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多模腔场与耦合原子之间量子纠缠信息的传递规律 被引量:2
作者 王菊霞 安毓英 杨志勇 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期2355-2359,共5页
提出了多个"耦合双原子-腔-多模光场"相互作用系统的集合模型,发现了该物理系统中量子纠缠信息的传递规律.即:处于基态的原子以特定速度通过处于纠缠态的腔场时,原子能够将光场的纠缠信息据为已有;反之,纠缠原子以特定速度通... 提出了多个"耦合双原子-腔-多模光场"相互作用系统的集合模型,发现了该物理系统中量子纠缠信息的传递规律.即:处于基态的原子以特定速度通过处于纠缠态的腔场时,原子能够将光场的纠缠信息据为已有;反之,纠缠原子以特定速度通过真空场时,原子能把纠缠信息释放于腔中,这样便实现了腔-原子之间纠缠信息的交换传递.利用原子能够捡起、释放量子纠缠信息的特点,进一步实现腔-腔之间异地量子纠缠信息的传递.在不同条件下,量子纠缠信息还可以保持. 展开更多
关键词 腔量子电动力学 多模腔场 耦合原子 量子纠缠信息 传递
作者 王菊霞 潘营利 董康军 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期24-26,共3页
依据全量子理论原理,采用时间演化算符的方法,详细探讨了等同双能级原子与单模光场在偶极共振相互作用过程中系统的时间演化特性,分析了偶极相互作用对量子纠缠信息传递或保持的影响。计算和分析表明:量子信息的传递或保持过程与原子的... 依据全量子理论原理,采用时间演化算符的方法,详细探讨了等同双能级原子与单模光场在偶极共振相互作用过程中系统的时间演化特性,分析了偶极相互作用对量子纠缠信息传递或保持的影响。计算和分析表明:量子信息的传递或保持过程与原子的初态有强烈的关联,即偶极-偶极作用对W型原子,当偶极相互作用强度满足一定条件时,才能使初始原子纠缠态或光子纠缠态完全保持,不同条件下,部分保持或部分交换传递,同时出现一些混合纠缠态;而对于GHZ型原子纠缠态的传递或保持没有影响。 展开更多
关键词 量子光学 量子纠缠信息 交换传递 保持 偶极作用
作者 王菊霞 杨志勇 安毓英 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期293-297,共5页
利用全量子理论,分析了多个原子-腔场构成的联合系统中原子与腔场依赖强度的非共振相互作用过程。结果表明:通过控制原子与腔场相互作用时间,并对原子状态进行测量,原子最大纠缠态与类奇偶相干态光场的最大纠缠态可以相互转换;对失谐量... 利用全量子理论,分析了多个原子-腔场构成的联合系统中原子与腔场依赖强度的非共振相互作用过程。结果表明:通过控制原子与腔场相互作用时间,并对原子状态进行测量,原子最大纠缠态与类奇偶相干态光场的最大纠缠态可以相互转换;对失谐量的限制,使得二者之间完全交换,进一步证明封闭系统中的演化是可逆的。 展开更多
关键词 量子光学 纠缠信息 依赖强度耦合 非共振相互作用 完全交换
作者 马浩凯 祁云嵩 吴宇斌 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期772-778,共7页
针对现有基于图神经网络的知识补全模型在处理知识图谱异构性上的不足,及大部分模型采用单一静态实体表示方式导致的模型表达能力受限问题,提出一种基于图注意力网络的解纠缠邻域信息聚合模型。首先,该模型通过学习每个实体的解纠缠表示... 针对现有基于图神经网络的知识补全模型在处理知识图谱异构性上的不足,及大部分模型采用单一静态实体表示方式导致的模型表达能力受限问题,提出一种基于图注意力网络的解纠缠邻域信息聚合模型。首先,该模型通过学习每个实体的解纠缠表示,对实体的潜在影响因子进行多组件表示。其次,利用注意力机制,为两个相连的实体选择最具影响力的潜在影响因子作为连接要素。接着,通过关系感知注意力机制自适应地聚合实体因子级的邻域消息,有效地减少了在信息聚合过程中不相关信息的相互干扰,进而显著增强了模型的语义表达能力。此外,为了使模型在评分过程中关注与给定关系最相关的实体组件,进一步引入了一个自适应评分系数,使模型能够自适应地感知给定的关系与实体不同组件的关联度。实验结果显示,提出的模型在WN18RR和FB15K-237数据集的知识图谱补全任务上相较其他先进基线模型表现更优,并显著地增强了模型的表达能力。 展开更多
关键词 知识图谱补全 图神经网络 纠缠邻域信息 注意力机制
作者 王菊霞 杨志勇 安毓英 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期462-466,共5页
利用演化因子给出了相干原子束与相干腔场相互作用系统的演化规律.研究了其相互作用过程,结果表明:量子信息不但可以在相干原子与相干腔场之间相互交换,而且可以在不同相干腔场之间传递.还发现:在普遍情况下,信息交换传递的条件与原子... 利用演化因子给出了相干原子束与相干腔场相互作用系统的演化规律.研究了其相互作用过程,结果表明:量子信息不但可以在相干原子与相干腔场之间相互交换,而且可以在不同相干腔场之间传递.还发现:在普遍情况下,信息交换传递的条件与原子跃迁的频率(ωa,k)及其相对相位(ξ)、光场的频率(ωf,k)及其相对相位(η)、原子与光场的耦合强度(g)和相互作用时间(t)等均有关,但当原子与光场发生共振相互作用时,其条件仅与g、t有关. 展开更多
关键词 量子信息 量子纠缠信息 相干原子束 相干腔场 交换传递
作者 郝翔 朱士群 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 2004年第B09期15-15,共1页
在隐形传态理论中 ,利用的通道已经从最大纠缠纯态发展到非最大纠缠纯态。而混合纠缠态通道有可能更接近于实际情况。固体理论中海森堡链的热力学平衡态就是一类很重要的混合纠缠态 ,其中两个量子位的平衡态为 :ρc=1zexp(-H/T) ,H=12 ... 在隐形传态理论中 ,利用的通道已经从最大纠缠纯态发展到非最大纠缠纯态。而混合纠缠态通道有可能更接近于实际情况。固体理论中海森堡链的热力学平衡态就是一类很重要的混合纠缠态 ,其中两个量子位的平衡态为 :ρc=1zexp(-H/T) ,H=12 ∑2i=1Bσiz+J(σixσi+1x +σiyσi+1y +σizσi+1z ) (1)H是态的哈密顿量 ,z是配分函数。以一般的混合态作为通道 ,进行Bell态测量 ,通过幺正操作也能完成单个量子位的隐形传递。这个过程相当于一般的退极化通道 (depolarizingchannel)。我们用两个独立的热力学混合纠缠态作通道传递双量子位态 ,那么传递后的态可表示为 :ρout =∑i,jpipj(σi σj) ρm(σi σj) ,   (∑i,jpipj =1) (2 )在传递的过程中 ,纠缠信息会减少。为了实现纠缠隐形传递 ,海森堡链中量子位之间的相互作用系数J应大于一定的临界值 ,温度和磁场都应小于一定的临界值 ,这样 ,当B→ 0 ,T<(2J/ln11)时 ,传输的平均保真度大于 2 / 3,说明此时的量子隐形传递的效果要比经典通讯好。系统的互信息量 (mutualinformatiom )会随着温度和磁场的增加而减小 ,输入的纠缠信息也将降低。 展开更多
关键词 磁场 海森堡链 隐形传态理论 哈密顿量 量子信息 纠缠信息
作者 丁毅 《浙江万里学院学报》 2018年第5期25-30,共6页
社会各界一般将《政府信息公开条例》第13条的规定作为政府信息公开申请人资格的规定,然而自《政府信息公开条例》实施以来,由于社会各界对于第13条中"三需要"和"特殊需要"的规定基于不同的考虑而造成在司法实践中... 社会各界一般将《政府信息公开条例》第13条的规定作为政府信息公开申请人资格的规定,然而自《政府信息公开条例》实施以来,由于社会各界对于第13条中"三需要"和"特殊需要"的规定基于不同的考虑而造成在司法实践中存在着不同的处理思路,对此一直争议不断。同时,由此所引发的一系列滥用申请权到底该如何规制也一直是探讨的焦点,尤其是到底该如何准确判定"纠缠信息"的标准问题。对此,文章通过对《政府信息公开条例》第13条存在的各种争议及其原因进行梳理,并且对世界各国的立法经验予以相应的探讨,由此提出相应的意见建议。 展开更多
关键词 政府信息申请人资格 “三需要” “特殊需要” 滥用申请权 纠缠信息
微信民族志:XT水灾的微信民族志构想 被引量:7
作者 刘忠魏 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期32-45,共14页
随着人类学网络研究在方法论层面的创新,由"界面"(interface)限定的"微信田野"和田野工作成为理解这一议题的关键,"微信界面"的建构,有望实现人类学田野工作的突破。就XT水灾的研究而言,因为有"微... 随着人类学网络研究在方法论层面的创新,由"界面"(interface)限定的"微信田野"和田野工作成为理解这一议题的关键,"微信界面"的建构,有望实现人类学田野工作的突破。就XT水灾的研究而言,因为有"微信田野工作"的支持,人类学有望突破传统田野工作和相应的民族志书写的诸多限制,从而以新的视角和技术路径认识他者、反思自我。由此也可提出,事件即信息,"行动与事件/信息之纠缠"是网络社会互动的核心机制。以信息技术发展和信息社会为基础的"界面"的扩张、聚合和变形正日益深刻地改变着当代世界,田野、他者以及研究者与他者的互动也因之改变。 展开更多
关键词 微信民族志 界面 微信田野 行动与事件/信息纠缠 XT水灾
Many-Agent Controlled Teleportation of Multi-qubit Quantum Information via Quantum Entanglement Swapping 被引量:14
作者 ZHANG Zhan-Jun LIU Yi-Min MAN Zhong-Xiao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5X期847-850,共4页
We present a method to teleport multi-qubit quantum information in an easy way from a sender to a receiver via the control of many agents in a network. Only when all the agents collaborate with the quantum information... We present a method to teleport multi-qubit quantum information in an easy way from a sender to a receiver via the control of many agents in a network. Only when all the agents collaborate with the quantum information receiver can the unknown states in the sender's qubits be fully reconstructed in the receiver's qubits. In our method, agents's control parameters are obtained via quantum entanglement swapping. As the realization of the many-agent controlled teleportation is concerned, compared to the recent method [G.P. Yang, et al., Phys. Rev. A 70 (2004) 022329], our present method considerably reduces the preparation difficulty of initial states and the identification difficulty of entangled states, moreover, it does not need local Hadamard operations and it is more feasible in technology. 展开更多
关键词 quantum teleportation quantum information quantum entanglement swapping
Quantum Key Distribution Scheme with High Efficiency 被引量:3
作者 GAO Gan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期820-822,共3页
Based on entanglement swapping, a quantum key distribution (QKD) scheme is proposed. In this scheme, the secret keys are formed by comparing initial Bell states and outcomes of entanglement swapping. Moreover, all i... Based on entanglement swapping, a quantum key distribution (QKD) scheme is proposed. In this scheme, the secret keys are formed by comparing initial Bell states and outcomes of entanglement swapping. Moreover, all initial Bell states prepared by Alice and Bob are completely arbitrary. As the classical information exchanged between two parties is very little, this QKD scheme has a high efficiency. In addition, in order to prevent eavesdropping, decoy particles are used. 展开更多
关键词 Bell state comparison entanglement swapping quantum key distribution
Schemes for Splitting Quantum Information with Four-Particle Genuine Entangled States 被引量:3
作者 詹佑邦 张群永 王郁武 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期847-851,共5页
We propose two schemes for splitting single- and two-qubit states by using four-particle genuine entangled state as the quantum channel. After the sender performs Bell-basis (or three-partite GHZ- basis) measurement... We propose two schemes for splitting single- and two-qubit states by using four-particle genuine entangled state as the quantum channel. After the sender performs Bell-basis (or three-partite GHZ- basis) measurements on her particles, and the cooperators operate single-particle measurements on their particles, the state receiver can reconstruct the original state of the sender by applying the appropriate unitary operation. In particular, in the scheme for splitting two-qubit state, the receiver needs to introduce an auxiliary particle and carries out a C-NOT operation. 展开更多
关键词 splitting quantum information four-particle genuine entangled state Bell-basis measurement GHZ-basis measurement controlled-NOT operation
Efficient Scheme for Entanglement and Quantum Information Processing with Two Superconducting Quantum-Interference Devices in Cavity QED 被引量:1
作者 ZHAN Zhi-Ming 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期722-724,共3页
In this paper, a scheme is proposed to create the entanglement of two superconducting quantum-interference devices (SQUIDs) and implement a two-quhit quantum phase gate between two SQUIDs in cavity. The scheme only ... In this paper, a scheme is proposed to create the entanglement of two superconducting quantum-interference devices (SQUIDs) and implement a two-quhit quantum phase gate between two SQUIDs in cavity. The scheme only requires resonant interactions. Thus the scheme is very simple and the quantum dynamics operation can he realized at a high speed, which is important in view of decoherence. 展开更多
Controlled Teleportation of Multi-qutrit Quantum Information by Swapping Entanglement 被引量:3
作者 YANG Jie LIU Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期338-342,共5页
We present a scheme for teleporting multi-qutrit quantum information from a sender to a receiver via the control of many agents in a network. Agents's control parameters are obtained via quantum entanglement swapping... We present a scheme for teleporting multi-qutrit quantum information from a sender to a receiver via the control of many agents in a network. Agents's control parameters are obtained via quantum entanglement swapping. In our scheme, Zhang and Man's QSS protocol [Phys. Rev. A 72 (2005) 022303] based on Bell-state entanglement swapping is generalized to a qutrit case. Our scheme owns the advantage of having higher code capacity and better security than the work [Commun. Theor. Phys. 44 (2005) 847] on controlled teleportation for multi-qubit. 展开更多
关键词 controlled teleportation multi-qutrit quantum information entanglement swapping
科学蓝海在哪里——冰山理论和暗物质暗能量理论启发下的科学思考 被引量:1
作者 黄明林 黄点点 《中小企业管理与科技》 2016年第29期88-89,共2页
冰山理论和暗物质暗能量理论启发我们,科学已知仅是冰山一角,科学未知才是主宰未来的根本,还有大片科学蓝海等待我们去开发:中华传统文化里有科学蓝海,科学红海里有科学蓝海,调整科学思维开发科学蓝海,健康中国建设是推进跨界科学蓝海... 冰山理论和暗物质暗能量理论启发我们,科学已知仅是冰山一角,科学未知才是主宰未来的根本,还有大片科学蓝海等待我们去开发:中华传统文化里有科学蓝海,科学红海里有科学蓝海,调整科学思维开发科学蓝海,健康中国建设是推进跨界科学蓝海的助推器。只有科学蓝海的大力开发,公民科学素养与人文素养的大力提升,才能提升国家、民族的精气神,才能达到五福临门颐享天年天人合一的美好境界。 展开更多
关键词 科学蓝海 冰山理论 信息纠缠效应 健康中国 科技自信
Controlled Teleportation of Multi-qudit Quantum Information by Entanglement Swapping 被引量:2
作者 DONG Jian TENG Jian-Fu WANG Shu-Yan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期823-827,共5页
In this paper, we present a scheme for teleporting multi-qudit quantum state, from the sender Alice to the receiver Charlie via many controllers Bobs, whose control parameters are obtained using entanglement swapping ... In this paper, we present a scheme for teleporting multi-qudit quantum state, from the sender Alice to the receiver Charlie via many controllers Bobs, whose control parameters are obtained using entanglement swapping of maximally d-dimensional EPR pair. In our scheme, Yang's qutrit controlled teleportation protocol [Commun. Theor. Phys. 49 (2008) 338] based on Bell-state entanglement swapping is generalized to the qudit case. The scheme of multi-qudit owns the advantage of having higher code capacity and better security than that of multi-qutrit. 展开更多
关键词 quantum controlled teleportation multi-qudit quantum information EPR pair entanglement swapping
Controlled Quantum Teleportation Through Noisy GHZ Channel
作者 苗纯 杨名 曹卓良 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期489-495,共7页
In this paper, we propose two physical schemes for teleporting an unknown atomic state through noisy channel in cavity QED. The quantum channel is a noisy one -- a mixed GHZ state, which is more realistic in quantum i... In this paper, we propose two physical schemes for teleporting an unknown atomic state through noisy channel in cavity QED. The quantum channel is a noisy one -- a mixed GHZ state, which is more realistic in quantum information processing. We solve analytically a master equation in the Lindblad form with (L2,z, L3,z, L4,z)-type of noise in cavity Q, ED. A comparison between the two protocols are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 TELEPORTATION cavity QED noise channel GHZ state
Effect of Intrinsic Decoherence of Milburn's Model on Entanglement of Two-Qutrit States
作者 QIU Liang WANG An-Min MA Xiao-San 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期516-520,共5页
We model of intrinsic analyze the time evolution of entanglement of two-qutrit system within the framework of Milburn's decoherence. The entanglement evolution relies not only on the parameters of system, but also on... We model of intrinsic analyze the time evolution of entanglement of two-qutrit system within the framework of Milburn's decoherence. The entanglement evolution relies not only on the parameters of system, but also on the concrete states either pure or mixed. The linear entropy used to measure the extent to which the intrinsic decoherenee affects quantum states is evaluated. 展开更多
关键词 intrinsic decoherence Milburn's model time evolution of entanglement
Entanglement Preserving in Quantum Copying of Three-Qubit Entangled State
作者 TONGZhao-Yang KUANGLe-Man 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第5期541-546,共6页
We study the degree to which quantum entanglement survives when a three-qubit entangled state iscopied by using local and non-local processes, respectively, and investigate iterating quantum copyingfor the three-qubit... We study the degree to which quantum entanglement survives when a three-qubit entangled state iscopied by using local and non-local processes, respectively, and investigate iterating quantum copyingfor the three-qubitsystem. There may exist inter-three-qubit entanglement and inter-two-qubit entanglement for the three-qubit system.We show that both local and non-local copying processes degrade quantum entanglement in the three-particle systemdue to a residual correlation between the copied output and the copying machine. We also show that the inter-two-qubitentanglement is preserved better than the inter-three-qubit entanglement in the local cloning process. We find thatnon-local cloning is much more efficient than the local copying for broadcasting entanglement, and output state vianon-local cloning exhibits the fidelity better than local cloning. 展开更多
关键词 entangled states quantum entanglement quantum copying
New Operator Realization of Superoperators and Its Application in Quantum Information Theory
作者 FAN Hong-Yi HU Li-Yun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期37-40,共4页
By exposing deficiency of the usual superoperators that have no explicit operator-expression in quantuminformation theory we introduce thermo entangled state representation to endow each of these superoperators a defi... By exposing deficiency of the usual superoperators that have no explicit operator-expression in quantuminformation theory we introduce thermo entangled state representation to endow each of these superoperators a definiteoperator-expression in an enlarged space in which one mode is a fictitious.This helps us to directly derive the role ofexponential of superoperators and the solutions of some master equations. 展开更多
关键词 superoperators operator-expression thermo entangled state
Engineering Multi-atom Entangled States via Cavity Decay
作者 ZHENG Shi-Biao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期719-721,共3页
A scheme is proposed for the generation of entangled states for multiple atoms trapped in a cavity by detecting photon decay. The scheme is valid no matter when the effective atom-cavity coupling strength is larger th... A scheme is proposed for the generation of entangled states for multiple atoms trapped in a cavity by detecting photon decay. The scheme is valid no matter when the effective atom-cavity coupling strength is larger than the cavity decay rate or not, which is of importance in view of experiment. The fidelity of entanglement is insensitive to the inefticiency of the photo-detector. The scheme does not require a photon to be initially injected into the cavity. 展开更多
关键词 entangled state PHOTON cavity decay
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