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印尼对纳土纳争议海域的政策:基于中等强国的分析框架 被引量:1
作者 王勇辉 《云梦学刊》 2020年第5期11-19,共9页
作为一个中等强国,印尼以东盟领导者自居,注重在东盟框架下开展外交。在佐科执政后,印尼通过实施"全球海洋支点"战略来实现海洋强国梦,加强了利用东盟的集体主义来开展外交。在对待纳土纳争议海域问题上,印尼认为争议海域是... 作为一个中等强国,印尼以东盟领导者自居,注重在东盟框架下开展外交。在佐科执政后,印尼通过实施"全球海洋支点"战略来实现海洋强国梦,加强了利用东盟的集体主义来开展外交。在对待纳土纳争议海域问题上,印尼认为争议海域是不容谈判的主权问题。在保持"全球海洋支点"战略与"一带一路"倡议对接的基础上,印尼通过加强军事存在、国际仲裁和大国平衡等方式维护印尼的海洋利益。为了获得东盟国家对纳土纳争议海域的支持,印尼逐步偏离其传统的在南海问题上的"中立政策",这导致纳土纳问题日趋复杂。 展开更多
关键词 印尼 纳土 全球海洋支点战略 中等强国
作者 潘少军 阮爱国 +5 位作者 李家彪 黎明碧 吴振利 Budi S Triyono Hariyanto T 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期1416-1423,共8页
简述了在南海纳土纳岛(Natuna Islands)建设地震台站的意义和设备.用获得的首批观测资料,分别采用接收函数方法和ScS波分裂技术反演了纳土纳地震台下面地壳的S波速度结构和各向异性参数.结果表明纳土纳地震台下方地壳厚度约28km,为典型... 简述了在南海纳土纳岛(Natuna Islands)建设地震台站的意义和设备.用获得的首批观测资料,分别采用接收函数方法和ScS波分裂技术反演了纳土纳地震台下面地壳的S波速度结构和各向异性参数.结果表明纳土纳地震台下方地壳厚度约28km,为典型的陆壳性质,上地幔40~50km为低速层.纳土纳的地壳快波方向为S62°E,与GPS测量的亚洲南部巽他块体的地壳运动方向一致. 展开更多
关键词 纳土纳地震台 接收函数 S波分裂 岩石圈结构 各向异性
印尼的纳土纳政策:再安全化及其泛安全化论析 被引量:1
作者 潘玥 《南亚东南亚研究》 2021年第5期64-79,155,共17页
纳土纳问题涉及领土主权问题,本身就属于安全问题,是建立在"中国威胁论"上的再安全化产物。纳土纳问题衍生出的涉及专属经济区重叠问题原本与安全无关,但经过炒作,也被"安全化"了。自佐科上任以来,中印尼在纳土纳... 纳土纳问题涉及领土主权问题,本身就属于安全问题,是建立在"中国威胁论"上的再安全化产物。纳土纳问题衍生出的涉及专属经济区重叠问题原本与安全无关,但经过炒作,也被"安全化"了。自佐科上任以来,中印尼在纳土纳问题上冲突不断,并在2016年达到顶峰。为了在短时间内增加军费、增强兵力和武器部署,印尼将纳土纳海改成"北纳土纳海",获得了民众和军方的支持。佐科政府通过将纳土纳问题"再安全化",达成了短期内的既定目标,但长期来看,把再安全化作为常规政治处理方法,将不利于纳土纳问题的解决,有"泛安全化"的倾向。同时,由于纳土纳问题再安全化的特殊属性,"去安全化"缺乏动力支持。佐科连任后,即使中印尼的经贸合作,尤其是基础设施建设方面的合作进一步深化,纳土纳问题也将会继续存在,并会不时地爆发低烈度的冲突与争端,为两国关系蒙上阴影,并对"南海行为准则"的谈判产生不利影响。 展开更多
关键词 印尼 纳土 南海问题 中国 安全化
作者 +1 位作者 廖臣(译) 《南洋资料译丛》 2020年第2期18-31,共14页
文章使用哥本哈根学派的安全研究理论,通过定量与定性相结合的研究方法,重点分析《罗盘报》《雅加达邮报》《雅加达环球报》和《安塔拉新闻》等印尼主流媒体对纳土纳群岛紧张局势报道情况,并利用印尼社交媒体评估印尼关于“中国对纳土... 文章使用哥本哈根学派的安全研究理论,通过定量与定性相结合的研究方法,重点分析《罗盘报》《雅加达邮报》《雅加达环球报》和《安塔拉新闻》等印尼主流媒体对纳土纳群岛紧张局势报道情况,并利用印尼社交媒体评估印尼关于“中国对纳土纳群岛海域传统捕鱼渔场主张对印尼国家安全构成紧迫威胁”的观点被印尼民众所接受程度,全面揭示2013年至2016年期间,印尼对纳土纳群岛安全化的演变过程。 展开更多
关键词 印尼 中国 纳土 安全化
作者 Rudo.,KW 张光学 《海洋地质》 1995年第1期43-55,共13页
关键词 层序地层 台地演化 储层分布 纳土纳台地 天然气
作者 罗周 《剧本》 2023年第1期45-58,60,共15页
人物表钱俶——吴越王,46至49岁,须生。孙太真——吴越王妃,40至42岁,青衣。赵匡胤——宋太祖,49岁,红生。赵光义——宋太宗,赵匡胤之弟,37岁,武生。老翁——钱镠,钱俶祖父,80岁,老丑。延寿——高僧,71岁,净。沈虎子——吴越丞相,55岁,... 人物表钱俶——吴越王,46至49岁,须生。孙太真——吴越王妃,40至42岁,青衣。赵匡胤——宋太祖,49岁,红生。赵光义——宋太宗,赵匡胤之弟,37岁,武生。老翁——钱镠,钱俶祖父,80岁,老丑。延寿——高僧,71岁,净。沈虎子——吴越丞相,55岁,净。崔仁冀——吴越学士,30岁,小生。窈娘——南唐舞娘,18岁,花旦。 展开更多
关键词 钱俶 宋太宗 宋太祖 赵匡胤 吴越 钱镠 纳土归宋
作者 邱俊霖 《少儿国学》 2022年第13期12-13,共2页
关键词 《百家姓》 钱俶 启蒙读物 纳土归宋 北宋初年
钱氏家族与吴越佛教文化 被引量:1
作者 薛正昌 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期140-144,150+160,共7页
五代十国时期的吴越国,是伴随着钱氏家族的苦心经营走过来的。钱氏家族的功绩在于:一是重视农业,治理钱塘,发展水利,创造了我国水利发展史上的奇迹。二是对佛教文化的推崇。从开国者钱镠到末代钱俶,他们都与禅僧来往密切,尤其是创建寺... 五代十国时期的吴越国,是伴随着钱氏家族的苦心经营走过来的。钱氏家族的功绩在于:一是重视农业,治理钱塘,发展水利,创造了我国水利发展史上的奇迹。二是对佛教文化的推崇。从开国者钱镠到末代钱俶,他们都与禅僧来往密切,尤其是创建寺院、刻印佛经、延请高僧,形成了以杭州为中心的宗教文化活动中心,为佛教文化在吴越地区的发展和传播做出了重要贡献,对后世宗教文化发展影响深远。三是纳土归宋,主张国家一统。 展开更多
关键词 钱氏家族 吴越地区 农业水利 佛教文化 纳土归宋
印度尼西亚海洋安全思维与合作逻辑 被引量:5
作者 薛松 《国际安全研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期78-101,158,159,共26页
对地理特征的认知塑造一个国家的海洋安全思维。印尼具有“群岛特征”(陆地分散、海上邻国多和海域广阔)和“海权特征”(海上战略位置、良港和重要航道、海洋资源)两组地理特点,分别指向海洋“作为威胁”和“作为秩序来源”两种相互矛... 对地理特征的认知塑造一个国家的海洋安全思维。印尼具有“群岛特征”(陆地分散、海上邻国多和海域广阔)和“海权特征”(海上战略位置、良港和重要航道、海洋资源)两组地理特点,分别指向海洋“作为威胁”和“作为秩序来源”两种相互矛盾的认知模式。如何处理这对矛盾成为厘清印尼海洋安全思维发展的核心问题。在民族国家建构初期和冷战背景下,印尼着重应对与“群岛特征”相关的安全威胁。以苏西洛为转折点,印尼开始追求“海权特征”带来的秩序福利。群岛海洋安全思维的长期实践塑造了当前印尼海洋安全现状和合作逻辑:“重陆轻海”政策导致海洋安全能力落后,使印尼重视提升海上执法能力的务实合作;海盗问题的跨界性质使印尼提供安全公共产品的意愿较低,产生了“搭便车”的合作逻辑;1982年《联合国海洋法公约》确认了印尼的“岛国内海”权利,该公约被印尼视为海洋安全的制度保护伞和合作的底线。 展开更多
关键词 印度尼西亚 海洋安全 南海问题 纳土 海洋合作 群岛国家
Synthesis of nano-MoS_2/bentonite composite and its application for removal of organic dye 被引量:2
作者 胡坤宏 赵娣芳 刘俊生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第10期2484-2490,共7页
A nano-MoS2/bentonite composite was synthesized by calcinating MoS3 deposited on bentonite in H2. The obtained composite was characterized using thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron micr... A nano-MoS2/bentonite composite was synthesized by calcinating MoS3 deposited on bentonite in H2. The obtained composite was characterized using thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The results show that nano-MoS2 particles are distributed on the surface of bentonite and form layered structures with layer distance of about 0.64 nm. The composite presents an excellent performance for the removal of methyl orange. Some operation conditions affect the removal efficiency of methyl orange, such as dosage of composite, initial concentration of methyl orange, temperature and pH value. However, light source does not influence the removal efficiency. The removal mechanism is attributed to the adsorption of methyl orange on the nano-MoS2/bentonite composite. The adsorption of methyl orange on the composite is in accordance with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. 展开更多
作者 李萍 郑俊萍 姚康德 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第4期294-296,共3页
A gelatin/MMT nanocomposite was prepared in an aqueous solution and investigated by XRD,FTIR and 13 C NMR,and then the intercalation mechanism was discussed.The result of XRD indicated that the gelatin molecule... A gelatin/MMT nanocomposite was prepared in an aqueous solution and investigated by XRD,FTIR and 13 C NMR,and then the intercalation mechanism was discussed.The result of XRD indicated that the gelatin molecule had already inserted into the interlayer of MMT,and the intercalation or exfoliation structure had been achieved.The result of 13 C NMR demonstrated that the ions interaction between gelatin and MMT was attributed to the driving force for intercalation.In order to confirm the role of -COO - of gelatin in the combination with MMT,lauric sodium was brought in as a model to react with MMT,and was characterized by XRD and FTIR,the result proved that there existed a kind of strong interaction between -COO - and ions of MMT. 展开更多
关键词 GELATIN MMT NANOCOMPOSITE intercalation mechanism
Shear strength of clayey sand treated by nanoclay mixed with recycled polyester fiber 被引量:2
作者 Mehrdad KHOLGHIFARD Babak AMINI BEHBAHANI 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期259-269,共11页
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of the nanoclay mixed with recycled polyester fiber on the mechanical behavior of soil as a new stabilizer material.To meet this objective,a series of dra... The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of the nanoclay mixed with recycled polyester fiber on the mechanical behavior of soil as a new stabilizer material.To meet this objective,a series of drained direct shear and compaction tests were performed on unreinforced and reinforced soil specimens with three different combinations of the fiber-soil ratios ranging between 0.1%and 0.5%,as well as three different combinations of nanoclay soil ratios ranging between 0.5%and 1.5%of the soil dry weight.Results indicated that composition of the nanoclay recycled polyester fiber with the soil improved the friction angle(Φ)by 41%and cohesion(c)by 174%.The soil particles stick together through viscose gel produced by nanoclay.In addition,the rough and wavy surface of the fibers creates a bond and friction between the soil particles and prevents the movement of soil particles,and as a result,the soil strength is increased. 展开更多
关键词 soil treatment NANOCLAY recycled polyester fiber shear strength clayey sand
Wien Effect Characterization of Interactions Between Ions and Charged Sites on Clay Surfaces of Variable-Charge Soils 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Hao-Wen WANG Yu-Jun +4 位作者 ZHOU Jun JIANG Jun LI Cheng-Bao ZHOU Dong-Mei S. P. FRIEDMAN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期545-553,共9页
To investigate the interactions of oppositely charged sites on the surfaces of variable-charge soil particles with cations and anions, and to evaluate the mean Gibbs free binding and adsorption energies of various cat... To investigate the interactions of oppositely charged sites on the surfaces of variable-charge soil particles with cations and anions, and to evaluate the mean Gibbs free binding and adsorption energies of various cations on particles of red soil and latosol, clay fractions smaller than 2 μm were separated from samples of the two variable-charge soils. Ferric oxides were removed from part of the clay fractions, which were then saturated with various chlorides (NaC1, KCl, CaCl2, CdCl2 or LaCl3). Electrical conductivities (EC) of dilute suspensions of the original and of the iron oxides-free clay fractions in deionized water were measured with the SHP-2 short high-voltage pulse apparatus, which enables measurement of the Wien effect at field strengths (E) from 14 to 250 kV cm^-1. The Wien effect (EC-E) curves revealed EC increases of red soil suspensions between 14 and 200 kV cm^-1, of 8.3, 8.4, 12.1, 5.9, and 1.2 μS cm^-1 for NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, CdCl2, and LaCl3, respectively, reflecting the differing interactions with the various cations and chloride. The EC increments with the iron-free red soil suspensions were higher, being 29.7, 17.2, and 15.3 μS cm^-1 for NaCl, CaCl2, and CdCl2, respectively. In the natural latosol suspensions the EC increments were practically zero, whereas in the iron-free fractions there were significant EC increments of 10.3, 5.7, 5.0, and 1.6μS cm^-1 for NaCl, CaCl2, CdCl2, and LaCl3, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 electrical conductivity field strength iron oxide OVERLAPPING ζ potential
Effect of nanoclay on properties of porous PVdF membranes 被引量:2
作者 Hae-Young HWANG Deuk-Ju KIM +2 位作者 Hyung-Jun KIM Young-Taik HONG Sang-Yong NAM 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第A01期141-147,共7页
The main requirements for battery separators are high porosity which can serve pathways of lithium ion and space for gel electrolytes to impregnate in a membrane and mechanical strength to allow easy handling for batt... The main requirements for battery separators are high porosity which can serve pathways of lithium ion and space for gel electrolytes to impregnate in a membrane and mechanical strength to allow easy handling for battery assembly. Generally, it appears the trade-off relationship between the porosity and mechanical strength of the membrane. PVdF composite membranes containing nano-size clays were used to improve the mechanical strength of the membrane without affecting the membrane porosity. The composite membranes were prepared by phase inversion method controlling the membrane preparation conditions such as retention time. The resultant membranes show increased mechanical properties with similar membrane porosity around 80 % compared to the pristine PVdF membrane. Incorporation of nonoclay can be considered as an effective method to improve the mechanica! strength in porous membrane supports, especially in a separator. 展开更多
关键词 Li-ion battery SEPARATOR poly(vinylidene fluoride) NANOCOMPOSITE
Adsorption of sulfate in aqueous solutions by organo-nano-clay:Adsorption equilibrium and kinetic studies 被引量:4
作者 陈卫 刘海成 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期1974-1981,共8页
The adsorption of sulfate in aqueous solutions onto organo-nano-clay prepared by natural zeolite and cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) was studied.Parameters such as adsorbent dosage,contact ... The adsorption of sulfate in aqueous solutions onto organo-nano-clay prepared by natural zeolite and cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) was studied.Parameters such as adsorbent dosage,contact time and temperature were investigated using batch adsorption studies.The results show that the uptake of sulfate increases with the increase of contact time and temperature,and decreases with the increase of dosage.The Freundlich isotherm model is fit to explain the sulfate adsorption onto organo-nano-clay.The maximum adsorption capacity is found to be 38.02 mg/g at 40 ℃.The kinetic data fit well the pseudo-second-order and Elovich models with a R2 more than 0.98.It is suggested that chemisorption is the rate-controlling step for adsorption of sulfate onto organo-nano-clay,meanwhile both intraparticle diffusion and boundary layer diffusion also contribute as well.Ion-exchange between sulfate anions and bromide ions and complexation between sulfate anions and CTAB cations are responsible for the mechanism of sulfate adsorption.Keywords:organo-nano-clay; cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB); modification; sulfate; adsorption 展开更多
关键词 organo-nano-clay cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) MODIFICATION SULFATE ADSORPTION
Determinants of Adoption of Sawah Rice Technology among Farmers in Ashanti Region of Ghana
作者 Cornelius Idowu Alarimal Comfort Oyekale Adamu +3 位作者 Joseph Mubo Awotunde Mary Nuako Bandoh Tsugiyuki Masunaga Toshiyuki Wakatsuki 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第7期459-468,共10页
The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of adoption of sawah technology in Ashanti region of Ghana. It identifies those independent variables that explain adoption and can also facilitate further dis... The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of adoption of sawah technology in Ashanti region of Ghana. It identifies those independent variables that explain adoption and can also facilitate further dissemination and adoption of sawah technology. Sawah refers to leveled rice field surrounded by banks with inlet and outlet for irrigation and drainage. This study uses data from 108 farmers randomly selected from 198 sawah farmers in the study area. Regression analysis showed that age, educational level and year of experience in rice production were the personal factors that determined the adoption of sawah technology among the respondents. The result further showed that contact with extension agents, attendance in previous sawah trainings, land tenure arrangement, yield from sawah farm and attributes of sawah technology determined adoption. This study suggested that adoption of sawah technology should be targeted at young, educated and experienced farmers. Also, security of land must be ascertained by farmers in order to enhance adoption, continuous and sustained use of sawah technology. 展开更多
关键词 ADOPTION Ashanti determinants FARMERS sawah
Engineering properties and microstructure of expansive soil treated with nanographite powder 被引量:4
作者 LI Jia-ming TANG Shi-bin +1 位作者 SONG Huai-bo CHEN Xue-jun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期499-514,共16页
To reduce geological disasters caused by expansive soil,it is crucial to use a new type of modified material to rapidly improve soil strength instead of traditional soil improvement materials such as lime and cement.N... To reduce geological disasters caused by expansive soil,it is crucial to use a new type of modified material to rapidly improve soil strength instead of traditional soil improvement materials such as lime and cement.Nanographite powder(NGP)has excellent properties,such as high adsorption,conductivity,and lubrication,since it has the characteristics of small size,large specific surface area,and high surface energy.However,previous studies on the improvement of expansive soil with NGP are not processed enough.To study the improvement effect of NGP on expansive soil,non-load swelling ratio tests,consolidation tests,unconfined compressive strength tests,mercury injection tests,and micro-CT tests on expansive soil mixed with different NGP contents were performed.The results show that the non-load swelling ratio,mechanical properties,and porosity of expansive soil show some increasement after adding NGP.The strength of expansive soil reaches the maximum when the NGP content is 1.450%.The cumulative mercury volume and compressive strain of expansive soil reach the maximum with the 2.0%NGP content.Finally,the modification mechanism of swelling,compressibility,microstructure,and compressive strength of expansive soil by NGP is revealed. 展开更多
关键词 nanographite powder expansive soil engineering properties MICROSTRUCTURE micro CT
Effect of capacitance on ZnO-Bi_2O_3-Yb_2O_3 based varistor for nanosecond transients 被引量:2
作者 Kannadasan RAJU Valsalal PRASAD 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2332-2338,共7页
The microstructure and electrical properties of ZnO-Bi2O3-Yb2O3 based varistor ceramics were investigated with various temperature effects from 900°C to 1050°C.From the results,it was observed that the incre... The microstructure and electrical properties of ZnO-Bi2O3-Yb2O3 based varistor ceramics were investigated with various temperature effects from 900°C to 1050°C.From the results,it was observed that the increase of sintering temperature offers a reduced capacitive effect from 0.460 nF to 0.321 nF.Furthermore,the grain sizes of varistors were varied from 6.8μm to 9.8μm.The consequence of such smaller grain sizes provided a better voltage gradient of about 895 V/mm for the disc sintered at 900°C and fallen drastically to 410 V/mm for the sample sintered at 1050°C.In addition,there was an increase of non-linearity index to a maximum value of 36.0 and reduced leakage current of 0.026 mA/cm2.However,the density of the varistor decreased with an increase of temperature from 5.41 g/cm3 to 5.24 g/cm3.With this base,the influence of varistor capacitance and high voltage gradient were scrutinized and it led an improved transition speed of the varistor assembly from non-conduction to conduction mode during intruding nanosecond transients. 展开更多
关键词 CAPACITANCE metal oxide varistor nanosecond transient rare earth oxide transition delay ytterbium oxide
Potential Renaturalisation of Lakes as An Element Building Up Water Resources: An Example of Mosina Lake, Poland 被引量:1
作者 Ptak MARIUSZ 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期8-12,共5页
Water deficits observed in many regions of the world make it necessary to implement measures intended to improve this situation. Poland is one of the countries with the poorest water resources in Europe due to its nat... Water deficits observed in many regions of the world make it necessary to implement measures intended to improve this situation. Poland is one of the countries with the poorest water resources in Europe due to its natural conditions and human impact. As a result of land reclamation carried out over decades, many elements of its hydrographic system have been changed, and some of them, like lakes, have disappeared altogether. In the days of the socio-economic transformation and more frequent extreme events, what seems worth considering is the renaturalisation of non-existing lakes, an idea presented in this paper on a selected example. 展开更多
关键词 environment transformation drainage water resources human activity Mosina Lake Poland
Analysis of Percolation of the Stabilized Suspensions of TiO2 and SiO2 Nanoparticles in Soil Columns Simulating Landfill Layers 被引量:1
作者 Elizabeth Mendes de Oliveira Daniele Aparecida Nogueira +2 位作者 Luis CarlosRolim Lopes Jose Flavio Silveira Feiteira Jose Adilson de Castro 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第1期47-52,共6页
It studied the behavior of transport and stability of TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles suspensions percolating through soil columns aiming at simulating municipal waste landfills covering soil layers performance. Experimen... It studied the behavior of transport and stability of TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles suspensions percolating through soil columns aiming at simulating municipal waste landfills covering soil layers performance. Experimental columns were constructed with landfill soils and water suspensions with nanoparticles percolation runs were carried out. The experimental columns were constructed with 100 mm and 200 mm of diameter and height, respectively. Outlet concentrations were measured along the percolation time using ICP-OES and nanoparticles tracking analyzer. It was observed that SiO2 nanoparticles acts as a stabilizer of TiO2 nanoparticles suspensions and promotes its transport through the soil columns, which simulates the conditions of the controlled landfills layers. The interaction of the suspensions of SiO2 nanoparticles with nanoparticles of TiO2, promote a high stability of the emulsions, which confers the high zeta potential present in SiO2 suspensions, promoting greater mobility and transport through the soil columns. The experimental results demonstrated that TiO2 nanoparticles were kept suspended, even after 10 days, which indicates good stability. It was observed that both TiO2 and SiO2 were kept in suspensions with negligible nanoparticles clustering and decantation. It was confirmed that the TiO2 and SiO2 of the outflow of soil columns are strongly affected by the soil pH, organic carbon and clay content of the soils. It was observed that the soil columns behave as a retention barrier for both TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles. 展开更多
关键词 Stabilization column experiment and nanofluids.
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