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作者 顾启泰 章燕申 +1 位作者 刘学斌 叶京生 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 1990年第1期52-59,共8页
本文在比较了误差分离的几种方法之后,着重讨论了多步法的方法误差和系统误差。按此法建立了计算机辅助毫微米圆度测量系统,将圆度仪的测量精度(2σ)从原来的0.025微米提高到0.002微米,足以满足精密工程、惯性技术和宇航科学等领域对超... 本文在比较了误差分离的几种方法之后,着重讨论了多步法的方法误差和系统误差。按此法建立了计算机辅助毫微米圆度测量系统,将圆度仪的测量精度(2σ)从原来的0.025微米提高到0.002微米,足以满足精密工程、惯性技术和宇航科学等领域对超精圆球的计量要求。 展开更多
关键词 度测量 度仪 误差分离 静电陀螺仪 度误差 精圆 多步法 惯性技术 密工程
壳体精车外圆夹具设计 被引量:1
作者 隋信举 赵松林 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2015年第4期72-74,共3页
关键词 壳体 夹具 车外
作者 杜皓 《河北工业科技》 CAS 2000年第4期38-41,共4页
大刃倾角外圆精车刀有着显著的优点——加工表面粗糙度可达 Ra0 .4以下 ,“以车代磨”大大提高了生产效率。
关键词 大刃倾角 车刀 工作原理
作者 杨昆 彭涛 +4 位作者 吴守仓 徐锟 吴鹤 白茹冰 张之江 《工业控制计算机》 2023年第8期58-60,共3页
生产的精整圆坯表面会出现烧伤、接柱、针孔、夹渣、刮伤、渣沟、缩孔等缺陷。由于圆坯较长,表面无法通过单次测量获取,所以传统的精整圆坯表面缺陷检测是由若干名工人目视进行的,其工作效率与检测精度已无法满足现代化智能生产的需要... 生产的精整圆坯表面会出现烧伤、接柱、针孔、夹渣、刮伤、渣沟、缩孔等缺陷。由于圆坯较长,表面无法通过单次测量获取,所以传统的精整圆坯表面缺陷检测是由若干名工人目视进行的,其工作效率与检测精度已无法满足现代化智能生产的需要。设计了一套基于人工智能的多目视觉精整圆坯滚检表面缺陷检测系统。从多目视觉系统采集的图像数据中精准地检测出缺陷,并依据系统标定结果确定缺陷位置,完成缺陷的快速准确检测。现场生产工况表明,该系统能显著提升既有设备的生产效率与自动化水平,有助于实现精整圆坯生产流程的降本增效与智能运作。 展开更多
关键词 缺陷检测 机器学习 多目视觉
作者 刘劲松 《机械工程师》 2007年第9期155-155,共1页
关键词 大孔径缸套 车外夹具 操作方法 注意事项
作者 陈庆龙 《机床》 CSCD 1990年第10期46-47,共2页
关键词 丝杆 车技术
作者 刘玉芳 范庆生 《内燃机配件》 2001年第3期29-30,共2页
关键词 活塞 车外 微调刀台 内燃机
作者 秦立刚 王峰 +1 位作者 李怀常 王永洪 《科技视界》 2015年第30期121-121,共1页
关键词 车外 跳动超差 机夹变形 壁厚
作者 乔春德 窦建红 +1 位作者 刘雪飞 韩林 《金属加工(冷加工)》 2016年第S1期98-100,共3页
关键词 镗外 机械加工工艺 高空作业机构
作者 邱树德 《中学数学教学》 1980年第1期35-38,共4页
椭圆(包括圆)、抛物线、双曲线总称二次曲线,这是容易理解的。但为什么又总称圆锥截线呢?具体地说,就是:把一个圆锥(正圆锥)的每一条母线向两方无限延长,就成了一个圆锥面(正圆锥面)。用一个不经过圆锥顶点的平面来截圆锥面,设截面和圆... 椭圆(包括圆)、抛物线、双曲线总称二次曲线,这是容易理解的。但为什么又总称圆锥截线呢?具体地说,就是:把一个圆锥(正圆锥)的每一条母线向两方无限延长,就成了一个圆锥面(正圆锥面)。用一个不经过圆锥顶点的平面来截圆锥面,设截面和圆锥的轴所成的角是θ,圆锥的半顶角是α,那么(如图一) 展开更多
关键词 锥面 锥截线 二次曲线 无限延长 口寸 二次曲面 布幕 母犊 精圆 母钱
Architecture design of GPS software receiver and implementation of its acquisition algorithm with fine frequency estimation 被引量:3
作者 祝雪芬 陈熙源 李滋刚 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期38-41,共4页
The design of a global positioning system (GPS) software receiver is introduced. This design uses the concept of software radio, and it consists of the following parts: front-end, acquisition, tracking, synchroniza... The design of a global positioning system (GPS) software receiver is introduced. This design uses the concept of software radio, and it consists of the following parts: front-end, acquisition, tracking, synchronization, navigation solution and some assisting modules. In the acquisition module, the acquisition algorithm based on circular correlation is utilized. The input data and the local code are converted into the frequency domain by means of the fast Fourier transform (FFT). After performing circular correlation, the initial phase of the C/A code can be obtained and the cartier frequency can be found in 1 kHz frequency resolution, which is too coarse to use for the tracking loop. In order to improve the frequency resolution, the fine frequency estimation through a phase relationship is then achieved, by which, the frequency resolution is improved dramatically. Experiments show that the inaccuracy of the carrier frequency can be estimated within a few hertz by the fine frequency estimation method, and the fine frequency attained can be directly used for the tracking loop. 展开更多
关键词 GPS software receiver acquisition algorithm circular correlation fine frequency estimation
作者 陳子明 《今日中国》 1990年第12期32-33,共2页
從雲南昆明出發,經過三晝夜的顛簸,便到達西雙版納傣族自治州的首府——允景洪,它位於瀾滄江畔缃窆P直的馬路旁,分列着商店、郵局、銀行、學校、旅館……聽人介紹說:“不到橄欖壩,就不算到過西雙版納。”我們的訪問目標便定在橄欖壩... 從雲南昆明出發,經過三晝夜的顛簸,便到達西雙版納傣族自治州的首府——允景洪,它位於瀾滄江畔缃窆P直的馬路旁,分列着商店、郵局、銀行、學校、旅館……聽人介紹說:“不到橄欖壩,就不算到過西雙版納。”我們的訪問目標便定在橄欖壩。綠野紅水橄欖壩位於允景洪城南四十公里處,有瀾滄江水路相通。幾位同遊者一起沿着一條大道前去尋找乘船碼頭。道旁椰子樹下,一老者坐守一攤香蕉和菠蘿。 展开更多
关键词 允景洪 橄欖 位同 城南 旅館 馬路 香茅草 客旅 精圆 酸笋
作者 王佐贤 《紫禁城》 1991年第3期23-23,35,共2页
满族人常用的工艺品多种多样,现在只谈谈有清一代不同於前朝而有民族性的,又与民生攸关的一些工艺品,以资参考。如意是满族人最重视的礼品,首先是皇帝对爵臣、重臣、宠臣因功勋或庆祝以昭隆重,必定御赐之物。质地更是名贵,如:翡翠、珊... 满族人常用的工艺品多种多样,现在只谈谈有清一代不同於前朝而有民族性的,又与民生攸关的一些工艺品,以资参考。如意是满族人最重视的礼品,首先是皇帝对爵臣、重臣、宠臣因功勋或庆祝以昭隆重,必定御赐之物。质地更是名贵,如:翡翠、珊瑚、白玉、三镶。夏季则赐檀香、沉香等带香味木质、雕刻细致之如意。一般官宦人家、爵秩府邸,彼此互相馈送戚友喜庆、生辰的如意,多系红木、紫檀、花梨木三镶玉片者居多;亦有关系较近者,则馈送整身白玉、黄玉、碧玉、青玉等如意,以示重礼。其三镶玉片者,形似灵芝,第一块大弯脖人平处则扁圆,第二块多系椭圆,收尾第三块稍小则为圆形,插入瓷瓶或料瓶内,叫作“平安如意”,以示吉祥。其讲究者,外则配以玻璃罩,置於室中正面桌上,以示尊重。绦子是满族妇女装饰品,家家必备。 展开更多
关键词 官宦人家 示重 花梨木 青玉 三彩 铜胎 大弯 有征 以昭 精圆
《中国产业》 1994年第S2期101-101,共1页
国富民强,是所有励精图治、心怀豪志的人共有的理想,1981年在深圳,富国实业公司正式成立。取名"富国",该公司同仁的远大志向可窥一斑。公司创办10余年来,艰苦创业,锐意进取,经营范围从小到大,开发项目从无到有,现已发展成为... 国富民强,是所有励精图治、心怀豪志的人共有的理想,1981年在深圳,富国实业公司正式成立。取名"富国",该公司同仁的远大志向可窥一斑。公司创办10余年来,艰苦创业,锐意进取,经营范围从小到大,开发项目从无到有,现已发展成为一个工贸并举,实业为主的多元化集团性企业。公司目前已拥有固定资产7000多万,员工2800多人,属下有12家公司和23家工厂,分布于富国、鸿吉、龙岗3大工业区内,开发生产的20余种拳头产品远销多个国家和地区。 展开更多
关键词 集团性 窥一斑 于富 经营范围 五金制品 金属制品 工案 最新科技成果 精圆 一侗
Presence of columnar-lined esophagus is negatively associated with the presence of esophageal varices in Japanese alcoholic men 被引量:1
作者 Akira Yokoyama Kenro Hirata +5 位作者 Rieko Nakamura Tai Omori Takeshi Mizukami Junko Aida Katsuya Maruyama Tetsuji Yokoyama 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第39期7150-7159,共10页
AIM To determine whether the presence of columnar-lined esophagus(CLE) is associated with the presence of esophageal varices(EVs) in male Japanese alcoholics. METHODS The subjects were 1614 Japanese alcohol-dependent ... AIM To determine whether the presence of columnar-lined esophagus(CLE) is associated with the presence of esophageal varices(EVs) in male Japanese alcoholics. METHODS The subjects were 1614 Japanese alcohol-dependent men(≥ 40 years of age) who had undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopic screening. Digitalized records of high-quality endoscopic images that included the squamocolumnar junction and esophagogastric junction were retrospectively jointly reviewed by four expert endoscopists for the purpose of diagnosing CLE. The authors investigated whether and to what extent there were associations between the presence of CLE and the presence of EVs, especially in the group with liver cirrhosis(LC).RESULTS CLE ≥ 5 mm in length was found in 355 subjects(≥ 30 mm in 6 of them), LC without EVs in 152 subjects, LC with EVs in 174 subjects, and EVs without LC in 6 subjects. Advanced EVs, i.e., nodular, large or coiled forms, red color sign, or post-treatment, were found in 88 subjects. The incidence of CLE ≥ 5 mm decreased in the following order(P < 0.0001): 23.3% in the group without EVs, 17.4% in the group with small and straight EVs, and 5.7% in the group with advanced EVs. The multivariate ORs(95%CI) for EVs and advanced EVs in the group with LC were lower when CLE ≥ 5 mm was present [0.46(0.23-0.93) and 0.24(0.08-0.74), respectively, vs 0-4 mm CLE]. CONCLUSION The presence of CLE in male Japanese alcoholics was negatively associated with the presence of EVs. 展开更多
关键词 ALCOHOL Columnar-lined esophagus Hiatal hernia Liver cirrhosis Portal hypertension Esophageal varices
A Generalized Variable-Coefficient Algebraic Method Exactly Solving (3+1)-Dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli Equation 被引量:3
作者 BAI Cheng-Lin BAI Cheng-Jie ZHAO Hong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5X期821-826,共6页
A generalized variable-coefficient algebraic method is appfied to construct several new families of exact solutions of physical interest for (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli (KP) equation. Among them, th... A generalized variable-coefficient algebraic method is appfied to construct several new families of exact solutions of physical interest for (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli (KP) equation. Among them, the Jacobi elliptic periodic solutions exactly degenerate to the soliton solutions at a certain limit condition. Compared with the existing tanh method, the extended tanh method, the Jacobi elliptic function method, and the algebraic method, the proposed method gives new and more general solutions. 展开更多
关键词 generalized variable-coefficient algebraic method (3+1)-dimensional KP equation exact explicit solutions
New Exact Solutions to Long-Short Wave Interaction Equations 被引量:1
作者 TIAN Ying-Hui CHEN Han-Lin LIU Xi-Qiang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3X期397-402,共6页
New exact solutions expressed by the Jacobi elliptic functions are obtained to the long-short wave interaction equations by using the modified F-expansion method. In the limit case, solitary wave solutions and triangu... New exact solutions expressed by the Jacobi elliptic functions are obtained to the long-short wave interaction equations by using the modified F-expansion method. In the limit case, solitary wave solutions and triangular periodic wave solutions are obtained as well. 展开更多
关键词 long-short wave interaction equations modified F-expansion method exact solutions Jacobi elliptic functions
New Exact Solutions of Multi-component mKdV Equation
作者 YE Cai-Er 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期777-780,共4页
In this paper, new Jacobi elliptic function solutions of multi-component mKdV equation are obtained directly in a unified way. When the modulus m → 1, those periodic solutions degenerate as the corresponding hyperbol... In this paper, new Jacobi elliptic function solutions of multi-component mKdV equation are obtained directly in a unified way. When the modulus m → 1, those periodic solutions degenerate as the corresponding hyperbolic function solutions. Then, to the three-component mKdV equation, five types of effective solution are presented in detail. 展开更多
关键词 multi-component mKdV equation exact solution Jacobi elliptic function hyperbolic function
New Exact Solutions of the N-Coupled Nonlinear Schroedinger System
作者 SHEN Shou-Feng ZHANG Jun +1 位作者 YE Cai-Er PAN Zu-Liang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4X期604-608,共5页
In this letter, abundant families of Jacobi elliptic function envelope solutions of the N-coupled nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) system are obtained directly. When the modulus m → 1, those periodic solutions degenera... In this letter, abundant families of Jacobi elliptic function envelope solutions of the N-coupled nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) system are obtained directly. When the modulus m → 1, those periodic solutions degenerate as the corresponding envelope soliton solutions, envelope shock wave solutions. Especially, for the 3-coupled NLS system, five types of Jacobi elliptic function envelope solutions are illustrated both analytically and graphically. Two types of those degenerate as envelope soliton solutions. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear Schroedinger system exact solution Jacobi elliptic function soliton
作者 穆丽沙 《机械工程与自动化》 2012年第3期177-179,共3页
介绍了VNUC数控加工仿真软件的仿真加工过程。通过搭建数控车床模型、安装工件、安装刀具、载入程序文件等的仿真环境,尝试用35°硬质合金外圆精车刀加工梯形螺纹,并进行工艺分析与程序设计。利用VNUC软件支持的宏程序功能对梯形螺... 介绍了VNUC数控加工仿真软件的仿真加工过程。通过搭建数控车床模型、安装工件、安装刀具、载入程序文件等的仿真环境,尝试用35°硬质合金外圆精车刀加工梯形螺纹,并进行工艺分析与程序设计。利用VNUC软件支持的宏程序功能对梯形螺纹程序仿真并验证,加工的螺纹效果很好。 展开更多
关键词 VNUC 35°外车刀 梯形螺纹
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