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狂欢下的侠与义 演义中的情与仇——评电视剧《出生入死》
作者 唐培林 刘冠鑫 《湖南科技学院学报》 2014年第4期206-208,共3页
抗日题材电视剧在2012年末和2013年初火爆荧屏,继而由于部分电视剧剧情的传奇性、武侠性、失实性、甚至科幻性而被众多网友炮制以"抗战雷剧、神剧"的恶名。在如此众多的抗战剧大潮中,一部抗战题材电视剧很容易播完就会被淹没... 抗日题材电视剧在2012年末和2013年初火爆荧屏,继而由于部分电视剧剧情的传奇性、武侠性、失实性、甚至科幻性而被众多网友炮制以"抗战雷剧、神剧"的恶名。在如此众多的抗战剧大潮中,一部抗战题材电视剧很容易播完就会被淹没被遗忘,然而其中有些作品也不无创新和可取之处,如此迅速消亡令人感到遗憾。电视剧《出生入死》在2013年七月份登陆北京卫视和四川卫视黄金档以后,就以其人物塑造的方式、精神主旨的传达、剧作结构的设置令许多观众眼前一亮。尽管该剧依然没有走出时下抗战雷剧的种种窠臼,但不得不说该剧在陈词滥调的抗战剧大潮中抛出了一些别样的东西,这包括对抗战年代民间侠客的立体细致的塑造,对共产党员精神的深刻读解,对国共合作精诚抗战的承认等等。论文力图点出该剧的一些独特之处,从人物塑造、精神读解、叙事结构这三个层面对该剧作出评论,以期能在抗战剧剧浪大潮翻滚过后的沙滩上使该剧留下些存在的印迹,可以使后来者可鉴,再取突破。 展开更多
关键词 抗战剧 出生入死 人物塑造 精神读解 叙事结构
A Motherland That One Cannot Return to An Interpretation on Song of The Chu From a Perspective of Cultural Security
作者 XIONG Xiao YANG Xi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期438-446,共9页
Song of The Chu, a novel written by LAN Zi-- a Chinese Australian writer, recounts the struggle in Australia over 20 years (1988-2008) of a group of Chinese young people. Cultural difference or even conflict is one ... Song of The Chu, a novel written by LAN Zi-- a Chinese Australian writer, recounts the struggle in Australia over 20 years (1988-2008) of a group of Chinese young people. Cultural difference or even conflict is one of the inevitable issues in terms of migration. The Chinese (Han) culture which belongs to the continental civilization and the Australian (Western) culture which belongs to the maritime one are both mighty and cannot be conquered or assimilated by each other. This means that the Chinese immigrants to Australia, compared to the ones from a less mighty culture, are more sensitive and resistant to the impact of an alien culture, which leads to a conscious or unconscious sense of security of the mother culture. Cultural security, not unidirectional, also refers to the worry by the locals of the impact brought by the immigrants. The protagonist resorts to converting to Buddhism as a solution to the cultural schizophrenia 展开更多
关键词 Song of The Chu cultural security cultural schizophrenia solution
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