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做强做精民生新闻 提升党报舆论引导力——《通化日报》创新民生报道的实践与探索 被引量:1
作者 周云燕 《中国地市报人》 2015年第7期13-14,共2页
党报重视民生新闻不仅是改善和加强党的领导的需要,也是凸显党报权威性、凝聚力和影响力的重要途径;不仅是党的执政理念核心价值所在,也是民生新闻的社会价值所在;不仅体现了党的群众路线,也是党报坚持“三贴近”原则的要求。吉林《通... 党报重视民生新闻不仅是改善和加强党的领导的需要,也是凸显党报权威性、凝聚力和影响力的重要途径;不仅是党的执政理念核心价值所在,也是民生新闻的社会价值所在;不仅体现了党的群众路线,也是党报坚持“三贴近”原则的要求。吉林《通化日报》作为地市级党报,坚持服务党委政府与基层群众并重的原则,在做好民生新闻方面进行了一些积极的探索和有益的尝试。 展开更多
关键词 生报道 舆论引导力 地市级党报 精民 办报理念 中国记协 正确引导舆论 生建设 生视角 党的领导
苏北农村地区公共文化服务精准惠民问题原因分析——以江苏北部徐州地区为例 被引量:2
作者 高玉梅 刘静 杨凯坦 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2018年第13期214-218,共5页
十八大以后城乡公共文化服务建设稳定推进,群众性文化活动不断丰富,但是由于区域发展的不平衡性,使江苏北部某些农村地区公共文化服务建设相对落后。根据目前江苏北部地区农村公共文化服务建设在管理、人才、落实、设施等方面的问题,采... 十八大以后城乡公共文化服务建设稳定推进,群众性文化活动不断丰富,但是由于区域发展的不平衡性,使江苏北部某些农村地区公共文化服务建设相对落后。根据目前江苏北部地区农村公共文化服务建设在管理、人才、落实、设施等方面的问题,采用文献综述、调查访谈、数据统计等方法,对江苏北部农村地区公共文化服务问题调查分析,并提出合理有效建议,以待完善江苏北部农村地区公共文化服务体系,在治理的过程中能够精准惠民,更好地满足区域人民的文化需求,提高江苏北部农村地区公共文化服务建设。 展开更多
关键词 江苏北部农村地区 公共文化服务 问题 准惠
作者 李龙瑞 朱年华 +2 位作者 周更生 王长生 张建安 《江西畜牧兽医杂志》 1994年第1期49-50,共2页
民星超级料精系江西民星企业集团公司新近研制成功的,以提高畜禽对稻谷的利用率为主要目的饲料添加剂强化产品。经多点共248头育肥猪为期45~82天不等的试验表明,在基础日粮(含60%以上谷粉)中添加1%民星超级料精,其增... 民星超级料精系江西民星企业集团公司新近研制成功的,以提高畜禽对稻谷的利用率为主要目的饲料添加剂强化产品。经多点共248头育肥猪为期45~82天不等的试验表明,在基础日粮(含60%以上谷粉)中添加1%民星超级料精,其增重提高11.7%~117.6%,平均36.6%,单位增重饲料费用节省2.6%~48.4%,平均18.4%。料肉比为2.45~3.34:1,平均3.21:1。 展开更多
关键词 育肥猪 饲养 饲料 星超级料
作者 李龙瑞 朱年华 +4 位作者 王长生 周更生 张建安 瘳中保 彭贇 《江西畜牧兽医杂志》 1994年第3期54-54,共1页
民星超级料精经在宜春农业专科学校用1398羽鸭(试验组649羽)为期60天的试验表明,在农家稻谷型日粮(60%以上的稻谷或米饭)基础上添加0.5%民星超级料精,其成活率高4.8%.增重提高24.6%,公斤增重饲料费用... 民星超级料精经在宜春农业专科学校用1398羽鸭(试验组649羽)为期60天的试验表明,在农家稻谷型日粮(60%以上的稻谷或米饭)基础上添加0.5%民星超级料精,其成活率高4.8%.增重提高24.6%,公斤增重饲料费用降低23.3%。民星超级料精的投入产出比为1:5.1。 展开更多
关键词 卵用鸭 星超级料 饲养试验
作者 李龙瑞 朱年华 +2 位作者 周更生 王长生 张建安 《江西畜牧兽医杂志》 1994年第2期50-52,共3页
关键词 崇仁麻鸡 星超级料 饲养
民族地区旅游开发惠及民生的绩效评价实证研究——以丽江、九寨沟等地为例 被引量:2
作者 赖斌 杨丽娟 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期103-107,共5页
从改善民生视角研究民族地区旅游惠民的绩效评价问题,首先通过文献研究提出民族地区旅游惠民绩效的影响因素,据此设计调研问卷,并应用因子分析方法开展实证研究,从而构建以旅游惠民投入效应为导向,将公共性民生效应和个体性民生效应作... 从改善民生视角研究民族地区旅游惠民的绩效评价问题,首先通过文献研究提出民族地区旅游惠民绩效的影响因素,据此设计调研问卷,并应用因子分析方法开展实证研究,从而构建以旅游惠民投入效应为导向,将公共性民生效应和个体性民生效应作为一级指标的民族地区旅游惠民绩效评价指标体系。同时,与以旅游惠民产出效应为导向,将原有旅游对社会、经济、环境的民生效应作为一级指标的评价指标体系相结合,进而共同构建出基于"投入——产出"的整体性绩效评价机制。 展开更多
关键词 族地区 旅游开发 准惠 绩效评价指标体系
《中国劳动》 1954年第5期1-2,共2页
一、全世界勞動人民團結的節日——‘五一’國際勞動節萬歲. 二、世界和平萬歲. 三、用和平協商的方式解决一切國際爭端.一切願意和平的國家和愛好和平的人民聯合起來,爭取進一步緩和國際緊張局勢. 四、維護亞洲的和平和安全.恢復印度... 一、全世界勞動人民團結的節日——‘五一’國際勞動節萬歲. 二、世界和平萬歲. 三、用和平協商的方式解决一切國際爭端.一切願意和平的國家和愛好和平的人民聯合起來,爭取進一步緩和國際緊張局勢. 四、維護亞洲的和平和安全.恢復印度支那的和平,反對美帝國主義干涉和擴大印度支那戰爭.爭取朝鮮問題的和平解决,反對美帝國主義破壞朝鮮和平和統一的陰謀.反對美帝國主義在亞洲組織軍事集團和建立軍事基地網. 五、禁止原子武器、氫武器、細菌武器和其他大規模毁滅性武器.大量裁減各國的軍備和武装部隊. 六、發展各國人民間的友好合作和經濟貿易關係. 七、向世界各國為和平、民主而奮鬥的人民致敬. 展开更多
关键词 軍事 团主 工案 精民 平摄 祝中 逸生 平滩
作者 林国元 戴勇林 《小学教学研究(理论版)》 2012年第7期56-57,共2页
一、"孝"的教育需要"1.百家善庭孝孝为敬先教,育孝的为缺德失之本。"孝是中华民族的传统美德,几千年来代代相传,形成了中华民族伦理观念和道德品之经质也的,精民华之部行分也。《。"孝然经而》,中历说史:"... 一、"孝"的教育需要"1.百家善庭孝孝为敬先教,育孝的为缺德失之本。"孝是中华民族的传统美德,几千年来代代相传,形成了中华民族伦理观念和道德品之经质也的,精民华之部行分也。《。"孝然经而》,中历说史:"悠夫久的孝,中德华之文本化也曾。受又到。 展开更多
关键词 精民 孝然 文本化 受又 经质 综合实践活动 百家 人格成长 德育模式 团结友善
作者 彭俊 《今日中国》 1991年第1期67-68,共2页
北京華僑學生補習學校自一九五○年十月創建以來,已走過四十年的歷程。一九九○年金秋十月,我校隆重舉行了建校四十週年慶祝盛典。四十年前,新中國剛剛誕生,海外華僑無不歸心似箭,大批青年學生更爲急切,他們歷盡千辛萬苦,紛紛投入祖國... 北京華僑學生補習學校自一九五○年十月創建以來,已走過四十年的歷程。一九九○年金秋十月,我校隆重舉行了建校四十週年慶祝盛典。四十年前,新中國剛剛誕生,海外華僑無不歸心似箭,大批青年學生更爲急切,他們歷盡千辛萬苦,紛紛投入祖國懷抱。為迎接歸來親人,面臨百業待興、百廢待擧局面的中央人民政府,廣集賢才,動用巨資,進行接待安置工作。在華僑事務委員會負責人廖承志先生的親自關心和主持下,成立了“北京歸國華僑聯誼會”、“北京歸國華僑學生補習學校”,為篗鈿w來的學子建立了溫暖的新家和求學之所。一九五二年,經政務院正式批准。 展开更多
关键词 十年 魔集 安置工作 子建 春回 一百六 一革 知藏 精民 任格
应景的 出彩的
作者 阿丫 李玮 胡文清 《半岛新生活》 2008年第20期22-23,共2页
衣装的功能性是衣装的灵魂。作为它的主人,你该知道在何时何地请它出场才叫登对。初秋时段,温度不像夏日那般炽热,随之而来的出行活动自然也逐渐频繁。本次编辑为你挑选岛城当下最时髦、最具吸引力的地方,去那里感受生活,你的衣装,自然... 衣装的功能性是衣装的灵魂。作为它的主人,你该知道在何时何地请它出场才叫登对。初秋时段,温度不像夏日那般炽热,随之而来的出行活动自然也逐渐频繁。本次编辑为你挑选岛城当下最时髦、最具吸引力的地方,去那里感受生活,你的衣装,自然要应景了。或者再挑剔一些,用最能出彩的衣装完善你的品味之旅,那将是怎样一段值得珍藏的美妙回忆啊! 展开更多
关键词 感受生活 大快朵颐 青岛人 一杯沧海 精民 日本料理 金色大厅 川菜馆 消费水平 源地址
作者 李宁 《美术之友》 2002年第5期32-33,共2页
关键词 三国志演义 精民 黑龙江美术 典韦 画史 光绪九年 党总支副书记 三国故事 江苏人 长坂坡
Calculation and decomposition of regional household energy consumption in China:based on perspectives of urbanization and residents' consumption 被引量:2
作者 Wen Guo Tianyan Zhao Hongjun Dai 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第2期132-141,共10页
Demographic urbanization caused great changes in scale of residents' consumption and residents' lifestyle and then impacted changes of regional household energy consumption. This paper expanded Logarithmic Mea... Demographic urbanization caused great changes in scale of residents' consumption and residents' lifestyle and then impacted changes of regional household energy consumption. This paper expanded Logarithmic Mean Decomposition Index method through introducing variables of urbanization and residential consumption into the model. It also analyzed the influences of six factors as energy structure, energy intensity, population scale, urbanization, residential consumption, and consumption inhibit on regional household energy consumption. Results showed that in 2003-2012, impact of urbanization on regional household energy consumption of Chinese three areas was significantly higher than population size. The "population gathered in eastern region" phenomenon caused eastern region getting the largest population scale effect. Driving force of residential consumption on regional household energy consumption was much higher than the other five effects. Due to the comparative advantage of residential consumption compared with government consumption, investment, and net export, the decrease of consumption ratio promoted the growth of regional household energy consumption. Energy intensity in Chinese three regions kept reducing in 2003-2012. The progress of energy utilization technology slowed the growth of regional household energy consumption, and energy intensity effect was most significant in the central region. 展开更多
关键词 Urbanization residential consumption household energy consumption
An improved artificial bee colony algorithm for steelmaking–refining–continuous casting scheduling problem 被引量:12
作者 Kunkun Peng Quanke Pan Biao Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1727-1735,共9页
Steelmaking–refining–Continuous Casting(SCC) scheduling is a worldwide problem, which is NP-hard. Effective SCC scheduling algorithms can help to enhance productivity, and thus make significant monetary savings. Thi... Steelmaking–refining–Continuous Casting(SCC) scheduling is a worldwide problem, which is NP-hard. Effective SCC scheduling algorithms can help to enhance productivity, and thus make significant monetary savings. This paper develops an Improved Artificial Bee Colony(IABC) algorithm for the SCC scheduling. In the proposed IABC, charge permutation is employed to represent the solutions. In the population initialization, several solutions with certain quality are produced by a heuristic while others are generated randomly. Two variable neighborhood search neighborhood operators are devised to generate new high-quality solutions for the employed bee and onlooker bee phases, respectively. Meanwhile, in order to enhance the exploitation ability, a control parameter is introduced to conduct the search of onlooker bee phase. Moreover, to enhance the exploration ability,the new generated solutions are accepted with a control acceptance criterion. In the scout bee phase, the solution corresponding to a scout bee is updated by performing three swap operators and three insert operators with equal probability. Computational comparisons against several recent algorithms and a state-of-the-art SCC scheduling algorithm have demonstrated the strength and superiority of the IABC. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial bee colony Steelmaking–refining–continuous casting Hybrid flowshop scheduling Variable neighborhood search
Discussion on Dong Ethnic Minority's Folk Culture and Aesthetic Psychology from the Perspective of Song and Dance "Duoye"
作者 Juanjuan HE 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期55-57,共3页
In this paper, Dong ethnic minority's folk customs and aesthetic psychology are understood from the perspective of the nationality culture reflected in Dong song and dance "Duoye" so as to excavate the nationality ... In this paper, Dong ethnic minority's folk customs and aesthetic psychology are understood from the perspective of the nationality culture reflected in Dong song and dance "Duoye" so as to excavate the nationality spirit, and also the connotation and spiritual foundation of the humanity structure are explored, in which the dignified history, rich nationality characteristics, and elegant artistic quality are integrated together, for the purpose of inheriting the traditional culture and continuously innovating and developing the nationality culture. 展开更多
关键词 Song and Dance "Duoye" Dong Culture Aesthetic Psychology
Empirical Study on the Chinese Culture Transmission and Effects
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期969-974,共6页
In the new historical period, China needs to show the nation's values and national spirit. With the advent of the era of globalization, the strength of a country is not only reflected in the economy, cultural factors... In the new historical period, China needs to show the nation's values and national spirit. With the advent of the era of globalization, the strength of a country is not only reflected in the economy, cultural factors will play an increasingly important role in the social development process in 2 lth century. The impact of cultural soft power and communication is essential for a country to power. In the process of going to the world, and in line with the international community, the Chinese culture will inevitably have a dialogue with the West. China will catch up with the world's advanced level. We must pay attention to enhance the competitiveness of culture and penetration. The paper analyzes the historical and present Chinese culture oversea transmission and the effects of the transmissions. The paper has three parts---the first part is the history of Chinese culture transmission; the second part is the present Chinese transmission; and the third part is the effects of Chinese culture transmission. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese culture TRANSMISSION EFFECTS
Research on the correlation between regional economic growth and culture industry of our nation 被引量:1
作者 Zhiyi Zhu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期104-106,共3页
For a nation, culture is not only the promotion and enhancement to the national spirit and the realm of life, but also an essential content and indispensable support force to achieve economic development, it is the im... For a nation, culture is not only the promotion and enhancement to the national spirit and the realm of life, but also an essential content and indispensable support force to achieve economic development, it is the important cause and prominent of the overall strength and the main carrier and specific embodiment of a nation's "soft power", besides, it also represents the degree of civilization, level of development and height of this nation. Culture and cultural industry endow with the modern culture with new meaning, it requires that at the time we achieve the prosperity and development of culture, we must actively explore and operate a scientific mechanism which is most able to release the energy of the culture and play cultural efficiency, and then develop the industrial pathway of the cultural. Cultural industry is a little different from the general industry. This causes the special natm-e of the cultural industry which is different from other industries. Different water and soil raised different people, inheriting national culture and developing cultural industry can be described as the unity of the three ones. 展开更多
关键词 regional economic growth culture industry nation.
Research on the Development of Daur Ethnic Education under the Influence of Big Data 被引量:1
作者 ChuangangWu Lei Wang Jiaojiao Qu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期26-28,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the development of Daur ethnic education under the influence of big data. Life in the river valley of Daur ethnic which is a nationality has a long history, splendid culture and t... In this paper, we conduct research on the development of Daur ethnic education under the influence of big data. Life in the river valley of Daur ethnic which is a nationality has a long history, splendid culture and the national spirit of national self-confidence, the foundation of national culture has a strong self-confidence. Combining the concept of big data and data analysis technique to the Daur ethnic education will largely enhance the result of the current education pattern. The survey of the research indicated that we should pay attention to the precious data captured. 展开更多
关键词 Daur Ethnic Big Data Education Development Review and Survey.
Study on the Precise Recognition Difficulty in Precision Poverty Alleviation
作者 CHEN Yingqi 《International English Education Research》 2017年第2期91-92,共2页
Accurate poverty alleviation refers to the poverty alleviation of different countries, different poor farmers situation, the use of compliance with the effective procedures for the implementation of accurate identific... Accurate poverty alleviation refers to the poverty alleviation of different countries, different poor farmers situation, the use of compliance with the effective procedures for the implementation of accurate identification of poverty alleviation, accurate help, precise management of the way of poverty, precision identification is the prerequisite and basis for precision poverty. How to improve the precision of poverty alleviation in our country is an urgent problem to be solved in the practice of poverty alleviation. To improve the precision of poverty alleviation, it is necessary to accurately identify the poverty alleviation. Based on the background of precision poverty alleviation, the concept and significance of precision identification of poverty alleviation are expounded. On this basis, the problems of precision assistance in practice are mainly reflected in the disjointedness and the sufficient quantity of poverty alleviation resources, Cancel the help process in the matching funds, help projects and poor households tied to help form a flexible and diverse aspects of response measures. 展开更多
关键词 Precision poverty alleviation Precision identification POLICY FUNDS
Analysis on Graphic Aesthetics of Guangxi Ethnic Minorities
作者 Xiaoshan Tang Can Zhai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期93-95,共3页
This paper mainly discusses the formation of graphic aesthetics consciousness and graphic beauty of the Zhang,Miao,Yao,Dong nationality and other ethnic minorities who represent the majority of Guangxi population,hopi... This paper mainly discusses the formation of graphic aesthetics consciousness and graphic beauty of the Zhang,Miao,Yao,Dong nationality and other ethnic minorities who represent the majority of Guangxi population,hoping that the graphic beauty of Guangxi ethnic minorities can reflect the cultural implication of Guangxi ethnic minorities,in order to find Guangxi ethnic minority spirit and aesthetic characteristics embodied by national consciousness,national spirit and national culture. The study has a wide range of practical significance for the inheriting,spreading,designing and applying visual elements of Guangxi ethnic minorities ---graphics. 展开更多
关键词 Guangxi ethnic minorities GRAPHICS AESTHETICS
National Ethos as a Necessary Factor in Mobilizing for Warfare
作者 Eyal Lewin 《Sociology Study》 2015年第6期493-509,共17页
When nations are threatened with violence, the choices they make in order to cope with the challenges of war reflect different alternative possible reactions. They may choose to fight their battles fiercely or they ma... When nations are threatened with violence, the choices they make in order to cope with the challenges of war reflect different alternative possible reactions. They may choose to fight their battles fiercely or they may prefer to surrender and, sometimes, the options lay in-between. The question, therefore, is what makes nations fight and, more importantly, what causes them eventually to win or lose a war. In search of an answer to this riddle, this study examines secondary sources about three historical case studies taken from the first half of the twentieth century that deal with the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Norway, and the Soviet Union. It concentrates on the part played by national ethos regarding the manner in which each of them handled their wars in moments of crisis and reveals how national ethos is intertwined with another phenomenon of social psychology that turns it into a crucial factor in the management of international campaigns: enthusiasm for war. A wide historical perspective, however, shows that even though the right kind of national ethos is essential for winning a war, it is far from being enough. Hence national ethos proves, at the end of the day, to be a necessary condition for military victory, but certainly not a sufficient one. 展开更多
关键词 National ethos collective memory war enthusiasm war weariness comparative studies
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