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作者 张亚鹏 孙霄 +6 位作者 祝广钦 王乐鹏 孙一珂 王若冲 张海蓉 李婉君 马淑然 《环球中医药》 CAS 2024年第11期2257-2261,共5页
本文立足于系统中医学的元整体原理,深入探讨形气神一体化理论的科学内涵及临床应用。本研究认为,形气神一体化理论的实质是把人作为元整体构筑的“物质—能量—信息”一体化框架,其生理内涵是“物质—能量—信息”这一生命活动的有序稳... 本文立足于系统中医学的元整体原理,深入探讨形气神一体化理论的科学内涵及临床应用。本研究认为,形气神一体化理论的实质是把人作为元整体构筑的“物质—能量—信息”一体化框架,其生理内涵是“物质—能量—信息”这一生命活动的有序稳态,而病理内涵则是其失序失稳。在系统中医学元整体原理指导下,形气神一体化思想可以有效指导临床诊疗,阐释疾病的病理演变,应用于疾病诊断的整体分析,并在系统性疾病调治中发挥重要作用。形气神一体化强调形气神相互作用与平衡是维护人体健康的关键,不仅为疾病诊断和治疗提供重要指导,也为养生提供理论基础,从而有助于更准确地把握疾病的病理本质,并制定更为全面有效的治疗策略。文章提倡在诊疗过程中依托气化理论进行察神、调气、调形的一体化临床实践。运用形气神一体化的新思维模式,凸显了人体元整体性在临床病理分析、诊断与治疗指导中的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 系统中医学 人的整体性 元整体原理 形气神一体 物质—能量—信息
系统中医学视域下的中医精准医疗 被引量:17
作者 陈少宗 齐向华 祝世讷 《山东中医杂志》 2019年第6期503-507,518,共6页
中医辨证施治体系体现了精准医疗的基本精神,但中医辨证施治体系的精细化、精准化需要进一步升级和完善。中医精准医疗有别于西医精准医疗,其特点是运用系统科学的方法专注于对整体状态的认识和把控,并能够融合西医的各种客观数据,体现... 中医辨证施治体系体现了精准医疗的基本精神,但中医辨证施治体系的精细化、精准化需要进一步升级和完善。中医精准医疗有别于西医精准医疗,其特点是运用系统科学的方法专注于对整体状态的认识和把控,并能够融合西医的各种客观数据,体现了整体论与还原论的辩证统一。发展系统中医学和系统中医学理论指导下的中医精准医疗体系是中医现代化的重要方向之一,这一过程涉及以病规范证、系统科学、状态辨识、大数据、人工智能技术等问题。 展开更多
关键词 系统中医学 医精准医疗 状态辨识 大数据 人工智能
系统中医学研究的回顾 被引量:14
作者 陈少宗 王振国 《山东中医药大学学报》 2019年第4期330-334,323,共6页
系统中医学研究始于20世纪末叶,成形于21世纪初。系统中医学的创立和发展具有坚实的客观基础,这就是人的复杂性。人作为开放复杂巨系统,以人为服务对象的医学研究应当遵循这一复杂巨系统的特性和规律。中医学从宏观层面朴素地认识到了... 系统中医学研究始于20世纪末叶,成形于21世纪初。系统中医学的创立和发展具有坚实的客观基础,这就是人的复杂性。人作为开放复杂巨系统,以人为服务对象的医学研究应当遵循这一复杂巨系统的特性和规律。中医学从宏观层面朴素地认识到了这一复杂巨系统的功能变化特点、疾病演变规律,形成了现代系统论的原始雏形。而现代系统论和系统科学则为研究、推动中医系统论的发展提供了科学基础。祝世讷教授是系统中医学的主要开拓者,至今已在该领域出版个人专著9部,发表论文150余篇。从三个方面回顾了系统中医学的发展:①系统中医学研究的起步和过程;②主要的研究成果;③钱学森院士对这一领域研究所给予的鼓励和支持。 展开更多
关键词 医现代化 系统 系统中医学 系统科学 祝世讷 钱学森 发展轨迹
“系统中医学”研究专题 被引量:13
作者 祝世讷 《山东中医药大学学报》 2019年第4期324-329,323,共7页
系统中医学是以系统科学为主导的中医现代研究。它植根于人的复杂性,继承和坚持经典中医学研究人的复杂性的方向和成就,在系统科学主导下,把人的生命运动及其健康与疾病的复杂性作为研究方向和主题,突破经典中医学遇到的"复杂性&qu... 系统中医学是以系统科学为主导的中医现代研究。它植根于人的复杂性,继承和坚持经典中医学研究人的复杂性的方向和成就,在系统科学主导下,把人的生命运动及其健康与疾病的复杂性作为研究方向和主题,突破经典中医学遇到的"复杂性"瓶颈,把中医学对人的复杂性的认识和调理提高到全新水平,成为中医现代研究和发展的必由之路。这个研究方向由钱学森倡导和引领,首先在山东形成,经过奠基、起步、展开,在理论研究和临床应用上都取得重大进展,正进入全新的发展时期。 展开更多
关键词 系统中医学 系统科学 复杂性 经典医学 医现代化
系统中医学指导下重振整体诊疗模式探讨 被引量:2
作者 陈云 《山东中医药大学学报》 2020年第1期8-13,共6页
就中医学整体诊疗模式的临床探索进行理论总结及学术探讨。首先回顾了近年来经典中医学的整体诊疗及其异化,深刻认识到要打破和纠正现代分科诊疗的局限,必须认识和遵循人的生命及其病变的整体性,重振和发展中医学的整体诊疗模式。其次... 就中医学整体诊疗模式的临床探索进行理论总结及学术探讨。首先回顾了近年来经典中医学的整体诊疗及其异化,深刻认识到要打破和纠正现代分科诊疗的局限,必须认识和遵循人的生命及其病变的整体性,重振和发展中医学的整体诊疗模式。其次对重振中医整体诊疗的临床探索进行了理论总结,实践证明中医学整体观是中医整体辨证、诊断、调理、养护的理论基础。最后探讨了重振与复兴中医学整体诊疗模式的方法,认为要在系统中医学指导下以天生人观点、元整体观点、系统质观点为核心,发展中医学的现代整体观。并以此为基础,开拓和发展中医的现代化整体诊疗模式。 展开更多
关键词 系统中医学 医整体观 医整体诊疗 天生人观点 元整体观点 系统质观点
系统中医学视域下基于脉象系统认识疾病过程 被引量:5
作者 杨妮 齐向华 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期6-11,共6页
针对人之生命过程与疾病过程的复杂性,从系统中医学角度出发,基于脉象系统所表征的机体特征分析疾病过程。认为疾病过程作为人生命系统的一部分,应在系统中医学的指导下根据系统中医学非加和原理、元整体原理、“天生人”原理、有机性... 针对人之生命过程与疾病过程的复杂性,从系统中医学角度出发,基于脉象系统所表征的机体特征分析疾病过程。认为疾病过程作为人生命系统的一部分,应在系统中医学的指导下根据系统中医学非加和原理、元整体原理、“天生人”原理、有机性原理、功能性原理、有序性原理、自主性原理7条基本原理进行理解与把握。提出疾病是整体意义上人的病变,包含人与自然环境、脏腑组织之间、局部与整体、心理与躯体等多方面因素;其中各要素之间的层次性构成了疾病过程的纵向网络,各层次及要素的时序性构成了疾病过程中的横向关系。通过对脉象系统中各个脉象要素、脉象层次之间的因果、演化、并列、时序等关系的梳理,从层次、时间纵横双向可构建疾病发展框架从而认识整个疾病过程。 展开更多
关键词 脉象 疾病过程 系统中医学 系统辨证脉学 系统科学
基于系统中医学元整体原理探讨气的内涵 被引量:1
作者 胡孙林 刘雷蕾 +5 位作者 孙一珂 祝广钦 孙霄 何雪 颜纯佳 马淑然 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第24期2490-2494,共5页
在系统梳理从物质、能量、信息、关系实在角度对气的认识的基础上,引入系统中医学的元整体观念,同时结合“三层物质理论”这一气的最新研究成果,试完善气理论体系的结构框架,展现一元之气的发生发展规律。强调元整体发生观中的气化等级... 在系统梳理从物质、能量、信息、关系实在角度对气的认识的基础上,引入系统中医学的元整体观念,同时结合“三层物质理论”这一气的最新研究成果,试完善气理论体系的结构框架,展现一元之气的发生发展规律。强调元整体发生观中的气化等级秩序,并据此来指导临床认识“气病”,帮助医者把握疾病的基本病机,即气运失常,助其树立以调气为要、对患者进行系统中医调治的意识。同时将人置于时空结构中探讨,指出治病疗疾要遵从天、地、人“三和”的原则。 展开更多
关键词 系统中医学 元整体 三层物质理论
论“中医为体,西医为用”的“病、证、症”三结合临床辨治模式构建 被引量:7
作者 杨殿兴 《四川中医》 2020年第5期32-41,共10页
基于中医临床问题的系列思考,提出"中医为体,西医为用"的总体思路,建立中医临床系统中医学,将中医证与西医病相结合,将整体与局部相结合,将宏观与微观相结合,将临床用方与针对性用药相结合,将临床用药与科研成果相结合,提出了... 基于中医临床问题的系列思考,提出"中医为体,西医为用"的总体思路,建立中医临床系统中医学,将中医证与西医病相结合,将整体与局部相结合,将宏观与微观相结合,将临床用方与针对性用药相结合,将临床用药与科研成果相结合,提出了"病--证--症"三结合诊疗模式,建立临床中医学的理论范式。 展开更多
关键词 医为体 西医为用 症结合 系统中医学
作者 谢月敏 陆小左 《河南中医》 2016年第4期571-573,共3页
中医药工程学是随着现代科学技术的发展而新兴的一门边缘化的交叉学科,运用工程技术的原理和现代自然科学研究相结合的方法探讨中医学的基本理论、机制和体系。其研究方向包括:1中医诊断客观化的研究;2建立中医学综合系统;3揭示中医学... 中医药工程学是随着现代科学技术的发展而新兴的一门边缘化的交叉学科,运用工程技术的原理和现代自然科学研究相结合的方法探讨中医学的基本理论、机制和体系。其研究方向包括:1中医诊断客观化的研究;2建立中医学综合系统;3揭示中医学的科学内涵。中医药工程学作为一门新兴的边缘学科,其发展任重而道远,需要培养大量的专业人才,使得中医药工程学的发展能真正的从理论中来到实践中去,理论与实践相结合,完善中医疗效的评价系统,并且能不断的提高现有的研究技术,实现新的突破,为维护人类的健康和提高生命质量做出杰出的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 医药工程学 医诊断 医学综合系统
The rationale behind the four major anti-COVID-19 principles of Chinese herbal medicine based on systems medicine 被引量:4
作者 Guanyuan Jin Louis Lei Jin Bonnie Xia Jin 《Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine》 2021年第2期90-98,共9页
As the novel coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)and its variants continue to rage into the second year of a global pandemic,many success stories of applying Chinese herbal medicine(CHM)to treat COVID-19 patients contin... As the novel coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)and its variants continue to rage into the second year of a global pandemic,many success stories of applying Chinese herbal medicine(CHM)to treat COVID-19 patients continue to emerge from China and other part of the world.Herewith,from a systems medicine perspective,the authors analyze those experiences and categorize them into four major treatment principles:(1)focusing on eliminating toxins in the early stage of the disease,(2)tonifying deficiency of the body throughout the entire disease course,(3)treating the affected lung and intestine simultaneously based on visceral interactions,(4)cooling blood and removing blood stasis at the later stage,as well as interpret the rationale of these principles.This is helpful not only in reducing the complexity of promoting the CHM applications to enhance anti-COVID-19 efficacy,but also in ramping out the process of integrating traditional Chinese medicine with modern medical practices. 展开更多
关键词 Anti-COVID-19 Chinese herbal medicine Systems medicine Treatment principles RATIONALE
An analysis on present situation and development of Medical Delivery System in China
作者 田伟 张鹭鹭 +2 位作者 欧崇阳 仇元峰 马玉琴 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2007年第3期185-190,共6页
Objective:To explore the present situation and development of Medical Delivery System in China.Methods:The data in three Nation Health Service Investigations were compared and analyzed by applying literature meta-anal... Objective:To explore the present situation and development of Medical Delivery System in China.Methods:The data in three Nation Health Service Investigations were compared and analyzed by applying literature meta-analysis,Delphi and cross-sectional investigation,etc.Results:The Medical Ser- vice resource develops fast,and public cost for medical treatment keeps increasing.Organization structure presents a vertical and flat trend.Inhabitant health level rises year by year,and it is hard to resolve the problem of potential medical demand transformed.Conclusion:Medical Delivery System in China has formed,but the development of Medical Service System still exists structural problems in the deeper lay- er.The development trend predicts that the supervision of the government is gradually reinforcing and community health service develops step by step. 展开更多
关键词 HEALTH current situation PROBLEM development tendency
Study on the difference of payment time of medical insurance in China
作者 PAN Yutong 《International English Education Research》 2018年第3期4-6,共3页
Since medical insurance of our country developed, it is continued to deepen reform and became the basic form of the pcrfcct medical insurance system. However, regional differences still exist. The current medical insu... Since medical insurance of our country developed, it is continued to deepen reform and became the basic form of the pcrfcct medical insurance system. However, regional differences still exist. The current medical insurance system of China's urban and rural structure background of two structures of serious, city residents, workers and rural residents is significantly difference in the payment period ,for this question ,the difference between our country will solve the basic medical insurance payment period, the relative level of regulating wages and medical people in our country and develop the medical insurance level, narrow the regional differences, reduce cost problem caused by population flow management, the basic medical insurance system for suggestions to improve the unified and promoting the social and economic level, people's medical security level, perfect improvement of physical insurance system of medical insurance according to the long-term sustainable development has a far-reaching significance. 展开更多
关键词 medical treatment payment age of medicine: differences
Mechanism analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine in treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy based on network pharmacology and Traditional Chinese Medicine inheritance support system
作者 Yu-hui Ma Li-na Zhang +2 位作者 Qian Cui Lin-feng Li Guo-wei Zhang 《TMR Modern Herbal Medicine》 2019年第2期64-73,共10页
Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus. In the early stage, edema and proteinuria are the main clinical manifestations. In the later stage, glomerulosclerosis and interstiti... Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus. In the early stage, edema and proteinuria are the main clinical manifestations. In the later stage, glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis will occur. And the prognosis is poor. Nowadays, traditional Chinese medicine has a remarkable curative effect in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. There are more and more studies on the treatment of diabetic nephropathy with traditional Chinese medicine, but most of them focus on the syndromes of diabetic nephropathy, which are short of in-depth research and summary on the mechanism of Chinese herbal prescriptions. In this paper, the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system and network pharmacology BATMAN-TCM software were used to collect and analyze the relevant literature. It was found that the core compatibility of Shanzhuyu, Fuling and Shuyu in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy is closely related to the signal transduction pathway and target of diabetic nephropathy, and has a positive effect on the improvement of clinical symptoms such as proteinuria, glycometabolism disorder, edema, etc. This paper explores the core compatibility of Shanzhuyu, Fuling and Shuyu on diabetic nephropathy, in order to provide reference for clinical treatment. 展开更多
关键词 diabetic nephropathy traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) network pharmacology TCM inheritance support system BATMAN-TCM
Understanding association of spleen system with earth on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 被引量:7
作者 Xiaoyuan Yang Chunhua Jia 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期134-136,共3页
OBJECTIVE: The association of spleen system including both spleen and stomach with earth, one of the five elements, is a part of the theory of five elements. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used th... OBJECTIVE: The association of spleen system including both spleen and stomach with earth, one of the five elements, is a part of the theory of five elements. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used the theory as a reasoning tool to illustrate the Zang-Fu organs' physiological functions and the interaction among them.The exploration of how the theory of that spleen system is associated with earth was created may provide insights into how five-element theory is applied to TCM practice. METHODS: Using analogism as a method to explore the relationship between earth and spleen system inTCM. RESULTS: Chinese ancestors experienced and observed the features of earth from agricultural practice and used the knowledge for the explanation ofspleen system functions including physiological functions, pathological characteristics and for the treatment of related illnesses. CONCLUSION: The theory of the five elements in TCM is a kind of metaphor, which depends on observation and exploration of the natural world and experience of human beings. 展开更多
关键词 EARTH Spleen system METAPHOR COGNITION Source domain Target domain
Application of Systems Biology Technology in Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine 被引量:8
作者 李平 杨丽萍 巩跃文 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期153-157,共5页
Systems biology is an emerging science of the 21st century and its method and design of study resemble those of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Adopting systems biology technology will help to understand TCM Syndr... Systems biology is an emerging science of the 21st century and its method and design of study resemble those of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Adopting systems biology technology will help to understand TCM Syndromes and modernize Chinese herbal medicine. The technology platforms of systems biology, especially proteomics can provide useful tools for exploring essence of TCM syndromes and understanding principle of herbal formulation. Moreover, compared with methods of molecular biology, such as genomics and proteomics, metabolomics provide more direct, rapid, concise and effective methods for study of kidney disease especially in the case of prevention and treatment with TCM. 展开更多
关键词 systems biology TCM syndromes modernization of Chinese medicine PROTEOMICS metabolomics
One Yin-Yang Wu-Xing Model of TCM 被引量:1
作者 陈树新 张文然 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2008年第5期266-268,共3页
Although Yin-Yang Wu-Xing (Yin-Yang and Five-Elements, subsystems of human body) has been the theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for more than 5 000 years, it has been primarily analytical or ... Although Yin-Yang Wu-Xing (Yin-Yang and Five-Elements, subsystems of human body) has been the theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for more than 5 000 years, it has been primarily analytical or empirical in nature without a formal scientific foundation. Based on bipolar set theory, an equilibrium/non-equilibrium computational model of Yin-Yang Wu-Xing is proposed. The Yin-Yang Wu-Xing dynamical systems are formulated so that equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions can be established and proved. Computer simulations of equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes show that this new approach can provide diagnostic decision support in TCM. Thus, this equilibrium-based approach provides a unique scientific basis for future research in TCM, Qi (vital energy), QiGong, Meridians and Collaterals (acupuncture channels) and herbal treatment. On the other hand, it provides a basic Yin-Yang cellular network architecture for modem scientific research in genomics such that regulation mechanisms of the ubiquitous YY1 protein for cell processes can be explained. 展开更多
关键词 YIN-YANG Five-Elements QI YOGA Meridians and Collaterals Traditional Medicine Chinese Systems Biology Computer Simulation
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