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作者 侯尚国 王坤 +2 位作者 王丽华 黄庆 邓素辉 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1206-1213,共8页
很久以来,光学显微镜的分辨率受限于光学衍射极限.最近几年,发展了很多突破光学衍射极限的技术方法.其中,受激发射损耗(stimulated emission depletion,STED)显微镜因能够提供超快超高的分辨率而备受关注.在这类方法中,脉冲式STED分辨... 很久以来,光学显微镜的分辨率受限于光学衍射极限.最近几年,发展了很多突破光学衍射极限的技术方法.其中,受激发射损耗(stimulated emission depletion,STED)显微镜因能够提供超快超高的分辨率而备受关注.在这类方法中,脉冲式STED分辨率较高但搭建复杂;连续光STED虽然搭建简单,但分辨率有所下降;时间门调制STED(gated-STED,g STED)在简化STED搭建的同时,又可以实现与脉冲式STED相比拟的分辨率.本文详细介绍了时间门在STED纳米显微镜中的应用. 展开更多
关键词 超分辨成像 时间门 纳米显微镜 受激发射损耗显微镜
新型纳米阻抗显微镜前置放大器的设计 被引量:2
作者 丁喜冬 杜贤算 张进修 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期57-61,共5页
基于扫描隧道显微镜的新型纳米阻抗显微镜(STM-NIM)能够测量材料表面的纳米微区阻抗性质并具有分辨率高的突出优点,但传统STM前置放大器的频率带宽不能满足STM-NIM测量模式的要求,因而需要设计新型前置放大器。STM-NIM前置放大器必须在... 基于扫描隧道显微镜的新型纳米阻抗显微镜(STM-NIM)能够测量材料表面的纳米微区阻抗性质并具有分辨率高的突出优点,但传统STM前置放大器的频率带宽不能满足STM-NIM测量模式的要求,因而需要设计新型前置放大器。STM-NIM前置放大器必须在噪声和频率带宽两方面同时具有非常优良的性能。本文利用STM及NIM信号的特点,通过将信号一分为二并对电路进行优化,研制出了满足STM-NIM测量要求的新型前置放大器。测试表明,该前置放大器能同时用于NIM阻抗测量和STM形貌扫描;其NIM信号的频率带宽达到300 kHz;其STM信号的噪声约为0.8 mV,能满足原子级分辨成像的要求。 展开更多
关键词 扫描隧道显微镜 纳米阻抗显微镜 前置放大器 噪声 带宽
作者 傅恩生 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 2003年第7期32-35,共4页
在近红外成像领域,用亚波长尺寸探针扫描样品区域,获得了超过光学显微镜衍射极限的分辨率。在最近的实验中,用分子纳米显微镜探针,获得了几十纳米的分辨率。一般是把探针插入晶体附在基片移动层上,实现分子探针的位置控制。但是基质晶... 在近红外成像领域,用亚波长尺寸探针扫描样品区域,获得了超过光学显微镜衍射极限的分辨率。在最近的实验中,用分子纳米显微镜探针,获得了几十纳米的分辨率。一般是把探针插入晶体附在基片移动层上,实现分子探针的位置控制。但是基质晶体不可避免引起扰动待测光场。报道用原子尺寸分辨率的近场探针(射频捕陷的单个钙离子)使光场扰动最小。测量了光场的三维空间结构,获得空间分辨率高达60um(由捕陷离子的残余热运动决定),并在100μm范围扫描低损耗光腔模。通过准确控制离子与场的耦合,达到精确定位。同时,捕陷势不影响场和离子的中间态。因此,该装置是用单粒子进行腔量子电动力学实验的理想系统。 展开更多
关键词 单离子纳米显微镜 光场 探针 空间分辨率 射频捕陷
显微镜在电动汽车动力匹配与整体优化中运用——评《基于原子力显微镜的纳米机械加工与检测技术》 被引量:1
作者 韦丽珍 《电子显微学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期581-582,共2页
随着社会经济的快速发展,人们对于能源储存量与环境污染问题的关注度越发热门,而汽车作为人们生活、工作中必不可少的交通工具,其能源消耗与市场发展走向也成为社会研究分析的重点;在此情景下,电动汽车的产生与发展得到人们的高度重视... 随着社会经济的快速发展,人们对于能源储存量与环境污染问题的关注度越发热门,而汽车作为人们生活、工作中必不可少的交通工具,其能源消耗与市场发展走向也成为社会研究分析的重点;在此情景下,电动汽车的产生与发展得到人们的高度重视。电动汽车动力匹配与整体优化过程中,内置动力系统的创新研究是非常关键的突破环节之一. 展开更多
关键词 原子力显微镜 传动装置 电动汽车 《基于原子力显微镜纳米机械加工与检测技术》 纳米机械加工 动力匹配 整体优化
作者 杜华 高思田 +1 位作者 金其海 朱小平 《现代测量与实验室管理》 2005年第6期7-10,共4页
原子力显微镜是广泛应用的纳米测量仪器。中国计量科学研究院成功研制了计量型原子力显微镜纳米测量系统,本文介绍了该系统的技术特点和指标,并通过与发达国家的比对测试验证了该系统在测量原理、测量精度及可溯源性方面已达到了国际先... 原子力显微镜是广泛应用的纳米测量仪器。中国计量科学研究院成功研制了计量型原子力显微镜纳米测量系统,本文介绍了该系统的技术特点和指标,并通过与发达国家的比对测试验证了该系统在测量原理、测量精度及可溯源性方面已达到了国际先进水平。 展开更多
关键词 纳米技术 溯源 计量型原子力显微镜纳米测量系统 比对验证
纳电子器件制备的单根碳纳米管精确装配与电连接研究 被引量:9
作者 田孝军 王越超 +4 位作者 席宁 董再励 刘连庆 于鹏 李文荣 《电子显微学报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第6期490-493,共4页
目前,利用单根碳纳米管进行纳电子器件的研制成为纳电子学界研究的前沿与热点,但在纳电子器件研制过程中,如何实现单根碳纳米管与微电极的精确装配与电连接成为关键技术难题之一。为探索实现此关键技术的新方法,本文尝试将介电电泳与具... 目前,利用单根碳纳米管进行纳电子器件的研制成为纳电子学界研究的前沿与热点,但在纳电子器件研制过程中,如何实现单根碳纳米管与微电极的精确装配与电连接成为关键技术难题之一。为探索实现此关键技术的新方法,本文尝试将介电电泳与具有实时力/视觉反馈的原子力显微镜操作方法相结合,从而结合粗、精两级操作方式,来实现单根碳纳米管的精确装配与电连接。单根多壁碳纳米管的精确装配与电特性测试实验验证了该方法的有效性,从而为装配研制基于单根纳米管/线的纳电子器件提供了一种新颖可行的方法。 展开更多
关键词 介电电泳 原子力显微镜纳米操作 单根碳纳米 精确装配 电连接
《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2021年第6期668-668,共1页
据Balaur E 2021年10月6日[Nature,2021,598(7879):65-70.]报道,澳大利亚科学家采用等离子体活性技术研发一种纳米显微镜载玻片,可以利用比色组织学技术发现细胞的细微变化。在生物和医学研究中,癌变组织和正常组织样品不进行特殊处理时... 据Balaur E 2021年10月6日[Nature,2021,598(7879):65-70.]报道,澳大利亚科学家采用等离子体活性技术研发一种纳米显微镜载玻片,可以利用比色组织学技术发现细胞的细微变化。在生物和医学研究中,癌变组织和正常组织样品不进行特殊处理时,在标准光学显微镜下无法直接区分。通常被研究的生物材料需要通过染色来区分异常变化,但这样可能会导致误诊。澳大利亚拉筹伯大学的Abbey B教授及其团队开发出一种新的显微镜载玻片,避开了这个问题,将其转变为鲜明的颜色对比,区分细胞的差异性。人眼可以分辨多达10000种不同的颜色,但对亮度变化的灵敏度要低得多,这意味着在解读图像时,颜色是非常理想的。 展开更多
关键词 组织学技术 团队开发 纳米显微镜 拉筹伯大学 癌变组织 颜色对比 载玻片 澳大利亚
作者 严会娟 万立骏 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期690-696,共7页
结合近期研究工作,简要介绍了在溶液环境下,利用有机分子在金属表面构筑纳米结构,利用光化学反应方法调控所得的纳米结构,利用电化学扫描隧道显微镜对这些结构进行观察,及利用毛细管隧道结方法测量纳米结构电学性质的相关结果.并展望了... 结合近期研究工作,简要介绍了在溶液环境下,利用有机分子在金属表面构筑纳米结构,利用光化学反应方法调控所得的纳米结构,利用电化学扫描隧道显微镜对这些结构进行观察,及利用毛细管隧道结方法测量纳米结构电学性质的相关结果.并展望了表面纳米结构的构筑、控制和性质研究领域的发展趋势. 展开更多
关键词 扫描隧道显微镜 表面纳米结构 电学性质 光反应 可控结构
Si(111)-7×7表面上C_(60)多层膜的生长及其纳米摩擦学性质 被引量:3
作者 杜晓清 李慧琴 +2 位作者 朱齐荣 邹志强 梁齐 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期2457-2461,共5页
在超高真空(UHV)条件下,用分子束外延(MBE)方法,通过对生长过程中蒸发速率和衬底温度等参数的控制,可以避免C_(60)分子在Si(111)-7×7重构表面多层生长时团聚岛的形成,得到了逐层生长的C_(60)多层膜.同时利用超高真空扫描隧道显微镜... 在超高真空(UHV)条件下,用分子束外延(MBE)方法,通过对生长过程中蒸发速率和衬底温度等参数的控制,可以避免C_(60)分子在Si(111)-7×7重构表面多层生长时团聚岛的形成,得到了逐层生长的C_(60)多层膜.同时利用超高真空扫描隧道显微镜(UHV-STM)对这种多层膜结构进行了观察并对这种规象产生的机理做了分析.测定了不同层数C_(60)薄膜的黏附力和摩擦力曲线,发现分子层数对薄膜的摩擦性质有显著影响,随着沉积层数的增加,样品的摩擦力明显降低,摩擦系数也有降低的趋势.由于分子层数的增加导致C_(60)分子转动程度增强,本文得出结论,摩擦力的降低是由C_(60)分子的转动引起的,C_(60)分子在这里充当了"纳米滚动轴承",即C_(60)分子的转动为微观结构提供了能量耗散通道. 展开更多
关键词 富勒烯: 分子束外延: 薄膜生长: 纳米摩擦性质:扫描隧道显微镜
作者 周艳琼 白木 《医疗保健器具(医疗器械版)》 2002年第1期45-45,共1页
纳米智能药物 在医药学领域,纳米级粒子将使药物在人体内的传输更为方便。数层纳米粒子包裹的智能药物进入人体后,可主动搜索并攻击癌细胞或修补损伤组织。从最近召开的我国首届纳米生物医药研讨会获悉,我国巳成功地研制出纳米级的新一... 纳米智能药物 在医药学领域,纳米级粒子将使药物在人体内的传输更为方便。数层纳米粒子包裹的智能药物进入人体后,可主动搜索并攻击癌细胞或修补损伤组织。从最近召开的我国首届纳米生物医药研讨会获悉,我国巳成功地研制出纳米级的新一代抗菌药物。这种粉末状的纳米颗粒直径只有25纳米,对大肠杆菌。 展开更多
关键词 纳米技术 纳米智能药物 纳米诊断仪器 纳米微型显微镜 纳米医疗机器人 应用
用于细胞三维结构观察的现代显微影像仪器及相关技术 被引量:1
作者 张莹 冯远明 +2 位作者 王贺 张力新 撒昱 《现代仪器》 2011年第3期1-5,14,共6页
细胞三维结构的观察分析能提供更多细胞显微水平结构和功能的信息。现代显微影像仪器及相关的三维重建等技术是研究细胞三维结构的有力工具。本文概述多种可用于细胞三维结构观察的显微工具,简单介绍其原理、优势、最新技术动态及应用... 细胞三维结构的观察分析能提供更多细胞显微水平结构和功能的信息。现代显微影像仪器及相关的三维重建等技术是研究细胞三维结构的有力工具。本文概述多种可用于细胞三维结构观察的显微工具,简单介绍其原理、优势、最新技术动态及应用领域等。 展开更多
关键词 细胞三维结构 现代显微影像仪器 激光共聚焦显微镜 超分辨率荧光显微镜 三维电子显微镜 X射线纳米显微镜
磁控溅射工艺参数对涤纶织物表面沉积铜膜性能的影响 被引量:10
作者 孟灵灵 魏取福 +1 位作者 黄新民 许凤凤 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期54-57,69,共5页
在室温条件下采用射频磁控溅射法在涤纶平纹机织物表面沉积纳米Cu薄膜,借助原子力显微镜(AFM)观察镀膜前后样品表面变化。通过分别改变镀膜时间、溅射功率和气体压强,研究其对样品透光性和导电性的影响。实验结果表明,经Cu镀层处理的涤... 在室温条件下采用射频磁控溅射法在涤纶平纹机织物表面沉积纳米Cu薄膜,借助原子力显微镜(AFM)观察镀膜前后样品表面变化。通过分别改变镀膜时间、溅射功率和气体压强,研究其对样品透光性和导电性的影响。实验结果表明,经Cu镀层处理的涤纶平纹织物对紫外光和可见光的吸收能力明显优于原样。溅射压强增加,透光性能增强,铜膜方块电阻增加,导电性能减弱;镀膜时间延长和溅射功率增加,样品透射率降低,屏蔽紫外线和可见光效果明显,在溅射时间接近15min和溅射功率增加到120W后,样品屏蔽效果不明显,铜膜方块电阻随溅射功率增加而减小,导电性能增强。 展开更多
关键词 射频磁控溅射纳米铜膜原子力显微镜透光性导电性
Probe the Effects of Surface Adsorbates on ZnO Nanowire Conductivity using Dielectric Force Microscopy
作者 陈琪 卢威 +3 位作者 吴昱昆 丁怀义 王兵 陈立桅 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期582-586,I0004,共6页
Characterization of electric properties of nanomaterials usually involves fabricating field effect transistors (FET) and deriving materials properties from device performances. However, the quality of electrode cont... Characterization of electric properties of nanomaterials usually involves fabricating field effect transistors (FET) and deriving materials properties from device performances. However, the quality of electrode contacts in FET devices heavily influences the device performance, which makes it difficult to obtain the intrinsic electric properties of nanomaterials. Dielectric force microscopy (DFM), a contactless method developed recently, can detect the low-frequency dielectric responses of nanomaterials without electric contact, which avoids the influence of electric contact and can be used to study the intrinsic conductivity of nanomaterials. Here we study the influences of surface adsorbates on the conductivity of ZnO nanowires (NWs) by using FET and DFM methods. The conductivity of ZnO NW is much larger in N2 atmosphere than that in ambient environment as measured by FET device, which is further proven by DFM measurement that the ZnO NW exhibits larger dielectric response in N2 environment, and the influence of electrode contacts on measurement can be ruled out. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the adsorbates on ZnO NW surface highly influence the conductivity of ZnO NW rather than the electrode contact. This work also verifies the capability of DFM in measuring electric properties of nanomaterials. 展开更多
关键词 Dielectric force microscopy ZnO nanowire Field-effect transistor Surface adsorbate
ZnO Nanobelts and Hollow Microspheres Grown on Cu Foil 被引量:2
作者 庄彬平 赖发春 +3 位作者 林丽梅 林明豹 瞿燕 黄志高 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期79-83,I0002,共6页
ZnO nanobelts, hollow microspheres, and urchins have been prepared on copper foil via a simply low temperature evaporation route. The microstructure, morphologies, and photolu-minescence of the ZnO nanostructures were... ZnO nanobelts, hollow microspheres, and urchins have been prepared on copper foil via a simply low temperature evaporation route. The microstructure, morphologies, and photolu-minescence of the ZnO nanostructures were studied with X-ray diffraction, Raman spectra, scanning electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectra. The width of the nanobelts was about 500 nm and the length was longer than 10μm. The diameter of the hollow microspheres was between 5 and 10μm. A possible growth mechanism of the nanobelts, microspheres and urchins was proposed. The photoluminescence spectrum exhibited strong deep level energy emissions and a weak near band edge emission. These ZnO nanostructures on a copper substrate have the advantages of naturally good adhesion and electrical connection between the ZnO nanostructures and the conductive substrate. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal evaporation ZnO nanostructure Cu foil Growth mechanism
Structural and optical properties of nano-spin coated sol-gel porous TiO_2 films 被引量:1
作者 M.M.El-NAHASS M.H.ALI A.El-DENGLAWEY 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第12期3003-3011,共9页
Three thicknesses of TiO2 films, 174, 195, and 229 nm, were deposited onto quartz substrates by sol–gel spin coating method. The as-deposited thin films were characterized by nano-crystallite with different sizes (19... Three thicknesses of TiO2 films, 174, 195, and 229 nm, were deposited onto quartz substrates by sol–gel spin coating method. The as-deposited thin films were characterized by nano-crystallite with different sizes (19–46 nm) and relatively high porous structure. Optical constants were determined and showed the lowest refractive index of 1.66 for the as-prepared films that ever reported till now. Obtained results were discussed through current theoretical ideas. 展开更多
关键词 TiO2 films optical properties NANOSTRUCTURE electron microscopy thin films spin coating technique
Antibacterial Properties of Novel Bacterial Cellulose Nanofiber Containing Silver Nanoparticles 被引量:2
作者 杨加志 刘晓丽 +1 位作者 黄立勇 孙东平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第12期1419-1424,共6页
In this work,we describe a novel facile method to prepare long one-dimensional hybrid nanofibers by using hydrated bacterial cellulose nanofibers(BCF)as a template.Silver(Ag)nanoparticles with an average diameter of 1... In this work,we describe a novel facile method to prepare long one-dimensional hybrid nanofibers by using hydrated bacterial cellulose nanofibers(BCF)as a template.Silver(Ag)nanoparticles with an average diameter of 1.5 nm were well dispersed on BCF via a simple in situ chemical-reduction between AgNO3and NaBH4at a relatively low temperature.A growth mechanism is proposed that Ag nanoparticles are uniformly anchored onto BCF by coordination with BC-containing hydroxyl groups.The bare BCF and as-prepared Ag/BCF hybrid nanofibers were characterized by several techniques including transmission electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction,thermogravimetric analyses,and ultraviolet-visible(UV-Vis)absorption spectra.The antibacterial properties of Ag/BCF hybrid nanofibers against Escherichia coli(E.coli,Gram-negative)and Staphylococcu saureus(S.saureus,Gram-positive)bacteria were evaluated by using modified Kirby Bauer method and colony forming count method.The results show that Ag nanoparticles are well dispersed on BCF surface via in situ chemical-reduction.The Ag/BCF hybrid nanofiber presents strong antibacterial property and thus offers its candidature for use as functional antimicrobial agents. 展开更多
关键词 bacterial cellulose NANOFIBER antimicrobial agents SILVER
Corrosion resistance of waterborne epoxy coating pigmented by nano-sized aluminium powder on steel 被引量:5
作者 LIU Jian-hua ZHAN Zhong-wei +1 位作者 LI Song-mei YU Mei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期46-54,共9页
A novel kind of waterborne epoxy coating pigmented by nano-sized aluminium powders on high strength steel was formulated. Several coatings with different pigment volume content (PVC) were prepared. The coating morphol... A novel kind of waterborne epoxy coating pigmented by nano-sized aluminium powders on high strength steel was formulated. Several coatings with different pigment volume content (PVC) were prepared. The coating morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the electrochemical properties were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Immersion test and neutral salt spray test were also conducted to investigate the corrosion resistance of the coating. It is demonstrated that the critical pigment volume content (CPVC) value is between 30% and 40%. The coating with PVC of 30% exhibits good corrosion resistance in 3.5% (mass fraction) NaCl solution. 展开更多
关键词 nano-sized aluminium powder waterbome epoxy coating corrosion resistance pigment volume content
Liquid-phase preparation and electrochemical property of LiFePO_4/C nanowires 被引量:2
作者 田俐 陈琳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期477-481,共5页
Olivine LiFePO4/C nanowires have been successfully synthesized by a simple and eco-friendly solution preparation.The phase,structure,morphology and composition of the as-prepared products were characterized by powder ... Olivine LiFePO4/C nanowires have been successfully synthesized by a simple and eco-friendly solution preparation.The phase,structure,morphology and composition of the as-prepared products were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),thermogravimetric and differential-thermogravimetric analysis(TG-DTA) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry(EDS) techniques,showing uniform nanowire shape of LiFePO4/C with a diameter of 80-150 nm and a length of several microns.The heat-treated LiFePO4/C nanowires show excellent electrochemical properties of specific discharge capacity,rate capacity and cycling stability.In particular,the LiFePO4/C nanowires heat-treated at 400 °C show preferable first discharge specific capacity of 161 mA·h/g at 0.1C rate,while the voltage platform is 3.4 V and the first discharge specific capacity is 93 mA·h/g at 20C rate.The specific capacity retention is 98% after 50 cycles at 5C rate. 展开更多
关键词 liquid-phase preparation LIFEPO4 NANOWIRES electrochemical property
Influence of rapid quenching on hydrogen storage characteristics of nanocrystalline Mg_2Ni-type alloys 被引量:1
作者 张羊换 赵栋梁 +3 位作者 李保卫 郭世海 祁焱 王新林 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第8期1439-1446,共8页
Nanocrystalline Mg2Ni-type alloys with nominal compositions of Mg20Ni10–xCux(x=0,1,2,3,4,mass fraction,%) were synthesized by rapid quenching technique.The microstructures of the as-cast and quenched alloys were char... Nanocrystalline Mg2Ni-type alloys with nominal compositions of Mg20Ni10–xCux(x=0,1,2,3,4,mass fraction,%) were synthesized by rapid quenching technique.The microstructures of the as-cast and quenched alloys were characterized by XRD,SEM and HRTEM.The electrochemical hydrogen storage performances were tested by an automatic galvanostatic system.The hydriding and dehydriding kinetics of the alloys were measured using an automatically controlled Sieverts apparatus.The results show that all the as-quenched alloys hold the typical nanocrystalline structure and the rapid quenching does not change the major phase Mg2Ni.The rapid quenching significantly improves the electrochemical hydrogen storage capacity of the alloys,whereas it slightly impairs the cycling stability of the alloys.Additionally,the hydrogen absorption and desorption capacities of the alloys significantly increase with rising quenching rate. 展开更多
关键词 Mg2Ni-type alloy rapid quenching hydrogen storage characteristic
Formation of nanocrystalline microstructure in arc ion plated CrN films 被引量:4
作者 Qi-min WANG Se-Hun KWON Kwang-Ho KIM 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第A01期73-77,共5页
Applying negative bias voltages caused significant microstructure changes in arc ion plated CrN films. Nanocrystalline microstructures were obtained by adjusting the negative bias voltage. Structural characterizations... Applying negative bias voltages caused significant microstructure changes in arc ion plated CrN films. Nanocrystalline microstructures were obtained by adjusting the negative bias voltage. Structural characterizations of the films were carried out using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). The results indicated that increasing ion bombardment by applying negative bias voltages resulted in the formation of defects in the CrN films, inducing microstructure evolution from micro-columnar to nanocrystalline. The microhardness and residual stresses of the films were also affected. Based on the experimental results, the evolution mechanisms of the film microstructure and properties were discussed by considering ion bombardment effects. 展开更多
关键词 CRN thin films DEPOSITION microstructure arc ion plating ion bombardment
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