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作者 王发家 《能源与节能》 2024年第8期302-305,共4页
高抽巷抽采作为工作面回采瓦斯治理主要措施之一,均要设置与采区进回巷连通的系统巷,综合出矸、运料、掘进等因素考虑,在掘进期间需要设置局部通风机、风筒、皮带输送机等设备设施,回采期间需敷设瓦斯抽采管路。若高抽系统巷设计不合理... 高抽巷抽采作为工作面回采瓦斯治理主要措施之一,均要设置与采区进回巷连通的系统巷,综合出矸、运料、掘进等因素考虑,在掘进期间需要设置局部通风机、风筒、皮带输送机等设备设施,回采期间需敷设瓦斯抽采管路。若高抽系统巷设计不合理,就会出现安全间距不足、通风系统不稳定、全风压回风流中有电气设备、高抽巷闭墙漏风量大、采空区瓦斯治理和防灭火管理难度增大等隐患。优化后的高抽系统巷沿轨道大巷开口向上在稳定岩层中施工,与15号煤层回风大巷贯通。高抽系统巷布置有进风巷、回风巷,优化后的高抽系统巷具有并联风阻小、高抽巷漏风量小、出矸和运料系统独立、通风设施少、通风系统独立、抽采系统独立、全风压回风流中无电气设备等优点,对工作面回采期间和已采后的瓦斯抽采以及防灭火安全均有很好的安全保障。 展开更多
关键词 高抽 系统巷 优化改造
西二下盘区101运输顺槽系统巷优化设计研究与应用 被引量:1
作者 李小龙 《煤矿现代化》 2018年第2期14-16,共3页
综采工作面运输顺槽系统巷主要包括着回风绕道、运料绕道以及辅助设施,由于煤矿生产部门对系统巷设计不合理,经常出现系统巷施工难度大、施工周期长以及损失煤柱多等难题,不仅影响着整个巷道施工进度,而且在施工期间很容易发生重大安全... 综采工作面运输顺槽系统巷主要包括着回风绕道、运料绕道以及辅助设施,由于煤矿生产部门对系统巷设计不合理,经常出现系统巷施工难度大、施工周期长以及损失煤柱多等难题,不仅影响着整个巷道施工进度,而且在施工期间很容易发生重大安全隐患,对此山煤集团左云长春兴煤业有限公司综掘队在施工西二下盘区101运输顺槽系统巷时通过对原系统巷设计存在问题进行分析,并对原系统巷进行优化设计,实践证明优化后系统巷降低了巷道施工难度,提高了巷道掘进效率,取得了显著的成效。 展开更多
关键词 系统巷掘进 优化设计 研究应用
作者 梁立鹏 《煤炭与化工》 CAS 2016年第11期60-61,64,共3页
关键词 走向高抽系统巷 道掘进 优化设计
作者 任寅生 《能源技术与管理》 2017年第4期150-151,共2页
阳煤五矿西北翼补回风巷截止到2016-07-09T8:00班,已掘进61 m,剩余144 m将与8127出煤系统巷贯通。为保证贯通施工安全顺利进行,需对西北翼补回风巷与8127出煤系统巷贯通施工技术研究,首先在贯通剩余20 m时,使用透口维护技术对被贯通侧... 阳煤五矿西北翼补回风巷截止到2016-07-09T8:00班,已掘进61 m,剩余144 m将与8127出煤系统巷贯通。为保证贯通施工安全顺利进行,需对西北翼补回风巷与8127出煤系统巷贯通施工技术研究,首先在贯通剩余20 m时,使用透口维护技术对被贯通侧进行支设木柱加强维护,贯通后回撤木柱打槽钢维护。其次分情况在距贯通剩余20 m时、距贯通剩余10 m时、贯通剩1~1.5 m时,实施必要的贯通施工技术。最后提出了施工过程中应注意的安全事项,最终确保了两巷的顺利贯通。 展开更多
关键词 补回风 8127出煤系统巷 贯通施工技术
巷道掘进直流电阻率法超前探测技术应用探讨 被引量:35
作者 张平松 李永盛 胡雄武 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期135-140,共6页
直流电阻率法在巷道超前探水中起到了重要的作用,但受巷道测试条件限制,依据点电源电场球壳理论的超前探测在实际应用中仍存在诸多问题。论文在对直流电阻率法超前探测中数据采集方式、非均质地质条件、巷道干扰因素等进行讨论的同时,... 直流电阻率法在巷道超前探水中起到了重要的作用,但受巷道测试条件限制,依据点电源电场球壳理论的超前探测在实际应用中仍存在诸多问题。论文在对直流电阻率法超前探测中数据采集方式、非均质地质条件、巷道干扰因素等进行讨论的同时,通过改变数据采集观测系统,利用多次覆盖方式、巷孔联合方式增加数据量,提高了对前方含水异常体的综合认识及预测能力。巷道超前探测实践表明,直流电阻率法探测应增大激励场对前方地质体的影响力,这样可以获得较为可靠的观测数据。改进后的观测系统增强了对前方含水异常体的判识能力,其预报结果准确可靠,对巷道掘进安全生产指导意义大。同时指出巷道直流电法超前探测需加大对聚焦电流方式研究,并结合多方法配合综合预报与解释。 展开更多
关键词 直流电阻率法超前探测 多次覆盖系统 孔联合观测系统 含水异常体
作者 刘广东 郑佳德 郭紫岳 《机械工程师》 2015年第6期150-151,共2页
关键词 立体仓库 轨道系统 堆垛机 货叉
作者 赵飞 柏建彪 柳军涛 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期200-205,共6页
为研究充填墙强度和宽度对巷道变形的影响,确定合理的巷旁充填参数,建立了充填墙承载结构模型,并基于多指标分析,运用全面试验设计,精确分析了充填墙强度、宽度两因素四水平对沿空留巷充填墙水平位移H、顶板下沉量J、煤帮水平位移K、底... 为研究充填墙强度和宽度对巷道变形的影响,确定合理的巷旁充填参数,建立了充填墙承载结构模型,并基于多指标分析,运用全面试验设计,精确分析了充填墙强度、宽度两因素四水平对沿空留巷充填墙水平位移H、顶板下沉量J、煤帮水平位移K、底鼓量L影响的显著性。研究表明:设计巷旁充填参数必须考虑强度和宽度两因素作用;强度、宽度两因素四水平对指标H、L影响显著,对指标J、K影响不显著,抓住主要指标H、L,兼顾次要指标J、K,考虑强度和宽度的交互作用,确定新元矿3107工作面充填墙强度10 MPa和宽度2.0 m为最优组合。将研究成果应用于3107工作面,取得良好的围岩控制效果。 展开更多
关键词 旁充填 充填墙强度和宽度 旁承载系统 全面试验设计 多指标分析
菊儿胡同住宅改造工程的类型学分析 被引量:15
作者 苏继会 权薇 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2004年第4期372-375,共4页
菊儿胡同住宅改造工程是我国新时期探索旧城住区更新的杰出典范,它以"有机更新"理论为指导,在胡同-院落体系下发展了"新四合院"模式。用类型学的一般理论和罗西的新理性主义类型学对该工程的分析能使该工程被更深... 菊儿胡同住宅改造工程是我国新时期探索旧城住区更新的杰出典范,它以"有机更新"理论为指导,在胡同-院落体系下发展了"新四合院"模式。用类型学的一般理论和罗西的新理性主义类型学对该工程的分析能使该工程被更深地理解,并能启发人们借鉴类型学的原理和方法对旧城住区更新中关于保护与发展、继承与创新的问题进行全面而理性的思考。 展开更多
关键词 菊儿胡同 住宅改造工程 建筑类型学 新四合院 新里系统 城市形态
五阳煤矿7607综采工作面综合灭火措施 被引量:2
作者 张志晶 孟龙川 杜珮颖 《中国煤炭》 2020年第3期51-57,共7页
对五阳煤矿7607综采工作面火势进行了分析,计算出7607工作面火势的燃煤当量,从而制定火区的救灾方案。详细介绍了如何进行火区封闭及惰化,包括从地表施工钻孔注水、注氮,高抽巷抽采系统和封闭窒息等多重防灭火技术,结果表明,该综采工作... 对五阳煤矿7607综采工作面火势进行了分析,计算出7607工作面火势的燃煤当量,从而制定火区的救灾方案。详细介绍了如何进行火区封闭及惰化,包括从地表施工钻孔注水、注氮,高抽巷抽采系统和封闭窒息等多重防灭火技术,结果表明,该综采工作面的灭火措施效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 综采面 高抽抽采系统 钻孔注水 注氮 封闭窒息
Safety diagnosis on coal mine production system based on fuzzy logic inference 被引量:4
作者 王爽英 左红艳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期477-481,共5页
According to the randomness and uncertainty of information in the safety diagnosis of coal mine production system (CMPS), a novel safety diagnosis method was proposed by applying fuzzy logic inference method, which co... According to the randomness and uncertainty of information in the safety diagnosis of coal mine production system (CMPS), a novel safety diagnosis method was proposed by applying fuzzy logic inference method, which consists of safety diagnosis fuzzifier, defuzzifier, fuzzy rules base and inference engine. Through the safety diagnosis on coal mine roadway rail transportation system, the result shows that the unsafe probability is about 0.5 influenced by no speed reduction and over quick turnout on roadway, which is the most possible reason leading to the accident of roadway rail transportation system. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine production system safety diagnosis fuzzy logic inference
Numerical simulation of ventilation in blinding heading 被引量:1
作者 常德强 柳静献 陈宝智 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第4期542-545,共4页
The way of ventilation in all its forms and characteristics in the blinding heading was studied.On the basis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) the turbulence model of restrained ventilation in blinding heading was... The way of ventilation in all its forms and characteristics in the blinding heading was studied.On the basis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) the turbulence model of restrained ventilation in blinding heading was set up,and the calculation boundary condi- tions were analyzed.According to the practice application the three-dimensional flow field of ventilation in blinding heading was simulated by the computational fluid dynamics soft- ware.The characteristics of the ventilation flow field such as the temperature field zone and the flow filed zone and the rule of the flow velocity were obtained.The ventilation in blinding heading under certain circumstances was calculated and simulated for optimiza- tion.The optimal ventilation form and related parameters under given condition were ob- tained.The rule of the ventilation in blinding heading was theoretical analyzed,which pro- vided reference for the research on the process of mass transfer,the rule of hazardous substances transportation and ventilation efficiency,provided a new method for the study of reasonable and effective ventilation in blinding heading. 展开更多
关键词 ventilation blinding heading computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulation
Composite active control system of roof and side truss cable for large section coal roadway in fold coal pillar area 被引量:5
作者 Sheng-Rong XIE Er-Peng LI Fu-Lian HE Shou-Bao ZHANG Guang-Chao ZHANG Mao-Yu PANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第2期126-132,共7页
In order to solve the surrounding rock control problem of large section gangue replacement roadway under complicated conditions, this paper analyzed the impact to the roadway controlling produced by the geological con... In order to solve the surrounding rock control problem of large section gangue replacement roadway under complicated conditions, this paper analyzed the impact to the roadway controlling produced by the geological conditions such as high ground stress, folded structure tilted roof asymmetry and soft wall rock, and built the tilt layered roof structural mechanics model to clarify the increase span mechanism of the weak coal instability. Then, we proposed the combined control system including roof inclined truss cable, coal-side cable-channel steel and intensive bolt support. And then by building the structural mechanics model of roof inclined truss cable system, the support principle was described. Besides, according to this model, we deduced the calculation formula of cable anchoring force and its tensile stress. Finally surrounding rock control technology of large section roadway in fold coal pillar area was formed. Field practice shows that the greatest roof convergence of gangue replacement roadway is 158 mm and coal-side deformation is 243 mm. Roadway deformation is controlled effectively and technical support is provided for replacement mining. 展开更多
关键词 fold coal pillar area increase span mechanism roof inclined truss cable system coal-side cable-channel steel structural mechanics model
石圪节矿采掘工作面贯通由Y变W时通风方案优选 被引量:1
作者 白华峰 《煤》 2014年第9期40-42,共3页
关键词 沿空留:通风系统 调整优化
作者 来兴平 伍永平 +1 位作者 张冰川 蔡美峰 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2000年第1期40-44,共5页
The present study shows that naturally the enormous engineering structure interaction with medium material, geometry or non linearity hazardous simulation experiment, response analysis and computing theory have been r... The present study shows that naturally the enormous engineering structure interaction with medium material, geometry or non linearity hazardous simulation experiment, response analysis and computing theory have been regarded as a high level question in the architecture, bridge, tunnel, hydraulic, etc engineering fields.Approaches an integrated intelligent methodology to predict stability and supporting decision in underground drift based on neural network modelling on coal rock mechanical problem is proposed.By the terms of the non linearity numerical simulation, this paper develops integrated intelligent methodology to research on the structure hazardous response strata soft rock drifts. 展开更多
关键词 integrated intelligent methodology neural network numerical simulation
作者 韩凤山 康立勋 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2000年第1期37-39,共3页
It is well known that artificial neural network which has marvelous ability to gain knowledge has been widely used in various engineering field.In this paper, support of roadway in soft rock has been researched based ... It is well known that artificial neural network which has marvelous ability to gain knowledge has been widely used in various engineering field.In this paper, support of roadway in soft rock has been researched based on neural network. 展开更多
关键词 neural network support of roadway soft rock
Stability control of water-enriched roofs of coal drifts 被引量:1
作者 LI Xue-hua YAO Qiang-ling +2 位作者 DING Xiao-lei WANG Yi-pin ZHANG Lei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第4期467-472,共6页
Excavation-and-support induced disturbances are likely to make water-enriched roofs to become weathered and fractured.The development and connection of cracks provide new water channels which may result in water loss,... Excavation-and-support induced disturbances are likely to make water-enriched roofs to become weathered and fractured.The development and connection of cracks provide new water channels which may result in water loss,seriously affecting the in-tegrity and stability of roofs,leading to incidents of roof fall.Control of water-enriched rocks surrounding coal drifts is quite diffi-cult in China.Based on the practical situation of a water-enriched roof of a coal drift in working face 112201 of the Meihuajing coal mine,we studied the deformation features of surrounding rocks and the development of fractured areas and analyzed the major reasons for the decrease in load-carrying capacity,indicating that the key to maintain roof stability of this kind of coal drift is water retention.In addition,we proposed a staged control technology consisting of:1) surface grouting;2) cable anchor strengthening and 3) roof grouting,which has proven to be successful in this practical application.Our study indicates that,after the problem of water loss from the water-enriched roof had been effectively solved,a combined support system with high performance bolts can maintain the stability of the bearing structure,resulting in the control of roof stability in this kind of coal drift. 展开更多
关键词 AQUIFER roof stability water retention staged control
作者 来兴平 张冰川 蔡美峰 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2000年第2期15-18,共4页
A simulation acoustic emission (AE) signal was processed. And an effective algorithm was presented to obtain the useful signal about the place information from the simulation signal. This paper introduces the artifici... A simulation acoustic emission (AE) signal was processed. And an effective algorithm was presented to obtain the useful signal about the place information from the simulation signal. This paper introduces the artificial monitoring system, its application at underground roadway and its monitoring results, and tries to explore theoretically analyzing method of stability of underground concrete roadway by AE parameters. A simulation AE signal was processed. And an effective algorithm was presented to obtain the useful signal about the place information from the simulation signal It shows the nice future of the application in the active damage detection of composite material. 展开更多
关键词 concrete structural roadway acoustic emission composite material
Performance analysis of wireless local area networks(WLAN) in a coal-mine tunnel environment
作者 ZHU Changping DENG Xingsong +4 位作者 ZHU Jia LI Lei ZENG Xiaoyang YU Hongzhen ZHANG Shen 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期629-634,共6页
In order to establish an effective wireless communication system in an underground coal-mine environment, the propagation of radio waves through a rectangular-like mine tunnel was investigated by jointly, considering ... In order to establish an effective wireless communication system in an underground coal-mine environment, the propagation of radio waves through a rectangular-like mine tunnel was investigated by jointly, considering both the dielectric constant and the reflectance of a mine tunnel. By combining free space and modified waveguide propagation models, we propose a new hybrid propagation model based on ray tracing. Simulation results have shown the effectiveness of establishing a wireless Local Area Network (LAN) in this coal-mine environment. The results of this research will be very useful as a guide in the design and development of tunnel wireless LAN systems. 展开更多
关键词 mine tunnel hybrid propagation model wireless LAN
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensors Used in Coal Mines 被引量:4
作者 Jinyu WANG Tongyu LIU +4 位作者 Guangdong SONG Hongjing XIE Lianqing LI Xiaolin DENG Zhijie GONG 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期120-124,共5页
The fiber Bragg grating (FBG) strain sensors were used for on-line monitoring of the stress variation of the lined wall in the gateway retained along the goaf of No. 3203 coal mining face in Dongtan Mine. The result... The fiber Bragg grating (FBG) strain sensors were used for on-line monitoring of the stress variation of the lined wall in the gateway retained along the goaf of No. 3203 coal mining face in Dongtan Mine. The results showed that the FBG strain sensor with the wide measuring range could measure the stress variation accurately during the support process of the gateway retained along the goaf and could provide the basis to further optimize the support structure and to determine the support plan of the gateway retained along the goaf. The FBG micro-seismic sensors were used in Xinglong Mine to detect the micro-seismic signal. The signals were well received and analyzed to determine the location and energy level of the source of the micro-seismic event warning. The FBG sensors and detecting system show a significant potential for micro-seismic detection and geological disasters detection. 展开更多
关键词 FB stress sensor acceleration sensor stress monitoring micro-seismic activity seismic signal
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