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作者 杨家新 汪晶晶 +3 位作者 朱健 Maria Tabassum Chaudhry 李垚 戴四发 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2017年第22期28-32,共5页
对不同性别美国野山鸡肌肉色泽和系水性之间的相关性进行研究和比较分析。选择120 d健康,体重无明显差异的美国野山鸡24只(公母各12只),取胸肌和腿肌样,分析宰后和冷藏48 min、24 h、48 h和72 h时的色泽、含水率和系水性指标并进行相关... 对不同性别美国野山鸡肌肉色泽和系水性之间的相关性进行研究和比较分析。选择120 d健康,体重无明显差异的美国野山鸡24只(公母各12只),取胸肌和腿肌样,分析宰后和冷藏48 min、24 h、48 h和72 h时的色泽、含水率和系水性指标并进行相关性分析。结果表明,公野山鸡胸肌亮度(L*)和黄度(b*)与解冻损失率和失水率间存在显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)正相关,而腿肌48 min和48 h的L*与水浴损失间显著(P<0.05)负相关;母野山鸡腿肌48 min、48 h和72 h的L*与解冻损失率和含水率间显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)正相关,而红度(a*)与其存在显著(P<0.05)负相关,且48 h后的腿肌a*和b*与滴水损失率间显著(P<0.05)正相关。综上所述,美国野山鸡肌肉色泽和系水性之间存在明显的相关性,且与其性别、部位和宰后时间密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 美国野山鸡 系水性 肌肉色泽 相关性
肉的pH值与肉制品的系水性 被引量:5
作者 丛恕增 曲莉 +2 位作者 王瑛 朱晓光 张建国 《肉品卫生》 1994年第10期22-23,共2页
肉品在成熟过程中,由于糖酵解酶的作用,肌肉中的肌糖元转变为乳酸;同时在肌球蛋白酶的作用下,引起肌肉中三磷酸腺苷的分解产生正磷酸。由于这两种酸的形成,肉的pH值便由原来的中性或弱碱性(7.0—7.2)变成酸性(5.7左右)。 肉的系水性又... 肉品在成熟过程中,由于糖酵解酶的作用,肌肉中的肌糖元转变为乳酸;同时在肌球蛋白酶的作用下,引起肌肉中三磷酸腺苷的分解产生正磷酸。由于这两种酸的形成,肉的pH值便由原来的中性或弱碱性(7.0—7.2)变成酸性(5.7左右)。 肉的系水性又叫保水性,持水性。肉中的水分是以结合水、准结合水和自由水的状态存在的。其中的结合水和准结合水约占水分的80%以上。 展开更多
关键词 肉制品 PH值 系水性
作者 马晓花 高智勇 钱俊 《包装学报》 2022年第1期53-59,共7页
制备了碳系水性电热油墨,通过丝网印制将其与金属条紧密相连制备柔性电发热器件。对柔性电发热器件性能的研究结果表明:在不同工作电压下,柔性电发热器件发热均匀稳定;通电电压越大,其饱和温度越高;面积越小,其饱和温度越高;折叠弯折近2... 制备了碳系水性电热油墨,通过丝网印制将其与金属条紧密相连制备柔性电发热器件。对柔性电发热器件性能的研究结果表明:在不同工作电压下,柔性电发热器件发热均匀稳定;通电电压越大,其饱和温度越高;面积越小,其饱和温度越高;折叠弯折近2000次后,其电阻变化率小于4%。因此该柔性电发热器件具有良好的电加热性能和优异的机械性能。 展开更多
关键词 系水性电热油墨 柔性电发热器件 发热性能 机械弯折性能
转移涂布用水性丙烯酸系压敏黏合剂的交联与性能 被引量:5
作者 夏宇正 钱宣羽 +1 位作者 陈晓农 石淑先 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期29-34,共6页
以丙烯酸正丁酯、丙烯酸-2-乙基己酯为单体,壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚硫酸铵为乳化剂,巯基乙醇为链转移剂,(N-丁氧基甲基)丙烯酰胺/丙烯酸(NBMA/AA)为交联体系,采用全乳化半连续乳液聚合法制备了适用于转移涂布用丙烯酸系压敏黏合剂,所得黏合剂... 以丙烯酸正丁酯、丙烯酸-2-乙基己酯为单体,壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚硫酸铵为乳化剂,巯基乙醇为链转移剂,(N-丁氧基甲基)丙烯酰胺/丙烯酸(NBMA/AA)为交联体系,采用全乳化半连续乳液聚合法制备了适用于转移涂布用丙烯酸系压敏黏合剂,所得黏合剂相对交联速度慢,制品剥离时几乎无残胶。系统研究了NBMA/AA交联体系用量对乳液及压敏黏合剂制品性能的影响,当NBMA用量为1.5%,AA用量为3.0%时,乳液聚合稳定性最好,压敏黏合剂的初黏力可维持在14^#球以上,持黏力超过48h,180°剥离强度为2.72N/25mm。 展开更多
关键词 压敏黏合剂 转移涂布 水性丙烯酸聚合物乳液 交联
丙烯酸系高吸水性树脂的合成研究 被引量:3
作者 陈伊凡 朱靖 《化工中间体》 2009年第6期57-61,共5页
本实验运用溶液聚合法,采用丙烯酸,氢氧化钠作为主要反应试剂,并添加过硫酸铵(引发剂);亚硫酸氢钠(还原剂);N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酸酰胺(交联剂)制取丙烯酸类高吸水性树脂,并研究了引发剂用量、还原剂用量、交联剂用量、活性炭用量、中和度... 本实验运用溶液聚合法,采用丙烯酸,氢氧化钠作为主要反应试剂,并添加过硫酸铵(引发剂);亚硫酸氢钠(还原剂);N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酸酰胺(交联剂)制取丙烯酸类高吸水性树脂,并研究了引发剂用量、还原剂用量、交联剂用量、活性炭用量、中和度、起始温度这六个因素,进行六组测定蒸馏水吸水速率的实验,找出最优条件。 展开更多
关键词 丙烯酸高吸水性树脂 溶液聚合法 吸水倍率 丙烯酸
作者 张大勤 《科技资讯》 2011年第24期104-104,共1页
关键词 淀粉高吸水性树脂 制备方法 自由基
《有机硅氟资讯》 2002年第4期25-25,共1页
关键词 水性有机硅防水剂 上海大学 烷基氧基硅烷 活性配料 预乳化 乳化 PH调节 防水涂料
作者 卢亦文 彭卓宇 +1 位作者 彭永标 陶敏莉 《中国涂料》 CAS 2021年第5期46-51,共6页
为了解决水性醇酸涂料仍含有部分VOCs的问题,利用接枝熔融法合成了不含有机溶剂的水性醇酸分散体,并且对树脂进行了结构表征,对影响水性醇酸分散体的合成方式和酸值等因素进行了分析。在此基础上使用水性铁系催干剂制备出了超低VOCs水... 为了解决水性醇酸涂料仍含有部分VOCs的问题,利用接枝熔融法合成了不含有机溶剂的水性醇酸分散体,并且对树脂进行了结构表征,对影响水性醇酸分散体的合成方式和酸值等因素进行了分析。在此基础上使用水性铁系催干剂制备出了超低VOCs水性醇酸涂料,为消除水性醇酸涂料对大气的污染提供了新选择,开辟了新前景。 展开更多
关键词 大气污染 超低VOCs 接枝熔融法 水性醇酸涂料 水性催干剂
作者 别一飞 田宇飞 +4 位作者 陈云阳 李莉 刘毅 孙基泰 钱俊 《包装学报》 2024年第1期1-7,共7页
为了提高儿童对防伪技术的认知水平,将复杂的防伪技术概念转化为易于理解和吸收的形式,探索并实现一种以纸媒为载体的柔性印刷电路与防伪知识相结合的动态纸媒交互方法。制备了成本低、导电性好、适用于纸基丝网印刷的碳系水性导电油墨... 为了提高儿童对防伪技术的认知水平,将复杂的防伪技术概念转化为易于理解和吸收的形式,探索并实现一种以纸媒为载体的柔性印刷电路与防伪知识相结合的动态纸媒交互方法。制备了成本低、导电性好、适用于纸基丝网印刷的碳系水性导电油墨,通过学习板、答题纸、知识卡的拼接交互动作,触发柔性印刷电路上的编码点位连通,实现在纸媒实物层面与儿童进行视觉、触觉、听觉的深度交互学习过程。该产品使纸媒与数媒相互融合在一起,共同表达防伪知识的内容并传递给受众,使知识点呈现更加准确、清晰、高效。这种动态纸媒交互方法不仅保留了纸质载体真实自然的教学体验,还通过实体操作充分发挥儿童手、眼、脑的协调作用。同时,以可视化拼接触发编码点位接通的形式让教育大数据有迹可循,进一步推动柔性印刷电路在纸媒创新方面展现出新的活力,更好地传承和发扬中华传统文化的精髓。 展开更多
关键词 柔性印刷电路 纸媒 系水性导电油墨 防伪知识 多感官交互
滚揉方式和时间对猪肉切片火腿品质的影响 被引量:14
作者 孙建清 韩衍青 +3 位作者 王笑笑 徐宝才 周辉 周光宏 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期125-130,共6页
以精选猪后腿肉的股四头肌为主要原料,研究2种滚揉方式即连续滚揉和间歇滚揉(滚揉15 min,暂停15 min),4种有效滚揉运行时间(4、6、8和10 h)对猪肉火腿系水性(蒸煮损失率、压榨失水率、杀菌失水率)、质构特性(硬度、弹性、内聚性和咀嚼度... 以精选猪后腿肉的股四头肌为主要原料,研究2种滚揉方式即连续滚揉和间歇滚揉(滚揉15 min,暂停15 min),4种有效滚揉运行时间(4、6、8和10 h)对猪肉火腿系水性(蒸煮损失率、压榨失水率、杀菌失水率)、质构特性(硬度、弹性、内聚性和咀嚼度)、色泽和感官品质的影响。结果表明:滚揉方式对猪肉火腿的蒸煮损失率无显著性影响,连续式滚揉制得的猪肉火腿的压榨失水率和杀菌失水率显著大于间歇式滚揉制得的,而间歇式滚揉制得的火腿的系水性则优于连续式滚揉制得的。间歇式滚揉制得的火腿的咀嚼度、亮度值(L*)显著大于连续式滚揉的。滚揉方式对其他质构指标和红度值(a*)影响不大。间歇式滚揉所制得的火腿的感官总接受性分值大于连续式滚揉制得的。短时间滚揉(4 h)或长时间滚揉(10 h)均不利于火腿保水和质构的改善。当滚揉时间为8 h时,火腿的蒸煮损失率和杀菌失水率均最小,系水性最好,同时具有最好的质构特性、红度值及感官品质。采用间歇式滚揉,有效滚揉运行时间为8 h(总时间16 h,滚揉15 min,暂停15 min)时,猪肉切片火腿具有最好的品质。 展开更多
关键词 滚揉方式 滚揉时间 猪肉切片火腿 质构 系水性
Tolerance of a Restorer Line R1056 to High Temperature and Its Application in Rice Breeding 被引量:2
作者 万丙良 査中萍 +4 位作者 殷得所 李进波 杜雪树 夏明元 戚华雄 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2618-2623,共6页
The tolerance of a restorer line R1056 of rice and its hybrid combinations to high temperature at flowering stage was evaluated by sowing them at three dif- ferent dates and transplanting them into a greenhouse equipp... The tolerance of a restorer line R1056 of rice and its hybrid combinations to high temperature at flowering stage was evaluated by sowing them at three dif- ferent dates and transplanting them into a greenhouse equipped with heating system at flowering stage. Several important agronomic traits of these rice varieties or combinations were also measured. The results revealed that treated by high temper- ature (38 ℃) at flowering stage, the seed setting rate (70.4%), percentage of dehis- cent anthers (75.5%), and pollen number per floret (78) of R1056 were close to those of N22, which is tolerant to high temperature, and significantly higher than those of the rice varieties sensitive to high temperature. The seed setting rate, per- centage of dehiscent anthers, and pollen number per floret of the hybrid combina- tions generated from R1056 were smaller than those of R1056, but higher than those of the rice varieties sensitive to high temperature. R1056 had excellent agro- nomic traits, and good combining ability, and its hybrid combinations had low plant height, numerous panicles and high yield, suggesting that R1056 is not only an ex- cellent rice variety with tolerance to high temperature, but also an excellent restorer in three-line hybrid rice breeding. 展开更多
关键词 RICE High temperature TOLERANCE RESTORER
Study on the Agroclimatic Division of Thermosensitive Genetic Male Sterility Rice Breeding 被引量:1
作者 陈小敏 陈汇林 +1 位作者 邹海平 王斌 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期350-354,390,共6页
Using the meteorological data and geographical information during January-March(1961-2010) accumulated by 18 stations of Hainan,a suitability zoning map for thermo-sensitive genetic male sterility(TGMS) rice was m... Using the meteorological data and geographical information during January-March(1961-2010) accumulated by 18 stations of Hainan,a suitability zoning map for thermo-sensitive genetic male sterility(TGMS) rice was made by GIS technology based on temperature indicators required by TGMS rice during fertility sensitive period and heading-flowering period,aiming to provide reasonable layout and scientific basis for sustainable development of TGMS rice in Hainan Island under the background of global warming.The results indicated that the suitable planting zones covered the south regions of Wuzhishan,Jianfengling and Diaoluoshan;subordinate suitable zones expanded northward to central parts of Wuzhishan,Dongfang,Changjiang,Qiongzhong and southern parts of Wanning;the other regions were unsuitable for breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Thermo-sensitive genetic male sterility(TGMS) rice Fertility sensitive period Heading-flowering period Agroclimatic division HAINAN
Mapping QTLs for Panicle Traits Based on Rice RIL Population Derived from TD70 and Kasalath 被引量:1
作者 张亚东 董少玲 +8 位作者 张颖慧 陈涛 赵庆勇 朱镇 周丽慧 姚姝 赵凌 于新 王才林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1498-1502,1507,共6页
Two hundred and forty recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from a cross TD70/Kasalath and its linkage map including 141 SSR markers were used to map QTLs controlling panicle length (PL), total seeds per panicle ... Two hundred and forty recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from a cross TD70/Kasalath and its linkage map including 141 SSR markers were used to map QTLs controlling panicle length (PL), total seeds per panicle (TSP) and grain density (GD) in 2010 and 2011. The results showed that a total of 23 QTLs controlling three panicle traits were detected on chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10, respec- tively, including 5 QTLs controlling PL, 8 QTLs controlling TSP, 10 QTLs controlling GD, with the LOD value ranging between 2.5-9.3, and the QTLs explained the ob- served phenotypic by 4.0%-20.8%. The marker interval RM5699-RM424 on chro- mosome 2, RM489-RM1278 on chromosome 3, RM3367-RM1018 on chromosome 4, RM3343-RM412 on chromosome 6 were common marker intervals for TSP and GD; six QTLs (qPL3, qTSP4, qTSP6-2, qTSP7, qGD3-2 and qGDT) were detected in two years. Among these QTLs, the qPL3, qTSP6-2, qGD3-2 and qGD7 were major QTLs. All QTLs for PL mapped in the present study had been mapped QTLs previously by other research groups, 16 QTLs controlling TSP and GD were new ones which contributed the observed phenotypic variance range by 4%-9.5%. These results laid a founda^ion for further fine positioning or cloning these QTLs. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Recombinant inbred lines Panicle traits Quantitative trait locus
Study on Tissue Culture and Effective Clone Establishment of Hemistepta lyrata Bunge 被引量:3
作者 张文 郭晓丹 +2 位作者 王艳 徐娜 姜长阳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期47-50,104,共5页
[Objective] The research aimed to study the rapid propagation technology and establish effective clone of Hemistepta lyrata Bunge. [Method] With tender stem of Hemistepta lyrata Bunge as material, the conditions neede... [Objective] The research aimed to study the rapid propagation technology and establish effective clone of Hemistepta lyrata Bunge. [Method] With tender stem of Hemistepta lyrata Bunge as material, the conditions needed in calluses induction and differentiation, adventitious bud differentiation and radication, test tube seedling cutting and transplantation were studied. [ Result] The results showed that the optimum medium for granulated calluses induction from tender stem was MS + BA 0.3 mg/L +2,4-D 1 -1.5 mg/L, for granulated calluses and adventitious bud differentiation was MS + AgNO31.5 mg/L + BA 0.4 mg/L + NAA 0.1 mg/L. 1/2 MS + IAA 0.6 mg/L was suitable for test tube seedling rooting and regeneration, and cinder was used as transplantation and cutting substrate. [ Conclusion]This study will provide the scientific reference for choosing the feasible medium in tissue culture of Hemistepta lyrata Bunge. 展开更多
关键词 Hemistepta lyrata Bunge Calluses CLONE Rapid propagation
RITSD Analysis of the Agronomic Traits of Somaclonal in Rice 被引量:6
作者 谢戎 杨正林 +3 位作者 刘成元 李永洪 桑贤春 何光华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期36-41,共6页
[Objective]The aim was to study the sensitive response characteristics of the main agronomic traits of somaclonal and the variation of sensitive response of the lines of somaclonal to sowing date. [Method]The RITSD ch... [Objective]The aim was to study the sensitive response characteristics of the main agronomic traits of somaclonal and the variation of sensitive response of the lines of somaclonal to sowing date. [Method]The RITSD changing of agronomic traits was studied by using 24 rice somaclonal and its donor parent under two sowing dates. [Result]The average values of RITSD were higher (over one) for the traits of pant height (PH),density of spikelets (DS),filled spikelets per panicle (FSP),spikelets per panicle (SP) and grain weight per plant (GWP),but lower for days of sowing to heading (DSH),effective panicles (EP),panicle length (PL),seed setting rate (SS) and 1 000-grain weight (1 000-GW). These showed that PH,DS,FSP,SP and GWP were easily affected by sowing date and tended to higher with the later sowing; the RITSD of somaclonal changed with the agronomic traits. The frequency of RITSD' variation of DSH and PH was higher than that of PL. The RITSD' value of EP,PL,DS,FSP,SP and SS became higher,and higher or lower for DSH and GWP in different somaclonal; compared with the donor,20 of 24 was significantly different,and the frequency of RITSD variation was over 83. 3%,however,RITSD of the most lines (75%) changed only for 1-2 characters; cluster analysis showed that the RITSD of agronomic traits belonged to different combinations of somaclonal in rice. [Conclusion]the study had provided a theoretical basis for the screening and using of the somaclonal. 展开更多
关键词 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Somaclonal Respondence Index of Trait to Sowing Date (RITSD) Agronomic traits VARIATION
Effects of Nitrogen Quantity on Grain-filling Characters of Two-line Hybrid Rice with Large Ear 被引量:1
作者 刘洪 李之林 +3 位作者 徐振江 王维 任永浩 肖立中 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1621-1624,1674,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of N quantity on grain-filling characters of two-line hybrid rice cultivars with large ears. [Method] Peiza 67 and 88, two-line hybridized rice with large ears, were made us... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of N quantity on grain-filling characters of two-line hybrid rice cultivars with large ears. [Method] Peiza 67 and 88, two-line hybridized rice with large ears, were made use of to study on effects of N fertilizer in different quantities (LN: 90 kg/hm2;MN: 180 kg/hm2;HN: 270 kg/hm2) on plumpness and grain-filling characters. [Result] When N fertilizers were excessive, for inferior grains, grain-filling rate decreased and grain-filling time extended, resulting in plumpness decline after degradation of leaves' function. When N fertilizers were inadequate, maximal and average grain-filling rates decreased and the differences between superior and inferior grains in grain-filling rate increased, leading to decline of grain's weight and plumpness degree. On the other hand, quantity of N fertilizers had little effect on superior grains in plumpness. [Conclusion] The research provided references for reasonable use of N fertilizer and improvement of rice yield and N use. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen rate Two-line hybrid rice SEEDS Characters of grain filling
Analysis of Resistance-related Proteins in Rice Against Brown Planthopper by Two-dimensional Electrophoresis 被引量:12
作者 陈荣智 翁清妹 +2 位作者 黄臻 祝莉莉 何光存 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期427-432,共6页
A recombinant inbred population (RI) was constructed from a cross between B5, an introgression. line from the wild rice Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, and susceptible cultivar Minghui 63 ( O. sativa L.). The brown p... A recombinant inbred population (RI) was constructed from a cross between B5, an introgression. line from the wild rice Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, and susceptible cultivar Minghui 63 ( O. sativa L.). The brown planthopper ( BPH) resistances of RI lines were evaluated. Based on bulked segregant analysis (BSA), two protein bulks were made by extracting proteins from equally mixed seedlings of extremely resistant and susceptible plants selected from the RI population, respectively. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to detect the changes of polypeptide pattern. Results showed that a protein P40 ( pI 6.3, Mw 40 kD) was significantly reduced or vanished after BPH infestation for 48 h in the susceptible bulk, while it remained uninfluenced in the resistant bulk. In connection with the physiological changes of the resistant and susceptible lines subjected to BPH sucking, we suppose that the protein P40 is related to the interaction responses of lice plants to BPH infestation. 展开更多
关键词 RICE recombinant inbred lines brown planthopper resistance two-dimensional electrophoresis
A Comparative Study on the Leaf Characteristics and Root Vigor of Bowl Lotus under Hydroponics and Soil Culture 被引量:1
作者 张云峰 李文玲 +1 位作者 孟伟芳 孔德政 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第9期1267-1270,共4页
[Objective] The experiment aimed to study the growth characteristics of hydroponic bowl lotus. [Method] The lotus variety Hongxia was chosen as the experimental material. Two treatments, hydroponics and soil culture w... [Objective] The experiment aimed to study the growth characteristics of hydroponic bowl lotus. [Method] The lotus variety Hongxia was chosen as the experimental material. Two treatments, hydroponics and soil culture were set to measure their photosynthetic indices, chlorophyll content and root vigor, and to observe their leaf tissue structure and stomatal characteristics. [Result] The findings indicated that there are no differences in the leaf physiological indices between bowl lotus under hydroponics and soil culture, while the leaf stomata of hydroponic bowl lotus is bigger and its amount is larger than that of soil-culture bowl lotus. At the same time, the ratio of the palisade tissue thickness to spongy tissue thickness is small,and its leaf tissue structure is loose. The root vigor of hydroponic bowl lotus reached its summit earlier, then began to drop. Whereas, the root activity of soil-culture lotus sustained increasing, with vigorous growth. [Conclusion] Therefore, it indicated that hydroponic bowl lotus can adapt to the aquatic-culture environment well and quickly, meanwhile, it also enters into its aging period quickly and its growth cycle gets shorter. 展开更多
关键词 Bowl lotus HYDROPONICS Soil culture Leaf characteristics Root vigor
Mapping of QTLs Related to Grain Weight Using Chromosome Single Segment Substitution Lines in Rice 被引量:1
作者 王军 周勇 +5 位作者 杨杰 朱金燕 范方军 李文奇 梁国华 仲维功 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1288-1294,共7页
Grain weight, one of the major factors determining rice yield, is a typical quantitative trait control ed by multiple genes. With Guangluai 4 as recipient and Nipponbare as donor, a population of 119 chromosome single... Grain weight, one of the major factors determining rice yield, is a typical quantitative trait control ed by multiple genes. With Guangluai 4 as recipient and Nipponbare as donor, a population of 119 chromosome single segment substitution lines had been developed. Correlation analysis between grain weight and grain shape by SPSS revealed that 1 000-grain weight shared extremely significant posi-tive correlation with grain length and length-width ratio, but no significant correlation with grain width and thickness. The QTL analysis of grain weight was carried out using one-way analysis of variance and Dunnett's test. Nineteen stable QTLs re-sponsible for grain weight were identified over two years. Al 19 QTLs were identi-fied on al chromosomes except for chromosome 10 and 12 at a significance level of P≤0.001. Among them, 10 QTLs had a positive effect and were derived from the Nipponbare al ele, the additive effect of these QTLs ranged from 0.49 to 2.74 g, and the contributions of the additive effects ranged from 2.00% to 11.05%. Another 9 QTLs had a negative effect and were al derived from Guangluai 4 al ele, the ad-ditive effect of these QTLs ranged from 0.60 to 2.35 g, and the contributions of the additive effects ranged from 2.40% to 9.84%. The results provide a basis for the fine mapping and gene cloning of novel locus associated with rice grain weight. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Chromosome single segment substitution lines Quantitative trait loci 1 000-grain weight Substitution mapping
Construction of Accumulated Temperature Effect Model for Fertility Alteration of Two-line Sterile Line P88S
作者 王志伟 吉达维 +1 位作者 张芹 华泽田 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1144-1145,1148,共3页
[Objective]The research aimed at constructing an accumulated temperature effect model for fertility alteration of two-line hybrid rice P88S.[Method]Analyze the experiment datas of fertility alteration of P88S in Haina... [Objective]The research aimed at constructing an accumulated temperature effect model for fertility alteration of two-line hybrid rice P88S.[Method]Analyze the experiment datas of fertility alteration of P88S in Hainan from 2005 to 2006.[Result]The fertilities of P88S with temperatures ranging from 26 to 28 ℃ were determined by the absolute values and the accumulation effects of the temperature.An accumulation effect model of temperatures based on the bistable state was obtained.[Conclusion]The temperature asymmetry of fertility alteration for two-line sterility line in spring and autumn can be elucidated effectively using the accumulated temperature effect model,namely,alternating from fertile to sterile requires higher temperatures,and alternating from sterile to fertile requires lower temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice Two-line sterile line FERTILITY Accumulated temperature BISTABLE
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