28%、99.50%、98.49%。其中大米的不合格原因主要是重金属超标,小麦粉的不合格原因主要是真菌毒素超标,挂面的主要问题是食品添加剂不符合规定,其他粮食加工品的主要问题是微生物超标和食品添加剂不符合规定。农药残留近年来未发现问题。结论微生物超标、食品添加剂使用不符合规定、真菌毒素超标和重金属超标等是粮食加工品现阶段主要的食品安全问题。 展开更多
关键词 粮食加工 监督抽检 安全 微生物 真菌毒素 重金属 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇
粮食加工品中玉米赤霉烯酮和呕吐毒素污染情况调查 被引量:16
作者 武亭亭 杨丹 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2019年第12期3674-3678,共5页
目的初步了解粮食加工品中玉米赤霉烯酮和呕吐毒素的污染情况。方法对北京地区和网购的200批次样品进行随机抽检,分别采用液相色谱法、免疫亲和层析净化高效液相色谱法对粮食加工品中的玉米赤霉烯酮和呕吐毒素进行了检测。结果初步调查... 目的初步了解粮食加工品中玉米赤霉烯酮和呕吐毒素的污染情况。方法对北京地区和网购的200批次样品进行随机抽检,分别采用液相色谱法、免疫亲和层析净化高效液相色谱法对粮食加工品中的玉米赤霉烯酮和呕吐毒素进行了检测。结果初步调查发现玉米碾磨加工品中的玉米赤霉烯酮和小麦粉中的呕吐毒素检出率较高,分别达34%和74%;散装样品中玉米赤霉烯酮含量不合格率和检出率明显高于预包装样品。结论建议监管部门加强对散装玉米碾磨加工品和小麦粉等粮食加工品中毒素指标的监控力度和监测频次,同时针对我国特殊敏感人群加快设定合理限值。 展开更多
关键词 粮食加工 玉米赤霉烯酮 呕吐毒素 污染情况
基于市场监管视角下粮食加工品的食品分类体系研究 被引量:11
作者 于艳艳 杨振东 +3 位作者 厉玉婷 程玲云 明双喜 杨颖 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第14期5828-5838,共11页
食品安全关系国泰民生,党和国家高度重视食品安全。食品抽检工作逐渐突显为食品安全监管的重要手段之一。正确的食品分类是抽检工作准确的基础、先决条件。然而在实际工作中发现不同法规标准中的食品分类不同,给食品抽检工作甚至是监管... 食品安全关系国泰民生,党和国家高度重视食品安全。食品抽检工作逐渐突显为食品安全监管的重要手段之一。正确的食品分类是抽检工作准确的基础、先决条件。然而在实际工作中发现不同法规标准中的食品分类不同,给食品抽检工作甚至是监管工作都带来一定的挑战和困难。为进一步规范粮食加工品的食品分类,提高市场监管部门开展的食品安全抽检工作的质量,助推食品安全抽检工作高质量发展,本文梳理粮食加工品的相关法规标准,总结近年来参与食品抽检工作的经验,对粮食加工品的抽检工作中食品四级分类以及判定注意事项进行比较说明,旨在能够成为市场监管体系下食品安全抽检工作的技术指导。 展开更多
关键词 粮食加工 分类体系 安全标准 市场监管
粮食加工品中呕吐毒素快速检测产品的评价与质量分析 被引量:5
作者 贾丽华 袁磊 +2 位作者 林芳 王一欣 裴小龙 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2018年第18期4940-4946,共7页
目的评价市售的18种呕吐毒素快速检测产品的性能指标及在现场快检中的适用性,为基层在粮食加工品监管领域中呕吐毒素快检产品的选择与应用提供指导,同时建立了一种食品快速检测试产品的评价斱法。方法以玉米粉为基质,采用自然染菌的斱... 目的评价市售的18种呕吐毒素快速检测产品的性能指标及在现场快检中的适用性,为基层在粮食加工品监管领域中呕吐毒素快检产品的选择与应用提供指导,同时建立了一种食品快速检测试产品的评价斱法。方法以玉米粉为基质,采用自然染菌的斱式制备盲样,对18个厂家的呕吐毒素快速检测产品迚行测试,以检测限、假阳性率、假阴性率、灵敏度、特异性、相对准确度为性能指标,同时考察快检产品的在现场快检中的适用性。结果本次评价的18种快检产品中,有8种呕吐毒素快检产品符合标准要求,在现场快检中的适用性良好,合格率为44.4%。结论呕吐毒素胶体金快速检测产品具有快速、准确、斱便、灵敏高等特点,可在粮食加工品的质量监管与质量控制中使用,但仍有部分产品达不到标准要求,因此在快检产品使用前,有必要对其迚行评价。 展开更多
关键词 呕吐毒素 快速检测产 评价 粮食加工
作者 翟雨佳 李莹 谭亚军 《职业与健康》 CAS 2024年第15期2150-2154,共5页
随着粮食产业政策调整,我国各地粮食加工品种类不断增多,生产加工工艺不断更新,粮食加工品行业发展也出现一些新的问题,给粮食加工品监管工作带来了新的挑战。为进一步开展好粮食加工品质量安全监督管理工作,提升政府服务企业能力,创建... 随着粮食产业政策调整,我国各地粮食加工品种类不断增多,生产加工工艺不断更新,粮食加工品行业发展也出现一些新的问题,给粮食加工品监管工作带来了新的挑战。为进一步开展好粮食加工品质量安全监督管理工作,提升政府服务企业能力,创建良好营商环境,促进粮食加工品行业良性发展,当前对完善粮食加工品标准体系工作提出更高要求。本文通过对美国、欧盟以及其他国外标准组织机构的粮食及其加工品标准现状分析,结合我国粮食加工品标准体系现状,分析总结了现存主要问题,展望未来发展方向,以期为我国粮食加工品标准体系建设提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 粮食加工 标准体系 现状 存在问题 发展方向
我国粮食加工品安全指数评价方法及应用 被引量:6
作者 刘文 《农业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期123-128,共6页
关键词 粮食加工 安全 不合格率评价 安全指数评价
作者 文哲 《四川有色金属》 2002年第3期39-39,共1页
关键词 浙江 粮食品进出口责任有限公司温州公司 企业管理创新 财务管理 业务管理 经营管理
An Innovative Project of Wheat Breeding
作者 李邦发 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第12期1779-1782,1825,共5页
The objectives of wheat breeding in Sichuan and Chongqing were incon- sistent with the requirements of wheat production in 1980s. The new direction, to breed new wheat variety with high and stable yield, good quality,... The objectives of wheat breeding in Sichuan and Chongqing were incon- sistent with the requirements of wheat production in 1980s. The new direction, to breed new wheat variety with high and stable yield, good quality, resistance to dis- eases, tolerance to spike sprouting, large head, white and big grain and outstanding commercial property, was put out in this article based on the development of wheat production, market economy and the needs of people. Depending on the selection and breeding work of Mianyang Institute of Agricultural Sciences for more than 20 years, new wheat varieties Mianyang 25, Mianyang 26, Mianyang 27, Mianyang 28, Mianyang 31, Xikemai 1 and Xikemai 6 were developed successively, which made a great contribution to the wheat breeding wheat breeding and production in SJchuan and even in China and the national food security. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT Commodity variety Breeding direction Replacement in wheat variety Food security
Genotypic Differences in Grain Yield and Physiological Nitrogen Use Efficiency Among Rice Cultivars 被引量:30
作者 ZHANG Ya-Li, FAN Jian-Bo, WANG Dong-Sheng and SHEN Qi-Rong2College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期681-691,共11页
Efficient use of N in agricultural practice can increase yield, decrease production costs and reduce the risk of environmental pollution. Effects of N fertilizer application rates on grain yield and physiological N us... Efficient use of N in agricultural practice can increase yield, decrease production costs and reduce the risk of environmental pollution. Effects of N fertilizer application rates on grain yield and physiological N use efficiency (PE) in relation to the accumulation and redistribution of biomass and N in rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars were studied at two experimental farms of Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China in 2004. Three high N use efficiency (NUE) rice cultivars (Wuyunjing 7, Nanguang and 4007) and one low NUE rice cultivar (Elio) with similar growth patterns were studied under seven N rates (0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 kg ha -1 ). Grain yield increased with the N application rate and attained plateau at 180 kg N ha -1 for rice cultivars at each site. Increasing N rate decreased PE for biomass and grain yield. Grain yield and PE of Elio were about 20% and 18% lower than those of high NUE cultivars. Differences in biomass, N accumulation and N redistribution were observed at the post-heading stage among rice cultivars with differing NUEs. The less reproductive tillers of Elio resulted in less demand for C and N during grain filling, thus leading to lower PE of Elio compared with the high NUE rice cultivars. 展开更多
The Impact of Climate Change on China's Grain Market and Food Security-- A CGE Model Approach 被引量:1
作者 Huang Delin Li Ximing +3 位作者 Li Xinxing Li Xiangyang Cai Songfeng Wang Chenggang 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第7期427-441,共15页
This paper examines the impact of climate change on China's grain production and food security. The research is one of the four studies on future conditions of China's food production system under the influence of c... This paper examines the impact of climate change on China's grain production and food security. The research is one of the four studies on future conditions of China's food production system under the influence of climate change using numerical simulation methods, carried out under a national 973 project entitled "impacts of climate change on food systems in China and its adaptation". The other three studies focus on changes in cultivated land area and food production, while this study incorporates their grain yield results into a general equilibrium model to simulate future conditions of the grain market. Our simulation analysis arrives at the impact of climate change by comparing such economic variables as grain production, consumption, and GDP growth rate between a baseline scenario and two climate change scenarios. Our results are summarized as follows: (1) In 2050, the total grain production will reach 689.683 million tons--584.264 million tons of total grain consumption and 42.808 million tons of exports. Without considering losses and inventory demand, in 2050 China's grain supply and demand will remain well balanced, with a slight surplus expected. (2) Climate change is expected to benefit China's macro economy and individual sectors. In comparison with the baseline scenario of no climate change, real wage, real GDP, investment, household consumption, exports, and other macroeconomic indicators will rise under the climate change scenarios. As far as the agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors are concerned, production, consumption, imports, and exports will each be favorably affected by climate change. (3) The favorable impact of climate change on China's macroeconomy and individual sectors under the high emissions scenario (A2) is stronger than that under the low emissions scenario (B2). (4) In the grain market, climate change is expected to increase supply, reduce imports, increase supply, and demand; and supply will increase more than demand does. All in all, if taking into the fertilization effect of CO2 account, climate change is expected to strengthen China's grain supply and safeguard food security. 展开更多
关键词 climate change Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) food security food production food consumption economic growth
The Food We WastemMaterial and Ethical Issues in Geography 被引量:1
作者 Walter Leimgruber 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第1期1-14,共14页
Global food supply has for a long time been regarded as only a problem of food production. Since the turn of the century, however, other aspects have entered the debate, such as improving food quality, changing eating... Global food supply has for a long time been regarded as only a problem of food production. Since the turn of the century, however, other aspects have entered the debate, such as improving food quality, changing eating habits and avoiding food waste. The latter topic has become the subject of attention for the past I0 years and the interest in it has steadily grown. This paper focuses on food waste within the overall context. Apart from the purely quantitative (material) aspects, it draws our attention to the immaterial side of waste, which has to do with our value system. It hopes to sharpen our minds towards a responsible way of dealing with resources 展开更多
关键词 FOOD WASTE VALUES attitudes.
Soil Degradation and Food Security Coupled with Global Climate Change in Northeastern China 被引量:3
作者 GONG Huili MENG Dan +1 位作者 LI Xiaojuan ZHU Feng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期562-573,共12页
The northeastern China is an important commodity grain region in China,as well as a notable corn belt and major soybean producing area.It thus plays a significant role in the national food security system.However,larg... The northeastern China is an important commodity grain region in China,as well as a notable corn belt and major soybean producing area.It thus plays a significant role in the national food security system.However,large-scale land reclamation and non-optimum farming practices give rise to soil degradation in the region.This study analyzed the food security issues coupled with global climate change in the northeastern China during 1980–2000,which is the period of modern agriculture.The results of statistical data show that the arable land area shrank markedly in 1992,and then increased slowly,while food production generally continually increased.The stable grain yield was due to the increase of applied fertilizer and irrigated areas.Soil degradation in the northeastern China includes severe soil erosion,reduced soil nutrients,a thinner black soil layer,and deterioration of soil physical properties.The sustainable development of the northeastern China is influenced by natural-artificial binary disturbance factors which consist of meteorological conditions,climate changes,and terrain factors as well as soil physical and chemical properties.Interactions between the increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation in the region led to reduced accumulation of soil organic matter,which results in poor soil fertility.Human-induced factors,such as large-scale land reclamation and non-optimum farming practices,unsuitable cultivation systems,dredging,road building,illegal land occupation,and extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides,have led to increasingly severe soil erosion and destruction.Solutions to several problems of soil degradation in this region requiring urgent settlement are proposed.A need for clear and systematic recognition and recording of land use changes,land degradation,food production and climate change conditions is suggested,which would provide a reference for food security studies in the northeastern China. 展开更多
关键词 food security soil degradation climate change northeastern China black soil region
Sharp Decline in the Food Self-sufficiency Ratio in Japan and Its Future Prospects 被引量:2
作者 T. Kako 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第3期102-110,共9页
Most Japanese are enjoying rich and convenient dietary habits nowadays. However, majorities of Japanese are feeling anxiety about the future food supply because Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio has fallen most rap... Most Japanese are enjoying rich and convenient dietary habits nowadays. However, majorities of Japanese are feeling anxiety about the future food supply because Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio has fallen most rapidly in the last 45 years, and is lowest amongst countries with a population of more than 100 million. Major causes and mechanisms of the decline in the food self-sufficiency ratio over the last 45 years were analyzed. Drastic changes of dietary habits under rapid economic growth and sharp appreciation of the yen against the US dollar were found to be the major causes of the sharp decline of the food self-sufficiency ratio. Preliminary projections about the food self-sufficiency ratio in 2015 were carried out, and it was found that it will not be easy to achieve the policy goal of raising the food self-sufficiency ratio to 45% by 2015. 展开更多
关键词 Food self-sufficiency ratio dietary habit appreciation of the yen
Food Security: Where Are We Heading?
作者 Chua Kim Aik Fakhrul Anwar Zainol Nalini Arumugam 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第7期357-364,共8页
The issues of food security are an important aspect of every country for its social and economic growth and the eradication of poverty. It is particularly crucial for satisfying the needs of the ever-growing populatio... The issues of food security are an important aspect of every country for its social and economic growth and the eradication of poverty. It is particularly crucial for satisfying the needs of the ever-growing population in developing countries. Agriculture is the backbone of the people and the economy for developing countries, particularly in highly populated countries such as India, China and South East Asia. The world population is anticipated to rise to 8.3 billion by 2030 and to 9.2 billion by 2050. By that time, to feed the growing population, food production must double to keep pace with the escalating food demand. Agricultural commodities showed increases of 58.9% in import dependency ratio (IDR) as compared to 32.2% in 2013. Thus, this study attempts to review and explore the challenges of food security as well as the opportunities of the seed industry in Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 Food security seed industry challenges OPPORTUNITIES Malaysia.
Relevance of Dried Meat Product (Kundi), an Intermediate Moisture Meat, for Food Security
作者 P. O. Fakolade 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第4X期563-569,共7页
The main goal of food security is for individual to be able to obtain adequate and quality food needed at all times, and to utilise the food to meet the body needs. Kundi is a relish Intermediate Moisture Meat (dried... The main goal of food security is for individual to be able to obtain adequate and quality food needed at all times, and to utilise the food to meet the body needs. Kundi is a relish Intermediate Moisture Meat (dried meat) product, produced in the Northern part of Nigeria. 2-3 years old male Camelus dromedarius and White Fulani animals were used for this study, 2 kg of semimembranous muscles from each animal were used, and trimmed of all external fat, connective tissues and bones. Meat samples were cut in sizeable pieces of weight ranges 70-90 grams of 6-8 cm and kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Fresh meat cuts were boiled for 20 minutes at 100 ~C, seasoned and oven dried for 3 hours at 170 ~C. This study assessed the proximate composition of fresh and dried meat (Kundi) products and their sensory evaluation in a completely randomized design. The results showed that fresh camel meat had 74.55% and 21.96% significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in moisture and protein content than 72.69% and 18.96% of fresh beef, while fresh beef had higher (P 〈 0.05) ether extract (6.34%) than fresh camel meat (2.39%). Laboratory Prepared Beef Kundi (LPBK) had the highest (P 〈 0.05) value in moisture content 35.09% followed by Laboratory Prepared Camel 'Kundi' (LPCK) with 33.21% while Commercial Kundi (CK) had the least. Protein obtained was inversely proportionally to moisture content. Ether extract for LPCK and LPBK were statistically similar (P 〉 0.05) and both were lower (P 〈 0.05) than value obtained for CK. The results obtained for sensory evaluation showed that the panelist rated seasoned Kundi to have the highest significant (P 〈 0.05) valve for tenderness, flavour, colour, juiciness, texture and acceptability with values 6.50, 5.30, 6.50, 6.53, 6.30 and 7.00 respectively. Study showed that dry meat products (Kundi) is of high nutritional qualities, and could be of a great relevance; to food security. 展开更多
关键词 Kundi BEEF CAMEL seasoned and unseasoned kundi.
Livelihood Factors and Household Strategies for an Unexpected Climate Event in Upland Northern Laos 被引量:1
作者 Phanxay INGXAY Satoshi YOKOYAMA Isao HIROTA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期483-500,共18页
Climate events pose major challenges to food production and the livelihoods of rural inhabitants in northern Laos, where upland rice using swidden production is an important crop. The onset of the rainy season in this... Climate events pose major challenges to food production and the livelihoods of rural inhabitants in northern Laos, where upland rice using swidden production is an important crop. The onset of the rainy season in this area is one such climate event, and it has occurred earlier and with less regularity in recent years. Not all households are able to cope with these changes. This study examines the ability of local farmers to cope with rice insufficiency. This investigation also clarifies household strategies in dealing with the climate event. We randomly interviewed 63 of 95 household heads, and performed a paired sample t test to examine the significance of differences in three household groups between the 2010 normal climate and the 2011 climate event. The groups were categorized according to rice selfsufficiency in 2011: groups I are households with rice self-sufficiency, group II are those facing a rice shortage of up to 3 months, and group III are those with insufficient rice for over 3 months. We also conducted a one-way ANOVA to examine the significance of differences in livelihood strategies among the three groups. We found that the household labor force was the most important factor in enhancing the villagers' ability to deal with the climate event and that the level of impact of that event shaped their coping strategies. Households with substantial labor force had more options for coping strategies than those with smaller ones. The villagers faced different levels of impact and adopted differentcoping strategies accordingly. Non-timber forest product collection was the principle livelihood strategy in response to non-climate factors such as education, access to health services, provision of equipment and clothing, and overcoming the impact of the climate event. Households heavily affected by the early rainy season onset tended to engage in intensive activities such as off-farm activity and outside work, rather than their major livelihood activities in the village(upland crop and livestock production). 展开更多
关键词 Climate events Livelihood factors Livelihood change Household strategy Swidden
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