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作者 严士健 《数学通报》 北大核心 2003年第3期43-44,共2页
《北京师范大学数学系史》是国内第一部关于数学系史的著作 ,李仲来教授任主编 .上篇介绍了北京师范大学数学系建系近百年来的发展历史及现在的状况 .在几代数学家的共同努力下 ,参与了中国现代大学数学教育 ,数学研究的发展规律历程 ,... 《北京师范大学数学系史》是国内第一部关于数学系史的著作 ,李仲来教授任主编 .上篇介绍了北京师范大学数学系建系近百年来的发展历史及现在的状况 .在几代数学家的共同努力下 ,参与了中国现代大学数学教育 ,数学研究的发展规律历程 ,做出了应有的贡献 .下篇分类概述了中国共产党组织在数学系的建设与发展 ,数学与数学教育研究所 ,本科生教育 ,研究生教育 ,科研方向 ,教研室 ,教授 ,模糊信息处理与模糊控制器国家专业实验室 ,资料室 ,计算机房和《数学通报》杂志的介绍 .1 1个附表和 2 3个附录详细列举了与数学系有关的各种数据和资料 ,从而可以加强对数学系近百年来的历史的总体了解 .本书于 2 0 0 2年 8月由北京师范大学出版社出版 ,每册定价 2 0元 ,再加邮购费 1 5 % .需购买者请通过邮局汇款到 :1 0 0 875 北京市海淀区新街口外大街 1 展开更多
关键词 《北京师范大学数学系史 办学宗旨 成就 《数理杂志》 学科建设 前言
作者 赵世举 《中文学术前沿》 2011年第2期16-18,共3页
一初见三卷本《浙江大学中文系系史》,眼睛为之一亮,钦佩之情油然而生。我不得不深深佩服吴秀明教授等浙大中文系同仁的胆识。有胆,才敢为,因为同行都知道,要写百年老系史,诚非易事,非一般人所能为,且不说历史的远去、资料的散佚带来的... 一初见三卷本《浙江大学中文系系史》,眼睛为之一亮,钦佩之情油然而生。我不得不深深佩服吴秀明教授等浙大中文系同仁的胆识。有胆,才敢为,因为同行都知道,要写百年老系史,诚非易事,非一般人所能为,且不说历史的远去、资料的散佚带来的搜集之难,仅人事的协调就颇令人费神;有识,才能为,因为要汇百年于一编,如何删繁就简、披沙拣金,着实需要大智慧。而摆在面前的这套书,仅以三卷文字,不只清晰地再现了浙大中文系众川汇海似的发展史,而且还为老师立传。 展开更多
关键词 系史 套书 立传 资料 浙大 汇海 众川 老师
作者 陈坚 《中文学术前沿》 2011年第2期19-22,共4页
浙大中文系走过了百年艰难曲折的道路,留下了一代一代人的足迹。既有光耀夺目的辉煌岁月,闪闪发光的名教授,也培养了一大批优秀乃至杰出的人才,分布在各种岗位,现在应该是到了回顾和总结的时候。但非常奇怪的是,中文系有四大史——中国... 浙大中文系走过了百年艰难曲折的道路,留下了一代一代人的足迹。既有光耀夺目的辉煌岁月,闪闪发光的名教授,也培养了一大批优秀乃至杰出的人才,分布在各种岗位,现在应该是到了回顾和总结的时候。但非常奇怪的是,中文系有四大史——中国古典文学史、现当代文学史、汉语史和外国文学史,编过断代史、国别史及各种形态的史,也讲述各种各样的史,但我辈置身其间呼吸、劳作这么多年的中文系却没有写出一部浙大中文系发展史。也许是因为这不像是一门学问。 展开更多
关键词 时候 系史 断代 铭记 国别 名教授 文学 浙大
作者 吴秀明 《中文学术前沿》 2011年第2期1-4,共4页
当前中文学科在获得迅猛发展的同时,也出现了不少问题而程度不同地被边缘化了,陷入了某种困境。大量事实表明,中文学科正处在机遇与挑战并存的特殊的历史'拐点'上。在'经济中心'时代,中文学科要想返回引领风骚、独占鳌... 当前中文学科在获得迅猛发展的同时,也出现了不少问题而程度不同地被边缘化了,陷入了某种困境。大量事实表明,中文学科正处在机遇与挑战并存的特殊的历史'拐点'上。在'经济中心'时代,中文学科要想返回引领风骚、独占鳌头的辉煌时代,是不可能也是不现实的;但经过我们的内外兼修,在现有基础上有所改善和提高,这是可能的,也是应该的。现在的关键是要立足现实,背靠历史,面向世界和未来,寻找文化强国战略下的突围之路。我们编撰中文系史,总结有关这方面的历史经验,目的是为了推进它在当下更好发展。 展开更多
关键词 中文学科 系史编撰 拐点 突围之路
非遗传因素对中系史宾格犬繁殖性状的影响 被引量:3
作者 丁晓麟 马大君 +2 位作者 强京宁 方建强 寻欣国 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2013年第11期47-49,共3页
采用SAS(9.0)软件的GLM程序,分析了场、产仔年份、产仔季节和胎次4个非遗传因素对中系史宾格犬总产仔数、产活仔数、出生存活率、1周龄仔犬数和1周龄存活率的影响。结果表明,场对总产仔数和产活仔数有极显著影响,对1周龄仔犬数有显著影... 采用SAS(9.0)软件的GLM程序,分析了场、产仔年份、产仔季节和胎次4个非遗传因素对中系史宾格犬总产仔数、产活仔数、出生存活率、1周龄仔犬数和1周龄存活率的影响。结果表明,场对总产仔数和产活仔数有极显著影响,对1周龄仔犬数有显著影响。产仔年份极显著影响产活仔数、1周龄仔犬数和1周龄存活率,对出生存活率影响显著。产仔季节对1周龄仔犬数有极显著影响,对总产仔数和产活仔数有显著影响。胎次显著影响总产仔数、产活仔数和1周龄仔犬数。分析结果可作为估计中系史宾格犬遗传参数和育种值时考虑固定效应的依据。 展开更多
关键词 系史宾格犬 繁殖性状 非遗传因素
作者 李隆献 刘文清 《中文学术前沿》 2011年第2期12-15,共4页
一、身在其境:《浙江大学中文系系史》首发现场2011年11月5-6日,在迷人的西子湖畔、浙江著名的花港饭店举行了一场近年来影响中文学界至为重大的国际会议,那就是浙江大学中文系主办的'中文学科建设:历史经验与全球视野国际学术研讨... 一、身在其境:《浙江大学中文系系史》首发现场2011年11月5-6日,在迷人的西子湖畔、浙江著名的花港饭店举行了一场近年来影响中文学界至为重大的国际会议,那就是浙江大学中文系主办的'中文学科建设:历史经验与全球视野国际学术研讨会'。来自世界各地的学者——除了大陆十多个一流大学的文学院院长、中文系主任、教授之外,还有斯洛伐克、日本、韩国、香港等地大学中文系的主任、教授参与了这个盛会。 展开更多
关键词 笔谈 浙江 国际 系史 视野 教授 西子湖畔 全球 花港
《中文学术前沿》 2011年第1期5-5,共1页
浙江大学中文系是随着西学东渐,由传统书院教育向现代专业教育转型的产物。百年历史,风云激荡,中文系和其所属的大学一起,始终立足民本,以温煦的人文情怀关注时代,为社会进步和民族文化发展作出自己的贡献。《浙江大学中文系系史丛书》... 浙江大学中文系是随着西学东渐,由传统书院教育向现代专业教育转型的产物。百年历史,风云激荡,中文系和其所属的大学一起,始终立足民本,以温煦的人文情怀关注时代,为社会进步和民族文化发展作出自己的贡献。《浙江大学中文系系史丛书》共分三卷,分别为总论卷、教师卷、校友卷,近一百五十万字,由浙江大学出版社出版。 展开更多
关键词 教育 校友 发展 系史 总论 教师 丛书 时代 专业
作者 钱亦平 《音乐艺术(上海音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期82-84,M0004,共4页
上海音乐学院音乐学系的前身,有民族音乐理论专业、作曲系的理论专业和音乐研究所。音乐学系建系后,一直以本科教学为基础,以研究生教学为重点,凸显研究、教学型系科地位。“团结奋斗、一心为公”是音乐学系的治系法宝,有着几十年的光... 上海音乐学院音乐学系的前身,有民族音乐理论专业、作曲系的理论专业和音乐研究所。音乐学系建系后,一直以本科教学为基础,以研究生教学为重点,凸显研究、教学型系科地位。“团结奋斗、一心为公”是音乐学系的治系法宝,有着几十年的光荣传统,应继续发扬光大。 展开更多
关键词 上海音乐学院 音乐学 系史
作者 聂晶品 陆广地 《科技资讯》 2017年第26期124-125,共2页
复数的概念(第一课时)关键问题是:为什么引入复数、怎么引入复数(虚数单位i的引入)、什么是复数、复数怎么分类,从教材结构分析教材是按照关键问题呈现,但复数比之前学过的数更抽象,尤其是虚数单位i引入,会引发学生认知上冲突、心理上排... 复数的概念(第一课时)关键问题是:为什么引入复数、怎么引入复数(虚数单位i的引入)、什么是复数、复数怎么分类,从教材结构分析教材是按照关键问题呈现,但复数比之前学过的数更抽象,尤其是虚数单位i引入,会引发学生认知上冲突、心理上排斥,如果在教学中按部就班呈现,使得数学课堂显得"冰冷",失去让学生体会数学感性一面,本文展示从研究历史来更好地理解概念,在教学中更好地让学生体会概念产生"火热"一面。 展开更多
关键词 复数的概念 扩充 教学感悟
知识、权力与学科的合分——以浙大史地学系为中心(1936—1949) 被引量:11
作者 何方昱 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期145-154,共10页
1936—1949年浙江大学史地学系的组建与存废,无疑是民国学科史上较为特殊而重要的事件。受现代知识学科化和专业化的影响,彼时各大学多将历史学系与地理学系分置。竺可桢、张其昀则秉持"史地合一"的通才教育观,创建史地学系,... 1936—1949年浙江大学史地学系的组建与存废,无疑是民国学科史上较为特殊而重要的事件。受现代知识学科化和专业化的影响,彼时各大学多将历史学系与地理学系分置。竺可桢、张其昀则秉持"史地合一"的通才教育观,创建史地学系,下设史学与地学二组,既造就史学与地学的专门人才,又特重二者的关联,以达专精与通识之间的平衡。浙江大学史地学系不仅在组织结构、课程安排及学术活动等领域独树一帜,还培养了大量史学及地学方面的通才与专才。它的创建与存在是竺、张二人成功掌控了学术机关与思想资源后,贯彻其理念的必然产物。在1949年的政权更替中,竺、张二人相继离开浙江大学,最终导致历史学、地理学分离。浙江大学史地学系的意义,是在西方现代学科体系的影响之下,中国学界有识者面对现代学科体系冲击的一种创新与坚守。 展开更多
关键词 地合一 浙江大学地学 竺可桢 张其昀
《党史研究与教学》 北大核心 1992年第1期83-83,共1页
西方学者就近代中国的军阀提出新看法.以往加拿大约克大学陈志让认为,军阀的含义包括军人领导绅士控制政权,不保卫国家主权完整,自筹军饷,拥有防区或行政区等几层意思.美国北卡罗内纳大学齐锡生与军阀定义:大凡政治权力建立在武力之上,... 西方学者就近代中国的军阀提出新看法.以往加拿大约克大学陈志让认为,军阀的含义包括军人领导绅士控制政权,不保卫国家主权完整,自筹军饷,拥有防区或行政区等几层意思.美国北卡罗内纳大学齐锡生与军阀定义:大凡政治权力建立在武力之上,使用这种权力的人.他们认为军阀这个概念, 展开更多
关键词 近代中国 国家主权 卡罗 半殖民地半封建 约克大学 新桂系史 潮流 地方实力派 本来面目 《社会科学报》
A New Method in Urban Planning Based on GIS Technology——Conservation and Rehabilitation Analysis of Xijin Ferry District in Zhenjiang 被引量:2
作者 巴笑夫 董卫 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第2期141-147,共7页
In this paper, we identify the geographic information systems (GIS), discuss the components of GIS, which integrates five essential components: hardware, software, data, people, and methods. Present the relations betw... In this paper, we identify the geographic information systems (GIS), discuss the components of GIS, which integrates five essential components: hardware, software, data, people, and methods. Present the relations between computer and urban planning, urban planning and GIS. Moreover, the main discussion on a case study that explores the possibility of using ArcView GIS software to assemble, store, manipulate, and analyze historic site- Xinjin ferry district in Zhenjiang. 展开更多
关键词 GIS database computer ARCVIEW ANALYSIS urban planning
作者 单汉斌 罗来华 +1 位作者 赵越华 胡家友 《西南国防医药》 CAS 1996年第3期154-155,共2页
医源性胆管狭窄,又称术后胆管狭窄。属创伤性胆管狭窄之一种。尽管知道是由手术创伤引起,但由于对其发生的具体原因缺乏仔细分析,因而预防措施不利,乃至医源性胆管狭窄管时有发生。为此作者收集了一组医源性胆管狭窄病例,分析其发生原因... 医源性胆管狭窄,又称术后胆管狭窄。属创伤性胆管狭窄之一种。尽管知道是由手术创伤引起,但由于对其发生的具体原因缺乏仔细分析,因而预防措施不利,乃至医源性胆管狭窄管时有发生。为此作者收集了一组医源性胆管狭窄病例,分析其发生原因,提出相应的预防措施,并对其快捷有效的影像诊断提出我们的建议。1 资料和方法 展开更多
关键词 医源性胆管狭窄 影像诊断 手术
Design of decoupling Smith control for multivariable system with time delays 被引量:1
作者 黄灿 桂卫华 +1 位作者 阳春华 谢永芳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期473-478,共6页
In order to solve the decoupling control problem of multivariable system with time delays,a new decoupling Smith control method for multivariable system with time delays was proposed. Firstly,the decoupler based on th... In order to solve the decoupling control problem of multivariable system with time delays,a new decoupling Smith control method for multivariable system with time delays was proposed. Firstly,the decoupler based on the adjoint matrix of the multivariable system model with time delays was introduced,and the decoupled models were reduced to first-order plus time delay models by analyzing the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics. Secondly,according to the closed-loop characteristic equation of Smith predictor structure,proportion integration (PI) controllers were designed following the principle of pole assignment for Butterworth filter. Finally,using small-gain theorem and Nyquist stability criterion,sufficient and necessary conditions for robust stability were analyzed with multiplicative uncertainties,which could be encountered frequently in practice. The result shows that the method proposed has superiority for response speed and load disturbance rejection performance. 展开更多
关键词 multivariable process time delay Smith predictor DECOUPLING robust stability
Review of studies on land use and land cover change in Nepal 被引量:9
作者 Basanta PAUDEL ZHANG Yi-li +3 位作者 LI Shi-cheng LIU Lin-shan WU Xue Narendra Raj KHANAL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期643-660,共18页
Land use and land cover(LULC) in Nepal has undergone constant change over the past few decades due to major changes caused by anthropogenic and natural factors and their impacts on the national and regional environmen... Land use and land cover(LULC) in Nepal has undergone constant change over the past few decades due to major changes caused by anthropogenic and natural factors and their impacts on the national and regional environment and climate.This comprehensive review of past and present studies of land use and land cover change(LUCC) in Nepal concentrates on cropland, grassland, forest, snow/glacier cover and urban areas. While most small area studies have gathered data from different sources and research over a short period, across large areas most historical studies have been based on aerial photographs such as the Land Resource Mapping Project in 1986. The recent trend in studies in Nepal is to focus on new concepts and techniques to analyze LULC status on the basis of satellite imagery, with the help of geographic information system and remote sensing tools. Studies based on historical documents, and historical and recent spatial data on LULC, have clearly shown an increase in cropland areas in Nepal,and present results indicating different rates and magnitudes. A decrease in forest and snow/glacier coverage is reported in most studies. Little information is available on grassland and urban areas from past research. The unprecedented rate of urbanization in Nepal has led to significant urban land changes over the past 30 years. Meanwhile, long term historical LUCC research in Nepal is required for extensive work on spatially explicit reconstructions on the basis of historical and primary data collection, including LULC archives and drivers for future change. 展开更多
关键词 Land use Land cover Geographic information system Remote sensing Nepal
观念先进 制度规范——考察香港、澳门警犬训练队有感
作者 高民群 彭毅洪 陈红英 《警犬》 2004年第7期12-13,共2页
关键词 香港 澳门 警犬训练队 宾格犬
David Hume's Culinary Interests and the Historiography of Food
作者 Spencer K. Wertz 《History Research》 2013年第2期130-145,共16页
This paper examines the food references in David Hume's writings--most notably the correspondence, the essays, and his historical narrative. It is in the latter that we find his culinary interests exhibited in a fair... This paper examines the food references in David Hume's writings--most notably the correspondence, the essays, and his historical narrative. It is in the latter that we find his culinary interests exhibited in a fair amount of detail----outlining a historiography of food. In fact, people discover a "subtext" of the history of food in Hume's general history of England. Discussed foodstuffs as raw (economic) commodities, food as it is prepared and brought to the table, and as part of a social ritual of manners. All these facets of food practices interested Hume throughout his life (1711-1776) and in his history of the British Isles (ca. 55 BCE to 1688). 展开更多
关键词 HUME food practices in British history WINE agriculture commodities dining cooking meals
Sedimentary Records of Mangrove Evolution During the Past one Hundred Years Based on Stable Carbon Isotope and Pollen Evidences in Maowei, SW China 被引量:5
作者 XIA Peng MENG Xianwei +1 位作者 LI Zhen FENG Aiping 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期447-455,共9页
Mangroves accumulate sedimentary sequences, where cores can provide historical records of mangrove evolution with past climate change and human activity. The study traced the history of mangrove evolution during the p... Mangroves accumulate sedimentary sequences, where cores can provide historical records of mangrove evolution with past climate change and human activity. The study traced the history of mangrove evolution during the past one hundred years in a mangrove swamp of Maowei Sea, SW China. The sedimentation rates(0.38-0.95 cm yr^(-1)) were calculated on the basis of ln(^(210)Pb_(xs)/Al) and mass depth in the core sediments. Chemical tracers, such as δ^(13)C_(org) and C:N values, were utilized to trace the contribution of mangrove-derived organic matter using a ternary mixing model. Because of potential diagenetic alteration and / or overlap in the isotopic signatures of different components, simultaneous use of mangrove pollen diagrams can help to supplement some of these limitations. Combined with mangrove pollen, mangrove evolution was reconstructed and could be divided into three stages: flourishment(1886-1905 AD), slight degradation(1905-1949 AD) and rapid degradation period(1949-2007 AD), which was consistent with previous reports. The reclamation of mangrove swamps to shrimp ponds was the major reason for rapid degradation of mangrove ecosystems in recent years, rather than climate change in the region. 展开更多
关键词 mangrove evolution stable carbon isotope POLLEN climate change human activity
The "Mother Complex" of Martha Quest 被引量:1
作者 Rukhsana Rahim Chowdhury 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期810-816,共7页
Human experience can best be understood in the framework of collective social relations. Like any other tie, the mother-daughter relationship is forged not in isolation but informed by cultural, historical, and social... Human experience can best be understood in the framework of collective social relations. Like any other tie, the mother-daughter relationship is forged not in isolation but informed by cultural, historical, and social values, circumstances, and practices. The twentieth century has witnessed the greatest changes in world history. As an outcome of the noticeable shift in gender ideologies in the last half of that century, modern mothers and daughters struggled to experience a union, a bond, an understanding of themselves and the world around them. Clash of tradition and modernity in ideals and mores can be held accountable for the consequential neurotic development of the psyche in twentieth century mothers and daughters. Doris Lessing's writings reflect the way in which these complex changes in society affect family relationships. Her first novel of the Children of Violence series, Martha Quest, is an apt study of a mother and her daughter's struggle with their newly defined roles in society. This paper will seek to examine the conflicts that are encountered in the wake of such adjustments by contemporary mothers and daughters. In order to do so, the study will focus on an exploration of the kind of issues that Martha Quest and May Quest experience in Lessing's Martha Quest through approaches available in works by Carl Jung on his theory of the "mother complex". 展开更多
关键词 gender roles "mother complex" RESISTANCE psychic dilemmas Matrophobia MOTHERHOOD
The Discussion on the Experience Contact about Innernal and External Morality of Law
作者 Wei Siyu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期8-10,共3页
AFuller makes the morality be divided into two groups of morality in the book "The Morality of Law" . One group is the desiderative morality and compulsory morality, and other group is innernal and external morality... AFuller makes the morality be divided into two groups of morality in the book "The Morality of Law" . One group is the desiderative morality and compulsory morality, and other group is innernal and external morality of law. The desiderative morality is the good morality with life, excellent morality and the morality which can make human' s power be fully realized. The author makes the interactive relationship between innernal morality and external morality be explained that there is experience contact about innernal and external morality of law. The explanation about this kind of experience relationship conforms with the position of the sociology of law which is definited by Fuller in law. In addition, seen from the practical experience and historical experience of human, this kind of explanation not only conforms with the demand of human practice but also conforms with the reality at the same time. There is also some significance which can be reference for us to discuss how to conduct the law practice. 展开更多
关键词 Innemal Morality External Morality Desiderative Morality Compulsory Morality
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