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航空短波红外分光谱遥感技术直接寻找油气藏的有效性及应用实例 被引量:3
作者 杨琨 杨柏林 《矿物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第3期321-326,共6页
采用航空短波红外分光谱遥感技术,在新疆准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地某些油气区,进行直接寻找油气资源的试验研究后发现:油气区含油岩系、油气藏上方盖层土壤的光谱在2300和2350um波段具有双吸收特征;2270~2460um波段的反射率比相邻波... 采用航空短波红外分光谱遥感技术,在新疆准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地某些油气区,进行直接寻找油气资源的试验研究后发现:油气区含油岩系、油气藏上方盖层土壤的光谱在2300和2350um波段具有双吸收特征;2270~2460um波段的反射率比相邻波段的反射率低15%~20%,这是遥感技术直接寻找油气资源的理论基础。该区油气藏上方普遍存在着烃类和放射性异常,碳酸盐异常仅在局部地方出现。图象处理提取出的油气遥感信息主要反映是烃类物质(以重烃为主)的2270~2460um波段的光谱信息。 展开更多
关键词 油气藏 遥感 红外分光谱 探矿
机载短波红外分光谱遥感技术直接寻找油气资源研究 被引量:3
作者 杨柏林 杨琨 《贵州地质》 1996年第4期316-317,共2页
本文对新疆准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地北部,某些油气区的含油岩系、油气藏上方的土壤覆盖层和某些化学纯的烃类物质的光谱特征研究表明:烃类物质在2310和2350nm具有双汲收特征,2270~2460nm的反射率比相邻波段低1... 本文对新疆准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地北部,某些油气区的含油岩系、油气藏上方的土壤覆盖层和某些化学纯的烃类物质的光谱特征研究表明:烃类物质在2310和2350nm具有双汲收特征,2270~2460nm的反射率比相邻波段低15%~20%。油气藏上方普遍存在着烃类异常、放射性异常,而碳酸盐矿化蚀变仅在局部地方出现。航空短波红外分光谱遥感技术直接寻找油气资源的试验研究表明:地物波段特征研究是该技术的基础;探测器工作波段的选择是核心;图像处理技术是关键。图像处理提取出的油气遥感信息主要反映的是烃类物质(以重烃为主)的2270~2460nm的光谱信息。该技术直接应用于油气资源的前期勘探是很有前途的。 展开更多
关键词 油气资源 找矿 遥感 红外光谱
基于线性渐变分光近红外光谱仪的苹果可溶性固形物含量无损检测研究 被引量:2
作者 张鹤冬 王冬 +2 位作者 韩平 吴静珠 余乐 《农产品质量与安全》 2018年第5期53-57,共5页
为了探讨线性渐变分光近红外光谱仪在水果内部品质无损快速检测方面应用的可行性及其光谱学机理,本文以基于线性渐变分光近红外光谱仪所采集的苹果光谱数据为自变量,以苹果可溶性固形物含量为因变量,采用偏最小二乘回归结合全交互验证算... 为了探讨线性渐变分光近红外光谱仪在水果内部品质无损快速检测方面应用的可行性及其光谱学机理,本文以基于线性渐变分光近红外光谱仪所采集的苹果光谱数据为自变量,以苹果可溶性固形物含量为因变量,采用偏最小二乘回归结合全交互验证算法,分别对全谱、一倍频、二倍频、三倍频、一二倍频、一三倍频、二三倍频共7个谱区建立校正模型并根据模型准确度选择优化谱区。对优化谱区采用平滑、标准正态变量变换、多元散射校正、一阶导数进行光谱数据预处理优化。最后采用外部验证集对优化预处理的模型进行预测准确度评价。结果显示,基于一二倍频区的校正模型准确度较其他谱区最高,其校正测定系数、校正均方根误差、交互验证测定系数、交互验证均方根误差分别为0.753 9、 0.93、 0.745 9、0.95;在此基础上,多元散射校正预处理后所建模型准确度更高,模型校正测定系数、校正均方根误差、交互验证测定系数、交互验证均方根误差分别为0.755 9、 0.92、 0.748 2、 0.94;外部验证集模型预测测定系数、预测均方根误差分别为0.683 4、 1.01。上述3个模型均通过F检验证明其可溶性固形物含量预测值与参考值之间具有显著的相关关系。结果表明,基于一二倍频区数据所建模型基本可以满足苹果可溶性固形物含量快速无损检测的需求,并可为基于线性渐变分光的便携式近红外光谱仪的应用提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 线性渐变光近红外光谱 可溶性固形物 无损检测 苹果
作者 孙悦 肖蓉 《分析测试技术与仪器》 CAS 1996年第1期50-51,共2页
岛津IR—408红外分光光谱仪故障二则孙悦,肖蓉(四川联合大学西区应用物理研究所成都610065)故障一:开机后扫描起始位置为4000m-1时,记录笔不归零,调“100%满度”控制旅钮也无任何反应,测任何样品记录笔均... 岛津IR—408红外分光光谱仪故障二则孙悦,肖蓉(四川联合大学西区应用物理研究所成都610065)故障一:开机后扫描起始位置为4000m-1时,记录笔不归零,调“100%满度”控制旅钮也无任何反应,测任何样品记录笔均不动作;按下“AUTOSCAN”键... 展开更多
关键词 红外光谱 故障 检修
作者 孙悦 肖蓉 《中国仪器仪表》 1996年第2期39-39,共1页
岛津IR-408红外分光光谱仪特殊故障处理二例孙悦,肖蓉故障一:开机后扫描起始位置为4000cm-1时记录笔不归零,调100%控制旋钮也无任何反应,测任何样品记录笔均不动作;按下“自动扫描”键时走纸扫描系统均正常,转... 岛津IR-408红外分光光谱仪特殊故障处理二例孙悦,肖蓉故障一:开机后扫描起始位置为4000cm-1时记录笔不归零,调100%控制旋钮也无任何反应,测任何样品记录笔均不动作;按下“自动扫描”键时走纸扫描系统均正常,转换灵敏度选择旋钮及用手遮挡样品窗时... 展开更多
关键词 红外光谱 故障维修 光谱
作者 丁丰 邹天治 《中国法医学杂志》 CSCD 1994年第3期173-174,共2页
关键词 检索 红外光谱 毒物 计算机检索
《中国科技信息》 2004年第15期14-16,共3页
将中药材地黄的样品研磨成粉末,取1~2毫克,加入溴化钾,在研钵中研磨、混匀,然后转移到模具中,在低真空环境中压成透明的薄片,放入红外分光光谱仪,并启动电脑上的相关程序,一条上下起伏的曲线便呈现在屏幕上。通过与标准图的对... 将中药材地黄的样品研磨成粉末,取1~2毫克,加入溴化钾,在研钵中研磨、混匀,然后转移到模具中,在低真空环境中压成透明的薄片,放入红外分光光谱仪,并启动电脑上的相关程序,一条上下起伏的曲线便呈现在屏幕上。通过与标准图的对比,孙素琴教授告诉记者:受检的地黄还不“熟”,属于早期采收的产品。 展开更多
关键词 中药鉴别 红外光谱 色谱法 中药饮片 质量控制
作者 唐官保(翻译) 刘辉(翻译) +4 位作者 M. Katsioti P.E. Tsakiridis P. Giannatos a Z. Tsibouki J. Marinos 《水泥助磨剂技术》 2011年第4期41-46,共6页
这里研究工作的目的是评价用于硅酸盐水泥(实验室阶段在一个球磨机中研磨)生产的六种商业助磨剂。为了参考,一个样品没有添加任何附加剂进行粉磨。利用傅里叶变换红外光谱法和气相色谱/质谱联用技术对助磨剂的特性进行了描述。粉磨... 这里研究工作的目的是评价用于硅酸盐水泥(实验室阶段在一个球磨机中研磨)生产的六种商业助磨剂。为了参考,一个样品没有添加任何附加剂进行粉磨。利用傅里叶变换红外光谱法和气相色谱/质谱联用技术对助磨剂的特性进行了描述。粉磨后的水泥试样测试初凝和终凝时间、标准稠度用水量、流动性,以及在2d、7d、28d后测试抗压强度。实验过程中,掺加助磨剂能使物料更易被粉磨,并且改善水泥的比表面积,这个归因于添加剂不仅能降低粉碎阻力,还能阻止物料颗粒团聚与黏附在粉磨介质和磨机内壁上。水泥粉磨时加入的商业助磨剂都含有三异丙醇胺(TIPA),它能在不同龄期提高水泥强度,并且延长水泥的凝结时间。另外,商业助磨剂中三乙醇胺(TEA)的存在不但影响了生产水泥的力学性能,还略减少了水泥的凝结时间。 展开更多
关键词 水泥 助磨剂 傅里叶变换红外分光谱 气相色谱质谱联用技术 物理力学性能
Carbonization mechanism of bamboo (phyllostachys) by means of Fourier Transform Infrared and elemental analysis 被引量:13
作者 左宋林 高尚愚 +1 位作者 阮锡根 徐柏森 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期75-79,共5页
通过测定在200-600℃炭化竹材得到的固体产物的碳、氢、氧元素的含量及它们的红外光谱,研究了在炭化过程中竹材中半纤维素、纤维素及木素的变化规律。结果表明,结合元素分析,红外光谱分析方法是研究竹材炭化机理的有效手段。在200℃以前... 通过测定在200-600℃炭化竹材得到的固体产物的碳、氢、氧元素的含量及它们的红外光谱,研究了在炭化过程中竹材中半纤维素、纤维素及木素的变化规律。结果表明,结合元素分析,红外光谱分析方法是研究竹材炭化机理的有效手段。在200℃以前,竹材中的半纤维素和纤维素的大量羟基断裂,并结合成水而失去。在200-250℃之间,竹材中的纤维素被降解,其中的吡喃型环也遭到破坏。并且木素中的甲氧基也被脱去。竹材中的木素网状结构在250-400℃之间遭到完全的破坏。竹炭中的碳原子在600℃已基本上完成了芳环化。图3表2参15。 展开更多
关键词 BAMBOO CARBONIZATION Fourier Transform infrared Elemental analysis
Evidence of Casparian Strip in the Foliar Endodermis of Pinus bungeana 被引量:3
作者 吴小琴 朱锦懋 +4 位作者 黄儒珠 王钦丽 郑文菊 胡玉熹 林金星 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第10期1081-1084,共4页
利用荧光显微镜对白皮松 (PinusbungeanaZucc.)针叶内皮层结构进行深入观察 ,确认内皮层径向壁和横向壁上具有能够激发荧光的带状结构 ;用纤维素酶和果胶酶对内皮层充分酶解分离后 ,首次从叶中得到类似于根部内皮层特有的网状结构 ;应... 利用荧光显微镜对白皮松 (PinusbungeanaZucc.)针叶内皮层结构进行深入观察 ,确认内皮层径向壁和横向壁上具有能够激发荧光的带状结构 ;用纤维素酶和果胶酶对内皮层充分酶解分离后 ,首次从叶中得到类似于根部内皮层特有的网状结构 ;应用傅立叶变换红外光谱分光术 (FTIR)对网状结构进行化学成分鉴定 ,其吸收光谱的分析结果表明 ,针叶内皮层细胞壁带状结构部分含有木质素、木栓质、纤维素和细胞壁蛋白等 ,而这些成分与针叶维管组织的成分不尽相同。上述证据表明 ,白皮松针叶内皮层细胞壁具有与根部内皮层相似的凯氏带结构。 展开更多
关键词 Pinus bungeana NEEDLE ENDODERMIS Casparian strip cell wall enzymatic isolation Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
Anti-ultraviolet aging tests of asphalts adapting to environment in Tibetan Plateau of China 被引量:15
作者 廖公云 黄晓明 巴桑顿珠 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期503-507,共5页
Ultraviolet (UV) aging is one of the main factors which cause premature damage of asphalt pavements in the Tibetan Plateau, China. According to the measured levels of UV radiation, aging tests of styrene-butadiene r... Ultraviolet (UV) aging is one of the main factors which cause premature damage of asphalt pavements in the Tibetan Plateau, China. According to the measured levels of UV radiation, aging tests of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) asphalts with different contents of three anti-UV-aging agents including nano-TiO2, CeO2 and carbon black are performed. Common indices, which include retained penetration after thin film oven tests (TFOT) and softening point, and strategic highway research program (SHRP) indices of aged asphalts are evaluated. Infrared absorption spectral analysis is performed on asphalt specimens with 0. 8% carbon black which have been aged for different aging times (500, 1000 and 1 500 h). By grey incidence analysis, the optimal contents of anti-UV-aging agents are determined. The results show that TiO2 and CeO2 are not only good UV absorbing or shielding agents, but also strong oxidants. Carbon black is a good anti-UV-aging agent, and its optimal content is about 0. 8% of asphalt weight. UV aging of asphalt mainly occurs in the early stages of aging. The longer the aging time, the more severe the aging of asphalt. 展开更多
关键词 ultraviolet (UV) aging agent carbon black infrared absorption spectral analysis grey incidence analysis
Taxonomy characterization and cadmium biosorption of fungus strain 被引量:3
作者 曾晓希 柴立元 +2 位作者 汤建新 刘学端 杨志辉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第9期2759-2765,共7页
The taxonomy characteriazation and cadmium (Cd) biosorption of the high Cd-resistant fungus M1 were investigated. The internal transcribed spacers (ITS) region and β-tubulin genes of the strain were amplified, se... The taxonomy characteriazation and cadmium (Cd) biosorption of the high Cd-resistant fungus M1 were investigated. The internal transcribed spacers (ITS) region and β-tubulin genes of the strain were amplified, sequenced and analyzed by molecular biology technology. The Cd biosorption assay was performed by shaking flask. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to analyze the mycelium. The similarity of gene sequences and phylogenetic trees show the very close relation between the strain and Paecilomyces lilacinus, and the fungus M1 was identified as P. Lilacinus. The initial pH 6 and Cd concentration about 100 mg/L are optimum. Zn and Mn have a little effect on the Cd biosorption of the strain, while Cu and Pb present obvious effects. FTIR analysis shows that the fungus adsorbs Cd by esters, anhydride, and amide. With the preferable absorption capacity, fungus M1 is considered to have good prospects in bioremediation. 展开更多
关键词 taxonomy characterization cadmium biosorption Paecilomyces lilacinu Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
A Comparative Study on the Quality Components Between Self Pollinated Seeds and Naturally Pollinated Seeds in Brassica napus L. in Sichuan Ecological Region 被引量:2
作者 张锦芳 蒲晓斌 +4 位作者 李浩杰 黄驰 李蒲 张谦 蒋梁材 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期19-21,80,共4页
[ Objective] This study was to reveal the differences in crude fat and glucosinolates between self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds in Brassica napus in sichuan ecological region.. [ Method] Near-infrar... [ Objective] This study was to reveal the differences in crude fat and glucosinolates between self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds in Brassica napus in sichuan ecological region.. [ Method] Near-infrared spectroscopy method (NIRS) was employed to measure the quality components in self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds of 861 shares of Brassica napus from Sichuan ecological region. And correlation analysis and regression analysis were conducted based on the experimental data via SPSS (statistics package for social science). [ Result] The contents of crude fat in the self pollinated seeds were commonly a higher than that in the naturally pollinated seeds at 0.01 significant level; while the contents of glucosinolates in the self pollinated seeds and the naturally pollinated seeds were insignificantly different. Both the correlation relationship and linear regression for the crude fat between the self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds reached the significant level. The regression equations for the contents of crude fat(y1 ) and glucosinolates( y2 ) in the naturally pollinated seeds and of crude fat( x1 ) and glucosinolates( x2 ) in self pollinated seeds were respectively determined to be y1 = 16.844 +0.614x1 and y2 = -0.620 + 1.017 x2. [ Conclusion] In Brassica napus breeding, crude fat in naturally pollinated seeds should be emphatically taken into account, meanwhile concurrently considering that in self pollinated seeds; while glucosinolates in both the self pollinated seeds and the naturally pollinated seeds must be simultaneously concerned. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus L. Self pollinated seeds Naturally pollinated seeds Content of crude fat Content of gluccsinolates Near-infrared spectroscopy method
Determination of Melamine by Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Nonlinear Modeling 被引量:1
作者 张恒 高曼侠 +2 位作者 许兆棠 李文谦 王琪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第8期133-136,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to develop a nonlinear model of quantitative analysis of melamine content by infrared spectroscopy and provide theoretical basis for the nondestructive detection of melamine. [Method] According... [Objective] The aim was to develop a nonlinear model of quantitative analysis of melamine content by infrared spectroscopy and provide theoretical basis for the nondestructive detection of melamine. [Method] According to dynamics,mathematical modeling and optimization theory,linear and nonlinear models were respectively set up by taking an absorption peak of 1 550 cm-1 as characteristic absorption peak. [Result] The correlation coefficient of nonlinear model was 0.922 7 and the recovery was 96%,which showed that the nonlinear model was more accurate than linearity model with correlation coefficient of 0.904 9 and recovery of 557%. [Conclusion] It is feasible to determine melamine content by using the nonlinear model quantitatively. 展开更多
关键词 Infrared spectroscopy Quantitative analysis Nonlinear model MELAMINE
Study on FTIR Spectra of Corn Germs and Endosperms of Three Different Colors Combining with Cluster Analysis
作者 郝建明 刘刚 +1 位作者 欧全宏 周湘萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期1088-1092,1097,共6页
[Objective] This research aimed to study the FTIR spectra of corn germs and endosperms so as to provide a scientific way for identifying corn of different types. [Method] The corn germs and endosperms of three types w... [Objective] This research aimed to study the FTIR spectra of corn germs and endosperms so as to provide a scientific way for identifying corn of different types. [Method] The corn germs and endosperms of three types were studied by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) technology, combined with cluster analysis. [Result] The overall characteristics of original FTIR spectra were basically similar within the range of 700-1 800 cm^-1. The FTIR spectra were mainly composed by the absorption peaks of polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. Within the wavelength range of 700-1 800 cm^-1, there were only tiny differences in original FTIR spectra among the corn germs and endosperms of three different types. The spectra were then processed by using first derivative and second derivative. The second derivative spectra were used for hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA). The results showed that with the wavelength range of 700-1 800 cm^-1, the second derivative spectra of the 52 samples could be better clustered according to the tree types and corn germ and corn endosperm. The clustering correct rate reached 96.1%.[Conclusion] FTIR technology, combined with cluster analysis, can be used to identify different types of corn germs and endosperms, and it is characterized by convenience and rapidness. 展开更多
关键词 Second derivative Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Hierarchical cluster analysis Corn germ and endosperm
作者 尤琦 《合成纤维》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第9期48-51,共4页
关键词 涤纶工业长丝 含油率 红外光谱 洗涤减量法 核磁共振法
新生儿及婴幼儿深低温停循环与选择性脑灌注效果 被引量:2
作者 彭文英 庄建 +3 位作者 陈欣欣 陈寄梅 陈萍 李刚 《中国体外循环杂志》 2009年第2期65-68,共4页
目的分析和评价新生儿及小婴儿主动脉手术中使用深低温停循环(DHCA)与选择性顺行脑灌注(SACP)时脑氧饱和度变化和脑保护效果。方法主动脉缩窄或主动脉弓中断合并心内畸形患儿24例,其中男20例,女4例,年龄6~197(78±58)d,体重2.3~5.... 目的分析和评价新生儿及小婴儿主动脉手术中使用深低温停循环(DHCA)与选择性顺行脑灌注(SACP)时脑氧饱和度变化和脑保护效果。方法主动脉缩窄或主动脉弓中断合并心内畸形患儿24例,其中男20例,女4例,年龄6~197(78±58)d,体重2.3~5.6(4.0±0.8)kg,随机分为DHCA组(15例)和SACP组(9例),后者在降至目标温度后经无名动脉顺行插管行持续性SACP,灌注流量15~30ml/(kg.min)。术中应用近红外分光光谱仪(NIRS)经皮连续监测脑组织氧合指数(TOI)变化。结果两组患儿均于术后24h内清醒,未出现近期神经系统并发症,3例患儿院内死亡。DHCA组和SACP组TOI基线值分别为(62±6)%和(61±7)%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。DHCA开始后TOI值持续下降,至结束时达最低点,为29%~55%(42±8)%,较基线值降低最大百分比为16.8%~48.2%(32.5±9.8)%;SACP组在脑灌注后5min、10min、结束时TOI与基线值比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),与DHCA组比较,此三个时间点TOI较基线值下降百分比差异有统计学意义(P(0.05)。结论DHCA可明显降低脑组织氧合,但在一定时限内,DHCA与SACP两种方式对新生儿及小婴儿术后神经系统功能均无明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 深低温停循环 选择性顺行脑灌注 婴幼儿 红外光谱
Classification of Guizhou Aspidistra Plants by Near-infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy 被引量:1
作者 高永跃 何顺志 徐文芬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期575-578,590,共5页
[Objective] This study was conducted to establish a near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of Guizhou Aspidistra plants. [Method] Twenty three batch- es of Guizhou Aspidistra plants including A. chishuiensis, ... [Objective] This study was conducted to establish a near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of Guizhou Aspidistra plants. [Method] Twenty three batch- es of Guizhou Aspidistra plants including A. chishuiensis, A. spinula, A. Caespitosa, A. sichuanensis, A. ebianensis, A. retusa, A. guizhouensis and A. liboensis were subjected to drying, pulverization and sieving and then directly determined for near- infrared reflectance spectrums; and the plants in this genus were classified by clus- ter analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). [Result] The near-infrared re- flectance spectrums of the 23 batches of Guizhou Aspidistra plants showed very high similarity. The spectrums were processed by first derivative method, and the spectral range of 4 000-7 500 cm-1 was selected as the analytical range. Cluster analysis and PCA were employed to mass spectrum variables of plants in Aspidis- tra, fewer new variables became the linear combination of primary variables, and small differences between different varieties were enlarged, thereby facilitating intu- itive classification of plants in this genus. [Conclusion] Near-infrared diffuse re- flectance spectroscopy is nondestructive and rapid for determination of solid sam- pies, and provides a new method for the classification of Guizhou Aspidistra plants combined by information processing techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Guizhou Aspidistra plants Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy CLASSIFICATION
Determination of Active Components in a Natural Herb with Near Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Artificial Neural Networks 被引量:7
作者 LIUXue-song QUHai-bin CHENGYi-yu 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期36-43,共8页
The non-linear relationships between the contents of ginsenoside Rg 1, Rb 1, Rd and Panax notoginseng saponins(PNS) in Panax notoginseng root herb and the near infrared(NIR) diffuse reflectance spectra of the herb wer... The non-linear relationships between the contents of ginsenoside Rg 1, Rb 1, Rd and Panax notoginseng saponins(PNS) in Panax notoginseng root herb and the near infrared(NIR) diffuse reflectance spectra of the herb were established by means of artificial neural networks(ANNs). Four three-layered perception feed-forward networks were trained with an error back-propagation algorithm. The significant principal components of the NIR spectral data matrix were utilized as the input of the networks. The networks architecture and parameters were selected so as to offer less prediction errors. Relative prediction errors for Rg 1, Rb 1, Rd and PNS obtained with the optimum ANN models were 8.99%, 6.54%, 8.29%, and 5.17%, respectively, which were superior to those obtained with PLSR methods. It is verified that ANN is a suitable approach to model this complex non-linearity. The developed method is fast, non-destructive and accurate and it provides a new efficient approach for determining the active components in the complex system of natural herbs. 展开更多
关键词 Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy Artificial neural network PLSR Non-linearity Analysis of natural herb Panax notoginseng
Identification of Polysaccharides from Chinese Yam(Dioscoreae opposite “Qi”) by Infrared Spectroscopy 被引量:7
作者 刘远河 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1941-1943,1951,共4页
In this study, the structure of polysaccharides from Chinese yam (Dioscoreae opposite "Qi") was analyzed and identified by infrared spectroscopy within an infrared spectral range of 400-4 000 cm^-1, Characteristic... In this study, the structure of polysaccharides from Chinese yam (Dioscoreae opposite "Qi") was analyzed and identified by infrared spectroscopy within an infrared spectral range of 400-4 000 cm^-1, Characteristic absorption peaks were observed at 840 cm^-1 (α-glucosidic bond), 759.21 cm^-1 (xylose), 830.87 cm^-1 (rhamnose), 812.81 cm^-1, 876.60 cm^-1 (mannose) and 842.64 cm^-1 (arabinose) in infrared spectra of polysaccharides from D. opposite "Qi", indicating that D. opposite "Qi" polysaccharides exist mainly in the form of α-glucosidic bonds, including xylose, rhamnose, mannose and arabinose. The experimental results could provide the basis for quantitative analysis, development and application of polysaccharides from D. opposite "Qi". 展开更多
关键词 Dioscoreae opposite "Qi" Chinese yam polysaccharides Infrared spectroscopy
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