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作者 唐晓初 李元 《沈阳化工大学学报》 CAS 2017年第1期77-82,共6页
为提高多阶段间歇过程在线质量预测性能,提出一种基于阶段累积模型实现最终产品质量预测的方法.首先,引入阶段累积质量,通过建立阶段过程轨迹与阶段累积质量之间的回归模型来实现阶段累积模型的建立.然后通过累加所有累积产品质量预测... 为提高多阶段间歇过程在线质量预测性能,提出一种基于阶段累积模型实现最终产品质量预测的方法.首先,引入阶段累积质量,通过建立阶段过程轨迹与阶段累积质量之间的回归模型来实现阶段累积模型的建立.然后通过累加所有累积产品质量预测值来实现最终质量的预测.该方法不仅考虑了各阶段对质量的局部累积作用,还考虑了所有阶段对质量共同的累积作用.同时,为避免对未知数据进行估计即可实现在线质量预测,进一步引入了剩余阶段累积质量模型.将该方法应用到青霉素发酵过程,仿真结果说明提出的方法提高了质量预测的性能. 展开更多
关键词 多阶段间歇过程 质量预测 阶段累积质量 阶段累积模型
西北太平洋山间盆地沉积物有机碳质量累积速率及影响因素 被引量:1
作者 李继东 孙栋 +1 位作者 王春生 杨娟 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期122-132,共11页
海洋碳汇作用是大洋生态系统的重要生态系统服务功能,不仅影响着海洋生态系统的能量流动,也是元素循环的重要驱动力。本文以中国大洋48航次采集自西北太平洋典型海山区海盆的沉积物样品和资料为基础,对西北太平洋山间盆地沉积物有机碳... 海洋碳汇作用是大洋生态系统的重要生态系统服务功能,不仅影响着海洋生态系统的能量流动,也是元素循环的重要驱动力。本文以中国大洋48航次采集自西北太平洋典型海山区海盆的沉积物样品和资料为基础,对西北太平洋山间盆地沉积物有机碳质量累积速率(F_(orgc))特征及影响因素展开初步研究。结果表明,西北太平洋山间盆地有机碳质量累积速率变化范围为1.41~1.73 g/(m^(2)·ka),均值为1.60 g/(m^(2)·ka),以中部偏西海区的有机碳质量累积速率最高;全区平均净初级生产力转移效率约为0.0031%。西北太平洋山间盆地有机碳质量累积速率和净初级生产力转移效率均低于东太平洋海区和赤道太平洋海区。本区有机碳质量累积速率受水层和沉积层的生物地球化学循环驱动因素,如海洋净初级生产力、沉积物质量累积速率、有机碳含量、氧化还原电位等的综合影响,同时也受距海山距离、水深等地形因子的影响。 展开更多
关键词 沉积物 有机碳质量累积速率 净初级生产力 转移效率
石英晶体微天平在月尘累积量测量中的应用 被引量:3
作者 王鹢 庄建宏 +6 位作者 杨生胜 姚日剑 邹昕 王先荣 崔阳 陈丽平 李存惠 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期297-300,共4页
针对月尘问题,提出了一种基于石英晶体微量天平的月尘累积分布的测量方法,用于月面环境月尘累积质量的原位测量。通过涂覆粘性膜,解决了月尘颗粒与石英晶体电极表面结合力不足的问题,并进行了真空环境下标定实验。实验结果表明,所设计的... 针对月尘问题,提出了一种基于石英晶体微量天平的月尘累积分布的测量方法,用于月面环境月尘累积质量的原位测量。通过涂覆粘性膜,解决了月尘颗粒与石英晶体电极表面结合力不足的问题,并进行了真空环境下标定实验。实验结果表明,所设计的SQCM传感器的质量灵敏系数为5.63×10-9g/(cm2·Hz),测量量程可达1.29×10-4g/cm2。目前已搭载嫦娥三号探测器开展月面长期月尘累积质量的测量。 展开更多
关键词 月尘 累积质量 粘性石英晶体微天平(SQCM) 振荡模型 质量灵敏系数
教学型质量流量测控实验系统的建设 被引量:4
作者 邢维巍 郑德智 +1 位作者 万聪梅 肖文 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 2008年第4期59-62,共4页
总结了用于测控和传感器技术实验教学的质量流量测试与控制系统的建设经验。为控制成本、保证教学效果、改善可靠性和耐用性,采用静压水塔法产生标准流量源,以CMF或其他流量计测量流量,以累积质量法提供定量标准。可开设系列化的教... 总结了用于测控和传感器技术实验教学的质量流量测试与控制系统的建设经验。为控制成本、保证教学效果、改善可靠性和耐用性,采用静压水塔法产生标准流量源,以CMF或其他流量计测量流量,以累积质量法提供定量标准。可开设系列化的教学实验,帮助学生巩固传感器基础知识,获得现场测控系统的直观概念,并培养综合创新能力。一年多的实际运行表明了系统基本设计的成功。 展开更多
关键词 质量流量测试 静压水塔法 累积质量 教学实验
电子汽车衡质量综合性能评价的思考 被引量:3
作者 陈洁琼 韩炜虹 +2 位作者 陈洁 赵志灏 马丙辉 《衡器》 2019年第7期26-28,共3页
电子汽车衡广泛应用在工厂、企业,可直接对车辆进行静态称重,以确认进出货物的质量,估算或确定企业的储存和生产状况。电子汽车衡的产品质量,不仅仅是计量状况的量值准确可靠,更重要的是长期的稳定性、结构的刚性、基础的牢固、产品防... 电子汽车衡广泛应用在工厂、企业,可直接对车辆进行静态称重,以确认进出货物的质量,估算或确定企业的储存和生产状况。电子汽车衡的产品质量,不仅仅是计量状况的量值准确可靠,更重要的是长期的稳定性、结构的刚性、基础的牢固、产品防篡改的保护程度等,这是综合评价的指标,也是设备选型的基本点。 展开更多
关键词 电子汽车衡 综合性能 称量质量累积 使用时间
农药在植物表面上释放过程的研究 被引量:2
作者 张建国 朱兆青 周玲 《南通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第1期18-21,共4页
研究农药在植物表面上的释放机理,建立农药释放的物理模型.分析不同机理控制下的介质移动和农药释放过程,对农药的由溶出机制控制的恒速释放药现象进行了解释.研究表明,农药与水介质移动速率的相对大小是控制农药扩散释放机理的主要因素... 研究农药在植物表面上的释放机理,建立农药释放的物理模型.分析不同机理控制下的介质移动和农药释放过程,对农药的由溶出机制控制的恒速释放药现象进行了解释.研究表明,农药与水介质移动速率的相对大小是控制农药扩散释放机理的主要因素.当水介质界面的移动速率大于农药通过凝胶层的速率时,农药的移动在整个过程中起决定作用;反之,界面层的移动在整个过程中起决定作用.当农药的移动速率和界面的移动速率即到达凝胶层时的速率相等时,两者共同发挥作用. 展开更多
关键词 农药释放 物理模型 累积质量释放
基于互相关函数的NOx和CO2延时修正 被引量:2
作者 田冬莲 熊兴旺 +1 位作者 于津涛 高俊华 《小型内燃机与车辆技术》 2019年第5期65-69,72,共6页
瞬态循环试验中,采集的NOx和CO2信号存在延时,计算排放时需进行延时修正。定义一种以进气流量为基准,利用互相关函数进行NOx和CO2延时修正的方法。利用2台柴油机分别进行了ETC循环试验,通过互相关函数法进行了延时修正,与实验室通常采... 瞬态循环试验中,采集的NOx和CO2信号存在延时,计算排放时需进行延时修正。定义一种以进气流量为基准,利用互相关函数进行NOx和CO2延时修正的方法。利用2台柴油机分别进行了ETC循环试验,通过互相关函数法进行了延时修正,与实验室通常采用的延时修正方法进行了对比。1号柴油机由互相关函数法得到的NOx和CO2延时分别比通常采用的延时修正方法少0.3 s和0.5 s,由互相关函数法得到的NOx和CO2循环累积质量分别比通常采用的延时修正方法多0.037%和0.222%;2号柴油机由互相关函数法得到的NOx和CO2延时分别比通常采用的延时修正方法少0.4 s和0.6 s,由互相关函数法得到的NOx和CO2循环累积质量分别比通常采用的延时修正方法多0.118%和0.310%。对比结果表明:2种修正方法得到的NOx和CO2延时差异及循环累积质量差异都较小,但互相关函数法考虑了瞬态循环中所有过渡工况延时的影响,用于对整个瞬态循环进行延时修正更合理。 展开更多
关键词 延时 进气流量 互相关函数 循环累积质量
累积体质量指数对新发胆石症的预测价值 被引量:10
作者 刘通 王一鸣 +3 位作者 司天福 王万超 曹立瀛 刘四清 《中华消化外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期188-194,共7页
目的:探讨累积体质量指数(cumBMI)对新发胆石症的影响。方法:采用回顾性队列研究方法。收集2006、2008、2010、2012、2014年开滦总医院、开滦林西医院、开滦赵各庄医院、开滦唐家庄医院、开滦范各庄医院、开滦吕家坨医院、开滦荆各... 目的:探讨累积体质量指数(cumBMI)对新发胆石症的影响。方法:采用回顾性队列研究方法。收集2006、2008、2010、2012、2014年开滦总医院、开滦林西医院、开滦赵各庄医院、开滦唐家庄医院、开滦范各庄医院、开滦吕家坨医院、开滦荆各庄医院、开滦林南仓医院、开滦钱家营医院、开滦马家沟医院、开滦医院分院行健康体检的31794例受试者的体检资料。将受试者依据cumBMI四分位数分为4组:7949例受试者cumBMI〈140.81kg/m^2×年设为Q1组;7946例受试者140.81kg/m^2×年≤cumBMI〈159.69kg/m^2×年设为Q2组;7949例受试者159.69kg/m^2×年≤cumBMI〈180.49kg/m^2×年设为Q3组;7950例受试者cumBMI≥180.49kg/m^2×年设为Q4组。由固定医师团队2006、2008、2010、2012、2014年在相同地点对受试者进行5次健康体检。收集流行病学调查内容、人体测量学指标、生化指标。观察指标:(1)4组受试者胆石症的发病情况。(2)影响受试者新发胆石症的危险因素分析:性别、年龄、cumBMI、BMI、饮酒、吸烟、体育锻炼、高血压病、糖尿病、C反应蛋白、TG、TC。正态分布的计量资料以x^-±s表示,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析;两两比较,方差齐采用LSD检验,方差不齐采用Dunnett′sT3检验。偏态分布的计量资料采用M(Q)表示,多组间比较采用非参数检验。计数资料比较用χ^2检验。采用KaplanMeier法计算不同cumBMI组受试者胆石症的发病率,不同cumBMI分组中胆石症发病率比较采用Logrank检验。采用COX比例风险模型进行单因素和多因素分析。结果:(1)4组受试者胆石症的发病情况:31794例受试者在(2.1±0.4)年的观察研究中,新发胆石症236例,发病率为7.42‰。Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4组受试者胆石症发病率分别为4.03‰、7.17‰、7.93‰、10.57‰,4组受试者发病率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=72.39,P〈0.05)。(2)影响受试者新发胆石症的危险因素分析,单因素分析结果显示:性别、年龄、cumBMI、BMI、高血压病和C反应蛋白均是影响受试者新发胆石症的危险因素(HR=1.61,1.75,1.64,1.36,1.39,1.39,95%可信区间:1.23~2.10,1.49~2.05,1.45~1.86,1.21~1.53,1.07~1.79,1.18~1.62,P〈0.05)。多因素分析结果显示:性别为女性,年龄为50~60岁、≥60岁,cumBMI≥140.81且〈159.69kg/m^2×年,≥159.69且〈180.49kg/m^2×年,≥180.49kg/m^2×年均是影响受试者新发胆石症的独立危险因素(HR=1.59,1.78,2.33,2.04,2.42,3.66,95%可信区间:1.21~2.09,1.31~2.44,1.63~3.34,1.29~3.24,1.47~3.95,2.15~6.25,P〈0.05)。结论:女性、高龄、cumBMI增加均是新发胆石症的独立危险因素,且随着cumBMI的增加胆石症的发病风险也随之增高。 展开更多
关键词 胆石症 累积质量指数 发病率
Effects of Seaweed Bio-organic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Winter Wheat 被引量:5
作者 徐文文 刘恒洋 +3 位作者 谭秀山 王建明 李明潭 毕建杰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2555-2559,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of seaweed bio-or- ganic fertilizer on yield and quality of winter wheat. [Method] Seaweed bio-organic fertilizer was applied to leaves of winter wheat according... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of seaweed bio-or- ganic fertilizer on yield and quality of winter wheat. [Method] Seaweed bio-organic fertilizer was applied to leaves of winter wheat according to the dose of 45 kg/hm^2 from jointing stage to maturing stage, and plant height, dry matter accumulation, flag leaf photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield of winter wheat were investigated. [Result] Foliar spraying of seaweed bio-organic fertilizer showed little effect on plant height of winter wheat, thickened stems, promoted dry matter accumulation, in- creased flag leaf photosynthetic rate by 3.16%, and increased yield of winter wheat by 6.85%. [Conclusion] Foliar spraying of seaweed bio-organic fertilizer promoted the intelligent growth, thickened the stems, improved the lodging resistance, significantly increased the panicle weight per plant, and increased the bulk density of winter wheat, as well as improving the physical quality of wheat grain. In addition, foliar spraying of seaweed bio-organic fertilizer promoted the synthesis of chlorophyll and mitigated the decomposition of chlorophyll in winter wheat. Under the background of fertilizer-pesticide double reduction, the test results and data of this study can be promoted in the wheat-growing areas of Shandong Province and even whole China. 展开更多
关键词 Seaweed bio-organic fertilizer Winter wheat Dry matter accumulation YIELD Photosynthetic rate
Effects of Application Modes of Potassium Fertilizer on Sorghum Grain Yield and Dry Matter Accumulation
作者 周紫阳 马英慧 +4 位作者 王江红 李光华 石贵山 刘海楼 王鼐 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1885-1888,共4页
[Objective] This study was conducted to investigate the effects of application modes of potassium fertilizer on sorghum grain yield and dry matter accumulation. [Method] Sorghum hybrids Jiza 305 and Jiza 87 were used ... [Objective] This study was conducted to investigate the effects of application modes of potassium fertilizer on sorghum grain yield and dry matter accumulation. [Method] Sorghum hybrids Jiza 305 and Jiza 87 were used as materials, and four treatments were designed (Ko: applying potassium at 0 kg/hm^2, K1: applying potassium as base fertilizer at 120 kg/hm^2, K2: applying potassium as base fertilizer at 90 kg/hm^2 and as additional fertilizer at 30 kg/hm^2, and K3: applying potassium as base fertilizer at 60 kg/hm^2 and as additional fertilizer at 60 kg/hm^2) to investigate the effects of application modes of potassium fertilizer on dry matter accumulation and grain yield, so as to determine the best application mode of potassium fertilizer. [Result] The results showed that after the application of potassium, the leaf area, dry matter accumulation, grain starch content, yield and economic coefficient of sorghum plants were improved. The leaf area values of the two sorghum cultivars showed the order of K0〈K1〈K2〈K3. The economic coefficients were in order of K0〈 K3〈K2〈K1. The amounts of dry matter accumulation, grain starch contents and grain yields showed the order of K0〈K3〈K1〈K2. For Jiza 305, the grain yields of K1, K2 and K3 were higher than that of Ko by 9.3%, 15.6% and 9.3%, respectively. As to Jiza 87, the grain yields of K1, K2 and K3 were higher than that of K0 by 8.1%, 12.5% and 8.1%, respectively. [Conclusion] Comprehensively, the best application method was 90 kg of potassium as base fertilizer and 30 kg of potassium as additional fertilizer per hectare. 展开更多
关键词 SORGHUM POTASSIUM Dry matter accumulation Starch accumulation
作者 S.Wasuwanich N.Jinuntuya P.Petpirom 《计算物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期199-204,共6页
 主要对耐腐蚀聚合药物基体上药物的整个释放过程进行解析和数值研究.数学模型为基于Fick第二法则的边值问题,分为状态Ⅰ和Ⅱ.状态Ⅰ为具有移动性扩散波头的Stefan问题,而当此扩散波头消失时,即开始状态Ⅱ.该研究工作可作为数值研究更...  主要对耐腐蚀聚合药物基体上药物的整个释放过程进行解析和数值研究.数学模型为基于Fick第二法则的边值问题,分为状态Ⅰ和Ⅱ.状态Ⅰ为具有移动性扩散波头的Stefan问题,而当此扩散波头消失时,即开始状态Ⅱ.该研究工作可作为数值研究更加复杂系统的基础之一. 展开更多
关键词 耐腐蚀聚合药物 扩散释放 数学模型 移动性扩散波头 精确解 累积质量释放 数值计算
Effects of Intercropping Patterns on Dry Matter Accumulation and Transportation of Maize(Zea mays L.) and Soybean[Glycine max(L.) Merrill] 被引量:3
作者 杨升辉 邱家训 +4 位作者 徐长帅 李洪杰 唐汝友 王素阁 李强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1545-1549,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to discuss the group dry matter accumulation and economic benefits under the patterns of intercropping maize (Zea mays L.) with soy-bean [Glycine max (L.) Merril ]. [Methods] Zhengdan-958 a... [Objective] The aim was to discuss the group dry matter accumulation and economic benefits under the patterns of intercropping maize (Zea mays L.) with soy-bean [Glycine max (L.) Merril ]. [Methods] Zhengdan-958 and Luhuang-1 were used as the testing breeds to study the effects of intercropping patterns on dry matter accumulation and transportation of maize and soybean in Huang-huai-hai. [Results] For maize, the dry matter accumulation amounts per hectare of intercropping was significant higher than that of the monoculture patterns, especial y after silking, when it reached extremely level; while for soybean, the dry matter accumulation amounts before flowering and after flowering of monocropping were al significantly higher than that of the intercropping patterns. For both maize and soybean, the transfer amounts of monocropping were al significantly or extremely significantly higher than that of intercropping; and the transfer ratio of maize intercropping was 0.59% higher than that of maize monocropping, while for soybean, it was 4.74% higher. Fitted dry matter accumulation with Logistic equation, it showed that the difference in maximum dry matter accumulation rate between maize monocropping and intercropping reached significant level, while for soybean, the maximum dry matter accumulation rate and its appearance time as wel as duration time between intercropping and monocropping were al reached significant level. The total land equivalent ratio of intercropping was 1.30. From yield and output value, the total yield of intercropping were 10.97 t/hm2, 0.64% and 326.85% higher than monocropping of maize and soy-bean, respectively. The total output value of intercropping was 25 796.23 yuan/hm2, respectively 12.67% and 104.68% higher than of maize and soybean monocropping. [Conclusion] The study lays a basis for improving grain yield and economic benefits. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE SOYBEAN INTERCROPPING Dry matter accumulation and transportation Yield
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Accumulation and Distribution of Dry Matter in Broomcorn Millet 被引量:8
作者 Ling CHEN Zhijun QIAO +3 位作者 Junjie WANG Haigang WANG Xiaoning CAO Junli DONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1425-1428,共4页
[Objective] To understand the effect of nitrogen application on dry matter accumulation and allocation dynamics in broomcorn millet. [Method] The accumulation and distribution of dry matter were studied using cultivar... [Objective] To understand the effect of nitrogen application on dry matter accumulation and allocation dynamics in broomcorn millet. [Method] The accumulation and distribution of dry matter were studied using cultivars Jin Shu 7 and Huang Mizi at different levels of nitrogen fertilizer at the jointing stage. [Result] The results showed that increasing N application led to the increase of green leaf area and the delay of leaf senescence, which was beneficial to the accumulation of dry matter.Appropriate nitrogen application(90 kg/hm2) could coordinate the translocation rate of dry matter among different plant parts, thereby enhancing the yield of broomcorn millet; among different organs, the contribution rate of stem to kernel was greater than that of leaf to kernel; there was obvious correlation between dry matter and yield. For Jin Shu 7, leaf area and dry weight of spike showed significant negative correlation with yield. [Conclusion] The formation of grain yield of broomcorn millet involved the accumulation and allocation of dry matter, the appropriate amount of nitrogen application(90 kg/hm2) could improve the rates of translocation and contribution of dry matter, thereby promoting the yield of broomcorn millet. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen application Broomcorn millet Dry matter accumulation Alloca-tion rate
Effect of carbon source on growth and lipid accumulation in Chlorella sorokiniana GXNN01 被引量:6
作者 乔洪金 王广策 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期762-768,共7页
Heterotrophic culture of microalgae to develop methods of increasing biomass productivity and storage lipids has brought new insight to commercial biodiesel production. To understand the relationship between heterotro... Heterotrophic culture of microalgae to develop methods of increasing biomass productivity and storage lipids has brought new insight to commercial biodiesel production. To understand the relationship between heterotrophy and lipid production, the effects of carbon sources on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sorokiniana GXNN01 was studied. The alga exhibited an increased growth rate in response to the addition of carbon sources, which reached the stationary phase after 48 h at 30℃. In addition, glucose and NaAc had a significant effect on the lipid accumulation during the early-stationary phase. Specifically, the lipid content was 0.237±0.026 g ·g^-1 cell dry weight and 0.272±0.041 g Ll when glucose was used as the carbon source, whereas the lipid content reached 0.287±0.018 g ·g^-1 cell dry weight and 0.2884-0.008 g Lz when NaAc was used as the carbon source. The neutral lipid content was found to first decrease and then increase over time during the growth phase. A glucose concentration of 20 mmol L^-1 gave the maximal lipid yield and the optimum harvest time was the early-stationary phase. 展开更多
Growth Responses of Wheat Cultivars to Rock Phosphate in Hydroponics 被引量:2
作者 M. ASHRAF RAHMATULLAH +3 位作者 M. A. MAQSOOD S. KANWAL M. A. TAHIR L. ALI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期398-402,共5页
Screening cultivars to grow under conditions of low phosphorus (P) availability and utilize P efficiently from compounds of low solubility in soils may be beneficial to overcome poor plant growth in P-deficient soils.... Screening cultivars to grow under conditions of low phosphorus (P) availability and utilize P efficiently from compounds of low solubility in soils may be beneficial to overcome poor plant growth in P-deficient soils. The growth behavior and P utilization efficiency of seven wheat cultivars grown in hydroponics were studied, using rock phosphate as P source. The wheat cultivars grown for 30 days were significantly different in biomass accumulation, P uptake and P utilization efficiency. The dry matter production of all the cultivars was significantly correlated with P uptake, which in turn correlated to the drop in the root medium pH. The ranking of wheat cultivars on the basis of dry matter yield, P uptake and P utilization efficiency was Zamindar 80 > Yecora > C 271 > WL 711 > Barani 83 > PARI 73 > Rohtas. The cultivar Zamindar 80 appeared to possess the best growth potential in P-deficient soils. 展开更多
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Development and Nitrogen Utilization of Japonica Super Rice
作者 Yuefeng CUI Guocai SUN +2 位作者 Tiegang LU Xiaoqiu WU Helin LUAN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期250-255,共6页
With the super japonica rice Shennong 265 as the tested material, the effects of different nitrogen application amounts and basic tiller fertilizer(BTF)-ear granule fertilizer(EGF) ratios on the yield and nitrogen uti... With the super japonica rice Shennong 265 as the tested material, the effects of different nitrogen application amounts and basic tiller fertilizer(BTF)-ear granule fertilizer(EGF) ratios on the yield and nitrogen utilization characteristics of Shennong265 were investigated. The results showed that when the BTF-EGF ratio was 8:2 or 7:3, the yield of Shennong 265 increased with the increased nitrogen application amount; when the BTF-EGF ratio was 6:4, medium nitrogen level was more conducive to improving the yield of Shennong 265; under the condition of same BTF-EGF ratio, with the increased nitrogen application amount, the total nitrogen uptake increased, and the nitrogen physiological efficiency and harvest index decreased. At low and medium nitrogen levels, the higher the proportion of EGF was, the higher the yield, total nitrogen uptake and nitrogen recovery ratio were; at high nitrogen level, the BTF-EGF ratio of 7:3 was more favorable; at the same nitrogen level, the higher the proportion of EGF was, the lower the nitrogen physiological efficiency and harvest index were. Under conditions of nitrogen application level of 255 kg/hm^2 and BTF-EGF ratio of 7:3, the dry matter accumulation in the leaves, stems and spikes of Shennong265 was higher in the late growth period. Higher effective panicle number and grain number per panicle led to higher yield(9581.5 kg/hm^2, 2.4%-20.1% higher than those in the other treatment groups) and higher nitrogen use efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen application RICE YIELD Nitrogen use
Relationships Between Yield, Quality and Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization of Organically Grown Rice Varieties 被引量:12
作者 HUANG Lifen YU Jun +4 位作者 YANG Jie ZHANG Rong BAI Yanchao SUN Chengming ZHUANG Hengyang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期85-97,共13页
Due to the relatively late start of organic rice(Oryza sativa L.) research in China,there is a still lack of systematic research on rice varieties,organic fertilizer management practices,and especially the mechanisms ... Due to the relatively late start of organic rice(Oryza sativa L.) research in China,there is a still lack of systematic research on rice varieties,organic fertilizer management practices,and especially the mechanisms of nitrogen(N) uptake and utilization.Three rice varieties,Nanjing 5055,Nanjing 9108,and Nanjing 46,were grown under organic farming(OF) at three organic fertilizer levels(103.2,160.8,and 218.4 kg N ha^(-1)) and conventional farming(CF) with regular chemical fertilizers.Rice grain yields,yield components,and quality,dry matter accumulation,and plant N were measured at different growth stages during the 2012 and 2013 growing seasons.Compared with CF,OF had a significantly reduced yield.Nanjing 9108 showed significant reductions in number of panicles per unit area and percentage of filled grains,and had the lowest yield.The effects of fertilizer type and application rate on dry matter accumulation during the main growth periods were significant for all varieties.The N content and uptake in organically grown rice were lower compared with those of rice under CF.The N recovery efficiency and N agronomic efficiency were significantly lower,whereas N physiological efficiency and N partial factor productivity were greater under OF than under CF.Under OF,the processing quality showed a slight but insignificant decline,protein content and gel consistency increased,and amylose content decreased compared with those under CF.Correlation analysis showed that under OF,grain yield was significantly correlated with N uptake.The medium organic fertilizer level(160.8 kg N ha^(-1)) was found to be the optimum fertilizer treatment,and Nanjing 46 appeared to be the best variety for organic rice cultivation.To increase rice grain yields and reduce the potential risk of non-point source pollution in organic agriculture,further research is needed to improve the N use efficiency in organic rice cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 conventional farming grain quality grain yield N use efficiency organic farming organic fertilizer
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