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作者 热西旦 阿吉 +3 位作者 玉山江 肖海霞 师培森 帕热哈提 《草食家畜》 2012年第1期27-29,共3页
通过乌拉泊科创繁育中心种公驴细管冻精的制作,结合笔者多年来在细毛羊和绒山羊冻精制作的经验,总结了种公驴的细管冻精制作过程。驴细管冻精制作过程包括:种公驴选择、饲养管理技术、采精、精液的品质检查、稀释方法、精液平衡、精液... 通过乌拉泊科创繁育中心种公驴细管冻精的制作,结合笔者多年来在细毛羊和绒山羊冻精制作的经验,总结了种公驴的细管冻精制作过程。驴细管冻精制作过程包括:种公驴选择、饲养管理技术、采精、精液的品质检查、稀释方法、精液平衡、精液冷冻、精液解冻等,供广大畜牧工作者参考。 展开更多
关键词 种公驴 细管冻 精制作 方法
作者 热西旦 艾克热木 +1 位作者 玉山江 肖海霞 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 2010年第6期63-64,共2页
关键词 种公驴 细管冻 精制作 方法
作者 孔伟 窦世玲 《中国畜禽种业》 2009年第10期49-50,共2页
关键词 天祝 白牦牛 精制作
藏羊细管冻精制作及冷配技术初探 被引量:1
作者 池胜刚 周倩 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》 2013年第2期20-21,共2页
冷冻精液是把采集的畜禽精液经过技术处理,放在干冰或液态氮等超低温的环境中保存起来的方法。冷配技术则是在需要时再经过技术处理,使冷冻贮存的精子恢复活力,通过人工授精使母畜禽妊娠的技术。藏羊冻精冷配技术,可以充分发挥优良种公... 冷冻精液是把采集的畜禽精液经过技术处理,放在干冰或液态氮等超低温的环境中保存起来的方法。冷配技术则是在需要时再经过技术处理,使冷冻贮存的精子恢复活力,通过人工授精使母畜禽妊娠的技术。藏羊冻精冷配技术,可以充分发挥优良种公羊的种用价值和配种效能,又提高藏母羊的受胎率,减少生殖道传染病发生。探讨藏羊精液冷冻和冷配技术,对藏羊业的发展有着积极的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 藏羊 细管冻精制作 冷配
作者 吐然古丽 乌兰 《新疆畜牧业》 2008年第5期34-35,共2页
随着牛冷冻精液技术的迅速发展,种公牛数量大大减少,质量要求越来越高,对种公牛的选择愈益严格,种公牛对改良和提高整个牛群质量的重要性显得更为突出。因此,对优秀种公牛除进行严格科学饲养管理以充分发挥优秀种公牛的作用外,提高采精... 随着牛冷冻精液技术的迅速发展,种公牛数量大大减少,质量要求越来越高,对种公牛的选择愈益严格,种公牛对改良和提高整个牛群质量的重要性显得更为突出。因此,对优秀种公牛除进行严格科学饲养管理以充分发挥优秀种公牛的作用外,提高采精技术达到精液高产优质,从而全面提高种公牛冷冻精液生产水平。 展开更多
关键词 种公牛 技术 精制作
作者 尼珍 《中国畜牧兽医文摘》 2016年第11期72-72,224,共2页
细管冻精技术的主要目的一是为了有效保存和利用优秀地方肉羊品种的遗传资源;二是提高优良种公羊的利用率和良种覆盖面,充分节省购买、运输和饲养成本。为了更好地研究细管冻精的实际冷冻效果,笔者选取了四种冻精稀释液配方,通过实验,... 细管冻精技术的主要目的一是为了有效保存和利用优秀地方肉羊品种的遗传资源;二是提高优良种公羊的利用率和良种覆盖面,充分节省购买、运输和饲养成本。为了更好地研究细管冻精的实际冷冻效果,笔者选取了四种冻精稀释液配方,通过实验,了解不同配方在冷冻和解冻后的实际效果,希望能够为今后进一步做好肉羊的细管冻精提供一定的依据和参考。 展开更多
关键词 肉羊 细管冻精制作技术 研究
作者 方焱秋 汪雪烨 顾达夫 《吉林畜牧兽医》 2020年第4期50-50,52,共2页
1稀释液的配制1.1自配稀释液:第一液:蒸馏水100 mL、柠檬酸钠2.97 g,卵黄10 mL。第二液:取配好的第一液41.75 mL,加入果糖2.5 g,甘油7 mL。配置好的稀释液,每100 mL加青霉素5~10万U,链霉素5~10万U。1.2进口稀释液根据稀释液说明进行配制... 1稀释液的配制1.1自配稀释液:第一液:蒸馏水100 mL、柠檬酸钠2.97 g,卵黄10 mL。第二液:取配好的第一液41.75 mL,加入果糖2.5 g,甘油7 mL。配置好的稀释液,每100 mL加青霉素5~10万U,链霉素5~10万U。1.2进口稀释液根据稀释液说明进行配制。2器械的清洗和消毒玻璃器皿使用前(或新购置的),用自来水浸泡洗涤时先在加有洗涤剂的温热溶液中进行刷试,然后用流水反复冲洗3次以上,直到干净为止,最后用蒸馏水冲洗,直至器皿光亮,无水滴附着。 展开更多
关键词 蒸馏水冲洗 稀释液 玻璃器皿 柠檬酸钠 链霉素 精制作 洗涤剂 青霉素
装配式建筑钢混组合结构预制构件精准制作施工技术 被引量:4
作者 崔正荣 《建筑施工》 2023年第7期1341-1344,共4页
为进一步保证装配式建筑中钢混组合结构的施工质量与效率,提出装配式建筑钢混组合结构预制构件精准制作施工技术,其核心内容主要体现在钢结构与预制混凝土构件的结合以及钢结构在预制构件中的预埋。在预制混凝土构件的制作过程中,将钢... 为进一步保证装配式建筑中钢混组合结构的施工质量与效率,提出装配式建筑钢混组合结构预制构件精准制作施工技术,其核心内容主要体现在钢结构与预制混凝土构件的结合以及钢结构在预制构件中的预埋。在预制混凝土构件的制作过程中,将钢结构构件通过模具和一系列辅助工装架体完成在预制混凝土构件中的精准预埋,最终使得钢结构与混凝土完美结合,形成装配式钢混结构预制构件。从装配式钢结构外墙(带钢支撑)、带钢梁内墙板、密肋叠合板、钢构转角外挂板等出发,总结阐述装配式钢混结构预制构件的精准制作要点,极大地提高了装配式建筑行业的技术水平。 展开更多
关键词 装配式建筑 钢混组合结构 预制构件 制作
作者 刘雪芹 《电影新作》 2015年第6期86-89,共4页
《捉妖记》在一系列的戏剧冲突中,向我们传达了爱与包容、万物共生这一普世性的博大情怀。它采用经典动画影片通常采用的线性叙事模式、新奇的故事情节,使观影者的期待视野频频遇挫,而其非英雄、不完美的男主人公形象则使影片显得不落... 《捉妖记》在一系列的戏剧冲突中,向我们传达了爱与包容、万物共生这一普世性的博大情怀。它采用经典动画影片通常采用的线性叙事模式、新奇的故事情节,使观影者的期待视野频频遇挫,而其非英雄、不完美的男主人公形象则使影片显得不落俗套。3D和IMAX相结合的技术带给观众非同一般的真实感与震撼力,使观影者获得一种全新的视觉享受和心理体验。同时,影片还用特效制作了一个萌态十足、古灵精怪的小妖王胡巴这一极具创意的卡通形象。 展开更多
关键词 《捉妖记》 大情怀 好故事 精制作
作者 雷雪 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2016年第12期296-296,共1页
关键词 油提取 油皂制作 校本选修
浅谈培智学校社会适应校本活动课程的开发与实践——以湖南省岳阳市特殊教育学校校本活动课程手工精油香皂制作为例 被引量:1
作者 吴志刚 雍毕霞 《教师》 2019年第11期89-90,共2页
校本课程开发已成为新课程改革的一大热点和亮点。而手工精油香皂制作是一项新颖的富有生命力的活动,以其丰富的色彩、多变的形状,深受学生喜爱,但一直未能系统地进入课堂,其制作成本低廉、适用范围广泛,具有很好的校本课程开发条件。... 校本课程开发已成为新课程改革的一大热点和亮点。而手工精油香皂制作是一项新颖的富有生命力的活动,以其丰富的色彩、多变的形状,深受学生喜爱,但一直未能系统地进入课堂,其制作成本低廉、适用范围广泛,具有很好的校本课程开发条件。湖南省岳阳市特殊教育学校为满足学生学习发展的需要,根据学生的障碍表现、兴趣爱好和性格特点等方面的差异,秉承全员参与、快乐学习、尊重差异、合作互助、科学评价五项原则,开发了校本活动课程手工精油香皂制作,在实践中师生共同发展,丰富了学校的办学特色。 展开更多
关键词 社会适应 校本活动课程 手工油香皂制作
N-nitro-L-arginine Attenuates Morphine and Dihydroetorphine-induced Place Preference in Mice
作者 万兴旺 黄矛 +4 位作者 何雅琴 李万亥 万莉 由振东 路长林 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2002年第4期162-165,共4页
Opiate dependence has become one of the most urgent problems of modernsociety. Opiate dependence involves physical and psychical dependence. Although many addicts can bedetoxified, the relapse ratio of 95% in 5 a demo... Opiate dependence has become one of the most urgent problems of modernsociety. Opiate dependence involves physical and psychical dependence. Although many addicts can bedetoxified, the relapse ratio of 95% in 5 a demonstrates that opiate psychical dependence is aproblem more troublesome. It has been reported that acute and chronic administration of L- NNA canmarkedly retard the development of tolerance to physical dependence on morphine, and suppress theabstinence syndromes precipitated by naloxone in opiate dependent rodents, and even reverse theexisting morphine tolerance. However, the effect of L-NNA on the positive reinforcement ofpsychically active substances and its possible mechanism have not yet been reported. In presentstudy, the effect of L- NNA en the psychical dependence induced by opiates was evaluated on thebasis of conditioned place preference. 展开更多
关键词 Psychical dependence MORPHINE Dihydroetrophine Nitric oxide
作者 FENG Wenhao 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2001年第4期66-72,共7页
The purpose, classification, required accuracy and surveying methods of control work for close range photogrammetry have been briefly stated. The different methods for definition of space, object coordinate system are... The purpose, classification, required accuracy and surveying methods of control work for close range photogrammetry have been briefly stated. The different methods for definition of space, object coordinate system are also reviewed. It is suggested that the habitu-ally-practised rotation angle system for aerophotogrammetry in China should be used for the future teaching and resaarching work in the close range photogrammetry, and that the rotation angle system for terrestrial deformation photogrammetry should be left out in order to avoid the confuse and reduce the amount of expanse for making softwares. It has been emphasized that there are three improtant aspects in the close range control work with high accurary using the conventional method of engineering surveying: the use of standard scale for measurement of distance between two general stations, the accurate determination of start direction line between two general stations and the handling method of influence of 2C change. A method for setting up industrial surveying control net with extra-high accuracy ±(0.05–0.20) mm is presented by the author. This kind of industrial control net is necessary for batch process of large industrial components with purposes of measurement, inspect and lofting. There are some special methods of control work in the close range photogrammetry, including two methods presented by the author. 展开更多
关键词 close range photogrammetry control work high accuracy industrial control net
A novel long-chain acyl-derivative of epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate prepared and purified from green tea polyphenols 被引量:3
作者 陈平 谭曜 +1 位作者 孙东 郑小明 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2003年第6期714-718,共5页
Lipophilic tea polyphenols (LTP) were prepared by catalytic esterification of green tea polyphenols (GTP) with hexadecanoyl chloride. A novel long chain acyl derivative of epigallocatechin 3 o gallate (EGCG) ... Lipophilic tea polyphenols (LTP) were prepared by catalytic esterification of green tea polyphenols (GTP) with hexadecanoyl chloride. A novel long chain acyl derivative of epigallocatechin 3 o gallate (EGCG) was first isolated from purification of LTP by high speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) using a solvent system composed of n hexane ethyl acetate methanol water (1:1:1:1, v/v). The molecular structure of the acyl derivative, Epigallocatechin 3 O gallate 4′ O hexadecanate , was elucidated by means of elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR and MS spectra. 展开更多
关键词 Green tea polyphenols Lipophilic tea polyphenols Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate-4′-O-hexadecanate Isolation High-speed countercurrent chromatography
Effect of Operation Variables on Hydrodenitrogenation and Hydrodesulfurization over NiMo/Al_2O_3 Catalysts 被引量:2
作者 段爱军 徐春明 林世雄 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第6期743-746,共4页
Using the JQ-II high pressure hydrogenation micro-reactor unit, the reactivity of Athabasca bitumen derived heavy gas oil was studied over commercial and homemade hydrotreating catalysts. The effects of catalyst prepa... Using the JQ-II high pressure hydrogenation micro-reactor unit, the reactivity of Athabasca bitumen derived heavy gas oil was studied over commercial and homemade hydrotreating catalysts. The effects of catalyst preparation variables and the influences of operation conditions, such as pressure, temperature, hydrogen/oil ratio and space velocity were also examined. It was shown that the optimal concentrations of the active components were 5% of NiO, 20% of MoO3 and 3.5% of phosphorus (by mass), and the suitable operation conditions were determined experimentally. 展开更多
Assessment of Control Configurations for a General Heat Integrated Distillation Column 被引量:2
作者 黄克谨 钱积新 +2 位作者 中岩勝 中根■ 高松武一郎 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第4期339-346,共8页
The assessment of control configurations for an ideal heat integrated distillation column incorporated with an overhead condenser and a bottom reboiler (general HIDiC) is addressed in this work. It is found that doubl... The assessment of control configurations for an ideal heat integrated distillation column incorporated with an overhead condenser and a bottom reboiler (general HIDiC) is addressed in this work. It is found that double ratio control configuration, (L/D, V/B), is still the best one among all the possibilities. The control configuration,(Pr - Ps, q), appears to be a feasible one for the general HIDiC and the pressure difference between the rectifying and the stripping sections and feed thermal condition are expected to be consistent manipulative variables for the process. The performance of the general HIDiC can be substantially improved by employing effective multivariable control algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 DISTILLATION control configuration INTERACTION disturbance rejection closed-loop simulation
作者 尹新歌 秦红兵 《智能建筑与工程机械》 2022年第11期123-125,共3页
通过将Tekla Structures软件运用到水工金属结构制作领域,创建模型,对水利工程产品进行仿真模拟,展示水工产品的全貌,实现水利工程可视化。根据模型输出详细的零件清单及精准的零部件图纸,可以使前期的备料工作及工艺准备工作更便捷,生... 通过将Tekla Structures软件运用到水工金属结构制作领域,创建模型,对水利工程产品进行仿真模拟,展示水工产品的全貌,实现水利工程可视化。根据模型输出详细的零件清单及精准的零部件图纸,可以使前期的备料工作及工艺准备工作更便捷,生成排版套料图纸,将其直接运用到生产下料和拼装制作中,可使制作的部件更精准。 展开更多
关键词 水工钢结构 3D模型 排版套料 制作
Inhibition of Acrosomal Enzymes by Gossypol Is Related to Its Antifertility Action
作者 袁玉英 张燕林 石其贤 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1994年第2期7-16,共10页
To investigate into the mechanisms underlying the irreversible sterility induced by gossypol, we studied the relationship between its inhibitory action on acrosomal enzymes and its antifertility effect.As shown by our... To investigate into the mechanisms underlying the irreversible sterility induced by gossypol, we studied the relationship between its inhibitory action on acrosomal enzymes and its antifertility effect.As shown by our result, after exposure to gossypol (l.25-60 μg/ml) for 15 min. in vitro,the sperms' ability to penetrate bovine cervical mucus and the fertility rate were significantly reduced. Also, following administration of gossypol (12.5 mg/kg/day) for six weeks, the rate of fertilization in vitro by hamster sperm was significantly decreased. In the gossypol-treated group, extracts of testis sperm delayed dispersion of cumulus cells, suggesting inhibition of hyaluronidase and other acrosomal enzymes. Furthermore, the acrosin and arylsulfatase activities were shown to be markedly inhibited. Thus, a parallelism was displayed between the reduction of fertility and the decreasc in acrosin and arylsulfatase activities in epididymis sperms.Besides, the inhibition was reversible and was dosage-and durationdependent. In conclusion, the assay of acrosin activity might serve as a useful tool for monitoring the irreversible sterility induced by gossypol, 展开更多
关键词 GOSSYPOL Acrosomal enzymes SPERM Antifertility effect Penetration of cervical mucus FERTILIZATION
TD-AltBOC:A new COMPASS B2 modulation 被引量:20
作者 TANG ZuPing ZHOU HongWei +4 位作者 WEI JiaoLong YAN Tao LIU YuQi RAN YiHang ZHOU YanLing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期1014-1021,共8页
AltBOC(15,10) is the baseline of COMPASS B2 signal modulation.It is a BOC-like signal having different PN codes in the lower and the upper main split lobes,which allow one signal service per lobe.The two lobes can be ... AltBOC(15,10) is the baseline of COMPASS B2 signal modulation.It is a BOC-like signal having different PN codes in the lower and the upper main split lobes,which allow one signal service per lobe.The two lobes can be received and processed separately like two BPSK(10) signals,or coherently processed to achieve better performance.Interoperability among COMPASS B2,Galileo E5 and GPS L5 is also achievable using AltBOC modulation.However,Galileo's 4-code AltBOC has drawbacks such as low efficiency and great receiver complexity.This paper presents a new modulation type named TD-AltBOC (Time Division AltBOC).The signal generation scheme and receiving method are presented,and are compared with AltBOC in the areas of power spectrum,ranging accuracy,anti-multipath performance,anti-interference performance,processing flexibility and complexity.Analysis results show TD-AltBOC has similar spectrum characteristics,interoperability,flexibility and anti-interference performance with AltBOC.When the frontend bandwidth is more than 50 MHz,TD-AltBOC can achieve better ranging accuracy and anti-multipath performance.It also has such advantages as high efficiency and low receiver complexity.TD-AltBOC could be a good solution to COMPASS B2 navigation signal. 展开更多
关键词 GNSS COMPASS signal structure TD-AltBOC signal modulation
Cellular membrane cholesterol is required for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus entry and release in MARC-145 cells 被引量:5
作者 SUN Ying XIAO ShaoBo +4 位作者 WANG Dang LUO Rui LI Bin CHEN HuanChun FANG LiuRong 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第11期1011-1018,共8页
Cholesterol represents one of the key constituents of small,dynamic,sterol-and sphingolipid-enriched domains on the plasma membrane.It has been reported that many viruses depend on plasma membrane cholesterol for effi... Cholesterol represents one of the key constituents of small,dynamic,sterol-and sphingolipid-enriched domains on the plasma membrane.It has been reported that many viruses depend on plasma membrane cholesterol for efficient infection.In this study,the role of the plasma membrane cholesterol in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV) infection of MARC-145 cells was investigated.Pretreatment of MARC-145 cells with methyl-β-cyclodextrin(MβCD),a drug used to deplete cholesterol from cellular membrane,significantly reduced PRRSV infection in a dose-dependent manner.This inhibition was partially reversed by supplementing exogenous cholesterol following MβCD treatment,suggesting that the inhibition of PRRSV infection was specifically mediated by removal of cellular cholesterol.Further detailed studies showed that depletion of cellular membrane cholesterol significantly inhibited virus entry,especially virus attachment and release.These results indicate that the presence of cholesterol in the cellular membrane is a key component of PRRSV infection. 展开更多
关键词 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV) CHOLESTEROL virus entry RELEASE membrane fusion
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