Eleven species of Taxaceae and its related taxa were analyzed by RAPD. 15 primers screened from 80 random primers were found to produce clear patterns and 14 of them showed polymorphic. The results generated by utiliz...Eleven species of Taxaceae and its related taxa were analyzed by RAPD. 15 primers screened from 80 random primers were found to produce clear patterns and 14 of them showed polymorphic. The results generated by utilizing UPGMA method to cluster the genetic distances calculated from RAPD data implied:① both of the two genera, Amentotaxus and Pseudotaxus should be included in Taxaceae; it is not necessary to treat Amentotaxus as a separated family;② Taxaceae could be divided into three tribes, Taxeae (including Taxus and Pseudotaxus), Amentotaxeae and Torreyeae;③ it was supported to constructsect. Pectinatae to show the special taxonomic position of Cephalotaxus oliveri in the genus of Cephalotaxus ;④ the 11 species were clustered into three groups corresponding to the Taxaceae,Cephalotaxaceae and Podocarpaceae; Podocarpaceae was more close to Cephalotaxaceae than it to Taxaceae.展开更多
每年初冬时节,国家I级保护植物,被誉为“植物黄金”的南方红豆杉就会果挂满枝,红彤彤、亮晶晶的果实如珠如玉,小巧可人。据《中国植物志》中记载南方红豆杉一般需种植7~8年才能开花结果,珍稀名贵。它四季常青、树形美观、枝条飘逸洒脱,...每年初冬时节,国家I级保护植物,被誉为“植物黄金”的南方红豆杉就会果挂满枝,红彤彤、亮晶晶的果实如珠如玉,小巧可人。据《中国植物志》中记载南方红豆杉一般需种植7~8年才能开花结果,珍稀名贵。它四季常青、树形美观、枝条飘逸洒脱,是深受人们喜爱的观赏树种。南方红豆杉(Taxus wallichiana var. mairei)是红豆杉科红豆杉属常绿乔木,为裸子植物。花期在2~3月,种子11~12月成熟,其树干通直,树皮呈灰褐色或红褐色,常纵裂或剥落。叶呈深绿色,为条形或条状披针形,微弯,背面中脉隆起,腹面中脉两侧,各有一条灰绿色或黄绿色气孔带。展开更多
文摘Eleven species of Taxaceae and its related taxa were analyzed by RAPD. 15 primers screened from 80 random primers were found to produce clear patterns and 14 of them showed polymorphic. The results generated by utilizing UPGMA method to cluster the genetic distances calculated from RAPD data implied:① both of the two genera, Amentotaxus and Pseudotaxus should be included in Taxaceae; it is not necessary to treat Amentotaxus as a separated family;② Taxaceae could be divided into three tribes, Taxeae (including Taxus and Pseudotaxus), Amentotaxeae and Torreyeae;③ it was supported to constructsect. Pectinatae to show the special taxonomic position of Cephalotaxus oliveri in the genus of Cephalotaxus ;④ the 11 species were clustered into three groups corresponding to the Taxaceae,Cephalotaxaceae and Podocarpaceae; Podocarpaceae was more close to Cephalotaxaceae than it to Taxaceae.
文摘每年初冬时节,国家I级保护植物,被誉为“植物黄金”的南方红豆杉就会果挂满枝,红彤彤、亮晶晶的果实如珠如玉,小巧可人。据《中国植物志》中记载南方红豆杉一般需种植7~8年才能开花结果,珍稀名贵。它四季常青、树形美观、枝条飘逸洒脱,是深受人们喜爱的观赏树种。南方红豆杉(Taxus wallichiana var. mairei)是红豆杉科红豆杉属常绿乔木,为裸子植物。花期在2~3月,种子11~12月成熟,其树干通直,树皮呈灰褐色或红褐色,常纵裂或剥落。叶呈深绿色,为条形或条状披针形,微弯,背面中脉隆起,腹面中脉两侧,各有一条灰绿色或黄绿色气孔带。