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红花种质的随机扩增多态性DNA分子鉴定 被引量:18
作者 郭美丽 姜伟 +4 位作者 张志珍 张戈 毛积芳 殷明 苏中武 《第二军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期1116-1119,共4页
目的:从分子水平探讨红花(Carthamus tinctorius L.)的种内变异,为红花种质的分子鉴定提供依据。方法:用随机扩增多态性DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)技术和统计学分析方法,对从我国新疆、甘肃、宁夏、河南、山东、山西... 目的:从分子水平探讨红花(Carthamus tinctorius L.)的种内变异,为红花种质的分子鉴定提供依据。方法:用随机扩增多态性DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)技术和统计学分析方法,对从我国新疆、甘肃、宁夏、河南、山东、山西、河北、安徽、浙江等9省采集的红花22个品种的遗传多样性进行分析。结果:根据RAPD特征图谱,通过在DNA分子水平上的聚类分析,将红花22个品种分为7个类型。RAPD聚类分析表明了品种间的亲缘关系:北方,特别是新疆地区的品种亲缘关系较近,PCR结果极为相似,而南方品种间遗传差异性较大。结论:红花种内存在一定的遗传变异,本研究结果为红花品种鉴定及亲缘关系的探讨提供一定依据。 展开更多
关键词 红花种质 随机扩增多态性 DNA 分子鉴定
陆地棉-野生比克氏棉杂种红花种质系的育成 被引量:9
作者 梁正兰 姜茹琴 钟文南 《中国科学(C辑)》 CSCD 1996年第4期369-376,共8页
采用种间杂交新技术,得到了陆地棉×野生比克氏棉的F_1不育株,在嫁接教养及短日凉爽条件下培育,雌雄恢复了低育性,通过3次回交及对早期剧烈分离世代的选择之后,首次育成了兼具双亲特征,即既有比克氏棉的红花紫花斑及细强纤维,又有... 采用种间杂交新技术,得到了陆地棉×野生比克氏棉的F_1不育株,在嫁接教养及短日凉爽条件下培育,雌雄恢复了低育性,通过3次回交及对早期剧烈分离世代的选择之后,首次育成了兼具双亲特征,即既有比克氏棉的红花紫花斑及细强纤维,又有陆地棉的株型、熟期、白绒、高衣分和结铃性的稳定的杂种选系,命名为“HB红花系”,这是一种前所未有的新型种质资源,具有新品种选育及遗传研究的重要价值. 展开更多
关键词 棉属 种间杂交 陆地棉 比克氏棉 红花种质
不同居群红花遗传多样性和遗传结构分析 被引量:1
作者 余永亮 许兰杰 +4 位作者 梁慧珍 安素妨 杨青 董薇 王红雨 《中药材》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第6期1387-1392,共6页
目的:研究不同居群红花的遗传多样性和遗传结构,为红花优异品系筛选、资源分级和利用提供科学依据。方法:以4个居群的84份红花种质为试验材料,选用19条多态性好、条带清晰、稳定性高的SCoT标记对其进行扩增;采用NTSYS-pc 2.1、GenALEx 6... 目的:研究不同居群红花的遗传多样性和遗传结构,为红花优异品系筛选、资源分级和利用提供科学依据。方法:以4个居群的84份红花种质为试验材料,选用19条多态性好、条带清晰、稳定性高的SCoT标记对其进行扩增;采用NTSYS-pc 2.1、GenALEx 6.502和Popegen 1.32等软件对其进行聚类分析、遗传多样性和群体结构分析。结果:4个居群的多态位点百分率、香农信息指数、基因多样性指数变化范围分别为27.14%~71.43%、0.168~0.293和0.114~0.191,以国外居群最高;91%的变异发生在居群内,9%的变异发生在居群间;居群基因分化系数为0.1547,基因流为2.7316。结论:4个居群间基因交流较为频繁,遗传变异主要来源于居群内,国外居群与新疆居群遗传关系相对较近。该结果为红花的优良品种选育及资源持续利用的后续研究奠定了坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 红花种质资源 居群 SCoT分子标记 遗传多样性 群体遗传结构
Safflower Evaluation under Contrasted Environment Conditions and Selection of Promising Genotypes
作者 Lamyae Zraibi Miloud Kajeiou +1 位作者 Hana Serghini Caid Abdelghani Nabloussi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第4期299-311,共13页
Development of stable crops cultivars adapted to environmental constraints is very important for food security. Safflower, an oilseed crop which tolerates environmental abiotic stresses, is suitable for marginal lands... Development of stable crops cultivars adapted to environmental constraints is very important for food security. Safflower, an oilseed crop which tolerates environmental abiotic stresses, is suitable for marginal lands relatively dry and deprived from fertilizer inputs or irrigation. A set of Moroccan and introduced cultivars as well as international accessions were conducted at Oujda (Eastern of Morocco) during 2009-2010 for late and conventional sowing under two water regimes, in a field experiment using a completely randomized design, with three replications. The objective was to evaluate the effect of genotype and contrasting environment on safflower behavior and to select genotypes with large adaptation to the contrasted environmental conditions. Morphological, physiological and agronomic traits, as well as the stress susceptibility index (SSI), were recorded in this study. Results showed significant effect of genotype, year (sowing time), water regime and their interaction on most of the studied parameters. Late sowing and drought affected negatively all the parameters except seed oil which lightly increased under drought stress. Number of heads per plant (NHP) had the strongest association with seed yield under both drought and non-drought conditions, and hence could be taken as selection criterion for safflower seed yield improvement. Five accessions showed the highest overall mean seed yield (~ 1,000 kg/ha) and four accessions exhibited the highest overall mean seed oil content (〉 310 g/kg). For late sowing, the accessions P1262421 and PI537604 produced the highest seed yield (〉 800 kg/ha) and the highest seed oil content (〉 290 g/kg). For conventional sowing, the accessions PI250076 and PI250523 were the most performant, with a seed yield 〉 1,300 kg/ha and a seed oil content 〉 330 g/kg. Based on their mean productivity across environments, their SSI and their MDA, P1271073 and P1250076 could be selected and used as promising germplasm in safflower breeding program in Morocco as well as other dry areas throughout the world. 展开更多
关键词 SAFFLOWER contrasted environments NHP seed yield oil content SELECTION promising genotypes.
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