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用单性结实基因defH9-iaaM转化糖橙的研究 被引量:11
作者 罗赛男 邓子牛 +3 位作者 钟晓红 张家银 袁飞荣 杨莉 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期177-181,共5页
为建立糖橙的高效遗传转化体系,把无融合生殖基因DefH9-iaaM导入到糖橙中,以获得定向改良目的性状的糖橙新种质.以实生态糖橙节间茎段为材料,建立了糖橙的高效再生体系.结果显示,30d左右苗龄的实生态糖橙茎段不定芽再生率较高;暗培养3... 为建立糖橙的高效遗传转化体系,把无融合生殖基因DefH9-iaaM导入到糖橙中,以获得定向改良目的性状的糖橙新种质.以实生态糖橙节间茎段为材料,建立了糖橙的高效再生体系.结果显示,30d左右苗龄的实生态糖橙茎段不定芽再生率较高;暗培养3~6d有利于节间茎段不定芽的分化;不定芽再生的最佳培养基配方为MS附加6-BA5.0mg/L,平均每根茎段可以再生3.3个小芽;MS+6-BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L有利于不定芽的增殖;MS附加NAA0.5mg/L有利于再生芽的生根.用农杆菌介导法进行转化后,经PCR鉴定已获得6株转基因株系. 展开更多
关键词 糖橙 再生体系 转基因 DefH9-iaaM基因 单性结实
TERF1基因增强糖橙抗病性的初步研究 被引量:9
作者 罗赛男 邓子牛 +3 位作者 钟晓红 易图永 黄荣峰 曾柏全 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期71-76,共6页
将获得转TERF1基因糖橙的春梢叶片进行柑桔溃疡病和炭疽病的接种.初步试验表明,TERF1基因增强了糖橙的广谱抗病性.在接种溃疡病后,转基因植株的平均发病率下降了50%左右,且发病的时间比冰糖橙和对照推迟了7 d,其中3号株系的抗病性最强,... 将获得转TERF1基因糖橙的春梢叶片进行柑桔溃疡病和炭疽病的接种.初步试验表明,TERF1基因增强了糖橙的广谱抗病性.在接种溃疡病后,转基因植株的平均发病率下降了50%左右,且发病的时间比冰糖橙和对照推迟了7 d,其中3号株系的抗病性最强,叶片无病症.柑橘叶片接种炭疽病后,转基因植株的叶片与对照相比基本上表现出针孔处病斑减小,延迟发病等现象.其中3号和11号转TERF1基因糖橙叶片上根本观察不到炭疽病的典型病斑,且叶片也无褪绿. 展开更多
关键词 生物技术 果树育种 糖橙 TERF1基因 柑橘溃疡病 柑橘炭疽病
将TERF1基因导入糖橙的研究 被引量:1
作者 罗赛男 钟晓红 +1 位作者 邓子牛 黄容峰 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期623-627,共5页
用携带TERF1基因的EHA105和LB4404 2种农杆菌分别转化糖橙实生苗节间茎段。根据已建立的再生体系和转化体系,对已得到的抗性芽经PCR和RT-PCR检测,验证已获得7个转TERF1基因的糖橙株系。此外,还比较了2种农杆菌菌株对糖橙的浸染能力,结... 用携带TERF1基因的EHA105和LB4404 2种农杆菌分别转化糖橙实生苗节间茎段。根据已建立的再生体系和转化体系,对已得到的抗性芽经PCR和RT-PCR检测,验证已获得7个转TERF1基因的糖橙株系。此外,还比较了2种农杆菌菌株对糖橙的浸染能力,结果表明,EHA105农杆菌的浸染能力强于LB4404。 展开更多
关键词 糖橙 TERF1基因 EHA105农杆菌 LBA4404农杆菌
作者 胡威 杨莉 +4 位作者 谢玉明 周潇 葛红娟 李大志 邓子牛 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期371-376,F0003,共7页
为提高农杆菌介导的甜橙遗传转化效率,以埃及糖橙实生苗上胚轴节间茎段为外植体,对实生苗生长过程中的光照条件和农杆菌侵染时的共培养条件进行优化,并将无核基因转入糖橙中。结果表明,暗培养20d后光照10d实生苗外植体的再生率和转... 为提高农杆菌介导的甜橙遗传转化效率,以埃及糖橙实生苗上胚轴节间茎段为外植体,对实生苗生长过程中的光照条件和农杆菌侵染时的共培养条件进行优化,并将无核基因转入糖橙中。结果表明,暗培养20d后光照10d实生苗外植体的再生率和转化率均较高;乙酰丁香酮(As)浓度是影响转化效率的主要因素,共培养基中加入质量浓度20mg/L的AS、共培养温度控制在19℃、共培养基pH为5.4~5.7时最有利于转化,经GUS染色分析,最高GUS阳性率可达29.4%;经PCR进一步分析,可以初步确证外源基因已经整合到糖橙基因组中。 展开更多
关键词 埃及糖橙 农杆菌介导 遗传转化 光照 共培养
作者 刘干生 胡壮怀 +1 位作者 蒋少剑 姚寒松 《中国南方果树》 1997年第2期6-6,共1页
糖橙引种试验初报刘干生胡壮怀蒋少剑姚寒松(湖南省安化县农业局413500)糖橙原产地中海沿岸。1987年中国农业科学院柑桔研究所蒋元晖研究员和湖南省农业厅经作局白文远高级农艺师到埃及考察柑桔生产,带回了糖橙的芽条,分... 糖橙引种试验初报刘干生胡壮怀蒋少剑姚寒松(湖南省安化县农业局413500)糖橙原产地中海沿岸。1987年中国农业科学院柑桔研究所蒋元晖研究员和湖南省农业厅经作局白文远高级农艺师到埃及考察柑桔生产,带回了糖橙的芽条,分别在中国农业科学院柑桔研究所和我县... 展开更多
关键词 糖橙 引种 柑桔类果树
作者 陈跃进 王培秋 +1 位作者 李新明 熊咸珍 《农家之友》 2009年第11期23-24,共2页
糖橙“Succarl”原产地中海沿岸,上世纪90年代,我国首次从埃及引种栽培,经十多年的试种,该品种具有高产、优质、适应性广等优良性状,适宜于我国长江以南甜橙类柑桔适栽区栽培,选择向阳背风,光照充足,土壤深厚肥沃,有机质含量... 糖橙“Succarl”原产地中海沿岸,上世纪90年代,我国首次从埃及引种栽培,经十多年的试种,该品种具有高产、优质、适应性广等优良性状,适宜于我国长江以南甜橙类柑桔适栽区栽培,选择向阳背风,光照充足,土壤深厚肥沃,有机质含量丰富,排水性好,坡度为5—25°的区域建园。该品种比现有推广品种增产10.5%.尤以可溶性固形物含量高,含酸量低,口感好,深受消费者的喜爱,在生产上极有发展前途。 展开更多
关键词 糖橙 引种 栽培技术
作者 覃磊 袁飞荣 +2 位作者 曹雄军 罗赛男 邓子牛 《中国园艺文摘》 2010年第4期15-19,共5页
对转TERF1糖橙及其对照在干旱胁迫下的研究表明,随胁迫程度的加深,对照叶片出现萎蔫,光合作用能力下降,在重度胁迫(SRWC=10%)下,叶片脱落,生长趋于停止,叶绿素含量下降达50.0%。而转基因植株仅嫩叶轻度萎蔫,叶绿素含量下降25.9%;转基因... 对转TERF1糖橙及其对照在干旱胁迫下的研究表明,随胁迫程度的加深,对照叶片出现萎蔫,光合作用能力下降,在重度胁迫(SRWC=10%)下,叶片脱落,生长趋于停止,叶绿素含量下降达50.0%。而转基因植株仅嫩叶轻度萎蔫,叶绿素含量下降25.9%;转基因植株脯氨酸(Pro)累积量增加明显,丙二醛(MDA)含量低于同期对照,保护性酶(CAT、POD、SOD)活力均强于同期对照植株。试验结果表明:转基因株系对干旱的抗性强于对照植株,其中转基因3号株系(T3)对干旱抗性最强。 展开更多
关键词 TERF1 转基因糖橙 干旱胁迫 光合作用 生理指标
作者 阳华任 刘姿杏 郑吉祥 《南方园艺》 2013年第3期26-27,共2页
关键词 灵川大境 埃及糖橙 栽培技术
作者 赵清刚 《中国果业信息》 2019年第2期48-48,共1页
本刊讯2019年1月中旬,桂林市地产埃及糖橙(即蜜香橙)如期成熟上市。初市期,批发价4~6元/kg,零售价5~7元/kg,上市旺期,售价有所回落,零售价4~6元/kg。与上个柑桔产季同比,本产季埃及糖橙销售顺畅,售价下跌,走货迅速。埃及糖橙在桂林市引... 本刊讯2019年1月中旬,桂林市地产埃及糖橙(即蜜香橙)如期成熟上市。初市期,批发价4~6元/kg,零售价5~7元/kg,上市旺期,售价有所回落,零售价4~6元/kg。与上个柑桔产季同比,本产季埃及糖橙销售顺畅,售价下跌,走货迅速。埃及糖橙在桂林市引种栽培始于数年前,目前,其种植规模相对而言仍较小,社会总产量尚不丰足,市场上略显供不应求之势。 展开更多
关键词 桂林市 糖橙 埃及 广西 零售价 引种栽培 种植规模 供不应求
作者 郭卫强 《山西食品工业》 2001年第4期31-31,40,共2页
关键词 配方 生产工艺 质量标准
Regional Division of Production and Development Strategy of Citrus in Hunan Province
作者 杨玉 邓文 +3 位作者 李健权 王卫红 黄国林 张平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期2029-2033,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to research regional division of citrus production and development strategies in Hunan Province. [Method] According to Rural Statisti- cal Yearbook in Hunan Province during 2002-2011, Citrus in... [Objective] The aim was to research regional division of citrus production and development strategies in Hunan Province. [Method] According to Rural Statisti- cal Yearbook in Hunan Province during 2002-2011, Citrus in Hunan province were divided into three production regions, namely, superior region, sub-superior and non- superior region. On the base of the divisions, the ecological regionalization and brand strategy, Optimization of regional distribution and developing strategy were proposed, with consideration of avoiding frozen zones, in this paper. [Result] Fresh and processing bases of mandarin orange (C.unshiu Marc), and specialty industries of seedless ponkan(C.reticulata Blanco), Bingtang orange (C.sinensis Osbeck Bing- tangcheng), Dayongjuhuaxinyou (Cgrandis (L.) Osbeck Dayongjuhuaxinyou) and An- jiangxiangyou (C.grandis (L.) Osbeck Anjiangxiangyou) should be constructed, where fresh fruit is dominant, supplemented by canned fruit and juice. Industry belt of sat- suma orange, fresh or processing food, is mainly built, for proportion of early and earlier ripe satsuma orange is over 50% of total yield in Xiangzhong citrus zone; in- dustry belt of excellent fresh navel orange and processing sweet orange should be highlighted in Xiangnan. [Conclusion] The research provides references for decision- making for governments, especially on optimization of citrus production regions and development of citrus industry. 展开更多
关键词 CITRUS Regional division STRATEGY Hunan Province
Dynamic Changes of Sugar Concentrations in Pulp of ‘Cara cara' Navel Orange(Citrus. sinensis L. Osbeck) after Application by Exogenous ABA and GA_3 被引量:1
作者 王贵元 夏仁学 +1 位作者 曾祥国 吴强盛 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期47-51,共5页
The dynamic concentrations of glucose, fructose, sucrose and total sugar were determined through exogenous ABA and GA3 treatments during young period of fruit and before fruit coloring in pulp of ‘Cara cara’ navel o... The dynamic concentrations of glucose, fructose, sucrose and total sugar were determined through exogenous ABA and GA3 treatments during young period of fruit and before fruit coloring in pulp of ‘Cara cara’ navel orange. The results are as fol ows: 10 mg/L ABA increased glucose, fructose and total sugar concen-tration significantly or very significantly, ABA treatment of 50 mg/L increased sucrose concentration very significantly, but ABA treatment of 100 mg/L decreased glucose concentration very significantly. GA3 treatment of lower and middle concentrations(10, 50 and 250 mg/L) increased sucrose concentration very significantly, GA3 treatment of 10 mg/L had no remarkable effect on glucose and fructose concentration but in-creased total sugar concentration very significantly, GA3 treatment of 50, 250 and 500 mg/L decreased glucose, fructose and total sugar concentration very significant-ly. Therefore, ABA treatment of lower concentration could increase one or several kinds of sugar concentration, but GA3 treatment of higher concentration (250 and 500 mg/L) restrained sugar concentration in pulp of ‘Cara cara’ navel orange seri-ously. 展开更多
关键词 'Cara cara' navel orange ABA GA3 Glucose FRUCTOSE SUCROSE Totalsugar
Stability of Bitter Orange Juice-Olive Oil Salad Dressings Stabilized with Polysaccharides
作者 E. A. Ergelebi S. Kara E. ibanoglu 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第4期297-302,共6页
Emulsifying properties of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) juice-olive oil salad dressings stabilized with different polysaccharides were investigated. Oil-in-water emulsions (50:50, v/v) were prepared with bitte... Emulsifying properties of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) juice-olive oil salad dressings stabilized with different polysaccharides were investigated. Oil-in-water emulsions (50:50, v/v) were prepared with bitter orange juice-olive oil in the presence of various concentrations (0.1%-1.0%, w/v) of pectin or guar gum or iota-(t-)carrageenan and then these emulsions were homogenized. Emulsion activity index (EAI) and emulsion stability index (ESI) were determined spectrophotometrically by measuring time-dependent changes in turbidity. Creaming stability of emulsions was followed by visual observation of serum layer with respect to time. Microstructures of emulsions were examined by using polarized light microscopy. The addition of polysaccharides improved emulsion stability and emulsions containing higher amounts of polysaccharide were more stable against creaming. Microscopic observations showed that emulsions containing polysaccharides had small droplets as compared to that of emulsions without polysaccharides and emulsions were flocculated due to the presence of polysaccharides. Larger droplets and creaming were observed when the polysaccharide concentration was not sufficient for coverage. 展开更多
关键词 Bitter orange juice salad dressings EMULSION POLYSACCHARIDE microstructure.
On-line HPLC-DAD coupled with ESI-IT-TOF-MS and fluorescence detection to identify DNA-binding compounds from Lithospermum erythrorhizon using acridine orange as the fluorescence probe
作者 黄文芳 张藏蔓 +3 位作者 李森森 梁毅 王弘 陈世忠 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2015年第9期581-590,共10页
We have developed an on-line detection method using acridine orange as the fluorescence probe and applied this method to rapidly identify active compounds in herbal medicines. This on-line method was equipped with a h... We have developed an on-line detection method using acridine orange as the fluorescence probe and applied this method to rapidly identify active compounds in herbal medicines. This on-line method was equipped with a high-performance liquid chromatography tandem diode array detector, electrospray ionization-ion-trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry and DNA- acridine orange fluorescence detection (HPLC-DAD-MSn-DNA-AO-FLD). A large amount of information could be simultaneously obtained during one run, which included HPLC fingerprint, ultraviolet spectra, total ion chromatograms, MSn data of high-resolution mass spectrometry and activity profile of each compound binding with DNA. The method also provided information on structureactivity relationships and mechanism of interaction. We used this on-line method to identify five DNA-binding activity components from Lithospermum erythrorhizon sample for the first time. The result showed that the parent nucleus of shikonin derivatives could bind with DNA. The structure-activity relationship showed that the parent nucleus of shikonin derivatives plays a major role in DNA binding, not the carboxyl group on the side chain. This simple, rapid, high precision and good stability on-line method should be useful for compound separation, structural identification and screening of DNA-binding compounds in herbal medicines. 展开更多
关键词 ON-LINE Lithospermum erythrorhizon Acridine orange DNA DNA-binding activity
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