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作者 王旭 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第5期137-145,共9页
本文以传世金石、竹木文书为基础,结合文献记录,对文献记录中的文书类别——大约剂和小约剂的特征、制作材料、制作原因、制作过程,及其定名进行讨论,借以发现中国传统契约之本源。还对中国法源,以及私约在古文书发展中的定位等问题做... 本文以传世金石、竹木文书为基础,结合文献记录,对文献记录中的文书类别——大约剂和小约剂的特征、制作材料、制作原因、制作过程,及其定名进行讨论,借以发现中国传统契约之本源。还对中国法源,以及私约在古文书发展中的定位等问题做了一些讨论。结论性的意见是:作为中国契约渊源的约剂文书,其书立实践及规则奠定了中国私契文书书立的基础,并进一步推动了中国习惯法规的形成。 展开更多
关键词 传统契 约剂 约剂 中国习惯法
作者 李冠兰 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期40-52,共13页
《周礼·秋官·司约》“凡大约剂书于宗彝”说已成为青铜器学、文体学等领域的基础性认识。实际上,被认为是“约剂”的铜器铭文并非契约文书或诉讼文书本身,而是对相关文书的节录、移录或改写。《周礼》“凡大约剂书于宗彝”说... 《周礼·秋官·司约》“凡大约剂书于宗彝”说已成为青铜器学、文体学等领域的基础性认识。实际上,被认为是“约剂”的铜器铭文并非契约文书或诉讼文书本身,而是对相关文书的节录、移录或改写。《周礼》“凡大约剂书于宗彝”说的提出,是撰作者在对西周铜器铭文文本和功能“追忆”的基础之上,结合战国时期的实际情况,对契约文书制度进行的理想化建构。郑玄对《司约》的阐释将“约剂”的内涵更显著地提升到礼制的层面,同时又体现了汉儒解经时遭遇的困境。文体观的生成和演变比文本所呈现的表象复杂,需要以流动性、层累性的视角观察《周礼》经、注所体现的文体事实和文体观念。“事实-文本-阐释”可作为观察文体观形成与流变的三个维度。 展开更多
关键词 《周礼》 约剂 文体观念
作者 杨荣时 陈金榜 李晓原 《节能技术》 CAS 1991年第1期24-24,13,共2页
锅炉除渣剂(清灰剂)是为减少锅炉受热面的热阻,提高锅炉热效率,达到节能目的而研制生产的一种化学药剂。这种化学除渣剂在我国真正研究与应用开始于八十年代初。黑龙江省化工研究所从1982年起,先后研制出HYC—1、2、3型三种型号的产品... 锅炉除渣剂(清灰剂)是为减少锅炉受热面的热阻,提高锅炉热效率,达到节能目的而研制生产的一种化学药剂。这种化学除渣剂在我国真正研究与应用开始于八十年代初。黑龙江省化工研究所从1982年起,先后研制出HYC—1、2、3型三种型号的产品。经过多年实际考查,HYC—2型产品效果最佳。1989年和1990年该型产品被黑龙江省人民政府列为重点推广的节能产品,受到用户好评,黑龙江省燃料公司将其进行指令性推广。 一、除渣机理与配方 高温结渣主要是硫酸钠以及和燃料中存在的杂质而生成的硫酸盐和氧化物,因而配方选用了能与硫酸盐发生反应的组份。 展开更多
关键词 锅炉 HYC-2型 化学约剂 除渣
作者 任秀芝 《青海农技推广》 2016年第3期8-8,共1页
1清棚消毒将棚内的食用菌生产废袋全部清除出棚,打扫干净。因为食用菌生产后的废料容易滋生杂菌,导致棚内病原孢子量增大,所以要清除彻底。2药剂消毒在使用药剂对菇棚进行杀菌时,菇农可选择硫磺、甲醛-高锰酸钾、二氯异氰尿酸钠等熏蒸... 1清棚消毒将棚内的食用菌生产废袋全部清除出棚,打扫干净。因为食用菌生产后的废料容易滋生杂菌,导致棚内病原孢子量增大,所以要清除彻底。2药剂消毒在使用药剂对菇棚进行杀菌时,菇农可选择硫磺、甲醛-高锰酸钾、二氯异氰尿酸钠等熏蒸杀菌。在这三者之中,硫磺燃烧后产生的二氧化硫能够起到杀菌杀虫的双重效果,但是在使用时产生的二氧化硫也容易与空气中的水蒸气反应,形成亚硫酸,腐蚀菇棚内的钢丝等。 展开更多
关键词 原孢子 后期管理 消毒 二氯异氰尿酸钠 双重效果 全部清除 紫外线杀菌 有毒气体 杀菌消毒 约剂
古代合同称谓种种 被引量:2
作者 白焕然 《阅读与写作》 2001年第2期30-31,共2页
今天的合同在古书中有很多称谓,了解这些称谓对阅读古书具有重要意义。一、判书判书始于周朝。《周礼·秋官·朝士》载“凡有责者,有判书以治则听。”这段话指凡是有债务纠纷的,必须附有契约券书然后受理。这里的判书就是合同... 今天的合同在古书中有很多称谓,了解这些称谓对阅读古书具有重要意义。一、判书判书始于周朝。《周礼·秋官·朝士》载“凡有责者,有判书以治则听。”这段话指凡是有债务纠纷的,必须附有契约券书然后受理。这里的判书就是合同。郑玄注云:“判,半分而合者。按判书犹今之契约合同。”孔颖达疏:“判,半分而合者,即质剂傅别分支合同,两家各得其一者也。”南朝梁刘勰《文心雕龙·书记》中说:“券者,束也。明白约束, 展开更多
关键词 古代 合同 称谓 古书 阅读 判书 约剂 傅别 质要 券书
Spectral Shift of π→π^* Transition for p-Nitroaniline Based on a New Expression of Nonequilibrium Solvation Energy
作者 季健 任海生 +1 位作者 马建毅 李象远 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期181-188,I0003,I0004,共10页
According to the nonequilibrium solvation theory studies, a constrained equilibrium principle is introduced and applied to the derivations of the nonequilibrium solvation energy, and a reasonable expression of the spe... According to the nonequilibrium solvation theory studies, a constrained equilibrium principle is introduced and applied to the derivations of the nonequilibrium solvation energy, and a reasonable expression of the spectral shift of the electronic absorption spectra is deduced. Furthermore, the lowest transition of p-nitroaniline (pNA) in water is investigated by time-dependent density functional theory method. In addition, the details of excited state properties of pNA are discussed. Using our novel expression of the spectral shift, the value of -0.99 eV is obtained for π→π^* transition in water, which is in good agreement with the available experimental result of -0.98 eV. 展开更多
关键词 Nonequilibrium solvation theory Spectral shift Solvent reorganization energy Constrained equilibrium
The Performance of the First Pilot Thermoacoustic Refrigerator
作者 Mohammed Awwad Ali A1-Dabbas 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第11期2106-2114,共9页
The simple goal of this work is constructing a cheap, demonstrative model of a thermoacoustic refrigerator. To this end, the author succeeded in designing, building and testing the first pilot thermoacoustic refrigera... The simple goal of this work is constructing a cheap, demonstrative model of a thermoacoustic refrigerator. To this end, the author succeeded in designing, building and testing the first pilot thermoacoustic refrigeration in Jordan basing on the theory of using sound waves as a coolant. The pilot thermoacoustic refrigerator was built from inexpensive and readily available parts in Mutah University, Jordan. The thermoacoustic refrigerator was operated for several hours. Consequentially, this experiment proved that thermoacoustic refrigerators were technically possible. Additionally, this experiment did yield some findings regarding the efficiency of thermoacoustic refrigeration. On other hand, solid flow CFD software was used to simulate the performance of thermoacoustic refrigerator especially the temperature and velocity inside the refrigerator. In general, very good agreement was deduced. 展开更多
关键词 Thermoacoustic refrigeration RESONATOR heat exchanger SolidWorks software.
Impact of a Pharmacist Implemented Protocol on Overall Use of Alvimopan (Entereg) and Length of Stay in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeries
作者 Halle M. Orlinski Rachana R. Patel Bradley J. Champagne Joseph A. Trunzo Karen L. Kier 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第10期521-525,共5页
The primary objective of this study is to assess the impact of a pharmacist-implemented protocol on number of post-operative alvimopan doses. The secondary objective of this study is to assess LOS (length of stay), ... The primary objective of this study is to assess the impact of a pharmacist-implemented protocol on number of post-operative alvimopan doses. The secondary objective of this study is to assess LOS (length of stay), in days, before and after protocol implementation. A retrospective chart review was conducted from October 2015 through March 2016 for all laparoscopic colorectal surgeries. Number of post-operative alvimopan doses received and LOS was recorded for each patient that received at least one dose of alvimopan. Comparative data, before protocol implementation, from November 2014 through June 2015 were analyzed against the study data. Number of post-operative alvimopan doses and LOS were recorded. The mean number of doses was 6.41 in the comparator group and 4.25 in the study group (probability size P 〈 0.001), which did meet statistical significance. Although the secondary objective was not statistically significant, LOS slightly decreased as the mean LOS was 5.01 days in the comparator group versus 4.49 days in the study group (P = 0.256). At the current price of $120 per capsule, close to $30,000 was saved during the study period, projecting an annual cost savings of approximately $68,000. Results from this study show that pharmacists can play a vital role in cost savings and ensuring appropriate use of certain high-risk medications, like alvimopan, without increasing overall length of stay. 展开更多
关键词 ALVIMOPAN pharmacist-implemented COLORECTAL cost savings.
Research of chemical induction unit on mixing effect and chlorine saving
作者 焦中志 Chen Zhonglin +3 位作者 Li ZuoLiang Xue Zhu  Yuan Xing Li Guibai 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2007年第1期109-112,共4页
Rapid mixing and chlorine saving are two important problems that most drinking water industries are focus on, and this paper adopts chemical induction unit to compare with water jet injector to study what merits chemi... Rapid mixing and chlorine saving are two important problems that most drinking water industries are focus on, and this paper adopts chemical induction unit to compare with water jet injector to study what merits chemical induction unit has. The experiment chose coefficient of variability of chlorine concentration to evaluate the mix effect and used chlorine consumption to compare the two equipments. Distribution reservoir experiments show that chemical induction unit can completely mix chlorine less than 6.2 seconds and water jet injector can not completely mix in 3 minutes. Mixing pool experiments show that chemical induction unit can save chlorine compared with water jet injector, and can save more if more chlorine is consumed. 展开更多
关键词 water jet injector chemical induction unit chlorine water mix effect coefficient ofvariability
Multiple Confined-Zone-Based Nickel Hydrogenation Catalyst Made by Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry
《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第4期19-19,共1页
The Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences has designed and prepared a multiple confined-zone-based nickel hydrogenation catalyst by means of the atomic layer deposition(ALD)technology.In compa... The Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences has designed and prepared a multiple confined-zone-based nickel hydrogenation catalyst by means of the atomic layer deposition(ALD)technology.In comparison with the non-confined-zone based catalyst,the multiple confined-zone-based nickel catalyst possesses an enhanced catalytic reactivity and catalytic stability for hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde and nitrobenzene. 展开更多
关键词 Shanxi confined hydrogenation reactivity nickel nitrobenzene calcination template synthesize sized
Activity Concentrations and Associated Gamma Doses of 238U and 235U in Jordan
作者 ABDUL-WALI M. S. AJLOUNI 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2015年第5期367-372,共6页
In this study, sixteen soil and vegetable samples from Tafila district were collected and analyzed from eight locations. Measurements of specific activity of natural gamma emitter radionuclides, 23SU and 235U, in thes... In this study, sixteen soil and vegetable samples from Tafila district were collected and analyzed from eight locations. Measurements of specific activity of natural gamma emitter radionuclides, 23SU and 235U, in these samples using gamma spectrometry, with the help of Genie 2000 software. Measurements were used to calculate the soil-vegetable transfer factor, and then the external radiation dose and internal radiation dose due to radioactivity of the ingested food. The specific activity of238U and 235U in soil were found to vary from (in Bq/kg): 26-575 and 1.4-35.5, respectively. The specific activity of 238U and 235U in vegetables were found to vary from (in Bq/kg): 0.019 to 0.632 and 0.0013-0.0375, respectively. The calculated transfer factor of Z3SU and Z35U range from 5.9 × 10^-4to 14.6 × 10^-4 for 238U and 4.9 × 10^-4 to 16.1 × 10^-4 for 235U. External absorbed dose rates were calculated to be in the range from 12.42 to 266.00 nGy/h. The annual effective dose was found to vary from 28.94 to 619.78 μSv/y. The annual internal effective dose due to 23SU and 23SU for fresh weights ofvegetablesl were found to vary from 0.9 × 10^-3 to 35.1 × 10^-3 μSv/y for 238U and 0.61 × 10^-4 to 17.62 × 10^-4 μSv/y for 235U. 展开更多
关键词 SOIL VEGETABLES gamma spectrometry environmental radioactivity Tafila JORDAN transfer factor internal dose external dose.
《周礼》档案学思想初探 被引量:1
作者 吴杰 《档案》 北大核心 1990年第4期11-13,共3页
《周礼》是我国一部记述上古政治制度的古籍。它不仅论述了西周奴隶制时期的政治、法律、经济、教育和礼乐宗教制度,而且还叙述了周王室档案的保管、分类及利用情况,反映出我国古代档案学思想的萌芽。一、《周礼》简介《周礼》,初名《... 《周礼》是我国一部记述上古政治制度的古籍。它不仅论述了西周奴隶制时期的政治、法律、经济、教育和礼乐宗教制度,而且还叙述了周王室档案的保管、分类及利用情况,反映出我国古代档案学思想的萌芽。一、《周礼》简介《周礼》,初名《周官》,又称《周官经》。《汉书艺文志》中的“六艺略”著录有《周官经》6篇、《周官传》4篇。汉代刘歆曾奏请将《周官》6篇,“列之于经,为《周礼》。” 展开更多
关键词 《周礼》 约剂 宗伯 《周官》 周礼 王室 档案学
作者 宋加兴 《文史知识》 北大核心 1989年第8期39-41,共3页
公证,简单地说,就是由国家作证的意思。据现行《公证暂行条例》规定,公证是国家公证机关根据当事人的申请,依法证明法律行为或有法律意义的文书和事实的真实性、合法性。这就是说,人们在相互交往中,如果涉及到民事权利义务的法律行为,... 公证,简单地说,就是由国家作证的意思。据现行《公证暂行条例》规定,公证是国家公证机关根据当事人的申请,依法证明法律行为或有法律意义的文书和事实的真实性、合法性。这就是说,人们在相互交往中,如果涉及到民事权利义务的法律行为,其中较重要的。 展开更多
关键词 民事权利义务 券书 约剂 傅别 买卖关系 名公书判清明集 《大清律例》 折狱龟鉴 唐律疏议 户律
作者 薛婕 《首都博物馆论丛》 1995年第1期48-48,共1页
中国很早就进入了青铜器时代。根据考古发掘中出土的青铜器考证,约在公元前十六世纪至公元前十一世纪间的商代,已是青铜器的制作日臻完美的时期。到了西周时期,青铜器的铸作工艺更加精细,这个时期的青铜器已达到光辉灿烂的境地。这些青... 中国很早就进入了青铜器时代。根据考古发掘中出土的青铜器考证,约在公元前十六世纪至公元前十一世纪间的商代,已是青铜器的制作日臻完美的时期。到了西周时期,青铜器的铸作工艺更加精细,这个时期的青铜器已达到光辉灿烂的境地。这些青铜器造型各异、用途不同,一般可分为礼器、乐器两大类。 展开更多
关键词 兽面纹 十六世纪 考古发掘 青铜礼器 琉璃河商周遗址 饕餮纹 北京房山 永宝 随葬器物 约剂
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