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《论语》“绘事后素”与《考工记》“后素功”考释 被引量:1
作者 蔡鑫泉 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2020年第4期83-89,共7页
《论语》"绘事后素"常常和《考工记》"凡画缋之事后素功"联系考虑,或互为借鉴。经典释读史上有"先画后素""先素后画"之争,两者都是绘画的具体工艺。"后素功"承接"杂四时"... 《论语》"绘事后素"常常和《考工记》"凡画缋之事后素功"联系考虑,或互为借鉴。经典释读史上有"先画后素""先素后画"之争,两者都是绘画的具体工艺。"后素功"承接"杂四时",应该是对绘画工艺的总结。所谓"先画后素""先素后画"之说偏离了章句结构,局限性明显。经过文本分析,并结合绘画过程,"素"当意为绘画中的单色颜料;"后"非"后(後)",而是古汉字"后",意为滋生,为单色颜料排列对比、杂糅调合的滋生过程;"功"为功绩之意。"凡画缋之事后素功"意为画缋是利用各种单色颜料的对比、杂糅错合的敷彩过程,以成就符合场合礼数的大功;"绘事后素"意为素色颜料杂糅生成画面的绚烂多彩。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》“绘事后素” 《考工记》“凡画缋之事后素功”文本分析 释读 古汉字“后”
云南楼梯草属二新种 被引量:3
作者 王文采 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 1997年第5期457-460,共4页
1 素功楼梯草 新种 图1:1~2 Elatostema sukungianum W.T.Wang,sp.nov.(Sect Weddelia(H.Schroter)W.T.Wang ser.Stipulosa W.T.Wang) Species nova affinis E.minutifurfuraceo W.T.Wang,quod caule superne ferrugineo-furfuraceo ad... 1 素功楼梯草 新种 图1:1~2 Elatostema sukungianum W.T.Wang,sp.nov.(Sect Weddelia(H.Schroter)W.T.Wang ser.Stipulosa W.T.Wang) Species nova affinis E.minutifurfuraceo W.T.Wang,quod caule superne ferrugineo-furfuraceo ad nodos puberulo,foliis apice caudato-acuminatis trinervibus,cystolithis brevioribus0.2~0.4 mm longis,stipulis linearibus 10~12 mm longis extus ad costam mediampuberulis,pedunculis inflorescentiarum staminatarum brevioribus 0.8~1.4 cm longis dif-fert. 展开更多
关键词 荨麻科 楼梯草属 素功楼梯草 绿春楼梯草 新种
“绘事后素”辨义 被引量:5
作者 陈晓娟 杨贤宗 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第4期133-135,148,共4页
"绘事后素"出自《论语·八佾》孔子与子夏的一段对话中。孔子借用"绘事后素"来解释庄姜"素以为绚"的美,子夏又将之引申到习礼的过程中。后人对"绘事后素"的解释,有绘事"后于素"... "绘事后素"出自《论语·八佾》孔子与子夏的一段对话中。孔子借用"绘事后素"来解释庄姜"素以为绚"的美,子夏又将之引申到习礼的过程中。后人对"绘事后素"的解释,有绘事"后于素"和"达于素"两种,从商周时期衣帛彩绘的实际过程出发,认为将"绘事后素"释为绘事"达于素",更贴近孔子的原意,更切合当时的织绣工艺的实际,从训诂上讲,这一解释也不违背先秦时期"后"字的常见用法。 展开更多
关键词 绘事后素 画绩 素功
“绘事后素”新解 被引量:1
作者 孙爱琪 《江苏开放大学学报》 2015年第1期70-74,共5页
"绘事后素"典出《周礼·考工记》:"凡画繢之事,后素功",是古代一种普遍的绘画工艺规范。《论语·八佾》中,子夏问诗,孔子以"绘事后素"为喻言礼,古人注释多以"先素质"或"后素功&qu... "绘事后素"典出《周礼·考工记》:"凡画繢之事,后素功",是古代一种普遍的绘画工艺规范。《论语·八佾》中,子夏问诗,孔子以"绘事后素"为喻言礼,古人注释多以"先素质"或"后素功"为争论的焦点,并未对"素"做出清晰且详致的解析。通过对先秦绘画工艺中"素功"的考证以及相关文本具体语境的分析可知,"素功"实为用"极色(传统多用黑、白两色)"点、勒、勾、描,以修整画面的一种手法。孔子以"素"喻"礼",指出"仁"是"礼"的核心内容,"礼"是"仁"的终极目标。 展开更多
关键词 素功 素以为绚 绘事后素
Observational study:efficacy of aspirin and low-molecular-weight heparin in the management of recurrent miscarriage
作者 Yuehong Tang Ting Wang +2 位作者 Ai-e Cao Huizhi Lian Chunping Qiu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2024年第8期730-736,共7页
In the present study,we aimed to assess the comparative efficacy of low-molecular-weight heparin(LMWH)in combination with low-dose aspirin for the management of recurrent miscarriage and scrutinize alterations in coag... In the present study,we aimed to assess the comparative efficacy of low-molecular-weight heparin(LMWH)in combination with low-dose aspirin for the management of recurrent miscarriage and scrutinize alterations in coagulation function following such treatment.A retrospective analysis was conducted on clinical data obtained from 97 patients with recurrent miscarriage treated at our institution from January 2019 to June 2020.Patients were categorized into either the study or control groups based on the administration of LMWH.The control group comprised 48 patients treated solely with aspirin,while the study group included 49 patients treated with both LMWH and aspirin.Comparative evaluations between the two groups encompassed pregnancy outcomes,coagulation function,adverse reactions,and blood loss during delivery.Results revealed a higher term birth rate in the study group(83.67%)compared to the control group(50%).Post-treatment,the study group exhibited lower prothrombin time,plasminogen activator inhibitor,and D-dimer levels than the control group.Moreover,the study group experienced fewer adverse reactions and reduced blood loss during delivery in comparison to the control group,demonstrating statistical significance(P<0.05).The combination of LMWH and low-dose aspirin exhibited noteworthy application in the management of recurrent miscarriage.This therapeutic approach not only fostered the enhancement of coagulation function conducive to pregnancy but also diminished the incidence of adverse reactions observed with aspirin alone. 展开更多
关键词 Recurrent miscarriage Low-molecular-weight heparin Aspirin Full production Coagulation function
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