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原子力显微术应用于生物纳米结构表征与测量的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 王静 顾宁 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 2003年第11期43-46,共4页
对目前基于原子力显微术(AFM)研究纳米生物结构的发展作了简要地概述,特别注意到AFM对生物纳米结构的表征与测量具有重要的意义。本文介绍了纳米生物结构形貌的AFM表征、粘弹性的AFM测量以及生物分子力的AFM测量三个方面,充分显示出了AF... 对目前基于原子力显微术(AFM)研究纳米生物结构的发展作了简要地概述,特别注意到AFM对生物纳米结构的表征与测量具有重要的意义。本文介绍了纳米生物结构形貌的AFM表征、粘弹性的AFM测量以及生物分子力的AFM测量三个方面,充分显示出了AFM应用于生物领域中研究与发展的显著优势和潜力。 展开更多
关键词 原子力显微术 纳米生物结构 杨氏模量 AFM 测量 结构形貌 粘弹性
纳米技术在生物医药学发展中的应用 被引量:4
作者 顾宁 《新材料产业》 2002年第12期67-71,共5页
纳米科学与技术应用的核心发展方向之一,是其在生命科学以及人类健康关怀事业中的研究与发展。目前,纳米功能材料与器件除了在生物大分子,如DNA、RNA、蛋白分子结构与功能检测方面的应用与开发研究之外,特别重要的是,在医学领域中形成... 纳米科学与技术应用的核心发展方向之一,是其在生命科学以及人类健康关怀事业中的研究与发展。目前,纳米功能材料与器件除了在生物大分子,如DNA、RNA、蛋白分子结构与功能检测方面的应用与开发研究之外,特别重要的是,在医学领域中形成了众多的可运用技术,主要包括:纳米材料与技术在纳米药物体系方面的应用、纳米材料标记与单分子检测技术、纳米材料与器件在医学临床诊断与重大疾病治疗中的应用、纳米材料应用与康复器械与人工器官等等。在对生物医药学纳米技术主要的应用研究进行概要的基础上,本文对东南大学纳米材料与技术在生物医药学领域中的主要研发工作侧重进行了一些介绍,并对今后的相应发展进行概略的讨论。 展开更多
关键词 纳米技术 生物医药学 发展 纲伙观测技术 纳米生物结构 纳米材料 临床应用 康复医学 生物医学 纳米药物体系
作者 胡悦 李凯 赵振廷 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 2024年第1期110-116,共7页
采用溶剂热法制备了ZIF-8/ZIF-67以及Au掺杂的ZIF-8/ZIF-67双金属有机框架,并经过高温退火形成相应的衍生物纳米结构。使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)以及透射电子显微镜(TEM)对制备的纳米材料进行分析,采用实验室自制的气体传感器测试系统对... 采用溶剂热法制备了ZIF-8/ZIF-67以及Au掺杂的ZIF-8/ZIF-67双金属有机框架,并经过高温退火形成相应的衍生物纳米结构。使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)以及透射电子显微镜(TEM)对制备的纳米材料进行分析,采用实验室自制的气体传感器测试系统对基于上述纳米材料制备的两种气体传感器(纯ZIF-8/ZIF-67气体传感器、Au-ZIF-8/ZIF-67气体传感器)的气敏性能进行研究。测试结果表明,Au-ZIF-8/ZIF-67传感器对丙酮(C_(3)H_(6)O)气体的气敏性能优于纯ZIF-8/ZIF-67传感器。在最佳工作温度300℃下,Au-ZIF-8/ZIF-67气体传感器对体积分数为1×10^(-4)C_(3)H_(6)O气体的响应度达到209.12,约为纯ZIF-8/ZIF-67气体传感器的11倍,并且该传感器能检测丙酮气体的最小体积分数为5×10^(-8)。此外,Au-ZIF-8/ZIF-67气体传感器还具有良好的重复性和长期稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 气体传感器 生物传感器 生物纳米结构 双金属有机框架 溶剂热法 Au负载
三种多糖纳米SiO_2复合体的红外光谱研究 被引量:2
作者 陈和生 孙振亚 +1 位作者 孙育斌 薛理辉 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期39-41,100,共4页
在超声波作用下 ,分别制备了不同浓度茯苓多糖 (PC3)、黄原胶、魔芋多糖等多糖的纳米 Si O2 复合体 ,并用红外光谱对其进行了表征。结果表明 :用多糖处理的纳米 Si O2 的某些特征吸收峰的强度明显减弱或消失 ,Si- O键的特征吸收峰向低... 在超声波作用下 ,分别制备了不同浓度茯苓多糖 (PC3)、黄原胶、魔芋多糖等多糖的纳米 Si O2 复合体 ,并用红外光谱对其进行了表征。结果表明 :用多糖处理的纳米 Si O2 的某些特征吸收峰的强度明显减弱或消失 ,Si- O键的特征吸收峰向低波数方向移动 ,且随着多糖浓度增大 ,向低波数方向移动增大。并对三种多糖与纳米 Si O2 的作用机理进行了初步探讨。 展开更多
关键词 多糖 纳米SIO2 红外光谱 超声波 纳米二氧化硅 特征吸收峰 作用机理 复合体 生物矿化纳米结构材料
作者 胡启明 《家庭电子》 2002年第6期1-1,共1页
纳米技术是21世纪的一项高科技术,未来最可能取得突破的科学和工程领域。纳米技术的目的是在纳米级别上加工并利用物质,以创造出具有全新分子组织形式的结构,它将可能改变未来材料和结构形式,给众多领域带来新的突破。人类从纳米技术中... 纳米技术是21世纪的一项高科技术,未来最可能取得突破的科学和工程领域。纳米技术的目的是在纳米级别上加工并利用物质,以创造出具有全新分子组织形式的结构,它将可能改变未来材料和结构形式,给众多领域带来新的突破。人类从纳米技术中获得无穷的好处,并带来巨大的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 纳米技术 纳米材料 纳米工程 纳米生物结构
用原子力显微技术研究受体-配体间的相互作用 被引量:1
作者 王莉娟 张英鸽 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2005年第3期336-339,共4页
原子力显微镜(AFM)不仅能对纳米生物结构进行实时动态的形态和结构观察,而且还能以10-12N(pN)的精度对溶液中生物分子表面的相互作用力进行直接测量,逐渐成为一种研究受体-配体间相互作用的良好工具。本文简要综述用AFM研究受体-配体间... 原子力显微镜(AFM)不仅能对纳米生物结构进行实时动态的形态和结构观察,而且还能以10-12N(pN)的精度对溶液中生物分子表面的相互作用力进行直接测量,逐渐成为一种研究受体-配体间相互作用的良好工具。本文简要综述用AFM研究受体-配体间作用力、受体-配体间相互作用的影响因素及对这些因素的处理方法。 展开更多
关键词 原子力显微技术 配体 受体 原子力显微镜(AFM) 纳米生物结构 相互作用力 结构观察 实时动态 直接测量 分子表面 处理方法 溶液
Recent biomedical applications of bio-sourced materials 被引量:1
作者 Abdelrahman Elbaz Zhenzhu He +7 位作者 Bingbing Gao Junjie Chi Enben Su Dagan Zhang Songqin Liu Hua Xu Hong Liu Zhongze Gu 《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》 2018年第1期26-44,共19页
Natural anisotropic nanostructures occurring in several organisms have gained more and more attention because of their obvious advantages in sensitivity, stability, security, miniaturization, portability, online use, ... Natural anisotropic nanostructures occurring in several organisms have gained more and more attention because of their obvious advantages in sensitivity, stability, security, miniaturization, portability, online use, and remote monitoring. Due to the development of research on nature-inspired bionic structures and the demand for highly efficient, low-cost microfabrication techniques, an understanding of and the ability to replicate the mechanism of structural coloration have become increasingly significant. These sophisticated structures have many unique functions and are used in many applications. Many sensors have been proposed based on their novel structures and unique optical properties. Several of these bio-inspired sensors have been used for infrared radiation/thermal, pH, and vapor techniques, among others, and have been discussed in detail, with an intense focus on several biomedical applications. However, many applications have yet to be discovered. In this review, we will describe these nanostructured materials based on their sources in nature and various structures, such as layered, hierarchical, and helical structures. In addition, we discuss the functions endowed by these structures, such as superhydrophobicity, adhesion, and high strength, enabling them to be employed in a number of applications in biomedical fields, including cell cultivation, biosensors, and tissue engineering. 展开更多
关键词 NATURE Bio-sourced BIO-INSPIRED Bio-Materials BIOMEDICAL
作者 汪丰云 《科学中国》 2007年第8期60-63,共4页
牙齿的结构 从外部观察,平时我们在口腔里能看到的部分就是牙冠,它是发挥咀嚼功能的主要部分,牙根是固定在牙槽窝内,它是牙体的支持部分,其形态与数目也随功能的不同而有差异,可分为单根牙和多根牙,每一个牙根的末端有一个小孔... 牙齿的结构 从外部观察,平时我们在口腔里能看到的部分就是牙冠,它是发挥咀嚼功能的主要部分,牙根是固定在牙槽窝内,它是牙体的支持部分,其形态与数目也随功能的不同而有差异,可分为单根牙和多根牙,每一个牙根的末端有一个小孔,叫根尖孔。牙冠与牙根交界处叫牙颈。 展开更多
关键词 牙齿 结构 纳米生物陶瓷结构 保健
作者 丁未 《国内外机电一体化技术》 2008年第6期6-7,共2页
2010年到2050年,在讨论自动化工业的时候,人们听到的将主要是工业设计、工业安全和自动规划三个概念。目前所有工业系统及自动化系统的传感器和执行器都在纳米生物结构中全部完成,人类的每点进步跟上帝提供的可能性之间还存在巨大的... 2010年到2050年,在讨论自动化工业的时候,人们听到的将主要是工业设计、工业安全和自动规划三个概念。目前所有工业系统及自动化系统的传感器和执行器都在纳米生物结构中全部完成,人类的每点进步跟上帝提供的可能性之间还存在巨大的距离。 展开更多
关键词 工业设计 工业安全 自动规划 产业 纳米生物结构 自动化工业 自动化系统 工业系统
Engineering imaging probes and molecular machines for nanomedicine 被引量:2
作者 TONG Sheng CRADICK Thomas J +2 位作者 MA Yan DAI ZhiFei BAO Gang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第10期843-861,共19页
Nanomedicine is an emerging field that integrates nanotechnology, biomolecular engineering, life sciences and medicine; it is expected to produce major breakthroughs in medical diagnostics and therapeutics. Due to the... Nanomedicine is an emerging field that integrates nanotechnology, biomolecular engineering, life sciences and medicine; it is expected to produce major breakthroughs in medical diagnostics and therapeutics. Due to the size-compatibility of nano-scale structures and devices with proteins and nucleic acids, the design, synthesis and application of nanoprobes, nanocarders and nanomachines provide unprecedented opportunities for achieving a better control of biological processes, and drastic im- provements in disease detection, therapy, and prevention. Recent advances in nanomedicine include the development of func- tional nanoparticle based molecular imaging probes, nano-structured materials as drug/gene carders for in vivo delivery, and engineered molecular machines for treating single-gene disorders. This review focuses on the development of molecular imag- ing probes and engineered nucleases for nanomedicine, including quantum dot bioconjugates, quantum dot-fluorescent protein FRET probes, molecular beacons, magnetic and gold nanoparticle based imaging contrast agents, and the design and validation of zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) and TAL effector nucleases (TALENs) for gene targeting. The challenges in translating nano- medicine approaches to clinical applications are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 NANOMEDICINE imaging probe contrast agent drug delivery designer nuclease
Exploration on the site-preference of the hydrogen bonding interactions between uracils and/or thymines 被引量:1
作者 LI Yang WANG ChangSheng 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第11期1759-1769,共11页
Understanding the mechanisms underlying the assembly of nucleobases is a great challenge. The ability to deeply understand how nucleobases interact with themselves as well as with other molecules will allow us to gain... Understanding the mechanisms underlying the assembly of nucleobases is a great challenge. The ability to deeply understand how nucleobases interact with themselves as well as with other molecules will allow us to gain valuable insights into how we might be able to harness these interesting biological molecules to construct complex nanostructures and materials. Uracil and thymine derivatives have been reported for use in biological applications and in self-assembling triple hydrogen bonded systems. Either uracil or thymine possesses three binding sites (Site 1, Site 2, and Site 3) that can induce strong directional N-H...O=C hydrogen bonding interaction. In this paper, theoretical calculations are carded out on the structural features and binding energies of hydrogen-bonded dimers and trimers formed by uracil and thymine bases. We find that the hydrogen bonds formed through Site 1 are the strongest, those formed through Site 3 are next, while those formed through Site 2 are the weakest. The atoms in molecules analysis show that the electron densities at the bond critical points and the corresponding Laplacians have greater values for those hydrogen bonds formed through Site 1 than through Site 2. All these results indicate that a uracil (or thymine) would interact with another uracil or thymine most likely through Site 1 and least likely through Site 2. We also find that a simple summation rule roughly exists for the binding energies in these dimers and trimers. 展开更多
关键词 URACILS thymines binding energies hydrogen-bonded dimers hydrogen-bonded trimers hydrogen-bonded tetramers
Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Soil Microbial Communities and Bacterial Nitrification in Suburban Vegetable Soils 被引量:5
作者 WANG Juan SHU Kunhui +1 位作者 ZHANG Li SI Youbin 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期482-490,共9页
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used antimicrobial compounds; however, they may pose a threat to non-targeted bacteria in the environment. In this study high-throughput sequencing was used to investigate the... Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used antimicrobial compounds; however, they may pose a threat to non-targeted bacteria in the environment. In this study high-throughput sequencing was used to investigate the effects of different concentrations of AgNPs (10, 50, and 100 mg kg-1) on soil microbial community structure during short-term (7 d) exposure. The amounts of Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Nitrospirae significantly decreased with increasing AgNP concentration; meanwhile, several other phyla (e.g., Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes) increased and dominated. Nitrosomonas europaea, a well-characterized ammonia- oxidizing bacterium, was used to study the sensitivity of bacteria to AgNPs and ionic silver (Ag+). Flow cytometry was used to monitor the toxicity of low (1 mg L-l), middle (10 mg L-l), and high concentrations (20 mg L-1) of AgNPs, as well as Ag+ (1 mg L-1) released into the medium from 20 mg L-1 concentration of AgNPs, towards N. europaea. After 12 h of exposure, the survival rate of N. europaea treated with 1 mg L-1 Ag+ was significantly lower than those treated with low (1 mg L-1) and middle concentrations (10 mg L-1) of AgNPs, but the survival rate in the treatment with high concentration (20 mg L-1) of AgNPs was much lower. Additionally, necrosis rates were higher in the treatment with 20 mg L-1 AgNPs. Electron microscopy showed that Ag+ caused serious damage to the cell wall of N. europaea, disintegrated the nucleoids, and condensed next to the cell membrane; however, dissolved Ag+ is only one of the antibacterial mechanisms of AgNPs. 展开更多
关键词 ammonia-oxidizing bacterium cell necrosis CYTOTOXICITY silver ions survival rate
Synthesis, properties and applications of one- and two- dimensional gold nanostructures 被引量:9
作者 Xun Hong Chaoliang Tan Junze Chen Zhichuan Xu Hua Zhang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期40-55,共16页
The controlled synthesis of gold nanocrystals has been the subject of intensive studies for decades because the properties and functions of gold nanomaterials are highly dependent on their particle size, shape, and di... The controlled synthesis of gold nanocrystals has been the subject of intensive studies for decades because the properties and functions of gold nanomaterials are highly dependent on their particle size, shape, and dimensionality. Especially, anisotropic gold nanocrystals, such as nanowires, nanobelts, nanoplates and nanosheets, have attracted much attention due to their striking properties and promising applications in electronics, catalysis, photonics, sensing and biomedicine. In this review, we will summarize the recent developments of one- dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) gold nanostructures. Various kinds of synthetic methods for preparation of these 1D and 2D gold nanocrystals will be described. Moreover, we will also briefly introduce the properties and potential applications of these 1D and 2D gold nanocrystals. 展开更多
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