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作者 Van Merode T. Twellaar M. +1 位作者 Kotsopoulos I.A.W. 罗勇 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册)》 2005年第1期21-21,共1页
Objectives: To assess psychopathological symptoms and history of childhood trauma in patients with newly developed psychogenic seizures. Methods: Using validated scales, 178 patients from the general population diagno... Objectives: To assess psychopathological symptoms and history of childhood trauma in patients with newly developed psychogenic seizures. Methods: Using validated scales, 178 patients from the general population diagnosed with newly developed seizures were assessed, at a point in time when the nature of their seizures was yet unknown to either doctors or patients. After standardised neurological examination, 138 patients were diagnosed with non psychogenic seizures (NPS), while 40 patientswere found to have psychogenic seizures (PS). To evaluate possible differences between the genders and the diagnostic groups, univariate analyses of variance were done. Results: PS patients reported significantly more comorbid psychopathological complaints, dissociative experiences, anxiety, and self reported childhood trauma than NPS patients. In addition, PS patients had lower quality of life ratings than NPS patients. These effects were not modulated by gender. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that patientswith newly developed PS constitute a group with complex psychopathological features thatwarrant early detection and treatment. 展开更多
关键词 精神性癫痫 新发患者 心理特征 精神病理学 复合性 神经学 创伤史 早期诊断 生活质量 因素分析
作者 王有国 《家庭医学(上半月)》 1995年第7期19-19,共1页
已近知天命之年的黄玉生是氢氧气研究所的老职工了,一向以认真负责、忠厚可靠著称,领导把他安排在最险要的氧气班当班长, 岂料,今年元月的一天,他竟在班上演出了一场惊险的闹剧。他自言自语、手舞足蹈地乱开氧气筒、氧气罐的阀门,到处... 已近知天命之年的黄玉生是氢氧气研究所的老职工了,一向以认真负责、忠厚可靠著称,领导把他安排在最险要的氧气班当班长, 岂料,今年元月的一天,他竟在班上演出了一场惊险的闹剧。他自言自语、手舞足蹈地乱开氧气筒、氧气罐的阀门,到处吱吱冒气,整个车间里灌满了氧气。这时若有一星火种,就会引起大爆炸和火灾,以及以后氧气罐的链索爆炸,周围几个大单位都会被摧毁,后果不堪设想。 展开更多
关键词 变态反应性脑炎 多发性脑梗塞 老黄 氧气罐 精神症状 疯病 多发性硬化 病毒性脑炎 中枢神经系统 精神性癫痫
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