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作者 秦海滢 赵毅 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第1期71-78,共8页
明末清初士人唐梦赉虽26岁被罢官,但居乡后倘佯山水,广泛交友,潜心著述,《志壑堂文集》正是其居乡四十余年生活状态的真实反映。唐梦赉一生虽不曾施展其志向,但是却无不得志士人之抑郁不平之气,而是力探理学,文关民生。由于其广泛的社... 明末清初士人唐梦赉虽26岁被罢官,但居乡后倘佯山水,广泛交友,潜心著述,《志壑堂文集》正是其居乡四十余年生活状态的真实反映。唐梦赉一生虽不曾施展其志向,但是却无不得志士人之抑郁不平之气,而是力探理学,文关民生。由于其广泛的社会交往与高度的社会责任感,使得怀才不遇的他在地域社会中具有较高的社会声望,并逐渐确立了自己的位置。 展开更多
关键词 唐梦赉 《志壑堂文集》 社会交往 经国济
作者 黄敏丰 《福建教育学院学报》 2024年第7期123-128,共6页
晚明时期优秀的知识分子冯梦龙,将“智”置于一个重要的位置。他站在维护晚明王朝的立场上,辑录上至先秦下至晚明时期的智慧故事,编纂成《智囊补》一书,希望能“执方疗疾”。在《智囊补》中,冯梦龙认为“智”的最高境界是“上智”,即能... 晚明时期优秀的知识分子冯梦龙,将“智”置于一个重要的位置。他站在维护晚明王朝的立场上,辑录上至先秦下至晚明时期的智慧故事,编纂成《智囊补》一书,希望能“执方疗疾”。在《智囊补》中,冯梦龙认为“智”的最高境界是“上智”,即能够根据不同的现实情况采取恰如其分的对策。结合文本,探讨冯梦龙“上智”的具体内涵,从中观照冯梦龙甘为“智囊”,希望统治集团能够以史为鉴,舍小取大、谋事在远、处事轻巧、应对从容,挽救晚明江山于水火之中的政治理想。 展开更多
关键词 《智囊补》 “上智部” 冯梦龙 经国济
作者 曹伏明 《中国科教创新导刊》 2010年第19期160-161,共2页
《三国演义》这部叙述英雄豪杰宏篇巨著在读者面前完整地展现了诸葛亮的人物形象。在社会价值取向上他以修身齐家治国平天下为人生圭臬,一方面关心国计民生,追求一种理想的政治图景。另一方面他讲究仁道礼义,为大家树立一个道德的榜样... 《三国演义》这部叙述英雄豪杰宏篇巨著在读者面前完整地展现了诸葛亮的人物形象。在社会价值取向上他以修身齐家治国平天下为人生圭臬,一方面关心国计民生,追求一种理想的政治图景。另一方面他讲究仁道礼义,为大家树立一个道德的榜样。在个人价值取向上,一方面崇尚自由睥睨浊世,不求闻达于诸侯。另一方面他又讲求立德、立功、立言,走向自我完善,追求自我价值的实现,建立丰功伟绩。他已经永远地超越了其本身,既象征力量,又象征审美,诸葛亮这样一个旷古的灵魂,从历史的海岸线上冉冉升起,必将照彻古往今来的一切愚昧和昏暗。 展开更多
关键词 诸葛亮 经国济 人文精神 价值取向
经国济世李京文——对北京工业大学经管学院李京文院长的管理访谈 被引量:1
作者 寇建平 《管理观察》 2006年第5期6-9,共4页
在国家大力倡导创建创新型社会的今天,几十年来孜孜以求,用雄厚的"知本"为国家发展、社会进步作出贡献的老一辈科学家们的前瞻性、先进性愈发彰显。中国工程院院士,著名经济学家,技术经济学的创始人,现北京工业大学经管学院... 在国家大力倡导创建创新型社会的今天,几十年来孜孜以求,用雄厚的"知本"为国家发展、社会进步作出贡献的老一辈科学家们的前瞻性、先进性愈发彰显。中国工程院院士,著名经济学家,技术经济学的创始人,现北京工业大学经管学院院长李京文教授就是其中的领军人物。2006年5月,本刊记者对北京工业大学经管学院李京文院长进行了采访。李京文院长畅谈了技术经济学与我国经济增长等相关问题。 展开更多
关键词 经国济 北京 工业 大学 管理 技术经济研究 科学院院士 中国社会 技术经济问题 经济分析 学术委员会委员 可持续发展战略 油气资源发展 经济社会发展 博士生导师 工程院院士 重大课题 政策调整 政策措施 战略研究
传统与现实——论张之洞的人才功能观 被引量:3
作者 闭雄壮 《河池学院学报》 2005年第3期102-107,共6页
张之洞是晚清时期重要人物,为了拯救危机,他根据自己信奉的儒家学说中的“人治”思想选拔、培养、荐举和使用了大量人才。在他根据不同的需要使用不同的人才同时,他还极力要求人才保护和继承儒家学说。这是他作为儒者在近代环境下的内... 张之洞是晚清时期重要人物,为了拯救危机,他根据自己信奉的儒家学说中的“人治”思想选拔、培养、荐举和使用了大量人才。在他根据不同的需要使用不同的人才同时,他还极力要求人才保护和继承儒家学说。这是他作为儒者在近代环境下的内在要求。 展开更多
关键词 张之洞 人才功能 人治 经国济 孔圣学说
作者 王晓洁 《现代哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期122-126,共5页
在中国古代思想史上,儒释道对于生死问题皆有论述。近代以来,在西学东渐的文化背景下,知识分子肩负救亡图存的历史重任,生死问题成为动荡年代最需直面的问题。章太炎的生死观主要通过以佛教的生死轮回观来诠释庄子的"庄周梦蝶"... 在中国古代思想史上,儒释道对于生死问题皆有论述。近代以来,在西学东渐的文化背景下,知识分子肩负救亡图存的历史重任,生死问题成为动荡年代最需直面的问题。章太炎的生死观主要通过以佛教的生死轮回观来诠释庄子的"庄周梦蝶"得以彰显,他将己意蕴于庄意,巧妙地表达了自己的经世理想与救国情怀。章太炎从佛教的生死轮回和庄子的"庄周梦蝶"入手来充分挖掘并诠释庄子的这一命题,较之以往注家更有特色。 展开更多
关键词 庄周梦蝶 生死轮回 经国济
作者 曾祥芹 《天中学刊》 2021年第1期93-101,共9页
“文章经济学”是文章学与经济学的交叉学科,它既是“应用经济学”的分支,又是“文章社会学”的分支。曾巩论及经济的文章有120余篇,其中的经济思想包含“重农富民、通商惠民、节用裕民、赈灾恤民、货币利民、基建安民、评佛忧民、祈天... “文章经济学”是文章学与经济学的交叉学科,它既是“应用经济学”的分支,又是“文章社会学”的分支。曾巩论及经济的文章有120余篇,其中的经济思想包含“重农富民、通商惠民、节用裕民、赈灾恤民、货币利民、基建安民、评佛忧民、祈天顺民”八项,内容相当丰富;其文章写、读所遵循的经济法则有“作文应需、言语简约、结构谨严、体式多变、意旨纯正、事料典型、情感中和、写读得益”八条,凸显文运生产价值。“经国济世”是曾巩文章经济学的灵魂,既蕴经济伦理哲学,又归政治经济学科,更具社会实践品格。 展开更多
关键词 曾巩 文章经济学 文章经济思想 写读经济法则 经国济
试析钱穆史学思想的特点 被引量:4
作者 李慧奉 《阴山学刊》 2008年第3期37-41,共5页
钱穆史学思想有几个特点:一是学术研究的创新性,主要表现在中国传统政治非专制论、中国传统社会非封建论、"史心"论、"古史层累地遗失"论。二是"以天下为己任,经国济世"的精神。三是对中国传统文化的深... 钱穆史学思想有几个特点:一是学术研究的创新性,主要表现在中国传统政治非专制论、中国传统社会非封建论、"史心"论、"古史层累地遗失"论。二是"以天下为己任,经国济世"的精神。三是对中国传统文化的深厚感情,在此基础上提出了"文化史观"、"生命史观"、"变化史观"、通史观念等理论。 展开更多
关键词 钱穆 史学思想 创新性 经国济 传统文化
傳統子學精神與“新子學”的責任和使命 被引量:1
作者 唐旭東 《诸子学刊》 2016年第1期127-133,共7页
從根本上説,傳統諸子尤其先秦諸子皆經濟之士,其精神品格是傲然不群的獨立人格、深切的憂國憫世情懷、强烈的責任感和義無反顧的踐行精神。當代'新子學'要繼承傳統子學的精神品格,以學術為根本,以經國濟世為目的,在强國復興的... 從根本上説,傳統諸子尤其先秦諸子皆經濟之士,其精神品格是傲然不群的獨立人格、深切的憂國憫世情懷、强烈的責任感和義無反顧的踐行精神。當代'新子學'要繼承傳統子學的精神品格,以學術為根本,以經國濟世為目的,在强國復興的大業中發揮應有的歷史作用。 展开更多
关键词 傳統子學 經國濟世 新子學
China's New Long March --Economy Development Transition
作者 ZHOU Yu-feng 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第2期119-124,共6页
Whether and how China's rapid economic growth can be sustained, has recently become a hot topic of discussion all over the world. After 30 years of economic development, China has become an important power of world e... Whether and how China's rapid economic growth can be sustained, has recently become a hot topic of discussion all over the world. After 30 years of economic development, China has become an important power of world economy. Then, whether China's economy is able to sustain development and how it sustains development, will not only have relationship to the prosperity of China itself, but also influence the world economic and political future trend of international issues. This paper analyzes the necessity of China's economic transformation, path and existing problems of China's economic transformation, hoping to provide reference opinions. 展开更多
关键词 domestic and global imbalances barriers blocking transition well-ruled and true market economy
China's Economic Reform and Its Prospects
作者 郑永年 《China Economist》 2011年第2期4-11,共8页
China's economy can be characterized as having two correlated imbalances, i.e. imbalances in its domestic and international economic structures. It would be very difficult to identify a causal relationship between th... China's economy can be characterized as having two correlated imbalances, i.e. imbalances in its domestic and international economic structures. It would be very difficult to identify a causal relationship between the two imbalances. In any case, this is an outcome of the past few decades. The same situation can also befound in other countries. Where are China's economy and its reform heading towards? At the macro-level, the econmnic policies guiding China's economy and its performance are closely related to the two imbalances. One thing is for certain: world economic equilibrium will help balance various economies including China. But the world economy cannot automatically balance itself. Various economies must restore their balance before equilibrium can be achieved at the global level. For individual countries, balancing their domestic economy is what they can concentrate on. In other words, China needs to rely on its own efforts to achieve internal economic balance through reform. Internal econontic balance will promote sustainable development and contribute to the world economic balance. The questhm is where will such internal balance come from? How can China achieve an internal rebalance? 展开更多
关键词 economic reform REBALANCE social reform
The Some New Aspects of the International Business Theory and International Economy
作者 Zdzislaw W. Puslecki 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第6期844-855,共12页
Different positions of the member states of the World Trade Organization (WTO), especially the developed and developing countries and also the United States of America (USA), the European Union (EU), and Japan r... Different positions of the member states of the World Trade Organization (WTO), especially the developed and developing countries and also the United States of America (USA), the European Union (EU), and Japan representatives, were observed during the Doha Round of trade negotiations under the WTO. The problems of agriculture protection in the developed countries, for example in the EU and USA and also in the developing countries, were becoming serious obstacles during the negotiations. Despite the undeniable benefits of the multilateral WTO forum for trade liberalization, the rapid increase of North-South bilateral and multilateral free trade areas (FTAs) begs a systematic explanation for why some forums are prioritized relative to others. The main aim of the article is the presentation of some new aspects of the international business theory in the context of international economy. The article presents the mercantilist tendencies in the international trade policy, the theory of public choice in the foreign trade policy, protectionist pressures in different political systems, the level of protectionist pressures, food producers' pressure, and conflicts between the tendencies to sustainable international trade liberalization and environmental protection. 展开更多
关键词 trade policy theory public choice LIBERALIZATION protectionist pressures environmental protection mercantilist tendencies
Will China Double Your Salary?
作者 ROBERT PARKINSON 《China Today》 2015年第7期49-49,共1页
WITH a GDP of over RMB 60 trillion,China's economy has again achieved a more than seven percent growth,which can't be equalled elsewhere in the world.Also,100of the world's latest top 500companies are from China.Do... WITH a GDP of over RMB 60 trillion,China's economy has again achieved a more than seven percent growth,which can't be equalled elsewhere in the world.Also,100of the world's latest top 500companies are from China.Do these facts leave you longing for a job in China? 展开更多
关键词 elsewhere companies leave looking getting trillion facts career starting salary
U.K. Needs Clear Choice on China Relations
作者 JOHN ROSS 《China Today》 2014年第10期55-56,共2页
CHINA and Britain have potentially one of the world’s most fruitful international economic relationships.Not only do they account for 16 percent of world GDP,but their two economies are mutually complementary rather ... CHINA and Britain have potentially one of the world’s most fruitful international economic relationships.Not only do they account for 16 percent of world GDP,but their two economies are mutually complementary rather than competitive.China is now the world’s largest industrial producer, 展开更多
关键词 producer fruitful Choice Britain potentially mutually competitive complementary expertise earlier
Competitiveness Comparison of International Trade in Creative Industries: China trends and features
作者 Jiang Tingting 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期82-86,共5页
This article first summarizes the concept systems and models of creative industries, then compares China's international competitiveness index, import and export value, sub-sector indicators with developed countries ... This article first summarizes the concept systems and models of creative industries, then compares China's international competitiveness index, import and export value, sub-sector indicators with developed countries and other world economics from 2002 to 2008, analyzes the present trends, features and problems, and discusses irrational structure of China' s creativity goods and services export, imbalance value between import and export, insufficient generating and consuming of original creativities through the international creative industries trade statistics at last. 展开更多
关键词 Creative Industries COMPETITIVENESS International Comparison
European Economic Integration and The Future of Southeastern European Countries
作者 Karic Dusica 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第12期1026-1032,共7页
Over the last few years major changes have happened in the region of South-Eastern Europe. They have been significantly determined by the changes in international political relations, and that mirrors economic and pol... Over the last few years major changes have happened in the region of South-Eastern Europe. They have been significantly determined by the changes in international political relations, and that mirrors economic and political interests of some countries. With its 27 member countries and the population of almost halfa billion people, the EU is a significant factor on the world scene. The aim of this paper is to point out that the future of Southeast European countries is, undoubtedly, within the flame of European integration. Moreover, it shows that the EU accomplishes a dominant role in the global economic area. That is also indicated by economic relations of the EU with the South-East European countries, with special regard to Serbia, as it is elaborated in this paper. This paper also examined and compared relations in terms of GDP in South-East European countries, as well as the highest import and export by sectors in relation Serbia--the EU. For the purpose of this research, the information from the world economic data base was used as the parameter of the research, and the information from the relevant financial institutions in Serbia. The main findings showed which countries in the South-Eastern Europe have the highest economic potential, which countries had positive GDP growth rate, the fact that Serbia had export growth of goods and services towards the EU and all the difficulties which followed that export. Finally, taking into consideration all the parameters, it can be concluded that the goal and future of South-East European countries is within the EU integration. 展开更多
关键词 economic relations between the EU countries with the greatest economic potential in the EU thegrowth rate of GDP the future of Southeast Europe
Implicit Learning and Explicit Learning in the Context of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language By Analyzing the Textbook Kuaile Hanyu
作者 YU Le-le 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第1期13-19,共7页
With the rising status of China in the world in the economic, political and cultural aspects, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) is becoming more and more prevalent across the world. Britain is the countr... With the rising status of China in the world in the economic, political and cultural aspects, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) is becoming more and more prevalent across the world. Britain is the country where the Chinese is taught and learnt earlier than other Western countries. Take the students in Confucius Institute of Newcastle University in UK for example, due to the students' different backgrounds and also different ages and language foundations, whether the Chinese teaching materials can meet their motivations and needs is a problem worth further investigation by Chinese language teachers. Therefore, concerning the leamers' different ages and cognitive ability, this paper aims to analyze the textbook named Kuaile Hanyu (Happy Chinese) in terms of its advantages and disadvantages, in hope to evaluate whether it is appropriate to different learners and propose a few suggestions for the Chinese materials in the future. Simultaneously, fi'om perspective of implicit learning and explicit learning, a tentative study is carried out on the influence of implicit and explicit leaming in TCFL context. 展开更多
关键词 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) TEXTBOOK implicit learning explicit learning
China's Developing Open Economy: Myths and Realities
作者 张二震 戴翔 《China Economist》 2012年第4期91-97,共7页
Both academia and actual economic sectors have certain misunderstandings regarding the development of China's open economy. Since its accession to the WTO, China has in fact had an open economy and not an "export-or... Both academia and actual economic sectors have certain misunderstandings regarding the development of China's open economy. Since its accession to the WTO, China has in fact had an open economy and not an "export-oriented" economy. China's trade imbalance in the global economy is merely a result of economic disparities between the world's more- and less- developed regions combined with the rational optimization of resources. The current situation, wherein China appears to be heavily export-oriented, stems naturally from the real economy moving towards a dynamic equilibrium against a backdrop of economic globalization and deepening international specialization. We have concluded that domestic consumption and external demand reinforce each other, and the development of an open economy in China is therefore not at odds with expanding domestic consumption. 展开更多
关键词 open economy export-oriented economy global economic imbalance domestic consumption and external demand
China's Contributions to the World: Economic Growth, Resource . Consumption and Global Imbalance
作者 卢锋 《China Economist》 2012年第4期40-51,共12页
This paper makes systematic observations of China's contributions to global macroeconomic growth and bulk commodity consumption. Our observations suggest that while China's economic size is relatively small on a per... This paper makes systematic observations of China's contributions to global macroeconomic growth and bulk commodity consumption. Our observations suggest that while China's economic size is relatively small on a per capita basis, its contributions are large in terms of overall volume; moreover, the economy has experienced tremendous growth. Quantifying these characteristics that are unique to China's development creates a realistic background upon which China can re-examine its trade and economic policies and strategic thinking. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth economic globalization contribution to global economic growth
The Challenges of Human Resource Management Practices in the Informal Sector in Nigeria
作者 Gbajumo-Sheriff Mariam Elegbede Tunde Owoyemi Oluwakemi 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第5期340-351,共12页
Unemployment in the third world countries has led to various negative and positive challenges from brain drain, increased crime cases to emergent of entrepreneurial businesses. This paper examines the Nigerian informa... Unemployment in the third world countries has led to various negative and positive challenges from brain drain, increased crime cases to emergent of entrepreneurial businesses. This paper examines the Nigerian informal sector and the extent of conformity with proper human resource practices. This paper adopts survey approach in analyzing data to test whether or not SMEs can conform to global HRM practices by analyzing some variables. Graphs and simple statistics were used to test the probability of conformity of informal sector activities with HRM practices in Nigeria. This paper also relied on secondary data from Bureau of Statistics and other government agencies. Past literatures were also examined. It was discovered that due to low capital outlay and inability to access funds from financial institutions, global human resource practices like proper recruitment, training, career development are being ignored. 展开更多
关键词 human resource practices informal sector ENTREPRENEUR
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