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作者 孔磊 《阴山学刊》 2012年第2期101-106,共6页
荀子作为先秦时期儒家思想的集大成者,特别重视对于政治伦理哲学的讨论,并提出"隆礼重法"的政治主张。在其哲学体系中,有关"素位"思想的论述具有鲜明特色。荀子继承与发展了孔子"君君、臣臣、父父、子子"... 荀子作为先秦时期儒家思想的集大成者,特别重视对于政治伦理哲学的讨论,并提出"隆礼重法"的政治主张。在其哲学体系中,有关"素位"思想的论述具有鲜明特色。荀子继承与发展了孔子"君君、臣臣、父父、子子"的思想以及《中庸》中有关"素其位而行"的思想,并在《荀子》一书中对"素位"思想进行了详尽的说明与论述。荀子"素位"思想可以从积极方面与消极方面来分别加以论述。 展开更多
关键词 荀子 素位 积极 消极
作者 张文旭 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2022年第1期47-52,共6页
要理解儒家对于“人”的思想并懂得一个“人”应当如何立身处世,就要从君子之“行”中找寻答案。“素位而行”是《中庸》对君子行为的重要表述,但人们或认为其包含有不思进取的意味,或认为其与“不越位”同义,未能准确把握其内涵。依据... 要理解儒家对于“人”的思想并懂得一个“人”应当如何立身处世,就要从君子之“行”中找寻答案。“素位而行”是《中庸》对君子行为的重要表述,但人们或认为其包含有不思进取的意味,或认为其与“不越位”同义,未能准确把握其内涵。依据《中庸》,“素位而行”的内涵应当包括三个方面:立位、行道、为己。立“位”修德,强调了立足根基而有作为;守“道”而行,强调了自得于道的精神境界;为“己”之学,强调了自身价值的实现。可以说,“素位而行”关涉人生修养、人生作为、人生态度多个方面,体现了君子之所当立、所当行及所当为,其意义与价值也在不同的方面被不断继承和发展。 展开更多
关键词 《中庸》 素位而行 君子
作者 左文 《中国民族博览》 2022年第16期4-9,共6页
少年时光:“一个学习不好、习惯不好的坏孩子”汤一介对在北平孔德幼儿园度过的快乐时光记忆犹新,而对升入小学后的自己似乎并不十分满意,他对自己的评价一直都是“一个表现平平的小学生。”这可能与他当时的学习成绩并不拔尖有关系。... 少年时光:“一个学习不好、习惯不好的坏孩子”汤一介对在北平孔德幼儿园度过的快乐时光记忆犹新,而对升入小学后的自己似乎并不十分满意,他对自己的评价一直都是“一个表现平平的小学生。”这可能与他当时的学习成绩并不拔尖有关系。作为一个高级知识分子家庭的孩子,家境良好,父母开明,没有太多的清规戒律,没有应试教育的“起跑线之争”,所以对于考试成绩不甚看重,也是情理之中的事情。 展开更多
关键词 汤一介 高级知识分子 学习成绩 幼儿园 应试教育 起跑线 小学生 素位而行
作者 王晓河 《中国民兵》 2024年第6期62-62,共1页
党员干部要涵养“素位而行”的品格,既有“择一事、终一生”的志向,又有“干一行、精一行”的行动。《中庸》有云:“君子素其位而行,不愿乎其外。”意在告诚世人安守本分、尽好本职,不做超出能力之外的举动,方能回归本真、成就自我。本... 党员干部要涵养“素位而行”的品格,既有“择一事、终一生”的志向,又有“干一行、精一行”的行动。《中庸》有云:“君子素其位而行,不愿乎其外。”意在告诚世人安守本分、尽好本职,不做超出能力之外的举动,方能回归本真、成就自我。本职岗位是想干事、干成事的重要平台,党员干部要涵养“素位而行”的品格,既有“择一事、终一生”的志向,又有“干一行、精一行”的行动,珍惜岗位、热爱岗位、坚守岗位,不管大事小事都竭尽所能做到极致、不论任务轻重都全力以赴干出精彩。素位而敬。 展开更多
关键词 党员干部 大事小事 回归本真 干成事 素位而行 涵养 想干事 《中庸》
作者 谭生力 李晓洁 《语文学刊》 2024年第1期22-27,共6页
“尸位素餐”这个成语意义较为明确,但是“尸位”为何?“素餐”为何?学界对此尚有一些争议。我们对“尸祭”相关研究成果进行了梳理,并且结合“尸”的分化字“居”含有闲居之意,对“尸位”词义进行了旁证。关于“素餐”的解释,我们在学... “尸位素餐”这个成语意义较为明确,但是“尸位”为何?“素餐”为何?学界对此尚有一些争议。我们对“尸祭”相关研究成果进行了梳理,并且结合“尸”的分化字“居”含有闲居之意,对“尸位”词义进行了旁证。关于“素餐”的解释,我们在学界已有研究成果的基础上,结合“素”“索”二字的同源关系认为“素”是后起字,“素”在这里应该理解为索取之意,“素餐”可理解为不劳而获索取饭食之意,即吃白饭。 展开更多
关键词 尸位 尸祭 素餐
作者 许迪 《南京政治学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期88-92,共5页
陶渊明诗歌中的时间意识体现在"委运自然"的顺时时间观与"素位之乐"的农耕时间升华两个方面。"委运自然"的顺时时间观体现在:其一,物我两忘、顺应自然的超脱与顺乎大化迁移的必然性;其二,养气而顺从内在... 陶渊明诗歌中的时间意识体现在"委运自然"的顺时时间观与"素位之乐"的农耕时间升华两个方面。"委运自然"的顺时时间观体现在:其一,物我两忘、顺应自然的超脱与顺乎大化迁移的必然性;其二,养气而顺从内在精神世界的本真自性。而"耕隐"生活中的"素位之乐"则突破了时间的外在指令价值,实现了农耕时间的升华。这双重维度的时间意识是以其"新自然说"或"真自然说"为基础的,是将"自然""道"和"真"落实到了日常生活之中。 展开更多
关键词 “新自然说” 时间意识 自然 素位之乐
Variation characteristics of stable isotopes in atmospheric precipitation in Adelaide,Australia
作者 WANG Dizhou ZHANG Xinping +2 位作者 LIU Zhongli LI Guang GUAN Huade 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2024年第4期641-652,共12页
Background,aim,and scope Stable isotope in water could respond sensitively to the variation of environment and be reserved in different geological archives,although they are scarce in the environment.And the methods d... Background,aim,and scope Stable isotope in water could respond sensitively to the variation of environment and be reserved in different geological archives,although they are scarce in the environment.And the methods derived from the stable isotope composition of water have been widely applied in researches on hydrometeorology,weather diagnosis,and paleoclimate reconstruction,which help well for understanding the water-cycle processes in one region.Here,it is aimed to explore the temporal changes of stable isotopes in precipitation from Adelaide,Australia and determine the influencing factors at different timescales.Materials and methods Based on the isotopic data of daily precipitation over four years collected in Adelaide,Australia,the variation characteristics of dailyδD,δ^(18)O,and dexcess in precipitation and its relationship with meteorological elements were analyzed.Results The results demonstrated the local meteoric water line(LMWL)in Adelaide,wasδD=6.38×δ^(18)O+6.68,with a gradient less than 8.There is a significant negative correlation between dailyδ^(18)O and precipitation amount or relative humidity at daily timescales in both the whole year and wither/summerhalf year(p<0.001),but a significant positive correlation between dailyδ^(18)O and temperature in the whole year and the winter half-year(p<0.001).Discussion The correlation coefficients betweenδ^(18)O and daily mean temperature didn’t show a significant positive correlation,which may be attributed to that the precipitation in Adelaide area in January was mainly influenced by strong convective weather,and the stable isotope values in precipitation were significantly negative.Furthermore,this propose was also evidenced by the results from dexcess of precipitation with larger value in the winter half-year than that in the summer half-year,which may be resulted from the precipitation events in winter are mostly influenced by oceanic water vapor,while the sources of water vapor in summer precipitation events are more complicated and influenced by strong convective weather.On the other hand,the slope and intercept of theδ^(18)O—P regression lines in the summer months(-0.41 and 0.50‰)are larger and smaller than those in the winter months(-0.22 and-2.15‰),respectively,indicating that the precipitation stable isotopes have a relatively stronger rainout effect in the summer months than in the winter months.Besides,the measured values ofδ^(18)O in daily precipitation have a good linear relationship with our simulated values ofδ^(18)O,demonstrating the established regression model could provide a reliable simulation for theδ^(18)O values in daily precipitation in Adelaide area.It’s worth noting that the precipitation events with low precipitation amount,low relative humidity and high temperature,usually had relatively small slope and intercept of MWL,implying that raindrops may be strongly affected by sub-cloud secondary evaporation in the falling process.Conclusions The variation ofδ^(18)O in daily precipitation from Adelaide region was controlled by different factors at different timescales.And the water vapor sources and the meteorological conditions of precipitation events(such as the degree of sub-cloud secondary evaporation)also played an important role on the variation ofδ^(18)O.Recommendations and perspectives Stable isotope in daily precipitation can provide more accurate information about water-cycle and atmosphere circulation,it is therefore necessary to continue to collect and analyze daily-scale precipitation data over a longer time span.The results of this study will provide the basis for the fields of hydrometeorology,meteorological diagnosis and paleoclimate reconstruction in Adelaide,Australia. 展开更多
关键词 Adelaide PRECIPITATION stable isotopes meteoric water line stepwise regression analysis
基于混沌和位运算的图像加密算法 被引量:48
作者 刘乐鹏 张雪锋 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期1070-1073,1099,共5页
为了有效改进图像加密效果及其安全性,在对基于混沌系统及位运算的图像加密算法进行研究的基础上,提出一种改进的数字图像加密算法,该算法首先采用Logistic映射产生混沌序列构造行、列置乱向量进行像素位置的置乱,再利用分段非线性Logis... 为了有效改进图像加密效果及其安全性,在对基于混沌系统及位运算的图像加密算法进行研究的基础上,提出一种改进的数字图像加密算法,该算法首先采用Logistic映射产生混沌序列构造行、列置乱向量进行像素位置的置乱,再利用分段非线性Logistic产生的序列构造灰度置乱放大因子,对图像进行灰度置乱,且对两个过程进行迭代操作。该算法不仅密钥空间增大,灰度直方图更加均匀,而且像素相关性变弱,运算速度较传统算法更快。实验结果表明,改进算法具有良好的加密效果和安全性。 展开更多
关键词 混沌映射 图像加密 位置置乱 素位 分段非线性映射
三值光学计算机数据位与运算部件像素的映射技术 被引量:11
作者 李双凤 金翊 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期1077-1080,共4页
为有效利用运算部件像素资源,在介绍了降值设计理论、三值逻辑光学运算部件结构、三值逻辑光学运算器使用像素的情况等问题之后,提出并详尽讨论了三值光学计算机数据位与光学运算部件像素之间的一种映射方法。该方法包含了"以像素... 为有效利用运算部件像素资源,在介绍了降值设计理论、三值逻辑光学运算部件结构、三值逻辑光学运算器使用像素的情况等问题之后,提出并详尽讨论了三值光学计算机数据位与光学运算部件像素之间的一种映射方法。该方法包含了"以像素位为单位"进行映射、"像素组合互补性优先"、"定时映射"等策略。采用了"定时映射等待队列"、"构造像素组合互补运算器组"等关键技术。描述了相应程序的流程,并给出了相应的实验方法,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 三值光学计算机 数据位 映射策略 光学运算部件 素位
昌明国粹,融化新知──纪念汤用彤先生诞生100周年 被引量:2
作者 汤一介 《中国文化》 1994年第1期124-130,共7页
关键词 汤用彤先生 中国佛教史 印度哲学史 魏晋玄学 佛教宗派 印度佛教 素位而行 哀江南 中国哲学 隋唐佛教史稿
基于差分和神经网络的同步辐射光源图像压缩方法 被引量:2
作者 符世园 汪璐 +1 位作者 程耀东 陈刚 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期53-62,共10页
针对常见的图像无损压缩方法效果不佳问题,提出了一种基于图像差分和神经网络的同步辐射光源图像无损压缩方法。通过图像差分以减少图像序列内部的线性相关性,训练神经网络模型以学习图像序列内部的非线性相关性,得到预测概率分布,结合... 针对常见的图像无损压缩方法效果不佳问题,提出了一种基于图像差分和神经网络的同步辐射光源图像无损压缩方法。通过图像差分以减少图像序列内部的线性相关性,训练神经网络模型以学习图像序列内部的非线性相关性,得到预测概率分布,结合算术编码压缩。为加速预测和编码过程,将像素值按位分裂为两部分进行并行处理。基于上海同步辐射光源图像的测试表明,相较于便携式网络图形、JPEG2000和自由无损图像格式等,该方法可将压缩率提升20%以上,像素位分裂可以缩短30%的模型预测和编码时间。 展开更多
关键词 图像压缩 无损 神经网络 图像差分 素位分裂
用CCD光电测量方法跟踪焊接筒体环形坡口的数控系统 被引量:2
作者 王地男 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 1996年第3期127-131,共5页
关键词 线阵 CCD 坡口 素位地址 焊接 数控系统
Isolation of CA/GT Microsatellites from the Paralichthys olivaceus Genome 被引量:5
作者 常玉梅 孙效文 +3 位作者 李绍武 赵莹莹 朱晓琛 刘海金 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期652-656,共5页
A library rich in CA/GT microsatellites was constructed from the Paralichthys olivaceus genome by combining biotin capture method and radioactive labeling hybridization. Five hundred and twenty six positive clones wer... A library rich in CA/GT microsatellites was constructed from the Paralichthys olivaceus genome by combining biotin capture method and radioactive labeling hybridization. Five hundred and twenty six positive clones were obtained through twice screens. Sequencing confirmed 133 microsatellite loci (number of repeats t〉 5) in 119 positive clones. Of these microsatellites, two (1.5%) had compound repeat motifs, 63 (47.37%) had perfect motifs and 68 (51.13%) had imperfect motifs. Primer pairs were designed in the flanking regions of 22 microsatelites and subjected to PCR amplification. In 8 artificial gynogenesis families, four pairs failed to amplification, one pair was monomorphic, and the rest were polymorphic with an average of 5.2 alleles per locus. Heterozygosities ranged between 0. 375 and 0. 846, PIC ranged between 0. 305 and 0. 823. The results suggested that most of the microsatellites we isolated were qualified to be applied to the population genetic studies of P. olivaceus. 展开更多
关键词 Paralichthys olivaceus MICROSATELLITE Biotin capture Radioactive labeling
Spatial Variation and Sources of Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition in Nanchang 被引量:4
作者 朱仁果 肖化云 +2 位作者 谢志英 吴亮红 吴代赦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第3期162-165,共4页
[Objective] The paper aimed to discuss the relationship between sulfur contents of mosses and the concentration of SO2-4 and the source of Atmospheric sulfur in Nanchang.[Method] 29 moss samples (Bryohaplocladium mic... [Objective] The paper aimed to discuss the relationship between sulfur contents of mosses and the concentration of SO2-4 and the source of Atmospheric sulfur in Nanchang.[Method] 29 moss samples (Bryohaplocladium micriophyllum (Hedw.) R.Watanabe et Iwats) were collected from four sampling points,including North campus and Qianhu campus of Nanchang Power Station were determined.[Result] The results showed that sulfur contents of mosses tissues in North campus of Nanchang University (0.45±0.059%) were higher than Qianhu campus of Nanchang University (0.26±0.002%),which coincided with the changing law of the concentration of SO2-4.Sulphur isotope of mosses tissues was-0.64‰-9.71‰.Sulphur isotope of mosses tissues in Meling (4.02‰-9.71‰) was higher than Qianhu campus of Nanchang University (0.55‰-0.56‰) and power plant (-0.64‰-0.45‰).[Conclusion] Relationship between sulphur contents and sulphur isotopes of mosses tissues showed sulfur source of sulphur deposition in Nanchang city was mainly affected by 34S-enriched sulphur transported from northerly air masses and biogenic sulfur. 展开更多
关键词 Mosses tissues RAIN Sulphur contents Sulphur isotopes
Localized Effects of Mechanical Wounding and Exogenous Jasmonic Acid on the Induction of Secondary Laticifer Differentiation in Relation to the Distribution of Jasmonic Acid in Hevea brasiliensis 被引量:12
作者 田维敏 史敏晶 +3 位作者 于凤义 吴继林 郝秉中 崔克明 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第11期1366-1372,共7页
The relationship between the effect of exogenous jasmonic acid (JA) on the induction of secondary laticifer differentiation and the distribution of JA in the seedling of Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg. was investigated ... The relationship between the effect of exogenous jasmonic acid (JA) on the induction of secondary laticifer differentiation and the distribution of JA in the seedling of Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg. was investigated with the aid of experimental morphological and radioisotope technique. Most radioactivity of H-3-JA sustained in treated site within one hour while no radioactivity was detected in new shoot and the radioactivity in upper leaf was much less than that in the parts below the treated site, suggesting that JA was mainly transported downwards in the shoot of H brasiliensis. Mechanical wounding hindered the entrance of exogenous JA remarkably while held back the entered JA to the regions around wounded site. The effect of exogenous JA and mechanical wounding on the induction of the secondary laticifer differentiation was limited to treated site where high level of JA was expected. Mechanical wounding reduced the effect of exogenous JA on the differentiation of secondary laticifer, which could be ascribed to the hindrance of mechanical wounding to the entrance of exogenous JA. It was concluded from the combined data that a high accumulation of JA was required for inducing the secondary laticifer differentiation in H. brasiliensis. 展开更多
关键词 Hevea brasiliensis jasmonic acid mechanical wounding radioisotope technique laticifer differentiation
Food Resource Partitioning in Alpine Weasel,Steppe Polecat and Upland Buzzard:Evidence from Stable Isotope Ratios 被引量:4
作者 易现峰 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期1-7,共7页
Based on mass balance theory and IsoSource program,stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios revealed that small mammals (plateau pika,root vole and plateau zokor) contributed 26.8% and 27.0% and 29.2% to alpine weas... Based on mass balance theory and IsoSource program,stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios revealed that small mammals (plateau pika,root vole and plateau zokor) contributed 26.8% and 27.0% and 29.2% to alpine weasel,steppe polecat and upland buzzard of carnivores as food respectively;adult passerine birds contributed 22.3%,47.7% and 69.1%,with hatchlings contributing 50.9%,25.6% and 1.70% to each respectively.δ 13 C values plotted against δ 15 N indicated significant partitioning in two-dimensional space among the three carnivores.It was reasonable to propose a food resource partitioning among alpine weasel,steppe polecat and upland buzzard,which partially revealed their co-existence mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 Alpine weasel Steppe polecat Upland buzzard Stable isotope FOOD Resource partitioning
Using Isolated Embryo Sacs and Early Proembryos for Localization of Calmodulin mRNA Before and After Fertilization in Nicotiana 被引量:3
作者 陈绍荣 吕应堂 +1 位作者 杨弘远 周嫦 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1999年第7期686-689,共4页
An in situ hybridization technique for localization of calmodulin(CaM) mRNA in isolated entire embryo sacs and proembryos in Nicotiana tabacum L.cv.W38 has been developed. This technique can be applied to smal... An in situ hybridization technique for localization of calmodulin(CaM) mRNA in isolated entire embryo sacs and proembryos in Nicotiana tabacum L.cv.W38 has been developed. This technique can be applied to small amounts of materials in which a whole view of CaM mRNA distribution can be obtained. The authors revealed that CaM mRNA expression changes dramatically before and after fertilization. Especially interesting is that a prominent CaM mRNA band appears between the egg apparatus and polar nuclei temporarily during the period of pollination and fertilization. The band disappears just prior to fertilization and expands to a fan_shaped region that occupies the micropylar portion of the embryo sac. After fertilization, CaM mRNA accumulates in the elongated zygotes with higher concentration in their chalazal portion than in the micropylar portion. Such an asymmetrical pattern continues to manifest in the early proembryos. It is supposed that CaM mRNA may be involved in the early events and signaling steps associated with double fertilization and zygote polarization in higher plants. 展开更多
关键词 Calmodulin mRNA in situ hybridization Embryo sac PROEMBRYO Nicotiana tabacum
Geological features and S isotope composition of tin deposit in Dachang ore district in Guangxi 被引量:5
作者 成永生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期2938-2945,共8页
The geological investigation of the Dachang ore field was carried out in detail, and the geological characteristics of the deposits, consisting of the Tongkeng and Dafulou deposits, were observed and researched system... The geological investigation of the Dachang ore field was carried out in detail, and the geological characteristics of the deposits, consisting of the Tongkeng and Dafulou deposits, were observed and researched systematically. It suggests that the mineralization types of Changpo ore are composed of cracking vein, thin vein, bedded vein and thin vein-net vein disseminated types. The cracking vein ore is usually lens-shaped in the vertical direction. The thin vein ore is always characterized by a stable trend and tendency. The bedded ore always occurs along the strata in the way of filling and metasomatism in the fracture system. In terms of Bali-longtoushan ore, it is characterized by complicated mineral components and a variety of minerals. More generally, ore textures consist of the anhedral-subhedral shapes and thin particle, and secondary with the interstitial texture, solid solution separation texture, dissolution texture, corona texture, and crushing texture, yet ore structures include the massive, veinlet, disseminated, banded, miarolitic, biological residual and brecciated structure. In addition, the sulfur isotopes of the metal sulfide were analyzed. The results show that the δ34S values of Tongkeng ore range from-0.30% to 1.38% with more dispersed characteristics, yet in terms of Dafulou ore, the δ34S values are from-0.15% to 0.22% which are characterized by more focused. This indicates that the sulfur isotope composition has large difference between the different deposits. The sulfur isotope values of the Dafulou ore are concentrated relatively, yet are dispersed for the Tongkeng ore. Likewise, there are also divergences of sulfur isotopes for the different minerals. The sulfur isotope values of pyrrhotine are dispersed, yet are homogeneous for pyrite. In short, the divergence of the sulfur isotope is reflected in both the different deposits and minerals, all of these may account for the difference of sulfur sources. 展开更多
关键词 deposit geology sulfur isotope sulfur sources Dachang tin deposit
Estimation of Biological Nitrogen Fixation Capacity by Sugarcane Using 15N 被引量:7
作者 杨荣仲 谭裕模 +2 位作者 桂意云 谭芳 李杨瑞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第2期154-156,共3页
[ Objective] The study aimed to reveal the biological nitrogen fixation capacity by sugarcane from Brazil under the ecological conditions of Guangxi, and to provide reference for study on the biological nitrogen fixat... [ Objective] The study aimed to reveal the biological nitrogen fixation capacity by sugarcane from Brazil under the ecological conditions of Guangxi, and to provide reference for study on the biological nitrogen fixation capacity by sugarcane and related generalization and application. [ Method] The ^15N isotopic fertilizer was solely applied on plants of three sugarcane cultivars planted in greenhouse with no other fertilizer forms applied, meanwhile virus-free stem seedling was regarded as control, to measure their biological nitrogen fixation capacity using ^15N isotope. [ Result ] The nitrogen fixation rate of B8 from Brazil reached 26.91%, while Guitang 11 and RIC16 presented no or poor nitrogen fixation capacity. [ Conclusion] The sugarcane eultivar B8 from Brazil showed some nitrogen fixation capacity under the ecological conditions of Guangxi. 展开更多
关键词 SUGARCANE Biological nitrogen fixation ^15N isotope
Ore-forming material of Dachang tin deposit in Guangxi, China:Lead isotope evidence 被引量:3
作者 成永生 彭程 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3652-3659,共8页
For revealing the ore sources of the Dachang tin?polymetallic ore deposit, the lead isotopes were analyzed systematically by using the single minerals of sulphides, including pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and galena... For revealing the ore sources of the Dachang tin?polymetallic ore deposit, the lead isotopes were analyzed systematically by using the single minerals of sulphides, including pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and galena. Then, the mineral sources and their characteristics were discussed based on the classical lead isotope discriminating model. The results show that the lead isotope ratios of206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb, and208Pb/204Pb range from 17.478 to 18.638, 15.440 to 15.858, and 37.556 to 39.501, respectively. According to Zartman lead model, the ore lead contains the upper crust composition; however, the granite does not provide all ore leads, and other material sources exist. Obviously, the ore deposit belongs to the result of the combined effect of crust?mantle. The source rocks are characterized by a certain degree of similarity with the island arc material. Moreover, its distant origin in the upper and lower crusts may be related to the subduction island arc material or oceanic crust. The mantle-derived material may have a certain status in the source region. Meanwhile, based on the lead isotope three-dimensional topology projection vectors, the ore leads are concentrated in zoneA, which indicates the characteristics of Yangtze lead isotope province and a possible genetic relationship with Yangtze block. 展开更多
关键词 lead isotope ore source ore genesis Dachang tin-polymetallic deposit GUANGXI
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