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红道乐园、崂山柰子的引种及在园林绿化中的应用 被引量:1
作者 张光弟 俞晓艳 +2 位作者 徐庆林 李淑霞 刘志鹏 《宁夏农林科技》 2005年第6期5-6,共2页
关键词 红道乐园(B.-9) 崂山柰子(N.-29) 引种栽培 景观配置
红道巷金矿矿物组分垂直分带规律探讨 被引量:1
作者 胡鉴 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第1期51-55,共5页
红道巷金矿区处在阴山断隆中的北西向小东沟糜棱岩带中段,矿区经历了早期的韧性剪切带发育阶段(糜棱岩带)和晚期的脆性构造发育阶段(硅化破碎带);金、钼、铜矿体具有垂向分带规律.金矿体主要分布在近地表,处于糜棱岩带上盘渣尔泰山群中... 红道巷金矿区处在阴山断隆中的北西向小东沟糜棱岩带中段,矿区经历了早期的韧性剪切带发育阶段(糜棱岩带)和晚期的脆性构造发育阶段(硅化破碎带);金、钼、铜矿体具有垂向分带规律.金矿体主要分布在近地表,处于糜棱岩带上盘渣尔泰山群中发育的硅化破碎带中,并与石英脉关系密切;钼矿体主要分布在浅部,处于碎裂蚀变糜棱岩带中,与绿泥石化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化关系密切;铜矿体主要分布在深部,处于糜棱岩带上盘发育的铁硅质角砾岩带中,铜矿体围岩具有明显青盘岩化. 展开更多
关键词 红道 糜棱岩带 垂直分布规律 找矿潜力分析
作者 马元恒 秦秀红 《上海房地》 2024年第9期26-32,共7页
自中国房改以来,高杠杆特征的房地产企业融资结构不合理、负债规模过大等问题对社会造成了极大的伤害,研究“三道红线”政策对房地产企业的影响可以为解决房地产市场疲软与流动性危机提供政策建议。本文以A股房地产公司为研究对象,利用2... 自中国房改以来,高杠杆特征的房地产企业融资结构不合理、负债规模过大等问题对社会造成了极大的伤害,研究“三道红线”政策对房地产企业的影响可以为解决房地产市场疲软与流动性危机提供政策建议。本文以A股房地产公司为研究对象,利用2017年至2022年房地产企业半年度面板数据构建双重差分模型,探究“三道红线”政策对房地产企业债务融资的影响,并分析企业的异质性对政策影响的差异。研究结果发现:(1)“三道红线”政策使房企的债务融资规模显著下降,无论是流动负债还是长期负债融资均受到负向影响。(2)“三道红线”政策对房企利用商业信用融资产生显著负向影响,债务融资成本显著增加。(3)“三道红线”政策对不同所有权、规模与赢利能力的公司的影响存在异质性影响。本研究为房地产企业债务融资的策略调整提供了理论依据,丰富了有关去杠杆政策对企业经营状况以及产业政策对房地产行业影响的研究成果,对进一步推进“保交楼”政策与促进房地产市场可持续发展具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 “三线”政策 债务融资 商业信用 双重差分
菲律宾蛤仔两道红与白斑马品系的三元杂交 被引量:16
作者 闫喜武 张跃环 +4 位作者 孙焕强 霍忠明 孙欣 杨凤 张国范 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期1190-1197,共8页
为了提高菲律宾蛤仔壳色品系的生产性能,于2009年8月,以具有较快生长速度的两道红(R)F2和具有显著杂种优势的白斑马(WZ)F2为试验材料,开展了两个蛤仔品系的三元杂交。其中白斑马品系生长快,抗逆性强,是由生长最快的珍珠白(W)和抗逆性最... 为了提高菲律宾蛤仔壳色品系的生产性能,于2009年8月,以具有较快生长速度的两道红(R)F2和具有显著杂种优势的白斑马(WZ)F2为试验材料,开展了两个蛤仔品系的三元杂交。其中白斑马品系生长快,抗逆性强,是由生长最快的珍珠白(W)和抗逆性最强的斑马蛤(Z)杂交产生的二元品系。试验由RR(♀R×♂B)、RWZ(♀R×♂WZ)、WZR(♀WZ×♂R)、WZWZ(♀WZ×♂WZ)4个试验组组成。获得了三元正反交组合RWZ、WZR,比较了各试验组子代在不同阶段生长、存活的杂种优势并分析了壳色遗传机制。结果表明,正反交组的单亲杂种优势具有明显的不对称性,正交组RWZ的生长与存活性状得到了明显的改良;WZR的存活性状得到了一定程度上的改良。从生长上看,在浮游期,RWZ、WZR的单亲杂种优势分别为+1.70、-2.92;双亲生长优势为-0.68,主要受到卵源与配对策略交互作用的影响,其次为母本效应;在稚贝培育期,RWZ的单亲生长优势为+9.71,WZR单亲生长劣势为-6.57,总体上尚未表现出双亲生长优势,其大小仅为+0.90。从存活上看,RWZ、WZR在浮游期的单亲存活优势分别为+4.47、+3.05;双亲存活优势为+3.60,主要受到配对策略的影响,其次为母本效应;正反交组在稚贝阶段的单亲杂种优势分别为+13.09、+7.30;双亲存活优势为+9.00。R×R、R×WZ、WZ×R、WZ×WZ子代的壳色分别表现为两道红、两道红白斑马、两道红白斑马、白斑马;白斑马自交后代仍然为白斑马,未出现壳色分离,且三元正反交的子代壳色表现一致,说明壳色为非伴性遗传。 展开更多
关键词 菲律宾蛤仔 白斑马 三元杂交
彝族“三道红”传统婚俗及其变迁——以石屏县牛街镇为例 被引量:2
作者 李银兵 白翠兰 《玉溪师范学院学报》 2012年第2期18-23,共6页
彝族"三道红"婚俗具有极其浓厚的民族特色,但在外来文化冲击下,出现迷失与偏离。之后,"三道红"传统婚俗完成了"回归"并得到重构,这是支撑彝族社会运行的整套伦理道德体系和由此产生的民族认同感的作用。... 彝族"三道红"婚俗具有极其浓厚的民族特色,但在外来文化冲击下,出现迷失与偏离。之后,"三道红"传统婚俗完成了"回归"并得到重构,这是支撑彝族社会运行的整套伦理道德体系和由此产生的民族认同感的作用。这套伦理道德体系在现代社会被赋予了构建和谐社会、促进社会发展的新意义,从而保持了其原有的生命力。"三道红"传统婚俗变迁历程的背后,是"三道红"文化自觉的表现。 展开更多
关键词 传统婚俗 彝族“三 变迁
作者 彭元正 《中国石油企业》 2014年第4期3-,共1页
四川黑老大刘汉等36人涉黑案日前在湖北审判庭公审数日.对此,关于黑社会的议论也再次进入人们的热门话题. 现在看来,刘汉之流无疑是黑道人物了. 这或许就是黑道的密码:早在1993年,刘汉打牌时故意输给时任广汉大通信用社主任10多万元,而... 四川黑老大刘汉等36人涉黑案日前在湖北审判庭公审数日.对此,关于黑社会的议论也再次进入人们的热门话题. 现在看来,刘汉之流无疑是黑道人物了. 这或许就是黑道的密码:早在1993年,刘汉打牌时故意输给时任广汉大通信用社主任10多万元,而且装输的表现一点没有破绽,让那个大主任洋洋自得自己的打牌技术就是技高一筹.殊不知刘汉使得是黑道的“佯败术”,目的是和这个大主任建立深厚的投资感情.果不然,刘汉通过他经常找大通信用社贷款,最多一次达1000多万元.那个时候能贷到款就意味着发财,刘汉拿到钱后很快通过木材生意就积累了第一桶金,接着是利用“每年都给时任广汉体改委主任送钱”的“套近术”,又并购了原先挂靠的广汉体改委下属的平原实业公司.其结果可想而知,刘汉的关系网随着他经济实力的增强,水涨船高,网面扩张,从最先起家的广汉、德阳,辐射到绵阳、成都,乃至北京.刘汉的黑道敛财之路一路绿灯、畅行无阻. 展开更多
关键词 黑社会 信用社 大通 红道
作者 丁倩 《当代会计》 2023年第3期130-132,共3页
基于“三道红线”政策背景,以JK集团为例,探讨了该集团在融资政策约束下的负债治理情况与负债治理后产生的问题。研究发现:JK集团处于“黄档”位置,采用调整负债结构、缩小负债规模等方式进行负债治理,但仍存在再融资难度大、利息负担... 基于“三道红线”政策背景,以JK集团为例,探讨了该集团在融资政策约束下的负债治理情况与负债治理后产生的问题。研究发现:JK集团处于“黄档”位置,采用调整负债结构、缩小负债规模等方式进行负债治理,但仍存在再融资难度大、利息负担重、利润受侵蚀等问题,建议该集团持续保持对消费者的吸引力,并主动由负债驱动转向利润驱动,以实现稳定发展。 展开更多
关键词 负债治理 “三线” 房地产企业
作者 刘永强 《大众商务(上半月)》 2021年第2期0074-0075,共2页
2020年下半年以来,中国房地产行业面临的最热门的金融监管政策便是“五道红线”,即针对房地产开发商的“三道 红线”和商业银行的“两道红线”。房地产“三道红线”“两道红线”政策的出台,标志着中国楼市调控的转向,也充分表明 房企的... 2020年下半年以来,中国房地产行业面临的最热门的金融监管政策便是“五道红线”,即针对房地产开发商的“三道 红线”和商业银行的“两道红线”。房地产“三道红线”“两道红线”政策的出台,标志着中国楼市调控的转向,也充分表明 房企的融资监管进入了一个新的阶段,房地产开发商必须降低企业杠杆,提升自身产品力及经营能力,商业银行必须控制房 地产贷款比例。 展开更多
关键词 “五线” 负债规模 房贷利率
作者 《中国房地产》 2022年第17期6-12,共7页
2020年“三道红线”横空出世之后,房企便开始有针对性、有目标的坚决执行降杠杆的战略。就“三道红线”指标本身而言,引导房企降杠杆,稳杠杆,走上更加稳健发展道路符合“以稳为主,稳中求进”的政策总基调,但在具体推行过程中,与其他政... 2020年“三道红线”横空出世之后,房企便开始有针对性、有目标的坚决执行降杠杆的战略。就“三道红线”指标本身而言,引导房企降杠杆,稳杠杆,走上更加稳健发展道路符合“以稳为主,稳中求进”的政策总基调,但在具体推行过程中,与其他政策的重叠交互,部分杠杆率走高的房企无法适应政策收缩而突然间倒下,尽管尽力自救,但效果有限。 展开更多
关键词 “三线” 减负债 降本提效
作者 刘娇娇 李慕涵 +1 位作者 高熙悦 董占玲(指导) 《现代商业》 2022年第19期20-22,共3页
关键词 “三线”政策 楼市营销 现状调研
《红与黑》中的病态爱情 被引量:2
作者 张剑飞 《教育教学论坛》 2015年第25期114-115,共2页
《红与黑》是一部从政治角度反映19世纪上半叶法国社会现实的经典巨作,其中对人物心理的剖析和对爱情的诠释可谓深刻见底。19世纪法国资产阶级制度下,人物的心理活动被突出描写,反映出当时社会下各阶级间的种种爱恨情仇。主人公于连和... 《红与黑》是一部从政治角度反映19世纪上半叶法国社会现实的经典巨作,其中对人物心理的剖析和对爱情的诠释可谓深刻见底。19世纪法国资产阶级制度下,人物的心理活动被突出描写,反映出当时社会下各阶级间的种种爱恨情仇。主人公于连和与之虐恋的两个女人反映了病态爱情的无奈与必然,红和黑的象征含义反映出当时病态的社会。 展开更多
关键词 病态爱情 红道
作者 丁祖昱 《中国房地产》 2021年第20期29-31,共3页
在各种政策持续收紧下,房企融资规模大幅下降,政策推进下房贷集中度管理成效初显,银行业房地产贷款同比增速创历史新低,从政策调控的稳定性、连续性来看,下半年融资环境将维持收紧态势。房企应积极拓展更加多元化的融资渠道,优化债务结... 在各种政策持续收紧下,房企融资规模大幅下降,政策推进下房贷集中度管理成效初显,银行业房地产贷款同比增速创历史新低,从政策调控的稳定性、连续性来看,下半年融资环境将维持收紧态势。房企应积极拓展更加多元化的融资渠道,优化债务结构,降低融资成本。上半年落地的公募REITs,以及支持住房租赁发展的政策推进加码,或将成为房企融资突破的新方向。 展开更多
关键词 “三线” 融资渠 多元化
作者 朱顺森 《镇江医学院学报》 2000年第2期285-285,共1页
关键词 胆囊管胆造影 临床应用 胆囊结石
微管与肿瘤细胞运动——免疫细胞化学研究 被引量:2
作者 阮幼冰 郑美蓉 武忠弼 《中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第1期5-7,共3页
运用免疫细胞化学方法对三种不等恶性程度人结肠腺癌细胞株 HT- 2 9分化较好 ,呈上皮样 ,细胞排列紧密 ,呈聚集性生长 ;免疫细胞化学显示 :微管不甚明显。 SW480及 SW6 2 0细胞呈梭形 ,细胞间松散 ,常呈单个生长 ,免疫细胞化学显示微管... 运用免疫细胞化学方法对三种不等恶性程度人结肠腺癌细胞株 HT- 2 9分化较好 ,呈上皮样 ,细胞排列紧密 ,呈聚集性生长 ;免疫细胞化学显示 :微管不甚明显。 SW480及 SW6 2 0细胞呈梭形 ,细胞间松散 ,常呈单个生长 ,免疫细胞化学显示微管十分丰富。该种形态特征与原发肿瘤恶性程度一致 ,前者为高分化结肠腺癌 ,后者为高恶性度结肠腺癌 ,具较强转移潜能。加入 TGFβ1 后 ,三株细胞均呈生长加速 ,多见分裂相 ,但微管未见明显改变。说明细胞快速分裂并非肿瘤浸润的唯一原因。加入道诺红菌素作用后 ,SW480及 SW6 2 0微管结构出现明显改变 ,表现为断裂 ,卷曲或呈颗粒状 ,提示道诺红菌素能破坏细胞微管成分 。 展开更多
关键词 微管 肿瘤细胞运动 免疫细胞化学 结肠癌 菌素 肿瘤转移
Structural and Optical Performance of GaN Thick Film Grown by HVPE
作者 魏同波 马平 +5 位作者 段瑞飞 王军喜 李晋闽 刘喆 林郭强 曾一平 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期19-23,共5页
Thick GaN films were grown on GaN/sapphire template in a vertical HVPE reactor. Various material characterization techniques,including AFM, SEM, XRD, RBS/Channeling, CL, PL, and XPS, were used to characterize these Ga... Thick GaN films were grown on GaN/sapphire template in a vertical HVPE reactor. Various material characterization techniques,including AFM, SEM, XRD, RBS/Channeling, CL, PL, and XPS, were used to characterize these GaN epitaxial films. It was found that stepped/terraced structures appeared on the film surface,which were indicative of a nearly step-flow mode of growth for the HVPE GaN despite the high growth rate. A few hexagonal pits appeared on the surface, which have strong light emission. After being etched in molten KOH, the wavy steps disappeared and hexagonal pits with {1010} facets appeared on the surface. An EPD of only 8 ×10^6cm^-2 shows that the GaN film has few dislocations. Both XRD and RBS channeling indicate the high quality of the GaN thick films. Sharp band-edge emission with a full width at half maximum(FWHM)of 67meV was observed, while the yellow and infrared emissions were also found. These emissions are likely caused by native defects and C and O impurities. 展开更多
关键词 GAN HVPE CL RBS/channeling yellow emission infrared emission
Winter diet and digestive tract of the Golden Pheasant(Chrysolophus pictus) in the Qinling Mountains,China 被引量:2
作者 武宝花 李涛 于晓平 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第1期45-50,共6页
The winter diet and morphological structure of the gastrointestinal tract of the Golden Pheasant(Chrysolophus pictus) was investigated in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi Province in 2002/2003.Individual food items in cr... The winter diet and morphological structure of the gastrointestinal tract of the Golden Pheasant(Chrysolophus pictus) was investigated in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi Province in 2002/2003.Individual food items in crops were identified by species,where possible,using standard taxonomic methods.The Golden Pheasant consumes exclusively vegetarian foods in the winter,of at least 14 plant species,such as crops and other vegetable species.The digestive tract of the Golden Pheasant is composed of an oesophagus,a stomach,a relatively long intestine measuring 3.4 × standard body length,two fully-developed caeca and a relatively short colon,typical for herbivorous birds.Pebbles of different sizes(0.5-3 mm in diameter) were very frequent in the gizzard.The average dry weight of the pebbles was 10.4±2.5 g and was positively correlated with the weight of digesta in the gizzard(Pearson r = 0.747,p < 0.01,n = 37).The mucosa surface pH of the digestive tract of the Golden Pheasant was slightly acidic,but higher in the crop and gizzard. 展开更多
关键词 Golden Pheasant digestive tract DIET Qinling Mountains
Design for Waterfront Street in Downtown——A Case Study of Honggutan Central Area,Nanchang City
作者 卢俊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1521-1523,共3页
In the study, waterfront street in Honggutan was researched by field investigation and questionnaire survey from space, transport, scale and human activity. The waterfront street has the following characters: ambiguo... In the study, waterfront street in Honggutan was researched by field investigation and questionnaire survey from space, transport, scale and human activity. The waterfront street has the following characters: ambiguous spatial structure, a lack of spatial design; a lack of business diversity, and over-scaled street space. The scale of waterfront space is amenity, diversified and hydrophilic property. We analyzed and performed a parallel comparison on waterfront street space to help improve Honggutan waterfront street by analyzing its design principles, and taking references from outstanding cases at home and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial characters of waterfront street Street scale Place attachment Honggutan New District
Proposed criteria to differentiate heterogeneous eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders of the esophagus, including eosinophilic esophageal myositis 被引量:2
作者 Hiroki Sato Nao Nakajima +9 位作者 Kazuya Takahashi Go Hasegawa Ken-ichi Mizuno Satoru Hashimoto Satoshi Ikarashi Kazunao Hayashi Yutaka Honda Junji Yokoyama Yuichi Sato Shuji Terai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第13期2414-2423,共10页
AIM To define clinical criteria to differentiate eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder(Eo GD) in the esophagus. METHODS Our criteria were defined based on the analyses of the clinical presentation of eosinophilic eso... AIM To define clinical criteria to differentiate eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder(Eo GD) in the esophagus. METHODS Our criteria were defined based on the analyses of the clinical presentation of eosinophilic esophagitis(Eo E), subepithelial eosinophilic esophagitis(s Eo E) and eosinophilic esophageal myositis(Eo EM), identified by endoscopy, manometry and serum immunoglobulin E levels(s-Ig E), in combination with histological and polymerase chain reaction analyses on esophageal tissue samples.RESULTS In five patients with Eo E, endoscopy revealed longitudinal furrows and white plaques in all, and fixed rings in two. In one patient with s Eo E and four with Eo EM, endoscopy showed luminal compression only. Using manometry, failed peristalsis was observed in patients with Eo E and s Eo E with some variation, while Eo EM was associated with hypercontractile or hypertensive peristalsis, with elevated s-Ig E. Histology revealed the following eosinophils per high-power field values. Eo E = 41.4 ± 7.9 in the epithelium and 2.3 ± 1.5 in the subepithelium; s Eo E = 3 in the epithelium and 35 in the subepithelium(conventional biopsy); Eo EM = none in the epithelium, 10.7 ± 11.7 in the subepithelium(conventional biopsy or endoscopic mucosal resection) and 46.8 ± 16.5 in the muscularis propria(peroral esophageal muscle biopsy). Presence of dilated epithelial intercellular space and downward papillae elongation were specific to Eo E. Eotaxin-3, IL-5 and IL-13 were overexpressed in Eo E.CONCLUSION Based on clinical and histological data, we identified criteria, which differentiated between Eo E, s Eo E and Eo EM, and reflected a different pathogenesis between these esophageal Eo GDs. 展开更多
关键词 Eosinophilic esophagitis Eosinophilic esophageal myositis Peroral endoscopic myotomy Jackhammer esophagus ACHALASIA Peroral esophageal muscle biopsy
Prevalence of bile reflux in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients not responsive to proton pump inhibitors 被引量:8
作者 Luigi Monaco Antonio Brillantino +4 位作者 Francesco Torelli Michele Schettino Giuseppe Izzo Angelo Cosenza Natale Di Martino 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期334-338,共5页
AIM:To determine the prevalence and characteristics of bile reflux in gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) patients with persistent symptoms who are non-responsive to medical therapy.METHODS:Sixty-five patients(40 ma... AIM:To determine the prevalence and characteristics of bile reflux in gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) patients with persistent symptoms who are non-responsive to medical therapy.METHODS:Sixty-five patients(40 male,25 female;mean age,50 ± 7.8 years) who continued to report symptoms after 8 wk of high-dose proton pump inhibitor(PPI) therapy,as well as 18 patients with Barrett's esophagus,were studied.All patients filled out symptom questionnaires and underwent endoscopy,manometry and combined pH-metry and bilimetry.RESULTS:There were 4 groups of patients:22(26.5%) without esophagitis,24(28.9%) grade A-B esophagitis,19(22.8%) grade C-D and 18(21.6%) Barrett's esophagus.Heartburn was present in 71 patients(85.5%) and regurgitation in 55(66.2%),with 44(53%) reporting simultaneous heartburn and regurgitation.The prevalence of pathologic acid reflux in the groups without esophagitis and with grades A-B and C-D esophagitis was 45.4%,66.6% and 73.6%,respectively.The prevalence of pathologic bilirubin exposure in these 3 groups was 53.3%,75% and 78.9%,respectively.The overall prevalence of bile reflux in non-responsive patients was 68.7%.Pathologic acid and bile reflux was observed in 22.7% and 58.1% of non-esophagitic patients and esophagitic patients,respectively.CONCLUSION:The high percentage of patients poorly responsive to PPI therapy may result from poor control of duodenogastroesophageal reflux.Many patients without esophagitis have simultaneous acid and bile reflux,which increases with increasing esophagitis grade. 展开更多
关键词 Gastroesophageal reflux disease Duodenogastric reflux Bile reflux BILIRUBIN Barrett's esophagus
Effects of body-resistance strengthening and tumor-suppressing granules on immune adhesion function of red blood cells and expression of metastasis protein CD44 in tumor cells of patients with esophageal carcinoma 被引量:2
作者 Jian-Xiong Zhao Xue-Feng Li Xue-Xi Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第32期4360-4364,共5页
AIM: To investigate the effects of Fuzheng Yiliu granules (body-resistance strengthening and tumor-suppressing granules) in patients with esophageal carcinoma. METHODS: We compared the immune adherent properties o... AIM: To investigate the effects of Fuzheng Yiliu granules (body-resistance strengthening and tumor-suppressing granules) in patients with esophageal carcinoma. METHODS: We compared the immune adherent properties of red blood cells (RBCs), the expression of metastasis protein CD44, and the metastasis inhibition factor nm23, in esophageal carcinoma tumor cells of patients before and after radiotherapy in the presence and absence of orally administered Fuzheng Yiliu granules. Sixty-three hospitalized patients with esophageal carcinoma were treated with standard radiotherapy and randomly divided into treatment group (n = 30) treated with both radiotherapy and Fuzheng Yiliu granules and control group (n = 33) given radiotherapy only. Blood samples and tumor tissue were obtained before and after 21 d of treatment. The rosette rates for complement receptor type 3b (C3bRR) and immune complex receptor (ICRR) on RBCs were measured by erythrocyte immunological methods. Expression of CD44 and rim23 in tumor tissue sections was determined by immunohistochemical staining with monoclonal antibodies CD44v6 ad nm23H-1, respectively. RESULTS: The positivity of RBC-C3bRR before and after 21 d of treatment increased from 7.78% ± 1.59% to 10.03% ± 2.01% in the double treatment group, while it changed only slightly from 7.18% ± 1.29% to 7.46% ± 1.12% in the radiotherapy group. The positive rate for RBC-ICRR decreased from 37.68% ± 2.51% to 22.55% ± 1.65% after the double treatment, and from 37.28% ± 2.41% to 24.69% ± 1.91% in radiotherapy group at the same time points. The difference in erythrocyte immune adherent function between the two groups was significant (P 〈 0.01, t-test). The CD44^± - cases were reduced from 21 (70.00%) to 12 (40.00%) after treatment with Fuzheng Yiliu granules, whereas the CD44^± -cases (69.70%) in the radiotherapy group remained unchanged. The difference between the treatment (40.00%) and control (69.70%) groups was significant (P 〈 0.05). Although the nm23^± -cases were increased from 4 (13.33%) to 6 (20.00%) in the double treatment group and from 6 (18.18%) to 7 (21.21%) in the radiotherapy group, the difference was not significant (P 〉 0.05). CONCLUSION: Fuzheng Yiliu granules enhance the immune adhesion function of RBCs and reduce the number of CD44^± -cells in esophageal carcinoma patients, suggesting a potential role of these Chinese herbals in suppression of invasion and metastasis of malignant cells. However, this anti-metastatic effect has yet to be validated in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 Fuzheng Yiliu granule RBC immune function CD44 nm23 Esophageal carcinoma Metastasis protein CD44 controlled clinical trial
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